Which operator offers the best mobile Internet. Which telecom operator is the best for the Internet?

Now there are 5-6 operators in each region cellular communication However, when the question of purchasing a SIM card arises, the choice is made between four “giants” - MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2. The future subscriber is interested in which mobile operator is better, since he wants to avoid hassles with mobile communications in the future. It is impossible to unequivocally answer which operator is the most profitable - it all depends on the requirements that the subscriber places on communication.

How do you know which operator is the best?

The universal criterion is the quality of communication. For a long time Megafon was considered the undoubted leader in this area. Now the debate about which operator has the largest coverage area is doomed to failure, since within the city the quality of communication is approximately equal for all operators. As for the network outside the city, there are zones that can be covered by one operator and ignored by another - this is a normal situation, because it is physically impossible to provide 100% coverage. If a subscriber is often on the road and feels the need to always stay in touch, Megafon is more suitable for him, but Beeline reception outside the city is very weak, although inside cities it can also boast of excellent quality. Also with coverage area serious problems Tele2 is experiencing - the SIM card can lose the network even within the city, however, this syndrome can be attributed to the “newbie” status of this operator. An important addition: before buying a SIM card, don’t be lazy and go to the operator’s website - there you can easily find a GSM and 3G coverage map, which can be used to check how much locality, where you live supports the network.

There are other criteria for operator quality:

  • Number of tariffs and services. Scroll mobile services is expanding, so modern subscribers may need options such as “Favorite number”, “They called you!” or "Beep". If the operator is unable to provide the subscriber with the service he needs, the subscriber will go to a competitor, even if the operator is satisfied with other parameters. Active competition between operators has led to the fact that the subscriber does not tolerate compromises. MTS is considered the leader in the number of services offered, however, this operator also has weakness– a small number of tariffs: “SuperMTS” is virtually the only option for those who do not want to pay a subscription fee.
  • Price. The most expensive operator both in terms of the cost of calls and the price of the Internet is Megafon. However, subscribers are forced to pay, since Megafon modems function where others refuse to work. Which mobile operator is cheaper? Here Tele2 and MTS will compete for leadership, which, however, use different approaches - for example, for calls within the network, MTS subscribers do not have to pay at all, while Tele2 SIM cards are profitable if the subscriber calls to all operators, since the cost per minute is fixed.

Which mobile operator is better for the Internet?

Internet access is provided at all tariffs offered by operators, however, for unlimited access you need to connect tariff options. Having a choice of options is very important, because there are active users and simple Internet surfers who are not interested in overpaying for unnecessary gigabytes. Which operator is better for mobile Internet? MTS and Megafon boast a wide range of Internet options - each of them has its own advantages. When comparing, the subscriber will be able to find that the Internet from Megafon is much more expensive with the same parameters (traffic level, speed) - the reason is quality: Megafon uses only American and European-made equipment, so the Megafon modem, unlike MTS, “catch” everywhere.

MTS Tablet SIM cards are extremely popular among tablet owners. This tariff has several advantages:

  • Low connection costs and subscription fee. For those who are interested in which operator is best for Internet on a tablet in Moscow, it will be useful to know that a SIM card costs only 400 rubles - for this money the user is given 4 GB.
  • No roaming. With MTS Tablet, the user of the gadget will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia - there is no need to pay extra or connect additional services.
  • Mobile TV service included in the price. The advantage may seem insignificant, because you can also watch TV via the Internet, however, in this case, traffic is consumed, and the image quality leaves much to be desired. Mobile TV allows you to avoid unnecessary traffic waste.

When choosing an operator, you must proceed from the needs of the subscriber. For example, if you often call another city, you need to consider the availability of roaming services to understand which operator is best for you for calls within Russia. Important: when choosing an operator, focus not on the subjective opinion of your friends, but on the information that is available on the official website.

The fastest Mobile Internet in Russia, it is provided to its subscribers by MTS, the leader in Moscow is Tele2, according to experts from the Radio Frequency Center, subordinate to Roskomnadzor. Other operators do not agree with these data

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

MTS is the leader among operators in terms of average mobile Internet speed in Russia. This conclusion was reached by experts from the Radio Frequency Center of the Central federal district, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, said at a conference in Moscow on May 26, the deputy general director center Dmitry Mitrofanov. The study was carried out using the Roskomnadzor methodology with measurements in 52 cities: experts recorded the speed of data transfer to the subscriber.

The average mobile Internet speed of MTS was 6.6 Mbit/s; in the market as a whole it was lower - 5.4 Mbit/s. MegaFon’s Internet speed is also higher than the “Russian average” - 5.6 Mbit/s. Third place was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), whose network speed was 5.2 Mbit/s. Tele2 transfers data at an average speed of 4.8 Mbit/s. The last place was taken by the Crimean operator K-Telecom (Win Mobile brand) with an indicator half the market average - 2 Mbit/s.

The radio frequency center has been measuring communication quality since 2015. It has improved over the year, says Mitrofanov. For example, in Moscow average speed data transfer has doubled - from 3.2 to 6.1 Mbit/s. This is due to the increase in the number of base stations for signal transmission using LTE (4G) technology, explains the deputy general director of the center. According to Roskomnadzor, over the year the number of LTE base stations in Russia grew by 109%, to 72 thousand. MTS has the most of them - 27 thousand. MegaFon has 26 thousand such stations, VimpelCom - 11 thousand, Tele2 - almost 4 thousand.

The fastest mobile Internet is received by residents of the Central Federal District, and the slowest - by the Far Eastern, said Mitrofanov. In Moscow, experts put Tele2 in first place in terms of data transfer speed. It is followed by MTS and VimpelCom. Only from MegaFon, which took last place, the data transfer speed was below the average for the capital. Mitrofanov did not disclose specific data for each of the operators in the capital.

Representatives of operating companies differed in their assessments of the study. Only MTS agreed with the conclusions: “The company is a leader both in the number of 4G base stations and in coverage area - our fourth generation networks,” said operator representative Dmitry Solodovnikov. At the same time, according to Solodovnikov, in Moscow “it is incorrect to compare the parameters of the MTS network with the network of a newcomer to the rating”: it has several times fewer subscribers, so the load is five to seven times lower than that of the Big Three operators.

Is it possible to find the most best rate for mobile internet? And does such a thing exist in nature? After all, each person has his own idea of ​​the best tariff and his own requirements. That is why finding the most optimal solution is quite difficult.

On modern market there are a huge number of mobile services tariff plans. It is very easy to get confused in all this diversity. Probably, the operators themselves did everything possible for this. Nevertheless, let's try to figure it out.

The best tariff: what parameters are important?

First of all, you should ask yourself the question of what exactly is significant to you in the tariff plan. Of course, the first thing you think about is the cost. But, in fact, the priority is far from price. After all, there is nothing more important than coverage area. It is this that primarily affects the quality of communication.

Unfortunately, even the most optimal tariff plan for mobile Internet will not guarantee the correct speed of access to the World Wide Web. And of course, the situation is quite typical when a subscriber purchases a modem or SIM card, but literally in the very first days of use he understands that the quality of communication does not suit him at all. The reason is simple – uneven network coverage. And despite the promises of operators, do not forget that creating ideal coverage is not always possible. After all, there will definitely be places where the coverage will be quite weak.

That is why the first thing you should pay attention to is not the tariffs, but the quality of the coverage. Be sure to test the signal level and speed of Internet access. And only then can you start choosing one or another tariff plan.

Choosing the best tariff

As a rule, all users, when choosing the optimal tariff plan for mobile communications pay attention to several important points. Among them are a small subscription fee, a large amount of traffic included in the tariff, and the absence of any fundamental restrictions.

Regarding the third point, its implementation is practically unrealistic. After all, we are talking about the mobile Internet. If the absence of restrictions and stability are important to you, it is better to look for wired providers. In this they have no equal.

Operator tariff plans


Let's focus on the tariff plans of the largest mobile operators in Russia. First of all, we are talking about MTF MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2 and Yota. Which ones are the most profitable for the Internet in 2018? Let's take a closer look. Among the mobile market offers, attention is drawn to the Internet from MTS. In particular, unlimited tariff"For a laptop." The declared Internet speed is within 4 Mbit/sec. The monthly subscriber fee is 800 rubles.

Among the main advantages that this tariff has is the absence of additional services (SMS, packages of minutes, which usually no one uses anyway), there are no paid annoying subscriptions, but, most importantly, good level speed. Even if you need to watch a video with a resolution of 720, there will be no problem. Besides, you can always use additional service– connect turbo buttons called unlimited for three hours or unlimited for six frequencies. Of course, such pleasure is not free. You will have to pay 95 and 150 rubles, respectively. In addition, you can use torrents. But in this case, you will have to put up with a speed limit of up to 512 kbit/sec.

Another worth attention unlimited mobile tariff – Hype. It appeared back in 2017. Those who have chosen this option will be able to use 7GB of Internet on various resources, as well as unlimited access to YouTube, Skype, and communication on in social networks and messengers, all kinds of gaming resources, Google Music, Apple Music and Yandex.Music. Many subscribers who actively use gaming and social services choose this option. The subscription fee is 500 rubles per month.

Often, MTF users choose the MTS Connect-4 tariff and additionally order Internet VIP, which provides 30 GB of traffic (cost per month is 1,200 rubles). If you use a tablet, then it is better to choose a different tariff - “For tablet”. 10 GB per month is available here for 550 rubles.


Beeline subscribers often choose “Internet without a computer.” This tariff provides 25GB of traffic per month for 1200 rubles. But already from the fourth month of use, this number increases to 30GB. In a situation where all GB are spent, the speed is limited to 64 kbit/sec. However, you can return to normal speed mode using the “Auto speed extension” or “#EVERYTHING is possible” option. In the latter case, unlimited access is available for music services and social networks. In addition, the “All 3” and “All 4” tariff plans are attractive. The cost is 900 and 1500 rubles, respectively. For traffic – 10GB and 15GB.


This operator carefully considers the range of tariff plans. However, among them there are more and less profitable ones. Let's focus on the “Turn On!” tariff. Depending on the traffic that a particular package provides, from two to twenty GB are possible. In this case, the subscription fee ranges from 400 to 3000 rubles per month. Another offer from this operator is no less attractive. It's about about the tariff “Turn on! Premium". The package includes twenty GB of traffic, unlimited for instant messengers, social networks, music portals, as well as more than a hundred television channels and several films. This perfect option not only for mobile, but also for tablet.

Another attractive tariff is MegaFon Online. Several options are available for this package. “Internet M”, “Internet L”, “Internet XL”. Accordingly, 16, 36 and 30 GB at prices of 590, 590 and 1290 rubles per month.

Tele 2

Among the most attractive tariffs of this operator are “My Online +”, “Internet to Tablet”, “50GB”. The first is the optimal solution for a smartphone. The cost is 799 rubles for 30 GB (another 15 GB can also be exchanged for traffic instead of 1500 minutes). The second includes 15GB of traffic, unlimited nightly and free use of social networks, the ability to watch movies, etc. The cost of this tariff is 499 rubles per month. The tariff for the “50 GB” modem is 999 rubles per month. At night - unlimited.

Main conclusions

But, still, which operator is the best for accessing the Internet? It all depends on many nuances. For example, your readiness and desire to pay for an expensive tariff, so as not to think every minute about how many GB have already been spent and how much is left. Or from attachment to a specific mobile operator.

No less important is what the Internet is actually needed for: for work? In order to “sit” on social networks? Or to use all kinds of instant messengers? Only in this way, by answering all these questions, can you understand what is the best mobile Internet tariff for me, taking into account my special requirements.

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The widespread spread of the Internet has led to the fact that the range of mobile Internet services has expanded significantly. Now users choose operators and tariffs themselves. Cellular operators attract potential customers with attractive offers. But sometimes it can be difficult to decide right away where to choose. Let's consider which operator offers the best mobile Internet and compare the fundamental capabilities of mobile providers today.

The mobile version of the Internet is becoming more diverse, and operator services are becoming more tempting. This is how it should be in a free market - demand for improved services, taking into account good quality despite the increased cost.

You can spend a long time searching for a suitable mobile operator, based on a number of factors. It is worth emphasizing that each client has his own selection parameters. But there are also universal criteria that should be used to determine the choice of mobile Internet.

What are these criteria?

  1. Declared and set speed.
  2. Possible traffic volume.
  3. Product cost.
  4. The best mobile internet.

The price fluctuation of mobile Internet today is not so significant. Payment for services is almost the same for all operators. But you can always find a cheaper connection option taking into account additional options, for example. More attention should be paid to factors such as speed and traffic volume (in gigabytes). When choosing a mobile Internet, you need to look not only at the quality and quantity of gigabytes, but also at the features of traffic use.

The need to watch and download movies is taken into account, taking into account the connection speed. Thus, the minimum speed for watching video on a smartphone today is at least 1 Mbit/sec. Skype users will need from 512 Kbps. Online games eat up an inordinate amount of traffic.

Let's look at what mobile operators offer in this regard below.

Mobile Internet MTS

This is not the first year that MTS has been providing Internet to users throughout Russia, as well as in the CIS countries. The popularity of the operator is explained by its loyal pricing policy - it has a very flexible tariff schedule. And a differentiated approach to providing services to owners of any mobile devices. MTS is a competitive company in the cellular services market. And he has held this position for many years. Although other operators are also constantly improving their services. MTS, for example, has attractive offers on tariff plans for smartphones:

  • Maxi package;
  • Mini package;
  • VIP package.

The difference in tariffs comes down to differences in the cost of packages and the volume of traffic.

The mini package includes 3 GB of traffic during the day for 350 rubles. Or according to the tariff - 12 GB at night and 12 GB during the day at a price of 700 rubles. MTS provides Internet using an unlimited VIP tariff plan, with the ability to use 30 GB during the day. The cost of the service per month is 1200 rubles. For many subscribers, this is the optimal solution. There are also unlimited (mobile) Internet packages for smartphones and tablets. To connect, you need to select the Smart Unlimited tariff plan with a cost of 12.90 rubles. per knock (you need to look by region, in some areas the price can rise to 19 rubles per day).

Mobile Internet Beeline

This mobile operator offers customers four advantageous offers for mobile internet:

  • 300 SMS and 600 min;
  • 500 SMS and 1100 min;
  • 1000 SMS and 2200 min;
  • 3000 SMS and 3300 min.

An individual package of services at a price corresponds to: 500 rubles, 800 rubles, 1200 rubles, 1800 rubles per month. Unlimited offers are available for each tariff. So, you can choose unlimited (mobile) Internet at a price of 500 rubles. In this case, there should be 500 rubles in the account, which will first be frozen and then returned to the subscriber.

Mobile Internet Megafon

The line of offers of this mobile operator is quite extensive, with a wide range of client audience coverage. The company has four unique offers in this regard in the “All Inclusive” line:

  • VIP package – for 2700 rubles;
  • package L and XL – from 950 rubles to 1350 rubles;
  • package M - priced at 810 rubles;
  • package S – costs 570 rubles.

The price of the service package includes a subscription fee and connection to unlimited. Mobile Internet from Megafon cannot be classified as cheap tariffs, but during use all procedures turn out to be much simpler. When you first connect, you can use the Internet for free. And each subsequent connection costs 100 rubles. The subscriber can use other options by choosing the most profitable tariff plan option from one operator. You can find out which operator offers the best mobile Internet by analyzing the services offered.

Mobile Internet Tele2

This operator offers the simplest and most profitable options for connection. Of these, it is worth highlighting three main ones for using the mobile Internet:

  • traffic volume – 7 GB at a price of 299 rubles;
  • traffic volume – 15 GB for 599 rubles;
  • traffic volume – 30 GB costing 899 rubles.

Many users choose this particular operator, noting good conditions according to tariffs. Although, some may think that the mesh is not the most profitable, although it is cheap.

Mobile Internet Yota

This provider provides subscribers with unlimited calls and messages (within the network). As well as special conditions for other numbers (100 and 300 minutes, 600 and 900 minutes or more). It is worth considering that the Yota card cannot be used as a full-fledged modem. 3G does not operate at full capacity over it (and the speed only reaches 128 Kbps). But for most tasks this operator is quite suitable and works well.

Modem and Internet

For a number of reasons, many subscribers prefer mobile Internet with a modem connection. At the same time, it is important for them to know which operator has the best mobile Internet. Nobody argues that it is difficult to immediately choose a suitable operator. MTS Connect 4 is currently in the top requests. It has one of the most profitable tariff plans. To connect to the mobile Internet, you need to buy an MTS modem (with a data transfer speed of 21 Mb/sec). The cost of the connection service is 699 rubles. Then the subscriber must pay 600 rubles monthly.

Beeline and Megafon also provide good internet via modem for up to 1000 rubles (the final price depends on the region). These operators offer profitable, tariff-free connections to a large volume of entertainment content (for example, online games and exchangers).

Choosing the best mobile operator: video

What else to look for when choosing mobile Internet

When choosing which operator offers the best mobile Internet, you need to understand the tariff schedule and be able to compare services by price category and capabilities. Anyway, in the end, each subscriber chooses for himself. In addition to the price for each provider, it is worth considering other factors. You should also remember that the cheapest offer is a priori not the most profitable. When choosing a mobile Internet operator, you should focus on the latest ratings of mobile operators in the Russian Federation. And, of course, it is worth considering the quality of communication in the region.

There is close competition between the main players in the Russian cellular communications market. These are Beeline, Megafon and MTS, whose services are used by more than 60% of the Russian population. With the development of wireless communication channels, operators were forced to abandon frankly extortionate tariffs for mobile Internet and develop broadband networks of the 3G standard. The latest implementation of this standard occurred at Beeline, since the equipment on the cells left much to be desired.

The pioneer in this area was Megafon, which offered and still offers a wide range of unlimited Internet tariffs. This is actively facilitated by the fact that this operator uses equipment High Quality American and European production.

Tariff lines

Internet access is provided at absolutely all tariffs offered by cellular operators. There are both separate Internet tariffs and tariff options that provide unlimited Internet access. Their price directly depends on the speed offered and the threshold for limiting it. Megafon and MTS boast a wide range of tariff options. Their quality may vary from region to region.

For example, Megafon’s position is strongest in the Volga region, where the quality of mobile Internet is traditionally high, while MTS and Beeline can boast of good Internet only in Moscow and the Moscow region. The price for mobile Internet of these operators can range from a few rubles per day to 1000 rubles per month in the absence of any speed thresholds.

Russian cellular operators offer customers a line of smartphones and tablets that surf the Internet on 3G networks. However, their quality still leaves much to be desired.

3G/4G modems

All Russian operators cellular networks offer special USB modems, with the help of which you can access the Internet at a decent speed. You should choose them very carefully. The worst quality, according to consumer reviews, are modems from MTS. Megafon and Beeline are considered the best in this regard. At the same time, their price compares favorably with those sold by MTS. Recently, Megafon has introduced a line of 4G modems, the operating speed of which compares favorably with 3G analogues. They are well suited for those who simply need to have permanent output to the Internet anywhere within the network coverage area.
Beeline and Megafon, in addition to access to the Internet, offer their users access to various entertainment content, which is not charged in any way. These are game servers, file sharing networks, etc.

Recently, a serious competitor has appeared in the mobile Internet market in the form of Rostelecom. It offers unlimited internet plans based on 3G networks at very competitive prices, however phone calls They are quite expensive. Therefore, it is not yet necessary to consider it as a full-fledged cellular operator.

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