How appearance affects men. Does a person's appearance matter? What do women think about male appearance?

The fact that a woman should always look good is beyond doubt. This is like an axiom that does not require arguments and evidence, because a man “loves with his eyes”, and that says it all. At the same time, it is generally accepted that a man should be "a little better than a monkey", and that's it. That is, a man of ordinary appearance is, as it were, already a handsome man and a worthy party. In fact, the appearance of a man, as well as a woman's appearance, play an important role in choosing a partner. And, of course, our first glance, we pay attention to the appearance of a man: his face, physique and smell ... It's no secret that handsome guys are always "in great demand" among girls. Such lucky ones are literally in great demand, all the girls from the class “run” after them, and, as a result, this also spoils the young and pretty. Getting used to such a “demand” for their own beauty, such guys are very often not in the mood for a serious relationship, because the choice is great for them and they use it. Naturally, starting from adolescence, the personality of such a future man is formed.

On the other hand, it is known that a young man is handsome in appearance, is not always frivolous and windy. It happens that the beautiful are capable of serious relationships and are distinguished by rather high moral principles of life, at the same time, as some "simple" ones are, they are famous for the role of Casanova.

Yes, why hide the truth, in some way we become "powerless" at the sight of a handsome man, especially if the latter begins to pay attention to us. But, as they say, they are greeted by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind. When the "prelude" is completed, this is me about the first acquaintance, the knowledge of each other begins. And if a man is nothing of himself as a person and as a person, then I think that “beautiful packaging” will soon dispel the entire impression. The same can be said about a beautiful girl. If she is really just a “dummy”, then a man is unlikely to choose such a person for a serious relationship. And, as they say, being smart and beautiful is bad, but it is precisely such women that are worth the price. A man, of course, is a little easier in this regard. For a man, it is more important to be a beautiful soul, to be able to speak beautifully and to be interesting and successful, I emphasize once again, successful. Namely, wealth and success, the mind is able to conquer a woman in the greatest way.

If a man also thinks about the question “Is the appearance of a man important for a woman”, then I think the woman knows the answer to this question. And the answer will be the following: "Important, but not required." If you prioritize, then external beauty will take somewhere 4-5 place among male qualities and virtues.

“Now I am dating a very untidy man who absolutely does not care how he looks and does not care what outsiders think about it. At the same time, he is a very interesting and deep person. There is a real and strong man in him, behind whose back I am not afraid and comfortable. This is despite the fact that I, a lioness according to the horoscope, have a bright appearance, dress beautifully and monitor my appearance. His decoration is me... I come to the conclusion that opposites attract. For me, the main thing is that I like a man and be sexy for me, ”Rita confesses. Yes, sometimes you meet a couple, it seems that they are not at all a couple to each other, but at the same time people are happy and they feel good together. The inner charm of a man is just the trump card that can conquer a woman much more than just external data.

It is worth noting that if a woman meets a handsome, slender and sexy man, then this does not mean that she will choose him as her life partner, because for a stable family life, completely different qualities are needed. Here it is already important that a man loves children, is reliable, loyal and smart. As one old friend of mine said: “Two components are important in a man: the smell and the fact that you want to have children from him. If these "two" are present - boldly down the aisle.

Since men are very picky about the appearance of girls, they transfer this feature of theirs to the opposite sex. In particular, this is typical of guys who are not confident in themselves, who have difficulty conquering girls and are looking for the reason for this outside. Of course, it's easier to say that I'm not tall enough and lean enough, not beefy enough and have a potato nose, instead of working on my complexes and developing as a person.

Is it possible to argue that the appearance of a man will be indifferent to a girl? Of course, this would not be true. An attractive guy is more likely to have her agree to meet him, but this does not mean that girls perceive men superficially. For the most part, they love handsome men, but they understand that such men are spoiled by female attention, and therefore it is hardly worth counting on something serious with them.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that a beautiful appearance is not only a Hollywood standard. Beauty is so diverse and diverse that it is simply impossible to set some kind of standard and start from it. Too many factors affect the perception of a person, and guys do not take into account all of them. In addition to a muscular torso and a Greek profile, girls can appreciate other appearance parameters. This is a beautiful plasticity of movements, and a charming smile, and a well-groomed appearance, and stylish clothes. And if it is difficult for a guy to change his eye shape or the shape of his skull, then he can actively work with the rest.

To do this, he has at his disposal a gym, a hairdresser, fashion stores and people who can help a man present himself beautifully. The development of communication skills is one of the key conditions for building relationships with girls. And if a guy has the appearance of Apollo, but cannot connect two words, is boring and uncouth, what kind of success can we talk about with girls?

Age and complexes about their appearance

As a rule, boys begin to complete about their appearance at puberty. They get acne, their voice breaks, their movements become clumsy, which lowers their self-esteem. Involuntarily, they begin to compare themselves with those around them, and, naturally, they find in themselves a lot of shortcomings and a bunch of virtues and other boys.

The appearance of such complexes is primarily due to unformed life principles and values. When a person understands that his personality is much more important than external shortcomings, his human qualities make it possible to forget about any ugliness. However, adolescents have too little life experience to come to such conclusions.

But time goes by, and the guy realizes that he can correct certain flaws in appearance, for example, by actively playing sports. In addition, he can simply shift the focus from them, showing other qualities - erudition, good nature or wit, for example.

Obsession with one's own appearance is a sign of an immature psyche. To some extent, this would be understandable if a person had a pronounced deformity. But even such people can live a full life - the point is not in appearance, but in how a person perceives himself. If he associates himself only with his outer shell, this indicates superficial thinking.

And in this case, the guy should think about the nature of things, about what sets the world in motion, makes everything spin and work. This is by no means dazzling beauty, it is enterprise, energy, intelligence, a desire to make your life and the lives of those around you better. It is by such criteria that it makes sense to compare yourself and those around you, and teenage complexes should be left where they belong - in the past.

Girls, of course, are pleased to show off next to a handsome guy, but things will not go beyond this fleeting pleasure if her acquaintance shows himself to be a narcissistic egoist. And handsome guys who believe that the whole world is obliged to admire them, usually just like that. Therefore, everything rests not on appearance, but on the ability of a person to improve himself and make this world more comfortable and safer.

Many insecure guys often wonder if I'm pretty enough to seduce girls? And they immediately take a step back. And in fact they It would be worth considering whether male beauty is so important for girls? And is it worth it to fear that your girlfriend will one day be taken away by some beefy macho? In this article we will talk about whether appearance is important for a man. And I will try to debunk those myths and stereotypes that may have already formed in your head.

Is appearance so important?

If you are afraid that your beautiful girlfriend will leave you for another, prettier guy, then it is completely in vain. She can leave you if you behave like a nerd, stop living up to her expectations, and suddenly someone will turn up who will be cooler and more confident than you. This will also happen if you do not observe the so-called balance of significance, which we have already spoken about. That is why she will go not to a more beautiful one, but to someone who seems to her more “a man” than you. However, this does not exclude at all that such a “brutal” cannot have a pumped-up body and an attractive appearance. And then she will definitely be lucky, but you, alas, no.

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You need to think not about your appearance, but about what is important for girls in a relationship. Although this does not at all relieve you of the obligation to simply monitor your appearance and look neat. Otherwise, your girlfriend will simply start to be shy of you in public, and it will not be easy to get acquainted with girls. The guy may not be handsome, but if he takes care of himself and dresses well, this is a plus for him. It can even smooth out some of the flaws in his figure.

What do women think about male appearance?

In principle, girls, of course, pay attention to appearance, but they do not attach as much importance to it as men do. And if you ask if the appearance of a girl is important for a man, then, as a rule, nine out of ten guys will put this criterion in the first place. But with the fair sex, the situation will be just the opposite. It goes without saying that there are not so many guys who can be called beautiful, but there is nothing wrong with that either. Usually such men choose the modeling business and do not always prefer communication with the opposite sex. That is why many girls have long decided for themselves that a guy should be a little prettier than a monkey. I'm exaggerating a little here, of course.

Generally, it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that the appearance of a man is not important for a woman. Firstly, all ladies are different, and some really prefer handsome men. And secondly, the longing in a woman's heart for a beautiful and strong shoulder is still present. Therefore, a handsome macho, of course, attracts ladies' attention. And she will not even refuse to spend the night with him, but it is unlikely to build a relationship. Here, completely different criteria come to the fore: self-confidence, success, an interesting personality, a sense of humor and other truly masculine qualities. For comparison, I can say with confidence that five out of ten men are ready to marry a dumb and eccentric beauty.

A woman will never leave a man for a more beautiful opponent if he is a smart, charismatic and self-confident person. Here it can change, but it is unlikely to leave. But in both cases, you need to seriously mess up.

Does a person's appearance matter: common problems

Next, I will analyze a few banal situations that are found everywhere, and often ruin people's lives; and they are connected with the same question - is your appearance important to a man.
  • A man meets a girlfriend who is younger than him, not by a year or two, but by five, ten and even fifteen. Over time, he develops a complex about his appearance - whether she will go to another who is younger and looks better. Here is one mistake after another. Firstly, if you have such a relationship, then she definitely didn’t choose you because of your appearance. Many young ladies want confidence in the future, they want to be taken care of, and therefore their peers pass by. And if she chose you, and you are fifteen years older than her, then definitely not because of her appearance - well, if not only because of her wallet. Secondly, if you yourself agreed to such a relationship, then be prepared for what they can lead to. If an eighteen-year-old person really loved you with all her heart, then there are no questions. Except for one thing - can an eighteen-year-old really fall in love? .. One piece of advice. If everything is fine with you and you are dating, then it is important that she continues to appreciate and respect you. And so that she is not disappointed in her choice, it is better to immediately abandon teenage habits, for example, fill up her SMS, call drunk, be jealous of every pole or wait at the entrance. After all, she was looking for a self-confident and accomplished man, and not an overgrown boy.
  • Sometimes guys are faced with such a problem as whether appearance is important to a girl. It just happens that you meet a beauty, and she is just fixated on her appearance, constantly spinning at the mirror, picks up outfits in stores and only talks about it. What to do in this case? Never mind. This behavior is obvious from the start. And if you married such a person, and therefore found out about it, then I will be very surprised. Although no, you, like many, believed that everything would change, and your love would make a person out of her. Remember - you can't change anyone. By the tenth grade, people have almost completely formed as individuals. Men are still being formed by the army, but such a school of life has not been invented for girls. And because her mother and the street brought up, with such you and live.

  • Well, the last question from the topic is whether the guy's appearance is important - in order to finally close it. I am often asked what to do if you meet a really beautiful girl? What if they take her away, all the beauties are always full of admirers and the guys stick to them. Besides, why did she choose me?.. Let's start with the last one. If she chose you, then it was for what. Therefore, there is no need to ask too many questions.. And if you start digging into your relationship, then she will really think - why did I choose him, such a fool? .. Will the beauty be taken away. In fact, there are far fewer people running after your friend than you think. And all because all the guys have stereotyped thinking, and they think the same way as you. They are simply afraid to approach them, because they believe that such girls are not for them, but for those who have a cool car and a lot of money in their account. And instead of coming up, they leave it for later, they say, I’ll save some money, dress up, take a better car or move from my parents. In short, a cloud of complexes.
So let's sum it up. Is appearance important for a pickup artist to successfully seduce girls? It is important, but it is far from the first place. Read my article "How to create yourself?" and then it will be enough for you to just have a good haircut and look neat, maybe even stylish. And everything else is already done by your masculine qualities and pickup skills.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls April 9, 2017, at 02:02

How important is a guy's appearance to a girl?

Imagine this picture: you are in a hurry about your business, and then a real sultry macho of indescribable beauty passes by you. Do you think that all the girls around will secretly, or without hesitation, scan him with their eyes? Undoubtedly, any girl will look after an attractive, charming guy. And there is nothing wrong with this, since this behavior is explained by the instincts inherent in us. That is, nature itself commands us at such moments. However, there is one "but" here - if girl looking for a lover, the probability that she wants to build with him serious relationship- small. In a global sense, for women, the appearance of a man does not play a big role.

And therefore, our advice to guys: if you do not have a luxurious, attractive appearance and do not change girls like gloves, do not be upset, showing kindness and responsiveness to women, you can find your true love and create a strong family.

How important is a girl's appearance to a guy?

Unfortunately, men are more picky in this regard. In order to interest the guy you like, it is not enough to have positive qualities, you need to monitor your appearance, hygiene, figure, dress beautifully, etc. For example, contrary to all the laws of nature, without model external data, you managed to start serious dating. Take your time to celebrate with a cake and your favorite soda, because that spark that flared up between you and that guy can quickly go out. Alas, you will have to keep the fire of love alive for a long time. Do you have the strength and nerves for such a feat?

Our advice to girls: never stop there, improve your body and spirit, only in this way you can keep your loved one near you.

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