Caramelization. How to caramelize carrots and other foods. Caramelized carrots - a dish for real gourmets How to properly caramelize


Caramelization. How to caramelize carrots and other foods- this is a recipe article in which I will show and tell you in detail and with a photo how to caramelize vegetables, fruits and even meat. My first recipe on this blog - , in which the onion is also caramelized before being put into the broth, which gives the French soup a unique taste, this first course is a godsend! caramelization- it's not just a kitchen process, it's real chemistry. By caramelizing, for example, vegetables, you can "extract" enough sugar from them and turn a simple dish into a real masterpiece. What is caramelization. How to caramelize foods I will present in this post. BUT caramelized carrots will become a good example. Plus, it's a wonderful original garnish filled with the taste and sweetness of the vegetable itself.


  • - 2 bunches or 8 pieces (young)
  • - 50 gr

Cooking method

Caramelization is the process of oxidizing sugars when they are heated, and in simple terms in cooking, this is the languishing of a product in sugar syrup. But that is not all. There is caramelization with the addition of sugar, and there is a way to "extract" sugar from the product itself, so that in the future it will languish in it. Consider the second option on the example of caramelized carrots. We prepare a couple of bunches of beautiful young carrots - it is very sweet, it contains the largest amount of sugar. We clean it, wash it and cut it into medium-sized cubes.
To speed up the process of cooking and caramelization, you first need to boil it a little. We put the chopped carrots in boiling water and cook after boiling for 6 minutes.
After the carrots have boiled a little, we drain all the water through a colander, transfer it to clean ice water, again drain the water through a colander and leave it aside for a while.
In order for the caramelization process to be most successful, you should take a cast-iron pan, which maintains the desired temperature as much as possible throughout the entire process. We put it on a high fire and warm it up well for a few minutes, then reduce the heat to medium, pour in a little olive oil and put a generous piece of butter in it. We are waiting for the butter to melt.
Put the carrots in the pan and leave to languish for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Carrots should become soft, but not fall apart.
In the middle of the process, season with thyme, salt and pepper.
Serve as a side dish for meat or fish. This time I made and poured her spicy chimichurri sauce . It turned out very tasty!
Other vegetables can also be caramelized in this manner. For example, from caramelized onions, as I said above, it turns out delicious French onion soup . Onions and leeks should not be boiled in advance, but you need to simmer for about half an hour. And a set of vegetables such as onions, carrots, celery and garlic can be an excellent soup base if caramelized well and for a long time.
In addition to caramelizing vegetables, you can also caramelize fruits, but in this case, be sure to stick to the option with the addition of sugar and keep the fruits in the pan for no longer than 10 minutes so that they do not lose their taste. Stewed fruit, as you might guess, will not taste good. To do this, heat the pan, pour sugar into a dry pan and wait until it turns yellow and turns into caramel. Add water (1/3 of the amount of sugar), mix well, wait a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Add chopped fruit and let simmer for 10 minutes. You can add cinnamon, vanilla or other seasonings that you like. By the way, exactly the same procedure can be carried out with meat so that it is covered with a sweet golden caramel crust, but it is better to use butter instead of water.

That's all the secrets. I really hope the article Caramelization. how to caramelize carrots and other foods" will be useful to you. And caramelized carrots succeeded with glory. Now you know how to properly caramelize foods, so experiment and, of course, enjoy your food!

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To prepare caramelized carrots, prepare the necessary products. If the carrot is young, then it is enough just to scrape it with a knife, peeling off the top layer. If already mature, then you need to remove the peel with a vegetable peeler.

Rinse peeled vegetables in water.

Pour half the norm of granulated sugar and salt into the pan, pour in hot water and stir the spices so that their crystals dissolve in the water.

Place the pan on the stove, bring its contents to a boil - the syrup will be covered with large air bubbles.

It is at this moment that the washed carrots are put into the syrup and simmered at a minimum of fire for about 2 minutes, then turning over to the other side.

Add water and add the remaining granulated sugar. You can add any other spices you want if the children will not eat the dish: thyme, oregano, rosemary - trust your culinary imagination.

Simmer carrots on a minimum of fire under a closed lid for about 10-12 minutes. Vegetables should draw in the salty-sweet syrup to the middle, and remain slightly hard in the very middle.

Arrange the caramelized carrots on a serving platter and serve either hot or cold, drizzled lightly with extra virgin olive oil. If you do not like vegetable oil, then melt the butter and pour it over juicy and bright carrots. Also, the dish can be served with cream, sour cream, thick yogurt.

Sweet, mouth-watering caramelized young carrots are a unique side dish. It is striking in its simplicity, because you absolutely do not expect something incredible from such a dish, because it often seems that the taste of a dish directly depends on the time and effort spent on it, and the more ingredients it contains, the better the end result should be. .

But this is absolutely not the case when it comes to cooking, because here the most delicious dishes are always based on the highest quality, freshest products - this is the key to success. A vivid example is caramelized carrots: once you cook it, you will remember it forever, fall in love with it and appear on your table more than once.

Caramelized carrots are incredibly tasty: sweet, fragrant, soft and tender, but firm at the same time. The whole secret of such a delicious dish is that the carrot itself is a sweet vegetable, and therefore all combinations with sweet ingredients will certainly be successful. In addition, carrots retain their vitamins and bright appetizing color, and are topped with a glossy caramel sauce. This dish looks very attractive!

You can serve caramelized carrots in completely different ways. It can be a hot appetizer, an appetizing side dish as an alternative to the usual potatoes, salad or vegetable puree, and it can also be a separate dish. In this form, even children will eat it with appetite, because it tastes so much like candy.

It is best to caramelize carrots just before serving, and you can cook it in two ways - in a pan or in the oven. Choose the one that is more convenient for you, and the result will be stunning in any case. For cooking, give preference to young root crops of small size - about 10-12 cm long.


  • 250 grams of young carrots
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt

Finished product yield: 2 servings as a side dish and 1 serving as a main course


First prepare the carrots. If you are using young carrots, it is enough to wash them well under running water with a hard sponge. If the carrot is old, then remove the peel from the fruit. Cut off the rest of the petioles.

Boil water in a large saucepan and boil the carrots in it for 7-8 minutes until half cooked.

While the carrots are cooking, start making the caramel. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan, adding sugar and salt to it.

When the sugar dissolves a little, add cinnamon to the caramel.

Carrots covered with honey caramel are a delicious side dish not only for sweet desserts, but also for meat and fish. And especially in the spring from the first, still young carrots. Early caramelized carrots are the most delicious. It can be cooked whole and with green tops, without peeling off the young thin skin. Last year's carrots can be chopped as fantasy tells and the size of the fruit allows: circles, cubes, cubes.

If the carrot side dish is intended for savory dishes, various herbs are added to the filling: thyme, zira, Provence herbs. I will make my side dish for a milk dessert, so I slightly increased the rate of honey, and added cinnamon for flavor. In general, in the carrot case, the flight for fantasy has no boundaries. To improve the taste, you can add a slice of lemon, I refused, but in general, citric acid is found in many recipes.

Preparing carrots under caramel very quickly. On a heated thick-walled pan, melted a piece of butter

She cut off black dots from carrots and, without removing the skin (it looks young, but overgrown), chopped it into cubes.

I loaded the chopped carrot pieces into the liquid creamy-honey mixture and fried for about three minutes, no more. The pan must be hot so that the carrots do not have time to give up their juice.
At the same time, we add aromatic additives, in my case it is cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Then poured half a glass of water. It is desirable that the water almost covers the carrots, boil for another three minutes.

After the water boils away, when the honey sauce thickens slightly, the carrot can be considered ready.

Incredibly tasty dish as an addition to various sweet desserts.
And not only tasty, but also very useful, especially in spring. In our family, not only children, but also adults love to eat caramelized carrots.

Time for preparing: PT00H20M 20 min.

Caramelization is a culinary process in which vegetables or fruits are simmered in sugar syrup. This principle is used when processing fruits specifically, as for vegetables, a different technology is used here - vegetables languish in the "sugar" that comes out of them. A striking example of this technology is caramelized carrots, which as a result acquire an appetizing color and bright taste.

How to properly caramelize

To master the technique the first time, and the dish turned out delicious, you need to know a few secrets of proper caramelization. Properly prepared product can be an ideal addition to any side dish or component of a gourmet dish.

Secrets regarding caramelization technique:

  • In order for the vegetable to release enough sugar for caramelization, you need to choose young root crops that are representatives of the juicy variety.
  • When cutting, it is worth adhering to the fact that the size of the pieces should be medium. Small slices may burn, while large ones will not be baked.
  • In order for the vegetable to cook faster and release the required amount of sugar, you must first boil the product until half cooked.

Caramelization of carrots is done in accordance with these rules, as they are basic for any vegetable. They must be observed in order to get a delicious dish.

How to caramelize carrots

The simplest root glazing recipe requires a minimum of products and only half an hour for cooking. It is better to use very young carrots. It will take about 0.5 kilograms. You need to thoroughly wash the vegetable. Cuttings can not be cut too short.

Additionally, you will need the following products:

  • Half a pack of butter.
  • Spices.
  • Thyme.
  • Dessert spoon of sugar.

Recipe for caramelized carrots 15 minutes before guests arrive:

  1. Melt the butter in a well-heated skillet.
  2. Put the carrots in the oil and sprinkle lightly with sugar.
  3. Approximate cooking time 5-10 minutes. It is necessary to gradually turn the carrots so that the vegetable caramelizes evenly.
  4. 1 minute before the readiness, season the products with spices, and put a sprig of thyme in the oil.

Serve carrots with a sauce in which the root crop was stewed.

Universal Glazed Carrot

There is a universal recipe with a photo of caramelized carrots. Spicy taste and an unusual combination of ingredients make this sweet delicacy a suitable side dish for any dish and a unique dessert component.

Suitable products:

  • 0.5 kilograms of young carrots.
  • 150 grams of butter.
  • Salt.
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • Dessert spoon of sugar.

Universal caramelized carrots are prepared as follows:

  1. Boil peeled carrots until half cooked.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan, add sugar and cinnamon here.
  3. Put the carrots, previously dried and already boiled, into the spicy creamy mixture. Salt a little right away.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes, constantly turning the root vegetable for even caramelization.

Serve the dish while still hot.

Carrots glazed in a bowl

The classic recipe is the option when the root vegetable is caramelized in a saucepan. To recreate the recipe, you will need the following products:

  • 250 grams of carrots.
  • A piece of butter.
  • Half a glass of meat broth.
  • Tablespoon of sugar.
  • Tablespoon of vinegar.

Caramelized is prepared as follows:

  1. Place prepared carrots in a bowl.
  2. Pour the vegetable with broth and add spices, pour vinegar.
  3. Wait until the dish boils, and then, reducing the heat, simmer for about 20 minutes.

The syrup should thicken, the carrots should change color to golden. In the process of stewing, the carrots will become soft, but will not change their original shape. Bon appetit!

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