Engineering menu touchscreen. Android touchscreen calibration: how to configure the touchscreen

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Hello Mi fans!!! I think that many have encountered such a nuisance as a decrease in screen sensitivity. A phone's touchscreen stops responding in two main scenarios: a hardware failure or a software problem. Hardware problems are not easy to fix and usually require replacing everything touch screen. If the problem is with the software, then it can be fixed by following some simple rules by applying patches or some tweaks. Let's look at some tips to improve touchscreen sensitivity:1. Using calibration in the engineering menu. Almost all manufacturers provide a calibration tool in the phone's engineering menu. You can easily recalibrate the screen yourself if over time you see that your smartphone has lost sensitivity. Various factors affect the performance of our touch screens, please follow the instructions included with the calibration tool to ensure correct operation. Recalibration is not a complicated procedure and you can perform it easily. In most cases this will improve the performance of your screen. Useful: Xiaomi engineering menu - how to enter and configure2. Upgrade to latest version firmware. Updates provide fixes for some problematic parts software, which previously led to non-functioning or malfunctioning functions of the smartphone and its screen. Updates are released to improve phone performance and debug issues program code. If you are having any problems with touch on your new phone, then check for an update and, if available, apply it. If the problem is software related, then there is a good chance that the manufacturer has released a solution for it. Check for update: settings → about phone → system update. Useful: If you do not receive updates. From MIUI8 to MIUI9.3. Clear your phone screen. There are also simpler reasons. For example, there are drops of grease and dirt on your screen that have accumulated during its use. Keeping your phone's screen clean can also affect its performance. Clean it regularly using a soft cloth and touch screen liquid. This way you can keep your screens clean and sensitive enough to your touch. Useful: Screen cleaning spray.4. Use high-quality (thin) safety glass. Now there are a great variety of safety glasses on the market. I agree that thicker glasses provide additional protection for your screen, but... Choose a glass with a happy medium, that is, thick enough for protection, but not affecting its sensitivity (performance). It is important to choose one that will not reduce the sensitivity of the screen and At the same time, it will be able to protect your display from damage. Useful: How to protect our screens.5. Avoid bumps, falls and other tests of strength :) I think it’s no secret that the phone is not intended for driving nails, using a stand under a table leg for balance, etc. It is better not to put smartphones with a large display diagonal in the pockets of skinny jeans or trousers. Make sure you pull it out before you sit down. Your actions may bend and damage your phone and screen. If you often drop your phone, then consider 360 degree protection for your phone. And if you do damage the display, then this automatically turns into a hardware failure, which we discussed above. Useful: How to use a phone with a broken sensor. Today we have discussed with you several reasons affecting the sensitivity of the touch screen. What other problems with the display do you know and their solutions? You can also tell me in the comments whether my advice was useful. See you in the open spaces of MiCommunity.

Although touch devices are very convenient, over time the sensor performance can become less accurate, and this, in many cases, does not depend on the type of screen or the make and model of the device.

In this regard, any such sensor (and screen) sooner or later requires debugging or calibration. This article describes how to calibrate and configure the screen on Android.

The essence of the problem

It is known that while the phone or tablet is new, the quality of the sensor is very high.

It responds quickly enough to touches, quite accurately determines the point the user pressed, etc.

But over time, as the actual life of the device increases, it decreases significantly, and errors and inaccuracies begin to occur.

How do you know when you need to calibrate the display on your mobile device?

Usually, this has to be done when they start errors of the following type appear, significantly interfering with work:

  • The sensor does not always work– some actions are not recognized and the device does not respond in any way;
  • Some types of actions are not recognized or work poorly, but not all (for example, tapping may work fine, while swiping may not work every time, or vice versa);
  • The actual location of where the action took place is not accurately determined(for example, the button that is pressed is not the one you actually touched);
  • The waiting time for a response after performing a particular action has increased significantly on the touch screen;
  • The display has become worse only when using a stylus, or, on the contrary, only ;
  • In graphical applications, this problem may appear as interruption of the drawn line and so on.

The occurrence of such a problem is, in fact, normal and a natural process, the consequences of which can be quite easily eliminated with basic means, that is, without involving a service.

When does it occur?

Long-term operation of the device– the first reason that the quality of the sensor on a phone or tablet will gradually decrease.

This is a normal process that everyone experiences. modern phones to a greater extent, the lower-quality screen installed on the device.

Also, this phenomenon occurs, on the contrary, when a device that was previously actively used is inactive for too long.

In some cases, such screen debugging is required immediately after purchase, since it happens that The sensor was initially configured incorrectly.

After changing the display, it is also almost always necessary.

Changes in software settings also affect the quality and speed of the sensor. These can be any settings, or they can be settings, deliberately or accidentally, changed by the user. For example, the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed for ease of use in the phone settings.

But, A decrease in the performance of the device may also occur for other reasons.

For example, this happens when scratches and abrasions appear on the screen, a poor-quality protective film is applied or bubbles remain underneath it, etc.

In this case, the calibration will not be effective enough and the problem will not be resolved.


What is calibration, and how does it solve the problem of an unresponsive or inaccurate sensor?

Calibration is an adjustment of the touch screen made by the device based on user interactions with the touch screen.

The standard calibration procedure is as follows: Dots, circles or crosses appear on the screen in random order and the user must click on them.

Based on this process, the system builds a certain scheme points and areas on the screen, thus determining which of them are more responsive, which are less, which have higher accuracy, which have lower accuracy.

Based on these diagnostics, the system makes adjustments and troubleshoots.

Carry out calibration with the device you use most often. If you use a stylus more often, then calibrate the screen with it, but if you usually use the phone manually, then calibrate with your finger. This is due to the fact that different objects have different thermal conductivity and the display may react to them slightly differently from a technical point of view.

Calibration Methods

This debugging can be done using several methods. The simplest and most effective of them are described below.

If, after applying one or another method, there are significant changes in better side did not happen, then it is advisable to try another method.

Device Settings

Since device calibration is a necessary process, the creators of most have included such a function in the device settings. How to use it?

1 Go to Device Settings;

2 Go to the section Screen or Display(may be called differently, depending on the device model, Android version or the nature of Russification;

3 Go to the section Screen calibration/calibrate the screen or similar (note that on some devices there is no such section at all, this means that debugging will have to be done in a different way);

4 If there is such a function, then after clicking on it a special test will be launched, in which you need to click on certain points as they appear or in a certain order (on different devices the order of the test may vary slightly, but the essence remains the same);

5 After completing all necessary actions, the system will show you a notification that the test is finished, now section Settings can be closed.

Sometimes significant improvements in sensor performance are observed immediately after this. But in most cases, the tablet or smartphone needs to be rebooted.

Engineering menu

Engineering menu- This special section settings, in which you can carry out more complex and more accurate debugging and adjustments. In any case, it contains a calibration function, for example, on those devices that have this test is not included in the simple device settings menu.

Download and install Touchscreen Calibration

In order to this application appeared on your phone, do the following:

  • In the search engine, enter Touchscreen Calibration and open the application with the icon of a phone and a wrench;
  • Click the Install button;

  • After that it will automatically download and install, and a shortcut will be created on the desktop of your device.

After clicking the Install button, the application will automatically download and install on your device. You can find a shortcut to launch it on the main desktop.

The application is distributed and is aimed at English-speaking users, therefore it does not have Russification, just like the previous one.

It has quite a wide functionality and helps to carry out high-quality configuration. In order to debug the sensor using it, do the following:

1 Launch the application from the shortcut on Desktop;

2 Find the item in the main menu of the program Display Calibration and click on it;

3 Now we need to wait a little, since this process is not presented in the form of a point-by-point test, but in the form of automatic troubleshooting, and then automatic debugging of the screen;

4 When the process starts, a notification will appear on the main screen of the application showing the debugging progress;

5 When the process is completed, you only need to restart your phone.

After turning it on again, there should be no difficulties with the operation of the sensor.

Like any device, sooner or later the phone begins to break down and fail. Exists a large number of problems that may arise on Android. One of them is the screen’s inadequate response to touches. If the sensor of your Android device does not correctly perform the tasks assigned to it, then most likely the screen calibration settings on the phone have gone wrong.

What does “screen calibration” mean on an Android smartphone or tablet?

Screen calibration is the settings for the device's touch screen. That is, if you ran your finger or stylus across the display, it should display your movements with great accuracy. In the event that your actions and what ultimately happened on the screen differ, you should recalibrate the device. Problems with calibration may occur when replacing the screen, changing device settings, or due to software or physical damage to the device.

Android screen calibration - step by step steps

There are several ways to calibrate Android devices. Some lead through programs that were originally installed on the phone, others require downloading special applications from the Play Market. Let's start with those that require as little action as possible.

Through device settings

Since users have problems with calibration quite often, the developers have added the ability to calibrate the device through the device settings:

Android touchscreen calibration via the engineering menu

On Android devices there is a special menu, thanks to which you can do many things that are not available in normal mode.

Via the Touchscreen Calibration app

In the Play Market you can find many applications responsible for screen calibration, one of them is Touchscreen Calibration.

Via the Quick TuneUp app

This application performs the same tasks as the previous ones, but in a different way.

Video: how to increase or decrease sensor sensitivity

How to set up the accelerometer or G-sensor

Also, all modern devices have an accelerometer, which determines the position of the phone relative to a flat horizontal and vertical surface. This feature is used in many games, most often racing games where you control the car by turning your phone, and in some other applications.

Through a special application - GPS Status & Toolbox

You can calibrate the G-sensor using free application from Play Market:

Via Engineering Menu

There is a second way to calibrate the G-sensor - through the Engineering Menu:

Video: setting up the G-sensor on Android

What to do if the sensor triggers spontaneously

Sometimes it happens that the screen at some points begins to press on its own. This can happen if the touch glass has been damaged, causing it to adhere too tightly to the display in certain places. In this case, you need to take the device to the service center and ask to replace the glass with a new one. Touch glasses are divided into two types:

  • Resistive sensors are sensors that respond to changes in pressure, that is, they are triggered when pressed. You can work on such glass using your fingernail, stylus and other objects.
  • Capacitive sensors are sensors that only respond to finger touch.

If the screen no longer accurately displays what you want to do, then it's time to recalibrate the display. If the phone does not react correctly to changes in its location in space, then it is worth calibrating the G-sensor. And only if all the previous settings did not help, then you should think about changing the touch glass, which could be broken or scratched.

How to increase sensor sensitivity on Android?

Android smartphone users often complain about poor screen touch sensitivity, even when mobile devices Oh high class.

There are several reasons why the touch screen of a smartphone has become poorly responsive to touch. One reason is hardware, while the other is software. If the problem is in the hardware, then repair and replacement of the touch panel is necessary. But, if the cause of poor sensitivity is related to the software, then various patches, settings and calibrations will allow you to return the previous sensitivity of the touch screen without the help of a service center.

We've prepared some tips and tricks to help you increase the sensor sensitivity on Android.

Software and firmware update

Responsible manufacturers often release updates for their smartphones that improve performance and fix various bugs. Therefore, as soon as you notice poor touch screen sensitivity, you should check for an update, and if there is one, install it. There are chances that the Android touch sensitivity issue will be fixed.

Patches and fixes for the touch screen

If your smartphone manufacturer does not release updates, you are left to rely on your own efforts. In other words, look for new updates, fixes, patches, fixes, etc. on specialized forums such as or XDA Developers.


Some smartphones have a touch screen calibration feature. If, some time after purchasing your smartphone, you notice that the display has become less responsive to touches, you should calibrate the touch panel. Most often, this function is found in the smartphone settings.

Remove apps

If you have an entry-level or mid-range smartphone, you must understand that it will not work at lightning speed. However, many people forget about this and install a huge number of new applications. Many applications work in background, thereby reducing the performance of the smartphone.

To increase the sensor sensitivity on Android, try uninstalling apps that you rarely use.

Clean your touch screen

If your smartphone screen is dirty with fingerprints, dust or any other sticky material, you should wash it thoroughly.

Use protective film or glass

Currently available a large assortment protective films and glasses for your smartphone. Moreover, many new smartphones come with a pre-applied screen protector. Use this feature to increase the touch sensitivity on Android.

Avoid bumps and falls of your smartphone

As obvious as it may sound, you shouldn't hammer nails using your smartphone. They are not designed for this. If you are wearing big smartphone in your skinny jeans pocket, take it out before you sit down. Also, try not to drop or throw your smartphone on the floor.


Most modern high-end smartphones are designed to be used with gloves. A useful option for cold countries like ours, when signets are a must-have attribute of every person on the street.

It's no surprise that manufacturers are trying to make smartphone touchscreens compatible with gloves. Moreover, some smartphones, e.g. Samsung Galaxy S5, have a special function for working with gloves. To activate it, go to Settings – Display and at the very bottom select the “Increase sensor sensitivity” option.

Calibrating the screen sensor on Android: why and how to do it?

If your Android phone's screen stops responding to touch after being dropped, dropped into water, or due to technical problems, you may need to calibrate the screen. Well, if there is a problem in determining the position of the phone in space, it will be necessary to adjust the accelerometer.

What is screen calibration

Screen calibration is the fine-tuning of your device's sensor. It may be required if the screen partially or completely stops responding to touch. And it is also possible that the sensor is triggered in a different place than where you touch it with your finger. In any of these cases, calibration should help, unless, of course, the screen is damaged. Calibration may also be required after replacing the device screen.

How to calibrate the screen

Eat different ways Calibrating the Android device screen. It will be useful to consider each of them.

Screen calibration through device settings

It is possible to perform calibration without installation third party applications. For this:

It's also worth knowing:

Unfortunately, some Android devices do not have a built-in touchscreen calibration feature. In this case, it can be done using other methods.

Calibrating the screen sensor through the engineering menu

The engineering menu is a menu of hidden phone settings. They are intended only for the most experienced users, as they offer quite detailed phone customization. If you are not careful, you can damage your device. You make all changes in the engineering menu at your own peril and risk.

Way to get in engineering menu also differs depending on the specific phone model, but usually requires entering a special combination of characters. Search for your phone model and enter the appropriate command. For example, for Samsung devices this could be the command *#*#8255#*#*.

Once you are in the engineering menu, you need to select the “Touch Screen” item.

Select the "Touch Screen" section

It is in this section that you can check the current sensitivity, as well as make detailed settings on your device’s screen and how it responds to touches.

Android screen sensor calibration via computer

If your phone screen does not work at all, or after calibration there is a problem. serious mistake and now the sensor does not respond to touches, calibration via a computer can save the phone and save time on going to the service center. To complete this, you will need to install the MSP RemoteAlignment program.

By installing this program and following the instructions, you can do the following:

  • calibrate your device from your PC without having to press anything from your phone;
  • save the results of the calibration to your computer;
  • “align” the picture relative to the device screen and also save these settings.

Managing this program is very simple. Pressing the Skip button will automatically perform the calibration, skipping the remaining steps. The Retrive button will load previously saved calibration results, and the Alignment button will enable manual calibration on your phone.

Pressing the Skip button will start screen calibration

Android screen sensor calibration apps

If you cannot calibrate the screen without using third-party applications, or if you want more options for customizing and controlling the sensor of your screen, you should use applications designed for this.

Calibration apps can help, but they won't work wonders. They are suitable as a last chance before contacting a service center if other screen calibration methods have already been tried.

Touchscreen Calibration app

The Touchscreen Calibration app is quite simple solution and has an extremely minimalistic interface. After you press the only active Calibrate key, the sensor setup will begin directly.

Click the Calibrate button to start the calibration process

It will be necessary to do several very simple actions like swiping the screen or double tapping.

Swipe is a special gesture when you place your finger on the screen of a smartphone or tablet and move it in the desired direction across the screen.

Once you complete all the specified steps, the program will evaluate the accuracy and complete the calibration. It's really a very simple app that can give you everything you need if your device doesn't have a calibration feature.

Touchscreen Calibration is a very easy to use app

Display Calibration app

The Display Calibration application works on a completely different principle. You don't have to manually align the sensor. All you need to do is launch the application and set the brightness slider to a certain position. In this way, the center of the device screen and other coordinates will be determined, from which the program will start. Next, you need to click the Calibrate button, which is the only one on the screen. After a few seconds, the calibration will be completed.

The operating principle of the Display Calibration program is extremely simple.

What else can you do to configure the sensor?

If you have tried all the methods available on your version of the device and did not achieve results, all that remains is to contact the service center. After all, the problem with the screen may not lie in the sensor settings at all, or it may not be solved in such a simple way. At least you'll know that you did everything possible to restore your device's sensor.

Setting up the accelerometer of a phone based on Android OS

The phone's accelerometer determines its position in space or the applied acceleration when it is displaced. It is essential for the following device functions:

  • changing page orientation when rotating the phone;
  • counting the distance traveled when using the device as a pedometer;
  • determining the position of the phone in various applications;
  • control the phone by shaking or tilting.

You will not be able to set up call acceptance with a gesture, comfortably use the browser and other phone functions if the accelerometer settings are lost. In this case, it is necessary to calibrate it, and special applications for this will help.

The accelerometer allows you to determine the angle relative to the position of the phone

GPS Status & Toolbox App

Let's look in detail at how to calibrate the accelerometer through the GPS Status & Toolbox application. After launching the application, do the following:

Video: Accelerometer Calibration Using GPS Status & Toolbox App

Clinometer app

The Clinometer program can determine the angle to the surface with an accuracy of ten degrees. But it is interesting to us for another reason - it can be used to calibrate the accelerometer, because it is with its help that the angle is determined. This program is simpler than the previous one, but it fully satisfies our requirements.

The Clinometer program has everything you need to calibrate the accelerometer

During the screen or accelerometer calibration procedure, unexpected problems may arise. However, they will be easy to deal with if you follow the tips.

Requires root rights

If you want to calibrate the device through the engineering menu, you may not be able to do anything without root rights on the device. Root rights provide full access to the device settings and are needed precisely to protect inexperienced users from dangerous changes. But getting them is not that difficult and, in fact, there are two options:

  • On the Internet you can find many programs that will easily allow you to get necessary rights. All of them are extremely easy to use and will give you access in one click, so all that remains is to give the names of some of them. Programs such as Universal AndRoot, Unlock Root, z4root and others can help you;
  • the second method will require you to install modified firmware on your phone. In many custom firmwares, root rights are initially open, or they are opened extremely simply.

After this installation, you should have no problems accessing the engineering menu and you will be able to calibrate the device.

Root programs are easy to use

The screen sensor works on its own, involuntarily

A problem with the screen responding on its own usually points directly to a problem with the device’s sensor itself. If calibration does not help, you can try the following before contacting the service center:

  • install a protective film between the sensor and the device display;
  • Make sure that there is no physical distortion of the device sensor.

If all this does not help, then all that remains is to replace the sensor.

There are many ways to calibrate your device's touchscreen, and there are also apps you can use to adjust the accelerometer. Now you can configure your device yourself and solve your problem with the screen or gyroscope.

Sensor calibration on Android - adjusting the sensitivity of the tablet or smartphone screen

Many owners of Android devices consider the sensitivity of the sensor to be a pain point of their gadgets. It happens that the screen of your phone or tablet does not respond correctly to touches. For example, the user clicks on the lower left part of the screen, but the sensor interprets this as clicking on the upper right corner.

But the emerging problem is not at all a reason for despondency and an urgent trip to the service center. It is quite possible to try to “curb” your sensor at home by using screen calibration.

What is calibration

Screen calibration (also known as sensor calibration) is the setting of the display, the purpose of which is to optimize the operation and improve the response of the sensor to pressing and touching with fingers or a stylus.

And although calibrating sensors on Android is generally not necessary, it is recommended for all users of devices with both resistive and capacitive touch displays. It is advisable to calibrate resistive screens immediately after purchasing the device. With a capacitive sensor the situation is somewhat different since it is possible to check whether calibration is necessary, or whether the display will work clearly without such an operation.

To do this, you need to remove the film from the gadget’s screen, wipe wet wipe(preferably a special one), and then check the sensor’s response. The best way check - typing a text message. If there are frequent typos when typing, this is a sign that the touchscreen needs to be calibrated. It should also be noted that it is quite possible that this procedure will have to be done more than once.

Before you begin the screen calibration procedure on Android, you need to find out what caused the sensor to malfunction.

  • It is quite possible that the pie eaten with tea left you with a reminder of itself in the form of traces left on the screen when answering an urgent call.
  • The proximity sensor or Air Gesture function is not working properly.
  • Using custom (not official) firmware.
  • Installing applications from dubious sources.
  • The device has been dropped, hit, or wet.
  • Replacing the touchscreen, etc.

As we know well, it is the cause that needs to be eliminated, not the effect. It’s clear that if your smartphone has the “wrong” firmware installed, which was the cause of the failure, you can calibrate the sensor to the “carrot pen” only here desired result in this case, unfortunately, it will not be achieved.

However, even if the device does not need calibration, it would not hurt its owner to know the intricacies of setting up the touchscreen, since this is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require much time, much less a huge layer of knowledge.

How to calibrate the sensor on Android

To calibrate the screen of any device running on operating system Android, you can use special programs and utilities, of which there are a sufficient number, and absolutely free. You can also access standard services found in the device menu.

Manual setting

Here it is necessary to explain that the adjustment options, including screen sensitivity, vary greatly depending on the model of your gadget, and it is quite possible that it will not be suitable in your case. The fact is that mobile device manufacturers install their own shell on top of the standard Android OS settings, while changing (or completely eliminating) the possibility of one or another setting. The calibration method for devices with standard settings is described below:

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Select “Phone Settings”.
  3. Go to the “Calibration” menu, where a window will open in the form of a cross-target with a dot inside
  4. Click the center of the target three times
  5. Calibration is complete. Next, you should check the sensor using the manipulations indicated earlier.

If these steps are not relevant for you, then you need to check on the manufacturer’s website exactly how you can calibrate your device, or use a special application (read about this method below).

Using special software

On this moment There are countless utilities and programs that help you configure the touchscreen of your Android device. Among the proven programs that have really helped many users, the following programs can be noted:

Touchscreen Calibration is a simple and free tool that can help you quickly and easily calibrate your sensor. Step by Step Actions:

Download the application, open it, press the “Calibrate” button:

Then, we start the calibration process by clicking on the gray field on the screen:

After that, in the gray field we execute the commands that appear in the green squares:

Unfortunately, the utility is not Russified, but what and how to do is shown quite clearly. Just in case, we suggest you watch the video

Screen calibration is the process of adjusting the sensor so that commands work correctly when touched with your fingers or a stylus.

Basically, calibration is required after the phone has been dropped; even the smallest damage may require screen adjustments. Check if you need it this procedure simple enough. First you need to remove the protective film so that touches are perceived correctly and clearly. Next, try entering any letter or number; if you pressed one, but something completely different was displayed on the screen, you can be sure that calibration is necessary. Which means you need to read detailed article How to calibrate the screen on Android, we’ll tell you briefly below.


To manually calibrate your sensor, you will need to complete the following steps:

1.Go to your device's settings.
2.Select the “Display” item or the “Phone Settings” sub-item (on some devices the “Screen” sub-item)
3.Next we find the item “Calibration”

The next step is to place your gadget on a flat surface and gently press the dot (cross) of the display. Your task is to do this clearly and evenly so that the system remembers your setting. Once setup is complete, reboot your device and check the response of your smartphone on any keyboard.

Special programs

If your tablet or smartphone does not have a standard setting, we can use special applications for this. This is an easy and accessible way for everyone.

To do this, just go to the standard Google Play application store and enter “display calibration” in the search bar. Upon your request, it will display a large number of different applications, any of them will help you configure the Android sensor. When choosing an application, pay attention to its rating and reviews. Thus choosing best app you can easily calibrate your display.

Help with service

If the previous 2 methods did not help you, there is a third option - this is a private or official service center. The cause of such a problem may not be in the settings, it could also be serious damage to the screen or a defect. In this case, you need to contact the service.

Many owners of Android devices with a touch screen often encounter a problem when the screen “does not listen to them.” That is, when you touch the touchscreen with your finger or stylus at one point, the phone perceives it as a touch at a completely different point. Or the sensor completely carries out orders only after 3-4 attempts. And most likely the cause of these problems is the incorrect operation of the screen, and to fix it, you need to calibrate the touchscreen of the Android device.

Android touchscreen calibration: Video

What it is?

Screen calibration is the process of adjusting the touch display to correct execution commands when touched with fingers or a stylus. Of course, you can work with your device without such settings, but then get ready to waste your nerves, time and other troubles.

This procedure is required in most cases after the phone has been dropped, especially in water. Replacing the screen, a water stain underneath, even the smallest damage may require urgent adjustments. Checking whether you need calibration is as easy as shelling pears. First, remove the protective film so that the sensor operation is as clear as possible, then simply enter a number or letter. If you selected, say, “B”, and “A” appeared on the screen, then rest assured that you need to configure the touchscreen.

There are two main types of screens used in the production of Android devices: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive is now used in the vast majority, as it is more reliable and of higher quality. But problems often arise with resistive ones, and they require tuning more often. But it’s fortunate that these days they are rarely used - only in outdated or budget models.

Android sensor calibration: programs, setup: Video

How to calibrate the screen on Android?

Configuration using special programs

In free, and most importantly - free, access, you can find a lot of software for screen calibration. They are easy to install, easy to operate and, most importantly, produce results. For example, Clinometer, TOPON, Bubble - just look into Google Play. But? even if you do not have access to Google Play, you can adjust the display without it using the second method.


In order to independently adjust the touchscreen of Android 4 (or another version) without any problems, we will present you with step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first step, of course, is to go to the Settings menu.
  2. Next, select “Phone Settings”.
  3. Find the “Calibration” item and a target cross with a dot inside will appear in front of you.
  4. We aim at the center of the target several times (3 will be enough).
  5. After this, your device will remember the touches and calibration can be considered complete.
  6. After completing the setup, check the operation of the sensor. If exactly the symbol you clicked on appears on the screen, then everything was done correctly. Congratulations! ()

Setting touch screen sensitivity on Android: Video

Contacting the service center

Now you know two ways to calibrate the screen on your Android device yourself. But there is a third option for setting up your device - an official or private service center. It would seem, why contact the master for such a trifle? But similar problem is not always a small thing. It happens that the cause of the breakdown is not due to lost settings, but to a serious breakdown or manufacturing defect of the display. In this case, it is really better to contact the service if the first two do not work.

What else to read