How to draw a snowman on paper. How to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil is easy and beautiful. snowman and snow

On the eve of the winter holidays, adults and children begin to engage in creativity and bring their little dreams to life. Therefore, many novice artists are interested in the question of how to easily and beautifully draw a snowman in stages using a pencil.

2 options will be considered - for more experienced and very young artists, so that everyone can choose a drawing for themselves.

For work, you will definitely need:

  • a sheet of A4 paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • soft eraser;
  • sharpener with a quality blade;
  • paints or colored pencils as desired.

Draw a snowman

So, in order to depict the first snowman on paper, the following steps should be done.

With the help of straight lines, a rectangular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future drawing is highlighted. It should be carefully divided by two perpendicular lines. This step is optional, but beginners should still pay attention to it.

Draw the body of a snowman

Further, it is necessary, as it were, to extend the already existing lines, turning them into oblong circles. It is not necessary to make them perfectly even, since in life it will not work to achieve “ideal”. At the same stage, a horizontal line is added on the head of Bigfoot, indicating a bucket and circles, which will soon become arms and legs.

Snowman drawn in pencil

Now it is worth paying attention to the bucket. It should be cone-shaped and have an oval bottom. Orientation goes to the line that was added in the previous step.

With careful and unhurried movements, indicative contours are removed with the help of an eraser, eyes and hand lines are drawn.

Instead of ordinary hands, branches are drawn to the snowman, in one of them he will hold a broom. Although such details are important, they often do not need to be carefully drawn - they can have a slightly sloppy and “disheveled” look. To make the snowman look prettier, a carrot nose and a narrow belt at the waist are added to him.

step by step

The last step will be needed for those who will stop at the pencil version of the drawing, and will not use paints and colored pencils.

Using a soft simple pencil, shadows are drawn - most of them should be in the opposite direction from the sun or other light source.

The main character of the picture is ready and now, if desired, you can finish drawing other fairy-tale characters or at least outline the winter landscape.

Snowman drawing for the little ones

Kids have always been creative and want to try something new every day. Therefore, the next step-by-step lesson is especially for them - now preschoolers will know how to draw a snowman with a pencil easily and beautifully.

Where to begin

To get started, take paper, pencils and an eraser. But you should not force the child to comply with all the formalities - if he wants, then let him draw in a notebook in a cage, notepad or on colored paper.

step by step photos

So, after everything you need is at hand, you can proceed.

First, a large circle is slowly drawn at the bottom of the leaflet. If the perfect oval does not work out, it's okay. The main thing is that the child likes the result.

After that, the upper circle is applied to the paper - a little smaller than the first. The resulting ovals should slightly touch each other.

Draw parts of a snowman

To make the snowman look to the side, the eyes in the form of dots are drawn not in the center of the face, but a little to the left, after which a carrot nose and a smiling mouth are drawn.

painted snowman

At the very end, twig arms are added on the body and two oblong ovals at the bottom, which play the role of the snowman's legs. It remains to remove all unnecessary lines and the drawing is ready.

Drawing with a pencil is a pleasure, but such a drawing will be very difficult to make alive, so it is recommended to add color to the image at the final stages. And here's how to do it well:

Snowman in pencil

  • when decorating a snowman, it is better not to use felt-tip pens - the image will turn out flat and smeared;
  • the best effect can be achieved with the help of paints, colored pencils and even crayons for drawing;
  • the most difficult thing is to paint small details with paints, and in particular a bucket on the head of a snowman. So it is best to draw it in the same size on another sheet and practice painting with brushes.

Now you know how you can easily and beautifully draw a snowman with a pencil, but for a better understanding and consolidation of the material, we suggest watching another step-by-step video lesson.

Snowman is a mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday. Which of the kids has not sculpted this wonderful snowman in the yard of his house! Three large round balls of snow, of different sizes, stacked on top of each other. There is a bucket on the head, a carrot sticks out instead of a nose. These are the signs that distinguish a snowman. Let's now gradually move on to the New Year theme in the drawings, because this favorite holiday is just around the corner.

Stage 1. We draw with you the torso of our snowman. A large circle is at the bottom, a medium-sized one in the center, and the smallest one at the top. These are three sections of the torso of a frosty little man.

Stage 2. On the upper circle we depict a headdress - a bucket. In shape, it looks like a rectangle with a concave bottom. Closer to the edge of the circle, draw a nose - a carrot in the shape of a cone. Our snowman seems to be looking to the side.

Stage 3. Now we draw an eye of a snowman. Then from the bottom of the bucket, where the hole is located, we make a handle screwed onto the screws. The pen falls on the snowman's face.

Stage 4. It's time for the hands of the snowman. These are simple sticks with twigs at the ends. The branches resemble, as it were, splayed fingers. We draw the branches so that they look up and to the sides. All this is depicted by straight lines.

Stage 5. We decorate the snowman's hat - a bucket - with a flower. How to draw a flower - you all know and know how, we are sure. Draw two circles on the middle section of the body. These will be the buttons. Let's imagine that our snowman is dressed in certain clothes and it is fastened with these buttons.

Stage 6. Let's start coloring our frosty snowman. This option is easy to implement.

On the eve of the New Year, the "snow" theme becomes very popular.

Asking the question "How to draw a snowman", with patience and a step-by-step learning method, you can draw this fairy-tale character on paper.

1. First of all, with a pencil, outline the general outline of the future hero.

2. How to draw a snowman. In the upper part of the drawing, outline the head with an oval.

3. Then you need to show with the help of larger ovals the middle and lower parts of the snowman's body. How to draw a Christmas tree.

4. Having coped with the outlines of the general contour of the body, you can move on to the arms.

5. Designate with the help of points the eyes and mouth of the snowman, and draw the nose in the form of a carrot. Gradually, the task of how to draw a snowman becomes real and quite feasible.

6. The next step is to draw a hat for the snowman (with a lapel and bobon). How to draw a cat.

7. With two parallel lines, mark the broom shaft in your left hand.

8. Do not forget to show the broom itself from the rods at the level of the snowman's legs.

9. So that our hero does not freeze in cold weather, draw a scarf for him, tie it with an elegant knot around his neck.

10. We proceed to complete the image of the snowman, remove all unnecessary lines.

11. With bold and thick lines, you need to draw the outline of the entire pattern, mark the buttons on the clothes.

12. With the help of light hatching and feathering of the lines, add volume to the snowman's body.

13. Draw a scarf and a hat in a darker color.

14. Do not forget about small details: eyebrows, dashes on a carrot, glare in the eyes.

15. The final stage of the whole composition will be the decoration of the scarf and hat with bright snowflakes. Following the steps from simple to complex, fantasizing and experimenting, you can prepare postcards and congratulations of your own making for the New Year holidays, and the question of how to draw a snowman will not be as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

A kind and beautiful snowman is a real symbol of merry New Year holidays and wonderful winter entertainment. That is why snowmen can often be seen on greeting cards dedicated to the New Year and Christmas. To understand how to draw a snowman in stages, not only an adult, but even a child is capable of. After all, a snowman has a very simple structure - as a rule, it is made of several snowballs.
Before you draw a snowman, be sure to prepare all those accessories that will inevitably be needed in the creative process:
one). A pen with black gel ink;
2). Pencil. You can use a mechanical one - it does not need to be sharpened. And you can use a simple pencil, only before use it must be well sharpened;
3). Eraser;
4). A piece of paper;
5). A set of multi-colored pencils.

If everything that is listed a little higher is already prepared, then you can proceed to learning how to draw a snowman:
1. To draw a snowman with a pencil, you need to start with markings. Draw a snowdrift. Then draw a vertical line indicating the place where the snowman will stand;
2. Draw three snowballs in sequence. First, the smallest one, which will be the snowman's head, and then two larger ones - they will be his body;
3. Draw legs for the snowman;
4. Draw a carrot nose to the snowman's head. Then draw two eyes and a smiling mouth;
5. Draw a striped scarf and three buttons on the middle wad;
6. Draw a hat with a pom-pom on the snowman's head;
7. Draw handles in the form of twigs;
8. Having learned how to draw a snowman in stages with a pencil, you can move on to coloring it. Circle the image with a pen, and then erase all the pencil lines with an eraser;
9. Color the carrot with an orange pencil, and a cap with yellow and green;
10. Color a striped scarf with pink, green and yellow colors;
11. Paint over the branches with a brown tint;
12. Color the buttons in blue, lilac and pink tones;
13. With a blue pencil, shade the snowman and the snowdrift in which he stands.
The snowman drawing is ready! Now you know perfectly well how to draw a snowman! In order to color the finished image of a charming snowman, you can use not only a set of multi-colored pencils, but also paints, such as gouache or watercolor.

Yesterday, snowman N. committed suicide by jumping onto a heating main. Psychologists believe that the complexes that tormented the snowman in connection with a small carrot are to blame.

Let's continue the theme of children's drawings. In the last lesson, we learned . It was very simple, but today's lesson wakes up no more difficult. Now I will tell how to draw a snowman with a pencil.

Although it’s not that it’s winter outside, and the New Year’s mood has gone somewhere, let’s try to remember a few facts from our life. Firstly, we all loved to play snowballs and even more so to sculpt snowmen! Moreover, the latter was an exclusively collective work, and the goal was not just to create a certain elemental of snow, but that it would be larger than in the neighboring yard. But today our goal will not be size, but quality, that is, beauty.

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step

To work, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil or ballpoint pen. The drawing is quite simple, so I decided to try, how to draw with pen on paper. You can use a pencil to erase unnecessary lines with an eraser if necessary. But I think it's so simple that even a child can handle drawing a snowman.

Let's start by drawing a round shape. It doesn't have to be perfectly flat, as it's a snowman, not a ball.

Step two. Let's draw the buttons.

Step three. We draw a headdress.

Step five. Let's draw the snowman's eyes, carrot nose and mouth.

Step six. Let's add his hands. And a broom. That's all. Ready. You will be interested to know.

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