Where to relax at the end of April. Where to relax by the sea in April? Excursion holidays at sea in April

We tell you where it’s warm in April: a selection of countries that are relevant for a sunny holiday. Where to relax without a visa, on an all-inclusive basis or just inexpensively?

April is no longer winter, but not yet summer either. Therefore, if the desire to go where it is warm is especially strong, you will still have to choose from the good old Asia and Caribbean Islands. In Europe and Turkey, of course, there may be hot days, but the sea is unlikely to warm up to seasonal temperatures.

Reviews from tourists who give advice on where to go to the sea abroad in April will also be useful to us, and own experience beach holidays in spring.

By the way, our trip cost us only 67,000 rubles for two – it was Phuket for 11 days. Having tried it once a certain scheme to find cheap tours, we use it all the time. 🙂 Namely: we are looking for a trip online using three large services that compare offers from all tour operators at once:

We look at each and, seeing a “delicious” price in the desired direction, we plan immediately, because They - prices - are very unstable and don’t wait until tomorrow.

Where to relax in April at sea? Weather

In 2018, at the end of April, we found ourselves in Barcelona. Of course, it’s still too early to swim, but the weather was great for walking!

It can be said that beach season in April continues in tropical countries. In Thailand, for example, it is just as hot as in the winter “high” months, but it is more humid, stuffy, and sometimes it rains. Which, by the way, are just rains, not a tsunami or a flood, as some people think.

Dominican Republic
Still dry and less crowded than at the peak of tourist activity, because... The start of the wet season is approaching.

India (Goa)
In India, the period of demand is also coming to an end - temperatures are heating up, stuffiness is increasing, and therefore in April it is most comfortable to relax on the coast, in Goa.


The best beach in Dubai is La Mer. Plus, it's free!

Mid-spring is the most comfortable period for beach tourists. average temperature air reaches +32°С, and sea temperature +25°С…+27°С, which provokes an influx of holidaymakers in the UAE.

Where to go and which resort to choose? Of course, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah are famous locations where they enjoy an abundance of sun.

In addition, the Emirates are very convenient for relaxing at sea with a child in April. Luxury hotels, excellent infrastructure and the availability of all conditions are guaranteed for travelers with small children. But! Such a trip will cost more - from 100,000 rubles for three (2 adults + child), because low prices are for hotels located far from the beach and without food.


We rented bikes and rode all over Phuket in search of the best
views - Cape Promthep, and the best beach - Karon

At the beginning of April, the number of farangs (foreigners) in Thailand decreases as the hot period sets in. If you do not tolerate the heat very well, it is better to fly to Thailand in April in the first half of the month. Every day the thermometer rises inexorably upward, and the air becomes dry.

There are also advantages: prices for travel packages and hotel accommodations are reduced, there is a large selection of last-minute offers, which allows you to save significantly. And if you go to Thailand in the middle of the month, you can have fun celebrating the national holiday Songkran, as the Thais call their New Year.

  • A holiday in Thailand in April starts from 80,000 rubles for 10 nights for two


Vietnam is a worthy competitor to its neighbor Thailand, and during a holiday in April it wins on almost all fronts. In short, the weather makes all the difference during the high season! Along with turquoise-clear water, clean sandy beaches and juicy fruits. 🙂

Fans of a tropical idyll - spreading palm trees, semi-jungles and waterfalls - by the sea should go to Phu Quoc Island. But be prepared that the weather can bring surprises, although not very often. For a budget holiday, head to the hyper-popular Nha Trang.

  • On average, prices for a seaside holiday in Vietnam in April start from 95,000 rubles for two for 10 nights


Where to spend a beach holiday in April 2019 in India? Goa is more preferable because... mid-spring refers to the dry and excessively hot season. Daytime temperatures reach +35ºС, but are saved by a refreshing breeze. The country hosts numerous festivals and carnivals, including Rama Navami, dedicated to god Frame.

Is it possible to go to India on a seaside holiday in April with a child? Ambiguous question. On the one hand, the Internet is teeming with horror stories about unsanitary conditions and infections. On the other hand, Goa itself is still full of tourists with children.

  • A week's vacation in India will cost approximately 70,000 rubles for two

You can also relax abroad in April in a European direction. It’s too early to open a full-fledged sunny-sea season, the water temperature is +18°С…+20°С, and you will have to limit yourself to patiently waiting for the tan to develop. The weather in April in Cyprus is comfortable for both walks and excursions - the air temperature is +21°С…+25°С.

The hotels offer excellent conditions for spending time near heated pools, various entertainment programs for children and adults, discount coupons for water parks and other water attractions. But we recommend going to locations where locals live - Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca. In the off-season, at least some kind of activity is maintained there.

  • Weekly trips to the island cost from 45,000 rubles for two people


The weather in April allows you to sunbathe on the beaches and immerse yourself in a variety of excursions. Please note that it is still quite cool for swimming. The water temperature is kept at +16°C…+17ºС. In the north of the country and on the island of Djerba it is hotter, and the sea is slightly warmer.

In April, the country hosts a unique festival - the collection of citrus flowers. Its location is the town of Nabeul. Those interested can see how the fragrant essence is extracted, taste it, buy souvenirs and famous pottery from local craftsmen.

  • How much does it cost to vacation in Tunisia in April? On average, from 50,000 rubles for 7 days

We reached the Dead Sea

Flying to Israel by the sea and to Christian shrines is an interesting scenario, and spring is the right time for that. The sea temperature in April in Israel is not yet so high, but it is quite conducive to swimming (+21ºС…+23ºС on Krasny and +24ºС…+26ºС on Mertvoye). In addition, millions of people come for the Easter holidays.

If you have not yet decided where to go in April with your child, pay attention to tours to Israel. A short flight, the absence of unbearable summer heat and decent living conditions will make your children’s vacation as comfortable as possible.

  • Weekly trips to Israel in April at a price of 80,000 rubles for two people


Nusa Penida

The off-season ends, and everyone begins to attack the Island of the Gods - from Australians to Americans. It can’t do without Russian citizens; many people dream of Bali! Moreover, the prices on the island are very reasonable. In the middle spring period It’s really comfortable here: the air temperature is +30ºС…+32ºС, the ocean temperature is +25ºС…+26ºС.


Where to relax abroad in April with all-inclusive, besides the Turkish coast? In the Caribbean, of course!

This is one of best months For beach holiday in Cuba. While May is far away, you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of swimming in the sea, the water temperature of which is +26ºС...+27ºС, and drinking strong rum, the degrees of which are very variable. The most visited resorts include Varadero, Guillermo, and Playa Esmeralda.

If you visit Havana in April, be sure to check out the famous dance festival.

  • A trip to Cuba in the spring for two costs from 125,000 rubles for 10 days

Dominican Republic


Holidays in Hainan are the choice of those who love sunny weather. good this month weather, although air humidity still remains. There is almost no rain, although there is a slight risk of a tropical storm.

And, of course, what is a vacation without visiting the grand Chinese Cultural Festival in the city of Wenchang and the festival coconut. Parades, boat races and traditional Chinese lantern shows will leave no one indifferent.

  • The starting cost of a trip to Hainan for 10 days is from 95,000 rubles for two

Where is the best place to go to the seaside in April? 12 countries

Where to fly with a child in April? This question worries everyone caring parents. A seaside holiday with children is best spent in areas where it is already quite warm, but...

That's why family holiday by sea is ideal in the United Arab Emirates. Here in April beautiful weather and the gentle sea. The most popular resorts for traveling with kids are Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Tenerife is also stable and pleasant like spring. The resort is famous for its excellent infrastructure, well-equipped hotels, and picturesque nature. Holidays in April will not require long acclimatization and will be good for your health.

  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • India
  • Tunisia
  • Dominican Republic
  • Hainan

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Enough big number people prefer to go on vacation in the summer, since during this period the best quality vacation can be organized. But it is in the summer that it is most difficult to take a vacation - for the same reason, many employees are absent from work. However, you can act more wisely and go on a trip abroad, organizing a quality beach holiday for yourself in April or even March.

The best place to go in April is African continent, and, in particular, its northern coast.

In Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, at this moment the air temperature is just beginning to rise - this means that the sun will still be gentle and not scorching, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea will already warm up enough for you to swim in it. In addition, it is during this period in Tunisia that you can take advantage of the lowest prices for the entire holiday season in this country.


In all of Africa, Tunisia has the most tranquil environment, which will give you the opportunity to come here on vacation with minor children. In addition, there are luxury hotels in Tunisia where you not only get full complex services on site, but also large-scale excursions throughout the country, which is an advantageous difference from Egypt and Turkey.

The calm sea in March and April attracts many divers here who are eager to explore all the secrets of the African coast and find the legendary treasures that, according to rumors, have been accumulating at the bottom since the times of Carthage.

For those who prefer a regular beach holiday, there is also a place in Tunisia - in the spring, the local resorts are barely half full, which allows you to enjoy solitude and boundless tranquility.


Egypt has a slightly different character - this country has been focused on tourism and recreation for a very long time and is popular all over the world. Therefore, here you will find an excellent beach holiday with all possible amenities, but a large number of hotels, and several large tourist excursion routes.

However, only a few cities here have historical value, as well as ancient monuments - temples and pyramids. Therefore, count on long independent travel not worth it, but from Egypt you can travel or go by sea to other major resorts located in Cyprus, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and Italy.


Those who want to find real exoticism, which cannot be seen either in Egypt or in Tunisia, should go on vacation to the Atlantic coast of Morocco. In March and April, quite a lot of Europeans come here on vacation, as the water temperature can rise to 22-24 degrees by mid-spring.

Among the advantages of the country are very high-quality beach holidays, as well as national flavor, which is not accompanied by traditional Muslim countries restrictions. There are also places to go here - history buffs will find ancient cities for themselves, and connoisseurs modern style life - luxury casinos, discos, bars and restaurants.

Asian beaches

If you don’t want to be satisfied with half measures and want to get into real summer in order to ensure the best quality beach holiday in April, you should go to Asia, where holiday season has not yet finished at this time of year.


If you can't choose where to go in March or April, opt for Thailand, which combines a beach holiday top class and plenty of active pastime opportunities.

It should be noted that many entertainments are available in this country, including quite risky ones - so those who like to take everything from life will be able to have a good time there.


The Indian resort of Goa is also quite popular, the conditions of which are very similar to holidays in Tunisia - here you receive the highest class service, which gives you the opportunity to enjoy your vacation without thinking about any problems.

In addition, there are places to go in India - you can choose the mountainous regions of the north with their ancient temples and caves, central part, which contains the largest monuments, including the Taj Mahal, as well as South coast, where beach recreation is very well developed.

March and April are the peak season here, so you'll be able to swim in the warm, gentle waters without any problems, but you'll have to deal with high prices and high hotel occupancy.


Those who want to plunge headlong into oriental exoticism are recommended to go on vacation to Hainan Island, which is part of China. Here in April it also sets best weather, which makes it possible to provide great holiday– both on the beach and on active trips.

As in Tunisia and Morocco, here you can find a national flavor unique to China, but without encountering any cultural restrictions. On the contrary, if you get bored and don’t know where to go, you will be kindly invited to visit the Tea Festival, which is one of the best means displaying the characteristics of Chinese culture.


If you want to go to the warm sea in March-April, but you are not ready to cross half globe, Then ideal option the United Arab Emirates will be for you.

This holiday will appeal to everyone who loves high level service - as in Tunisia and Egypt, on the hotel premises you will receive the highest quality service. In addition, in March and April, not only beach holidays are available here, but also shopping - for example, Dubai is one of the world's largest trade centers, where tourists from all over the world go for bargains.

Exotic islands


Maximum privacy and romantic atmosphere for couples can offer Maldives, which receive visitors not only in April and March, but almost all year round.

Thanks to the extraordinary setting here you will get best vacation, which we could only dream of before. You will have such unusual options as:

  • hotel room on stilts;
  • renting an entire coral atoll;
  • hut in tropical forest with all the amenities of civilization.

In addition, if you get bored of solitude, you will have somewhere to go - on some islands there are small towns where you can find plenty of bars, restaurants and nightclubs open in April and all months of the holiday season.


There are also more exotic options - for example, in April you will find a very good beach holiday at Canary Islands Spain. Of course, this resort has long been favored by visitors from all over the world, so you need to be prepared for a large number of people.

In addition, it’s worth coming here to relax if you really like to have a chic nightlife with all its advantages. You can come here in March, when the influx of tourists is not yet so great, but the weather will still be cool enough for swimming.

  • Air temperature: 28–30 °C.
  • Water temperature: 23°C.
  • Visa: issued at the airport upon arrival.
  • Cost of living: from 461 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • from 30,626 rubles.

You can fly to Egypt, beloved by Russians, as early as April: the temperature this month will be quite high, and no precipitation is expected, as well as intense heat. So, an excellent beach holiday, for example, in Hurghada is definitely guaranteed. From there you can traditionally go to Cairo to the pyramids and to Luxor to the ancient tombs.

  • Air temperature: 29–35 °C.
  • Water temperature: 30°C.
  • Visa: obtained upon arrival.
  • Cost of living: from 205 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 26,889 rubles.


  • Air temperature: 20–22 °C.
  • Water temperature: 18–19 °C.
  • Visa: pro-visa (electronic entry permit, which is issued one day before).
  • Cost of living: from 670 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 10,430 rubles.


Cyprus is a good option for a spring dose of warmth. You can already swim in the sea, although in general it is not too hot yet. At the same time, all nature flourishes - the best time to explore the numerous local walking and cycling routes, as well as ancient sights: Greek temples, Roman theaters, monasteries, cathedrals and fortresses.

  • Air temperature: 20–22 °C.
  • Water temperature: 15°C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 522 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 18,898 rubles.


Another warm European destination is Lisbon. The city is famous for its restaurants and bars, wines, architecture - and (as a bonus) it's all by the ocean. April is a good time to stroll along Lisbon's cobbled streets and check out the atmospheric local establishments.

  • Air temperature: 25–28 °C.
  • Visa: not required.
  • Cost of living: from 744 rubles per night in a hostel.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 31,587 rubles.


Mid spring - best time for visiting ancient city, which was once the capital of Morocco: the weather is warm, without the sweltering African heat (a little more, and the situation will change radically). Take a stroll through the medina (old town), check out the main square of Jemaa el Fna, ancient palaces and, of course, the most big mosque, Koutoubia.

You definitely shouldn’t limit yourself to Marrakesh: you can go to the port city of Essaouira, Fez, which is considered the cultural capital of the country, or spend the night in the Sahara Desert.

  • Air temperature: 18–24 °C.
  • Visa: Japanese
  • Cost of living: from 1,458 rubles per night in a guest house.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 39,391 rubles.


  • Air temperature: 22–25 °C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living (festival ticket): about 4,300 rubles.
  • Cost of flights from Moscow and back: from 57,272 rubles.


From April 29 to May 5, South Africa will host the African version of the famous Burning Man festival - Afrikaburn. People from different parts of the planet will gather in one place to build a temporary “city of freedom,” create works of art (some of which will definitely be burned in the end) and indulge in various activities.

Of course, Africaburn does not reach the scale of its American counterpart, but in an atmosphere of unreality and complete freedom of expression, they are quite the same. So, if you have long dreamed of going to Burning Man, but still couldn’t, the African version will be a worthy alternative.

You can get to the place from Cape Town. Before visiting, be sure to study the event website: everything is collected there helpful information both about accommodation and the philosophy of the festival.

It often happens that a well-deserved vacation does not fall during the popular beach season, but in the month of April, for example. We can assume that the rest time is hopelessly ruined, because spring April- not a place for swimming. But in reality this is not the case; you can choose places to relax where you can swim in the spring. The main thing is that it is safe for the family to go there. Where to go with a child in April 2019?

Israel is European country, accepting domestic tourists without a visa. In the Maldives, Vietnam and Thailand, visa-free stay of Russians is allowed for a period of 15 to 30 days. All of these 3 destinations are excellent options for a beach holiday. In Turkey, only sightseeing tours in this period.

To visit the territory of hot Egypt, you will need a visa. Moreover, this is done in advance, so those who have not yet obtained a visa for this destination will not be able to visit the hot Egyptian beach.

Holidays with a baby in Thailand

Thailand is open to visitors with children. At this time, the air temperature here is + 30 degrees. You can have a great time with children on the islands of Phuket, Koh Samui and Pattaya. The sea is quite calm at this time. There is great nature here and that's it comfortable conditions for holidays with children. Thailand loves children, so there is everything for them here: children's pools, beautiful slides, playgrounds. All local hotels are perfectly suited for a great family holiday.

Any major resort in this picturesque country has comfortable recreation parks, large aquariums, and modern children's entertainment centers. With your child, you can visit a unique show of exotic animals, take a boat trip, or try out water activities.


On these islands you will see stunning scenery and enjoy excellent service. These exotic islands Rarely recommended for holidays with children. The first reason for this is the high cost of holidays here, the second is the lack of traditional places of children's entertainment: modern attractions, large children's complexes.

But here there is the purest sand, a clear ocean, the opportunity to feed ocean fish and go boating. That is why it is better to vacation in the Maldives with older children. Some hotels on the islands are equipped with children's clubs, which include a variety of entertainment. Themed sports parties and children's parties are held there.

Vibrant Cuba

This country is also a suitable holiday destination for a family with a child. But going to Cuba on vacation with your baby is a serious and responsible undertaking, because the flight is 14 hours from the capital.

For comfortable rest with the kids experienced tourists It is advised to explore Varadero’s gently sloping beaches with fine, clean sand. This picturesque resort town is located near the capital with all its numerous historical monuments. Many hotels have an all-inclusive system.

Children will be interested in visiting the islands of Turtles and Iguanas, watching dolphin shows, modern crocodiles and turtle farms. Older children will study with pleasure and interest the valuable architectural monuments and natural beauties of this beautiful country. Parents don’t have to worry, you won’t find wild or dangerous animals here, they just might come across them sea ​​urchins and jellyfish.

Budget holidays in Egypt

Hot Egypt always remains unrivaled when it comes to vacationing with a baby in April. At this time, the weather conditions here are excellent: the temperature here rises to 27 degrees at this time. If you go to beach resort in April, bring warm clothes for you and your baby as there can be a cool breeze in Egypt at this time. In April, you can relax in Egypt; the country is not filled with tourists. Various fairs and fun carnivals also take place here.

A wonderful holiday with children in the welcoming Dominican Republic

Not every parent decides to go to the Dominican Republic with children due to the long flight and high cost of vacation. During this period, you can find a last-minute tour and go discover new countries.

Many domestic tourists have chosen the islands of Punta Cana and Bavaro. The youngest tourists can splash around in the shallow waters of Boca Chica. Located near Punta Cana big park entertainment - a real paradise for children of all ages and ruin for parents. You have the opportunity to swim with dolphins and watch animal shows. All local resort hotels are located near the beach; the entrance to the sea is shallow, sandy, so you can run through the waves barefoot. The main activities here are familiarization excursions with architectural monuments, visits to natural national parks and conservation reserves.

Welcome to Vietnam

This country is an excellent alternative to Thailand. Vietnam is an exotic Asian country famous for its unique culture, natural diversity landscapes. In April, you can safely sunbathe on the beaches here with the whole family. Resort holiday here can be combined with the Liberation Day celebration, which is widely celebrated in Vietnam at the end of April every year. Both parents and children will be able to enjoy and take part in the festive parade.

At the resorts you will find quite affordable prices and cozy hotels aimed at family vacations. Especially many tourists visit Dream Beach. The air and water temperature here rises to +28 degrees, which is important for the safe bathing of children. This beach area has everything that children simply adore: a park, an aquarium, an aquarium, swimming pools and cozy cafes.

All the local exotics are concentrated in Vietnam: elephant riding is allowed here, and there are snake and crocodile farms. Developed resorts provide everything for high-quality baby food.

These are just the most popular countries for holidays with children in April. If you are looking for something new, a thrill, then you can choose a completely different holiday destination - the picturesque Philippines, lovely Indonesia, and hospitable Israel are waiting for you.

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