Interesting facts about the river. Where does the Yenisei flow? Interesting facts about the river Geographical location of Siberia

The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in Russia and the world. Its length is 3487 km, the basin area is 2,580,000 km2. In distant times local residents they called her differently. For example, the Tuvans gave the Yenisei the name “Ulug-Khem”, which translates as “ great river" The Evenks called the river “Ionessi” - translated “ big water».

There were also names Ene-Sai, Kim, Hook and others. However, Russian merchants who traded with the Evenki began to call the river by the Evenki name, but changed the name in their own way. And Ionessi became the Yenisei. The river is now known by this name.

Three mighty rivers flow through Siberia: Ob, Lena and Yenisei. But it is the Yenisei that divides Siberia into two equal parts: Western and Eastern. It crosses the earth in a rapid stream, passing through mountains and plains, steppes and forests.

Where does the Yenisei flow?

The Yenisei is the deepest and most abundant river in Russia, whose basin is twice the size of the Volga basin and five times the size of the Dnieper basin. This basin is asymmetrical - the area located to the right of the river is five times larger than the left part of the basin. The Yenisei flows through the territory of Tuva, Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia. It originates from the confluence of the Big Yenisei and the Small Yenisei not far from the city of Kyzyl, flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the North Arctic Ocean.

In the world rankings, the Yenisei ranks fifth in terms of the length of the waterway, skipping ahead of the Amazon, Nile, Yangtze and Mississippi. The Yenisei waterway begins in the Khangai Mountains with the Ider River in Mongolia. Then it continues along the Delger-Muren and Selenga rivers. The latter flows into Lake Baikal, from which the Angara flows. Above Yeniseisk, the Angara flows into the Yenisei.

If we talk about the length of the Yenisei, then Lake Kara-Balyk, located in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, is taken as the starting point. The Biy-Khem River (translated as Big Yenisei) originates from it. Merging with the Small Yenisei (Kaa-Khem) near the city of Kyzyl, it forms the deep Yenisei.

In terms of basin area, this Siberian river is also one of the largest in the world. True, in this case Yenisei takes seventh, not fifth place. In addition, the reservoir allows another full-flowing Siberian river Ob, the basin area of ​​which is 2,990,000 km2, to pass ahead.

The river is conventionally divided into parts:

  1. The Upper Yenisei begins near the city of Kyzyl, where the Big and Small Yenisei merge. It flows to the Krasnoyarsk reservoir over a distance of 600 kilometers through mountainous terrain. The largest tributaries of the Upper Yenisei are the Khemchik, Tuba and Abakan.
  2. The Middle Yenisei is the part that connects the Krasnoyarsk reservoir and the confluence of the Angara. After the Krasnoyarsk storage facility, the area through which the Yenisei flows loses its mountainous character.
  3. The Lower Yenisei is long and wide. The length is 1820 km, and the width ranges from 2.5 to 5 km. The two banks of the river are different here. The right one is mountainous, the left one is flat. The Lower Yenisei reaches the village of Ust-Port.

Sources and mouths of the river

Officially, the source of the Yenisei is considered to be the high-mountain lake Kara-Balyk in the Eastern Sayan Mountains, where the Biy-Khem River originates. There is also Kaa-Khem, also known as the Small Yenisei, with which Biy-Khem merges near the city of Kyzyl. The origins of Kaa-Khem are in Mongolia.

The mouth of the Yenisei is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The river flows into the Yenisei Bay, whose width reaches 50 km and depth – 50-60 meters. The current at the mouth is calm. The northern port of Russia is located here.

The nutrition of the Yenisei is mixed, with snow predominating (50%). About 40% of the Yenisei “gets” from rain, the rest is added by underground sources. The freezing of the river begins in early October, and at the end of October ice binds the lower reaches of the Yenisei. In mid-November the ice reaches Krasnoyarsk and by December it reaches the top of the river.

Tributaries of the Yenisei

Yenisei – deep river. More than 500 tributaries and more large quantity rivulets. There are more right tributaries than left ones. Large right tributaries: Angara, Kebezh, Lower Tunguska. And also Sisim, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Kureyka and others. Left tributaries: Abakan, Sym, Bolshaya and Malaya Kheta, Kas, Turukhan. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

The Lower Tunguska is the longest right tributary of the Yenisei. The length is almost 3000 km. The Lower Tunguska flows in Siberia (Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region). The source of the river is considered to be an underground spring on the Tunguska ridge of the Central Siberian Plateau. Conventionally, the water flow is divided into two regions: the upper and lower reaches.

Top part rivers - with a wide valley and gentle slopes. The length of this section is almost 600 km. In the lower reaches, the width of the valley often changes, becomes narrower, and the banks become rocky. What makes this area unique is that sometimes there are whirlpools in some areas.

The Angara River is a full-flowing right tributary of the Yenisei with a length of 1779 km. The source is Lake Baikal. Angara – the only river, which flows out of this lake. The catchment area is 1 million km2. Flowing from Lake Baikal, it goes north to the city of Ust-Ilimsk. Then it turns west.

The river has sharp changes in elevation. Four hydroelectric power stations were built along the length of the riverbed. The cities of Angarsk, Irkutsk, and Bratsk rise on the banks of the river. There are more than 30 species of fish in the river, among them: grayling, perch, taimen, lenok.

Podkamennaya Tunguska is another major tributary of the Yenisei. The length of the watercourse is 1865 km. The source of the river is the Angara Ridge (hill), the entire channel runs along the Central Siberian Plateau.

Podkamennaya Tunguska is considered predominantly mountain river. Current speed is up to 3-4 m per second. The river's feeding is mixed, with snow prevailing. The river is navigable and is used in transport.

The longest left tributary of the Yenisei. The length reaches 700 km. The Sym flows through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The catchment area is 61 thousand km2.

The source of the river is considered to be a swamp in the east West Siberian Plain. The diet is mixed, the snow type predominates. From the mouth, the river is navigable for 300 km.

Left tributary of the Yenisei. Its length is 639 km. It begins its journey along the West Siberian Plain and flows through the territory of the Turukhansk region (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Flowing into the Yenisei, it forms a picturesque delta.

In the lower reaches the river is navigable, but in the summer it becomes shallow and becomes unsuitable for the passage of ships. Turukhan is winding, with a wide riverbed and a slow current.

Bolshaya Kheta is a left tributary of the Yenisei with a length of 646 km. The source of the reservoir is Lake Elovoe in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In some sources, another name for the river is sometimes found - Elovaya.

The movement of the watercourse is fast, coastline consists of steep slopes. The riverbed is winding. There are about 6,000 lakes in the Kheta basin. Fishermen come to these places for their catch. There are pike, perch and taimen.

  • Flowing almost along the meridian line, the Yenisei seems to divide the territory of Russia in half. And near the city of Kyzyl, at the confluence of Biy-Khem and Kaa-Khem, i.e. at the beginning of the Yenisei, an obelisk with the inscription “Center of Asia” was erected.
  • The length of the Yenisei is estimated as follows - from the confluence of Biy-Khem and Kaa-Khem 3487 km, from the sources of Biy-Khem 4123 km, and if you count from the sources of Kaa-Khem - 4287 km.
  • Yenisei is the most deep river Russia. The depth of the reservoir allows even sea vessels to ascend it. The depths measured on the Yenisei reach 70 m. And at the mouth, in the area of ​​the Brekhov Islands archipelago, the depth of the Yenisei reaches 75 m. From the side of a ship sailing along the Yenisei in these places, the shores are not visible.

The fact that Siberia is part of the territory Russian Federation(and most of it), everyone knows. And they heard about its countless riches, and about its beauty, and about its significance for the country - most likely, too. But where exactly Siberia is located, many find it difficult to answer. Even Russians will not always be able to show it on the map, not to mention foreigners. And all the more difficult will be the question of where is Western Siberia and where is its eastern part.

Geographical location of Siberia

Siberia is a region that unites many administrative-territorial units of Russia - regions, republics, autonomous okrugs and edges. Its total area is approximately 13 million square kilometers, which is 77 percent of the entire territory of the country. Not most of Siberia belongs to Kazakhstan.

To understand where Siberia is, you need to take a map, find it on it and “walk” from there to the east all the way to Pacific Ocean(the route will be approximately 7 thousand km). And then find the Arctic Ocean and go down “from its shores” to the north of Kazakhstan and to the borders with Mongolia and China (3.5 thousand km).

It is within these limits that Siberia is located, occupying northeastern part Eurasian continent. In the west it ends at the foot of the Ural Mountains, in the east it is limited by the Oceanic Ridges. The north of Mother Siberia “flows” into the Arctic Ocean, and the south abuts the rivers: Lena, Yenisei and Ob.

And all this is the richest natural resources and untrodden paths, the space is usually divided into Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia.

Where is it? Geographical location

The western part of Siberia extends from the Ural Mountains to the Yenisei River for 1500-1900 kilometers. Its length is a little more - 2500 km. And the total area is almost 2.5 million square kilometers (15% of the territory of the Russian Federation).

Most of it lies on the West Siberian Plain. It covers such regions of the Russian Federation as Kurgan, Tyumen, Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk (partially). It also includes the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Altai region, Republic of Altai, Khakassia and West Side Krasnoyarsk region.

Where is Eastern Siberia located? Features of the territorial location

Most of Siberia is called Eastern. Its territory covers about seven million square kilometers. It stretches east from the Yenisei River to mountain formations separating the Arctic and Pacific oceans.

The northernmost point of Eastern Siberia is considered to be the southern limit - the borders with China and Mongolia.

This part is mainly on and covers Taimyr region, Yakutia, Tungus, Irkutsk region, Buryatia, as well as Transbaikalia.

Thus, the answer to the question of where Siberia is located has been received, and finding it on the map will not be a problem. It remains to supplement theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and find out what Siberia is like personal experience traveler

2. Give a rating geographical location Siberia.

On physical map Russia can clearly see that the region (about 10 million km2) stretches from the Ural Mountains in the west to the mountain ranges of the Pacific Divide in the east and from the cold northern seas before southern border Russia. All of Siberia is located in the Asian part of Russia. Siberia is located in the arctic, subarctic and temperate climatic zones. Moreover, most of its territory lies in the area of ​​continental and sharply continental climate. Between Ural mountains and the Yenisei lies one of the greatest plains in the world - West Siberian. Feature its nature is swampy. In the swamps Western Siberia more than 60% of Russian peat is concentrated. Flow through the territory of Siberia largest rivers Russia - Ob with Irtysh, Yenisei, belonging to the Arctic Ocean basin. They are practically clear natural boundaries separating the regions of the Asian part of Russia from one another.

3. Choose the correct answer. The area of ​​the Siberian region is about: a) 5 million km2; b) 7 million km2; c) 10 million km2; d) 20 million km2.

4. Choose the correct answer. Western and Eastern Siberia are separated by the river: a) Ob; b) Yenisei; c) Lena.

5. Choose the correct answer. In Siberia, the largest area occupies natural area: a) taiga; b) tundra; c) steppes.

6. Using the map (see p. 185), trace which railway Siberia is connected to European part Russia and the Far East. What is the name of this highway? What is its length?

Trans-Siberian Railway (Transsib), Great Siberian Way (historical name) - Railway through Eurasia, connecting Moscow with the largest East Siberian and Far Eastern industrial cities of Russia. The length of the main line is 9288.2 km, it is the longest railway in the world.

7. Give an assessment of the natural conditions of Siberia for life, everyday life and economic activity of people.

Natural conditions Siberia is diverse - from arctic tundra to dry steppes and semi-deserts. In most of the territory they are harsh and unfavorable for human life and economic activity due to the sharp continental climate and the inherent large amplitude of annual and daily temperatures, openness to the influence of cold air masses Arctic Ocean, widespread permafrost. The region's topography is varied: there are South part West Siberian Plain, Altai Mountains, Kuznetsk Alatau, Salair Ridge, a huge territory is occupied by the Central Siberian Plateau, which to the north is replaced by the North Siberian Lowland, and to the south by the system of mountain ranges of the Western and Eastern Sayan, the mountains of Transbaikalia. The basis of the region’s economic complex is its unique natural resource potential, and primarily the reserves of hard and brown coal, oil and gas, hydropower, and coniferous wood. A significant portion of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores and large reserves of chemical raw materials are also concentrated here.

Siberia, which seems so distant, harsh and cold, is, of course, in fact a completely inhabited region. To live here, you have to adapt to many things. Snow in Siberian cities lies from the beginning of November (sometimes October), becoming a familiar and integral part of the landscape until April. Summer seems successful if there have been at least a dozen hot days, which usually occur in July, and in September people already put on their hats.

8. Write down at least five sentences that, in your opinion, most clearly characterize Siberia.

1. Siberia is a vast geographical region in the northeastern part of Eurasia

2. Siberia makes up about 73.56% of the territory of Russia, its area even without Far East more territory The second largest country in the world after Russia is Canada.

3. The average population density of Siberia and the Far East is 2 people per 1 km².

4. Siberia has huge variety zonal and intrazonal landscapes, which could not but affect the number and species diversity of the animal world of these places.

5. Siberia is rich in resources, and its territory contains: 85% of all-Russian reserves of lead and platinum, 80% of coal and molybdenum, 71% of nickel, 89% of oil, 95% of gas, 69% of copper, 44% of silver and 40% of gold.

6. The natural conditions of Siberia are varied - from arctic tundras to dry steppes and semi-deserts.

9. Using knowledge of geography and biology, additional literature, find out how the West Siberian taiga differs from the East Siberian taiga. Why do you think, despite the fact that the Siberian taiga occupies huge areas, does it need protection? Give at least 6-7 arguments.

The West Siberian taiga consists almost exclusively of Siberian fir and Siberian cedar. The undergrowth in it is formed by rowan, bird cherry, yellow acacia (caragana) and rose hips. In Western Siberia, especially on the Ob-Irtysh and Ob-Yenisei watershed, the taiga is interrupted by colossal swamps occupying tens of thousands of square kilometers. The variety of swamps is great - there are sedge bogs, peat bogs with swamp pine - “ryams”, and “galyas”, and swampy forests.

The taiga of Eastern Siberia is characterized by sharp continental climate and slight swampiness. The Central Siberian taiga is predominantly light-coniferous taiga, consisting mainly of Naur larch and pine with a slight admixture of dark coniferous species - cedar, spruce and fir. The main reasons for scarcity species composition The eastern taiga is characterized by permafrost and a sharp continental climate.

Arguments in favor of protecting the taiga:

1. The massifs of the Siberian taiga are called the green “lungs” of the planet (by analogy with the South American Hylea), since the oxygen and carbon balance of the surface layer of the atmosphere depends on the state of these forests.

2. Reserves of industrial wood are concentrated in the taiga

3. Unique natural landscapes

4. Unique flora

5. Unique fauna

6. forest floor absorbs rainfall, melt water, and replenishes groundwater reserves.

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