The story of one of the most powerful Illuminati clans. Rockefellers. Rockefellers Rockefeller dynasty "(Rockefeller), financial group of the USA. Formed at the end of the 19th century. Its founder is J. D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) The industrial core is the oil company Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) (since 1973 Exxon), the financial center is Chase Manhattan Bank. Sphere of influence: industry (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) and credit and financial institutions, life insurance. Since the 1980s, the group's role has diminished. Much of the property it controlled has been sold off. Of the Rockefeller family, the most famous are: J. D. Rockefeller Sr.'s son John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960; subsidized the purchase of land for the UN headquarters in New York and built the Rockefeller Center), his sons - John Davison III (1906-1978; helped found the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts), Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979; US Vice President 1974-77).

Daughter Anna was married at the age of 18 to the youngest son of the French king (1785-1760). He received the kingdom of Poland as a dowry and was crowned under the name of Sigismund (1803). During the birth of her daughter (1804-1901), Anna Ivanovna died. The second daughter Sophia was given in marriage to a widower, and as a dowry he received the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1805) under the name Vitovta. Sofya Ivanovna gave birth to an heir to her husband (1806-1824), according to whose date the chronology is calculated (Christ (0-33) is one of his images).

Sophia hated her relatives. She did not have a good relationship with her stepmother. She considered her younger brother guilty of her mother's death. She did not recognize children from her stepmother, because her mother was higher in social status than her stepmother. She hated her father for betraying her mother.

In 1812, Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned on the orders of his daughter and son-in-law, and the World War. In 1813, Alexey Ivanovich died in the battle of Kosovo in Serbia, in 1814 Semyon Ivanovich became Russian Tsar, who in 1829. As a result, power went to the Romanov clan.

The usurper had an older brother (1783-1868), he had a wife (1783-1871), his wife had elder sister(1780-1844), married to the Polish nobleman Poniatowski (1783-1834). After the death of the heir to the Usurper in 1824, Poniatowski seized power in the empire. In 1834 he was killed by a relative of the Usurper (1782-1836), who briefly survived him. In the end, the Romanov clan divided power.

Here are other images of John Rockefeller:

Images of his son:

Http:// "(Rockefeller), financial group of the USA. Formed at the end of the 19th century. Its founder is J. D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) The industrial core is the oil company Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) (since 1973 Exxon), the financial center is Chase Manhattan Bank. Sphere of influence: industry (electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) and credit and financial institutions, life insurance. Since the 1980s, the group's role has diminished. Much of the property it controlled has been sold off. Of the Rockefeller family, the most famous are: J. D. Rockefeller Sr.'s son John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960; subsidized the purchase of land for the UN headquarters in New York and built the Rockefeller Center), his sons - John Davison III (1906-1978; helped found the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts), Nelson Aldrich (1908-1979; US Vice President 1974-77).

Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller" John Davison Rockefeller; July 8, 1839, Richford, New York - May 23, 1937, Ormond Beach, Florida) American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the first dollar billionaire in human history. He had four daughters and one son, who inherited the management of the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefeller was the second child of six children in a family of Protestants William Avery Rockefeller (October 13, 1810 - May 11, 1906) and Louise Selyanto (September 12, 1813 - March 28, 1889). This may be a coincidence, but if the surname Rockefeller is broken down into its two components and translated separately from English into Russian, you get “rock” - rock, stone and “feller” - lumberjack, woodcutter. And as we know from the biography of John Rockefeller, the father of the future millionaire, William Avery Rockefeller, was first a lumberjack, engaged in logging."

According to traditional history, the Rockefellers are the embodiment of the American dream: the father was a lumberjack, and the son became the richest man in the world.

In my version of world history, everything is more prosaic and began in Russia.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich (1761-1812) ruled the world. His 1st wife (marriage 1783), Greek princess Irina Konstantinovna (1766-1789), bore him three children: Anna (1785-1804), Sophia (1787-1881) and Alexei (1789-1813). 2nd wife (marriage 1790) - the daughter of the Crimean Khan gave birth to the second heir, Semyon (1791-1829).

Daughter Anna was married at the age of 18 to the youngest son of the French king (1785-1760). He received the kingdom of Poland as a dowry and was crowned under the name of Sigismund (1803). During the birth of her daughter (1804-1901), Anna Ivanovna died. The second daughter Anna was given in marriage to a widower, and as a dowry he received the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1805) under the name of Vytautas. Sofya Ivanovna gave birth to an heir to her husband (1806-1824), according to whose date the chronology is calculated (Christ (0-33) is one of his images).

Sophia hated her relatives. She did not have a good relationship with her stepmother. She considered her younger brother guilty of her mother's death. She did not recognize children from her stepmother, because her mother was higher in social status than her stepmother.

In 1812, Ivan Vasilyevich was poisoned on the orders of his daughter and son-in-law, and the world war began. In 1813, Alexei Ivanovich died in the battle of Kosovo in Serbia; in 1814, Semyon Ivanovich became the Russian Tsar, who in 1829 died during the storming of Constantinople by the usurper’s troops.
As a result, power went to the Romanov clan. The usurper had an older brother (1783-1868), he had a wife (1783-1871), his wife had an older sister (1780-1844), married to the Polish nobleman Poniatowski (1783-1834). After the death of the heir to the Usurper in 1824, Poniatowski seized power in the empire. In 1834 he was killed by a relative of the Usurper (1782-1836), who briefly survived him. In the end, the Romanov clan divided power.

J.D. Rockefeller Sr. (1839-1937) is one of the images of the son of the Usurper's elder brother.

Images of the usurper's elder brother and his wife:

Jerome (Jerome, Girolamo) Bonaparte (French J;r;me Bonaparte, Italian: Girolamo Buonaparte, November 15, 1784, Ajaccio - June 24, 1860) - King of Westphalia, younger brother of Napoleon I Bonaparte; was brought up in a military college; after the 18th Brumaire he entered the navy as a lieutenant.

Friederike Katharina Sophie Dorothea von Württemberg (February 21, 1783 - November 29, 1835) - Princess of Württemberg, Queen of Westphalia, second wife of King Jerome Bonaparte of Westphalia, younger brother of Napoleon I.

Charles of Prussia (Friedrich Carl Alexander of Prussia, German Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preu;en; June 29, 1801 - January 21, 1883) - Prince of Prussia, Colonel General with the rank of Prussian Field Marshal (February 5, 1857).

Maria of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (German: Maria von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), at birth - Maria Luise Alexandrina (German: Maria Luise Alexandrina; February 3, 1808 - January 18, 1877) - Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, married - Princess of Prussia, granddaughter of Emperor Paul I.

Willem II, William II (Dutch. Willem II, German. Wilhelm II., French. Guillaume II), Willem Frederik George Lodewijk (Dutch. Willem Frederik George Lodewijk; December 6, 1792 - March 17, 1849) - King of the Netherlands and Grand Duke of Luxembourg from 7 October 1840, Duke of Limburg. Eldest son and successor of King Willem I.

Anna Pavlovna (7 (18) January 1795, St. Petersburg - 1 (13) March 1865, The Hague) - daughter of Pavel I Petrovich and Maria Feodorovna. Queen of the Netherlands and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg in 1840 - 1849.

Here are other images of Rockefeller:

Henry of Orange-Nassau ((Dutch. Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau) born Willem Frederik Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau (Dutch. Willem Frederik Hendrik van Oranje-Nassau), July 13, 1820, Soostdijk Palace, Barn, Netherlands - January 14, 1879, Castle Walferdeng, Luxembourg) - Prince of the Netherlands and Orange-Nassau, second son of King Willem II and Anna Pavlovna, governor of Luxembourg.

Henry Ford (English Henry Ford; July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) - American industrialist, owner of automobile factories around the world, inventor, author of 161 US patents.

I think, a real man lived 1819-1919.

Images of his son:

Wikipedia: "John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. (January 29, 1874, Cleveland, Ohio - May 11, 1960, Tucson, Arizona) was a major philanthropist and one of the key members of the famous Rockefeller family. The only son businessman and Standard Oil owner John D. Rockefeller and father of the five famous Rockefeller brothers.

Edsel Bryant Ford (English: Edsel Bryant Ford; November 6, 1893 - May 26, 1943) - son of Henry Ford, president of the Ford Motor Company from 1919 to 1943."

Light American dream was conquered in bloody battles in Russia.

In the photo: J.D. Rockefeller Sr. with his son, Edsel Bryant Ford,
Henry Ford, J.D. Rockefeller Sr., Henry of Orange-Nassau.

– molten

In a row famous families The Rockefellers have a special place. While others have lost their money or influence, the Rockefellers continue to hold on to their vast empire.

The Rockefellers mostly immigrated to the United States from Germany in the 1720s.

The surname was originally pronounced "Rockenfeller".

John Davison Rockefeller was born in 1839

His father did odd jobs; In 1832 the family moved to Cleveland.

John's finest hour came during the Civil War

At the age of 20, he founded his own manufacturing business partnership and made a fortune from selling food to the Allied forces. By the end of the war he had earned $250,000.

The end of the war coincided with the beginning of the oil boom in the country

Cleveland has become a major logistics hub. John was not committed to the fruit and vegetable trade, and in 1865 he cashed in his interest in the partnership to invest in the oil refining industry.

The business grew, and in 1870 John consolidated his holdings into Standard Oil.

At the time of its founding, the company was worth one million dollars.

It was largest company in the country.

A real breakthrough for Standard Oil was the so-called. recoil scheme

Competition for traffic between railways was cruel. So in 1872, John Rockefeller, along with like-minded people, created the Southern Improvement Company in order to crush the small oil refining business by undermining their activities through railroad tariffs.

The scheme proved scandalously effective and led to what became known as the Cleveland Massacre.

When the dust finally settled, Standard Oil owned 22 of Cleveland's 26 refineries.

September 18, 1873: Black Thursday leads to a worldwide 6-year depression. But not for Standard

The company is taking over oil refining businesses from the Allegheny Mountains to New York.

At age 38, Rockefeller controls nearly 90 percent of the country's oil refining capacity.

In 1879, he is among the 20 richest people in the country.

In 1883, John Rockefeller and his family decided to move to New York.

Headquarters for Standard were built in the center of Broadway. Initially, the building had only 9 floors.

Rebuilt in the 1920s, it remains known to this day as the Standard Oil Building.

In the 1880s, Rockefeller strengthened his power in the country and in the world.

And according to the scandalous journalist Ida Tarbell, in order to strengthen his power, he terrorizes his competitors.

A letter she discovered from a small producer describes how a Standard Oil representative " stalked him for about two days«, « threatened in every possible way" And " talked to family members while I was away«.

Eventually the country was fed up with Rockefeller. In 1890, Congress passed the Sherman Act.

The law remains in effect today.

Led by President Roosevelt, the government filed at least three lawsuits against Standard.

Oddly enough, the government only further enriched John Rockefeller.

The sale of Standard's assets netted him $900 million.

Rockefeller lived to be 98 years old.

He is considered the richest man in US history.

John Rockefeller had only one son, John Jr.

But there were also four daughters - and in the first half of the 20th century, the list of family achievements increased sharply.

John Jr. started an oil company but then went into real estate.

In 1930, he invested $250 million to build Rockefeller Center. It was completed in 1939 and became the largest private commercial development at the time.

Also, in 1930, John Jr. became the largest co-owner of Chase Bank.

The bank acquired his company, Equitable Trust, which has since become associated with the bank's name. John Jr.'s son would later be 11 years old general director Chase Bank. David turns 98 this June.

After World War II, the Rockefellers donated land worth $8.5 million, which became home to the United Nations.

The land was declared an international territory.

After John Jr., the next head of the Rockefeller family was his other son, Nelson.

He began to engage in politics in early age, and by the age of 36 was appointed assistant secretary of state for relations with Latin America.

In 1958, he ran for governor of New York State.

Defeating his rival Averill Harriman, he would serve four terms in office until 1973.

Meanwhile, Nelson's brother, John III, donated $175 million to build Lincoln Center.

Which was completed in 1966.

Nelson died in 1979 of a heart attack.

The circumstances of the incident were somewhat... piquant... since at the time of the attack he was visiting a 25-year-old lady named Megan Marshak.

The most famous Rockefeller today is Senator Jay Rockefeller.

You may also have heard of ExxonMobil.

She is the heiress to Standard Oil.

In 2011, it was the largest company in the world by revenue.

The family was heavily involved in construction projects in the 20th century, resulting in numerous buildings associated with the name throughout the United States. The most famous of these is, of course, Rockefeller Center, a huge Art Deco office complex built in the early Great Depression in the center of Manhattan (Manhattan) exclusively with family money. In addition, this is New York's Museum of Modern Art; the grand neo-Gothic Riverside Church; "The Cloisters", a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which houses a stunning collection of medieval art; skyscrapers "One Chase Manhattan Plaza" and "Empire State Plaza"; the famous Lincoln Center for the arts, as well as the infamous Twin Towers of the World shopping center(World Trade Center), destroyed as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

Large donations from the Rockefellers led in 1889 to the creation of the University of Chicago, where the first American laureate worked Nobel Prize(Nobel Prize) in physics, Albert Abraham Michelson, awarded in 1907. In addition, the family has traditionally, generation after generation, financially supported Ivy League universities and other major colleges and universities, a total of 75 educational institutions, and including Harvard University and Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Stanford University, Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Technology), Brown University, Cornell University and University of Pennsylvania. Financial aid Rockefeller funds are also provided to foreign universities, including the London School of Economics, University College London and many others.

The older and younger generations of Rockefellers also participated in the creation of Rockefeller University in 1901, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission in 1910, the Bureau social hygiene and the International Health Commission in 1913, as well as the Rockefeller Museum in Israel in 1925-1930.

In addition, the Rockefeller Foundation has established a number of awards, grants and fellowships to support scientific progress. For generations, the Rockefellers were interested in protecting environment, and thanks to their money and efforts, more than twenty national parks and open protected areas throughout the United States.

Currently, the head of the family, its patriarch, is David Rockefeller Sr., born June 12, 1915 - banker, statesman and the grandson of the first dollar billionaire in human history, John Davison Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil.

The Rockefeller Archive Center, which was a division of Rockefeller University until 2008, has a three-story underground bunker under the mansion on the family estate in Pocantico. This is a huge repository of personal and official documents, as well as correspondence of family members and many historical documents, which in total contains more than 70 million pages of documents and a collection of 42 scientific, cultural, educational and charitable organizations. Only censored documents from deceased family members are open to researchers, and records pertaining to living Rockefellers are not yet available to historians.

It is curious that the family's fortune - their total assets and investments, plus the individual fortunes of family members - has never been exactly known; this is information closed to researchers. In addition, from the very beginning to this day, the welfare of the family is under the complete control of the male representatives of the dynasty.

The Rockefellers no longer spoke to Gorbachev as they did to Brezhnev. Not as an equal

The “golden billion” scheme, as it was 30 years ago, is over due to the degradation of the white race, says historian and social philosopher Andrei Fursov. In an interview with BUSINESS Online, Fursov explained whether the recently deceased patriarch of the Rockefeller family has successors, why the Kennedy family has been brutally punished for three generations, and why the influential Jewish clan invests in racology and eugenics, popular under Hitler.

Andrey Fursov: "The Rockefellers, like most of world elite, supporters of reducing the planet's population to 2 billion people. And solving this problem requires, among other things, serious medical and virological research"

The Rockefellers learned through their channels that London was recreating the British Empire in a new financially invisible form.

– Andrei Ilyich, after death David Rockefeller, who was the recognized head of his clan, the place of the “chief bourgeois” again became vacant. Who, after David's death, can become the patriarch of the Rockefeller family? And how complex is the clan itself? Is the head of the clan an autocrat or a compromise figure?

– We will soon find out who will become the next head of the clan. Like all the big ones financial families, from the Rockefeller family Always there is a leader. This is not a monarch, not an autocrat, and at the same time not a compromise figure. This is the person who ultimately determines the long-term and holistic interests of the family as one of the subjects of the world elite.

David has represented the clan since the mid-1970s after fading into the background Nelson Rockefeller, former Vice President of the United States. David's nomination was due to the fact that global financialization had begun. The Rockefellers decided that they should take a very active part in this process and put forward David who was engaged specifically finances. Today the Rockefeller clan has grown to enormous proportions. This powerful network, which is present in the financial sector, and in the oil industry, and in all supranational structures.

– Is there a strict hierarchy and subordination in the Rockefeller clan?

– The Rockefeller clan is numerous and extensive. Sometimes it is even called heterarchy, i.e. Very complex structure , which is characterized by both the interdependence of various elements and at the same time some of their autonomy. The Rockefellers provide this combination following structure organizations of their wealth: general family foundation, charitable foundations and private family foundations. In other words, there is a basic inalienable property, so the Rockefellers’ capital did not dissipate over three or four generations, as often happens in the West, but is preserved and increased.

– There are many myths about the Rockefellers. One of the most common is that they, along with some other clans, rule the world. Is this true or is it just fiction? What other clans are comparable to the Rockefellers in terms of influence? Or are their competitors only the equally famous Rothschilds?

– Many myths have indeed been created about the Rockefellers, as well as about the Rothschilds and other large families. This is understandable: there is not much information. Plus deliberately launched misinformation and the desire of people to look behind the scenes. In the twentieth century, one of the main lines of confrontation in the world elite was the rivalry between two large clusters of interests, in the foreground of which were Rockefellers And Rothschilds. During the two world wars, the group led by the Rockefellers prevailed over the group led by the Rothschilds. Firstly, because it was more connected with industrial capital (in the war era, industrial capital took revenge on finance capital for the defeats in the 19th century). Secondly, Rockefellers in wars sponsored both Anglo-Saxon and German parties to the conflict, increasing their profits.

After the end of the war, the Rothschilds began to prepare a retaliatory strike, and no later than 1967, the Rockefellers learned through their information channels that London was recreating the British Empire in a new - “financially invisible” - form. At the same time, the Rothschilds actively worked with the Soviet leadership, it is no coincidence Moscow People's Bank in the 1960s was one of most active banks of the City. The Rockefellers' reaction was immediate. In the short term it was a demarche De Gaulle, who demanded the US return gold in exchange for dollars. This was one of the factors that led to the US abandoning the gold standard in 1971. It cost Charles de Gaulle his career, but these are already “production costs.”

Saving the dollar, and therefore preserving the Rockefeller position, required tying the dollar to some other source of liquidity. This was oil, and this operation again could not have happened without the very close participation of the Soviet leadership. In response to the active actions of the Rothschilds in China, the Rockefellers took their own actions.

Currently, the balance of power between the two clusters of interests has approximately leveled out. Moreover, the top 20-30 families of the world elite try not to lead bloody wars, between them there is some kind of informal “water truce”.

Only upstarts from the second or third hundred of the world's rich who have forgotten their place are severely punished (a classic example is the punishment of family Kennedy as many as three generations). It is significant that almost all the largest families are represented in all closed supranational structures of global coordination and management such as Bilderberg And Rimsky clubs, Trilateral Commission. Although the initiators of the creation of these structures were the Rockefellers, whose think tank prepared the report “Study of War and Peace” back in 1944. It determined the development trends of the world in the next 25-35 years and formulated the goals of the United States.

Without Brezhnev, the game of creating petrodollars would not have succeeded

– Is it possible to determine that one of the world clans is still the most influential?

– As I already said, the balance of power is constantly changing. For example, the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th were marked by the power of the Rothschilds. Besides them there were also Barings and a number of other families. But then the Rockefellers become stronger. This clan rose through two world wars. By the way, in the 20s - 30s Joseph Stalin very actively used the contradictions between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, between the USA and Great Britain, and thanks to this managed to carry out industrialization in our country. Meanwhile, the British and Americans had very different types and on Adolf Hitler. The Americans wanted him to crush the British Empire, and then Stalin would finish him off. And the British wanted Hitler to defeat Stalin, and then they themselves would finish off Hitler. It was a complex combination that involved everyone. But ultimately the British managed to thwart the American plans and after active behind-the-scenes negotiations with Rudolf Hess On June 22, 1941, Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. In the same time The connections between Rockefeller structures and the Third Reich are no secret to anyone.

Under Gorbachev, the processes intensified again, but the Rockefellers no longer spoke to him the way they did to Brezhnev

– It is obvious that the Rockefellers played a very big role in the fate of our country in the first half of the twentieth century. What explains their interest in Soviet Russia in the post-war period? Why did they meet with Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, what kind of relationship connected them with Mikhail Gorbachev?

– In general, the Rockefellers’ interest in Russia arose at the very beginning of the 20th century because of Baku oil, which competed with their companies. The revolution solved the problem of eliminating a competitor. But in the late 1920s the director Central Bank England Montague Norman closed the British Empire (25 percent of the world market) from outside world, that is, from the United States. This was an asymmetrical response from the Rothschilds to the Rockefellers. And then The Rockefellers began to actively invest in both the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. After a pause in the 1950s, the Rockefellers resumed relations with the USSR, now with the Brezhnev leadership. Without latest game the creation of petrodollars would not have succeeded. At Gorbachev processes intensified again, but the Rockefellers no longer spoke to him the same way as to Brezhnev. That is, not as an equal partner, but as a person who could already do certain things dictate.

– Do the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have any interests in today’s Russia? Which Russian oligarchs are supported by these influential families? Who from the ruling elite of our country can be close to them to one degree or another?

– I don’t have an exact answer to this question, I only have guesses. I think that there must be several Russian oligarchs, behind whom are de facto the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and, most likely, someone else.

– Do these clans have any relations with the current descendants of the Romanov family? Is it by chance that the topic of monarchy and Russian succession to the throne is being actively raised in Russia today? What role did the Rockefellers, along with the House of Romanov, play in the creation of the Federal Reserve System?

– The theme of the monarchy is raised regardless of this. And people who introduce themselves Romanovs, A actually Hohenzollerns, such marginal figures that the Rockefellers would hardly have anything to do with them. They need serious counterparties. The information thrown around that the Romanovs played a big role in the creation of the Federal Reserve System, I think, is a significant exaggeration.

– What is the relationship between the Rockefellers and ruling clans USA? For example, it is known that Bill Clinton has been a member of the Bilderberg Club since 1991. Why did the Rockefellers allow the Clintons to lose in the recent US elections?

– This once again shows that they are not omnipotent. Very often there are equilibrium situations that are poorly controlled. But there is no need to worry about the Rockefellers. For example, they didn’t really want to win Richard Nixon. But he won, and therefore the Rockefellers surrounded him with a large number of their people and conditions. Concerning Hillary Clinton, then she made her entire career with the help of the Rockefellers. And about Bill Clinton and there were persistent rumors that he illegitimate son Winthrop Rockefeller. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know. But the important thing is that the Clintons are from the Rockefeller cluster, however, this time they lost. Something tells me that in the conditions that Trump put up by the American elite, a considerable part was put up by the Rockefellers. And he will have to fulfill these conditions, despite all the support from the Rothschilds, who moved him in the same way as Brexit. Thus, it can be stated that at present, in the world system, a fragile balance has developed between the main clans and no one wants to drive the wave and rock the boat. Otherwise it will be more expensive for yourself.

It used to be assumed that the “golden billion” were white Europeans. But now the world is only 8 percent white

– There is an opinion that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are brought to the fore as a kind of cover. But in fact, the more influential are the same Baruchs who are in the shadows.

– At the clan Barukhov really high status. If we take the Jewish world, they usually say that it is divided into two groups: Ashkenazi(these are Eastern European Jews) and Sephardim(Jews of Spanish origin). Of the 12 million Jews, according to official statistics, 10 million are Ashkenazi and 2 million are Sephardim. But there is another group. According to various estimates, there are from 150 to 300 thousand. These are the so-called Roman Jews, who moved from Palestine to Rome in the 1st - 3rd centuries AD, and this is the super elite. Baruchi belong specifically to this group. And they are, of course, very influential.

But the Rockefellers are not a cover either. They occupy their niche, which they are constantly expanding. Their strength is not only in money. From the end of the 19th century, the clan began to invest very seriously in science and the university environment in the United States. A significant part of the American political, military, intelligence and scientific-technological establishment either comes from the scientific and university structures supervised by the Rockefellers or is associated with them. The Rockefellers invested most actively in areas such as medicine, biology, eugenics, virology, raceology. Here we see some trends that, in the late 1940s, due to their prevalence were compromised in the Third Reich. But these are precisely the directions that the Rockefellers sponsored in America and which still have not gone away, but simply went into the shadows. Moreover, the Rockefellers, like most of the world's elite, are big supporters of reducing the planet's population to 2 billion people. And solving this problem requires, among other things, serious medical and virological research.

– Birth control, global population reduction, prevention environmental disaster and exhaustion natural resources– which of these David Rockefeller projects are practically applicable? Who do you think he was more of - a utopian or a pragmatist?

– When it comes to long-term historical projects, at a certain level of decision-making, the line between pragmatics and utopia very often becomes blurred. Who was, for example , Karl Marx– pragmatist or utopian? On the one hand, he is a utopian. But on the other hand, both in the anti-capitalist Soviet Union and in the capitalist West, many of his ideas were implemented. Ideologist of mondialism Jacques Attali In general, he considers Marx’s main merit the idea of ​​a world government.

During the so-called Student Revolution in France (in fact - special operations to overthrow De Gaulle) in 1968 there was a slogan: “Be realistic, demand the impossible.” Much of what Rockefeller said also seems like a utopia. For example, the reduction of the planet's population. But from the point of view of tomorrow, this may turn out to be pure pragmatism, because for the world elite, reducing the planet’s population is an imperative. Otherwise, they will face a problem worse than the migration crisis in Europe.

– David Rockefeller wanted to make the planet more suitable for the life of the “golden billion”. Is there anything in common in these aspirations with floating cities, the first of which the United States plans to build in two or three years?

– Floating cities are no longer for the “golden billion”. What do we see today? The extent to which the United States is populated by people from Latin America, and Europe - immigrants from Africa and the Middle East is such that there will be no “golden billion”. It used to be assumed that the “golden billion” is white Europeans. But now in the world of white people only 8 percent left. This the only race that is decreasing in numbers. In addition, there are very serious problems, which the West doesn’t like to talk about, but they exist. This degradation of white Europeans who live in comfortable conditions. Over the last century, as experts note, they have experienced a decrease in brain volume. I’m not even talking about the softening of the will, the inability to resist strangers. Well-fed, rich people are not only not the engines of progress, but they are also incapable of protecting themselves. Another 15 - 20 years will pass, and we will have the next conflict in Europe. On the one side - well-fed elderly Europeans who have said goodbye to their Christianity and don’t believe in anything at all, on the other hand - young aggressive people from Africa and the Middle East who have their own faith, for which they are capable of killing. And most importantly, for them Europeans are alien biological material that needs to be destroyed.

I remember an interview with one of the Palestinian leaders. Until 1968, he was a supporter of leftist views, a Marxist. When the events of 1968 began in Paris, he rushed to France, believing that he would find high spirituality there. As a result, he was shocked by the degree of moral decline of young French leftists and therefore turned towards Islam.

The “golden billion” scheme in the form in which it was presented 30 years ago is over. This concept will no longer be realized, contrary to the mantras of simpletons like Francis Fukuyama(American philosopher who proclaimed the “end of history” due to the widespread triumph of democratic values ​​- editor's note). I classify these mantras as a syndrome Sidonia Apollinaria. There was a Roman poet and bishop of Clermont who lived in the 5th century AD. He wrote to his friend something like: “We live in wonderful times, I’m sitting by the pool, a dragonfly is hovering over the surface of the water. This beautiful world will last forever." Literally in a few years Odoacer destroyed Rome. But floating cities are a reality. But they are only intended for half a million of the world's elite. If they manage to launch the first ship in 2019, we’ll see what happens next. By the way, by the irony of history, the schemes of these cities are the same that Soviet engineers developed at the turn of the 50s - 60s of the last century.

– Why are the Rockefellers far from being in first place on the Forbes list? Does this indicate a partial loss of influence by them? Or is their current influence not converted into dollars?

Forbes list, as Galich sang, “this, Red, is all for the public,” that is, for completely naive people. Well, who's there? Bill Gates, Warren Buffett... This middle layer billionaires, but not the top. These are the owners some 60 - 70 billion. Forbes cites individual fortunes, which is a scam from the very beginning, because it must be measured by family wealth. And there are other champions here. For example, the Rothschilds, according to serious estimates, somewhere 3.2 trillion dollars, the Rockefellers have about 2.5 trillion. And it doesn’t matter that David himself had 3 billion. We have oligarchs with much more money, who yesterday jumped out of the gateway and used them recorded former state property. The main wealth is family wealth.

At the same time, money does not determine everything. As the main character of Robert Penn Warren's novel, Willie Stark, said, dollars are good up to a certain limit. And then everything is decided by the authorities. And very often in the sphere of intellect and ideas. So the influence of the Rockefellers is determined not only by dollars, but also by the weight that they acquired in the university and scientific environment and the degree of control over this environment. We must remember that the world is matter, energy and information. And in this triangle, one of the angles very often comes to the fore. Moreover, this is not always matter and energy. Very often this is information. And, naturally, those who own it own the world. The Rockefellers are one of them.

Even during his lifetime, the figure of this man was shrouded in an aura of secrets and legends. In some circles he was called nothing less than “Director of the World.” David Rockefeller is considered one of the main ideologists of globalization, an adherent of neoconservatism, a participant and, as many insiders say, the founder of several elite, including secret, communities, among which the main one is the Bilderberg Club. The right calls the club a "world government" and the left says it's "just" a meeting richest people planet, which obeys no one.

The figure of David Rockefeller is extremely controversial: some call him a misanthrope because of his call for limitation and birth control on a global scale - Rockefeller believed that growing humanity had become the main cause of air pollution. Others admire him as one of the most generous philanthropists and benefactors - " NY The Times estimated the size of David Rockefeller's donations at almost a billion dollars.

David Rockefeller Sr. was born in June of 1915. It seems that fate not only kissed, but kissed this baby, because he was born into a family where grandfather John D. Rockefeller was the first in the history of mankind dollar billionaire and an oil tycoon.

The biography of the famous banker David Rockefeller is closely connected with New York, which became his childhood city. IN early years the heir to the Rockefeller empire grew up in the only “skyscraper” in the city - a 9-story mansion, and attended a school that was opened and financed by his legendary grandfather.

Raising young David can serve as an excellent example for those parents who dream of their child growing up to become a banker. The Rockefeller family established an entire system of financial incentives, built in strict accordance with the laws of the market. Everything was valued in monetary units here - from killing flies (2 cents per piece) to playing music (5 cents per hour). The first day that children refused sweets was valued at 2 cents, but the amount of reward for each subsequent day increased 5 times. Those who were late for breakfast were subject to a “penalty” of 1 cent. Each of the young heirs richest clan kept a ledger in which he carefully combined debits and credits.

Later, in his memoirs, David Rockefeller told how his father fought for sobriety and a healthy lifestyle for his children: he offered each of his offspring $2.5 thousand for abstaining from alcohol and smoking until they were 21 years old. The same amount will happen if children don’t drink and smoke until they are 25 years old. Only David’s older sister didn’t care about money: Babs defiantly smoked a cigarette right in front of her parents’ eyes.

After graduating from school, David Rockefeller decided to continue his education at Harvard, where he chose the Faculty of Humanities. But after graduating from the famous university, the future banker realized that he could not do without an economic education. So David entered the renowned London School of Economics. But even after receiving an excellent basic education here, the young Rockefeller did not stop: he improved his knowledge of economics at the University of Chicago. Here in 1940 he brilliantly defended his doctoral dissertation and began his career.


Oddly enough, David Rockefeller did not immediately strive to occupy the highest level in the hierarchical ladder and, after defending his doctorate, he accepted a rather modest position as secretary of the New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia, who became famous for his fight against mafia clans, as well as against corruption and poverty. But the young financier did not stay in public service for long: the war turned out to be to blame.

In the spring of 1942, David Rockefeller went to military service. He joined the army as a private, and in 1945 he already held the rank of captain. During the war years, the future financial genius served in North Africa and France: he worked for military intelligence.

After defeat fascist Germany David Rockefeller returned home in 1946 and actively “joined” family business. And again he started at the bottom rung - as an assistant manager of one of the departments of Chase National Bank. It is noteworthy that most of the shares of this bank belonged to the Rockefellers, and David could occupy any of the top positions, but he understood that in order to achieve success he must thoroughly study each “link” of a complex mechanism.

In 1949, David Rockefeller was already a vice director, and a year later he sat in the chair of the vice president of the board of Chase National Bank, which was in charge of international affairs. All this time, the financial tycoon behaved surprisingly modestly: he rode the subway, clutching a briefcase with papers between his legs and reading a newspaper.

In January 1961, the banker became president of Chase Manhattan Bank and remained in this responsible position until April 1981. 66-year-old David Rockefeller resigned only because he reached the maximum age allowed by the charter of a financial institution.

Rockefeller's innovations were revolutionary at that time: for example, in Panama, he managed to persuade the bank management to accept cattle as collateral.


Rockefeller's fortune is estimated at $3.3 billion. It may not be the largest (in the Forbes ranking there are only 581 places), but the level of influence of the head of the clan, which in terms of its level of mystery is equated to the Masonic order, is difficult to overestimate.


The influence of his father and grandfather had a huge impact on Rockefeller's views: he became an ideologist of globalization and neoconservatism. David Rockefeller advocated birth control and restriction. He first voiced the idea at a UN conference in 2008, calling on the United Nations to “find satisfactory ways to stabilize the world population.” David Rockefeller is confident that “excessive” birth rates can deepen the already acute problems of ecology and resource depletion globe.

Many consider Rockefeller to be the founder of the influential and mysterious Bilderberg Club, which is credited with almost ruling the world. David began his activities in the club in 1954: it was then that the first Dutch meeting was held. For decades, David Rockefeller was a regular participant in the meetings and a member of the so-called “committee of managers.” It was the committee that compiled the list of invitees to future meetings, which included only a select few, the world elite.

The importance of this elite gathering may be exaggerated and even demonized, but some experts and politicians are convinced that it is the Bilderberg Group that determines the national leaders who subsequently win elections in their respective countries. In any case, this is precisely the example demonstrated by the Governor of Arkansas, who was invited to the BC meeting in 1991: Clinton soon became President of the United States.

The same enormous influence is attributed to the Trilateral Commission, founded by David Rockefeller in the summer of 1973.

In 2008, the billionaire donated $100 million to Harvard University, where he studied in his youth. The amount of this donation turned out to be the largest in the entire history of the famous educational institution.


David Rockefeller is credited with saying this at a Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany in 1991:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other prominent publications, whose leaders attended our meetings and respected their confidentiality for nearly four decades. We would not have been able to develop our plan for world order if the spotlight had been turned on us all these years. But nowadays the world is more sophisticated and is ready to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and world bankers is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in centuries past.”

Rockefeller quotes on hearing

In 2002, David Rockefeller presented the world with his autobiographical book “A Banker in the 20th Century. Memoirs”, in which he lifted the veil of some of the secrets of his success. On page 405 of the Memoirs there is another “loud” quote from Rockefeller:

“For over a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically invoked certain famous events, such as my bad experience with Castro, to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive menacing influence they claim we exert.” on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, and characterize my family and I as "internationalists" colluding with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world , if you like. If that is the charge, then I plead guilty and I am proud of it.”

Personal life

The proponent of birth limitation and control on a global scale did not at all extend this restriction to himself: David Rockefeller and his wife Margaret “Peggy” McGrath had six heirs.

Margaret's father was an influential financier, a partner in a famous Wall Street law firm. The couple married in September 1940 and created a strong family. Their first child, David Rockefeller Jr. was born in July 1941. The second son, Richard Rockefeller, was born in 1949.

The tycoon's four daughters are named Abby, Neva, Peggy and Eileen.

The billionaire’s personal life was happy: he was married to his soulmate for 56 years. David Rockefeller became a widower in 1996. He never married again.

As of 2002, Rockefeller had 10 grandchildren.

The death of his son Richard was a huge blow for the businessman, banker and philanthropist: he passed away in the summer of 2014. 65-year-old Dr. Richard Rockefeller flew to New York for his father's 99th birthday. On June 13 he was hurrying home. Richard was a long-time and experienced pilot: he took the helm of a single-engine plane, but the ship, barely taking off from the ground, crashed, catching on trees.

Then many started talking about the non-accidentality of the tragedy, seeing behind it a powerful rival clan of Jacob Rothschild, whom conspiracy theorists call “the secret puppet master of the planet.” They argue that it is difficult to call the death of the main heir of the Rockefeller clan, into whose hands the empire was supposed to pass, an accident. They say that the death of Richard Rockefeller put an end to the truce between the world's two main clans.

Conspiracy theorists believe that these two clans secretly rule the world and that they are behind the organization of wars and all conflicts. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are also “attributed” to the global financial crisis and even the departure of the Pope.

The famous financial tycoon had an unusual hobby - collecting beetles. The billionaire was proud that a rare scarab, which was found in the mountains of Mexico, was named in his honor - Diplotaxis rockefelleri.


The oldest billionaire on the planet. He died at the age of 101 in his sleep, at dawn, on his Pocantico Hills estate in New York State.

David Rockefeller holds the record for the number of heart transplants. He received his first transplant in 1976 after a car accident caused a heart attack. Then the billionaire turned 61 years old. They say that a week after the operation, the banker went for a run.

Over the next 40 years, David underwent six more operations, bringing the total number of heart transplants to seven, but the accuracy of the data is difficult to judge. Rockefeller's last operation was allegedly performed in 2016.

David Rockefeller did not talk about his operations either to the press or in his memoirs: a negative reaction from society could follow, because you can only get a new heart in the order in the transplant queue. But leading transplantologists deny the connection between the patient’s viability and the organs received.

According to other sources, it was not a living, but a mechanical “heart” that was beating in David Rockefeller’s chest. In addition, the banker underwent kidney transplants twice.

The cause of David Rockefeller's death was the failure of his seventh (or sixth) heart.

Details of the billionaire's funeral have not been disclosed.

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