When you dream. Dream Interpretation - Lots of water. Russian folk dream book

Snakes in a dream have always been considered a sign of wisdom and intelligence.

But modern dream book describes such dreams in more detail. Their interpretation depends on what kind of snake visited you in your dream.

Now we will look at what dreams mean. For a correct interpretation, it is important to consider how it looked and under what conditions was it seen?

See in nature

Already in the grass dreams of a fun outing into nature. And to see it on a stone means to defend your opinion in a dispute with your opponent.

If a snake swims in the river, then you need to take a break from work and not focus on problems. And a snake on the asphalt means that everything you do will benefit you.

  • A woman dreams of him - to meet a worthy man.
  • A snake basks in the sun - a sign of relaxation in a romantic place.
  • Seeing a small snake is a great joy.
  • Dreaming of snakes in the reeds - to gossip behind your back.
  • They are intertwined with each other - to the corporate party.

As the dream book writes, already in the park is a sign that a pleasant surprise is being prepared for you. And to see it in the hands of a child means to worry about the health of loved ones.

A snake on a grave speaks of impressionability and sentimentality. And to see her on earth means in any difficult situation to feel yourself confident.

In close proximity

Holding a snake in your hands means not doubting your spouse’s fidelity. And if in a dream he wraps his arms around your neck, then your chosen one is not only a sex partner, but also a reliable, loyal friend.

A snake crawled under your clothes - to new pleasures. And holding him by the tail means solving the accumulated problems yourself.

  • If you dream that you are afraid of a snake, it means that your friend will act unexpectedly.
  • Buying a snake means pleasant changes in life.
  • He lives at your house - to chores around the house.
  • Killing him means misunderstanding in personal relationships.
  • Sleeping with him on the same bed means stability in your intimate life.

According to the dream book, one dreams of being on the kitchen table before a crowded party. And if he crawled into the refrigerator, then your festive table will be filled with many exotic dishes.

I dream about snakes in the corridor before a large number of people arrive. And if you dreamed of him in the attic, then soon your salary will be significantly increased.

Already on your head means new ideas and success in business. And if you dream that he is crawling all over your body, then get ready for a well-deserved promotion.

A snake that obeys your commands appears in a dream when you feel superior to others. And the one crawling across the desk speaks of your victories in all your endeavors.

Having figured out why you are dreaming, it will be easier for you to understand what to do in different situations in reality. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Most people have a wild fear of snakes, but what if you saw them in a dream, why do you dream about snakes? Dream books and dream interpreters can help answer these questions.

You already dreamed

Since grass snakes do not belong to the category poisonous snakes, people treat them more loyally. Distinctive feature Snakes have red spots. IN old times Snakes were considered to be the guardians of the family, and therefore there are many signs associated with them. But why do you dream anyway? What to expect after such a dream?

A dream in which you saw a snake is a sign that you have fears and anxieties in your life, but they have absolutely no basis. A dream where you mistake a snake for poisonous and dangerous snake says that you don’t know how to understand people at all, and besides, you think about them much better than they really are and reward them with non-existent qualities. In order to real life Do not be disappointed in people, we advise you to look at the world realistically.

When a young girl sees a snake in her dream, it means that in the near future a young man will appear in her life, and they will have mutual love which will end with a wedding. But if a married woman sees such a dream, it means that she will soon become a mother.

Seeing a dream in which a snake eats its prey suggests that everything will be fine in your life. This may also mean that the goals you set will be achieved, although you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve this.

But a negative sign has a dream where it wriggles in your hands, and promises you deception in real life. Dreaming of a snake basking in the sun, expect good news. If you had a dream where you fed a snake, it means a reward for your actions will soon real life. If you dreamed that it was already wrapped around your neck, it means be more attentive and careful, your enemies have determined your weak sides and want to start acting against you. But to kill a snake in a dream means to defeat and outwit all your enemies in reality. But if a man sees a snake in a dream, it means big problems and enemies await him.

A dream where you yourself caught a snake says that in real life you will meet a very unpleasant person who will lie, deceive and set you up. Did you have a dream where you were bitten by a snake? The dream warns you of betrayal from the outside loved one, whom you have always trusted. Also, such a dream can promise financial troubles. But if you lose consciousness when bitten, then get ready for severe disappointment.

You dreamed of crawling snakes

Seeing a dream in which snakes are crawling on you speaks of an imminent meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time. Also, such a dream could mean an imminent marriage or pregnancy in real life. But if a snake crawled past in a dream and did not pay any attention to you, it is a harbinger of the fact that you need to be attentive. It is best to postpone all business transactions involving large sums of money for a while if you do not want to lose trust in the eyes of your trusted partners.

Seeing a snake swimming in the water means health or a speedy recovery for a sick person. Also, a dream with a swimming snake can mean a sign for quick action, so that you can calmly get out of a difficult life situation, with your head held high.

Why do you dream about a large number of snakes?

A dream in which you saw a huge number of snakes that were dead suggests that you are the culprit of all your troubles. But if you yourself killed snakes, but not just one, but many, it means that you can get rid of the influence of other people who surround you.

Why do you dream? Snakes most often evoke fear or negativity in people. But not all reptiles are dangerous. Snakes are harmless and are distinguished by their bright orange or yellow spot surrounding the head. In the old days, these snakes were considered the guardians of the hearth, and many signs were associated with them, including in dreams. Gradually they acquired more modern interpretations. All the nuances will be discussed.

Seeing a snake in a dream

The interpretation of what a snake means in a dream depends on many additional factors. For example, who sees the reptile, where it is, what it is doing, etc. If you simply see a snake in a dream, this is a sign that life is filled with some kind of anxieties and fears, but they are groundless.

If the snake was mistakenly mistaken for dangerous and poisonous, it means that the sleeper does not know how to understand people at all or rewards them with non-existent qualities. Perhaps he thinks better of them than they deserve.

When girls and women dream about snakes

Why does a young girl dream? This indicates that a young man has just appeared in her life or this event will happen soon. Moreover, they will not only meet, love will break out between the boy and the girl, which will end in a wedding. If a girl already has a lover, a dream with snakes promises a pleasant romantic evening.

A snake crawls at her feet and caresses her, which means that the girl’s lover will soon propose. When an adult lady has the same dream, the vision foretells family well-being. If your spouse is sick, it means he will soon recover.

Why does a woman dream? If she's on this moment married, then this dream informs her of her upcoming imminent motherhood. When the snake lies calmly, curled up in a ball, it promises good news. I dreamed of a very big one - this is for a rich admirer.

Actions of the snake

If a sleeping person saw a snake eating its prey, this promises a wonderful, happy future. The goals set will soon be achieved, but this will require a lot of effort. If in a dream it wriggles in your hands, this is a bad sign, promising deception in real life. When a sleeper sees a snake peacefully basking in the sun, this indicates imminent good news.

Feeding a snake in a dream means a well-deserved reward for some actions. And this will happen in the near future. When a snake is wrapped around the neck, a person in real life needs to be very careful and careful. It is likely that the enemies have found weaknesses and are preparing some unpleasant actions.

Killing a snake in a dream means victory over one’s enemies. If a man sees a snake in a dream, this indicates big problems. When a sleeper catches a snake, this indicates meeting an unpleasant person in real life. He will not only deceive and lie, but will also set him up more than once.

When a snake bites in a dream, this is a warning about the betrayal of a friend or loved one who has always been in a zone of trust. However, the dream can also promise financial troubles. If a sleeper dreams that he lost consciousness after being bitten, this means severe disappointment that awaits him in the near future.

Snakes in the water

Why do you dream of a grass snake swimming in the water? This indicates a speedy recovery of the sleeper. Another meaning of the dream is a signal for quick action in order to get out of some difficult life situation with honor. Moreover, all actions under the current conditions will turn out to be correct.

If a person is sick for a long time and he dreamed that he was already in the water, this portends recovery. Seeing a drowning snake means the enemy’s plan will fail, and the situation will develop in such a way that he can easily be brought to light.

When you dream of a lot of snakes swimming across the river at the same time, it means that they will soon be discovered Interesting Facts concerning loved ones. This information can be used for personal purposes.

A large number of snakes

A dream in which the sleeper sees a lot of dead snakes means that the person himself is to blame for his troubles. If he killed these snakes himself, then this means getting rid of the influence of others.

When you dream of a lot of snakes, but they all behave peacefully and without aggression, this means a meeting with good friends and have a good time. A ball of intertwined snakes in the grass is a sign of a pleasant holiday in nature.

When a large number of snakes are basking on the stones, you can expect gossip and gossip behind your back. Snakes crawling on the grave or damp earth- a sign that it’s time to come down to earth and get down to real business.

Crawling snakes

Why do you dream about a snake crawling towards you? This means that in the near future there will be a meeting with a loved one with whom the sleeper has not seen for a long time. Another interpretation is an early marriage or pregnancy. But if he crawled past and did not pay any attention to the person, this warns of the need to be more careful when making transactions.

After such a dream, it is advisable to postpone them for a while or once again calculate all the risks. Especially if we're talking about about large sums of money. Otherwise, the trust of business partners may be lost. If the crawling snakes in your dream are small, these are harbingers of joy. And the opposite meaning if the snakes are aggressive, woven into a ball.

A man dreams of snakes

If a man dreams of snakes, for business man this is a warning to be more vigilant in the near future in negotiations. Otherwise, you can lose everything because of a dubious offer.

If a man already dreams of biting, this means that his pride will soon be greatly hurt. But everything will be limited to only an unpleasant situation and will not bring significant harm. But it will appear invaluable experience fight against envious people.

When a man sees a dead grass snake in a dream, it means the passivity of competitors. No one will stand in the way of new goals. Why do you dream about snakes? Many small approaching reptiles symbolize a treacherous and powerful enemy. It will be very difficult to cope with him.

Already in the house

Why do you dream about being in the house? If after this there is a feeling that such a dream has already happened before, it means that in reality there will be a meeting with an old acquaintance. Moreover, it will help improve existing affairs. If he already lives in the house, this means household chores.

Sleeping with a snake in the same bed is stable intimate life. Snakes on the kitchen tables mean a crowded party, and in the corridor means the arrival of many guests. If a snake is in the attic of a house, this means an increase in salary.

Colored snakes

Dreamed snakes may have non-standard colors. In visions, color may change. And this is also taken into account when interpreting dreams. If he was already red and crawling in the house, this is a signal of impending danger and aggression. There will probably be problems in the family soon. But if the snake crawls out of the house, then the troubles will end quickly.

White snakes dream of big money wins. Moreover, the more snakes, the larger the amount. Green snakes in the house - overcoming existing difficulties. At work, rapid career growth will begin, long-standing complexes and fears will go away. Seeing a crawling yellow snake in a dream means that counting in difficult life situations You will have to rely only on your own strength, but everything will end well.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud wrote his dream book. Why dream in his interpretation? Freud believes that seeing this snake and confusing it with a poisonous one means that some people around them are being attributed qualities that they do not have. Moreover, the stronger the fantasies, the more painful the disappointment will be. And this interpretation corresponds to many other dream books that describe the interpretation of dreams with snakes.

If you want to know why you are dreaming, remember all the circumstances of the vision. In general, such a dream is interpreted in a positive way, although there are exceptions. Various dream books offer an interpretation of the dream, taking into account the details.

Eastern dream book

Expect positive news soon if in your night vision non-venomous snake curled up into a ball.

If you have already attacked the dreamer and are trying to sting, beware of people masquerading as well-wishers - they can greatly deceive.

Modern dream book

In real life, there will be an opportunity to get out of a bad story if you have already dreamed about it.

The dreamer will meet a person who only at first glance seems unpleasant, but in reality will prove that he has a good qualities- that’s why you dream about a snake.

A dream with many dead snakes in a clearing in the forest warns of danger.

If in a dream your child brought a non-poisonous snake into the house, you are wary of the rash actions of your children.

A dream in which you have already been bitten and you have lost consciousness predicts disappointment in a person you know well.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing a snake in a dream is good.

Lend money if you are stung by a snake in your night visions.

You will be happy if it curls around you and does not sting.

If in a dream you see someone approaching you, your old friend will soon remind you of himself.

Killing a snake in a dream means defeating an enemy in reality.

Russian folk dream book

In the visions of dreamers, it symbolizes cunning and an opportunistic attitude towards life.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The dream in reality symbolizes unfounded fears.

Aesop's Dream Book

In a dream you held a squirming snake in your hands - in reality, beware of the company of a quirky person from your environment. Such a dream says that deception cannot be avoided.

If a non-venomous snake is wrapped around the dreamer’s neck, one must beware of big troubles when meeting a “slippery” type.

If you dreamed that during a hunt the victim would fall into the mouth of a grass snake, this means that in reality your goal will be achieved, but only you will know at what cost.

Ukrainian dream book

A admirer will appear in life or a meeting with a betrothed is expected - this is why young women dream of snakes.

If a woman sees in a dream how she is biting her, she will soon be able to get pregnant or the baby will soon be born.

A water snake that a sick person dreams of can prophesy relief from an illness.

Esoteric dream book

If the dreamer watched the snake eat, then in real life his groundless fears will turn out to be successful.

Already in a dream - Seeing a snake swimming on the water- a symbol that you may find yourself in a situation that will be quite new and unusual for you, but you will be able to present yourself well and, moreover, will attract attention to yourself.
Holding a snake that wriggles in your hands means that in reality you are being “led by the nose”, they are trying to deceive you. Do not start cooperation with unfamiliar people who do not inspire trust. Most likely, they will turn out to be cunning, resourceful swindlers.
Holding a snake that wriggles in your hands means you will have to deal with cunning people who will deceive you, even despite your precautions.
If you dreamed about it in a dream, then such a dream often means lovemaking. Seeing a snake in a dream promises you a meeting with a cunning person.
If you dreamed that something was wrapped around your neck, it means that meeting this unpleasant person will bring you even more trouble.
If you dreamed that you were already hunting or eating your prey, this means that you will soon achieve your goal, but the price of this victory may be very high.
If in a dream you saw that he was already hunting for his prey or swallowing it, then in real world you will have the opportunity to achieve your goals, only at a great cost.
If in a dream it rushes at you, trying to bite- your worst envious people and enemies are hiding under the guise of friendliness. It’s worth taking a closer look at your immediate surroundings.
If in a dream I was already crawling towards you- a serious danger may await you, which you can avoid only if you do not take any significant action.
If you are holding a snake in your hands- on your way in life you will meet a very cunning person who will deceive you, despite all your fears.
If in a dream you also curled up into a ball- in the near future you will receive pleasant news from people whom you have not seen for a long time, but with whom you will be glad to communicate. On the contrary, if he tried to bite you in a dream, be more attentive to new acquaintances; it is likely that under the external virtue of your new friend lies an unpleasant nature.
If he wrapped his arms around your neck in a dream, then this is a sign that communicating with some slippery type can bring you great trouble. Therefore, be very careful when you see such a dream.
If he has already wrapped his arms around your neck in a dream, you should be very careful in your affairs. You are in danger of not only being deceived, but also suffering harm to your health and life.
Floating on water in a dream prophesies that you will find yourself in an awkward situation and find yourself in the wrong place. By pulling yourself together and overcoming your anxiety, you will be able to present your business qualities.
Crawling snake- an approaching danger that you cannot avoid, but you can soften the blow if you are careful in communicating with business partners and when signing any papers.
The dream in which you saw a snake- to the good.
Seeing a snake swallowing its victim foreshadows the achievement of its goal in the near future. You will succeed, you will receive material goods and moral satisfaction from duty performed.
In a dream, he personifies an opportunist, a resourceful person. It differs from a snake in that folk ideas, is no longer endowed with intelligence and special wisdom, but only with enterprise and cunning, because they say about him: “one born to crawl cannot fly!” if you see a snake swimming in the water, it means that you will find yourself in an unusual situation, but you will be able to present yourself correctly and attract attention.
A snake swallowing food suggests that you will quickly achieve your goals, but do not go over your head in the hope of shortening the path to it. Saving a good relationship with the people around you, you will be in harmony with yourself.
The snake that crawls- a sign of approaching danger that you cannot avoid, but you have the opportunity to soften the blow if you are more careful when talking with partners or signing important papers.
Dreaming of a snake swimming in the water means that you will soon find yourself in a situation that is unusual for you and to which it will take you a long time to adapt. However, you will quickly begin to achieve success and attract attention.
A snake curled up in your dream promises you good news soon.

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