Which metal suits your zodiac sign. Metal according to the signs of the zodiac: how to choose the right one Which metal suits the horoscope

Reading 3 min. Published on 24.04.2016


Each Sign of the Zodiac can enhance their energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. A metal talisman will bring good luck to someone, save someone from dangers, and give someone peace of mind.


The metal of Aries is gold. Only it is able to support the very flame that burns in the hearts of these dynamic people. The fire element and gold are a wonderful union, and for Aries it is doubly the best.


The metal of Taurus is aluminum, because it is also easy to process, like Taurus, but despite its softness, it is resistant to various kinds of influences. Taurus aluminum will help not to be afraid of anything in this life.


Gemini is best suited for silver. This metal can emphasize their incredible quick wits, as well as save them from senseless risks and reckless actions.


Cancers are stubborn, but not to such an extent that they are not loved for it. With their softness, they never change their beliefs. The best metal for Cancers is titanium and its alloys. Silver can act as an analogue, but its properties are noticeably worse for this Sign.

a lion

Lions love gold, and gold loves Leo. For this fiery sign, gold is almost as useful as for Aries - it protects the Lions and improves their mood, and also gives vitality.


Soft metals like tin, copper, aluminum, gold are great for Virgos. Any of them will help Virgo find a balance between feelings and logic. These metals and the natural softness of this Zodiac Sign are emphasized.


The zodiac talisman for Libra is bronze. She is distinguished by excellent stamina, which Libra sometimes lacks, and also gives strength to perform any important tasks.


Scorpions are people of steel. They are difficult to break, so iron alloys are in perfect harmony with them. Those born under the Sign of Scorpio can also succumb only to the influence of time, like iron.


The metal of Sagittarius is silver, which emphasizes the independence of this Zodiac Sign. Sagittarians who wear silver tend to be more fortunate and have less communication difficulties.


Platinum is the patron saint of Capricorns. She protects them and at the same time emphasizes their resistance to outside influences, as well as their wisdom. Platinum doesn't interact with almost anything, and this helps Capricorns stay true to themselves.


The metal of Aquarius is gold and copper. Both metals are soft - exactly the same as Aquarius himself. Aquarius carefully chooses his social circle. Therefore, copper amulets or gold jewelry are talismans and amulets for you.


The metal of Pisces is silver, which keeps them from misfortune. This is a magnificent amulet and a talisman of good luck rolled into one. Silver can give Pisces success in any area of ​​life, especially in love.

Metals and precious stones have accompanied man for centuries. Possessing special frequencies and radiating energy, they affect all living organisms. If you choose your stone and metal according to the signs of the zodiac correctly, this will increase the energy potential and will help to bring into life the energy of good luck, luck, wealth.

Metals for fire signs of the zodiac

The fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius, Aries - are characterized by such qualities as optimism, self-confidence, determination, initiative. Consider the metals according to the signs of the zodiac for the fire elements.

Sagittarius is a fearless leader due to the influence of the dominant planet - Jupiter. Optimistic, enthusiastic, he loves change. Curious, has a philosophical mindset. Gold will help to emphasize the best qualities of Sagittarius. From precious stones - amethyst, topaz. They will bring prosperity and good luck to your life. Also their stones are lapis lazuli, opal, jade, onyx.

What metal is suitable for the zodiac sign Leo? The main qualities of the "king of beasts" are self-confidence, authoritativeness, creativity, sociability, generosity. To enhance these character traits, a representative of the fire element is recommended to wear gold, harmoniously combining it with diamond, amber. Gold helps Leo to replenish vitality. Precious stones for them are golden quartz, agate, ruby, jade.

Curious and fair, Aries are distinguished by purposefulness, determination, initiative and an optimistic outlook on the world. Like other fire signs, gold suits them perfectly. It can motivate Aries to achieve high goals. As precious stones, they should choose turquoise, ruby, quartz, amber.

air signs

The most suitable metal according to the signs of the zodiac of the air elements is silver, copper, bronze. "Air" people are communicative, freedom-loving, changeable. Therefore, metals and stones are suitable for them, helping to activate their best qualities and saving them from hasty decisions, senseless risks.

Aquarians are eccentric and energetic people, despite their apparent modesty; deep thinkers who want to help people. They can easily solve problems; friendly, so they can boast of numerous friends. Metals for Aquarius are determined by the planet Uranus that controls them. Their talismans are green gold, copper, lead. Of the precious stones, sardonyx, coral, and fluorite are considered their amulets.

The communicative Gemini is very adventurous. This sign needs intellectual stimulation; he is always looking for physical, mental and spiritual development. Since the patron saint of Gemini is Mars, metals such as mercury and silver are suitable for them. And their stones are considered aquamarine, emerald, crystal.

People born under the sign of Libra are calm, fair. They really want to love and be loved, they hate loneliness. In pursuit of equality, justice, they must strive for spiritual harmony. Metals such as bronze and white gold help them achieve this. As precious stones, malachite, emerald, carnelian are preferable for them.

Earth Signs

Earth signs of the zodiac - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo - try to plan everything in life, do not like change, they prefer deliberate actions to risk.

People born under the sign of Capricorn are distinguished by seriousness, tact, self-control. To better contain their emotions and learn how to restore vitality, they should choose platinum. Among precious stones it is worth giving preference to onyx, amethyst, ruby. With the latter, a person with a tough character should be careful, because the ruby ​​​​accumulates bad energy and can increase negative emotions.

Taurus is considered the most calm people. To cause open aggression in them, you need to try. These representatives of the earth element are looking for stability in everything, love earthly pleasures, appreciate luxury items. What metal according to the zodiac sign is suitable for Taurus? These include silver, copper, and stones are agate, sapphire, turquoise, rose quartz.

Virgos are pedants and extremely cautious people. They have a strategic approach to life. More often their hearts are closed from the outside world, but in their souls they are tender and sensual. Mercury patronizes Virgos, which means that they should choose copper, bronze, and tin from metals. Their gems are jade, tiger's eye, turquoise.


Consider which metal according to the signs of the zodiac to choose for water representatives.

Intuitive and sentimental Cancers should choose titanium and its alloys as a talisman. Onyx, agate, cat's eye help to strengthen the determination of the representatives of the water element, give them inspiration, creativity, the gift of persuasion.

Passionate and assertive Scorpio is ideal for amulets made of brass. They help to survive in difficult moments of life and maintain inner harmony. Their gems are opal, sapphire, black quartz.

Pisces are very emotional. Silver jewelry helps to strengthen their energy. They promise their owner happiness, success in love and business. Gems of Pisces - pearls, tiger's eye, euclase.

Every metal on the planet

Metal is easy to determine by the signs of the zodiac and by date of birth. But alchemists say that each metal also has its own planet. Venus is copper; The sun is gold; iron is the metal of Mars; Saturn is lead; Moon - silver; mercury is the metal of Mercury; Jupiter is tin. Knowing their planet, everyone can determine the metal that suits him. It is worth noting that there is metal according to the signs of the zodiac, which suits absolutely everyone. Is this platinum. It is characterized by purity, because it does not accumulate negativity, which cannot be said about other metals.

How to increase the energy of your metal

To reveal the positive aspects of character, a person should choose the metal or stone that suits him. The amulet must be carefully and carefully treated, and visualization helps to revive the power of the talisman. The owner must believe in the power of his amulet. If the chosen decoration causes a feeling of anxiety and discomfort, it is recommended to remove it for a while. Do not forget that, regardless of the chosen metal, the man himself remains the master of his own destiny.

Jewelry is most often made of gold, silver and platinum. But are these precious metals suitable for everyone? What should representatives of one or another zodiac sign wear?

You can choose decoration according to the horoscope

Even in ancient times, people noticed that metals have a certain effect on humans. They assumed that each material has its own energy and transfers it to a person. Amulets and amulets were made from various precious metals. The masters understood that it was possible to change the shape of a material, but its properties would remain the same. In ancient times, seven metals were endowed with special properties. Three of them - gold, silver and platinum - are today called precious.

Alchemists closely studied the properties of all materials. They were convinced that the alloy of silver and gold had a healing effect. At the same time, gold was associated with the sun, the divine spirit, and silver with the moon and the human spirit. Each of the seven metals, according to the alchemists, corresponded to its own planet:

  • Venus - copper;
  • The sun is gold;
  • Mars is iron;
  • Saturn - lead;
  • Mercury - mercury;
  • Moon - silver;
  • Jupiter is tin.

The planets, in turn, were considered the patrons of one or another sign of the Zodiac. That is why there is an opinion that some people can and should wear gold jewelry, while others - only silver or platinum.

Leo needs gold

Since, symbolizing the Sun, it is designed to awaken charisma in a person, strengthen his creativity, and strengthen the divine spirit. Gold jewelry should be worn by people who are under the auspices of male signs. Such products can practically not be removed by Lions, Taurus or Aries. Periodically parting with gold rings and earrings is recommended for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio and Gemini.

Putting yellow gold in a box and giving preference to its white counterpart should be people born under the sign of the water element - Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces. Jewelry made from an alloy of three precious metals is also perfect for them.

Of great importance are the stones that are set with precious metals. It should be noted that stones such as amethyst, chrysoprase, jade, morion and emerald cannot be combined with gold. Although this is the opinion of the alchemists, and you may not agree with it.

Silver is for Water and Air, and platinum is for everyone

Silver is perfectly perceived by the body of people born under the signs of water and air elements. But most of all, silver jewelry suits Cancers and Pisces. It is good for these people to wear stones such as jade, emerald and amethyst in a silver frame. It should be noted that gold and silver get used to the owner, and this makes him stronger.

Representatives of other signs of the zodiac circle are not recommended to wear silver jewelry all the time. It is worth listening to your feelings when wearing objects made of metals. If you feel stuffy, there is a feeling of anxiety, it is better to remove the jewelry and put it aside for a while.

Platinum can rightfully be called unique in its properties. It has no negative memory, it has light and pure properties. That is why platinum is most often used to make protective amulets. For example, a bracelet made of this precious metal enhances a person's positive mood, and earrings sharpen a woman's sense of intuition. A chain of platinum, according to magicians and alchemists, will protect against everything negative and indicate the right path.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although metals are credited with the ability to influence a person, you should not blindly trust this opinion. It is important to realize that jewelery made from noble materials is just things to be worn and not looked at with distrust. Be the masters of your destiny!

Even in ancient times, people noticed that metals have a certain effect on humans. They assumed that each material has its own energy and transfers it to a person. Amulets and amulets were made from various precious metals. The masters understood that it was possible to change the shape of a material, but its properties would remain the same. In ancient times, the seventh metals were endowed with special properties. Three of them - gold, silver and platinum - are today called precious.

Platinum can rightfully be called unique in its properties. It has no negative memory, it has light and pure properties. That is why platinum is most often used to protect amulets. For example, a bracelet made of this precious metal enhances a person's positive mood, and earrings sharpen a woman's sense of intuition. A chain of platinum, according to magicians and alchemists, will protect against everything negative and indicate the right path.

If you are haunted by failures, you want to change your life for the better - choose the right talisman. Your zodiac sign will tell you the solution. The best talisman according to the sign of the zodiac is semi-precious and precious stones and metals. If you wear them every day, your life will sparkle with new colors. Nature and Space merge in harmony for you. Your life begins to change for the better, because negative energy will be reflected. So life is easier and more pleasant - feel the energy of an effective amulet on yourself. The harmony of your life is closer than you think. For zodiac signs, talismans and amulets help you in your daily life. It is better to wear such an item without removing it. This will provide you with permanent protection.

If the right talisman can improve life, then it is chosen incorrectly - on the contrary, it will bring headaches, failures, unnecessary worries. Look at your jewelry - do they match your sign? The talisman of the zodiac sign is also selected strictly in accordance with the date of birth.

It is very useful to combine stone and metal. Such combinations can be difficult to find, but if you really want to create a good amulet - order your combination from a jeweler. Zodiac signs are talismans for those who value their life. Harmony is available to you, which is impossible without the right energy. This is your personal beacon through which your constellation will find you. Metals should not be mixed - silver and gold on the same hand can damage your energy, because these are metals of different groups. Best of all, choose your own metal. Usually planetary metals are well suited for their signs. You will not feel discomfort, allergies will not come.

An amulet for a zodiac sign with the image of your sign will become not only a strong assistant, but also a decoration. Perhaps he will attract the attention of your soulmate. Under the influence of your sign and the right amulet, it is very easy to build a harmonious family life. The energy of the stars will help grow happiness and love. This is especially important for those who are going through a not the most pleasant period in their lives, trying to save their families, unable to start a relationship. In nature, everything is simple - it will not be difficult to find and buy a small pebble, and the effect will please you.

The element of Taurus is Earth. A calm, self-confident Taurus should wear jewelry with turquoise and sapphires. Astrologers claim that sapphire is able to strengthen memory, and turquoise is a kind of amulet against diseases. Also, people of this sign should introduce jewelry inlaid with agates, opals, emeralds, and jade into their wardrobe. But they shouldn't wear the brand. Magical Taurus will suit the products of the Louise and Shakira models.

The multifaceted nature of Capricorns can flatten and "simplify" onyx. This stone is able to enhance the dignity of the owner. Capricorns are recommended to have jewelry with ruby, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli. Jewels with onyx models "Calypso" and "Lady" will look better than you.

Inventive and charismatic Scorpios, who are often envied by others, need to wear a beryl stone as a talisman. In addition to it, choose jewelry with aquamarine - models "Wave" and "Grapes" from Golden Silver, - carbuncle, moonstone, topaz, malachite. Ignoble iron and steel help Scorpios to restrain emotions. However, "cold" white silver will also do the job perfectly.

Surprisingly feminine and hardworking women - virgins, manage not only to be wonderful housewives, but also to remain beauties. Women of this earth sign have excellent taste and a unique ability to create comfort. A gift for such a woman should be special, and what could be better than a memorable gem? ! Read and take note!

Allergy to gold - is it really possible? It turns out yes! More and more people are facing this problem. Gold is an inert metal, it does not react with practically any chemical compounds, which means that it should not cause allergies. And 100% gold does not cause allergic reactions. Those impurities are to blame for everything, with which the precious metal is diluted in order to increase its mass and reduce the cost of expensive jewelry: cobalt, nickel, manganese, chromium, etc.

The colors of this zodiac sign are pale yellow and green. They have a wonderful property: to awaken the best feelings, as well as to give softness, tenderness and soothe. Aries, with their penchant for irrepressible courage, sometimes turning into aggression, these colors will help to find balance.

In general, gemstones are unique pieces of jewelry that many women and men choose. Meanwhile, one should not underestimate the astrological nature and potential power of such stones, which is revealed individually in each sign of the Zodiac.

The third fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, symbolizes the light of spirituality, mature, born in Aries and tempered in the fire of the lion. The softness of forms as the basis for the expressiveness of the symbolism of the sign is a characteristic advantage for Sagittarius.

The best gemstone for Capricorn is a dark red ruby. For climbing up the career ladder, Capricorns and men and women benefit from buying a pendant with a graphic image of the sign symbol.

Graceful, timid Virgos love jewelry. This sign of the zodiac is, as it were, created for sensual self-expression, for romantic illusions, for mysterious half-mystical dreams. Particularly favorable for Virgo are emerald and jasper, pomegranate and chalcedony. But alexandrite, coral and sapphire are not suitable for Virgo.

This is a strong sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by such properties as stability and endurance. Representatives of Taurus can perfectly manage a business, understand commerce, they understand the importance of money and other values ​​in life.

The graphic image of the zodiac speaks of the need for constant balance and harmony. Libra honors and respects history, its cyclicity and constancy; precious stones in antique bindings, rare caskets and furniture can be a talisman. A personal silver amulet in the form of scales will help you find inner harmony and confidence in the future.

Born in the hot months, lions need constant nourishment to maintain vitality, tone and stability. Traditional symbols - figurines of an eagle or a lion are painted in gold color. Gold and materially valuable things will protect the lion; to create a personal amulet, it is better to use a gold coin or precious stones.

Most often, Ophiuchus does not need additional support, the main source of strength and protection is self-sacrifice. In addition to stones, a graphic image of a sign, red objects, symbols associated with treatment and health can serve as a personal talisman.

A sign that gravitates towards the water element, it is impossible to make a mistake when choosing a talisman for fish. Any image or figure of fish brings wealth and success; sea ​​stones and shells give harmony, protect from experiences and life's troubles. Blue objects promote creative development. The mission of fish is spiritual growth, musical instruments, amulets made of natural materials lubricated with essential oils will help in achieving the goal.

Not a single spiritual practice can do without natural stones. With their help, tune in to subtle vibrations and meditate. By choosing stones according to your zodiac sign, you buy your own zodiac talismans that will help your body heal from diseases, provide protection from negative energy and bring good luck throughout your life.

In the process of constant use, it is necessary to periodically clean the stone talismans, removing from them all the accumulated negative. Sometimes the stones themselves give you signals that they are overloaded with information and require cleaning - they fall out of the frame, begin to interfere with you, there is a feeling of heaviness on the neck if the stone is in the pendant, the "tired" gem in the ring suddenly starts to cling to everything, etc. This is a sure sign that the pebble requires water procedures.

Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a whole group of stones - talismans, so you can pick up various minerals with the properties that you most need at this stage. At the same time, you are not tied strictly to any one stone.

The procedure for cleaning natural stones is very simple - absolutely everyone can handle it. The stone is lowered into a glass transparent vessel with clean water and remains for several hours in a well-lit place - the gem must be in contact with water and sunlight. Water, as a keeper of information, will occupy all the negative, and the Sun will charge its structure with new energy. After the cleaning procedure, the water must be poured out and not used anywhere. It is better to pour water into the ground. Ordinary table salt perfectly copes with negative energy - after the procedure it cannot be used either.

Gemini is associated with the planet Mercury. The Roman god of the same name was responsible for cunning and trickery, therefore the metal of Gemini is the most mobile and changeable of all - mercury. Stones - talismans for this sign are all transparent green and blue stones: beryl, topaz, aquamarine.

Pisces receive all the energy of cold Neptune, which allows them to feel the world in a slightly different way than other people. And the stones of this sign are unusual - pearls and coral, donated by the living sea. Metals Pisces - light silver and tin.

Cancers are helped by the forces of the patron closest to the Earth - the Moon, so their main stone is expectedly a moonstone. The metal is only silver. Jewelry made from these two materials will be a good protective amulet.

Sagittarius is helped by powerful Jupiter, which gives them leadership qualities. This darling of fate is suitable for all stones of golden hues, as well as sparkling aventurine. Sagittarius metal - yellow gold.

It is known that Pisces are endowed with increased susceptibility to someone else's mood and are subject to a slight estimate of their own emotional state. The metal of the Pisces sign is zinc. A couple of thousand years ago, the Egyptian pharaohs knew about the miraculous properties of zinc, such as a magical property, wound healing.

Metal of the zodiac sign Pisces - zinc

It so happened that magic zinc is a talisman for Pisces. But what do we know about the effect of zinc on humans?

If you strike a sheet of zinc, the strongest ringing will pierce, which will make you pay attention, but subsides very quickly, as well as the quick-tempered character of Pisces, which quickly departs even after a heavy quarrel, without holding evil for many years.

Pisces are able to feel not only people, but also some specific places, events, animals. They sympathize and empathize with those who have fallen victim to trouble.

At first glance, it is difficult to call them abnormal, who have some kind of supernatural powers. This is the whole fate of truth, because most of their feelings are the most ordinary, which become reality.

But what role does this metal play in the life of Pisces, and of all other people too?

What metals and stones bring good luck to the sign of Pisces

It is known that even the human body contains several grams of this metal, which are stored by 60% in the skeleton and muscles, as well as in some internal organs and glands of the endocrine system, which directly determine the mood and physical condition of a person.

Zinc is considered one of the most important nutrients for natural defenses, the immune system, and the body, as it increases resistance to infections.

Zinc in its pure form is used to restore precious metals (gold, silver). Also, this metal is well used in protecting steel from corrosion. These are metallization, which is used for bridges, metal structures and containers, and galvanizing of surfaces, which prevents damage by mechanical stress.

Like Pisces, who protect, envelop their loved ones, from emotional breakdowns and anxieties. And as persistent and strong as the patron Jupiter.

The zodiac sign Pisces keeps the metal zinc in their body, and do good, and to restore their strength, they maintain the level of this miraculous metal.

Mankind has found a large number of uses for zinc, as well as the irreplaceable Pisces, who, due to all their positive qualities, are always surrounded by a large number of friends who will reach out to their broad soul.

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