How to insert an excel table into a powerpoint presentation. Change the type of an existing chart. Embed and insert a chart into a presentation

You can launch the game you are interested in using the DOSBox program different ways. Here are some of them:

  • Launch using "drag and drop the executable file onto DOSBox". In order to launch the game this way, you just need to “drag and drop” the game’s executable file ( .exe or .com) to the label DOSBox.
  • Launch directly from DOSBox. Run DOSBox, then mount the disk with the game and using the commands DOSBox" and run its executable file.

Important: you must go to the game directory itself - you cannot run the file from the root of the virtual disk like this: GAMES\ORION\ORION.EXE

  • Launch using *.bat file. Create a *.bat file like dosbox c:\games\orion\orion.exe, place it in the directory with DOSBox, run it.
  • Launch using the commands specified in dosbox.conf autoexec. Teams DOSBox" or you can write it at the very end of the configuration file in the autoexec section - and they will be executed in order at startup DOSBox" A.
  • Launch using third-party front-ends (graphical shells). The most famous such shell is D-Fend- can be downloaded from us at .

How to run a PC-booter game (i.e. a game that runs directly from the floppy disk image)?

You can read more information about floppy disk images in the article Floppy Disk Image. What is it and how to work with it.

DOSBox Commands

I launched DOSBox- got a black screen and command line, what should I write?

IN DOSBox" There are commands similar to standard DOS commands:

  • CD- command to change directory.
  • CD..- go up one level.
  • cd folder_name go to a subfolder of this directory.
  • X:- change disk to disk X:.
  • dir- command to display the contents of a directory, can also be used with keys /w(output by columns), /R(pause after each screen).
  • mount- command to connect disks to DOSBox.

Note: to simplify navigation through the file system, you can use one of the file managers under DOS.

How can I get the contents of the game folder in DOSBox?

To DOSBox I saw your folder with the game or games, you need to “mount” the virtual disk with a special command. IN DOSBox You can't just go to a folder on your disk without mounting it. Some games also require the game CD-ROM to be displayed. To do this, you need to somehow “mount” the CD-ROM too.

Example of using the command mount to mount the folder D:\GAMES on your computer as a disk C: DOSBox:

Mount c d:\games

Connection example CD-ROM in drive E: on your computer as a virtual CD-ROM D: DOSBox:

Mount d e:\ -t cdrom

Some games with CD-Audio tracks may require the -ioctl.

In particularly advanced cases (if it still slows down), it’s worth trying to change the parameters core And output in the config (read more in the DOSBox instructions for users), disable additional scalers (parameter scaler) or even enable frame skipping, this is done with the keys CTRL-F7 / CTRL-F8.

remember, that DOSBox runs best on x86, meaning running on handheld devices or Macintosh PPC, for example, will never be as fast.

Is it possible to save at any time in DOSBOx (like, for example, in the Super Nintendo emulator)?

Where should I look for the dosbox.conf settings file?

Depending on OS and version DOSBox" and the settings file is located either with dosbox.exe(in earlier versions), or in User profile(for example, in versions 0.73-0.74 or at

It was better before - it's no secret. And the grass is greener, and the sun is shining, and the sand is flowing, and computer games deeper. Now, because of the graphical capabilities, every second tchotchke on PC and every first on consoles resembles a crookedly made movie, there is no soul left in them, there is no gameplay! These are not my words, in fact, I have a diametrically opposite opinion. But if you like this idea, then be sure to read this article to the end. After all, I will be launching games that came out during the golden time for PCs directly on Android. MS-DOS time! I will do this through DosBox, of course.

What is DosBox anyway? This is an application that emulates MS-DOS, of course. Why is it needed if Windows has it? command line, performing all the necessary functions? For games, of course! When the oak trees were young and the carrots stood strong and upright, there were huge problems with the various technical components of the PC. Dozens of companies gnawed at each other's pedipalps to stay afloat, dozens of video cards and dozens of sound cards competed with each other. The trouble is that because of this, games were often made for only one or two sets, and practically did not work on the rest.

Yes, I’m exaggerating, the situation then was not so sad, but I hope I managed to convey the essence. Modern equipment is not always compatible with old games, and you can run the new Battlefront on your monster paired with The Witcher 3, but some Dangerous Dave, released before you were even born, will send your supercomputer on a walking erotic tour . Or maybe BSOD will show it, just to be discouraging.

To prevent such troubles from happening, and to ensure that old games run smoothly along with new ones, DosBox was created. It allows you to emulate not only the MS-DOS environment itself without original files, but also old equipment. And the best thing is that the application is almost omnivorous, and there is even a port of it on Android. DosBox Turbo is the fastest MS-DOS emulator on the Android market, and if you are a lover of retro games, it is a must-buy.

Working with it is a little difficult, especially for those who have not used MS-DOS, or have used it but have already forgotten about it. I'm from the second category, if anything. And today I will analyze the most simple examples in working with this application. No mounting Windows through separate images - we will only run pure MS-DOS applications.

So, after launching the program, you should see a scary black screen with letters. There is no mouse cursor, there is no on-screen keyboard. Everything is fine, as it should be! A line with text a la “Drive C is mounted as local directory /storage/emulated/0/Download” should also appear. This means that DosBox considers the main drive to be the Downloads folder. If you plan to put games in this very folder, then everything is fine, but if they are in the root directory, then it is better to redo this moment.

“Settings” > “DosBox Settings” > “Autoexec.bat”, in the line “mount c: /storage/emulated/0/Download” remove “Downloads”. Next, add the game folder to the root directory. By the way, it’s better to immediately rename it to something short. Let's say Warlords 2 Deluxe became W2D for me. The main thing is not to forget what is what and where it goes.

The most important team on at this stage emulation - “cd”, also known as “change directory”. The command is written according to the principle “cd *folder name*”. To return to the directory above there is the command “cd ..”. Files in folders are launched by simply entering their name in the line. That is, if there is a file in the folder XCOM.BAT or XCOM.EXE, then just enter its name without the extension.

Basically, that's all a beginner needs to know. Calling the keyboard in DosBox Turbo works in portrait mode, just like the joystick. Now regarding the games. Apparently, my streak of misfortune will haunt me for a long time, because some digital games intended for DOS decided not to run on DosBox. TES Redguard showed a lack of video memory, Warlords 2 showed a sound error, the demo version of Heroes of Might and Magic crashed without declaring war... But Bard's Tale and UFO: Enemy Unknown launched quickly and pleasantly. The screensavers are skipped, the keyboard works, but the mouse doesn't work In both cases it's a bit clunky and needs some tweaking.

We can finish here. With the article, but not with the topic, of course, since for discussion there is also DosBox Manager, mounting images and games that will not start without mounting, as well as launching through a Windows emulator. I will focus on turn-based strategies, which do not require the user to react quickly and sharply. After all, smartphones most often do not have a keyboard and mouse.

If you need to make a presentation of your project in a format convenient for a client or partner, help will come PowePoint application from MS Office. But it often happens that during the presentation there is a need to demonstrate various tables. And here the question inevitably arises of how to insert a table into a slide show. There are several ways to do this. This article will look at inserting a table from Ms Word.

Inserting a table from Word into a presentation

Inserting a table from Word into Powerpoint is much easier than it seems at first glance. There are two ways to do this.

Method 1: Insert Menu

Using the menu "Insert" You can place a table in a presentation in two steps.

Place on clipboard

In order to place our object on the clipboard, you need to:

You can also place the selected object on the clipboard using the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

Inserting into a presentation

Inserting a table into a presentation is done as follows:

The table will be inserted into the presentation.

Its size and location on the slide can be changed in the standard way by dragging the corners of the frame.

Method 2: Screenshot of the table

Although adding a Word table to a presentation using the Insert menu is very in a simple way, for some users the table appears truncated. Therefore, they have to go to additional lengths to achieve desired result and insert it onto the slide as an image. For this, a screenshot is created. It is done like this:

As a result, black marks will appear in the corners and in the middle of each side of the picture; by moving them with the mouse, everything unnecessary will be cut off from it. In this case, the parts of the drawing that will be cut off will be darkened, which makes the task much easier.

The cropping process is completed by clicking on the icon again. "Cutting".

A table screenshot is created directly from the presentation without using the PrintScreen key. To do this you need:

This manipulation can be done in another way. To do this in the menu "Snapshot" You need to click not on the document itself, but select the option "Screen Clipping":

This will switch to the Word document and activate the cropping tool. Once the area to paste is marked, it will switch back to PowerPoint and the screenshot will be pasted onto the slide.

All that remains is to adjust the drawing to the size of the slide.

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