How to get to Diveyevo by bus. Open the left menu of Diveevo. Directions to the Diveyevo Monastery

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery is located in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region. The history of the monastery began at the end of the 18th century.

According to legend, the Mother of God herself pointed to the site of the foundation of the Kazan Church, which became the beginning of the monastery, appearing during prayer to Mother Alexandra, the first abbess of the monastery.

On the territory of the monastery there are the Trinity, Annunciation and Spaso-Preobrazhensky cathedrals. Many pilgrims come to this place every day for prayer and healing.

Address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district, village. Diveevo, st. Komsomolskaya, 4

Diveyevo Monastery on the map (direction)

Directions to the Diveyevo Monastery

You can get to the village of Diveevo from Moscow either by car, which is more preferable, or by train to Arzamas or Nizhny Novgorod, and from there go to Diveevo by bus.

By train

There are no direct trains from Moscow to Diveevo, since it is a very small village and the railway does not go there. In this case, you have to choose from two options: go by train to Arzamas, or to Nizhny Novgorod. The road to Arzamas is shorter and takes less time.

You can choose any train in the Kazan direction, but it is best to travel at night in order to have time to get to Diveevo by bus. From Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod you can go either from Yaroslavsky or Kursky station.

Several trains depart to Nizhny Novgorod during the day, including high-speed ones. How to get from Arzamas and Nizhny Novgorod to Diveevo will be described below.

By car

From Moscow you should follow the Gorkovskoye Highway (M7-Volga highway) to Vladimir. At the junction, before reaching the city, do not miss the turn to Murom. Along this road, passing Murom itself and such settlements as Kulebaki, Ardatov, Mayevka, after 270 km you will arrive in the village of Diveevo.

The entire journey from Moscow to the monastery can take 7-8 hours. You should definitely take into account the time it takes to leave Moscow, since Gorkovskoe Highway is usually very busy.

By bus from Arzamas

Having reached the Arzamas-2 station by train, you need to change to a bus going to the village of Diveevo. Buses leave frequently, almost every hour, so this method is the most convenient. Look for a bus with the destination “Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery”, it will take you to the destination of the route.

By bus from Nizhny Novgorod

From the Shcherbinki bus station on Gagarin Avenue, bus No. 1645 goes to Diveevo. Also from the bus station on Lyadova Street you can get to your destination by shuttle bus with the message “Nizhny Novgorod-Sarov”, which calls at Diveevo. You will reach the monastery in approximately 3 hours.

In addition to the listed methods, it is also possible to fly to Nizhny Novgorod from Moscow by plane, or sail by boat. But even in this case, you will need a regular bus to Diveevo.

Directions to the Diveyevo Monastery from St. Petersburg

By car

From St. Petersburg to Diveevo it is 1200 km, so you can spend all 17 hours on the road.

  1. You need to leave St. Petersburg along the Moskovskoye Highway and then along the M10 highway.
  2. Not far from Moscow, near the village of Spas-Zaulok, turn left.
  3. Further, through the city of Dmitrov, Sergiev Posad, following the A108 highway, exit onto the M7-Volga highway.
  4. Turn onto the M7 highway - immediately after the city of Elektrogorsk.

You need to take this road to get to Vladimir. And then, through Murom and Ardatov, as on the route from Moscow, get to the monastery.

By train

Several trains travel from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod from Ladozhsky and Moskovsky stations. You will reach Nizhny Novgorod in about 14 hours. How to get to Diveevo from Nizhny Novgorod was described above.

Directions to the Diveyevo Monastery from Arzamas

How to get from Arzamas to Diveevo by bus has already been described. You can reach the monastery by car. Moreover, it is only 59 kilometers and it is quite possible to cover this distance in an hour. Sovetskaya Street will take you to the route to Diveyevo from Arzamas.

Directions to the Diveyevo Monastery from Murom

Murom is located 140 km from the Diveyevo Monastery. You will have to drive along the highway, passing Navashino, Kulebaki, Ardatov and Mayevka. You can also go through Arzamas, but in this case the road will be almost a hundred kilometers longer and the travel time will increase to 3-4 hours.

In addition to the convent, cathedrals and churches, there are holy springs in Diveyevo. The most revered of them is the spring of St. Seraphim, which is next to the Sarovka River.

In 1993, next to the miraculous spring, a wooden chapel, which was consecrated by Patriarch Alexy II. People come to the Diveyevo Monastery for various reasons.

Some - to pray and cleanse the soul, others - to fulfill their desires, others - to see with their own eyes the place where Seraphim of Sarov lived and preached, to venerate his relics.

All these people have one thing in common: everyone takes away from these places peace and light in their souls. Agree, this is a lot!

(8 ratings, average: 4,75 out of 5)

Diveevo and surrounding shrines - a guide for pilgrims

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is one of the main shrines of the Orthodox world. She, along with Athos, Iveria and Kiev, is considered one of the four earthly inheritances of the Mother of God.

Here is the Holy Canal, dug on the site of the path that the Mother of God herself walked around the holy monastery she had chosen. Also here rest the relics of the famous holy wonderworker - St. Seraphim of Sarov and the relics of the holy founders of the women's monastery he cared for.

Many Orthodox Christians dream of visiting this place, touching its shrines, walking through the Holy Canal with prayer and washing in the local holy springs. Where are these holy places located? How to get here? What exactly is worth seeing here and what is the most convenient way to do it in order to be on time everywhere?

How to worship shrines correctly? Where is the best place to stay in Diveevo and how to arrange this in advance? Where can you eat in the monastery? What shrines and important attractions located near Diveevo would also be worth visiting? Our small guide is designed to answer all these questions of the pious pilgrim.

Diveevo: a little local history and geography

The Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo Convent is located in the very center of the village of Diveevo, founded in 1559 and located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The village is located 180 kilometers southwest of Nizhny Novgorod and 60 kilometers southwest of Arzamas. On this moment The regional center of Diveevo is home to about 6,500 people. In addition to the monastery, there is another significant institution in the village - the Diveyevo poultry farm, which also employs many local residents.

The monastery itself was founded much later than the village by Agafya Semyonovna Melgunova (in monasticism Alexandra), a noblewoman by birth, who received a revelation from God about the need to build a temple and organize a maiden community in the place indicated to her. This place turned out to be Diveevo, near which the Monk Seraphim of Sarov labored, who later became the spiritual mentor of the sisters of the monastery. The monastery began to be built with the construction of the Kazan Church, which was founded in 1767.

Now the Seraphim-Diveevo monastery is one of the largest and most significant convents in Russia. There is a prediction by St. Seraphim that one day it will become the world's first women's monastic monastery.

Before coming to Diveevo, you should definitely read the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov and, preferably, at least a short Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery. A lot of interesting information about the history of these places and information useful for pilgrims can be found on the “Wonderful Diveevo” portal.

You can get to the Diveyevo monastery by several routes

The easiest way is to take the train to Arzamas. In the city itself, take bus No. 1 to Cathedral Square, go down 50 meters from it to the Arzamas bus station, and from there go to the village by regular bus. The Arzamas-Diveevo bus runs all day until late evening at intervals of one hour and costs about 150 rubles per person.

You can also fly by plane or take a train to Nizhny Novgorod, and from there get to Arzamas by train or bus and then follow the above route.

There is a third option for the main route. If you book a hotel, apartment or house in Diveevo in advance, you can often agree with the owners to pick you up from the Arzamas station by car.

In addition to the route through Arzamas, there is also a route from Moscow. There you can take a bus to Sarov, which stops in Diveevo while passing through. In this case, you will have to spend at least nine and a half hours on the road. An intercity bus will cost about 1000 rubles.

Where to stay in Diveevo, how much, and how to arrange it in advance?

Most The best way, tested on personal experience– stay with friends you’ve stayed with before. However, suppose you are making a pilgrimage to this Holy place for the first time.

Then it is best to use the service, where you can not only pre-book your accommodation for the dates you need without any prepayments or penalties, but also find offers for different tastes and incomes - and rooms in guest houses (hotels), both apartments and private houses. For one person or for several. You can find a good apartment on the website for about 600-700 rubles per day per person.

You can also book accommodation in one of the many thematic groups on VKontakte or on the Divnoe Diveevo portal. But this option is less convenient than the first. You can rent a house or apartment, or a room in one of the many guest houses in the village. Guest houses offer a variety of additional services and meals, but rooms there cost approximately twice as much (1000-1200 rubles per day) than average housing in the city (500-600 rubles per day).

Finally, you can go to the monastery’s pilgrimage center. In advance or upon arrival at the monastery. Here you will find shelter only in group rooms of four people or more. And it will cost you only a little less than in the village (500-600 rubles per day). At the same time, you will be strictly tied to the routine of the monastery, and no one will vouch for the safety of your belongings. But you can all pray together and find new friends...

Where and what can you eat here?

So: you have reached the holy monastery and found accommodation for the night in a village or in the monastery fence... But before considering the shrines themselves, let’s touch on another important issue - the issue of nutrition.

If you stay in a guest house, then you will have two options: include meals in the room rate or buy yourself something in the store. You can do the same if you rent a house or apartment.

If you stay in a monastery hotel, then most likely you will go to eat at the refectory for pilgrims - paid or free (however, you can use these options even if you live in the village).

There are two pieces of advice here. First: under no circumstances dine in a paid refectory! Expensive and tasteless. Second: be sure to eat at least once in the free refectory of the monastery. The food there is not particularly fancy, but surprisingly, simply incredibly tasty. Apparently because they cook it with holy water and with prayer... In general, you should definitely go there!

The free refectory is located in the Alexander Nevsky Church of the monastery. If you don’t want to eat there just like that, you can work off your porridge and ask for some kind of obedience required by the monastery.

If you plan to go to a free refectory for dinner or lunch, it is better to come there immediately after the service. After the liturgy - from 11.00 to 13.00, after the all-night vigil - from 19.00 to 20.00.

What shrines can you visit in the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery

First of all, this is the Holy Groove. The 777-meter-long ditch goes around the Annunciation Cathedral of the monastery and the monastery hospital. A shaft with railings and a tiled path was erected above the Kanavka. St. Seraphim advised walking along the Canal, which the Queen of Heaven herself had outlined with her steps, reading the prayer “O Mother of God, Virgin, Rejoice...” 150 times.

“The Mother of God herself measured this groove with her belt... Here the feet of the Mother of God passed... Whoever walks through the groove with prayer and reads one and a half hundred “Theotokos”, Athos, Jerusalem, and Kiev are all here,” the saint used to say.

If you go from the main gate deep into the monastery, then first on your right there will be the Kazan Cathedral, in lower tier of which there is the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, and on the right is the monastery hotel and the monastery’s pilgrimage center. Then you will pass under the multi-tiered bell tower of the monastery, and in front of you, right in the center of the monastery, will be a green temple with silver domes - the cathedral in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity.

To the right of the Trinity Cathedral you can see the yellow building of the refectory church in the name of Alexander Nevsky, and on the rear side you will see the largest cathedral of the monastery - the Transfiguration Cathedral.

The snow-white Transfiguration Cathedral is crowned with five gilded domes. Between the Trinity and Transfiguration Cathedrals, a small area is reserved for the monastery cemetery, where the most significant people for the history of the monastery are buried: Hieromonk Vladimir (Shikin), Abbess Maria (Ushakova), temple creator Fyodor Dolgintsev, assistant to St. Seraphim Nikolai Motovilov and others.

The last cathedral of the women's monastery, Annunciation, is located on the left behind the cathedral in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It, as mentioned above, is almost completely surrounded by the Holy Kanavka, immediately beyond which the territory of the monastery ends.

In the lower church of the Kazan Cathedral, consecrated in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the relics of the holy founding mothers of the monastery are exhibited for the veneration of pilgrims: nun Alexandra (Melgunova), schema-nun Martha (Milyukova) and nun Elena (Manturova). In the Kazan Church itself rest the relics of four more Diveyevo holy wives: the venerable confessor Matrona (Vlasova) and the blessed Paraskeva (Pasha) of Sarov, Pelageya and Maria. And in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery you can venerate the relics of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov himself.

Liturgy at the monastery is most often served in the Transfiguration Cathedral. At the end of the ceremony, pilgrims are given small portions of blessed butter and crackers prepared in Father Seraphim’s cauldron. The all-night vigil is also most often celebrated in the cathedral in the name of the Holy Trinity.

After the end of the evening service (at approximately 19.00), life in the monastery gradually comes to a standstill and everything closes. So it is better to come to the shrines before this time. If you don’t plan to go to bed early, it is recommended to devote the next evening to a trip to one or more holy springs in order to pray nearby, swim in the healing waters and take holy water with you. Many locals and pilgrims do this every evening while they live in Diveevo and cook all their food in holy water.

There are five holy springs in Diveevo itself. The Iveron spring and the spring of Mother Aleksanra are located not far from the main entrance to the monastery (for more details, see the diagram near the main gate). If you go from it to the bus station - to the left and down from the main road. The area of ​​the springs is equipped with closed baths, wells for collecting water, funnels and benches. A small stream flows nearby, where you can feed beautiful ducks in spring.

Three more springs are also located near the main entrance to the monastery and are marked on its diagram. To get to them, you will have to turn in the direction opposite to the bus station and, after walking along the main road, also turn left and pass the bridge. The sources are dedicated to Saint Panteleimon and two icons of the Mother of God - “Kazan” and “Tenderness”.

How to properly worship shrines

As mentioned above, before coming to the shrine or the relics of a saint, it is worth reading what has been written about her or him. In addition, you don’t need to take many different devices with you on your pilgrimage, often go online and call someone, or watch TV in the evenings. All business and entertainment should stay at home... You need to get away from the bustle.

Another important aspect of the pilgrimage is the liturgical life. In Diveevo it is worth attending services and receiving communion more often. Don't treat this place as a tourist attraction - soak up its holiness throughout your life here. Drink holy water, venerate the relics of saints and miraculous icons, walk prayerfully along the groove.

The time spent in Diveevo is worth dedicating to contemplation. Contemplating the beauty of the world created by God, contemplating the depths of your soul. Bring repentance for the sins you have committed, think about how to improve your life.

Finally, prayer for loved ones. Don’t forget that your family and friends would also like to visit Diveevo. Be sure to send notes for them, light candles, and buy them small memorable gifts. The Lord will definitely bless you for your care!

Nearby shrines that are also worth seeing

First of all, there are several other holy springs around Diveevo that you can go to. All of them are located relatively close to the monastery and you can visit them with other believers on the buses of the monastery pilgrimage center or by making arrangements with private owners. It all depends on the route. One source can be visited for about 200-400 rubles per person.

Near the village of Tsyganovka there is a source of St. Seraphim. According to legend, it was formed in the 20th century after the appearance of the monk himself here, when the Diveyevo springs were inaccessible due to the policies of the Bolshevik authorities. Many people note that this key is very cold, but at the same time very healing.

A kilometer from the village of Kremenki there is the “Manifested” source of the Mother of God, which appeared here back in 1670. Near the village of Avtodeevo there is a spring in the name of the Holy Trinity, and near the village of Mayovka - in the name of the Archangel Michael.

Also, several tens of kilometers from the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery there are holy places that can be visited on a tour from the monastery’s pilgrimage center or by agreement with local residents. True, going to them will be noticeably more expensive - 700-1500 rubles per person. These are Sarov, Sanaksarsky Monastery and Murom.

And don't forget about Arzamas! On the Cathedral Square of this wonderful city there is a number of beautiful churches, including the Transfiguration Cathedral - a monument to heroes Patriotic War 1812. And in winter cathedral in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring” in the left aisle there is a rare icon of the Mother of God, to which they pray for the gift of children.

In Sarov you can get to the Holy Dormition Sarov Hermitage, where the Monk Seraphim began his feat. During the Soviet years, the desert was devastated and closed, but is now being actively restored. Not far from Sarov are the Near and Far hermitages of Father Seraphim. In the Far Hermitage the saint performed the most famous of his feats - praying for a thousand days on a stone. The pilgrims long ago crushed the first stone and took it home like a shrine, but instead they installed a new one, similar, which can be seen there.

Sanaksarsky is hidden in the forests of Mordovia monastery. In this monastery, in a unique wooden reliquary, reminiscent of the hull of a ship and elements of its rigging and spars, rest the relics of the holy righteous Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov, admiral Russian fleet, which brought our country great victories many times. There you can also venerate the relics of the admiral’s uncle, St. Feodor of Sanaksarsky, and the relics of Alexander of Sanaksarsky, one of the abbots of the monastery.

Until recently, Elder Jerome (Verendyakin) labored in Sanaksar, who had many spiritual children throughout Russia. Now he is buried within the walls of the monastery, many pilgrims visit his grave, and books with his instructions are sold throughout the country in huge editions.

The Sanaksar Monastery is located away from the main roads in a very picturesque place on the lake shore and will delight the eyes of architecture connoisseurs. The only disadvantage of traveling here is the very poor quality of Mordovian roads...

Finally, from Diveevo you can go to Murom - the homeland of the Venerable Bogatyr Elijah Muromets.

Here pilgrims will find the patron saints of the marriage of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, before whose relics they will be able to say a prayer in the Holy Trinity Convent. And in the Murom Nikolo-Embankment Church, located on the banks of the Oka River, it is worth venerating the relics of another patroness of marriage - St. Juliana of Lazarevskaya.

Opposite the Holy Trinity Monastery is the Annunciation Monastery. It was founded by Ivan the Terrible after the capture of Kazan in 1552, on the burial site of Prince Constantine and his family, canonized for the spread of Christianity on Murom soil.

The architecture of ancient Murom will be of interest to connoisseurs of antiquity. There are many beautiful temples built four, five and even six centuries ago.

Three museums worth visiting when traveling to Diveevo

In Diveevo itself there are two museums related to the history of the monastery, which a pious pilgrim would also be interested in visiting. The first Museum is dedicated to the history of the Seraphim-Diveevskaya monastery in the 20th century, and the second is the house of blessed Paraskeva Diveevskaya (Pasha of Sarov) with an authentic setting. You should try to visit them before 15.00, as they close early.

Another wonderful museum that everyone should visit is located in Arzamas. This is the museum of the patriarchate, the only one in Russia. It is located on Cathedral Square in the three-hundred-year-old building of the Arzamas Town Hall. This museum displays the personal belongings of the patriarchs and has created exhibitions dedicated to them.

Not everyone knows that the fates of at least four of the sixteen patriarchs are connected with the Nizhny Novgorod land. Patriarch Alexy I and Patriarch Kirill have relatives from here, and Patriarchs Nikon and Sergius (Stragorodsky) were themselves born in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Also in the Museum of the Patriarchate there are exhibitions, dedicated to history Arzamas itself and the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov. From experienced local guides you will definitely learn a lot historical facts, associated with the First Hierarchs of the Russian Church, whom they did not know before. I recommend. The museum is open from Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00. The ticket price will be 80 rubles.

Diveevo is an ancient village in the Nizhny Novgorod region, dating back to the 16th century. But for believers this name carries a much deeper meaning. Before figuring out how to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg, you need to understand why this place is attractive. In Diveevo there is the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevo, where numerous pilgrims from different parts of the country go. In addition, this legendary place is associated with the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

History of the Diveyevo Monastery

Seraphim of Sarov at one time took the monastery under the patronage at the request of its founder, Mother Alexandra. Before Alexandra came to Diveevo there was only a small wooden church. Arriving as a wanderer in the village, she began to build a stone temple, then received land from a local landowner and began building a nunnery.

After the death of Mother Alexandra, Seraphim of Sarov took over the community. His merit is that he built the main shrine of the monastery - the Canal of the Queen of Heaven. This event took place at the beginning of the 19th century.

After the death of the saint, the monastery was subjected to various trials. It was closed under Soviet rule, and only in 1989 did its revival begin.

According to the testimony of the saint, Diveevo is the fourth chapel of the Virgin Mary in the world and the only one in Russia. It means that mother of God took some holy places under its protection:

  • Athos;
  • Iberia;
  • Kyiv;
  • Diveevo.

The Mother of God walked along the Kanavka and now this horseshoe-shaped path is blessed. Thousands of people every year decide how to get from St. Petersburg to the Diveevo Monastery in order to walk along the Kanavka in the path of the Mother of God and venerate the relics of Seraphim of Sarov. Everyone's goals are different:

  • Pray and receive grace.
  • Ask for wishes to be fulfilled.
  • Tourist interest.
  • Take a bath in the holy spring.

How to get to Diveevo

Considering that Diveevo is far from Big City, and the village, getting here is not so easy. The most unburdensome option is a paid pilgrimage tour, since the responsibility for arrival and accommodation falls on the shoulders of the organizers. But you can get there yourself. There are several ways to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg on your own:

  • air travel;
  • train ride;
  • bus ride;
  • car trip.

Between Diveevo and St. Petersburg there are approximately 1200 kilometers. How to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg? The distance is considerable, which will entail significant time costs. To save time, the most convenient mode of transport is an airplane.

How to get there

To take advantage of air travel, you need to buy a plane ticket to regional center, where the airport is located, that is, to Nizhny Novgorod. Two direct flights depart from Pulkovo Airport to Nizhny Novgorod every morning. Flight time is only 1 hour 40 minutes. The cost of a ticket is from 6,000 rubles if you buy it in advance (at least 2 weeks before the flight).

There is a Shcherbinki bus station in Nizhny Novgorod. From here a bus runs to the village every afternoon. Travel time will take about 3 hours. Thus, 1200 kilometers will be covered quite quickly and not too tiring. Of course, the cost of flights is not affordable for everyone. Therefore, you can consider other options.

If you choose a train to Nizhny Novgorod

For lovers of leisurely and more economical travel, we can offer the option of taking a train. If you buy seats in a compartment or SV, the traveler will get there in comfort. However, Diveevo is not on the list of settlements equipped with railway stations. Russian railways offer several options. Therefore, tourists will have to decide for themselves how to get to Diveevo from. You can choose the following directions:

  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Arzamas;
  • Moore.

From Moscow railway station you can get to Nizhny Novgorod. The Volga branded train No. 059A runs in the evenings. The travel time on this flight will be 14 hours, the average ticket price is 4,719 rubles, the actual price depends on the choice of carriage type. If saving is important, then you can purchase a ticket for a reserved seat carriage for only 2,615 rubles. There is a bus from Nizhny Novgorod to Diveevo, which was already mentioned earlier.

You can get to it with a transfer in Moscow, if you use it as vehicle train "Sapsan". It is a high speed type of railway vehicle. It travels from St. Petersburg to Moscow in less than 4 hours. The Sapsan arrives in Moscow at the Leningradsky Station, making many flights per day. From Moscow you can get to Nizhny Novgorod by Sapsan, although flights operate only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The trip will take 4 hours. The cost of tickets on the Sapsan is significantly higher than on a passenger train, but the travel time is much shorter. In addition, Sapsan is a luxury train.

Other train options

How to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg, if you choose another city? You can take the train to Arzamas station. To do this, you need to take any of the four trains heading in the Kazan direction, for example, No. 134, which runs daily. This route is better than the Nizhny Novgorod direction in that Arzamas is geographically closer to the destination.

Upon arrival, you need to take the bus to Diveevo at the Arzamas-2 station. Buses run almost every hour and travel less than an hour and a half. In addition, there is a daily bus that goes directly to the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery directly from the train station.

It is possible to travel by passenger train to the city of Murom. From the Moskovsky station the train will travel to its destination in 14 hours. The train takes almost 16 hours to Arzamas, but from Arzamas to Diveevo it is closer than from Murom, so there is no significant difference between the routes. When choosing a route to get from St. Petersburg to Diveevo, you can focus on the convenience of train departure and arrival times.

To Diveevo by bus via Moscow

When answering the question of how to get from St. Petersburg to Diveevo by bus, you need to realize that there is no direct connection between settlements does not exist. Whatever route you choose, you will have to change planes.

The option of traveling by bus is quite tiring, since the trip will last at least 19 hours, but the passenger will not be able to move freely and change position, content only with walking at stops. However, many tourists choose this method of travel due to the low cost of tickets. The easiest way is to make a transfer in Moscow, since there are many different flights to Moscow from St. Petersburg. There is a direct bus from Moscow to Diveevo. The cost of the trip is from 5000 rubles.

Bus routes to Nizhny Novgorod

You can take a direct bus from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod, and then use a local flight. This option is more economical, since a ticket to Nizhny Novgorod costs from 2,000 rubles. There are two flights:

  • from the Moskovskaya metro station;
  • from Konyushennaya Square.

If a tourist is a staunch supporter of the bus method of travel, we can advise you to buy a seat in pilgrimage tour on this type of transport. There are a number of such tours; almost every travel agency involved in transportation to local destinations can offer their delivery services.

How to get there by car

Not all travelers like to use public transport, so they are wondering how to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg by car. The question is not easy. When a tourist travels by public transport, he does not think about numerous turns, junctions, police officers, gasoline and other road difficulties.

To get there by car, you need to build a convenient route, focusing not only on the map, but also on the quality of the roads, the presence of roadside cafes and gas stations, safe places to rest, since the journey to the monastery will take 15-17 hours. In addition, the car must be technically prepared so that there are no unpleasant surprises in the middle of the trip.

Gasoline consumption will be about 120 liters. At average cost liter 38 rubles total consumption will be approximately 4560 rubles, so the savings compared to public transport are insignificant.

You should leave the city along the Moskovskoye Highway. Next, take the M10 highway to Nizhny Novgorod and drive through the Tver region. It is better to avoid Moscow, as it is famous for hours-long traffic jams. Therefore, it will be more convenient and faster to travel through Solnechnogorsk, Zelenograd, and Sergiev Posad. Further along the M7 highway the tourist will get to the city of Vladimir. After Vladimirskaya, the Nizhny Novgorod region begins and, having passed Murom, the traveler can consider that the problem of how to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg has been solved successfully.

Spare car option

We told you how to get to Diveevo from St. Petersburg. A description of several options will allow you to choose the one most suitable for you. Those who decide to drive a car, but are afraid to travel on unfamiliar roads over long distances on their own, can try to find travel companions on Bla Bla Car. Having several travel companions will help you save money.

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