How to remove ads in android apps. How to remove ads on android. Advertising virus. What to do if a third-party application does not want to install

As you know, quite often many users of computer systems are faced with the problem of removing old or unused device drivers. This can be due to many reasons, including hardware conflicts, incorrect device operation. This also includes the installation of more recent versions of the drivers. This is where the logical question arises: how to remove the driver of a device?

What is a driver

Before you start the process of uninstalling a driver or updating it, you need to know what it is. In fact, this is a small program that provides communication between the “iron” component and the operating system, without which the device itself will not work, the system may not even recognize it.

In some cases (especially when automatic system updates are enabled), it becomes necessary to change the driver version to a newer one.

Viewing Driver Version and File Information

Now a few words about what needs to be done before proceeding with the delete operation. First you need to find out the version of the driver (especially when it is downloaded from the official website of the hardware manufacturer). It is very likely that the system has the latest version, and the cause of the conflict or inoperability of the equipment is not at all in this. Then the problem of how to remove the driver will disappear by itself. This can be done in several ways.

For example, for Plug & Play devices or standard system components, you can use the DirectX dialog call (dxdiag command in the Run menu). True, here you can see the versions of the screen drivers, sound hardware and I / O devices (if something else is not installed).

However, in the question of how to view information and how to remove the driver, it is better to use the standard tools of Windows OS. In addition, this is the easiest and most proven way.

Removing drivers using standard Windows tools

In this case, you must use the Control Panel menu, in which the "Device Manager" item is selected. The name may change, depending on the version of the installed operating system. Now just select the device you are interested in and call the context menu, then use the "Properties" command. There will be a full description of the driver version (Driver tab, Properties menu).

Now consider an example, say how to uninstall an audio driver (or how to uninstall a printer driver). Fundamentally, the formulation of the question does not matter, the scheme is the same. We perform the above procedures, but instead of the "Properties" button, we use the "Delete" button. The system will ask you to confirm the deletion, after which you can restart your computer.

If the printer drivers are standard and included in the Windows installation package, they will be installed automatically after a reboot. Otherwise, you will have to install them either from the original disk, or download from the official website of the manufacturer.

By the way, this way of viewing information about drivers is also convenient because here you can even find out the location of the files themselves. If for some reason the system cannot remove such programs, you can begin to resolve the issue of how to completely remove the driver manually. To do this, you just need to delete the files from the location indicated by the system, as well as the corresponding registry keys. However, it is highly discouraged for inexperienced users to do this.

Third party software

Today, there are quite a few programs that can solve the problem of how to remove old drivers automatically. One of these is Driver Sweeper.

This software product has a lot of customization options, for example, filtering by equipment manufacturer, etc. But it is better to check the names of all manufacturers at startup, and then begin the process of analysis and cleaning. It will take a few minutes, after which it will report on outdated or unused (redundant) drivers in the system. The latter, by the way, are capable of causing conflicts in the operation of the equipment, since the system itself alternately refers to one or the other driver.

Do not be surprised if the program even finds drivers for integrated video cards or sound chips. Next, you need to click the "Clean" button, after which everything that the application has found will be deleted.

Of course, an inexperienced user can do such things only at their own peril and risk, but, as practice shows, this program works absolutely correctly, does not cause failures in the operating system and does not disrupt the operation of software and hardware components.

Automatic update

Among programs of this type, one can single out special utilities designed to automatically update all drivers available in the system. The question of how to remove the driver is not worth it for one simple reason. The fact is that many programs are capable of removing old ones automatically before installing new versions of drivers. But for the most part, such software packages are paid. But the advantage of their work is that they apply directly to the websites of equipment manufacturers for updates, so that absolutely all drivers will have correct digital signatures after the installation or update.

Hello dear visitors! I decided to write a small but useful note and tell you how to remove the driver. The computer is an unpredictable thing, so anything can come in handy, even removing the driver for a specific device. For what? That different happens, perhaps the driver was installed crookedly, or not quite the one you need. And installing a new one over the old one does not always work, so you can remove the device driver and install a new one.

After uninstalling and rebooting, the system should find a new device whose driver you will remove, and offer to install a new driver for it. Perhaps you have another reason why you need to carry out such a procedure. In fact, everything is very simple, now you will see for yourself.

We will remove the driver through the device manager, it seems to me that this is the only correct and reliable way. But still, it’s worth understanding that this is dangerous, near the “Delete” button it even says “Uninstall drivers (for experienced)”, I think that this was written for a reason. Well, it's okay, we're experienced :).

First we need to launch the task manager. To do this, right-click on the icon "My computer" and select "Properties". A window will open in which on the left click "Device Manager".

In the device manager, select the device whose driver you want to remove, right-click on it, select "Properties".

You will be prompted to uninstall the driver. If some programs were installed with this driver, you can check the box next to “Uninstall the driver programs for this device” and click the "OK" button.

Hello, friends. Today you will know how to uninstall the driver from his long-suffering computer. We will completely remove only unnecessary, unnecessary drivers. This may be necessary if you got rid of some equipment or are going to install the newest version of the “firewood” completely.

The fact is that there are many programs that clean the computer, and we have already considered some of them in detail (such as CCleaner , FreeSpacer...). They are great workers and get the job done, but they are not designed to remove drivers. They just don't have that feature.

You changed the video card or something, installed new drivers from the disk, but what about the old ones? But these old, superfluous, unused drivers lie on the couch in the depths of the system, smoke your cigarettes, drink tea with your own cookies and, scoundrels, feel completely safe.

So not only do they lie dead weight, but also steal computer resources. After all, when you connect any equipment, a search takes place in the entire database of drivers, indiscriminately whether it is old or young. The whole service is activated, the registry is looked through ...

So let's visit these radishes with a free, safe program. Driver Sweeper. It is designed for this noble purpose.

Learn how to uninstall the driver - in detail, thoroughly, step by step and in pictures ...

First, let's define what a driver is. In a nutshell, this is a mini-program that helps the system to interact, control equipment, be it a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer or video card.

Drivers are desirable, which is what the system does by default, thereby speeding up and making life easier for itself and users. But with this update, automatic or manual, non-working drivers are not always removed by the system. Here we will deal with them.

How to remove the driver - download Driver Sweeper

Honestly, I confess to you that I was worried when launching the program for the first time, and suddenly the driver will be deleted incorrectly or crookedly and I will not be able to connect to the printer later, for example, or the sound will disappear. But my worries were in vain. Driver Sweeper delicately threw out the old and superfluous drivers indicated to him by me, without touching the actual and involved ones.

Tested on very rarely used equipment. I connected the scanner, which has been idle for a year, mice from my other computers, a monitor ... everything flies! The beauty! True, I forgot to detect how much space will be freed up on the hard drive, but that's not the point. Not very much, because the driver is a mini-program. The main thing is to get rid of the ballast.

And yet, you will use the program at your own peril and risk!(read the comments on this article). Some more antiviruses are excited by Driver Sweeper, but I checked it personally - so far everything is in order with the computer and the system.

Let's start installing and cleaning...

Now, if you haven’t checked the box, by creating a shortcut on the desktop, go to the Start menu, find our program and run it ...

We are met by a problem - the program is in English. With a flick of the wrist, we switch the interface to the native and powerful, Russian language ...

...don't forget to click below...

Here it is, the reward for killing several thousand nerve cells and burning kilocalories with three clicks.

Now you can customize the program a little for yourself. Even change the appearance by looking in "Miscellaneous" and "Theme" ...

Now, finally, we press "Analysis and cleaning" ...

Before us is a list of the main manufacturers of equipment. Check the boxes next to the manufacturer whose driver you want to completely remove. By the way, I was very surprised when Driver Sweeper found and removed the drivers for Nvidia video cards with my integrated Intel. Where they came from - I have no idea.

Now "Analysis" on the right, below, and then "Cleaning" ...

An article about why and how to properly remove drivers in Windows.

If you ask me why I don't like reinstalling Windows, then I will answer that reinstallation is not as scary as the subsequent setup of the computer. It takes two to three times more time to intelligently configure a PC to suit your needs than to reinstall itself. After all, in addition to the system itself, you need to install a bunch of software, and most importantly, find the right drivers!

It's good if you have a "native" disk that came with your PC motherboard. In this case, the installation of drivers is much faster. However, if you do not have such a disk, or you are the owner of a laptop (which usually does not come with any disks), then you will have to look for drivers on the Internet and try their performance by typing :)

Naturally, there are ready-made programs and even entire driver packs, where everything is already assembled for us. But, not always standard and common drivers behave correctly. If you are faced with the need to remove a driver that slows down or disrupts the system, read below how to do it.

What is a driver

The driver itself (from the English "drive" - ​​"manage") is essentially a utility program that allows the user or system to control the operation of a particular device for which this driver is written. It contains a list of commands that a PC component can execute and through which the system can interact with it.

A typical computer configuration requires the following minimum set of drivers:

  1. If problems in the driver began to arise after updating it, then the best option for restoring its performance is to roll back to the previous version. Click the "Roll Back" button and wait until the computer itself automatically removes the new version of the driver and installs the archived old one.
  2. If a failure occurs in the driver of one of the peripheral devices that is not critical for the system (for example, a printer or similar equipment), then the problematic driver can simply be disabled and then activated only for the duration of the connection and use of the device. This will make the "Disable" button.
  3. Finally, if none of the previous options solved the problem, you can simply uninstall the driver by clicking the appropriate button.

After each procedure (except shutdown), the computer will need to be restarted and only then try to install new versions of the driver.

View hidden devices

Infrequently, but it also happens that at first glance there are no problems with drivers in the Device Manager, but when a particular component is connected, system failures begin (). If you are faced with such a situation, then most likely the problem is the incorrect operation of hidden devices.

The hidden components most often fall into those components that connect to the computer periodically and run on demand. They are not permanently in RAM, respectively, until the device is connected, they do not affect the operation of the system in any way. However, they can also be traced.

To see a complete list of PC components, in the Device Manager you need to go to the "View" menu and activate the "Show hidden devices" item. The list of equipment types and the components themselves will increase somewhat and you can see devices with translucent icons in it. This is what is hidden from us in the normal mode of working with the Dispatcher:

Actually, then we check the presence of red or yellow icons for all hidden devices and fix problems with them using one of the methods described above. Also, by turning on the visibility of hidden devices, you can see the old versions of the drivers that you updated. If the new drivers work correctly, then these old versions can also be removed, however, in this case, you will lose the ability to roll back.

It also happens that in the "View" menu of the Device Manager there is no option to show hidden hardware. If you are faced with this situation, then you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "System Properties" window as described above (number 2 in the first screenshot), go to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Environment Variables" button there (emphasis on "Y", not "E" :)).
  2. The variable settings window will open. Here we need to click the "Create" button under the first group of variables (User Environment Variables) and in the window that opens, enter the variable name "devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices" (without quotes) in the first field, and "1" in the value field. It should turn out like this:

We save our new variable and the option we need will appear in the "View" menu of the Device Manager.


This time the article turned out to be small, but I hope it will be useful to everyone who is faced with the need to make any manipulations with the drivers.

Finally, I think it would not be out of place to remind you once again that you must always act meaningfully and imagine what you want to achieve! After all, disrupting Windows by removing just one system driver is as easy as shelling pears, and restoring it later can be very problematic. Therefore, you should not be like a monkey with a grenade: if you don’t know something, ask someone, search on the Internet, and only then make important decisions. And you will succeed ;)

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

Adware viruses on Android are a common phenomenon, which is often associated with the carelessness and ignorance of the user in terms of installing third-party applications. As a result, they see huge banners on their screens and sometimes even threats in the style of “send an SMS to such and such a number or your phone will be blocked.” How to remove ads on Android - read on Treshbox.

Problem Definition

First of all, you need to find out what exactly you are dealing with. If ads start to appear on top of all applications on your device, it means that an adware trojan has penetrated your Android. They are of different types:
  1. Ordinary adware viruses that are installed with malicious applications.
  2. Adware viruses that are installed as system applications.
  3. Trojans that are built into the firmware.

The former can be removed by standard means of the Android operating system, that is, go to the settings, find the malware and remove it from the device. Viruses of the second and third types can be removed only by obtaining root rights and special programs, or simply by flashing the gadget.

We remove the simplest viruses on Android

First, remember what you installed on your smartphone or tablet in anticipation of the ads. Define the circle of these programs. The AirPush Detector program can help with this. It scans all apps for banner ads.

If ads and overlay messages do not allow you to work normally with your smartphone, then it does not matter. In this case, you need reboot into Android Safe Mode. To boot into Safe Mode on Android, you need to:
Safe mode on Android is a state where you can use the system without all third-party applications. That is, those same advertising banners and messages are not shown in it.

Go to Settings → Security → Device administrators. All programs that have administrator rights are shown here. If there are any suspicious malware there, then remove the rights from them.

After that, go to Settings → Applications. We look for all potential malware there and delete it. After that, we reboot again, but in normal mode. Everything should be in order, and if not, then read the instructions below.

Full reset

If you want to be completely sure that the virus has been removed, then reset the device to factory settings (hard reset).

There are two ways to call a reset:
Through settings:
  1. Go to Settings → Backup & reset.
  2. There, find the item "Reset settings". Select it.
  3. Click the "Reset Phone" button.
Buttons on the case: Android device manufacturers use different combinations for a hard reset. On most smartphones and tablets, this is holding down the volume down button and the power button. You can find out about a similar combination for your device on the Internet.

How to remove system viruses on Android

Many viruses on Android receive administrator rights, root and are deeply embedded in the firmware. You can fight them in different ways.

Method one - flashing
The most reliable and easiest way to get rid of a virus that has taken root in the system is to reflash the smartphone. In order not to lose all the data, you can backup applications using Titanium Backup, but this requires root access. Backups must be saved to an SD card, if available. This requires the Pro version of the Titanium Backup app.

Transferring Titanium Backups to an SD card - from left to right

Firmware for your device can be found on various resources. It can be CyanogenMod, official firmware or some kind of modification. To find the firmware for your gadget, just use the search engine.

Method two - getting root and manually deleting
Advanced users can remove a virus from Android in a more complicated but reliable way. It consists in obtaining root rights on the device and deleting all virus data manually. There are a lot of ways to get root rights. The easiest one is to do it with a computer via KingoRoot.

After getting the root on Android, you need to install applications such as Root Explorer and Titanium Backup:

With Root Explorer, you can check all Android system folders for suspicious APK files and directories with viruses. Whatever rights the Trojan has, Root Explorer will be able to remove it. Basically, virus APKs and folders are located in the /system/app/ or /system/xbin/ directory.

Titanium Backup can remove almost all applications, so it can be used to remove an infected program.

Install an antivirus on Android

An antivirus or a simple malware scanner will not only help to cure an already infected Android, but will also prevent it in the future.

The Treshbox editors can recommend the following antiviruses for Android:

All these programs are able to find malware and destroy it.

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