How to play both 263

In the late forties of the last century, the heavy tank IS-7 was created in the Soviet Union. He had excellent weapons for his time and solid armor. However, a number of circumstances related to the emergence of new armor-piercing ammunition and the peculiarities of the country's road network led to the closure of the project. The IS-7 was never put into service. At the same time, the undercarriage of the heavy IS-7 earned a number of positive reviews and some representatives of the country's military leadership were in no hurry to abandon it. Yes, and the 130-mm gun was quite a tasty morsel.

In this regard, in 1950, the designers of the Leningrad Kirov Plant were given the task of creating a heavy self-propelled artillery mount based on the IS-7 tank. The project received the designation "Object 263", and V.S. Starovoitov. Initially, three variants of the new self-propelled gun were created, differing from each other in some design nuances. In the course of work on the “Object 263”, these options were often “exchanged” with various design nuances, and as a result, only one version remained in the program, which was predicted for a great future.

Since one of the main requirements for the new self-propelled guns was maximum unification with the IS-7 tank, its running gear was borrowed almost unchanged. The engine and transmission group remained the same: a 12-cylinder V-shaped M-50T diesel engine with a capacity of 1050 horsepower and a six-speed gearbox. The same can be said about the suspension, rollers and tracks. At the same time, the overall layout of the hull has been significantly adjusted. The self-propelled armored cabin was supposed to be located in the rear of the hull, so the engine and transmission were moved to the front. The fuel tanks, in turn, were now located in the middle of the armored hull. The change in the alignment of the vehicle associated with the reconfiguration was offset by an increase in the thickness of the armor. First of all, it is necessary to note the forehead of the "Object 263". Unlike the forehead of the IS-7 tank, it was not made according to the “pike nose” system, but was a simple combination of straight panels. The main advantage of the location of the armored panels at an angle to each other is to increase the level of protection in comparison with the "straight". For this reason, it was proposed to equip the "Object 263" with a frontal sheet 300 millimeters thick. The hull sides in the project had a much smaller thickness, from 70 to 90 mm. As for the armored cabin, it also had solid protection: a front sheet of 250 mm and sides of 70 mm. With such armor, the Object 263 could withstand shelling from all existing medium tank cannons and a number of more serious guns.

The main armament of the self-propelled artillery installation "Object 263" was to be the S-70A gun. In fact, it was a further development of the S-70 gun, designed for the IS-7 tank. This project, created at the Central Artillery Design Bureau under the leadership of V.G. The grabina dated back to the pre-revolutionary B-7 naval gun of 130 mm caliber. It is worth noting that in the course of several deep upgrades, the design of the gun was significantly changed and the S-70A had almost nothing in common with the original B-7, except for the caliber. The S-70A gun had a solid size, caused primarily by a barrel length of 57.2 calibers. In addition, the breech and recoil devices were considerable. Because of this, the layout of the cabin turned out to be rather unusual. The breech of the gun almost reached the rear wall of the cabin. For this reason, the latter had to be made folding. It was assumed that before the start of the battle, the crew would lower this part and be able to work without fear of damage to the cabin. In addition, the folded back sheet slightly increased the floor area of ​​the fighting compartment, which could make the work of the crew a little easier.

The 130mm cannon had a very high recoil. Therefore, to the muzzle brake of the slotted system and recoil devices, it was necessary to add a tiltable support device resembling a bulldozer blade. The available photographs of the layout of the "Object 263" show that in the lowest position it held the lowered stern leaf of the cabin on itself. Ammunition holders were placed along the sides of the cabin, on their inner side. Separate loading shots were fixed seven from each side. For convenience, the shells were located in one holder, the shells in another. Loading the gun was the responsibility of two crew members: the loader and his assistant.

In total, the crew of the self-propelled guns "Object 263" was supposed to include five people: a commander, a driver, a gunner, and two loaders. For direct fire, the crew had a TP-47 sight, and for firing from closed positions, it was proposed to equip the self-propelled gun with a TSh-46 sight. The estimated rate of fire of the "Object 263" was low - in a minute the crew could manage to fire no more than one to one and a half shots. The main reason for this was the specific layout of the felling, which did not allow reaching the performance that the IS-7 tank had (about six shots). The low rate of fire, according to the opinion of the military and developers, was to be compensated by the high firing characteristics of the long-barreled gun. So, from a distance of two thousand meters, the S-70A gun, when using the BR-482 armor-piercing projectile, was supposed to penetrate up to 160-170 millimeters of homogeneous armor (at an encounter angle of 90 °).

At the beginning of 1951, the draft design of the new self-propelled gun was ready, and it was presented to the commission of the Ministry of Defense. The military authorities got acquainted with the work of the LKZ designers, after which the assembly of the full-scale layout of the ACS began. On the layout, it was planned to test some ideas and identify problems with layout, ergonomics, etc. Just a few weeks after the assembly of the Object 263 layout was completed, an order came from Moscow: to stop work on the project. Of course, the 130 mm gun was a very good argument on the battlefield. However, the estimated mass of the new self-propelled artillery was at the level of 60 tons. This was 8,000 kilograms less than the recently closed IS-7 project, but still too much for practical use in the existing conditions. The design of self-propelled guns, theoretically, could be facilitated. But only at the cost of reducing the level of protection, which would not be the most reasonable solution. Based on the combination of advantages and disadvantages, the Main Armored Directorate decided that the Soviet Army did not need such equipment. The only built layout of the "Object 263" was dismantled, and the matter never came to the construction "in metal".

According to the websites:

Hello dear tankers! Today we will complete a series of our introductory guides on the alternative development branch of Soviet tank destroyers. As you probably guessed, we will consider a very interesting and, in some places, unique car of the 10th level. Meet Object 263!

To gain access to Ob.263, you need to spend 220,000 experience earned on the SU-122-54. The cost of our "ten" is 6.100.000 silver, which is quite normal for this level. As for the crew, there are two ways to train it:

  • Gold. It is almost always recommended to retrain the crew for gold, because this is the only way to keep all the experience earned on it. The good thing is that Ob.263 does not require additional crew members, compared to the younger brother. Therefore, such retraining will cost you 200 * 5 = 1000 gold.
  • Silver. The silver option is used if you do not have the required amount of gold. You will have to sacrifice part of the experience, and pay - 20.000 * 5 = 100.000 silver.

Also, do not forget about camouflage. We are ATs, so it has an additional bonus to camouflage, and applying camouflage will increase it even more. It will cost 3 * 100,000 = 300,000 credits for 30 days.


Ob.263 has an excellent rapid-fire and accurate gun. It has the highest damage per minute compared to other tier 10 tank destroyers. The disadvantages are low penetration (both normal and gold), again, compared to other 10s, and a small alpha.

1010 hp engine provides this PT with excellent dynamics and speed.

The undercarriage has a very good cross-country ability and a turning speed of 32 degrees per second.

The radio has a range of 730 m. This is quite enough for a comfortable game.


Ob.263 is in elite condition, so there is no need to research anything. Just play and enjoy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Excellent dynamics, speed and maneuverability
  • Frontal projection armor is one of the best in the game
  • The gun has the highest damage per minute among level 10 ATs
  • Excellent accuracy
  • High visibility - 410 m
  • low silhouette


  • Lack of booking on the sides and stern
  • Large dimensions
  • Small UVN and UGN
  • Open felling
  • Low alpha and penetration
  • Weapons are subject to frequent damage

Balance weight

Ob.263, like all top-end vehicles, gets into games of levels 10, 11 and 12. But we are no longer very interested in this - we are always in the top.


Like the vast majority of level 10s, Ob.263 is not a farming machine even with PA. In general, playing on vehicles of this level implies the mandatory use of PA, otherwise you simply won’t be able to play comfortably.


Ob.263, fortunately, did not inherit the chronic cartonness of its predecessors. Therefore, the range of application, namely confident application, has expanded exactly twice. If earlier all sorts of melee skirmishes were contraindicated for us, now we can quite successfully shoot even the most armored opponents. This is facilitated by our superior frontal armor. Naturally, there are places where you can break through - the commander's turret, the gun mantlet (behind which is "emptiness") and NLD, but not a single machine is devoid of vulnerabilities. In general, most players, due to the low popularity of Ob.263, do not know where to pierce this unit. And at medium-long distances, we are unlikely to be able to inflict damage at all, except perhaps thanks to the VBR. It is also worth mentioning the excellent dynamics and speed, which will not only allow us to be among the first to occupy key positions, but also greatly help in “urban battles” (fast reverse, dynamic hull rotation, etc.). The only thing we should be afraid of is art. An open cabin and a long hull are not the best means of protection against projectiles flying from above. But given the current realities, in which there are not so many "art brothers" - for now we live and bend.

In general, the Ob.263 is a very interesting vehicle that has excellent armor, dynamics and guns. What else is there to wish for?

Optional equipment

Drives and rammer - must-have. As for the third slot, there are quite a few options. Given that Ob.263 has excellent frontal armor, it is very common for players to use it in close combat. In this case, a toolbox will be very useful. Paired with a repair, such a bundle will provide you with almost complete protection from "keeping on the harp". There is also the option of installing a stereo tube (we enhance a good view) or ventilation (together with the BB - a good increase in all indicators). All options will bring a good "profit" and their installation depends only on your personal feelings of need for this or that equipment. Prices are listed below:

  • "Reinforced aiming drives" - 500.000 silver
  • "Large caliber gun rammer" - 600.000 silver
  • "Stereotube" - 500.000 silver
  • "Improved ventilation Class 3" - 600.000 silver
  • "Tool box" - 500.000 silver


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Standard set for most vehicles. If funds allow, you can replace the fire extinguisher with an additional ration, but due to frequent fires, I would not do this.

Crew perks


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Sixth Sense
  • Repair


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise/Master Gunsmith

Driver mechanic

  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise

Ob.263 - PT universal. That is why BB, disguise and repair, all together will be very useful for her. It makes sense for the gunner to take a "master gunsmith", given the fact that our gun can be damaged several times per battle.

Machine vulnerabilities

It is worth noting that the Ob.263 has very frequent damage to the gun, due to the peculiarities of the armor in the frontal projection. Frontal engine + focusing enemies on our NLD = frequent fires. The location of the modules and crew members is shown in the figures below:

Orange - commander, gunner, loader
Red - engine, tanks, transmission
Green - easily penetrated zones
White - ammo rack
Blue is a driver.

Several videos starring Ob.263:

Hello dear tankers! Today we will complete a series of our introductory guides on the alternative development branch of Soviet tank destroyers. As you probably guessed, we will consider a very interesting and, in some places, unique car of the 10th level. Meet Object 263!

To gain access to Ob.263, you need to spend 220,000 experience earned on the SU-122-54. The cost of our "ten" is 6.100.000 silver, which is quite normal for this level. As for the crew, there are two ways to train it:

  • Gold. It is almost always recommended to retrain the crew for gold, because this is the only way to keep all the experience earned on it. The good thing is that Ob.263 does not require additional crew members, compared to the younger brother. Therefore, such retraining will cost you 200 * 5 = 1000 gold.
  • Silver. The silver option is used if you do not have the required amount of gold. You will have to sacrifice part of the experience, and pay - 20.000 * 5 = 100.000 silver.

Also, do not forget about camouflage. We are ATs, so it has an additional bonus to camouflage, and applying camouflage will increase it even more. It will cost 3 * 100,000 = 300,000 credits for 30 days.


Ob.263 has an excellent rapid-fire and accurate gun. It has the highest damage per minute compared to other tier 10 tank destroyers. The disadvantages are low penetration (both normal and gold), again, compared to other 10s, and a small alpha.

1010 hp engine provides this PT with excellent dynamics and speed.

The undercarriage has a very good cross-country ability and a turning speed of 32 degrees per second.

The radio has a range of 730 m. This is quite enough for a comfortable game.


Ob.263 is in elite condition, so there is no need to research anything. Just play and enjoy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the machine


  • Excellent dynamics, speed and maneuverability
  • Frontal projection armor is one of the best in the game
  • The gun has the highest damage per minute among level 10 ATs
  • Excellent accuracy
  • High visibility - 410 m
  • low silhouette


  • Lack of booking on the sides and stern
  • Large dimensions
  • Small UVN and UGN
  • Open felling
  • Low alpha and penetration
  • Weapons are subject to frequent damage

Balance weight

Ob.263, like all top-end vehicles, gets into games of levels 10, 11 and 12. But we are no longer very interested in this - we are always in the top.


Like the vast majority of level 10s, Ob.263 is not a farming machine even with PA. In general, playing on vehicles of this level implies the mandatory use of PA, otherwise you simply won’t be able to play comfortably.


Ob.263, fortunately, did not inherit the chronic cartonness of its predecessors. Therefore, the range of application, namely confident application, has expanded exactly twice. If earlier all sorts of melee skirmishes were contraindicated for us, now we can quite successfully shoot even the most armored opponents. This is facilitated by our superior frontal armor. Naturally, there are places where you can break through - the commander's turret, the gun mantlet (behind which is "emptiness") and NLD, but not a single machine is devoid of vulnerabilities. In general, most players, due to the low popularity of Ob.263, do not know where to pierce this unit. And at medium-long distances, we are unlikely to be able to inflict damage at all, except perhaps thanks to the VBR. It is also worth mentioning the excellent dynamics and speed, which will not only allow us to be among the first to occupy key positions, but also greatly help in “urban battles” (fast reverse, dynamic hull rotation, etc.). The only thing we should be afraid of is art. An open cabin and a long hull are not the best means of protection against projectiles flying from above. But given the current realities, in which there are not so many "art brothers" - for now we live and bend.

In general, the Ob.263 is a very interesting vehicle that has excellent armor, dynamics and guns. What else is there to wish for?

Optional equipment

Drives and rammer - must-have. As for the third slot, there are quite a few options. Given that Ob.263 has excellent frontal armor, it is very common for players to use it in close combat. In this case, a toolbox will be very useful. Paired with a repair, such a bundle will provide you with almost complete protection from "keeping on the harp". There is also the option of installing a stereo tube (we enhance a good view) or ventilation (together with the BB - a good increase in all indicators). All options will bring a good "profit" and their installation depends only on your personal feelings of need for this or that equipment. Prices are listed below:

  • "Reinforced aiming drives" - 500.000 silver
  • "Large caliber gun rammer" - 600.000 silver
  • "Stereotube" - 500.000 silver
  • "Improved ventilation Class 3" - 600.000 silver
  • "Tool box" - 500.000 silver


  • repair kit
  • first aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Standard set for most vehicles. If funds allow, you can replace the fire extinguisher with an additional ration, but due to frequent fires, I would not do this.

Crew perks


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Sixth Sense
  • Repair


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise/Master Gunsmith

Driver mechanic

  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise


  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Disguise

Ob.263 - PT universal. That is why BB, disguise and repair, all together will be very useful for her. It makes sense for the gunner to take a "master gunsmith", given the fact that our gun can be damaged several times per battle.

Machine vulnerabilities

It is worth noting that the Ob.263 has very frequent damage to the gun, due to the peculiarities of the armor in the frontal projection. Frontal engine + focusing enemies on our NLD = frequent fires. The location of the modules and crew members is shown in the figures below:

Orange - commander, gunner, loader
Red - engine, tanks, transmission
Green - easily penetrated zones
White - ammo rack
Blue is a driver.

Several videos starring Ob.263:

29-01-2018, 21:30

Hello everyone and welcome to the site! Tankers, today we will talk about a very strong, as well as interesting vehicle, a Soviet tank destroyer of the ninth level, in front of you Object 263 guide.

With the release of update 0.9.22 for WoT, this vehicle can open a new Soviet Tier 10 tank destroyer.

TTX Object 263

As it usually happens, we will start with the fact that this self-propelled anti-tank installation has a fairly standard margin of safety by the standards of classmates and, more importantly, Object 263 review initially good, this figure is 380 meters.

Reservation of Object 263

From the point of view of survivability, one can freely single out several absolutely opposite sides, that is, distinguish between good and bad booking.

If we talk about the bright side of the coin, in the frontal projection, [b]Object 263 has good armor thickness characteristics. VLD is located at an advantageous angle, due to which the reduction here exceeds 350 millimeters (it is difficult to break through even with gold), which cannot be said about NLD, which has a thickness of only 190 millimeters, that is, it always needs to be hidden.

Cutting from the forehead Tank Destroyer Object 263 WoT it is also well protected, but the slope of this armor plate is worse, so its reduction reaches about 320-330 millimeters, which is also very serious, and with the release of patch, even the previously vulnerable gun mantlet became strong and very hard to penetrate.

However, in terms of security Soviet tank Object 263 it also has a dark side of the coin - these are our thin sides, which any enemy encountered will pierce at a right angle, and even if the hull is turned, there are no guarantees to hold back an enemy projectile.

By the way, the silhouette of this tank is quite low, that is, it boasts a good stealth coefficient, but on the other hand, the hull WoT Object 263 very long, and the cabin is open, that is, it is not only difficult for us to hide completely, but also we should be afraid of artillery like fire.

As far as driving performance is concerned, Object 263 World of Tanks remains a very mobile tank destroyer at the ninth level. We have an excellent maximum speed, we develop it very quickly thanks to the excellent dynamics, and even with maneuverability everything is fine, that is, it is not at all easy to spin this device.

Object 263 weapon

Here, with the transfer of tank destroyers to level 9, even some variability appeared, we now have 2 alternative weapons. Stock, which has a lower alpha, but faster rate of fire, and the top one, which has higher one-time damage, but lower rate of fire. With all this, the DPM of both of them is approximately equal, so you will not experience any discomfort in the game when pumping Object 263.

Advantages and disadvantages of Object 263

Despite the fact that we examined in detail the characteristics of this vehicle, touched on the parameters of its weapons, in battle you should always remember the advantages and disadvantages Object 263 WoT, so for clarity, such nuances should be highlighted separately.
Good basic overview;
Impressive frontal armor;
Decent disguise;
Good running characteristics;
Good penetration by an armor-piercing projectile;
High accuracy rates.
Weak NLD and cardboard sides;
Very long body;
Not high one-time damage;
Not comfortable vertical and horizontal aiming angles;
The engine is located immediately behind the NLD;
Open cabin.

Equipment for Object 263

Despite all the shortcomings of this unit, we will concentrate on multiplying its strengths, it will be more expedient, and additional modules will not be able to compensate for the existing disadvantages. Thus, on tank Object 263 equipment put it like this:
1. - will make the already existing huge damage per minute even more terrible for any enemy encountered.
2. - having good accuracy, and even making it more comfortable, no one will leave the map of this Soviet weapon.
3. - this module will allow you to quickly and easily achieve the maximum viewing range, which is also important.

However, for those who are not used to playing ambush tank destroyers from their own view and are concerned about their own safety, you can install instead of the third item, with it it will be even more difficult to detect this tank.

Crew training for Object 263

Another important point when playing on any vehicle in World of Tanks is the correct leveling of the crew. However, for Tank destroyer Object 263 perks learn more than standard, it looks like this:
Commander (radio operator) -,.
Gunner -,.
Driver mechanic - , .
Loader - , .
Loader - , .

Equipment for Object 263

Before pressing the button "To battle!" you need to think about buying consumables and if you are running out of silver credits, take it, . Otherwise, do not be greedy, it is much more comfortable and safer to carry on Object 263 equipment from, and replacing the latter with is dangerous, because our engine is located in front.

Game tactics for Object 263

No matter how strange it may sound at first glance, but in fact you have a very versatile machine that can show itself from the best sides in various combat situations.

Yes, for Object 263 tactics combat is optimal if you stand on the second or even third line. Hiding in the bushes and not getting into the light, it is very easy to realize the gigantic potential of your accurate gun with huge damage per minute and excellent penetration.

With such a passive game Soviet tank Object 263 you just have to choose a position where mediocre elevation angles will not interfere with aiming, if necessary, you can hide from crossfire and artillery focus, and you also need to be hidden by bushes to make it harder to detect you.

You can play more actively, because Object 263 tank WoT has a chic frontal armor. In such a situation, you just have to learn how to hide your vulnerable NLD and under no circumstances let the enemy into your sides. Frontal projection can masterfully tank, and a huge DPM will allow you to deal with almost any enemy in just a minute.

Don't forget that Tank Destroyer Object 263 World of Tanks is the owner of excellent mobility. This means that we can take the most advantageous key places among the first, change flanks and directions of attack, quickly move in search of a new advantageous and safe position, and also return to defend the base, there are a lot of options.

But let me remind you once again that our hull is large, the cabin is open and any artillery shell that gets here will leave in our place only a pile of black scrap metal. Otherwise tank Object 263 has a huge combat potential and there are many ways to implement it, find the most suitable one for you personally and the result will not keep you waiting.

Under which drawings were created for a heavy Soviet artillery mount. In real life, the mass production of this machine was never started, but in one of the popular video games "World of Tanks" this model is still present.

History reference

The development of this Soviet heavy self-propelled guns was carried out by engineers of the Leningrad plant, Starovoitov V.S. was appointed the chief of them. Soon the first drawings and layout were created. However, at this stage, all work on the car was stopped.

World of Tanks

"Object 263" is a Soviet heavy self-propelled gun of the tenth level. The cost of researching the machine is 220 thousand experience, and the purchase is 6 million 100 thousand silver.


The gun that is installed on this self-propelled gun is the S-70A, modified by the S-70 from the Soviet heavy tank IS-7. The base on which this gun was created was a naval artillery installation with a caliber of 130 mm.

This detail was truly the crowning achievement of Soviet military engineers. The rate of fire of the gun is 5.45 rounds per minute, and the accuracy is 0.33, that is, the amount of average damage could reach 550 units, and the rate was almost 3 thousand per minute, which makes this model the second most powerful gun after the "Object 268".

However, the S-70A remains the most accurate of the top-end anti-tank guns, it even allows you to hit targets located at a distance of no more than two hundred meters from the sight. A high rate of fire and good aiming, which does not even need to be improved by reinforced aiming drives, are unambiguously positive qualities of the self-propelled guns. But it was not without drawbacks, the main of which is the horizontal aiming angle. It is so small that the tanker will have to advance to the point on the map where the enemy should be. Penetration of the "Object 263" leaves much to be desired, it is the lowest among the same-level self-propelled guns, but it is quite enough to hit enemy vehicles in vulnerable places.


Good speed and pleasant dynamics allow this SPG to ride on a par with ST and even overtake some of them. It follows from this that the vehicle can safely be behind enemy lines and cause serious damage while the allies distract attention. Nevertheless, you should not immediately rush to the embrasure, so as not to be alone facing the enemy. Neither maneuverability nor armor will help here. Opponents will very quickly send "Object 263" to the hangar. The reverse speed can reach 20 km / h, which easily allows artillery to deliver crushing blows to the enemy and immediately hide.


The security of the tank can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, from afar, self-propelled guns are very difficult to penetrate in the forehead even with tanks with excellent guns, since it is almost impossible to hit weak points from such a position. However, for opponents, the task is greatly simplified at short distances, where everyone, starting from level 8, will very quickly send the "Object 263" to the hangar, not even considering the open cabin.

Therefore, if this vehicle was close to enemy armored vehicles, it is extremely necessary for it to “wag the hull” so that it would be more difficult for the enemy to hit vulnerable spots, and all his shots fell on the gun mantlet, where the inventive Soviet engineers were going to install 250 mm armor.


  • Good armor, which allows you to get a lot of ricochets and non-penetration from opponents with any weapon that are at a serious distance.
  • Excellent speed helps you quickly move around the map if necessary and avoid potential dangers.
  • High turning speed, which has a positive effect on the maneuverability of artillery.
  • Even the most powerful enemy light tank will not be able to spin this self-propelled gun, except when the collision takes place in a completely open area.

  • A good view of 410 meters allows you to quickly orient yourself and destroy the enemy on the way.
  • One of the most accurate guns among single-level self-propelled guns.
  • A high damage per minute allows you to bring serious losses to the equipment of the enemy team.
  • A good disguise that allows you to play calmly even behind enemy lines.


  • The angles of horizontal and vertical aiming are rather mediocre and do not allow you to quickly change the aiming object, so you have to choose static targets. According to the same indicators, it is almost impossible to shoot because of obstacles.
  • Open, like almost any artillery mount, cabin, because of which you can often get "one shots" from enemy self-propelled guns.
  • The sides, where the Object 263 is easiest to penetrate, remain very vulnerable places that opponents can hit even from a serious distance.
  • Relatively low maximum damage of only 550 at a time, while single-level ATs deal at least 850 on average.

Optional equipment

If you prefer to hide behind covers, then you should use it to escape from the "light". In this case, a stereo tube will also help, so as not only to stand, but also to highlight enemy equipment for allied tanks.

If your favorite artillery tactic is to support allied heavy tanks, then it is worth installing coated optics and reinforced drives in order to somehow increase the disgusting horizontal aiming angles, which are very important in a dynamic game.


Given all of the above, it can be summarized that the Object 263 is great for supporting the team, but it is better for him to stay at a distance or not give himself away, hiding behind obstacles. Good dynamics and maneuverability allow the tank to hold on to allied medium vehicles and inflict damage on enemies, and the armor contributes its share to the overall victory of the team, as evidenced by any guide. "Object 263" managed to win its loyal fans, but to always stay up to date, you need to follow the updates and try new tactics.

Well, i.e. the introductory ones are more or less known to everyone: 263 is such an imba. The branch before him is solid cacti. Many (judging by the reviews on the forum) tried to pass, but could not stand it and quit. In this article I will try to talk about the machines of this branch and how to download them with minimal damage to home furniture.
The branch of Soviet anti-aircraft guns on the SU-100 branches into the “main” (SU-152, ISU-152, ob.704, ob.268) and “alternative” (newer - SU-100M1, SU-101, SU-122-54 , ob.263).
The first branch is more or less known to everyone - the cars are popular, in some ways they are immature. In short, these are heavy, clumsy (up to level 9 also “cardboard”) vehicles with huge alpha and penetration. The branch is very comfortable in pumping (except, perhaps, the plug with 64K experience on the BL-10 on the ISU).
The “alternative” branch is dynamic, maneuverable (usually based on ST) vehicles with low alpha, good DPM, medium penetration and almost everything with disgusting aiming angles (a gun depression angle of -4 ° is considered very comfortable in this branch). In general, there is an opinion that you should not download this branch of the PT first, you need some experience in the game. It will also be easier for her to download for those who pumped Soviet STs (some of the modules from STs will be installed on these PTs) or Chinese STs (they will not “burn” so much from UVN).
Another point - since the branch is considered "cactus", then most of the nerfs pass by, and often the other way around - the cars apk slowly.
I’ll make a reservation right away, in my opinion, the choice of a branch begins from the moment the main gun is selected on the SU-100. The fact is that both top barrels are playable on this machine. The D-25 (on this machine is D-2-5S, which is the same thing) has a good alpha for its level, the D-10 has a slightly higher DPM, accuracy and penetration with a subcaliber (penetration of the BB is the same). I rode with the D-25 for a long time, and could not adapt to this barrel in any way. Got out, converged, rolled back ... Too many actions for an alpha in 390, which not only does not one-shot, but does not even half the weights of lvl 6. But this is the famous "destructor" - so I tried to get used to it, until at one fine moment I spat and put the D-10. And almost immediately took the first master. It was then that I thought - should I go for cars playing from alpha, if it is quite obvious that it is easier for me to play from the rate of fire ...
So for those who are just rolling the SU-100, I would strongly advise you to try both barrels. And already on this machine, decide whether the game will work for you from a small CD.

Okay, let's say we decided to move on. So, the first car that we meet is PT 7 lvl, SU-100M1.
Outwardly, it is rather ugly, with a rear cabin. But after I went through this car and left it in the hangar (and a good crew at the same time) - I think that after the nerf of the SU-85B review, this is the best tank I've tried.
At first, I could not approach this branch for a long time. I thought that the top-end weapon with penetration as high as 6 lvl (175/235 is almost a complete analogue of the D-10 on the SU-100) is useless at this level of battles. On the other hand, many SU-152s ride with D-25s. And I’m generally silent about the imbued prem SU-122-44.
In short, the car is peculiar, but if you try it ... What is there cool at lvl 7? E25? In 90% of cases in pvp, the "chisel" parses the "yeshka". The disguise (not tabular, but empirical, felt during the game) is gorgeous. Ninja as is. The DPM is impressive (spacing, valve, 100% crew, BoBR - 250 alpha every 4.87 seconds!). The view in 360 is "boosted" by the pipe - and the car begins to dominate at this level. I scare away many angles (UGN -8 ° ... + 8 °, UVN -4 ° ... 20 °), but whoever played the SU-85B will not feel discomfort. In general, this is such an analogue of "behi" at the 7th level. Fast (max. 50), maneuverable, inconspicuous, with a good accurate gun (0.33) and a smart DPM. Yes, lvl 9 often does not take heavy weights in the forehead. But the "beha" does not break through everyone. But this can be compensated by OVTM - if you can’t pierce it in the forehead - bypass it. And not just go to the side, but change the position / flank so as to win back from the review / invisibility. If the map is “tunnel” - and it is necessary to hold back the direction (for example, an enemy rush along the first line of Lassville) - we don’t break through in the forehead, but we can perfectly (with such accuracy) put on the harp (and continue to hold - 4.87 seconds, Karl!) and ask for focus. Experience and silver will drop for "help in dealing damage" (which, by the way, is taken into account when receiving stars).
In general, the car is very good. But we must actively act on it. Do not "rush", but constantly look for more advantageous positions. Who played on the "yeshka" - will understand. The armor is weak, but there. In extreme cases, you can go into a clinch - no one can hold out against our guns for a long time, and a mask or armor can beat something off.
In short, after passing this car - I was very happy. Well, the first car was very comfortable. Well, "people are lying!" same. Happy early...

SU-101. The main, according to many (in my opinion, by the way, too), is the "cactus" of this game. What is so terrible about her? The car also has positive aspects. But there are two things that make it very "stool-burning".
1) UVN. Gun depression angle -2.3°. I somehow became interested, and began to look for cars with similar angles. Honestly, I didn’t find it - everyone is better in this thread, the Chinese are better. What does this minus two degrees mean?
Firstly, it is very difficult to find a comfortable position for shooting, you have to crawl, adjust, etc. Okay, more or less acceptable positions can be found and remembered. But there is another moment, a typical relief of modern maps - a hillock / pass and a bush on it. We will not be able to stand in the bush - in order to be able to shoot, we must roll out of this bush halfway. And in this case, there is no point in getting into the bush at all, if only to shine. About a rollback of 15 meters when worn out, you should generally forget.
But that's not all. The angles are so lousy that in a duel, when you take off, you fly up to a shot opponent to get him - the slightest bump or bump - and the muzzle looks into the sky. While you are trying to crawl to lower the gun, they begin to calmly disassemble you ...
2) Economy. Top barrel (from T-54), alpha at 320, penetration 219/330 (gold - cumuli, who in the subject will understand the pros and cons of this). By the way, during the armor penetration nerf test, they wanted to increase (sic!) Penetration for this barrel))
So. One bb-shka costs 1230 silver. 1230 with alpha at 320 and penetration at 219. And the alpha is small, and half does not penetrate. But each shot is minus 1200. Well, we don't pierce, we charge the gold, we try not to hit the screens, we start to pierce. But a gold projectile costs 4800 silver. At 320 alpha. If you meet TapkaB or E75 and disassemble it with gold (if you break everything and fly out the middle alpha) minus 29K silver. Well, 9 thousand will be thrown for damage. So minus 20 thousand such a "meeting" will get up for you. It is difficult now to say any specific figures, but this machine will gobble up several millions of silver when pumping!
Now the pros:
Review - 380.
DPM - (100% crew, BoBR, ram, valve) 320 alpha every 5.53 seconds! By the way, the filthy economy can somehow be compensated in the same way as on the "chisel" - we keep it on the harp and let the allies pay us half the silver from the damage inflicted. Mixing and accuracy (0.35) are quite good.
UGN - a little better than the "chisel" (9.3 in each direction). The armor is much better than that of the shed-cardboard ISUkha. The mask holds the blow of almost any weapon. Those. PT may well tank. Not purposefully, but to beat something off - as a nice bonus. Small LT / ST will not be taken head-on at all.
Speed ​​and dynamics like ST.
Many advise to play it in the "ST-style". The problem is that CT has a tower, stabilization, hp and uhn. Even the T-54 with such a gun has -5 °.
Oh yes, even the smallest amount of hp on the level. Campaign in general among all tanks, except for art. 990hp And this is a big imbalance! If at level 9 the situation evens out, then at lvl 8 strands, HP starts from 1500. So dpm-dpm, but in pvp with a single-level heavy, you should only go when it has a significant drawdown in HP. In other cases - only from a distance. The disguise seems to be nominally good, but at these levels it no longer solves. Will see. Except for the completely blind or noobs.
In general, the car is playable. If there is silver and a teflon chair. And everything would be fine, but this, his mother, 8 lvl! This is the level where there is ISU and Borsch. So it's sad...
Before SU-122-54 we need to earn 150k experience.
By the way, psychological advice - do not force the pumping of the car. It is worth playing it slowly, measuredly, without rushing to pass and forget as soon as possible. Otherwise, everything will turn out the other way around. Many could not stand it and threw the branch at that very moment. You have to get used to it. I myself wanted to get through as soon as possible - I pressed "To battle" and tried to immediately run to shine / damage in order to grab the experience. But immediately a wave of plums began. And plums, and the car does not drag ... Uzhs! It only helped that there was an action against lions, sort of. I tried the opposite, to play from the endgame - "let them butt, then I'll get the shortfalls." Useless. Maybe this is some kind of psychological block - if you consider the car to be “passing”, then you will not try to reveal its full potential. But there is still potential. I myself had a period when she really delivered - in the middle of pumping, when I tried to play measuredly. And as I began to count how much experience was left for lvl 9 - that's it ...

SU-122-54. I’ll make a reservation right away - on the pumping branch. As soon as you decide to download a branch - do not spend all the free experience before that. Neither machines nor modules. Believe me, there will come a critical moment when you will desperately need this experience. This is the opening of the top svtol at 122-54. Because how to ride with the top SU-101 (219mm, Karl!) among the 9th and 10th lvl ... Well, yes, the T-54 has the same, but that's not all ... Pumping BL-10 on ISU - flowers, according to compared to these trash. Playable only on full-gold (you yourself understand with what wild minuses for silver)! So the whole experience is here (64K)!
Another point - the top-end gun will fit on the stock chassis, but only the enlightenment will fit from the modules. So I went through the top barrel-torsion bars-rammer-chassis.
In general, the car is much nicer than the SU-101. UVN is already at minus 4 degrees. UGN like a "chisel". The increase in hp is very significant - not even absolute, but relative - now you can climb into exchange with strands. There is armor, but such ... Lousy. Ob.704 is much stronger in this regard. But tanking. The mask tanks everything (he fought off both Japesto and bbshki from FV183).
In general, peers will be more poimbo (704, undersized). But this machine can also do a lot.
The top barrel of the M-62 is similar to the 9-10 lvl cords (IS-4, IS-8, ST-1), only faster and more accurate (0.35). Gives out 440 alphas every 7.6 seconds (without soldering, but with everything else stuffing). According to the DPM, only Tortila is cooler. Breaking through 258/340 is not particularly impressive, but it is enough. Level 10 is difficult against thick-skinned, but you can also aim. But it's better to go the other way.
Review - 390.
But the most important feature is the dynamics and maneuverability. This is a real ST (it’s not without reason that it is based on the T-54). 18.6 hp / ton, 40 degrees turning speed (only SU-76 is higher in Soviet anti-tank guns, the Behi is the same)! Such a joke is connected with this - only a very fast and maneuverable LT (which does not lose speed in turns) can spin a car on a flat field along a minimum radius. In all other cases, the auto-aim is constantly aimed at the carcass. At the same time, a small dirty trick shoots us in the frontal armor))
On this machine, you can have fun with LT. The car is rare in random, many are not aware of its performance characteristics. Usually the style of the LT (or some STs) is this - choose the moment, break into the rear of the enemy, shit there and fade away. Well, there is some kind of “clumsy” PT of the 9th lvl - you can also charge it in the stern on the go a couple of times. And then this PT breaks down and rushes to catch up. And you’ll throw off the figs from her tail, so even on the go, on cd, throws 440 alphas each. In short, fireflies rarely leave alive. She has nothing to do in the corridors - she (like 704) will not hold back a rush. He can rummage through the bushes, but breaking through at 258 at a distance rolls down to dull. Nominally, she has one of the best disguises (not at the level, but in general among all PT 7-10), in fact it’s better not to check)) The car is good at pulling out battles. When art remains, a few shortcomings and a nervous standing is outlined. Here is her element - to fly around the entire map, highlight opponents, get the underdogs, hit the road to break the capture, return and stand up herself, etc. In short, such a creative, but absolutely unbalanced machine. It is played hard, as if you are working, not relaxing. The same effect is associated with pumping as in the previous one - you should not chase after 220K experience up to about 263 (thank God - a sane number) - the machine will “take offense and take revenge”. I checked it myself again.

About the top (v.263) I will add later. So far I've only tried one fight. General advice throughout the thread - DO NOT HURRY TO UPGRADE THE NEXT CAR! Well, that's it in a nutshell. I won’t write more about cars (like full-fledged guides) - I’m already tired ... There will be questions / additions - write in the comments.

In the late forties of the last century, the heavy tank IS-7 was created in the Soviet Union. He had excellent weapons for his time and solid armor. However, a number of circumstances related to the emergence of new armor-piercing ammunition and the peculiarities of the country's road network led to the closure of the project. The IS-7 was never put into service. At the same time, the undercarriage of the heavy IS-7 earned a number of positive reviews and some representatives of the country's military leadership were in no hurry to abandon it. Yes, and the 130-mm gun was quite a tasty morsel.

In this regard, in 1950, the designers of the Leningrad Kirov Plant were given the task of creating a heavy self-propelled artillery mount based on the IS-7 tank. The project received the designation "Object 263", and V.S. Starovoitov. Initially, three variants of the new self-propelled gun were created, differing from each other in some design nuances. In the course of work on the “Object 263”, these options were often “exchanged” with various design nuances, and as a result, only one version remained in the program, which was predicted for a great future.

Since one of the main requirements for the new self-propelled guns was maximum unification with the IS-7 tank, its running gear was borrowed almost unchanged. The engine and transmission group remained the same: a 12-cylinder V-shaped M-50T diesel engine with a capacity of 1050 horsepower and a six-speed gearbox. The same can be said about the suspension, rollers and tracks. At the same time, the overall layout of the hull has been significantly adjusted. The self-propelled armored cabin was supposed to be located in the rear of the hull, so the engine and transmission were moved to the front. The fuel tanks, in turn, were now located in the middle of the armored hull. The change in the alignment of the vehicle associated with the reconfiguration was offset by an increase in the thickness of the armor. First of all, it is necessary to note the forehead of the "Object 263". Unlike the forehead of the IS-7 tank, it was not made according to the “pike nose” system, but was a simple combination of straight panels. The main advantage of the location of the armored panels at an angle to each other is to increase the level of protection in comparison with the "straight". For this reason, it was proposed to equip the "Object 263" with a frontal sheet 300 millimeters thick. The hull sides in the project had a much smaller thickness, from 70 to 90 mm. As for the armored cabin, it also had solid protection: a front sheet of 250 mm and sides of 70 mm. With such armor, the Object 263 could withstand shelling from all existing medium tank cannons and a number of more serious guns.

The main armament of the self-propelled artillery installation "Object 263" was to be the S-70A gun. In fact, it was a further development of the S-70 gun, designed for the IS-7 tank. This project, created at the Central Artillery Design Bureau under the leadership of V.G. The grabina dated back to the pre-revolutionary B-7 naval gun of 130 mm caliber. It is worth noting that in the course of several deep upgrades, the design of the gun was significantly changed and the S-70A had almost nothing in common with the original B-7, except for the caliber. The S-70A gun had a solid size, caused primarily by a barrel length of 57.2 calibers. In addition, the breech and recoil devices were considerable. Because of this, the layout of the cabin turned out to be rather unusual. The breech of the gun almost reached the rear wall of the cabin. For this reason, the latter had to be made folding. It was assumed that before the start of the battle, the crew would lower this part and be able to work without fear of damage to the cabin. In addition, the folded back sheet slightly increased the floor area of ​​the fighting compartment, which could make the work of the crew a little easier.

The 130mm cannon had a very high recoil. Therefore, to the muzzle brake of the slotted system and recoil devices, it was necessary to add a tiltable support device resembling a bulldozer blade. The available photographs of the layout of the "Object 263" show that in the lowest position it held the lowered stern leaf of the cabin on itself. Ammunition holders were placed along the sides of the cabin, on their inner side. Separate loading shots were fixed seven from each side. For convenience, the shells were located in one holder, the shells in another. Loading the gun was the responsibility of two crew members: the loader and his assistant.

In total, the crew of the self-propelled guns "Object 263" was supposed to include five people: a commander, a driver, a gunner, and two loaders. For direct fire, the crew had a TP-47 sight, and for firing from closed positions, it was proposed to equip the self-propelled gun with a TSh-46 sight. The estimated rate of fire of the "Object 263" was low - in a minute the crew could manage to fire no more than one to one and a half shots. The main reason for this was the specific layout of the felling, which did not allow reaching the performance that the IS-7 tank had (about six shots). The low rate of fire, according to the opinion of the military and developers, was to be compensated by the high firing characteristics of the long-barreled gun. So, from a distance of two thousand meters, the S-70A gun, when using the BR-482 armor-piercing projectile, was supposed to penetrate up to 160-170 millimeters of homogeneous armor (at an encounter angle of 90 °).

At the beginning of 1951, the draft design of the new self-propelled gun was ready, and it was presented to the commission of the Ministry of Defense. The military authorities got acquainted with the work of the LKZ designers, after which the assembly of the full-scale layout of the ACS began. On the layout, it was planned to test some ideas and identify problems with layout, ergonomics, etc. Just a few weeks after the assembly of the Object 263 layout was completed, an order came from Moscow: to stop work on the project. Of course, the 130 mm gun was a very good argument on the battlefield. However, the estimated mass of the new self-propelled artillery was at the level of 60 tons. This was 8,000 kilograms less than the recently closed IS-7 project, but still too much for practical use in the existing conditions. The design of self-propelled guns, theoretically, could be facilitated. But only at the cost of reducing the level of protection, which would not be the most reasonable solution. Based on the combination of advantages and disadvantages, the Main Armored Directorate decided that the Soviet Army did not need such equipment. The only built layout of the "Object 263" was dismantled, and the matter never came to the construction "in metal".

According to the websites:

Object 263 - USSR level 9 anti-tank self-propelled guns. Previously, it was at level 10, but in patch 0.9.22, after the rebalance of Soviet vehicles, this vehicle was moved to a lower level. The modified branch received its specialization, now the gun is located in the rear. How the gameplay of the game on this machine has now changed, whether it has become an “imboy” at its level and whether it is worth choosing this branch for pumping, read on.

During the transition to level 9, the Object 263 underwent a number of changes, but still retained the bulk of its performance characteristics. Distinctive features were good dynamics and strong frontal armor, but poor maneuverability. The specific power is 18.33 hp / t and allows you to gain a maximum forward speed of 55 km / h and 20 km / h in reverse. The review is 360 m and this is very small for 8-10 levels of battles. The stock of HP is 1800 units, which is the norm for tank destroyers at level 9.


The main role of anti-tank self-propelled guns is to deal damage, so the very first thing to seek to research and install is a weapon. But everything is not so simple with this machine. Object 263 has 2 guns at its disposal:

It should be noted that the average damage per minute is practically the same.

A good point for pumping this machine is that to install the top gun, you do not need to explore the suspension, the load capacity is enough on the stock one. You can also put all the necessary equipment on the stock chassis.

In the top version, the PT is equipped with a 130 mm S-70A cannon, which we will consider in more detail.

Considering the angles of GN and VN, such indicators can by no means be called comfortable, but this is quite normal for vehicles with a rear gun. One of the unpleasant changes was the decrease in projectile speed from 1000 m/s to 920 m/s. Like many other tanks in the game, this vehicle requires skill to adapt to its gameplay features.

Booking Object 263

The armor of this PT is both a strong trait and at the same time a weak one. The frontal projection is well protected, but just there there are also the weakest points. And regarding the armor of the stern, given the level of fighting, we can say that it is absent, because the enemies simply will not notice it. Let's move from words to numbers:

It is extremely difficult to penetrate the Object 263 in the VLD area, because it is located at good angles, so the reduced armor indicators reach up to 400 mm. The cabin and the mask of the gun are also almost impossible to break through. But the "Achilles' heel" is located in the NLD, through which, even in the ghost, enemies with penetration from 200 mm can inflict damage without problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

The totality of the available characteristics of the Object 263 allows us to highlight a number of positive and negative points that must be taken into account during the game.


  • good performance indicators;
  • excellent average damage per minute;
  • high value of frontal armor;
  • low silhouette adds stealth to the car;
  • good stabilization of the gun in motion.


  • large spread at 100 meters;
  • one of the lowest one-time damage among tier 9 tank destroyers;
  • low armor penetration by a sub-caliber projectile;
  • low projectile speed;
  • the worst angle of inclination of the gun down;
  • open cutting increases the danger from land mines, because they will almost always enter with maximum damage;
  • when converted to HD, the NLD model was increased in size, but its weak armor remained unchanged.
  • long hull and poor side armor;
  • the engine is located in front, which increases the likelihood of its crit.


Object 263 provides for two playstyles: assault and ambush (bush). Each requires its own approach, crew leveling and a certain set of modules. Despite the abundance of shortcomings, the equipment will help reduce their impact and make the game a little more enjoyable.

For an assault, this option is suitable:

  • rammer to reduce long reload and increase average damage per minute;
  • coated optics- the review module is mandatory, and such a choice would be more optimal, because this tank destroyer must constantly be on the move, and remaining "blind" can become an easy target for enemies;
  • reinforced pickup drives more useful at a medium distance, making the speed of aiming a little more comfortable.

The ambush option involves the following choice:

  • we also put the rammer in the first place;
  • camouflage net, which in a stationary position, given the good concealment factor of the Object 263 due to its low silhouette, will give a noticeable increase in the invisibility of the vehicle;
  • a stereo tube will help to raise the view to the maximum values, but we must not forget that it will make the PT "blind" when moving.

It is impossible to put ventilation on this tank destroyer, the anti-fragmentation lining will save you from landmines only in case of failure to penetrate, and taking into account the open cabin and the rather weak engine compartment, this will only add extra mass, reducing the already far from the best maneuverability.

Crew training

The crew of Object 263 consists of 5 people. An important circumstance is the moment that after the previous car one new crew member is added - the loader. There are three options for perk distribution, depending on your preferred play style:

  1. Assault- for players who prefer to be in the thick of the battle on the front line
  1. Ambush (bush)- option for careful play. Based on the low silhouette of the tank destroyer in question, installing the required modules with a certain level of perks will give a good increase in stealth coefficient in the aggregate.
  1. mixed type- a balanced option for the current random house, which will allow you to act effectively in any situation.

Let's take a closer look at the most important perks:

  • repair- it is obligatory for pumping, taking into account the available angles of the GN;
  • disguise- required for pumping, if you prefer the ambush style of play;
  • handyman- due to open cutting, artillery shells can incapacitate several crew members, so this perk will help reduce the impact of shell shock, especially if you only have a regular first-aid kit;
  • cleanliness and tidiness- as already mentioned, this PT has a front engine, so the perk will reduce the likelihood of its ignition;
  • Non-contact ammo rack- also one of the most necessary perks, because the sides are weakly armored, and the ammo is located just along the side;

Driver and gunner perks will help stabilize the weapon and increase dynamics.

Consider the effect of masking on invisibility in percentage terms, taking into account different conditions:


This machine is not suitable for earning silver, including because of consumables.

Until the “Repair” skill is fully learned, it is preferable to choose large repair kit.

The vulnerability of the cabin can lead to shell shock of several crew members, so a large first-aid kit will reduce the likelihood of shell shock and, if necessary, return several tankers to the line.

In place of the third consumable, you can take a fire extinguisher.

An alternative to the last option is: additional rations for + 10% to crew skills or Lend-Lease oil for + 5% to engine power (suitable only for ambush tactics to get into position faster).

How to play Object 263

This anti-tank self-propelled gun has a universal gameplay. The vehicle has excellent mobility, as for a tank, which allows it to compete in speed with many medium tanks. Such dynamics gives a chance not only to quickly take an advantageous position, but also, depending on the situation on the battlefield, change direction.

The frontal armor of the Object 263 is most effective at a distance of over 250-300 meters. The low silhouette, with the right equipment and crew skills, allows you to take on the role of an ambush sniper. A noticeable disadvantage of this tactic is a rather slanting cannon, so combat at close and medium distances will become more preferable.

For assault tactics, it is necessary to use the strengths of the vehicle and not forget to cover the weaknesses. The strong ones are logging and VLD, but there are more vulnerabilities. In the case of close combat, it is necessary to actively maneuver in front of the enemy tank in order to make it difficult for him to target weak areas: a large lower armor plate, exhaust pipes for the cabin, and gaps between the gun mantlet and the hull. NLD can be covered using terrain, wrecked tanks, or just piles of garbage.

Opponents that are larger than Object 263 are a separate danger, because then they can easily pierce the MTO cover or the back of the hull. This tank destroyer has a low turning speed, so you should not rush forward without the support of allies, otherwise fast tanks can simply spin and prop up.

1. Evaluation of performance characteristics

This tank destroyer is not subject to research of various modules, because immediately after the purchase, it acquires the status of "Elite". The mass of Object 263 is 60 tons and it's pretty good. Good top speed. From the TT IS-7, the wheelbase and the engine were inherited, therefore, in terms of dynamics, the Object 263 WOT will resemble the IS-7. The dimensions of the tank destroyer are very large, which is only worth the case, which has a length of ten meters! It will be difficult to hide it, but nothing is impossible. If armor was not an important characteristic for all PTs, then for the Object .. see for yourself. The frontal armor is 250mm, and the cabins are 300mm! And what does this mean? This means that out of the four merged CT drums of the 10th level (BatChatillon 25t), only one shell penetrated the frontal armor, how do you like it? But not everything is as good as it seems, everyone has their own, vulnerable places. From the same IS-7 got NBL (lower armor plate) with a thickness of 170mm, in which the above-mentioned ST penetrates already with 60% percent. 90mm side and 30mm cover, which means that the LT T50-2 that caroused you will easily penetrate into these penetration zones. And last but not least, an open cabin. In addition to increased visibility, it does not give anything sensible, and hostile artillery with great pleasure will throw maximum damage there and crit everything that is possible.

Excellent visibility, better than the rest of the tank destroyers;

Excellent frontal armor;

High camouflage factor;

Fast and accurate weapons.

A lot of vulnerabilities (sides, feed, lid);

Open logging - a high probability of going to the hangar from an artillery vanshot of level 7 and above.

Thus, we have many pros and cons. With a competent game, the disadvantages become insignificant.





Driver mechanic.

Modules. Additional modules. Characteristics and brief description

The weapon of the Object is simply superb, and the reason for this is its excellent rate of fire, accuracy and penetration! With this weapon, you can easily deal with a single-level CT and TT one on one.

An important additional module (DM) is "Ventilation". It will speed up the aiming time and reloading of the gun, which will allow you to shoot even faster. Also very useful DM will be "Reinforced aiming drives" and "Camouflage net".

Mandatory set of consumables (consumables) for tank destroyers: "First Aid Kit", "Repair Kit" and "Fire Extinguisher".

Game technique

You can play tank destroyers while sitting in ambush (boring), or act as support.

- "Ambush": Object 263 World of Tanks has good camouflage, and in addition to the camouflage net and 100% upgraded camouflage of the crew members, we get an excellent result. We stand in the bushes or the well-known zones for anti-tank guns and shoot the enemies one at a time, but the main thing is not to expose our weak spots, which break through very easily.

- "Support": It is necessary to follow the allied CT and TT, we try to qualitatively help to push the right direction. I think everything is easy and clear, but there is one feature. If you are left alone and have destroyed all the allies who were driving nearby, do not worry, the tank destroyer can act as a TT! Yes, yes, you heard right! The main thing is to expose your forehead and play with it, then there are great chances that your opponent will hear “Didn’t break through” and “Ricochet” and you will quickly deal with him.

As a result, we have a super unit with a super weapon, with a super armored forehead and, nevertheless, sufficient dynamics! Good luck on the battlefield!

What else to read