How are acids disposed of? Disposal of waste acids and alkalis: relevance of the problem Nuances of sulfuric acid processing

The problem of timely disposal of alkalis is acute for chemical, paper, metallurgical, Food Industry.

Alkaline waste is generated during the production of artificial rubbers, electroplated coatings, household chemicals and synthetic fibers, where caustic soda and caustic potassium are actively used. They have a strong cleaning effect, actively dissolving fatty compounds.

When these aggressive substances come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, they cause severe burns that are difficult to treat. Alkalis are soapy to the touch and are very difficult to wash off with water, so the fastest and most effective method their neutralization is treatment with acetic acid.

During construction and repair work Calcium hydroxide - slaked lime - is used in large quantities, and alkaline waste is the remains of building mortars.

Aggressive chemical compounds in Wastewater ah poison water arteries, soil and air, therefore it is strictly forbidden to discharge waste solutions into sewer systems. And their accumulation in production areas not only takes up useful space, but is also fraught with leaks.

Main disposal methods

Each type of alkali is processed in the most optimal way, taking into account the flow chemical reactions to reduce the environmental load on the environment. This may be a reduction in chemical activity by neutralization or regeneration for subsequent use in production.

But the whole process includes three main stages.

  • Alkaline waste is placed in sealed containers, most often made from certain polymers with special markings. They cannot be mixed, because special reagents are selected for the reactions to occur.
  • The containers are transported to a special site for neutralization with acids to obtain neutral salts. During the reactions, it is released a large number of heat, which will always be different depending on the reagents.
  • Salts are evaporated or precipitated and then successfully used in production mineral fertilizers and soda solutions.

The waste storage area is thoroughly cleaned, and you receive regulations, confirming recycling.

Profitable disposal of alkalis at EKOUMVELT

By ordering a comprehensive alkali disposal service from the EKOUMVELT company, you receive a full package of documents for presentation to sanitary services in accordance with domestic legislation. The company specializes in waste disposal with any degree of aggressiveness and in any volume, so we have the necessary transport, sealed packaging and modern environmentally friendly technologies. Certified specialists have all the information on the risks of working with aggressive substances, so all work is carried out in special clothing and safety glasses.

The license and certificates of Rosprirodnadzor allow us to work with all types of industrial waste disposal, providing a full range of services from their collection, transportation to disposal. At the exit we carry out control and obtain absolutely safe substances. We assume all risks, and you receive a guarantee of high-quality work without damage to environment.

Spent acids and alkalis are classified as industrial wastehazard classes I and II and pose a significant problem from an environmental and economic point of view. The volume of this waste amounts to tens of thousands of tons. Let's look at ways to recycle them- tions ensuring compliance by enterprises with the norms of the Federal Law.

IN 2016 by order of the Governmentgovernment Russian Federation dated 06/02/2016 No. 1082-r approved plan main activities, a significant part of which is devoted to the elimination of industrial and household waste. The urgency of the problem was noted in the List of Instructions of the President of the Russian Federation following the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on October 13, 2017. In accordance with this document, for the disposal of a whole spectrum various types waste it is necessary “ take measures aimed at strengthening the administrative liability of business entities carrying out activities related to the management of waste of hazard classes I and II for violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of waste management.” Tightening public policy and administrative responsibility inevitably entails a number of changes aimed at enterprises using modern systems and processes that guarantee a high degree of purification. But before we talk about these systems, let's turn to the concepts of recovery and recycling.

Waste disposal is an activity related to the use of waste at its stages technological cycle, and/or ensuring reuse or recycling of decommissioned products.

Waste recovery is an activity for the technological processing of waste, including the extraction and recovery of valuable waste components, with their return for reuse. .

Use of inorganic acids in various industries

Name and formula of acid Industries, areas of activity
Sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4 Metallurgy, organic synthesis, oil refining industry, pulp and paper industry, preparation of electrolyte and explosives
Hydrochloric acid HCl Food industry, mining industry, leather industry
Nitric acid HNO 3 Metallurgy, mining, nuclear industry, organic synthesis, production of fertilizers and explosives.
Phosphoric acid H 3 PO 4 Textile industry, aviation industry, fertilizers, glass, ceramics and fireproof materials; medicine
Boric acid H 3 BO 3 Nuclear industry, fertilizer production; pharmacology; jewelry making
Sulfamic acid H 2 NSO 3 Electroplating, oil industry, wood processing industry, pulp and paper industry, fertilizer production
Sulfurous acid H 2 SO 3 Food industry, wood industry, textile industry
Hydrofluoric acid HF Petrochemical industry, semiconductor production

Currently, there are two main methods for waste disposal- tanned acids and alkalis:

Neutralization of chemical assets- ness;

Regeneration for reuse- calling.

Let's consider the processes that- currently can be used at existing enterprises to solve- meeting the set goals for waste disposal.


Modern productions need- Both inorganic and organic are available- ganic acids. Sorrel, car- bonic, tartaric and lactic acids are the most common organic- ski acids that are used at chemical plants. The problem of their disposal is not so acute, since these compounds, after their processing, are sent to secondary production. Organic acids are neutralized with alkalis, resulting in the formation of salts used in various industries. Special attention Enterprises pay attention to the disposal of industrial wastewater containing organic acids. Removing the latter is necessary to reduce the load on the city's water treatment plants.

However, the most actual problem what remains is the utilization of inorganic acids, which are a by-product of the activities of many- acceptance. The most commonly used acids in production and their areas of application are listed in the table.

Over a million tons of acid are produced annually at various enterprises.- lot that must be disposed of for environmental safety. Nai- the more common fire method is re- generation of waste acids, consisting- ing in their thermal decomposition. So from environmentally hazardous waste semi- expect a high quality commercial product- stva.

Use of the fire method in the regeneration of sulfuric acid- saves the costs of natural raw materials and reduces costs by a third compared to its production from primary raw materials. Sulfuric acid is mainly used in organic synthesis and its utilization- tion in the process of sulfonation of an organ- chemical compounds are carried out using the fire method.

In the metallurgical industry, inorganic acids are used in large quantities, particularly for herbs.- fusion of metals. In this case,etching solutionscontaining, in addition to spent acid, also salts - these are oxidation products on top- of metal layers flowing when interacting with an acidic solution- You.

Formed during pickling process- ferrous sulfate (iron sulfate) neutra- lick with lime, and then the resulting precipitate (iron hydroxide) is thermally- iron is decomposed in special furnaces to produce iron oxide. Oxide jelly- behind - finished product, which at- changes in the production of dyes, ferrite powders, polishing pastes. The second product is neutra- lization is gypsum (calcium sulfate- tion), which can be used in construction.

It is most profitable and effective to extract iron sulfate from races- solutions of sulfuric acid, and the remaining- Use this solution again for etching the metal. The spent solutions should contain 220-260 g/l of iron sulfate and 10-12% free- boric acid. It is also possible by- beam sulfuric acid by converting- transfer of ferrous sulfate into sulfur dioxide.

In some cases, regeneration- tion of the etching solution of sulfuric acid is carried out using as- reagent hydrogen chloride, which- the eye solution is processed on the mill- tions of evaporation. The resulting suspension of crystalline particles of ferric chloride in sulfuric acid is centrifuged, separating the solid and liquid phases. Then the sulfuric acid is finally purified from chlorine- Doroda.

Spent etching solutions of hydrochloric and nitric acids are usually neutralized by filtration through alkaline reagents: chalk, dolomite,- limestone, marble. This method is the easiest to use, since the salts- forming when neutralizing hydrochloric and nitric acids, are highly soluble in water.

For regeneration of etching races- solutions such as sorption and extraction are not used, but they are widely- which are used in waste gas recovery technology of hydrochloric acid. The latter is a gaseous- a passage containing hydrochloric acid, vapors of volatile organic substances, as well as chlorine, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen. The most correct and eco- An economical method for recycling waste hydrochloric acid is oxidation in the presence of reaction of a catalyst to produce chlorine.

In addition to etching solutions, I know- contain significant amounts of acidsacid tars― main waste from the oil refining industry- problems that are formed during the purification of petroleum products, apparatus and reserves- ars concentrated sulfuric acid- that one. They represent highly- toxic, viscous, resinous oils- sys containing heavy hydrocarbons, sulfuric acid and water.

There are various methods to re- generation of acid tars: thermal decomposition, release of organic impurities, adsorption, oxidation during- in the absence of a catalyst, coagulated- tion, evaporation.

During the thermal decomposition of acid tars, sulfuric acid dissociates. The resulting sulfur gas (anhydride) is removed and absorbed by water in special devices. Since these wastes, in addition to sulfuric acid, include various organic sulfurs- solid compounds and resins, from which bitumens can be obtained, widely used as road-building materials.

Industrial wastewater often contains- Reduces waste acids to a small extent- concentration, so they are often simply neutralized with alkalis. The neutralization method is used if there are no organic impurities in these waters.

The wastewater recycling process is controlled by the pH value. In quality- As an example, consider neutralization- treatment of acidic wastewater with lime milk, resulting in the formation- Basic carbonates are identified. Inequality- Roman sediments of carbonates are filtered- are washed, dried and delivered to- companies producing asphalt concrete, where they are used as structuring additives.

If wastewater contains significant amounts of organic and inorganic impurities, then neutralization is combined with the fire method. The fire method is used to completely decompose impurities with the formation of harmless gaseous components.

Scientific developments related to this method of wastewater treatment can- can significantly reduce energy consumption- you and reduce the thermal impact on the environment.


At enterprises as a result of technology- ical processes generate alkaline waste, which, like spent acid- lots are subject to disposal.

Alkaline waste - by-products- chemical and pulp products- oil industry, metallurgy, household chemicals production, paint- lei, rubber, various artificial fibers. If handled incorrectly- alkaline waste can lead to rapid and irreversible changes in the environment, causing harm to health- human blood. That's why they need- in timely neutralization or isolation.

Most used in industry- The most common alkalis are sodium hydroxide NaOH and potassium hydroxide KOH. Departure- we are production balances- ki of alkalis, their solutions and substances in solid form.

Disposal of alkalis is carried out mainly by the neutralization method, in which acids are added to alkaline waste, and salts are formed.

Caustic soda is used in large quantities- used in the production of cellulose, wood- spring mass, paper and cardboard. For sleep- changes in production costs- lulose and a significant reduction over- environmental pollution, regeneration of waste solution after pulping is used. This aqueous solution based on caustic soda and organic and inorganic impurities is called- black liquor. In this case, os- new regeneration task - maximum- recovery from black liquors- active alkali (caustic soda) and obtaining white liquor with specified properties.

Alkali regeneration method included- includes the following processes: falling- burning and burning of black liquors (used to remove- botanical solution of small fibers and organic substances and obtaining car- sodium bonate); causticization green- lye (conversion of the resulting sodium carbonate into sodium hydroxide when treated with slaked lime); about- burning lime sludge obtained during causticization (leads to the formation- lime).

As a result, chemicals are returned to production after regeneration.- The Chinese reagent is sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), in addition, the cellulo cooking process- vines are provided with steam and electricity- energy, and also prevents the release of toxic substances.


Summarizing all that has been said, we can- include: of the two described in the article,- The most simple method of disposal in terms of technical implementation is the neutralization method. However, re- generation is preferable economically-

ical point of view, since it allows the recycling of industrial waste- stve that in the present economic system- situation is important for enterprises.

It is especially worth emphasizing the point that universal recycling technology- tion of waste acids and alkalis of this- the hour does not exist. In each specific case and in each production it is necessary- There are a number of factors to consider when choosing suitable method scraps

Mukhortova L.I., Konstantinova T.G. Ooty- lization of gas-free hydrochloric acid in the- production of chloromethanes // International- ny scientific research journal. - 2017. No. 4 (58). pp. 78-79.

Protsenko T.A., Tuyakhov A.I. Fire her- disposal of industrial gas effluents- howl of industry // deposited manuscript. No. 90-Uk. 2003.

ITS 1-2015. Production of cellulose, wood pulp, paper, cardboard // Mo- SKVA: Bureau of BAT. 2015. 465 p.

ALIT M LLC provides services for the disposal of alkalis in Moscow and the region, the Central region of the country. We guarantee affordable prices, high-quality and prompt service. We provide waste collection, transportation and recycling services I-IV classes danger.

*The final price depends on the amount of waste, its chemical composition, consistency, as well as the complexity of the work performed to remove it from the treatment plant.

Features of alkali recycling

The ALIT M company adheres to a certain sequence of actions when working with customers. In practice it looks like this:

  • discussion of the contract and conclusion of the contract. The cost of work is determined in accordance with the price list;
  • sampling and analysis. The hazard class is determined and chemical composition substances;
  • waste preparation. Removal foreign objects, mixing substances, etc.;
  • transportation. Carried out using our own fleet of specialized automotive equipment;
  • disposal. This process occurs in full accordance with the technologies patented by ALIT M LLC.

Quality control atmospheric air carried out using a mobile laboratory.

Description and features of the process

This class chemical waste is a by-product of the activities of many industrial enterprises. The problem of recycling alkalis is solved by mixing with acids and their further mutual neutralization. As a result of this process, salts and water are obtained.

Neutralization itself can take the form of:

  • exothermic reaction. In this case, a certain amount of heat is released, which depends on the initial reagents;
  • endothermic reaction. In this case, heat is absorbed from the surrounding space.

High-quality and safe waste disposal of the ALIT M company is ensured by the following factors:

  • modern equipment;
  • own patented technologies;
  • qualified personnel;
  • many years of experience working with various wastes.

Do you need high-quality, prompt and affordable disposal of industrial waste? Contact ALIT M LLC!

Alkalis and acids are substances that require a special approach to disposal. This is due to the danger they pose to the environment. At the same time, this raw material is very often used in human life. That's why he proper recycling is very relevant.

Get a free consultation

What are the features of recycling acids and alkalis?

Disposal of alkalis and acids consists of the following stages:

  • transportation of acids and alkalis for the purpose of their subsequent neutralization;
  • storage of potentially hazardous substances for the purpose of their further processing;
  • neutralization carried out chemically.

There are also methods that can restore the acid, making it suitable for subsequent industrial use.

Processing alkalis and acids is a very complex procedure. To carry it out, you need a special permit, which not every company has. The Federation company has the necessary licenses, as well as equipment and skills to conduct this type of event with a variety of types chemical substances and connections.

We will independently prepare acids and alkalis for export, having previously cleaned them of foreign elements. Potentially hazardous substances are removed using special vehicles. Disposal takes place on modern equipment, in full accordance with the technological process.

We give everything away Required documents, indicating that the processing was carried out in accordance with current standards.

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