Where does the soul go after the death of a person. Esoteric death Is there life after death

The first nine days are very important for both the soul of the deceased and the living. We will tell you what path the soul of a person goes through, what she experiences and whether relatives of the deceased can alleviate her plight.

When a person dies, his soul overcomes peculiar boundaries. And this happens after 3, 9, 40 days after death. Despite the fact that everyone knows that these days it is necessary to arrange memorial meals, order services in temples and pray hard, few people understand why. In this article, we will tell you about what happens on day 9 with the soul of a person, why this day is so important and how the living can help the soul of the deceased.

According to the Orthodox tradition, a person is buried on the third day. In the first days after death, the soul has great freedom. She is not yet fully aware of the fact of death, so she carries the entire “baggage of life knowledge” with her. All the hopes, attachments, fears and aspirations of the soul draw it to certain places and people. It is believed that these days the soul wants to be near its body, as well as near people close to it. Even if a person died far from home, the soul yearns for loved ones. Also, the soul can be drawn to places that meant a lot to her during her lifetime. This time is also given to the soul in order for it to get used to and adapt to an incorporeal existence.

As soon as the third day comes, the soul no longer has the freedom that it had. She is taken by angels and escorted to heaven to worship God. For this reason, a memorial service is arranged - living people finally say goodbye to a person and his soul.

After worshiping God, Paradise and the righteous who live in it are shown to the soul. This "excursion" lasts for six days. During this time, according to the Fathers of the Church, the soul begins to torment itself: on the one hand, it sees how beautiful it is in this place and that Paradise is the main goal of human existence. On the other hand, the soul understands that it is not worthy to be among the saints, since it has many vices and sins on its account. On the ninth day, the angels return again for the soul, who accompany the soul to the Lord.

What needs to be done these days alive?

We should not hope that the walk of the soul is an otherworldly matter that does not concern us. On the contrary, the soul of 9 days needs our support and all possible help. At this time, the living, more than ever, can hope for the relief of the suffering of the soul and its salvation. This can be done through prayer in the temple and at home. After all, even if a person was a sinner, but they pray for him, this means that there is something good in him, something that makes the soul deserve a better fate. Of course, it is advisable to order a service in the temple, however, prayers for the 9th day should also be personal, from oneself. In addition, you can help the soul of a loved one with good deeds, such as donations and alms.

It may seem strange, but the ninth day in Orthodoxy even has some festive connotation. And all because people believe that after staying in Paradise, even as a guest, the soul will be able to adequately praise God. And if a person was completely righteous, led a pious life, then it is believed that after 9 days the soul can be transferred to a Holy place.

A death may become public when it is reported in a newspaper obituary column, but it is still a purely personal event. There are two concepts that have an extremely private, intimate character: death and dreams. No one will die for me, and no one will dream for me.

Osho believes that a person's understanding of the phenomenon of death plays an important role in his spiritual development.

Life and death are considered in the West as antagonists, as two mutually exclusive concepts. Death is a source of fear, it is a taboo, they prefer not to talk about death.

One professor of theology once said: "Today, questions of sex are discussed openly, and death ... is vulgar."

Many Western philosophers have thought about death, especially existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre's point of view is a typical Western view of death: "Death will never give meaning to life; on the contrary, death is that which deprives life of all meaning."

Osho has a completely opposite point of view. He says: “Death does not contradict life, it does not mean the end of life, it only brings life to a beautiful peak. Life continues after death. It was before birth, it will continue after death. Life is not limited to a short interval between birth and death; on the contrary, birth and death are small episodes in the eternity of life."

The West tends to view death as evil, it endows it with extremely negative features. Life and death are conflicting sides. This point of view is based on the Aristotelian postulate "either-or, but not together": A is equal to A, and what is not A becomes anti-A.

According to this dualistic concept, one who does not oppose abortion automatically becomes their advocate. Similarly, death is seen as the negation of life.

The result of this approach was all kinds of exaltation of youth; people began to be ashamed of their age, to apologize for their age.

The Eastern approach to death is dynamic, based on the premise of wholeness, that A equals A plus something else. The East is of the opinion that nothing is absolute, everything is relative, everything is in motion.

Modern science, new discoveries in medicine, the cross-disciplinary approach of the social sciences... everywhere we find confirmation today that it is correct to view reality as "together" and not as "either-or".

Osho explains that in the East, life is not considered separate from death. He emphasizes: in order to understand life, in order to truly live, and not exist, a person needs to know death. There is no need to be afraid of her, but there is no need to strive to defeat her either. You just need to know it, and this "knowledge" itself will reveal the true meaning of death.

Osho views life and death as parts of one higher cosmic Life. With every inhalation we live, with every exhalation we die, but both inhalation and exhalation, Osho says, interact harmoniously.

He claims that we begin to die from the very birth, from the very beginning of life we ​​are approaching death. The seed gives rise to the flower. We call it growth. Similarly, birth brings a person to death.

Life and death are inseparable; they are two sides of the same coin.

Osho believes that death is not in the future, it comes every moment. Anyone who claims that death is connected with the future is simply hiding from reality and continues to live in illusions. We put off death for the future because our ego is not able to accept its death. But Osho explains that one can understand death by refusing to recognize the ego as the center of our life; consciousness is the center of our life. Death is not able to destroy our consciousness, it is eternal. Moreover, death destroys selfishness, which becomes the driving force in a person's life.

And here we are faced with the paradox of death: on the one hand, there is no reality higher than the reality of death, everything in the world is mortal. On the other hand, there is nothing like death in the sense that even after the death of the ego and the physical body, our consciousness does not die and continues to live.

Is it possible to know death without dying?

Osho answers in the affirmative. For this he recommends meditation.

As long as a person is alive, his consciousness is in the body, and in many respects identifies himself with it. The body is the most dense plane of all the planes of the human soul, therefore physical sensations are the most obvious for the psyche. After death, the soul loses contact with the body, and moves from the world of physical sensations to. In this world, consciousness is not limited by dense reality, everything happens here at once. Any thought is immediately realized, any emotion acquires the brightest color.

The state of the soul after death largely depends on how a person thought during life and how harmonious the relationship of his inner “I” with the outside world was. He whose mind is accustomed to toss and turn during life will be restless after death. Therefore, many Eastern teachings practice meditation and direct to inner peace.

The presence of internal conflicts keeps the soul on the astral level until these conflicts are resolved. Everything that a person did not have time to rethink during life, he rethinks after it.

According to Greek mythology, the soul after death enters the underworld of Hades, the god of the dead. The Slavs called this Naviu - the subtle world of the dead. And in Christianity, this world is called purgatory, where purification awaits the soul before it continues its further journey.

The astral level, to which the soul enters after death, is the emotional-mental world. What consciousness meets here, the shadows and demons of the underworld, described in the myths of antiquity, are personal shadows and demons of human consciousness, which in the earthly world were hidden in the depths of the subconscious of the individual.

In the subtle world, the protective mechanisms of the psyche stop working, and consciousness meets its own "I" in all its manifestations. All actions, thoughts and words that went against the conscience, the soul recapitulates again and again until repentance comes. Habits and lusts, resentments and fears will follow her like a shadow and torment her until she herself releases them.

After the final liberation from the hardships of earthly life, the soul continues its journey. The mental and emotional bodies of the soul dissipate, and the immortal part goes to the higher spiritual world. There are no thoughts and emotions in this world. It is like the pure light of unconditional love, without divisions into polarities, without personal assessments of reality. Buddhists strive to comprehend this state during their lifetime and call it nirvana - a state of peace of mind, the essence of which is freedom from suffering.

However, the path of the soul does not end there. Further, a new incarnation awaits her. The soul, which needs additional earthly experience, will receive a new birth in the world of earthly nature. The soul, having learned all the necessary lessons of earthly existence, moves to the worlds of higher spheres. Such highly developed souls that stop the circle of earthly rebirths after physical death can be the souls of great teachers and saints, the souls of small children, but also the souls of many who pass their spiritual path unnoticed by the eyes of others.

Sooner or later, every mortal thinks about the upcoming afterlife. For most people, the prospect ahead is dreadful. A detailed answer to the now popular question of what happens to the soul after death can be read below.

Structure of the Universe

The universe can be described as a construction consisting of three layers:

  • Reality. Physical world. Our current location.
  • rule. The world of subtlest energy. Here a new soul is born.
  • Nav. A certain layer between "Reveal" and "Right". The soul that appeared in "Right" passes through this world and strives for "Reality". The soul of the deceased travels this path in the opposite direction.

The path of the soul after the death of a person:

  1. Death. The soul leaves the physical body. For some time, and we will describe this period in more detail below, the entity is in the world of Yav.
  2. cleansing. The soul rises to Nav. In this high world there is a cleansing going on.
  3. New life. The subtlest energy rises into the world of Rule: there is a complete rebirth - reincarnation.

Separate spiritual teachings say that the way back to the birth of a new "I" will not begin as long as at least a tiny particle of the material body remains on earth.

Rotting in the ground can last for decades, and only after that the soul can finally be freed. That is why some relatives of the deceased use the services of the crematorium.

Where does the soul go after death?

Until the end of the 19th century, the answer to the question of what happens to the soul of the deceased was obvious: after death, the sinner will go to Hell, and the righteous will go to Paradise.

With the development of civilization and spiritual consciousness, many other versions have appeared:

  • Medium Edgar Cayce. The souls of the dead pass into the subtle world, but are "next" to us. We cannot see them, but people with special abilities can have a dialogue with them (psychics).
  • Esoterics. There are certain astral planes inhabited by supernatural beings: people, gods, demons, angels and other thought forms created by our fears and phobias.

The teachings of the church mentioned above can be divided into two theories:

  1. The soul, having passed through the Private Judgment, forever remains in hell or paradise.
  2. The modern interpretation is that reincarnation occurs, and the soul receives a new "shell".

Which truth to accept is up to everyone to decide. One thing can be confirmed the death of the physical body, this is the stage of the transition of the essence to a new life.

Souls of animals after death

With slight differences, the similarity of the soul of an animal is similar to that of a human, but the path after death is different:

  • First days. The animal does not understand what happened. The soul of a pet follows its owner. Seeing that no one pays attention to her, she moves on to the next stage of her last journey.
  • group spirit. In the subtle world, there are ethereal clouds. For each species, they are separate: cows have one cloud, dogs have another, and so on. Gradually, the soul merges into the Group spirit, and dissolves in it.
  • Birth. When a new life is conceived, the seed of the soul descends from the ethereal cloud - the process is repeated anew.

It is important to understand that a person “grabs” life until the very last moment, and an animal knows about its death in advance. Therefore, it is important, in the last minutes of his life, to look his pet in the eyes - this is how he says goodbye to his master.

astral world

Traveling to the astral world, despite the condemnation of the church, became popular. What is it, let's try to explain theses:

  • etheric body. Each person has two essences: the material - the physical body, the ethereal - the soul.
  • Dream. During dreams, the etheric body comes out of the physical body and hangs above it at a distance of 30-35 cm.
  • mindfulness. With the help of a trance, you can realize your "I" and travel in a parallel world - the astral.
  • Silver cord. There is a connection between the body and the ethereal essence - a silver cord. After death, it breaks.

In some countries, there are special clinics for the terminally ill, allowing them to learn how to enter the astral world, and thus overcome the fear of their future death.

In this video, Petr Metalnikov will talk about the generally accepted theory about where the soul of a person goes after his death:

Where does the soul go after death?

Nowhere in the world are the first days of the afterlife of the deceased described in such detail as it is done in the teachings of the Christian Orthodox Church:

  • 3 days. There is no understanding of what happened. Seeing his body, the soul unsuccessfully tries to return to it. After the advent of time (2 days), she notices changes in her face and leaves - she visits places where, being in physical form, she did good deeds.
  • 7 days. The soul rushes from the place of its burial to the house.
  • 9 days. Having adapted to a new mode of existence (without a physical body), the soul begins to rise to another world. Demons and devils stop her, and I remember her earthly sins. Prayers will help you get through these ordeals.
  • 40 days. Representation before a Private Court. The question is being decided whether the soul can stay in paradise with the Lord or not.

It is worth mentioning the correct behavior of the relatives of the deceased:

  • Emotions. Do not throw tantrums and cry near the body of the deceased. The soul feels guilty and suffers.
  • funeral service. This ritual helps the soul to understand what is happening, and quickly adapt to its new status.
  • Forgiveness. If relatives have grievances against the deceased, then everything should be forgiven as soon as possible - this will allow the soul to calmly leave the physical world.

In the period up to private court, relatives of the deceased should pray for the repose of the deceased, which will allow the soul to go through the ordeal faster.

The Underworld: Six Little-Known Facts

Do you know that:

  1. For a person who ended his life by suicide, the doors of paradise are closed.
  2. After the death of your relative, you should not rearrange the furniture in his house for 9 days.
  3. During deep trance or hypnosis, a person can see their past life.
  4. There is not a single person on earth who will not have to go through ordeals, for everyone has earthly sins.
  5. After death, two angels appear before the deceased. The goal is to accompany the soul to the afterlife.
  6. A person, in the last hours of his life, sees terrible pictures around him: spiders, cobwebs, fire, etc. Thus, the dark forces (demons) are trying to ensure that the dying person leaves the world of the living in despair. This phenomenon is called temptation- the representatives of hell are trying to force a person to renounce Christ.

From now on, what happens to the soul after death will be known to you: the division of the spiritual " I »from the physical body, travel in the subtle world and further reincarnation.

Undoubtedly, Not all of the above facts are scientifically proven., and in different religions they differ markedly. But according to the testimony of people who have lived clinical death, life after the exit of the soul from the body does not end - another stage of its existence begins.

Video: what happens to our soul?

In this video, the esoteric Irina Orda will tell you what should happen to the soul after the death of the human body:

The inevitable death of the physical body is not the most frightening thought for many people compared to the idea of ​​the complete extinction of the mind and spirit.

As for the energy potential, the human aura undergoes significant changes after death, but it is possible to notice irreversible changes in the biofield even before death. Most esotericists and magicians have their own views on the transformation of life force due to death, in addition, this is also the scientific community.

Bioenergetics of a person before death

A long-known fact, proven by American researchers, says that after death the physical shell becomes 4-6 grams lighter, which indicates the departure of a subtle substance or soul from a dead body. According to other sources, the body loses about 21 grams.

Indeed, at the moment of a person's transition to another world, energy bursts occur, and this was recorded by physicians many times with the help of various equipment. True, not all vital energy comes out, because part of it remains for the completion of physical decay. It is the initial impulse of the release of energy that helps the soul to break out of the body shell. But it is still not exactly established what is happening on the mental level at this time.

In fact, death is the completion of the life program of the individual.

The soul begins to separate from the material world and enters a different energy level. In general, in the subtle worlds there is no concept of death, the transformation of the soul - the acceptance of new high energies by it - occurs naturally, gradually. At the same time, the physical plan fixes the death of a person as an instantaneous event, and at the energy levels, changes in the biofield are carried out in advance. We can say that the aura of the individual prepares the entire consciousness of a person for departure. The most drastic changes in energy occur minutes before the death of the subject.

Modern psychics have not yet come to a consensus on what the aura of death looks like. In this regard, it is advisable to highlight several points of view regarding changes in the human biofield due to death:

  • Before death, the thin shell ceases to exist completely, or it forms a darkened pillar above the crown of the person. This happens because there is free space for the soul to exit.
  • In the weeks before death, the aura begins to weaken and fade. Seven days before the departure of a person, an expansion of the biofield is observed. The ethereal shell suddenly acquires a spectacular sky-bluish hue, while silvery sparks fly in the density of the aura.
  • In anticipation of leaving for another world, from the point of view of supporters of the energy of Qi, a stream of gray tint develops around the head of the individual. This is the qi of death, which is associated with ashes and gives the face itself an unpleasant color. Such dead energy stops moving 3 days before death.
    Sometimes gray smoke overhead begins to smoke. Interestingly, the aura changes in this way even a day before an unexpected death as a result of an accident or natural disaster. The entire biofield becomes dark, the spot in the forehead area seems especially saturated. This means that the third eye loses light energy, it becomes covered with a gray coating.
  • With doomed human diseases, the aura gradually fades. It can disappear even before the death of the physical shell, if the disease has been drawing out the strength of the individual for a very long time. In the case of unexpected deaths, the biofield, on the contrary, persists for some time after the clinical death of the body.
  • The most striking change in the aura concerns the destruction of the so-called silver thread. Some esotericists call such a cord a ray of light connecting the astral and physical shells. This element ceases to exist after the death of the individual, it breaks the connection with the material world.

Changes in the soul and aura after the death of an individual

For most esotericists, the fact that the etheric body cannot exist without a physical shell is quite obvious. The thin shell cannot live without energy replenishment, therefore, 1.5 months after the death of the individual, it disappears into oblivion.

The loss of energy in the aura occurs gradually: first, the perception of the environment changes, then communication is allowed only with other people's ethereal shells. At the same time, the subtle body continues to see the physical bodies around and realize the world.

There is an opinion that in a month and a half the ethereal shell of a dead person is able to find another human (or simply living) organism in order to remain on earth after the next energy saturation.

If the energy is completely lost, the human aura will turn into a shapeless shadow in 3D format. It will be a simple electromagnetic bunch moving at the speed of light.

The energy of a person after death, from the position of most esotericists, dissolves gradually. The soul begins to ascend to a better world, and the thin shells of the biofield that previously surrounded the body disintegrate. After three days, the ethereal energy leaves, after nine - astral, and after forty days - mental. All these are temporary layers of the aura that the soul does not need. But there are also four higher layers of the biofield, which are preserved during any rebirth.

In the subtle worlds, the soul does not need additional energy, but until the destruction of the shells, it still needs help to ascend to a high level. This support for the soul is provided by living people through religious rituals.

In the process of its flight, the soul reaches both the astral and mental shells, and they immediately retreat. True, this path is for ordinary individuals, while special messengers, spiritual gurus and psychics immediately disappear from the earthly layers after death. Their biofield is destroyed instantly, the energy of the lower order disintegrates immediately, and high energy pulls upward.

Another version of the development of the post-mortem aura says that the ethereal shell collapses on the 9th day, the astral shell on the 40th, and the mental body dies only after 90 days. After that, the body of the individual forever loses the glow around it. The death of the aura occurs from the bottom up, since it is in the lower part of the body that the mundane shells are located. At the same time, the higher subtle body is not amenable to death, it lives in the form of a spirit or passes into another body. From the point of view of reincarnation, such beings are capable of eternal rebirth and constant spiritual development.

Supporters of the theory of energy chakras believe that the soul of an individual leaves the body with the help of the main centers. For example, a carrier of information from a parallel world releases the soul through the 5th chakra, just like those rare people who are distinguished by supernatural abilities are representatives of new races. The aura of such individuals is crystal, snow-white, violet or indigo shades.

An ordinary person says goodbye to his soul through the 7th chakra, i.e. crown, with the support of a guardian angel. And if the soul embodied destructive dark forces during its lifetime, it will be sent to the exit through the third energy center.

Where does the energy of a person disappear after death, if we take into account the path of movement of the soul? In the first three days, all the strength is glimmering near the body. The soul at this moment collects information accumulated during life, and also stabilizes the psycho-emotional background of the body in order to calmly separate from the individual. Then the soul goes into the noosphere, to other worlds in which there are no concepts of time and space.

The energy of a person is restored in his soul, but if there is too much negative baggage after death, the soul goes into the isosphere.

But this will not happen with timely repentance for sins before death.

Three days later, the body is buried. By that time, the soul had already passed the necessary filters to leave for a better world. But the cells still retain a certain amount of energy, this is muscle memory, a rudimentary form of biological life. If the body has taken too much energy for itself, the soul itself lacks it and it freezes. She expects to be replenished with energy at the expense of other souls.

After that, by the third day, a phantom is formed - an ethereal double of the physical shell, which will last 40 days.

This ethereal body calmly communicates with a person's relatives, it is often confused with a ghost. The ethereal double is fueled by the memory of relatives of the deceased. When it gains a lot of energy, the moment comes to go into the isosphere. But after the energy dries up again, the double from the ether will return to collect negative currents in the dreams of living people.

In this way, the shell purifies its soul for its further movement to better worlds. The ethereal double is extremely pure and spiritual in its essence, it waits for the soul to reach the noosphere, and also fulfills those goals and tasks that were not realized by the subject during his lifetime. The state of the ethereal shell demonstrates the quality of the individual's activity during life. By the way, the double feels death in advance, it warns the soul.

By the 40th day, the soul is ready to ascend to higher planes. She comes to say goodbye to the relatives of the dead man. The ethereal phantom at this moment gives all the saved energy to the soul, merges with it. If the forces are still not enough, the soul wanders the earth for 13 days.

Where does the energy of a person go after the death of the ethereal double? Together with the soul, it enters the noosphere at night. If a person has unfinished business on earth, the soul remains on the first four temporary plans of the noosphere. Her energy remains there, taken first from the human body, and then from the ethereal shell. Then you need to go to purgatory. There is a compression of the accumulated energy and information blocks.

The passage of such filters takes the soul a different time, depending on its readiness.

This process can slow down due to the low amount of energy, loss of information.

There is a version that all human energy shells weigh 25 grams. First, subtle energies leave the physical body after death. The decomposition of the body begins. Further, the etheric body leaves the person. This is raw energy, it can appear in a cemetery, be identified with a ghost or soul. According to many esotericists, this is just an energy shadow from the body. It dissipates in the air after 9 days.

The released energy of consciousness goes further. Where? Some believe that in the so-called emotional world. This level corresponds to the second layer of the aura. This is the space of desires, fulfilled only in the mental world. Consciousness on an emotional level hangs for a short time. After 10-40 days, there is a departure to the mental world.

If the transition time is extended, we are talking about a highly spiritual person, practically a saint. During the transition to another world, the energy of the emotional body is preserved for a certain moment, it holds a piece of the soul. The same energy is attracted by the memories of the relatives of the dead. Such forms of a thin shell often respond at seances, but they do not know about the afterlife. As for the true energy of the soul, by that moment it already goes very far.

Research community

At present, in our country, a physicist from St. Petersburg, Konstantin Korotkov, is studying the development of the aura after the death of an individual. It compares the glow of living and dead objects in an electromagnetic field using gas discharge imaging.

In his study, Korotkov studied the bodies of different sexes between the ages of 19 and 70. Initially, the team in their experiments in the morgue assumed that the aura of dead people is equal to the biofield of an inanimate object. But the observation showed that the energy of the dead man does not change only in the first 2-3 days, and then suddenly decreases to the background value. At the same time, it was proved that the aura of the subject after the death of the physical body behaves differently, in accordance with the type of death.

An unexpected departure to the next world leads to a real protest of the biofield for two days. Graphs at the same time fix powerful electromagnetic oscillations. In the event of expected and natural deaths, the aura does not show excessive activity and easily says goodbye to the earthly shell, maintaining a uniform and constant glow at first.

An interesting conclusion obtained as a result of the study of the aura was the bright daily fluctuations, reaching their strength at midnight. It can be concluded that the aura of a deceased person is most active at night, while observers feel extraneous looks on themselves and feel someone's presence. Consequently, the energy of a person after leaving the physical shell retains its power.

Based on the gas-discharge chamber, Korotkov's team managed to film a person before death, at the time of death, and 3 hours after the physical departure from the world. From the photographs, it became clear that the exit of the soul from the body is accompanied by a change in color in the aura. Blues have become warmer.

In this case, initially the changes concern the abdomen, then the head. A dead person retains an aura in the region of the heart and groin. After 3 hours, the biofield leaves the heart too. And then the blue color completely ceases to surround the individual, and in the photo you can see only a cold red silhouette: this is a body without a soul.

Thus, people with natural death continue to shine intensely for the first 16-55 hours after their death. In case of sudden death, which could not be avoided, for the first eight hours after death, aura activity was observed, which was repeated only at the end of the first day of death. After 2 days, the glow passed to the background values. But if a person could not die, if his death was an absurd accident, the aura glows and fluctuates with maximum intensity all two days.

The biofield of a dead person at the same time resembles the aura of an individual with an upset energy. There is some oppression, defects in the structure and density.

The aura of a person after death allows us to answer the question of the possibility of rebirth. The evidence of psychics is confirmed by scientific experiments, which means that it is possible to predict the death of an individual in advance by the biofield, and later determine the nature of death. Despite the different positions of esotericists regarding the further path of the subject's energy, we can make a general conclusion that after the collapse of the physical shell, the energy from the body enters the soul and, together with it, goes to the higher thin layers around the planet.

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