Recommendations from past work. Letter of recommendation to an employee from an employer

letter of recommendation employee is an assessment of the professional qualities, skills and abilities of an employee by his former boss or colleagues. This document is used, as a rule, when searching new job and attached to . Availability good advice increases the attractiveness of the resume and increases the chances of the job seeker.

It begins writing with the title of the document.

Then comes the appeal to a specific employer (if necessary).

After that, the period, place of work of the applicant and who he was to the recommender are indicated. For example: “Anastasia Igorevna Serova worked at Veres LLC under my supervision from September 10, 2010 to August 30, 2013”, “I collaborated with Anastasia Igorevna Serova from September 10, 2010 to August 30, 2013.” etc.

Next, the position of the applicant is indicated, his functional duties, work skills, abilities, professional achievements and successes, strengths are described. You can also specify the reason for leaving the company here.

The main text of the letter of recommendation to the employee ends with the recommendations and wishes of the recommender. For example: “Anastasia Igorevna Serova's professionalism makes it possible to recommend her for work in a similar position in another company. I wish her creative success, further development and prosperity."

The labor market, especially when it comes to certain professions, is often saturated with personnel. Competition is substantial, job applicants go to great lengths to gain an advantage, and employers demand compliance. Recommendations from a previous job often help superiors make a choice in favor of a candidate, but they must be properly formatted and comply with restrictions.

When hiring, many employers require references from previous management from applicants for positions. From a legal point of view, such a requirement is not justified - neither in Labor Code Russian Federation, this is not established in other legal acts, but the practice is as follows.

A good letter of recommendation significantly increases the chances of getting a job, but not always. Not all employers make this requirement, and some do not consider recommendations at all, making a choice based on other factors.

A letter of recommendation is a document in which the previous employer indicates his work qualities, skills, level of commitment, and so on. It can be drawn up directly by the head of the company, the head of the person or another employee who can give (for example, the head of the personnel department).

The purpose of such a document is to characterize a citizen as an employee (it can also be issued to students or during a period of advanced training). An employee needs recommendations to ensure the possibility of obtaining a new position, and a potential employer - to obtain preliminary information about the employee - his personal qualities, professional skills, and so on.

There is no special form for a letter of recommendation. The employer adheres general rules business letters, otherwise he has the right to act as he sees fit. It is recommended that registration be done on letterhead employer.

The letter should not contain illegal moments, that is, all the information given in it must comply with legal norms.

The employer, when compiling a letter, fulfills the requirements:

  • Business attire required. It is not allowed to use colloquial expressions, scientific terms, if they are not necessary for the analysis of a citizen, his practical skills, and so on.
  • Appeal to the employee must be carried out taking into account the norms of etiquette. For example, you can use such a treatment as a colleague, employee, and also refer to "You". Friendly treatment is not allowed.
  • It is not recommended to use artistic expressions, excessive turns and introductory words. The text should be as simple and concise as possible. Literary turns will only complicate understanding important information concerning the skills of the worker.
  • The document must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized to perform such actions.
  • If the letter is written by one person and signed by another, both employees are indicated in the final version. In practice, the requirement is often not observed and the manager simply signs the documents without studying, it is difficult to control the implementation of the unspoken requirement.

The rest is free form. It is advisable to indicate the actions that the employee performed, how he coped with them, his communication skills with the team, and so on, that is, those points that may be useful in his future position.

Any recommendation letter will consist of three parts:

  1. Details of the parties - as an organization in which a particular citizen worked (or Individual Entrepreneur for whom he worked), and the employee in respect of whom such a letter of recommendation is drawn up.
  2. The company, its field of activity, the position of the employee, his direct duties are described. It is indicated how well he coped with them, as well as other additional points that can characterize him as an employee and specialist.
  3. The growth of an employee during work is described, that is, a change in his professional skills, achievements, awards, bonuses, a predictable prospect. The impressions of the chief from work with the employee are important.

As a result, you can indicate the specific personal qualities of the employee, for example, write that he has shown himself to be a good, responsive colleague who meets halfway and easily finds mutual language or other characteristics that may be important in the subsequent professional activity.

The letter of recommendation may be more strict and contain only professional quality, but it will be more effective if you show the dynamics of a person, his ability to find a common language with colleagues, personal data, and so on. But at the same time, the main emphasis should still be on professional qualities and activities as a specialist.


When filling out, it is not required to comply with forms and forms. A letter of recommendation is, in principle, not mandatory, so its form has not been developed, there is no GOST or even government recommendations.

A document is drawn up on plain paper, but it would be better to print it on the organization's letterhead, if any. At the end, the signature of the head or employee who compiled the document must be put. Can be stamped.

In some cases, the previous manager leaves contact details so that the potential employer can clarify the accuracy of the information provided. However, in practice, not everyone wants to communicate with the future leaders of previous employees.

Typical mistakes when compiling a document

If the employer decided to write a letter of recommendation, then his relationship with the employee has developed, at least normal. He is not obliged to do this, but it is still worth adhering to certain unspoken rules so that the document really helps with subsequent employment.

The most common mistakes in writing emails are:

  • The letter is not written in a business style, but is based, to a greater extent, on a personal attitude towards the employee.
  • The document contains only professional skills and does not describe relations with the team and opinions about the employee. Undoubtedly, the enumeration of personal qualities is optional, but it is desirable for compiling more complete picture regarding the citizen.
  • The document is drawn up by a person who did not have direct contacts with the employee and cannot characterize him properly. It is recommended to draw up a paper to the immediate supervisor of the person, for example, the foreman, the head of the department, and so on.
  • Vague wording is used, on the basis of which it is difficult to draw a conclusion about actual result cooperation with the employee. For example, the text of a recommendation is large, but there is little really important information in it, it does not disclose essential qualities person as a specialist in their field.

The letter should be simple, clear and understandable, not lengthy and confusing. Otherwise, there are no hard and fast rules.

The manager who makes the recommendation must be aware that it may differ for each employee. Depending on the position, different skills are required, the level of communication with clients, with colleagues, and so on. For example, the head of the human resources department needs more developed skills in communicating with people than an accountant who works mainly with documents and numbers, respectively, the recommendation should focus on the really important points.

  • The level of mastering the necessary information, studying changes in legislation, mobility in work. The accountant needs to respond quickly to practical dynamics.
  • The ability to quickly adapt to changes that are introduced regularly.
  • Compliance with deadlines, the absence (or a small number) of violations.
  • The absence of critical errors that would entail serious economic consequences.

Other positions are required to have slightly different skills. For example, in an administrator's recommendation letter, it would be more useful to write:

  • Ability to communicate with clients as well as colleagues. This is the initial skill, in the absence of which the administrator cannot perform his functions.
  • The level of organizational work, opportunities for personnel management, property management.
  • Possession of other managerial and related skills.

There can be no general template for a letter of recommendation, since for each profession it is necessary to highlight some of its own characteristics. But the Internet is full of variations that can be used as a basis, changing the specific content.

If the employee subsequently plans to move abroad to work there labor activity, the letter of recommendation must meet other requirements. It is compiled in exactly the same way - the skills, functions, advantages of a citizen are indicated, but foreign firms may focus on other points, so it is worth clarifying the requirements in advance.

Another point is the language of the document. If the organization cannot immediately write recommendations in the language of a foreign state, then it is recommended to make a notarized translation. The cost will be low. The English version is most commonly accepted, even in countries where official language is different.

A recommendation is an optional document for the employer and he may not give it at all. If an employee receives a paper that characterizes him not with better side, you might as well just not use it. Of course, he will lose his competitive advantage, but this is better than having recommendations that characterize a citizen as a bad worker.

The employer can independently request recommendations from the previous supervisor. In this case, there is a chance for a bad transmission, especially if labor Relations were terminated "with a scandal". It will not be possible to avoid the transfer of characteristics, therefore, in this case, it remains only to hope for the prudence of the previous authorities.

A letter of recommendation is a voluntary recommendation from a previous employer that characterizes an employee as a specialist and member of a team. It affects the professional qualities of a person, his personal data, abilities, directly and indirectly related to the implementation labor functions. special shape such a letter is not provided for by law, but there are practically well-established rules that require conciseness and business style.

The extra resources are generally nice. A quality letterhead will help in resolving ignorance when writing an important application. This will bring you closer to saving on lawyer fees. Before rewriting the form, as a rule, you need to take a good look at the norms of decisions printed in it. In the present, they could well lose power.

A letter of recommendation is a document whose purpose is to provide comprehensively objective information about an individual (a specific person) or an organization, an enterprise, a certain institution (that is, a legal entity).

letter of recommendation to without fail written in a formal narrative style. Basically, it provides information on the personal feedback of a teacher about a student, an employer about an employee, usually with a mandatory guarantee for him, with the possibility of further presentation to a specific potential employer.

The recommendation comes, as a rule, both from the organization and from the individual. The letter of recommendation notes the achievements at the previous place of work, the participation of the recommended person in public life, in the life of the enterprise where this person worked for a certain period of time and where he established himself as a responsible specialist of a certain profile.

1. Title. 2. The duration of the acquaintance of the recommender with the person for whom the recommendation is made. 3. Confirmation of the fact of working in the company - where, what, when and how did you do (for example: “worked from such and such a date to such and such date”, or “took part in a certain project as such”) . 4. Brief description: the main achievements of the recommended, according to the recommender, which positive aspects noticed by the recommender. However, information may be bad habits the person about whom the letter of recommendation is being written. five.

The letter must be written on the official letterhead of the company, certified with a seal and a signature (a seal is desirable, but not required). 6. Contact details of the recommender: last name, first name, patronymic, position held, his contact numbers phones so that the recommendation can be confirmed if necessary.

Some sources say that at the beginning of the document it is necessary to indicate that this is a letter of recommendation. Indeed, we often see such a heading at the top of a document. In American letters of recommendation, such a phrase is rarely used. There, such a letter is drawn up as a cover letter, which means that the address is first recorded, and then the date the letter was signed and the appeal itself (often the phrase “whom it may concern”, which in Russian means “To interested parties”).

A letter provided in a formal narrative style may be subject to mandatory verification of the accuracy of the information provided in it. That's why ideal option there will be a warning to the recommender that he can be called at any time to double-check the recommendations.

A letter of recommendation contains a brief description of the professional skills, achievements of a person, his main successes during his studies or work, strengths. With the help of recommendations, the employer can see a clearer picture of the candidate's professional activities, find out the opinion about him as an employee from the people who worked or studied with him. Not all employers require a letter of recommendation, but when looking for a new job, it’s better to take care of it, just like a cover letter. attach to the resume - this will give more solidity to the candidacy of the applicant.

For a university graduate, a person with no work experience, the recommender can be a teacher, head of department, dean of the faculty, for a person with work experience - his immediate supervisor, director of the organization or a colleague (holding a higher position) at the previous workplace.

The title of the document is listed first.

After that, you can specify an appeal if a letter of recommendation from work is drawn up for a specific employer. The appeal may not be used if it is done for any potential employer.

The following is information about where and when the applicant worked (studied), who he was to the recommender. For example, if the referrer is the immediate supervisor, you can indicate: “Mr. Komarov worked at Lavanda LLC under my supervision from May 12, 2011 to August 10, 2013”, if a colleague, then: “I collaborated with Mr. Komarov with May 12, 2011 to August 10, 2013, etc.

Then in question about the positions held functional duties, professional skills, achievements and successes, personal qualities of the applicant.

The next part of the letter contains the recommendations and wishes of the recommender directly (an example of the text of a recommendation letter: “The professionalism of Mr. Komarov allows us to recommend him for further work in a similar position. I hope that the knowledge and skills acquired in our company will allow Mr. Komarov to be a sought-after employee. I wish him further success and prosperity in creative activity").

To the extent possible, this letter is certified by the signature of the head of the company or the personnel department and the seal of the company.

Feedback about a person as an employee from his side former leader or colleagues.

Characteristics of a university graduate: his strengths, success during his studies, the main achievements on the part of the curator, the dean of the faculty.

Characterization of one company by another as a partner, assessment of its reliability, quality of services provided, professionalism of its employees, etc.

Letter of recommendation - a sample example of writing a letter of recommendation to an employee of a company

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A letter of recommendation is a kind of analogue of the characteristics of an employee. Usually, when changing jobs, the employee asks to write a letter of recommendation from the employer. Though this species document is becoming more and more popular in employment, many of the leaders simply do not know how to write a letter of recommendation. Therefore, the function of writing a letter of recommendation is usually entrusted to the employee himself, after which the already prepared and corrected letter is signed by the head or head of the department.

If you have shown yourself successfully in the process of working on a project, you can safely ask for recommendations from the head of this project. It would also be important to reinforce your position by taking a letter of recommendation from the clients for whom the project was carried out.

As with cover letters and resumes, writing a letter of recommendation is a highly personal matter.

Letterhead of the organization;

1. Title.

2. Name, the main field of activity of the organization.

Mr. Petrov P.P. since June 2005 to January 2009 worked in the Moscow branch commercial bank"SKB-Bank" as chief accountant.

4. Description of professional duties, career moves, list of completed projects

Mr. Petrov P.P. created the accounting department of the Kirov branch of SKB-Bank. With his direct participation, work was organized in accordance with the requirements Central Bank RF. All checks of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation gave a positive assessment the work of the accounting department. The duties of Mr. Petrov included the operational management of the accounting department and control over subordinate units.

5. Description of the personal qualities of the employee, shown during the work.

Mr. Petrov has established himself as a qualified specialist capable of making decisions and being responsible for the final result. Of the personal qualities of Mr. Petrov, I would like to note the high efficiency, communication skills, and especially emphasize his ability to get along with people and resolve issues without conflict.

6. The reason for leaving the organization is written at will.

professional skills and personal qualities Mr. Petrov allow us to recommend him for further work in the banking sector. The Bank's management hopes that the acquired work experience will allow Petrov P.P. to be a sought-after specialist and wishes her further success in her professional field.

To consolidate the material, we offer you a sample letter of recommendation. This sample can be taken as a basis and used as an example of a letter of recommendation.

If you have already read the article “Recommendation letter of an organization when hiring a doctor” and have mastered the theory of compiling exemplary letters of recommendation, then you just have to see a sample letter of recommendation with your own eyes. Therefore, we decided to bring to your attention options for letters of recommendation drawn up for the same person on behalf of the organization and on behalf of an individual.

Sample letter of recommendation from an organization addressed to a specific employer

It is hereby confirmed that Fomichev Evgeniy Sergeevich from 09/01/2008 to 08/31/2010 worked in the Medical Information Systems company as the editor-in-chief of the Country of Doctors Internet portal. During the period of work Fomichev E.S. completed courses training center"Basic", as evidenced by the received certificate of the site developer.

As the editor-in-chief of the portal, Fomichev E.S. He professionally coped with all the duties assigned to him, including:

  • verification of information posted on the “Country of Doctors” portal (articles, news, announcements, etc.) for compliance with the requirements of the resource;
  • literary processing, editing of posted information in accordance with the requirements of the portal "Country of Doctors";
  • interaction with the authors and the technical department of the Internet portal "Country of Doctors";
  • communication with partners of the Country of Doctors resource, monitoring the schedule for fulfilling mutual obligations.
  • I consider it necessary to note the huge role of Fomichev E.S. in the development of the concept of the “Country of Doctors” portal - the proposals made by him helped to establish the work of the editorial office and win over the audience. He managed to attract excellent specialists for cooperation and played a significant role in rallying the team involved in the development of the Portal. Besides, high level possessions English language made Fomicheva E.S. an indispensable participant in negotiations with foreign experts.

    Letter #1:

    It is hereby confirmed that Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich from 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 worked in LLC in the position of chief of [full title of position].

    His competence included full support of the international aspects of the company's activities. We consider it necessary to note the professionalism and due level of responsibility of the named specialist, shown during the implementation of projects carried out with his participation.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #2:

    During the period 15.04.2013 by 11.07.2013 g. we Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was co-managed by [name] on a project for the company "". The project was difficult - a large rotation of personnel at that time in the company, ambitious goals set by the management of the company. Ivanov Ivan showed maximum flexibility in working with people, concentration on the goal, professionalism in order to complete the tasks. I want to highlight personal and professional qualities Ivan Ivanovich: responsibility, dedication, systems thinking, ability to structure information, organize processes, high qualification in the field information technologies and subject area of ​​the project.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #3:

    During the period 18.01.2013 by 04.06.2013 I oversaw project [name] for the company "". Anastasia Volochkova was the project manager on the part of the contractor.

    Anastasia Volochkova has an excellent business reputation, responsibility and reliability in business relationships, a very high level of professionalism and high qualifications in the field of information technology and the subject area of ​​the project.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #4:

    Ivanov Ivan from 12.04.2010 by 11.07.2013 in LLC was the chief executive officer of the company. In job responsibilities Ivanova Ivana included: resolving issues related to opening and maintaining projects in the cities of the Russian Federation, searching for construction sites, concluding contracts with contractors, development and control over the functional operation of objects.

    While working Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich there were no complaints about him. He showed himself as a knowledgeable and proactive leader, able to take on difficult and responsible decisions. Successfully resolved conflict situations arising in the course of the company's work with customers. good psychologist, communicative. Can successfully lead a large division.

    Competence, independence, creativity Ivanova Ivana allow you to unconditionally recommend this employee for the position of middle and senior manager in any company.

    Petr Petrov

    Letter #5:

    During the period 12.06.2010 by 11.04.2013 G. Volochkova Anastasia Yurievna worked in a company "". Anastasia Volochkova has an impeccable business reputation, reliability in business relationships, excellent personal qualities, which are focused on joint work in a team, in projects, interest in the cause, finding the best ways to implement it.

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