Who is Alexander Litvin, and why are his forecasts interesting? True predictions of Alexander Litvin for this year Time is rushing faster and faster, faster and faster

The winner of the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics” does not consider himself a magician or fortuneteller. He admits that he is learning to solve, explaining that everyone has abilities, but not everyone can develop them. One of the most popular participants in the show warns that he simply has good intuition, passed on to him from his relatives. Much has been written about him in the press, and the finalist of the mystical TV show himself publishes books about superpowers. It's time to get to know him better!

A gift from above

Psychic Alexander Litvin, born in 1960, already at the age of 7 realized that he was different from other children. In a family where women were engaged in healing, he did not specifically try to develop his gift, saying that it happened absolutely spontaneously. Feeling the world It was very clear that he understood the relationships between the phenomena that were taking place.

As the boy grew older, he accumulated this invaluable experience, which came in handy to him more than once. He recalls how, in his student days, he predicted grades for his friends during sessions, and while working as a military doctor, the young man relieved the pain of patients.

Unique abilities

Psychic Alexander Litvin, who has a special flair, used unconventional methods of treatment, but did not tell anyone about it. Advertise ongoing corrections of energy causes various diseases V Soviet time was fraught. At 34 years old (after leaving military service to customs) Alexander used his extraordinary abilities to catch criminals. He says that in any personnel decisions he relied on his own way of determining personality type.

Litvin took into account all possible factors in order to assemble energetically into a single team suitable friend friend of people. And if the team is well-coordinated, then everyone goes to work with pleasure, and the return on work is much higher.

Considering that he has accomplished everything he wanted, Alexander resigns from the customs service, and a new one begins for him. life stage— working with people and directly helping those in need. For those who cannot come and communicate in person, he has created a website where everyone will receive help.

Project winner

In 2008, when Litvin was still working at customs, he tried his hand at the “Battle of Psychics” project, the first episodes of which he watched with interest together with his wife Natasha, who convinced him to come to the TV show. Man with unique abilities successfully passed the casting and passed the first test. Confident psychic Alexander Litvin recalls how he simulated a situation where he was awarded the main prize and finally achieved it.

He says that he knew nothing in advance about the tests he would undergo. Cell Phones they took them away, and one by one the psychics left for filming, and no one came back, that is, there was no information about the next test of superpowers. Litvin, who often worked with his eyes closed, was very tired of the bright spotlights, but there was no escape from this.

He shared that it was difficult to get away from human grief and suffering, so after all the hardships of the tests he put himself into a state of trance. Having proven himself not only a good expert human souls, but having proven in practice that he is worthy of victory, Alexander Litvin takes the main prize. “The Battle of Psychics” becomes a new stage for him, in which he helps people thanks to his exceptional abilities. It must be said that the winner himself radically changed his life after the project: he not only quit his job, but also settled in huge house, got married and became a father of many children.

Personal drama

No one knew until a certain moment that in the midst of filming the program, the future owner of the figurine in the form of a crystal hand, his wife, with whom he raised two children, died. The biography of Alexander Litvin (psychic) ​​contains this difficult episode, after which he did not know whether he would return to the project or not. Having buried his wife, the depressed Litvin returns to filming with a heavy heart, but for him this was the only solution, since he was afraid of simply being alone. His adult sons supported their father in his desire to continue participating in the struggle.

After victory, the psychic plunges headlong into other people's problems in order to escape from his own. At the end of 2008, he receives a message asking for help for his sick mother from an unknown girl. Litvin recalls that he was very touched by this letter, and he gives advice that allows the woman to save her life. A few months later, a man meets a pretty stranger and proposes to her. Now at happy couple Alexandra and Alena are growing up as two little heirs, to whom their father pays a lot of attention.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: predictions

Alexander’s colleagues speak of him with respect, and many of his prophecies have come true. On the threshold of 2015, he accurately predicted terrible tragedy- plane crash near Donetsk. All experts claim that they take Litvin’s words very seriously, he has clairvoyance, and his predictions often come true.

Unfortunately, the psychic’s prediction for 2016 is radically different from what we hear in the media mass media. Alexander believes that the crisis, which is spoken of as a passing phenomenon, will return with new strength. He argues that the time has come for serious changes in politics; society needs responsible people who put the interests of the country above their own.

His advice to anyone considering starting a business this year is to not be afraid of success. By taking non-standard steps to develop your business, you can achieve high altitudes. For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the predictions, psychic Alexander Litvin uploads a video on his website.

Everyone has their own purpose

The clairvoyant calls himself a “passportist,” explaining that everyone who comes into this world has their own purpose. He tells everything about a person based on his date of birth and gives the necessary advice. Alexander is often approached with problems of loneliness, and he believes that so many people are personally unsettled because of feelings clouded by calculation.

Today, many people have their heads filled with success, because it is what determines wealth in society, but the truth is that society does not care whether this person who has achieved everything is happy or not. And many never have time to find “their” life partner, although in reality there are not that many single people.

A question that will never be answered

The winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, can predict how long a client who turns to him will live, but he will never do it. “This question is asked through one. Some people live long, while others die early. Why does a person live? In order to correct all the mistakes of the past, and to the question about the problems that have piled up, I answer that we need not to become sour, but to improve the situation in our family. All our roots are from the past, and if you tear yourself away from them, you will die,” says the former customs officer.

Psychic Alexander Litvin: reviews

The winner of the show, who has become incredibly popular, receives people in person and via Skype. On his website you can make an appointment at which Litvin will answer all your questions. This is a good business, because the cost of visiting a psychic significantly hits your wallet ordinary person. I must say that the reviews are very contradictory. He really helps many, explaining the hidden essence of the problem, but he has the right to refuse an appointment if he understands that he cannot solve a complex problem.

He is recognized as a good expert in the field of human relations, giving many general recommendations. Some consider his help illusory and leave the psychic very disappointed, but for many his advice really helps. Everyone who made an appointment with him talks about Litvin’s special instinct, which tunes in to the client like an antenna. Many people respect him, valuing his advice on doing business and building relationships. Alexander gives the opportunity to the person himself to choose the path he will follow, without giving a definite answer and suggesting how to get out of a difficult situation with the least losses.

Litvin Alexander is a psychic who believes that a person creates his own destiny, and developed intuition, given to him from above, saves his life. He recognizes that each generation is responsible both for itself and for its descendants, who pay for their sins. And if humanity lives without evil, doing good, then no one will have to correct any mistakes.

Alexander Litvin about Russia, the world and human destinies: predictions for 2016.
Find a ready-made solution to all problems, sort the future into pieces and know for sure what awaits tomorrow, in a month or a year. It’s tempting and quite possible if you have a time machine at hand. But no one has invented it yet. It doesn’t matter, there is a way out of any situation.

One of the opportunities to look into the foggy future is the predictions of psychics, in particular Alexander Litvin, a man of few words, but rarely mistaken. His prophecies are sometimes allegorical, like the quatrains of Nostradamus, and do not relate to specific events themselves, but interpret them through the thoughts, intentions, actions of each person and society as a whole.

A. Litvin about Russia and Ukraine

The Ukrainian issue worries many, even those who are not connected to this country by blood or friendship. But first, about the older brother, with whom the younger one is in a permanent quarrel.
Alexander Litvin believes that difficult times for Russia will not end overnight. The protracted economic crisis in 2016 will still make itself felt, affecting many vital areas. But it is he who will help Russians realize true essence the importance of joint action for the common good.
The psychic urges everyone to forget about their ego, pay attention to the needs of the family, help those who are in even more cramped circumstances, set goals that do not run counter to the interests of society, and achieve them, albeit through drastic changes and titanic efforts. The active position of each person will lead to the well-being of the country.

Unity will also contribute to a happy future. Slavic peoples. All the prerequisites for this will arise in 2016, but the process will be quite lengthy. Apparently, the psychic is referring to relations between Ukraine and Russia. Two once friendly peoples will come to an agreement through trial and error. Alexander does not speak more specifically about the fate of Ukraine.

Will the power of the United States and the well-being of Europe be shaken?

According to the psychic, Russia will suffer less than other countries in 2016. Unhealthy sentiments in the European Union, the US and German governments' preoccupation with other people's problems more than their own, will not bring anything good to these states.

Family relationships are very important this year. The correctness of actions and being is the key to success and prosperity. And countries are the same families, only on a larger scale. Big, self-confident players have every chance to improve the situation. Small ones, such as Türkiye or Greece, will have a hard time without outside help.

Only joint efforts and unification will help cope with chaos and restore peace and prosperity to the world. Start with yourself, without procrastination, and be happy!

Alexander Litvin is the winner of one of the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”. He made his forecast for Russians for the coming year. The country will continue to be gripped by a crisis that will affect not only the economic sphere of life.

But it is he who will help change the attitude of Russians towards each other and towards everything that happens around him, teach him to sacrifice their interests for the sake of achieving one common goal. Only through joint efforts will the country be able to regain its prosperity.

The main task of every Russian is to work well for the benefit of the Motherland, since after that everyone will still be left with their own benefit. You must remember to help others in order to find your happiness. Next year the rule of existence will begin to manifest itself very clearly.

2016 will not be easy for Russia, as the country will have to experience some difficulties. Of course, not the same as what awaits the countries of Europe and the United States, which are very dependent on external influence, but, nevertheless, there will be problems in Russia too.

It is in 2016 that a significant contribution will be made to the process of unification of the Slavic peoples. This process will not end any time soon, but you will be able to see the results.

People's actions, according to Litvin, will be chaotic. This will be especially true in business. Success in this area is expected only by businessmen from provincial and small towns, since they are the ones who will be able to feel the needs of their people very well.

In all life spheres Successful people will be those who clearly follow their goal and are capable of taking drastic actions to achieve it.

To preserve and further prosper the business, you will have to take risks, otherwise you will not have to wait for success. If you want to become successful in this area, then you should rely on your intuition and make quick decisions.

Psychics' forecasts always excite the mind and make us think about how everything can develop. Naturally, today, when there is complete instability in Russia and problems in economic sphere, many are trying to find solutions in the unknown. Many psychics today make their forecasts and predictions, incl. and about what awaits Russia in the near future. Among the most interesting is Litvin’s forecast for 2016.

Alexander Litvin is a participant in one of the most popular television projects today, “Battle of Psychics.” During his participation, the psychic more than once showed excellent and outstanding results, due to which he became the winner of his season. And no one objected to such a decision - it was deserved.

Experts say that the prophecy made by Alexander Litvin on this or that issue is quite accurate. Therefore, his colleagues listen to him and claim that the maximum useful information comes from his clairvoyance. As for the confessions of colleagues, the fact that the most popular astrologer in the country, Pavel Globa, also recommended listening to the words of Alexander Litvin speaks volumes.

What does a clairvoyant say about crises and the development of a country?

A. Litvin’s forecast for 2016 is not as optimistic as many. So, for example, the psychic is confident that the crisis, which many people (including the government of the country) think is already subsiding, has in fact only temporarily lost its strength. And in 2016 he will return with renewed vigor.

The clairvoyant says that altruism and unification come to the fore. So, for example, now the entire population of the country should unite and try to work for the good and development of the country. If all this is completed in full, everyone will begin to invest their maximum effort in the common cause, it is quite possible that Russia will become a world leader. And she has the maximum chance for this. In addition, such a theory echoes many clairvoyances of other psychics who claimed that the country has rich potential.

Those who want to build a new society with a certain social structure will be able to achieve significant success. Litvin's forecast for Russia is quite ambiguous. And at the same time, it is very similar to the prophecy of another extremely popular clairvoyant - Mother Matrona.
She also believed that modern humanity is too steeped in praising the Golden Calf and thinks too little about spirituality. And only the unification of the Slavs can change the course of the country's development. At the same time, the old woman argued that if such a unification does not happen, and many continue to worship material things, everything could end extremely sadly. Spirituality is what will help Russia strengthen itself and survive all difficulties.

Alexander Lytvyn assures that only by sacrificing your interests for the sake of others can you achieve success and lead the country to a full recovery from the crisis.

Experts assure that today the situation is changing and everything that a person does comes back to him many times over. So, for example, if he does evil, then it is evil that will return to him. Accordingly, the situation with good goes the same way.

This means that today many people have to think very carefully about all their actions, actions and even thoughts. After all, it is unknown how each of them will turn out. This means that it is worth reconsidering your view of everything around you in order to change what can be changed.

What changes are expected by the Government of the country?

Alexander Litvin claims that the Russian Government is facing serious changes and reshuffles. So, for example, the psychic claims that in such a period of general altruism, officials who only row for themselves will no longer be able to remain in power. After all, in difficult time the state needs responsible people who will put public interest above personal ones.

It is worth noting that today not everyone loves and respects the Government of the country, just as few support most of the decisions made at a high level.

As for the providences about business, Alexander Litvin is sure that now is the time for crazy and illogical actions. These are the ones that should lead many people to prosperity. So, for example, if businessmen become more desperate to succeed by taking unconventional steps, they can get great results. If you want to purchase a nursing certificate, then here you can buy a nursing certificate; for a nursing certificate, you can also buy a certificate of advanced training.

At the same time, the clairvoyant claims that the more businessmen try for their own benefit, the faster the country will recover. Since the well-being of one allows the entire country as a whole to achieve prosperity. Businessmen from the provinces have a special chance to succeed, because... Such businessmen from the outback better understand how the population lives and know options for more effective development.

How can you get acquainted with prophecies?

The video forecast of the psychic Litvin for 2016 is one of the options for getting acquainted with the clairvoyant’s prophecy. He records messages on his own, plus there are several options for interviews with a psychic.

In addition, the Internet is full of the usual printed versions of predictions. Anyone can read them. And this option may be more convenient for many, because... You can re-read individual moments and comprehend them. But video messages also have their own positive trait– when a person looks at an expert who independently voices his visions, he sees a person confident in his statements and begins to trust his words more.

What about Ukraine: what moments does the psychic cover?

Lytvyn’s forecast for 2016 for Ukraine is quite vague. Alexander does not give particularly clear visions on this topic. But from certain phrases it becomes clear that the situation in the neighboring country will not improve yet. In addition, the clairvoyant is confident that Ukraine will also be saved by the unification of the people. Moreover, ideally the Slavs should unite. How this is, in fact, genetically determined.

Everyone knows that many countries today are going through quite difficult times - conflicts, wars, tense internal relations and an economic crisis. Almost no one can predict one hundred percent development of events, because the situation is changing so rapidly that economists are not able to follow it, in this regard, the forecasts of clairvoyants for 2016 for Russia today are becoming especially relevant. Whether or not to believe in such predictions, everyone must decide for themselves, but it is necessary to mention that most of the predictions made at one time or another by famous clairvoyants came true, so it’s definitely not worth ignoring the fact that some people have the ability to predict the future .

Forecast from Julia Wang

She earned her popularity relatively recently (when she became the winner in one of the popular shows where psychics participated), but at the same time her forecasts have always been extremely accurate, so many are interested in them. Typically, the blonde beauty doesn't like to make public predictions (she prefers to work with a specific person, predicting his fate), but recently she did talk about what to expect in the future with the press. Many experts believe that no matter what other psychics say about Russia in 2016, Julia Wang’s predictions can be considered the most truthful, because the strength of her psychic abilities she was able to prove it a long time ago.

In Russia, Julia predicts a continuation of the economic crisis (in this case, her words echo the words of some economists), which will entail the formation of additional problems. According to the most daring assumptions, it is possible to predict a change in the current government, but one should not expect that the change will go smoothly everywhere. According to the forecaster, representatives of the Caucasus district and Siberia, for example, will resist new system, therefore, a conflict similar to the one that is currently engulfing eastern Ukraine may break out in these territories. Naturally, all this can lead to the development civil war(although such a development of events can be considered unlikely), so it is still worth taking this information into account.

In general, this year will be a turning point in the history of Russia, and although it is not yet possible to say exactly how good this is, the clairvoyant is more inclined to the second option, and all factors (the rapidly worsening economic crisis and falling oil prices) also point precisely to this.

What does Alexander Litvin say?

It must be said that many participants in the “Battle of Psychics” became popular precisely thanks to this program, but the predictions of psychic Alexander Litvin about Russia in 2016, who became the winner of one of the seasons of this show, for some reason are considered one of the most reliable, especially , this psychic speaks very willingly about the future of Russians. The fortuneteller believes that the fate of every Russian is in his own hands. There is, of course, nothing unusual in such a concept, but it only seems so, because the psychic explains his words by saying that Russia will have a good future only when Russians begin to think positively. Positive energy brings joy and happiness, so if there is a lot of it, then not a single problem will withstand such pressure.

Alexander believes that next year Russians cannot count on quiet life, since negative emotions in Lately there was quite a lot, therefore, the energy has not gone away, but it is quite possible that 2016 will not be too bad. There have always been problems, so you can’t think that they will completely disappear, you can’t, and in the near future, if you believe the psychic’s forecast, they will affect entrepreneurs who will have to spend a lot of effort to save their business (however, economists often warned everyone about this, so this information will definitely not come as a surprise to anyone).

What to expect?

Looking at Forecasts famous psychics and clairvoyants for 2016 for Russia, you can notice that they are all different for each person, although some features unite them. No matter how much some would like it, no one can give accurate information about what Russians should expect in the coming year. Even famous mathematicians know that one hundred percent probability does not exist, although they study exact science, needless to say, psychics who make predictions based, essentially, on their intuition cannot give anyone any guarantees. However, it is still worth knowing what they are saying, because most of predictions still come true.

Fatima Khadueva is confident that in the near future Russians will have another chance to prove their greatness to the whole world. She gives to some extent optimistic option a forecast that I really want to believe in, because according to her, the country's capital will cease to be the center of life for all Russians, since new jobs will be created throughout the country and people will be able to earn money directly in the place where they are registered. The crisis will naturally end, and the economy will begin its recovery (most likely, this will also cause growth wages). Fatima is sure that there will be no war directly on Russian territory, but military conflicts in Europe are worth expecting.

A similar forecast is given by Mehdi Vafa, who also once confirmed the presence of strong psychic abilities, becoming a participant in the above-mentioned program. Moreover, according to him, this year the Russians will begin to move towards becoming the strongest country in the world, which will be relatively easy to do against the backdrop of conflicts that will occur in Europe and the United States.

Whatever the clairvoyants’ prediction about Russia in 2016, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that everyone is the builder of their own destiny. Perhaps one person will not be able to go against the whole system, but as Alexander Litvinov says, you need to think positively, and then positive

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