Elena Stebeneva personal. Alexander Serov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. The real reasons for separation

Elena Stebeneva gained fame as the wife of composer Serov, whose biography still keeps many secrets. She attracted the attention of viewers by regularly speaking in the press and telling how difficult her marriage to the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation was for her. According to the ex-wife, Alexander Nikolaevich Serov not only beat her, but also took her daughter, buying her favor with a luxury car and opening a personal account.

Elena Stebeneva says that her career and biography have been destroyed, and she has turned into a shadow, which is called “Serov’s wife.” A woman devoted her life to her husband, who did not appreciate her sacrifices. Elena gave up her career and turned into a housewife, raising her daughter in an expensive house, and seeing her husband only on television. At a certain point, she decided to leave " golden cage” and break free, where a real, bright and colorful life awaited her. But it was impossible to simply leave, because the husband refused to sign the divorce papers and did not want to participate in court.

Elena Stebeneva in the past was known as a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics, but now she is simply “Serov’s wife”, whose biography is of little interest to the public. The woman tries not to indicate her age, so only the year of birth is known - 1974. The place where she was born along with her twin sister is actively kept silent by journalists.

Having met many years ago on the set of a video, Elena Stebeneva and Alexander Serov almost immediately went to the registry office. And a year later in 1993, the young acrobat gave birth famous composer daughter Michelle. Despite the age difference, the artist and the athlete were married for almost ten years. Then the woman, tired of the life of a housewife for 19 years, decided to file for divorce. At this time, Alexander Nikolaevich was in the hospital and could not get to the court hearing, where the spouses were not only divorced, but also Stebeneva was allowed to take half of Serov’s property.

Having learned about the court's decision, the artist did not create scandals or file an appeal. He allowed ex-lover take away his favorite apartment and the millions earned over the years of his life through his creativity. But Serov did not want to leave his daughter to his unfaithful wife, who could not wait for his full recovery.

Daughter Michelle, who by that time was a first-year student at MGIMO, happily moved to her father’s house and stopped communicating with her mother. According to the girl, her mother acted extremely unethically by filing for divorce during such a difficult period for her father.

The real reasons for separation

Currently, Elena Stebeneva regularly appears in programs such as ex-wife Serov, whose biography is not discussed. TV presenters are interested in something else. For example, why did the former acrobat allow herself to sell her husband’s personal belongings while being his wife? Or what the woman did that made her own daughter Michelle stop all ties with her mother.

Serov’s wife, who has come out of the shadows, answers all these questions in an extremely interesting way. According to the scandalous Stebeneva, all the things that were in the house were jointly acquired property. And even if an expensive watch was given to her husband, she had the right to dispose of it at her own discretion.

Moreover, Serov’s ex-wife’s free attitude towards property extended even further. Elena believed that her twin sister also had the right not to deny herself anything in the Serov house. The contents of the husband's safe were also considered common property. Therefore, the Stebeneva twin calmly took from there any amount of money she wanted. True, after the divorce, this resulted in a lawsuit from Serov to a relative of his wife, whom the singer accused of theft.

Joint children

Elena also believes that she served as a mother for 18 years, and now it’s Serov’s turn to be a dad. Therefore, even when stopping at the car wash, which is managed by Michelle, Stebeneva does not consider it necessary to visit my own daughter. But latest interviews in the “Fate of Man” program, the girl was turned away not only from her mother, but also from her father. Michelle simply couldn't stand the fact that her parents were constantly throwing mud at each other.

Elena Stebeneva, trying to continue to interest the public, said that Michelle is the second joint child former spouses. As the woman says, her first child was a disabled girl. From birth, the baby was missing one hand. It soon became known that the baby also had a heart defect.

The singer, who was on tour at the time, immediately returned to his wife. He himself went to the doctor, who did not allow the mother to see the newborn. The husband, not wanting to hide the details of the conversation with the doctors, turned on the speakerphone. This is how Elena Stebeneva found out that her baby died without living even a few days.

The mother never knew for sure whether this was true or where the girl was buried. In turn, Alexander Serov believed that the child was not his. The arguments given were controversial. The singer believes that he simply cannot have a disabled descendant. This means that his wife cheated on him already at the beginning life together.

Today I watched “Malakhov’s Live Broadcast” dated April 2, 2018 about Serov’s alleged daughter and I can confidently say, quoting the words of Elena, who abandoned her child, that they are both monsters! And she! And Serov! I personally never liked Serov’s voice! I always changed the channel if he was singing! And it’s very strange to me that girls and women were in love with him! I personally would not only fall in love, but I would never want to be next to the blue one. I live on subtle energies! He lives on rough energies and his voice is also on rough vibrations! Personally, his voice annoys me! Moreover, his voice is very sharp and rude, cutting my heart in subtle ways! That's why I can't stand his voice! He is not from my world! He is from another world, rougher, harsher and crueler! And his whole life is direct proof of this fact! A harsh, rude, uncouth lout! How can you love such a coarse energy person! He has no tenderness or affection! Yes, as a man he is nothing in my opinion! You can see from his eyes that he has little humanity and compassion for people! You can see in his eyes that he has a lot of harshness and cruelty in his soul! Not enough humanity! I never loved his voice, much less this man! How can you even love him! In my opinion, he is not worthy of love at all! His whole life has shown that he is a MONSTER! Cruel, inhuman! For me he was always NOBODY! I can't stand his songs and his voice! The vibrations of his voice are cutting, killing, destroying! I’m amazed how anyone could admire this rough-vibrating voice!
I can only understand one thing: those who liked him are like that too! They live on the same rough and inhuman energies! Or they simply reached out to him through Karma! Although, such energies only attract! That’s why I personally don’t feel sorry for anyone there! Neither his women, nor himself! Not his children! The apple never falls far from the tree! They all look alike there, like twin brothers! And his wife ex Elena I lost my mind - God punished me! I was tormented by my conscience for abandoning my child! Now her conscience is gnawing at her! And from that moment all hell began for her! From the moment of her betrayal to her child! And it serves her right! Personally, I have no sympathy for her! Her honor is too tarnished... She bullied the child - the child has no brush... Then she refused... And who is to blame? That he was born sick? Isn't it you, Elena? They did business and went into the bushes! And Karma has caught up with you! And now she will torment you! And as you wanted, Elena! Total shame! Universal contempt for both! Nonentities! Both! And Serov! And Elena!
Now they get everything back!
Elena, don't play the show!
All your feelings are dictated only by self-pity! You have always loved only yourself! Your peace! All your falsehood is visible to me! You are lying, Elena! You are insincere... And I can see this too... You are maddened by the shame that lies ahead! This came as a shock to you... and not the abandonment of your daughter! I think that this madness may push you to commit suicide... Because you cannot withstand the torment of your conscience! They will finish you off... And this, I think, will be fair according to fate... We have to pay for everything! For betrayal - doubly...
Nadezhda Doroshuk 2.04.18 21:46

Alexander Serov, composer, Russian singer, is known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. In his entire life, he created a family once; his chosen one was Elena Stebeneva, a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics. The couple had a wonderful daughter, who was named Michelle. The marriage lasted almost 20 years, and on Elena’s initiative the couple divorced. They live separately, but they are connected by raising their common daughter.

Alexander Serov and his chosen one Elena Stebeneva

Alexander Serov has always been eligible bachelor, so the opposite sex never left him alone. Fans carefully monitored his personal life, and all intrigues were regarded as relationships. Irina Alferova, a drama theater actress, with much persuasion, agreed to star in a video for one of Serov’s songs. After that, fans described the romance between the singer and actress, that everything was serious with them, but they were connected only by work.

Alexander’s heart was won by the young athlete E. Stebeneva; they met while filming a video for one of Serov’s songs, where Elena performed acrobatic maneuvers. The romance began to develop on the set and continued beyond it. They dated for a long time, no one was embarrassed by the significant age difference. Alexander older than Elena for more than 20 years.

After they got married, the couple had a daughter, who was named Michelle, in honor of their favorite French actress. There were no more children in the family. The daughter grew up to the delight of her parents and did not need anything. Elena left sports, took care of her daughter and husband, but after 19 years of marriage, she initiated the dissolution of the marriage with division of property.

Relations between Alexander Serov and Elena Stebeneva after divorce

Even though the couple has common daughter, they very rarely see each other and communicate. Michelle received higher education, was a student at MGIMO and at the same time studied vocals. The daughter lives with her mother, but communicates well with her father. She even tried to improve relations with his illegitimate daughter Christine, who was born by journalist N. Tyler.

In 2011, Elena Stebeneva filed for divorce with the division of jointly acquired property, which greatly offended the singer. He believes that all his life he worked for the benefit of the family, and Elena was simply waiting for an opportunity to dissolve the union profitably. In his entire life, Alexander never drank once, he was a decent owner and breadwinner, but the relationship was no longer the same. The couple began to move away from each other, and the last straw in the family split was the news of illegitimate daughter, who lives in Germany.

Elena herself said in an interview that she and her husband had long lived in different houses, but behind the same fence. Divorce and division of property are needed so that the daughter has her own home, because only person the one Elena was thinking about was Michelle. Serov was dissatisfied with the fact that Stebeneva and her daughter received property worth 2.5 million rubles, because this was his honestly earned money.

Michelle lives with Elena, but her mother will not mind if she lives with her father for some time. Serov is credited with many novels, but as the singer himself said, he was lonely and very disappointed in women.

The ex-wife of Alexander Serov calls his mistress a blackmailer

Our article "Alexander Serov will answer for libel“about the artist’s mistress Nadezhda TILLER, who lives in Germany and is raising his daughter Christine, caused a mixed reaction from the participants in the scandal. The singer gave interviews to several media outlets in which he disowned the illegitimate child - although back in 2005, in the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow, his paternity was established. The girl’s mother, Nadya, is going to sue Serov for calling her a prostitute. Chris says that he dreams of meeting his sister, the legitimate daughter of the star, Michelle. Alexander’s ex-wife, Elena, also outlined her position for Express Gazeta.

Gymnast Elena Stebeneva was the only wife Alexandra Serova. The couple were married for 19 years and divorced in 2011. Lena was the initiator of the breakup. She sued her husband for half of his fortune: the singer still cannot forgive her for this and calls his wife a selfish woman who betrayed and never loved him. Naturally, our conversation began with these words.

Elena, after the divorce, Serov repeatedly talked about you, although you didn’t say anything bad about him. Aren't you offended?

Sasha can sometimes express himself: he is a hot-tempered and emotional person. But kind. Many times he selflessly helped people. I made repairs for my neighbors in the dacha at my own expense. Therefore, it is wrong to be offended by him or accuse him of greed, as this Tiller does.

- Did you and your husband divorce because of a scandal with your illegitimate daughter?

No. His affair with Nadezhda took place before we met. We broke up because the feelings passed. But I treat Sasha well, my daughter Michelle idolizes him. I think oh the best father she couldn't even dream of it.

Scandalous letter

Does it bother you how rudely Alexander speaks about the women he was close to? He called Tiller a currency prostitute, although she gave birth to a daughter from him!

Sasha can be understood. Nadezhda was silent about the child long years, and then began to demand money. I found out about it when the woman filed a lawsuit. Throughout our life together, so many fans came to the house, claiming that they gave birth to Serov, that at first I did not believe Tiller. Alexander could not really explain whether this was his daughter. I decided to get to the heart of the matter and started going to court hearings. I realized that there really was a relationship and that 15-year-old Christine could be his child.

- However, Alexander considers the results of the genetic examination to be fake.

I said: “If you don’t believe it, do it yourself. Hire your experts." But it never came to that.

Serov paid Tiller only 5,000 euros in alimony for three years. He explained to the judges that he earned only 2,500 rubles a month. Nadya is sure that he hid the proceeds from the investigation...

The husband really didn’t work then: he was sick and had surgery for gallbladder. His income was minimal, which is why the amount of alimony was the same.

- Where did Alexander get such aggression towards Tiller?

Nadezhda herself turned him against herself. Why didn’t she call me first and try to resolve the issue peacefully? It looks like she only wants money. When her German husband stopped paying her, having learned that he was raising someone else’s child, Tiller decided to undergo an urgent examination. I'm also a mother and I don't mind Michelle having a sister. I said at the trial: let the girl live with us and get to know Sasha better. But her mother didn't need it. Only money: for Christine’s studies, for her trips abroad. The fact that we failed to establish human relations is her fault, not Serov’s. Sasha is a wonderful father, but accepting a 15-year-old daughter right away is not so easy. Why is Nadezhda not answerable to the law for depriving him of the joy of fatherhood? Maybe if he saw the girl growing up, his attitude would be different?

-Have you tried to talk to Nadezhda?

She was not at the hearing, only her representative. Michelle visited Christine's page on social network, and if the girl wanted to meet her sister, she would answer.

By the way, I have an old letter from Nadezhda to Serov, which radically changed my attitude towards this woman. At first, tears welled up - I truly felt sorry for Christine. But the message ended in different tones: “You are a popular person, and I think you don’t need any scandals in the press and on television,” Tiller threatened my husband. “If you ignore my words, then the whole country will know about your composure.” After this letter, a war began, which continues to this day. And if there is a trial, I will provide the paper as evidence of blackmail.

By the way

Nadezhda Tiller is going to sue Serov, who continues to call her a prostitute in an interview. Having learned about this, the singer turned to a lawyer with a request to prepare a counterclaim. Alexander intends to prove the fact of the woman’s “currency activity”: he will have to find witnesses who can prove that the woman in her youth went to bars and “met” foreigners for money.

Elena Stebeneva was official wife famous performer Alexander Serov.

They met on the set of one of the videos; Alexander liked young Elena so much that a couple of months later he asked her to marry him.

Pair for a long time lived calmly and happily, in this marriage the only daughter was born, who was named Michelle.

However, after 20 years married life couple with loud scandal divorced, Alexander accused his wife of a riotous lifestyle and systematic drunkenness; moreover, during the divorce, Elena cheated Serov for a very decent amount.

The daughter stayed to live with her father.

Now Elena is 43 years old.

Alexander Serov's wife Elena Stebeneva: what is the biography, age, photo?

Elena Stebneva was previously married to famous performer Alexander Serov. But the couple divorced after 19 years joint marriage. The couple has a child together, Michelle.

Elena was previously a fairly successful gymnast, as well as a master of sports in gymnastics.

They met Serov in 1992. There is a big age difference between them, but apparently love still played its part. A year later, the couple had a daughter. But a little over 19 years later, Elena divorced Serov, allegedly because of his infidelity. She sued half of his fortune. Now they are with ex-husband don't communicate. And Serov now criticizes his ex-wife in every possible way.

Elena Stebneva was the wife of Alexander Serov, they recently divorced. Now she is already an ex.

It is known that they lived with Serov for 19 years in a legal marriage. They had a daughter together, Michelle. After the divorce, Michelle lived with her mother for some time, and then moved in with her father.

In the photo is the daughter of Alexander Serov.

Elena was once a successful gymnast, master of sports in gymnastics.

When they met Serov, of course there was great love, she is a very young 18-year-old girl, and he is a successful singer who was already 36 years old. But then something happened in the family, mutual reproaches began, both did not choose expressions when it came to mutual relations. As a result, a painful divorce, now they do not communicate and there is no desire.

What is the biography and age of Elena Stebeneva? What is known about her family?

Elena Stebneva, the only wife of Alexander Serov. They were married for 19 years and divorced in 2010. Elena wanted a divorce. Stebneva is a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics. In 1993, their daughter Michelle was born.

Most recently, on the First Television Channel, the famous musician and singer A. Serov took part in a reality show called “Actually”. He had to answer hard-hitting questions about his personal life.

It’s amazing how soon Serov agreed to participate in the project. After all, for a long time he very carefully hid his personal life and did not let anyone near it.

So, in this show he talked about his ex-wife Elena Stebeneva, with whom he was in official marriage a little over 19 years old.

Serov met Elena on the set of another video clip when he was already 36, and the young girl was still 18 at that time. She went in for sports and was a master of sports in gymnastics. They met in 1992, and the next year their daughter was born. After 19 years of marriage, in 2011 they filed for divorce. The reason for the divorce is Alexander's betrayal.

Now Elena Stebeneva is 43 years old and she does not communicate with her former eminent husband.

Elena Stebeneva is a master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics, but her marriage to Alexander Serov, which lasted almost 20 years, brought her great popularity.

The couple separated in 2010, and the media are trying to show the divorce in the light of the scandals, although Elena herself more than once defended Alexander, which, however, did not stop her from suing half of her ex-husband’s fortune.

Serov and Elena lived together for nineteen years, the marriage gave birth to a daughter, Michelle, who after the divorce remained to live with her father. Elena has a twin sister who has a negative influence on her, Serov believes. They met at Serov’s concert and there he invited her and her sister to star in his video.

How did singer Alexander Serov and gymnast Elena Stebeneva meet? Why did they get divorced?

And after the third meeting, he said that he would not let her go anywhere. Elena is a gymnastics athlete and a master of sports. Serov was thirty-six years old and she was eighteen when they met; the divorce took place in 2011. Michelle was born in 1993.

For two days on Channel One there was a program about Serov in the studio. In fact, there he spoke very poorly about ex-wife and said that the divorce was on her initiative, that she cheated on him and abused alcohol.

She sued him for half his fortune, Serov naturally doesn’t like this.

Elena Stebeneva is the ex-wife of Alexander Serov, with whom their romance began very beautifully, since they were both young and everything seemed rosy.

So, Alexander at the time of their marriage was only 36 years old, and Elena Stebeneva was still just a girl then.

Everything would be possible so beautifully with them and in mature age, but as they say, the couple was separated by alcohol and domestic troubles due to it.

Moreover, they write that despite common child, the daughter Elena gave birth to from Serov and who was named Michelle, it was she who abandoned Alexander. Although now Elena herself is accused of having an addiction to alcohol.

Yes, it’s surprising, but the well-known singer, whose voice is still mesmerizing, heartthrob Alexander Serov was married only once! And Elena Stebeneva became his official wife. They lived together for almost 20 years.

They broke up about five years ago. In one of his interviews, Alexander even spoke with some anger about his ex-wife, who, by the way, gave birth to a beautiful and talented daughter, Michelle.

Which, apparently, still haunts the artist. In addition, he casually mentioned that after the divorce, Elena, on top of everything else, extracted about two and a half million dollars from him.

Now Elena also seems to have problems with alcohol. And Serov claims that he no longer has feelings for her. But judging by the reaction, this is not entirely true.

How did Elena Stebeneva’s personal life develop after the divorce? Where can I see photos of Elena Stebeneva?

Elena Stebeneva is the only official spouse famous singer Alexandra Serova, master of sports in acrobatic gymnastics.

Their romance began on the set of a video clip. At that time, Alexander Serov was 36 years old, and he was so carried away by the young girl that she soon became his wife. Later (in 1993), Elena Stebeneva gave birth to Alexander’s daughter Michelle. But almost 20 years later, the family broke up, with scandal and mutual reproaches. Elena initiated the divorce.

By the way, Michelle’s daughter has been living with her father since she was 16 years old. She herself made this decision and does not regret it at all. Alexander Serov accused ex-wife that she drank, extracted money from him, talked too much with her twin sister (Serov calls her a “prostitute”) and took it away from him during the divorce most property.

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