Fox - description, species, where it lives. Sly fox (fox) Where does the red fox live?

The fox is one of the most common animals in Russia. The habitats of this animal extend from the northern regions to southern deserts and semi-deserts. The fox itself looks like a small dog. She has a beautiful red color, a fluffy tail, small eyes and ears.

Foxes living in the north usually have a red color; to the south, the color of the coat changes to gray-yellow. They exist in nature, and black-brown foxes of this kind are usually raised on farms. The fox weighs about 10 kg.

Mating games in the forest for foxes begin from January to February. Males show readiness for marriage with their abrupt barking, thus calling the fox to them. Sometimes two males start hunting for a fox, then it waits for the winner in this fight.

The fox's gestation period lasts approximately 50 days. Usually ten fox cubs are born; in appearance they resemble small wolf cubs, only the color of the tail gives them a difference.

If all the offspring survive harsh winter, they will live well until the fall, until the little foxes grow up and leave their parents. Of course, a fox’s life in the forest in winter is more difficult than in summer. The fox's diet is quite varied.

About 350 different rodents live in it. Since very little food can be found in the forest. There are no more frogs and there are very few rodents. In winter, the fox hunts especially carefully, just as all mice hide under the snow in their holes. The fox has very excellent hearing, and it is this that helps her hunt.

When going hunting in winter, it behaves quietly and walks slowly in the snow. The fox hides, begins to listen to what is happening under the snow, and as soon as he hears the rustling, his hunt begins. Having caught a mouse, he feasts on it.

Usually she does not swallow food immediately, but breaks it into small pieces and swallows it. Also in winter, active hunting is carried out for hares. It spends a long time looking for the hare's burrow and begins to guard; as soon as the hare appears outside, active hunting immediately begins.

It starts its hunt at any time. These animals are very careful and it’s not for nothing that Russians folk tales she is always cunning and smart, as she always tries to confuse her tracks.

Today, the fox is one of the most useful animals in the forest. Of course, she destroys a lot of bird nests, but at the same time remains a defender of nature. Since it feeds on beetles, worms and various rodents, which harm both agriculture and trees in the forest.

What does a fox eat in the forest? Yes, whatever it takes. Sometimes she manages to feast on black grouse or destroy bird nests and eat their eggs. Of course, the life of a fox directly depends on how many rodents live in nature.

If there is not much food, then she has to go out on the road to people or eat scraps that remain on the side of the road. Sometimes a fox comes to the village to people to look for food, then there, if it bypasses the dogs, it can grab some good prey.

Of course, winter is the harshest period, since finding food is not easy, especially in the taiga. Now there are many protected areas where people feed animals.

The forester who keeps order in the forest also helps the animals survive at this time. In Canada, foxes mainly live along rivers so they hunt salmon fish that emerge after spawning.

The fox usually lives in a hole, since it has small paws with sharp claws, it can quickly make a home for itself. If you look at the fox’s home, you can see a whole house, which consists of several entrances and exits.

They start building it in the spring or summer, so that by winter they already have a place to live. By winter it remains open, only one entrance, the rest have been plugged with moss since the summer, so it is warm for the fox and the little foxes.

This hole can be used by entire generations. This place is located so that the foxes can play near their home. It makes its habitat in open areas so that it can see what is happening around it.

Sometimes a fox occupies someone else's hole. There are also situations when she lives with a badger in the same hole. But such a neighborhood does not last long, the fox is more cunning than the badger and in the end drives him out. She likes the badger hole for its depth and spaciousness. Plus, you don’t need to dig yourself.

A fox in the forest in winter is in a hole with its offspring. The snow lying on top makes the home warmer. Sometimes in winter, for her safety, she lies down on an elevated area in order to see who is below.

There are other places where she can live, such as caves, gorges in the rock, hollows in trees. It is not for nothing that they say about her that she is cunning, since she makes many confusing tracks near her home so that no one can understand where she went.

The fox's tracks are somewhat reminiscent of a dog's, but if you look closely, you can see the difference. For example, if we consider the footprint of a fox, then a match can be placed between the prints of the two outer fingers, but a dog has a more oval-shaped footprint.

Also in winter, the paw pads become overgrown with hair, which makes it possible to move with great caution. Usually the fox's tracks are located in a straight line and the distance between them is 30 cm. Of course, in winter there is a lot of snow in the forest and it is not possible to walk there, since it has short legs and falls through.

Therefore, you have to leave the forest and live in the fields or plains. In winter, the fox attracts hunters with its color, as its red color is visible on the snow surface. After winter, shedding begins and the coat color is not so attractive.

Circumstances arise when she may get sick. Its most powerful enemy is ticks, which move throughout the fox’s body, gradually moving to its nose. It also gets many different diseases from the carrion that it feeds on.

Lisa knows how to adapt to different conditions In life, this is what distinguishes it from all predatory animals. The fox is found not only in Russia, but also in Europe, Asia, North America, and everywhere it is the same.

The fox skin is pretty a valuable trophy, therefore, in winter, foxes should especially fear for their lives. They may be threatened not only by hunger, but also by hunters for profit. The black-brown fox has become especially rare, and they even began to grow it in nurseries.

Fox- one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But the Fox, as a fairy-tale image, is endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a bushy tail that is slightly less than half the length of the body, a red fur coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. Besides Fox slim, graceful, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What does Lisa look like?

Fox They also call her a redhead, and this is actually true, only her belly is white, gray or slightly brownish, and her chest is light. The back and sides of the Fox are colored differently in different parts: from bright red to gray.

IN northern forests Foxes are fiery red and larger, in the forest-steppe they are yellowish-gray and smaller. Greyhounds, crosses, and silver foxes are common Foxes with deviations from the usual color. Black-brown fur is the most beautiful: guard hairs with white upper parts give the fur a silvery tint.

Such Foxes began to be bred on fur farms many years ago; black-brown Foxes are very rare in nature.

Summer Fox fur hard and short, in it she looks lean, big-headed and even long-legged, it suits the Fox less than the winter one. And by autumn, winter fur grows - beautiful, thick. Fox Shedding once a year - in the spring.

Fox Habits

Fox - good hunter . In addition to her powers of observation and intelligence, she has excellent visual memory, good sense of smell and acute hearing. The mouse squeaks barely audibly, and Fox hears a hundred meters away, a vole will rustle through dry grass under a half-meter layer of snow - and hear it. It climbs well, swims well, and is extremely maneuverable on the shore. Her ingenuity on the hunt or when escaping from pursuers is admirable.

Fox will be able to climb a tree if it is slightly inclined or branches low from the ground. The fox is very active. She knows her hunting area down to the smallest detail and systematically inspects it. Patterned chains in winter Fox tracks bizarrely cross fields, copses, ravines, getting lost on roads and paths and intertwining around stacks of straw, piles of dry soybean stalks, piles of dead wood and in other places where mice and voles live.

There was, and still is, the opinion that the main Fox food - hares. Of course, the Fox loves hare meat, but she can’t often catch up with a hare - how can she keep up with such a runner.

However, Foxes get along just fine without hare meat. It is estimated that the Fox's diet includes more than 300 different animals - from insects to large birds.

And yet the main food Foxes - rodents. They take up 80-85% of her diet. To get enough, the Fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. And where fox feeding- and the area of ​​its feeding area is on average 10 kilometers in diameter - there are much fewer rodents than where there are no foxes.

After the rains, the fox collects earthworms in abundance. In shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, takes out shells. It happens that half-eaten prey remains, and then the Fox hides it, taking it to different places. Then she will certainly find these supplies and eat them.

It is characteristic that, being typical predator, Fox with pleasure eats berries, apples, some vegetables.

Fox hunts, as a rule, at dusk and at night, during the day it can be seen only during the lean period, most often in winter, and even in summer, when the fox cubs are growing.

Norami fox It is used mainly during raising offspring, and the rest of the time it prefers to rest in an open place: under the roots of an upturned tree, in a ravine, on a haystack.

Reproduction of foxes

Mating season for foxes begins from the end of January - in February, and in the north in March, although even before that you can often see a male and female in pairs. During wedding time, in March, one female is courted by several males, and fights between them are common. During the rut, Foxes are very excited, often yapping and howling, especially single ones who have not yet found a mate for themselves.

You can tell the difference between a male and a female by their voices. Female Fox makes a triple bark and ends it with a short howl, and the male barks more often and more, like a dog. Once alone, the couples play a lot, even organize some kind of dances: the Fox rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. This dance got its name from this dance. foxtrot(the word "foxtrot" is English and means "fox step").

Male foxes are good family men. They not only take an active part in raising the young, but also take touching care of their friends long before they give them adorable fox cubs: they carry food and improve their burrows.

Fox cubs There are from 4 to 12 in a litter, but most often there are 5-6. They appear after 51-53 days of pregnancy, usually at the end of April or in the first half of May. Fox cubs they are born weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow quite quickly. In less than a month, they can already see, hear, weigh about 1 kilogram, emerge from the hole, and soon begin to play and frolic. From now on, Fox's parents bring them half-dead game so that the fox cubs acquire hunting skills.

As soon as a person even accidentally stumbles upon a fox hole, the very next night The cubs will be transferred to another location, into a spare hole; Foxes usually have several of them on their site. If Fox cubs are in danger, adults discover something surprising presence of mind. Even when a person breaks a hole with a shovel, they try to the last to save their children - to get them out through one of the holes.

Fox trick

Sometimes you can notice in fox behavior actions that resemble episodes from fairy tales. For example, the Fox approaches the black grouse gathered at a lek in an open clearing in an amazingly cunning way: she pretends that she is not at all interested in them, and does not even look in their direction; sometimes he will lie down and take a nap, and the birds lose their vigilance and go about their business - very Lisa is a good actress.

Meanwhile, Patrnkeevna will move a meter or two towards them. Lisa spares no time in playing: sometimes such a performance lasts an hour or two. Then a few lightning-fast jumps - and the hunt is victoriously completed.

Not many animals are called by their first name or patronymic. But the Fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrikey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the Fox has long been considered by the people to be a very cunning beast, as the heiress of the famous prince, she received the patronymic name Patrikeevna.

Being a typical predator, the Fox happily eats berries, apples, and some vegetables.

Little Foxes They fight well against pests such as chafers.

As children, we all listened to fairy tales about an unusually smart and cunning animal. The fox is indeed distinguished by its resourcefulness and natural ingenuity, which allows it to quickly find prey and hide from its pursuers. Famous owners of fluffy tails have been able to settle in almost any natural area. The fox is a common predator of forests, steppes, mountains and deserts. It would seem that everyone knows everything about this mammal. However, starting our story, we see that our description of the fox is quite stereotypical and is based on a folklore image. Even this world-famous beast has its secrets.

Fox classification

Fox is the common name of a genus from the wolf subfamily, which unites 11 species. Its structure is sometimes disputed by adding or excluding certain species. For example, they are classified in this genus because of the similarity in appearance of the Arctic fox. Until now, many zoologists cannot decide which family the polar fox belongs to. While this beast occupies a position outside of a certain clan. The following species are considered true foxes:

  • common fox;
  • Afghan fox;
  • Bengal fox;
  • American fox;
  • American corsac;
  • African fox;
  • corsac;
  • South African fox;
  • sand fox;
  • fennec;
  • Tibetan fox.

The closest relatives of foxes are the following genera:

  • arctic foxes (arctic fox);
  • maikongi (maikong or savannah fox);
  • bat-eared foxes (big-eared fox);
  • gray foxes (island and gray fox);
  • small foxes (small fox);
  • South American foxes (Securan, Paraguayan, Andean, Brazilian, Darwin and South American foxes);

Despite the amazing external resemblance, maned wolf not related to foxes. This unusual animal is relict species, who managed to survive the extinction of most of their former society.

Where does the fox live? Habitat

Nature has rewarded foxes with the ability to adapt to a wide variety of natural conditions. These mammals were able to confidently spread to almost all continents, with the exception of South America and the harsh Antarctica. The habitat chosen by different types of foxes includes:

  • North America, as well as some islands near the mainland (American corsac, arctic fox, red fox, island, gray fox);
  • South America(Maikong, Securan, Brazilian, Paraguayan, Darwin, South American, Little and Andean foxes);
  • the entire territory of Eurasia (Arctic fox, corsac fox, common fox, Tibetan fox, sand fox, Bengal fox (from India), Afghan (Bukhara) fox);
  • the coast of Africa and the Nile Valley (fennec fox, red fox, big-eared fox, South African fox, African sand fox);
  • Southern part Australia ( red fox).

The wide coverage of territories explains the great diversity of species of these mammals and the huge number of adaptations for survival.

Many people mistakenly believe that all types of foxes live exclusively in European and Siberian forests. Only a few species of these animals settled there. Foxes are sedentary animals and try to choose a suitable place to live. They carefully examine the corner they like, remembering the location of ravines, holes, rivers and hills in order to profitably use them for shelters. The red fox hides well from its enemies, confusing and covering its tracks, suddenly disappearing right in front of its enemy's nose. For such extraordinary ingenuity, the talented strategist received the title of cunning and intelligent beast.

In the dry steppes of Asia, in hilly areas with low vegetation, you can find deep holes left by badgers and other animals that the cunning predator. The steppe fox does not like when its peace is disturbed, so it fiercely guards its temporary possessions. Due to the arid climate, these animals have to constantly migrate. The steppe fox, or corsac, travels from the Volga delta and the Caucasus to the mountains Western Siberia. Very rarely they move away from their usual anchorage. Sometimes these cunning animals also enter the forest-steppe, where the common fox gives them tough competition, often capturing prey from a smaller relative.

Mountain foxes

Mountain foxes are inhabitants of harsh rocks. Their diet and lifestyle depend on the altitude of their “living zone”. For example, the Crimean mountain fox builds abandoned burrows, holes in rocks and stones, caves and even tree hollows. This diversity is due to the fact that the Tauride Mountains, covered with forest, are quite low with warm climate. The Tibetan fox lives on the high Tibetan plateau and is sometimes found in areas north of the Himalayas. These animals dig their own homes and lead an extremely secretive lifestyle. Scientists still don’t know exactly how long highland foxes live and what they eat.

In semi-deserts and deserts the conditions are truly extreme! All inhabitants of this dry and hot area will need to collect all the devices that nature has given them in order to survive. The sandy area without a single hint of vegetation and coolness does not allow the spread of large herbivores and rodents. That is why only a miniature eared fox, for example, can live here. These animals settle near small dry bushes or in a tiny clearing of sparse grass where they make burrows. In their shelters they wait for the night. What the fennec fox eats lives right next to the mink. The animal pulls roots out of the sand and hunts small rodents, reptiles and insects.

In the far north, in the land of eternal snow, furry cunning creatures also live. The polar fox even inhabited the territory on the islands in the North Arctic Ocean. The usual natural areas for arctic foxes are tundra and forest-tundra. The polar fox settles in hilly areas where shelter and food can be easily found. Arctic foxes are distributed from Alaska to Chukotka. These animals thrive in icy Greenland and on other islands abandoned in cold waters. As the weather gets colder, Arctic foxes move south, temporarily settling in new places.

Foxes are incredibly beautiful animals to which songs, poems, fables and even paintings have been dedicated. Depending on their habitat, these predators acquire unusual, compared to familiar forest beauties, appearance features.

The fox got its poetic name for its coat painted in gold. The Slavs always observed the inhabitants of the forest, noticing any distinctive details of appearance, behavior or even voice. Translated from Old Church Slavonic, “fox” meant “yellowish.” That’s why cheerful red mushrooms are called “chanterelles.”

There is another version of the interpretation of the word. A number of etymologists believe that “fox” is derived from the Slavic “lis” (wife, spouse). This theory is also explained in different ways: some explain that some species of these predators create monogamous pairs and raise cubs together, others suggest that this is what cunning wives were called. There is a third assumption. The word "fox" comes from the Polish "liszka" (dashing). Thus, the mischievous nature of the animal is noticed.

All foxes have furry a long tail, which not only decorates the animal, but also serves as a useful device for survival. It allows you to develop higher speed when running, being a special pole for balance. The tail also serves as an effective rudder. When a predator (for example, a dog) is chasing a red-haired rogue and is about to grab it, the fluffy train turns sharply at a right angle and the animal instantly turns to the side. The pursuer rushes on in bewilderment.

Many have probably wondered: “Why do foxes have a white tip of their tail?” The answer is quite simple. A fox in the forest must constantly monitor its cubs. In order not to lose sight of the little ones among the foliage, a white beacon was created, which every little one cheerfully raises for mom.

The fox stores some in its tail nutrients"for a rainy day". This fluffy tool also serves as a blanket for the animal. In cold weather, the fox covers its nose or cubs with its tail. Animals can even communicate using this body part! When raised, it shows the strength of the beast and its readiness to defend territory and prey.

Did you know that a fox's tail smells like violets? Right at its base there is a fairly large gland that produces the aroma of flowers. This is the perfect camouflage device! When escaping from pursuit, a fox in the forest covers its tracks and hides its scent.

How much does a fox weigh?

Depending on the species, foxes can reach lengths from 40 cm to 90 cm. The length of the tail of an adult individual ranges from 20 to 60 cm. And the weight is from 1.5 to 14 kg.

The eyes of a fox are one of the animal's main weapons when hunting. Vision is tuned to moving objects, which allows you to instantly notice potential prey. Even a butterfly flying past will not be able to hide from a clever predator. Also, all types of foxes are perfectly oriented in the dark, since it is at night that animals go hunting. Not a single bird sleeping peacefully on the ground or in the thickets will go unnoticed.

Foxes have excellent visual memory. This allows predators to remember places of refuge and paths. This ability is very important for survival in the harsh conditions of the wild.

The condition of an animal’s fur coat must be acceptable for normal existence in a certain area. All types of foxes are carefully prepared for the environmental conditions in which they will live.

In summer, the coat color of these predators is camouflage. Neither you nor the small animals will notice the approach of the fox. In the north, arctic foxes are dressed in white fur that blends with the snow. In the mountains, where rocks and poor soil combine, foxes camouflage themselves in spotted (gray with ocher) coats. Residents of dry deserts naturally received yellow or light ocher fur. In the forest, the common fox with its dull red robe hides well against the background of branches, earth and fallen leaves.

Until now, scientists have not figured out why the fur of these predators does not adapt in color to other seasons. The fact is that many types of foxes become brighter with the onset of winter. Red, brown and black animals stand out against the background white snow, which, oddly enough, does not affect the efficiency of hunting.

However, depending on the temperature, the structure of the fox's coat changes. The animal adapts to nature. In summer, the fox's fur is sparse, dull, without undercoat, and lies tightly to the body. This makes it much easier to keep your body cool. In winter, after seasonal molting, foxes dress in thick clothes. The thick undercoat prevents heat from escaping and keeps you warm, like a down jacket. The upper fibers are impregnated with a special secretion that prevents the predator from getting wet (foxes often fall asleep in the snow).

All foxes are natural hunters. These animals easily get food wherever they live. What a fox eats depends on the area in which it lives, the time of year and the type of animal. It is also worth paying attention to the age of the predator: young animals are afraid to attack large prey.

A small sand fox in deserts and semi-deserts can easily smell edible roots, hear the movements of lizards, tasty beetles and their larvae, scorpions under the ground, and skillfully attack a gaping rodent. The animal obtains moisture directly from its meager diet.

There is not much suitable food in the north. However, the polar fox was able to adapt to the harsh nature. The animal’s diet includes more than a hundred species of animals and almost 30 species of plants: algae, blueberries, herbs and cloudberries! Everything that the fox can find, she will immediately eat or hide. The polar fox's diet consists of many species of small rodents (for example, lemmings) and birds common in the taiga. Sometimes arctic foxes catch or find fish on the shore and overwhelm stray reindeer calves. Arctic foxes don't mind carrion, so they form a retinue polar bear, which is often shared with small predator part of a seal carcass.

Almost everyone knows what the common fox eats. The favorite delicacy of this predator are small mice, which winter time become the main source of food. The common fox also eats hares, but hunting them requires a lot of energy. The predator often raids the homes of these animals, eating the cubs. A cunning fox will not refuse to climb into the nest of some bird to feast on eggs and chicks. The animal will also enjoy eating berries, fruits and herbs.

Contrary to popular belief, foxes rarely attack chickens and other poultry. The animal decides to do such an act only in a critical situation, when it is difficult to get food in the forest. The predator often spoils cereal crops, which it eats in an unripe state.

Steppe foxes hunt a wide variety of lizards, snakes and turtles. They will not refuse to eat a toad or a frog. Corsac foxes are excellent at catching rodents (their favorite foods are gophers, jerboas, voles), hares and birds. Sometimes this predator attacks a baby saiga. This happens extremely rarely: the corsac fox is a rather cowardly animal.

In the mountains, it is difficult for the severe Tibetan fox to obtain food. Finding anything edible on the rocks is already a difficult task. The basis of the diet of a skilled predator is dexterous rodents, pikas. The fox runs after them along the cliffs, driving them into traps, or waits at their shelters. But that's not all the fox eats. The beast catches mountain hares and birds, climbs into nests and destroys them, feasts on insects and reptiles. When a cunning animal finds berries suitable for food, it will eat them with pleasure. The Tibetan fox does not mind eating carrion.

What a fox eats also determines seasonality. For example, during salmon spawning, many predators stop hunting. There is enough dying fish to last everyone for several months.

Fox sounds

Everyone is interested in the sound foxes make when communicating. If you watch these animals, you will be pleasantly amazed at how rich their supply of signals is. Every fox sound is reserved for special occasions and situations. Different species have their own voice timbre and language.

The common fox is unusually talkative. The mother constantly communicates with her cubs using a kind of loud purring, interested in their well-being. If any fox cub moves too far or gets carried away with a dangerous activity, the mother will shout out to the unlucky baby with a loud yelp. Sometimes these cunning animals talk to their friends, snorting slightly. A warning of danger will be a heart-rending short cry, reminiscent of a loud “car”.

They live in families and do not like to communicate with other brothers. In general, these mini predators have quite bad character, therefore the appearance of a stranger in their domain is accompanied by nervous, offended chirping and hissing. With friends, little foxes can howl, whine and bark!

Large foxes living in harsh conditions, for example, corsacs, “talk” very in a low voice. These predators live alone and occasionally exchange growls and guttural sounds.

Fox breeding

Female foxes reach sexual maturity at two years of age. Smaller species - much earlier, by 9-12 months. On average, an animal can have offspring for up to 6-7 years. For males, everything is arranged somewhat differently. They mature by the age of one year. It is young foxes who are especially willing to participate in matchmaking.

Time mating games distributed differently in each fox species, depending on certain factors habitats (weather conditions, enemies, landscape, amount of food). Animals calculate the time so that the babies appear during the warm period, when there is plenty of food. As a rule, foxes breed in the middle or end of winter.

Foxes are very smart animals. If animals see and feel that their future family may be in danger (lack of food, emergencies, epidemic, cold snap), they postpone the breeding period for 2-3 months.

In the bitter cold, foxes begin their beautiful matchmaking ritual. Males sing a long song to attract a bride. Sometimes several suitors start fights for the lady they like, who stands on the sidelines throughout the fight and watches what is happening. Having waited for the winner, the female approaches her hero. A pair of foxes folds up. More for a long time these two will frolic: roll in the snow, play tag, “dance” while standing on their hind legs, playfully bite each other’s ears and jostle merrily. Then the foxes go into one of the holes.

Monogamy is a common trait for many species of these predators. The fox often chooses a partner for life. It is very important for animals to stick together. IN difficult situation This kind of life saves the family. Corsacs, fennec foxes, Bengal and Indian foxes are loyal to their mates. They take turns hunting and cleaning holes. But the red fox enters into temporary marriages (they last no more than a year and a half).

Pregnancy in these animals lasts 48-60 days, depending on the size of the animal and its habitat. The number of cubs in a litter is directly related to the amount of food. In times of famine, the fox does not start a large family. Cubs are born one or two at a time. Many brides never find grooms. And in prosperous years, each fox gives birth to from four to sixteen blind, deaf and toothless puppies.

Types of foxes

Foxes are distributed throughout to the globe. The organisms of these animals are ideally adapted to various natural zones. Let's consider the most interesting views foxes

Arctic foxes rightfully bear the title of polar explorers. These snow-white foxes live both in the taiga and far beyond the Arctic Circle. Mischievous animals are able to withstand very low temperatures thanks to their thick fur with a dense waterproof undercoat. In such suitable clothes you will not freeze, and you will be well camouflaged in the white snow! Snowshoe paws save the Arctic fox. The beast does not fall through when running in the snow.

Arctic foxes have perfectly adapted to the cold. They easily tolerate frost of -50 degrees. The rounded body shape minimizes heat loss. Scientists have found that the polar fox begins to tremble only when the temperature reaches -70 degrees!

The Arctic fox is a typical predator of the tundra, subarctic and arctic natural zones. In summer, these animals live sedentary, occupying old burrows, and in winter they go wandering. Arctic foxes often accompany polar bears, who share part of the prey with them. During migration, northern animals go far beyond the Arctic Circle. Sometimes the arctic fox travels 4,500 kilometers in a few months! It's amazing that animals easily find their way home.

There are two subspecies of the Arctic fox: white and blue. It all depends on the color of the coat. The fur coat of polar foxes is ideal for camouflage. In winter these animals are white, and in summer they are black or brown.

In places where snow alternates with earth, arctic foxes are found with a spotted color that perfectly camouflages the predator.

Arctic foxes feed on various small rodents (for example, lemmings), fish, birds, eggs, and seal carcasses. Arctic foxes have the most developed hearing and vision compared to other canids. The animal can hear the movement of a lemming under the snow several kilometers away.

Arctic foxes live in families, which include a pair with small cubs and a previous litter.

The polar fox takes root well at home. If you raise them from childhood, their behavior will resemble cats and dogs.

In the dry desert there is a cute mini predator. The fox is considered the tiniest representative of the canids. Its dimensions are no more than 40 centimeters in length (with a tail - up to 80 centimeters).

The hardy animal got its unusual name from the colloquial Arabic word “fanak”, which means fox. Fennecs live in northern Africa in desert and semi-desert zones. The dwarf fox has adapted perfectly to these conditions. Thick fur grows on the pads of fennec's paws, allowing them to walk calmly on the scorching sand. Large, outstretched ears are not only able to hear the slightest rustle of prey in the sand (small vertebrates and insects), but also increase blood circulation in the body, which allows it to cool down.

They live in families in deep underground burrows that they build themselves. The number of one clan rarely exceeds 10 individuals. Males fiercely defend their territory from strangers.

Tibetan foxes are also medium-sized animals (body size without a tail is 60 centimeters, with a tail – up to 130 centimeters). They live on inaccessible rocks of Tibet and the Himalayas, where they dig holes or find suitable cavities under stones.

Foxes hunt in pairs. Each spouse shares his spoils. Tibetan foxes feed on pikas and other rodents, hares, birds, reptiles, insects and berries.

Tibetan foxes don't mind their neighbors. Many pairs live and hunt in the same territory.

Big-eared foxes live on the southeast coast of Africa in the savannas. They thrive in hot climates. Outwardly, these small animals look just like an ordinary fox, only with very large ears.

When searching for food, predators rely on their keen hearing. The eared fox often accompanies herds of antelope, where it finds scarabs and other tasty insects.

The animals are monogamous, but sometimes form triads (one male and two females). Each family member hunts alone. Animals settle in dug holes and ruined termite mounds.

The red-haired beauty, familiar to everyone, settled throughout Eurasia, North America, Australia and some areas of Africa. Such a wide distribution causes many variations in color and size of the predator. Among the fiery red brothers there is even a black fox (silver fox).

The color variability of these animals is greatly appreciated by people. A fox at home acquires a more saturated shade of fur.

Foxes hunt alone. Their prey includes small and medium-sized rodents, hares, birds, lizards, frogs, snakes, turtles, fish and insects. In winter, food becomes significantly less. The common fox uses all its skills to catch agile rodents under the snow. This method is called "mousing".

Enemies of foxes in the wild

Since ancient times, foxes have been known as cunning and cautious animals. They had such qualities for a reason. Foxes have many enemies from which they need to somehow escape.

Some animals deliberately attack tailed animals. Among the enemies of foxes:

Eagle owls, crows and hawks also attack the cubs of red predators.

Recently, keeping foxes at home has been pet became possible. Many people were able to fulfill their childhood dream and make an unusual friend.

Taming of cunning animals began in 1959. Enterprising breeders bred different breeds fox However, wild instincts are not so easy to bring out. If you want to have a cute pet fox, you need to be on your guard. Without training, an animal can harm humans, other pets and interior items.

A fox at home is a fairly friendly animal. He will be happy to play with you and other pets. This predator is very easy to train. You can teach him a funny trick.

When choosing an exotic pet, it is worth considering what lifestyle the animal is accustomed to. For example, the popular decorative fox, fennec fox is active at night. Sometimes such details can make a person's life difficult.

Do not forget that a fox at home needs some care. The animal can sleep in a spacious enclosure or on a large bedding. The animal needs to be brushed and bathed regularly. Foxes should be taken for walks on a leash.

The Canadian marble fox is considered one of the most popular pets. A beautiful black, gray and white fur coat attracts the eye and literally makes you fall in love.

Decorative fox

– a very active and nimble animal. His cute appearance attracts glances: it’s impossible not to fall in love with his big ears and black beady eyes!

The size of the animal is very modest: with a body length of about 40 centimeters, the animal weighs 1.5-2 kilograms. Fennecs are distinguished by their cunning and slightly capricious character, although they get along well with humans and cats. They don’t mind playing with their friends (for example, hide and seek or tag).

Ornamental chanterelles are very difficult to tolerate temperature changes (especially cold snaps). Fennecs feel comfortable in well-heated rooms.

Mini foxes need to be combed regularly. Use soft bristle brushes or small fine-toothed combs for this procedure. Fennec himself really likes this type of fur care.

You can use a litter box for desert foxes as a litter box. Fennecs are very smart, so they quickly understand what this item is for.

What to feed a fox at home?

The fox is an exotic pet, so you won’t be able to buy special food in the store. It is worth trying to include in your animal’s food what it eats in the wild.

These furry cunning creatures adapt well to the new diet, as they are almost omnivorous. The basis of a chanterelle's diet should be processed meat (boiled or steamed). The animal's diet can include fruits, vegetables, berries, insects, and raw eggs. It is very important to supplement the animal’s menu with meat by-products: soft cartilage, trachea, bird spleen, offal, liver, beef tripe, heart. Do not feed your chanterelle bones or raw, unpeeled fish - this can lead to digestive problems.

These animals are canines, so if it is not possible to feed them natural food, you can switch to universal dog food. With this option, it is still necessary to occasionally reinforce the predator’s body with vegetables, meat and protein.

How long does a fox live?

The lifespan of foxes is almost the same as that of wild dogs and wolves. Natural conditions in their habitat they are quite harsh, so not all animals manage to reach adulthood.

In nature, how long a fox lives determines the amount of food, the presence of epidemics, and the number of enemies in the territory. In the wild, the animal rarely reaches the age of six. Average duration The life of a predator is 2–5 years. The animal constantly spends energy searching for prey and surviving.

However, a fox at home or in a zoo remains in excellent health for twenty years! Even at a respectful age, these animals remained cheerful and playful.

How long foxes live in captivity is also determined by the fact that any disease can be cured. Wild predators often die from various ailments.

  • All foxes are wonderful parents. Unlike many predators, both father and mother are equally involved in raising, protecting and feeding the young. Foxes look after their pregnant wives by biting their fleas, licking them, and bringing food to their shelter. Parents together teach their kids to hunt small prey: lizards, insects, birds.
  • Amazing fox tail for its interesting shape was popularly called a trumpet. Many people were touched by how these little predators proudly raised their useful tool. It was from the humorous name that the expression “pipe tail” came from.
  • You all probably know about the fearless hero Zorro. Defender of the weak, a noble robber, whose face is hidden by a black mask, has become the idol of many people. Translated from Spanish, “zorro” means “fox”. Perhaps it was precisely for the dexterity and ingenuity of the red predators that this hero received such a name.
  • The fox is a frequent guest of mythologies and folklore. different nations. In Japan, due to its cunning, this animal is considered the personification of confusion and pranks. Sudden downpour in the middle of a sunny day eastern country nicknamed "fox rain". The Japanese often identify strange phenomena with the antics of fluffy tails. Will-o'-the-wisps in swamps are also called "fox lights". It is believed that the beast plays tricks on travelers, trying to scare them.
  • The common fox is the owner gorgeous ponytail, the main decoration of which is the bright white tip. And he appears immediately. Newborn puppies, which do not yet have teeth and their eyes are not open, already have a light triangle. There is a legend that once upon a time foxes had completely red tails, and when running they did not rise, but dragged along the ground. Over time, the color on the tip has worn off. The common fox, in order not to spoil its fur coat, began to raise its tail. Now the white tip is inherited by all foxes.

The polar fox occupies homes that have belonged to many generations of animals. The age of such burrows can exceed 150 years, the number of passages can be more than a hundred, and the area of ​​underground labyrinths can be several square kilometers!

Fox- one of the most popular heroines of children's fairy tales. But the Fox, as a fairy-tale image, is endowed with features characteristic of these animals in reality. The fox is beautiful: a bushy tail that is slightly less than half the length of the body, a red fur coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. Besides Fox slim, graceful, weighs 6-10 kilograms.

What does Lisa look like?

Fox They also call her a redhead, and this is actually true, only her belly is white, gray or slightly brownish, and her chest is light. The back and sides of the Fox are colored differently in different parts: from bright red to gray.

In the northern forests, Foxes are fiery red and larger, in the forest-steppe they are yellowish-gray and smaller. Greyhounds, crosses, and silver foxes are common Foxes with deviations from the usual color. Black-brown fur is the most beautiful: guard hairs with white upper parts give the fur a silvery tint.

Such Foxes began to be bred on fur farms many years ago; black-brown Foxes are very rare in nature.

Summer Fox fur hard and short, in it she looks lean, big-headed and even long-legged, it suits the Fox less than the winter one. And by autumn, winter fur grows - beautiful, thick. Fox Shedding once a year - in the spring.

Fox Habits

Fox is a good hunter. In addition to observation and intelligence, she has excellent visual memory, a good sense of smell and acute hearing. The mouse squeaks barely audibly, and Fox hears a hundred meters away, a vole will rustle through dry grass under a half-meter layer of snow - and hear it. It climbs well, swims well, and is extremely maneuverable on the shore. Her ingenuity on the hunt or when escaping from pursuers is admirable.

Fox will be able to climb a tree if it is slightly inclined or branches low from the ground. The fox is very active. She knows her hunting area down to the smallest detail and systematically inspects it. Patterned chains in winter Fox tracks bizarrely cross fields, copses, ravines, getting lost on roads and paths and intertwining around stacks of straw, piles of dry soybean stalks, piles of dead wood and in other places where mice and voles live.

There was, and still is, the opinion that the main Fox food - hares. Of course, the Fox loves hare meat, but she can’t often catch up with a hare - how can she keep up with such a runner.

However, Foxes get along just fine without hare meat. It is estimated that the Fox's diet includes more than 300 different animals - from insects to large birds.

And yet the main food Foxes - rodents. They take up 80-85% of her diet. To get enough, the Fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. And where fox feeding- and the area of ​​its feeding area is on average 10 kilometers in diameter - there are much fewer rodents than where there are no foxes.

After the rains, the fox collects earthworms in abundance. In shallow water Fox successfully catches fish, crayfish, takes out shells. It happens that half-eaten prey remains, and then the Fox hides it, taking it to different places. Then she will certainly find these supplies and eat them.

It is characteristic that, being a typical predator, the Fox is happy to eats berries, apples, some vegetables.

Fox hunts, as a rule, at dusk and at night, during the day it can be seen only during the lean period, most often in winter, and even in summer, when the fox cubs are growing.

Norami fox It is used mainly during raising offspring, and the rest of the time it prefers to rest in an open place: under the roots of an upturned tree, in a ravine, on a haystack.

Reproduction of foxes

Mating season for foxes begins from the end of January - in February, and in the north in March, although even before that you can often see a male and female in pairs. During wedding time, in March, one female is courted by several males, and fights between them are common. During the rut, Foxes are very excited, often yapping and howling, especially single ones who have not yet found a mate for themselves.

You can tell the difference between a male and a female by their voices. Female Fox makes a triple bark and ends it with a short howl, and the male barks more often and more, like a dog. Once alone, the couples play a lot, even organize some kind of dances: the Fox rises on its hind legs and walks in this position with small steps. This dance got its name from this dance. foxtrot(the word "foxtrot" is English and means "fox step").

Male foxes are good family men. They not only take an active part in raising the young, but also take touching care of their friends long before they give them adorable fox cubs: they carry food and improve their burrows.

Fox cubs There are from 4 to 12 in a litter, but most often there are 5-6. They appear after 51-53 days of pregnancy, usually at the end of April or in the first half of May. Fox cubs they are born weak and helpless, deaf and blind, weighing only 100-150 grams, but grow quite quickly. In less than a month, they can already see, hear, weigh about 1 kilogram, emerge from the hole, and soon begin to play and frolic. From now on, Fox's parents bring them half-dead game so that the fox cubs acquire hunting skills.

As soon as a person even accidentally stumbles upon a fox hole, the very next night The cubs will be transferred to another location, into a spare hole; Foxes usually have several of them on their site. If Fox cubs are in danger, adults discover something surprising presence of mind. Even when a person breaks a hole with a shovel, they try to the last to save their children - to get them out through one of the holes.

Fox trick

Sometimes you can notice in fox behavior actions that resemble episodes from fairy tales. For example, the Fox approaches the black grouse gathered at a lek in an open clearing in an amazingly cunning way: she pretends that she is not at all interested in them, and does not even look in their direction; sometimes he will lie down and take a nap, and the birds lose their vigilance and go about their business - very Lisa is a good actress.

Meanwhile, Patrnkeevna will move a meter or two towards them. Lisa spares no time in playing: sometimes such a performance lasts an hour or two. Then a few lightning-fast jumps - and the hunt is victoriously completed.

Not many animals are called by their first name or patronymic. But the Fox is often called that way. Moreover, her middle name is unusual - Patrikeevna. About 600 years ago there lived a prince named Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Since then, the name Patrikey has become equivalent to the word cunning. And since the Fox has long been considered by the people to be a very cunning beast, as the heiress of the famous prince, she received the patronymic name Patrikeevna.

Being a typical predator, the Fox happily eats berries, apples, and some vegetables.

Little Foxes They fight well against pests such as chafers.

Compared to other predators, the common fox, red ( Vulpes vulpes) gives the impression of an affectionate animal. But the peculiarities of its structure and life indicate that it is a rather malicious predator. It is not for nothing that in fairy tales she is called either the little fox-sister or the sly fox.

Like the gray wolf, the common fox belongs to the canine family and in its appearance resembles a dog, but differs from it in very characteristic features.

Brief description of the fox

The common fox is a medium-sized animal, about 90 cm long. The body is elongated, slender, flexible, and dignified. The muzzle is elongated and sharp. The ears are large, pointed, always alert. The legs are relatively short, which provides the ability to crawl as the fox stalks and attacks its prey. At the same time, the legs of the common fox are sinewy and strong, which allows it to make sudden long jumps. Her fluffy tail, which exceeds half the length of her body, helps her in jumping.

Thanks to these features, the common fox, without having such strength as brown bear and other animals, such strong fangs as those of wolves, and retractable claws for capturing prey, as those of wild cats, is not inferior in its viability to other predatory animals of Ukraine. The body of the common fox is covered with thick fur of a bright red color, which is quite changeable. It changes not only depending on the time of year, but also on the area in which foxes live. In the northern regions, the colors of foxes are more red, in the southern regions they are paler. The color of the tail is somewhat darker, and its tip is always white.

Where does the common fox live?

The red fox is one of the predatory animals of Ukraine, widely distributed throughout the territory. The fox lives mainly in open areas, which are interspersed with groves and copses. She hides in burrows from persecution, bad weather, and when breeding young. On warm sunny days, the common fox rests on the ground after wandering at night. He goes out hunting, usually in the evening.

What does a fox eat in the forest?

A very cautious and secretive animal with a well-developed sense of smell and exceptionally acute hearing. common fox easily finds a wide variety of prey, often sneaking up on it unnoticed. The fox in the forest feeds mainly on various mammals: from small shrews to young hares and even roe deer calves. The fox catches especially a lot of mouse-like rodents - mice and voles. Fox hunting for rodents even received the special name “mousing” (exceptionally dexterous and skillful). It is especially typical for the winter period in the forest. In the snow, in mouse-mousing areas where the common fox dug out rodents from under the snow, you can see its numerous tracks that stretch in a chain that is formed during its run. The tracks of the hind legs exactly match those of the front ones.

The tracks of the common fox differ from the tracks of a wolf or a dog not only in their smaller size, but also in their character
a separate print (on the fox's footprint, the prints of the pads of the two middle toes are pushed forward so much that you can put a match between them and the prints of the pads of the two lateral toes).

Birds and their eggs, which they sometimes obtain from ground nests, play a lesser role in the diet of the common fox. She does not disdain carrion either. In summer, the fox also consumes various amphibians, lizards, beetles and their larvae. At this time and in the fall, he also eats berries: blueberries, lingonberries.

Fox breeding

The burrows in which the common fox makes a lair for raising cubs are usually dug in the most remote part of the forest, in thickets of small forest areas, which alternate with cultivated fields, bushes or meadows, on the slopes of ravines, on dry hills with sandy soil. The dug hole goes slopingly 1-1.5 m deep, and then stretches underground for 3-4 m. Feature fox hole - several exit holes. In such a hole, usually already at the end of March, once a year, the female, after an 8-week pregnancy, gives birth to five to six fox cubs. After 2 weeks, the fox cubs begin to see clearly, begin to develop quickly, and already at the end of April - beginning of May they crawl out of the hole, play with each other, and when tired, lie calmly, warming up in the sun.

The fox cubs do not leave the parental hole throughout the summer. In June they already participate in hunting together with adults. Young foxes reach sexual maturity at two years of age, but there are cases when young females begin
reproduce next year.

What benefits does the fox bring?

The common fox has a large economic importance as an exceptionally active destroyer of harmful rodents, especially in the steppe regions. It is interesting that during the years of mass reproduction of rodents, the fox gnaws significantly more rodents than it can eat. Famous Interesting Facts, when the fox destroyed about 100 voles in one night. By feeding on insect pests, the fox benefits forestry by protecting young forest plantations from damage. Great importance The red fox is also a valuable hunting and industrial fur-bearing animal.

In the next video, watch how an ordinary fox, or rather a whole family of foxes, has adapted to survive in its environment. Possessing incredible cunning and dexterity, a fox can live next to a person and still remain unnoticed.

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