A well-known psychic about the tragic death of Zhanna Friske. Natalya Vorotnikova about Friske: Zhanna and Dmitry Shepelev were a harmonious couple Psychics about Zhanna Friske's illness

June 15 Song of Zhanna Friske came to an end. Psychics about the death of a popular singer in Russia said that she crept up unnoticed and became a great tragedy for all fans and loved ones.

Almost every second man was in love with a cheerful and smiling star. Everyone hoped for a recovery.

Death of Zhanna Friske; the funeral

Zhanna Friske's face began to flicker more and more often not as a participant in a musical holiday concert, but as a call for help in the winter of 2014. it was then that the whole world learned about the serious illness of the singer.

When Zhanna Friske threw a cry for help, not only show business stars, but also ordinary citizens rushed to support her. A special fund was created for them. J. Friske, who was involved in fundraising. The money that was collected by the fund not only made it possible for Zhanna to try out a new experimental vaccine, which was invented in America, but also managed to help several young children who were also being treated for cancer.

After a trip to the USA, the singer Zhanna Friske once again perked up and tuned in to fight a terrible disease. Unfortunately, no matter how much the singer's relatives prayed and did not ask for help from the Universe, they still failed to save her. But the miracle did not happen again.

Psychics about Jeanne Frisk they say that it was the imported vaccine that gave the woman an extra few months of happiness to be loved. Then her health began to fail, and soon Zhanna simply stopped recognizing her relatives. A little more .... and Friske fell into a coma.

Death of Jeanne Friske found in my parents' house. All this time she was accompanied by a close friend - Olga Orlova. Psychics about the death of Zhanna Friske they say that when this news came, on June 16, not only relatives and friends wept, but nature itself.

June 17 Zhanna Friske turned out to be in a coffin, it was on this day that everyone could say goodbye to their beloved singer. A day later, a funeral took place at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

Few people know that Zhanna Friske had a twin brother. Nevertheless, this fact could not be hidden from psychics, and many even complained that it was the soul of the baby that called the soul of the sister who had lagged behind him and managed to live for two.

It was from Dmitry Shepelev that Zhanna Friske was born on April 7, 2013, a small and sunny son, Plato.

After this tragic event happened, the young father was left alone with his child. Unfortunately, with close relatives Dmitry Shepelev relationships don't work out.

At the moment, the situation between the parents and the singer has become more complicated. Both parties hope to "inherit" custody of Plato.

According to psychics, the situation is complicated due to the fact that Dmitry needs financial support, which for a long time he received directly from his beloved. And here Zhanna Friske's father does not intend to transfer the baby's inheritance into the hands of a "deceiver" and a swindler. Moreover, the pensioner does not give up the hope of still raising a little boy.

Clairvoyants claim that these intra-family strife do not lead to anything good, on the contrary, they weigh down the already suffering soul of the singer, from which her path in her next life will be difficult and thorny.

Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev they say that he must do everything to ensure that the baby has enough attention from both grandfather and himself. Clairvoyants also say that there is a long enmity between the son-in-law and the father-in-law, which has been going on since the beginning of the relationship between Zhanna and Dmitry. However, according to the same clairvoyants, during her lifetime, the “brilliant” more than once grieved and grumbled about this.

An outlet for the whole family was small son Plato. And it will be discussed further.

Son of Zhanna Friske Plato

April 7, 2013 was born in Miami son of Dmitry Shepelev and Jeanne Friske Platon. It was this baby that became the last trace of Jeanne in this world. As you know, the world-famous singer had no other children. For this reason, she put all her love and strength into her baby.

Jeanne bought everything for him. Relatives and friends when talking about Plato rush into tears, how so, because at such an early age the baby was left without the most dear person, without a mother ...

However, psychics about Plato they say that one should not grieve about his fate. The kid will finish school far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation, he will be successful in the exact sciences, but it will not work to call the child not creative. He will be the center of the company and the favorite of women. Just the way a real one should be

As for careers, he will be successful on the stock exchanges, but initially Plato will try his hand at areas such as urban planning and even engage in political activities for a while. It is there that he will meet his soul mate, who will be like two drops of water like his mother - Zhanna Friske.

Psychics about Jeanne Friske and her death They say that God only takes the best of us. Of course, one cannot say that there were no wrong deeds in the life of an attractive and strong woman, however, almost always she came out of them with dignity. they say that it was this sign of the Zodiac that the “brilliant” belonged to, that the woman had every chance to climb back to a normal healthy life. That's just the internal mood and constant failures did not help tune in a positive way.

However, leaving the mortal world, Jeanne left more than one pleasant memory of herself and she will be remembered for more than one year. Moreover, now she will become true and strong for her little son Plato. So what awaits the baby is a happy future full of bright emotions, and mom ... mom will always be there.

The younger sister of the deceased Zhanna Friske, Natalya, met with the winner of the tenth "Battle of Psychics" Mohsen Noruzi, so that he would tell her when and how the

Natalya Friske came to a meeting with her husband, rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergey Vshivkov. She said that the situation in their family remains tense, because by a court decision they were forbidden to see little Plato since June last year. Only the boy's grandmother can see him sometimes. And then there's Zhanna Friske's favorite dog, so homesick for the mistress that ... he also fell ill with cancer. Labrador was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma.

“We don’t want to pick up Plato, we would just meet with him,” Natalia Friske told StarHit. “He still thinks mom is in the hospital and misses us a lot.”

The psychic said that the family will see the boy when he turns 3 years old (which will be April 7). “But the child will live with the father. Don't worry, Plato will grow up, he will realize everything and he will come to you," Noruzi said.

At the same time, he noted that Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev loved each other very much, but then it was as if someone jinxed them. “, quickly falls under someone else's influence. He has seven Fridays in a week. Now he is in a good mood, and in two hours it is better not to approach him. He loves Plato's son madly.

As for the singer's illness, the psychic saw that her life line diverges at 37 (and Zhanna died at 40). So if she had been examined earlier, before pregnancy, then perhaps it would have been possible to help her faster.

Noruzi also said that a child would be born in the Friske family, similar in appearance and character to Jeanne.

June 1, 2014, 23:00

Natalya Vorotnikova - psychic, healer, clairvoyant, winner of the first season of the show "Battle of Psychics". Lately, I've been fascinated by celebrity fortune-telling.

about Leonardo DiCaprio and Toni Garrn

“DiCaprio’s attitude towards Toni Garrn is more like fatherly love. This couple clearly united two completely different generations, they have different outlooks on life, different interests and values. For Garrn, Leonardo is an idol, she tries her best to match him. Dreams of becoming his wife and giving birth to a child actor. Leonardo, on the other hand, treats Tony with condescension, in a paternal way. He likes to take care of her, to teach life. Unfortunately, Toni is just one of the women he will have many more. Leonardo has a difficult character, sometimes he breaks down. When Tony bothers him too much, he can even offend. Now he is a fairytale prince for her, an ideal. The girl categorically does not want to see the shortcomings of the person who is next to her. But sooner or later her eyes will open and she won't be able to accept what she sees. I see that this relationship will last less than a year and end in a scandal."

In any case, the actor does not consider her as a wife, believing that he still has not found an ideal companion. DiCaprio considers his mother to be the main standard of femininity and beauty, she is an ideal for him, with which no woman can be compared. At 46, he is finally going to tie the knot, but something goes wrong, and ultimately the wedding fails. With all the external gallantry, Leonardo has a very complex character, it is almost impossible to get along with him. This person is used to crushing and breaking, he lives in his own world, under which everyone who is nearby must adapt. First of all, his woman must give up everything that was before him - from friends, girlfriends, relationships.

With age, Leonardo's character will only deteriorate, and in the end he will realize that he is much more comfortable living alone. According to fate, the actor will have many more women, one of them will even give birth to a child, but no one will be able to tame Leonardo DiCaprio and bring him to the altar.

about Charlize Theron and Sean Penn.

Sean Penn is an emotional person, very quick-tempered, his character depends on his mood and will never change. That is why he did not have a life with ex-wife Robin Wright. He was very jealous of her. Like any woman in her place, Robin was tired of it, she felt like a bird in a cage.

Charlize, like Sean, is a very emotional person, but at the same time, she knows how to control herself. In their pair there will be love, and passion, and quarrels. They will get married during this year, and in the next two years they will have another addition to the family: Charlize will give birth to a child for Sean. Soon they will buy a big house.

I see that the relationship with Stuart Townsend ended on her initiative - she just got tired of him. Too stable, does not like change and innovation, a homebody, his friends are people who have been with him for many years. Theron, on the contrary, loves big companies, fun, travel. At first, it seemed to her that Stuart was ideally suited for the role of a husband who was always ready to be close to his wife, but in the end, such a quiet life turned out to be not to her liking. Theron will remain in Townsend's memory as the brightest love, at the same time she will always annoy him.

about Prince Harry

“In the future, I do not see a formal marriage between Harry and Cressida. From this couple there is a feeling of a temporary relationship - they will part sooner or later anyway. Another girl should become his wife. And of course, this is not his ex-girlfriend Chelsea, although he really loved her. She is to blame for their separation. The girl was too cold, too independent and often repelled her lover. For him, this is unacceptable. In general, Harry is a lover of women, but nevertheless treats them with extreme caution.

In relations with his beloved, the prince first of all appreciates friendship and mutual understanding. If a woman loves him, but does not see him as a friend, he will leave her anyway. Neither Cressida nor Chelsea could make him feel comfortable. Harry's happiness lies in the future, but unfortunately not for long. He will be widowed early, although he will have time to become the father of two children. He will meet the next love at a fairly mature age. In general, Harry is a rebel by nature. The social status of a person is absolutely not important to him, he is internally free. The prince knows what honor, conscience and dignity are. But he understands it in his own way.

By the way, he is a very reliable person, knows how to take care of others and cover the weak and defenseless with his back. Harry is the very real man that a woman can only dream of. He will be a wonderful husband and father. His ostentatious sloppiness is a challenge to the foundations and orders by which it is customary to live in his family.

about little George

George Alexander Louis will inherit the throne after his father, by which time he will already be married. His wife will be a princess - a native of a small Western European country. Their family will have three children - two boys and a girl. The reign of George Alexander Louis will come at a difficult period in the history of Britain - it will be an era of change.

He will have to become a real reformer - I see that these reforms will change the political and economic life of the country and, perhaps, will cause an ambiguous reaction from some of the compatriots. In addition, our hero will prove himself as a capable military leader.

About the Dukes of Cambridge

In two or three years, a second child will appear in the family of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (his gender is not yet visible) - according to fate, they have two children. I think that after Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William will rule Britain: I don’t see Prince Charles on the throne. Perhaps he will abdicate in favor of his son, or Charles, alas, will no longer be alive by then. The period of William's reign as a whole can be called calm - I do not see any particular intensity of political passions or military conflicts at this time. A special role in the life of the country is to be played by the Duchess of Cambridge - for Great Britain this is a fateful person who will be deservedly loved even more than Lady Diana was loved.

Wise, strong, far-sighted and not shy of difficulties, Kate will become a support and adviser for her husband and a wonderful keeper of their family hearth. I see that Elizabeth II has already noticed a strong personality in her and is trying to convey her knowledge, experience and manners to her so that Kate will quickly become fully accustomed to the royal court.

The family union of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is truly fateful and lasting. Its basis is a deep mutual feeling, time-tested, responsibility, devotion to each other and tenderness. Family disagreements or betrayals in this union are absolutely excluded.

About Jennifer Aniston

for Jennifer Aniston, there is only one man left, and that is not Justin Theroux. Therefore, despite all the efforts of Justin, he will not be able to fully justify the hopes and expectations of the actress. Theroux has only one drawback, but a serious one: he is not Brad Pitt. Moreover: he will never become even a little like Aniston's ex-husband. I can clearly see that Jennifer is not eager to marry Justin. She is comfortable and calm in his company, and she does not see much point in official ceremonies. Teru insists on the wedding, and for a long time. Of course, with such pressure, she had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

these people are not destined for each other by fate and will disperse before the end of this year. Nevertheless, Theru has a happy future ahead of him. In three years he will meet a girl eighteen or twenty years younger than him. It will be a beautiful blonde, the daughter of his old friend. Once upon a time they had already met, but then she was still just a child. I must say, Justin's friend will not be happy with this turn of events, but in the end he will agree to the marriage of his daughter with Teru. Their union will be extremely strong - this couple will remain together until the end of their lives. As for Aniston, she has only two official marriages.

She still hasn't forgiven Brad for the blow he gave her. In the future, Aniston is looking at pregnancy and the birth of a child, thanks to which she will finally find her female happiness.

about Kristen Stewart and Robert Patinson.

This is a very strong union. Although there are and will be betrayals both on the part of Kristen and on the part of Robert. However, partners prefer to hide emerging novels from each other and from others in order to maintain their union, which is very dear to both. Young people treat each other's love affairs philosophically and without condemnation, because for them not to forgive a partner means not to forgive oneself.

Nevertheless, this is an example of a lasting fateful union: love, first-class sex, complete mutual understanding. No matter what they write, this couple will not break up - they will live together until old age, and without entering into an official marriage. Kristen, by fate, has only one child, but whether it will be from Robert or from another man, now it’s quite difficult to say for sure "

about Ksenia Sobchak...

currently, harmony reigns in the family of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan: both are sure that they have found an ideal partner and enjoy each other's company. However, alas! Together they will not: they will part in a couple of years, realizing that they made a mistake. Each of them is now striving to find in the person of a partner such a cozy home person, but time will show that none of the spouses is “home” by nature. Both Ksenia and Maxim are active, purposeful people who know their worth, enterprising and self-confident. Ksenia is also very reckless: she can take quite risky steps, and she never regrets what she has done, even realizing her mistakes.

If Ksenia is already on fire with some idea, and at the same time, intuition helpfully prompts to immediately abandon her plan, our heroine is able to ignore the “hint”, and come what may! It surprisingly combines high intelligence, the ability to think sensibly and calculate the situation, recklessness and an irrepressible craving for adventure. But Maxim, by his nature, perhaps, treats adventures very calmly, preferring regularity and order in everything. In his view, a woman should be soft, prudent, flexible - a real keeper of the hearth.

After a divorce from Ksenia (disagreements and conflicts will begin in the family, and then, by mutual agreement, the spouses will part forever - I don’t see children in this marriage), a woman will appear in Maxim’s life (with a child from a previous marriage), an Italian, - with her he will create new family and be happy. I see another official marriage with Xenia - her husband will be a very famous person with whom she will live for four years and divorce. Then a lot of admirers are expected for our heroine, but I don’t see her children.

In social networks with Leroy Kudryavtseva. Kudryavtseva, after the death of Zhanna Friske, did not hide her relationship with Dmitry Shepelev: in the scandalous relationship between the widower and the singer's parents, she was on the side of the latter. No one was surprised when Kudryavtseva sharply besieged Shepelev on Instagram, who teased her: “Today I learned three news - that you are on Instagram, that I am blocked from you. And what do you write about me. Maybe I should start writing about you? And then we are all silent, but only because of Plato.

secret in a million

What is Lera Kudryavtseva silent about? A colleague of the TV presenter told us about this: “The trump cards that were sounded six months ago. Then relatives and friends of Friske came to Lera in "Secret for a Million". Then Shepelev received in full, but everyone saw that the accusations against him were rather emotional, as Zhanna’s mother said then: “We are servants for him ...” Since grandparents, Plato’s godmother Olga Orlova, were already desperate to see the boy, they were ready for anything. But they have nothing to cover. Everything has already been told a hundred times by family and friends: on various TV shows and in interviews. Therefore, there are no million-dollar secrets that could scare Shepelev. Compromising evidence on him is not worth even a million rubles now. This was earlier, when the topic was “hot”, so much was offered to all Zhanna's friends for new stories about Shepelev.

Dmitry's relatives say that there are no "skeletons in the closet" that could harm him now. Therefore, Kudryavtseva's statement was not something that did not frighten: Shepelev reacted to him quite calmly. Let us recall that in the address of a widower who is raising a son, so much slander has sounded on the air of federal channels in recent years, as probably not a single public person has received in his address. Shepelev was accused of choosing the wrong treatment for Zhanna, took money from her account, set her against her friends, did not care for the patient, once they staged a talk show that his son had a different father ... Shepelev courageously waited out when the flow of such telesensations will subside. It's amazing how, after all this, Dmitry agreed to lead the TV project "Actually", built on similar revelations. Probably, Shepelev can be understood: a man needs to provide for his family, and a daily rating show brings a decent income and maintains interest in a person.

By the way, more than three years ago, Lera Kudryavtseva also publicly said that she did not give out dirt on Dmitry, so as not to harm her friend Olga Orlova - she could be forbidden to meet with her godson Platon Shepelev. But Orlova in the program “Secret for a Million” complained that she had not seen Plato for more than two years ...

Zhanna and Dmitry selflessly fought the disease, thanks to this, the singer lived for two years after the diagnosis. A photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication in the social network

One claim remains.

Many do not understand: why did Dmitry Shepelev never make friends with Jeanne's parents, why does Plato and his dad not go on weekends to pancakes with grandparents, why did the elderly get permission through the court to see their only grandson once a month?

Dmitry does not like to discuss these topics. But when we saw Shepelev at the presentation of the book “Zhanna”, he said: “For my part, I will never put obstacles in communication with a child, as long as I have no doubt that this can somehow threaten his calmness .... ”Shepelev later explained:“ ... Grandmother and grandfather demand that my son go to them and live there. He spent time not in the kindergarten he was used to, not on the playground with his friends, in the end not with his father, but there. Only there. Only with them. Weeks. Spent my birthday with them. And the main requirement - without a father. In my opinion, this is not a desire to see a grandson, but a desire to take and remove from his father a boy who was left without a mother. It's impossible..."

After Zhanna's death, Shepelev turned to psychologists who taught him to live on and gave advice on raising his son. On important issues regarding the child, the TV presenter still consults with a psychologist.

At the same time, Zhanna's friends agree: "Dima is the ideal father!" Of course, everyone dreams that someday Olga and Vladimir Kopylov (the parents of the singer) will be able to improve relations with Dmitry Shepelev. Olga Orlova, commenting on this situation, added "fuel to the fire": "Dmitry is a complex, tough person." However, no one loses hope.

Why is he so disliked?

Zhanna Friske's romance with Dmitry Shepelev was swift. She did not introduce her beloved man to her family, she simply enjoyed the relationship. The singer dreamed of a child for a long time, so when she found out about the pregnancy, she was very happy. Zhanna's friends got to know Dmitry closely already when the singer was expecting a baby. Six years ago, their son Plato was born, and soon Zhanna found out that she was seriously ill. Then she completely trusted Dmitry Shepelev - he was looking around the world for various treatment options, traveled with Zhanna to clinics, studied the latest vaccines. In the book "Zhanna" Dmitry Shepelev described in detail the whole struggle for the life of his beloved woman.

Jeanne passed away four years ago. Shortly after her death, her friend Katya Tsvetova recalled in an interview how the singer, despite her illness, dreamed of a wedding: “I imagined exactly what the celebration would be like, who to invite, how to celebrate the bachelorette party. Despite her difficult condition, Zhanna chose dresses, she liked elegant ones ... Zhanna was happy with Dima. He is a good father. He takes care of Plato, spends a lot of time with him ... "

And a couple of months ago, after the death of Alla Weber, Katya Tsvetova decided to tell that Alla Konstantinovna, based on her own successful experience, advised Zhanna to be treated in the USA. Tsvetova conveyed this to Dmitry Shepelev: “With hope and joy, I ran to my friend’s man with such important and encouraging information. After all, there is hope that we will save her! “Katya, I will fly far to my son!”

Most likely, such memories are now associated with Dmitry's unwillingness to find a common language with Jeanne's parents. The general opinion about the struggle for Zhanna was expressed even earlier by Olga Orlova: “In terms of treatment, I’m sure everything possible was done…”

It can be assumed that soon opinions will emerge about "how much money Jeanne gave to her beloved." But the singer's relatives most of all want peace: Plato is the continuation of Jeanne, so they do not lose hope that the boy will grow up in front of loving people.

A participant in the first season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT, clairvoyant and astrologer Svetlana Proskuryakova, at our request, studied the birth charts and photographs of the recently deceased singer Zhanna Friske, her two-year-old son Plato and common-law husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev.

Svetlana Proskuryakova believes that cancer is a corruption.

And here are the conclusions the famous psychic came to:

Jeanne's birth chart clearly shows a predisposition to cancer. From the point of view of the occult, cancer is a corruption. We can say that oncology is a professional disease of all public people, since they are always in sight and, in addition to their fans, they also have an army of envious people. Plus constant stress and negative thoughts; in which part of the body their clots form, there will be a tumor. I was asked on one of the TV shows if Zhanna would survive, then I answered: “I won’t be able to recover, but I’ll live for a long time.” And so it happened, after she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, two years passed. With her diagnosis, this is a rather long period. Now I look at the photograph of Jeanne and I have a feeling that her, than she died physically, that is, for some time. (Frisk's father, Vladimir Borisovich, said that three months before his death, his daughter fell into a coma - author's note). She fell into a coma unexpectedly, she had improvements, and then once and for all ... Zhanna was very afraid to die, she was very worried about her son. Her soul did not calm down, she is now, she is anxious because of the fate of the child.

- What fate awaits Plato?

He will definitely be a creative person, continue the work of his mother, but will most likely become a composer. Plato will be a public person, bright and prone to impulsive actions. I see that Plato will leave to study abroad. He will be caressed by female taking out. The first time he marries at the age of 20, but this union will soon fall apart. He has children from multiple marriages.

- Dmitry Shepelev will meet a new love?

Yes, and soon! Over the next two years, he will fall in love, but the matter will not come to a wedding, Dima himself does not strive for this. He loved Zhanna very much and she loved him, they had an excellent relationship.

- Give advice to readers: how to prevent the formation of a tumor.

Be sure to relieve stress in many ways: a small amount of alcohol, the main thing is not to abuse it, music, meditation, prayer. Negative thoughts need to be driven away from yourself by any means, and public figures must take a break from people, that is, there must be such periods when you are not in sight. If you follow these simple rules, then clots of negative energy will not grow into a tumor.

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