How I opened my own thrift store. My zhzhshka - everything about everything What I opened on 58800 discussions

Many people are used to complaining and giving up if something doesn’t work out. And it seems that you have no chance of success if you are from a small provincial town.

It's simple if you have positive attitude and ready to overcome difficulties. We wish you all to have exactly this mindset!

My history

At one time, the question arose about where to work next. The rate for a teacher-psychologist was as much as seven thousand rubles, so I listened to Mr. Medvedev and decided to open my own business. Since I live in the city, most of whose population lives below the poverty line, it was decided to open a second-hand store for children, because everyone knows very well that prices for children's clothing and children's goods are now unrealistically high, and things often remain in very good condition.

I started with something simple - looking for money. Here it was decided to get at least a little for the opening (the advantage of opening a second-hand store is that you do not need to invest in purchasing goods, the goods are accepted for sale from the population). Therefore, I went to the Employment Center (hereinafter referred to as the Employment Center). There I registered as unemployed, but at the interview I announced the fact that I wanted to open my own business.

For the report, I was sent to interviews (they were given a referral to Pyaterochka for a cashier vacancy, to a hardware store for the same vacancy, and to social security to care for bedridden elderly people. And why did I study at the tower?). And after that I wrote a statement that I wanted to receive a subsidy of 58,800 rubles. To obtain it, I had to write a business plan, which I set about with particular zeal. There I wrote where I would spend the allocated money, profit estimates, etc. I defended my business plan, the commission liked the idea, and the subsidy was approved. I quickly opened an IP. All that's left is to wait for the money to be transferred.

In the meantime, I started looking for premises. This was probably the most difficult thing. There were a lot of requirements, and most of the premises did not meet them, and those that did meet them were prohibitive in terms of money, and I was very, very limited in funds. I found an excellent room right next door to my house, city center, convenient transport interchange, and inexpensive. But this premises was taken over by a grocery store. Therefore, in the end, I rented a room in a remote area, hoping that due to the specifics of the store and complete absence competition (there was nothing like that in our city), people will still come to us. The room was small (32 sq.m.), but bright, cozy, next to the bus stop.

Just by this time, the money arrived, with which I purchased economy panels and components for them, racks for clothes, hangers, a used multifunction printer, a children's corner (a chair and a table for drawing), bought a sheet of laminated chipboard and ordered cutting of the shelves ( it’s much cheaper than ordering ready-made ones) and I even managed to pay the first two months of rent.

I had a computer, tables and chairs with past work, their money was invested only in the purchase of stationery, making signs and advertising. Advertising in newspapers and radio was prohibitive, so I bought colored printer paper, printed a couple of thousand leaflets, and hired promoters. We opened in the fall, so the emphasis was immediately on autumn children's clothing. And the people went. They carried things and began to buy.

But here a significant problem arose - the accounting system that I myself came up with turned out to be insufficiently functional, so we constantly refined it as we worked.

Now the system works like this:

  1. A person brings things (no more than 7 things from one source), things must be washed, ironed, without stains, snags, holes, with intact fittings, have no foreign odors (except for washing powder) and must be in season.
  2. We enter into an agreement with him (for a month or two, depending on the seasonality of the items, their quantity, etc.), which specifies the validity period of this agreement, a list of items, the amount that the owner of the item will receive for each item sold, and the amount of our commission in rubles for each item sold (on average a commission of 20-30%, depending on the price (than more expensive thing, the lower the commission)), and the obligations of the parties. In short, the owner of the item must appear after the end of the contract within two weeks, otherwise we recognize the items as ownerless and have the right to dispose of them as we wish - sell them at a discount and keep the money for ourselves or give them to charity (more on that later).

    This is what causes the most scandals. People are so eager to get rid of their things that they don’t read what they sign, even though this clause is highlighted in the contract in large, bold font and italics.

    We literally force you to read the contract, also saying this point out loud, but the stubborn ones scream, coming six months after the end of the contract and demanding their things, and threatening us with all known punishments. The contract also specifies the terms of payment between the store and the owner of the item.

  3. Things are hung out in the hall, photographs are taken, and the photos are posted in groups on social networks.
  4. Things are sold, money is added to the cash register.
  5. Within the time period specified in the contract, the owner of the item arrives, we issue a certificate of work completed, issue a receipt for the service provided and issue money.
  6. When the contract expires, the owner of the item has the right to extend the contract for a month, reducing the price by 30%, or take the item back. When unsold items are taken away, the owner of the item pays rent for the retail space (it costs pennies, from 10 to 100 rubles, but since a huge number of items pass through us, this is also a significant source of income).
I won’t say that by leaps and bounds, but things progressed, and in February it was decided to expand and open a women’s department. The premises were found quickly, in the same building where we were, and this was a plus - we moved, but the address remained the same. Of course, not without investments, but now we have a large room of 68 square meters, with a large storage room, its own toilet and a separate entrance, and only five thousand more than the previous one. Naturally, we had to invest money for expansion, but it was not exorbitant sums.

I want to say the following about profit. Summer is going very hard. Because summer clothes are much cheaper than demi-season and winter clothes. A lot of items were sold, but the percentage was small. It's starting to get colder now, we've closed summer season and the school season, opened the “Autumn - Winter” season, and sales immediately jumped sharply.

Next will be New Year, the suits are received very well. Last year we did not sell only two suits from the entire offered range. This year I plan to purchase costumes and rent them out (no one does this in our city either), and sell the costumes accepted for sale, thereby providing a very wide assortment.

Now not only the city, but also the region knows about us. I practically don’t spend on advertising, only on giveaways on social networks and leaflets when there are promotions. Word of mouth works best in this case.

Well, about charity. In my store, I put a large box in which anyone can bring things, toys, shoes for children from low-income and needy families. We pass these things on to charitable foundation of our city, and they are already distributing them among those who really need them. Some of the written-off items, the owners of which were sold out for the duration of the contract, are also sent there.

Well, that’s probably all, I didn’t expect that there would be so much text.

Question: In 2009, an individual was left without work and registered with the employment center, where he received an offer to start his own business. Later, the individual registered as an individual entrepreneur and also received a one-time subsidy (financial assistance) for the organization entrepreneurial activity. The entrepreneur is currently engaged in own business, which is his only income. Employees of the employment center informed the entrepreneur that the amounts of the subsidy (assistance) will not be taken into account for tax purposes. The entrepreneur, when writing a business plan, as well as when organizing his own business, did not take into account the fact of taxation of these payments. The entrepreneur directed the entire amount of the subsidy received from the state to organize his own business, reporting expenses to the employment center. But, according to the tax authorities, an entrepreneur is obliged to pay personal income tax by April 30, 2010 in connection with receiving a state subsidy (assistance) for organizing his own business. When carrying out activities to provide services to the population, the entrepreneur decided to apply the simplified tax system (the object of taxation is “income”). In accordance with Federal law dated 04/05/2010 n 41-FZ "On amendments to part two of the Tax Code Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of exempting citizens from paying personal income tax on the amount state support received to open your own business. These amounts during three tax periods will be taken into account as part of the income and actually incurred expenses of each tax period. Thus, these funds do not form a taxable base, except for those persons who have chosen the object “income” under the simplified tax system. Is an individual entrepreneur applying the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “income” required to take into account the amount of a one-time state subsidy when forming the tax base ( financial assistance) to organize your own business?


The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy has considered the appeal and, on issues within the competence of the Department, reports the following.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code) amounts of payments received to promote self-employment of unemployed citizens and stimulate the creation by unemployed citizens who have opened their own businesses of additional jobs for the employment of unemployed citizens at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with programs approved relevant authorities state power, are taken into account as income during three tax periods with the simultaneous reflection of the corresponding amounts as expenses within the limits of actually incurred expenses of each tax period, provided for by the conditions for receiving the specified amounts of payments.

If the conditions for receiving these payments are violated, their amounts are reflected in full as part of the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed. If at the end of the third tax period the amount of payments received exceeds the amount of expenses taken into account in accordance with the specified paragraph, the remaining unaccounted amounts are reflected in full as part of the income of this tax period.

Thus, if a taxpayer receives payments in 2009 and uses part of these payments in 2009 as part of income and expenses, when applying the simplified taxation system, the amount of payments spent by the taxpayer in a given tax period must be taken into account in accordance with the conditions for receiving these payments. The remaining unaccounted amount of payments in 2010 and 2011 is taken into account in a similar manner.

If the expenses stipulated by the conditions for receiving these payments are made in full during the first (first two) tax period(s) (2009, 2010), then the payments received and the expenses incurred due to these payments are reflected in tax accounting in the corresponding tax periods.

In case of violation of the conditions for receiving payments provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code, the amounts of payments received are reflected in full as part of the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed.

The specified norms of paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code must be followed by both taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system with the object of taxation in the form of income, and taxpayers applying the specified taxation system with the object of taxation in the form of income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred.

The named taxpayers record the payments received and the amounts of expenses incurred in the Book of Accounting of Income and Expenses of Organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system, the form and procedure for filling which are approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2008 N 154n “On approval of the forms of the Income and Expense Book of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the Simplified Taxation Book), the Income Book individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system based on a patent, and the Procedures for filling them out."

Taking into account the special procedure for accounting for these payments, established by Federal Law dated 04/05/2010 N 41-FZ, taxpayers using the simplified taxation system, in column 4, section. I Books under the simplified tax system reflect the amounts of payments received in the amount of expenses actually incurred, provided for by the conditions for receiving the specified amounts of payments, and in column 5 of section. I Books according to the simplified tax system - the corresponding amounts of expenses incurred from the terms of the contracts.

At the same time, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system with the object of taxation in the form of income, when determining the amount of income subject to taxation for the corresponding reporting (tax) period (column 4 of section I of the Book on the simplified tax system), the specified amounts of payments are not taken into account.

Deputy Director

Tax Department

and customs tariff policy

I want to tell you how I received 58,800 rubles in two weeks and I suggest you also take advantage of this opportunity.

And the following possibility is that the state provides a subsidy for starting your own business, i.e. gives “just like that”, no need to return the money :)

The algorithm is as follows:

We go to the Employment Center at the place of registration to the department for promoting self-employment. We say: “I want to open my own business.” Provide a diploma and work book, tell us what you want to do (if you don’t know what to do, say: “I want to open a web studio”). Why web studio? Because, as it turned out from conversations with a specialist at the employment center, basically everyone wants to open shops, retail outlets, etc. and when they offer something new and interesting, they give preference to this. What does this give you?

You have the right to receive a subsidy for the development of your business in the amount of an annual unemployment benefit - a maximum of 58,800 rubles. This is not a loan, but a subsidy, so there is no need to return this money to the state!

What do I need to do?

1. Register with the employment center. To do this, you need to fill out a couple of applications on the spot. Have with you:
Work record book
Documents certifying professional qualifications(certificate, diploma, certificate).
A certificate of average earnings, taking into account the regional coefficient and the northern bonus for the last three months from last place work according to the established form. - if the salary was large - for the first three months there will be a large allowance - around 5 thousand - then 1020 rubles
Pension insurance certificate

2.Then you need to write a business plan for your future business (or buy it ready-made from me for $15). The business plan is approved by the commission. My business plan was verified by a commission at the Employment Center and money was received for it.

3. If the BP is approved, you need to register a legal entity - either an individual entrepreneur or an LLC, OJSC. From experience, IP is easier. You need to make a stamp + checking account. How to register an individual entrepreneur can be easily found on the Internet - or contact me by e-mail: [email protected] I'll help as much as I can.

4.Then, with all the documents received, we come to the employment center and conclude an agreement with them.

5. 58 thousand rubles fall into the current account, which does not need to be returned and taxes are not paid on it. Moreover, as I learned, no one really watches where the money goes - but of course it is desirable for it to be used to organize a business.

What are the disadvantages?

1. From the moment you register as an entrepreneur, you are deprived of the right to receive unemployment benefits.

2. You will have to submit an income tax return every three months. tax office, even if the income is zero.

3. It is necessary to make contributions to the Pension Fund for yourself and for the employees you hire - about 10,000 per year.

Good luck with your entrepreneurial activity!

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