Kaliningrad hunting club - hunting and game management - wild boar fangs - a valuable trophy. How to boil boar fangs? How to get fangs out of a boar's jaw

Boar's tusk in silver.

In our country, the most common species and the most valuable object of hunting are wild boars. They are very common and live both in the western part of Russia, for example, in the Tver, Smolensk, Pskov regions, and in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, on Far East. Behind recent times wild boars are spreading closer and closer to the north, to the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen regions. This animal is valued by hunters for its bold, sometimes daring nature, it is very unpredictable and therefore the most dangerous beast. Due to its qualities, a mature boar is also called a billhook, or a boar at the moment when it comes into its full power. This beast is bypassed even by such large and dangerous animals as bears and tigers. There were cases on the hunt, when about 30 dogs were released on a wild boar, baited on a wild boar, but he hid from persecution, scattering them. Many paintings and stories are devoted to hunting for wild boars. In the event of a successful outcome of the hunt, the trophy acquires great value.

And the fangs of a wild boar are its main trophy value. Despite the fact that wild boars are hunted a lot, properly extracted and processed boar fang is a rarity. Most canine teeth are defective due to improper extraction from the mouth, incorrect processing and this further leads to the formation of cracks or complete splitting of the canine.

The boar's tusk in silver is filled from the inside special composition indistinguishable from bone cartilage, and thus protected from possible splitting. The outer part of the fang does not have easily cracked enamel like that of wolves and bears, the surface of the fang of the billhook is very durable and therefore does not particularly require external coatings. But at the request of the customer, the outer surface of the canine can also be protected with a thin transparent coating similar to lamination.

The fang itself is suspended with a 925 sterling silver cap cast in its shape, and has a soldered cast silver eye through which any leather cord or silver chain up to 7 cm thick can be threaded.

Boar tusks are one of the best hunting trophies! BUT boar hunting is an unambiguously dangerous occupation with a lot of thrills, adrenaline in the blood, and, possibly, with piercing and cutting wounds in a dog that often falls under the sharp fangs of a billhook. This article will discuss one of the best hunter trophies, how to properly extract boar tusks, how and how to process them to save them on long years and how to avoid cracking and damage to the fangs.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the best fangs for a trophy are considered fangs 20-23 cm long and about 25 mm uniformly wide. Such fangs are possessed by billhooks at the age of 4-5 years. In old boars, which are 6-8 years old, fangs can reach 25 cm in length and 30 mm. in width. But in wild boars older than seven years, very often (compared to younger individuals) the fangs are broken off or worn off by several millimeters. In a piglet at the age of one year, small fangs about 2 cm long are already visible. And already at the age of 1.5 years, they can reach 4 cm. After another year, the fangs protrude by 5 cm or more. At this time, they become razor-sharp.

If you have not yet removed the fangs from the skull of a wild boar, then it is better to ask for help for the first time. experienced hunter. If this is not possible, then use the recommendations below, and you will succeed!

First of all, we remove the skin from the head of the boar, cut out all the muscles in the jaw area and the tongue. After that, we need a hacksaw for metal. But we will saw off not fangs, but jaws. The lower jaw of the billhook is sawn off at a distance of 10-15 cm from the fangs, the upper one - at a distance of 5-8 cm. It is necessary to saw off parallel to the growth of the fangs.

After we got the jaw, it must be boiled. Pour into any container (bucket or pan) cold water, put the boar's jaw there and boil over low heat. You need to boil until the fangs can be freely removed from the boar's jaw. This is usually achieved by boiling for just over an hour. Then you have to wait until the water cools down and remove the fangs. After extracting the fangs, they must be freed from the soft tissues adjacent to the canine with the help of a hard tissue. Then the internal soft tissues of the tooth (pulp) are removed. Ordinary tweezers will help us with this, or, if this “tool” is not available, then ordinary wire. Fangs are wiped with a soft cloth inside and out. Some hunters wipe their fangs with a rag soaked in alcohol. The fangs are dried for no more than a day, because due to a sharp change in temperature, they crack and fall apart. After drying, the fangs are poured.

Important!!! Before pouring, fangs must be degreased with gasoline or alcohol.

Some hunters use wax or paraffin for pouring. But these materials are suitable for pouring fangs, which will always be in one temperature regime. If the temperature changes, sooner or later they will crack. The most reasonable solution would be to fill the boar's fangs with epoxy. After pouring, until the resin has hardened, it is recommended to insert a wire into the fangs (we will use it to attach the trophy to the stand board). But the filling only protects the fangs from cracking, and it cannot prevent the destruction of the enamel. To preserve the enamel, boar tusks are covered with two layers of colorless varnish or colorless glue. The treatment of fangs with fat can also save from the destruction of enamel.

The choice of the place where the trophy will be stored is also important. No need to hang it in the kitchen, where there is constant heat from the stove, near the heaters and where it gets sunlight. In short, avoid high temperatures! Good luck on your hunt and great trophies!

Having studied the skeleton of a pig, you can always notice problems in the development of piglets, injuries and provide first aid. Information about the structure of pigs will help you take better care of piglets. You will be able to know their strengths and weak sides, learn how to protect babies from dangers and increase the “health level” on the pig farm. Ultimately, this knowledge will be the key to increasing productivity on the farm, and, therefore, to increasing profits.

The main sections of physiology

In a pig, anatomy (the science that studies the structure of living organisms) distinguishes 4 parts in the structure of the skeleton:

  • head;
  • cervical;
  • limb;
  • trunk.

Thanks to research in this area, farmers have received information about the structure of the body of domestic pigs and were able to use it for breeding.

The largest section is the trunk. According to the name, it includes this part of the pork carcass. Includes sternum, vertebrae and ribs. The cervical part consists of the cervical vertebrae and the jugular groove. The head region is subdivided into the brain and facial parts. As for the limbs, they are divided into front (thoracic) and rear (pelvic).

An interesting fact is that some anatomical characteristics piglets are similar to human body, allowing scientists to use pigs for medical experiments. All details in the article. It is also important that wild and domestic piglets have the same structure, so we will not consider them separately.

General information about the head office

The skull of a pig is massive, heavy, but, most importantly, depending on the breed, the head of piglets has different shape. In total, the muzzle of piglets is formed by 19 bones, 12 (paired) of which belong to the facial zone, and 7 (unpaired) belong to the brain part.

The bones that form the head have a lamellar structure. Some of them are mirrored, such as parietal, temporal, frontal, maxillary, incisal, palatine, pterygoid, lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic, dorsal, and conchae. But the occipital, sphenoid, interparietal, ethmoid, vomer, hyoid and proboscis - belong to unpaired bones.

The main task of the cranium is to protect the brain, as well as the systems of vision, hearing, coordination of movement and smell. It is noteworthy that in early age in piglets, the junctions of the bones are clearly visible, but over the years they grow together with each other more and more and the boundaries become practically invisible.

The maturation of pigs is also reflected in the proportions of the head: in piglets, the brain part is larger than the facial part, while in adult pigs, the facial part prevails over the brain part.

Formation of the bone marrow

In the occipital region there is a large triangular opening, thanks to which the head is attached to the vertebra. The jugular processes depart from it, and in the upper part, where the scales are formed, the occipital crest is fixed. The sphenoid knuckle converges with the occipital in the region of the eyes and nose, forming these areas.

The temporal bones are attached to the occipital region. They are formed by 4 parts: stony, tympanic, scaly, and mastoid. In the area of ​​​​the stony section, there are parts of the outer, middle and hidden ear. The parietal and interparietal plates are very dense and durable. At an early age of piglets, they are separated by a seam, but later the plates are connected by a stronger bond.

The bones of the parietal, nasal, lacrimal, palatine, sphenoid, temporal and ethmoid plates adhere to the frontal lobe. The ethmoid bone is adjacent to the nose, and on the sides of it the frontal and sphenoid plates diverge. The older the pig becomes, the stronger its skull, but in babies it is poorly protected.

Formation of the bone-facial part

The muzzle of a pig is formed from the nasal, incisal, maxillary, mandibular, and palatine bones, and it also includes the lacrimal, zygomatic, pterygoid, hyoid, proboscis plate and vomer. The structure of the head of piglets differs significantly from other animals due to proboscis formation. It is located on the bones of the incisors, completing the stigma. The incisal plates are connected to the nose, thereby forming a “patch”.

The maxillary bone connects the regions of the nose and mouth. The formation of the latter is completed by the lower jaw, where the main chewing muscle is fixed. Among the branches of the lower jaw is the hyoid bone, which is formed by the transverse plates, large and small horns and the lingual branch.

The upper jaw adjoins the zygomatic and lacrimal bones, forming a strong connection. In the area of ​​​​the junction of the pharynx and the nasal part, the palatine plates of the horizontal and vertical type. Vertical formations connect the palate and the pterygoid bone, where the vomer is attached. All this makes up the jaw of piglets and their bone-facial part of the head.

Formation of the balanced auditory organ

The sow's hearing is extremely acute. She perceives sounds that are inaccessible to humans, and all thanks to special structure this organ. The auditory system is formed from the outer, middle and hidden ear. Its outer part does not have bones, but is formed by cartilage tissues and skin folds.

The structure of the middle ear is the most complex. It is represented by the auditory ossicles, fastened in a chain, and the tympanic cavity, hidden in the petrous bone. Between the middle and hidden ear there is a barrier - the tympanic membrane - a septum, about 0.1 mm thick. The bony chain that forms the auditory canal includes the malleus, anvil, stirrup, and lenticular bones. All of them are held together by ligaments and joints.

The inner ear part is located in the temporal bone. It is formed by two labyrinths: bone and membranous, filled with perilymph. Damage to the balance-auditory system is one of the most dangerous, as it contributes to loss of orientation in space and hearing loss.

Bones that form the jaw

The structure of the teeth in piglets is dictated by the need to capture and grind food. For this reason, their surface is bumpy, which allows them to crush solid food and grind it into smaller pieces.

The jaw of piglets consists of incisors (6 each on the upper and lower sides), canines, premolars (premolars) and molars (molars). The formation of the jaw begins from the 20th day of life, and ends at 3 years of age.

Piglets are born with milk incisors. At the age of 20 days, they have the first hooks. After 10 days, the first permanent tooth erupts in the pigs. All milk teeth appear only by the 90th day, and by the fifth month, permanent premolars grow.

By the end of 1 year of life, pigs lose all milk teeth, and molars grow in their place.

The renewal of the jaw in piglets occurs in one to two months. Completely, molars appear by 1.5 years. But, after only 6 months, the masticatory tubercles are noticeably erased, and after another year, the hooks are shortened. At the same time, the fangs only increase in size, and by the age of three they reach 4-5 cm. The length of the fangs in boars is longer than in sows.

Spine device

The frame formed by the skeletal (supporting) bones is called the spine. It performs several functions: protective - protects the organs, and frame - it accounts for the main load of the entire body of the pig. The vertebrae that form this system are divided into two groups. The first - basic, the second - channel. The spinal cord is located in the canal vertebrae.

The spine itself consists of 5 parts, uniting 52-55 vertebrae. The cervical region includes 7 bones. The thoracic is formed from 14-16, the lumbar consists of 6-7, in the sacral there are 4, and in the caudal from 20 to 22 vertebrae. Ribs (14, less often 16 pairs) depart from the central bone. Together, they form the ribcage, where the heart and lungs are located.

The ribs are always paired bones of an arcuate shape. They are joined to the spine by a movable joint and are located on both sides of it. The upper pairs are less mobile, and the mobility of the ribs attached to it increases towards the bottom of the spine. The main feature of the vertebrae of piglets is that they are massive, but short.

Device of the peripheral skeleton

The peripheral skeleton is the limbs of the piglet. It is formed by paired chest and pelvic parts. The function of this faction is intuitively clear - movement in space.

A curious fact is that, despite their short legs, pigs not only move perfectly on land, but also move well on water.

The forelimbs are attached to the spine by means of shoulder blades connected to the frame in the region of the first costal pairs. The legs of pigs are formed by the humerus, forearm, radius, ulna, carpal, metacarpal bones and phalanges of the fingers. Their limbs end with 4 fingers, 2 of which touch the ground.

The pelvic, or hind limb of pigs is formed by the ilium, pubis, ischium, femur, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metatarsus, as well as the patella and phalanges of the fingers. The hooves of the hind limbs are similar to those of the front.

Hoof device

The hoof in piglets is the third phalanx of the third and fourth fingers. It serves to protect the bones from injury when in contact with the ground.

From the point of view of physiology, the hoof is formed by keratinized skin, which differs in structure and constitution, depending on the location.

In total, 4 hoof parts are distinguished: border, corolla, wall and sole. A border is a strip of skin that separates the hairline on the legs of piglets. Further, the corolla part is located - a wide roller, half the size of a hoof. The corolla is connected to the hoof wall by means of a tubular horn.

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An adult boar usually has 44 teeth (12 incisors, 4 canines, 16 anterior and 12 posterior). The incisors, canines, second, third, and fourth anterior molars are diphyodont, i.e., they have two generations. All posterior teeth have no milk predecessors. Anteriolar P11 do not change and remain milky all their lives, and often do not appear in the lower jaw at all.

A brief description of age-related changes in individual groups of teeth can be summarized as follows.

incisors. They are located in the extreme anterior part of the skull. On the lower jaw they are directed straight forward, and on the upper jaw they grow perpendicularly down. Newborns have third incisors on both jaws. At the age of 12-15 days, the first pair of teeth erupt through the gum first in the lower and then in the upper jaw, but they grow relatively slowly: at 2 months of age they reach 0.5 cm in length. 3-month-old individuals already have all the milk incisors. The replacement of milk teeth with definitive ones occurs in the same sequence as the appearance of milk teeth: I3 erupt and are replaced at 9-10 months, I1 - at 15-16, and I2 - at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd year of life. Homologous teeth in the upper jaw usually erupt only when the lower teeth reach about 2/3 of their definitive length.

fangs. Newborns have both pairs of milk fangs, outwardly very similar to the third incisors. Milk fangs grow slowly and persist only until 10-11 months of age. Most salient feature the definitive fangs of males - their constant and rather rapid growth almost throughout their lives, while in females the fangs grow only up to 4-5 years and very slowly. The lower fangs in adult males are directed upwards and to the sides, slightly bending back. The upper ones, starting from the 2nd year of life, grow down and to the sides, and by the end of the 3rd year, their tops begin to bend upwards and the more, the older the boar. Both pairs of canines gradually increase with age both in length and in diameter, reaching their maximum size in old males. Our observations and study of the fangs of males show that they can be used to some extent to determine the age. Figure 2 shows how the shape, size and wear of canines in males change depending on age. However, fangs by themselves cannot serve sure sign to determine the age of animals, since within each age group a wide range of variability of their sizes is found. Note that the length of the canine was measured along a large bend from the border of the alveolus to the top of the tooth, and the width - in the widest place at the level of the bone alveolus. The lower fangs in males are trihedral, the upper ones are rounded; in females, the lower ones are trihedral-rounded, and the upper ones are flat. In males, the length of the lower canine along the outer large bend from the root to the top reaches 230, and the upper canine - 140 mm; in females - 100 and 55 mm, respectively.

Anterior root. In a wild boar, all anterior and posterior molars (both deciduous and definitive) are placed close to each other, forming a compact row. Only in the lower jaw, the first pair is located apart between the canines and the second premolars.

On the 5-8th day after birth, the fourth pair of teeth protrudes noticeably from the alveoli on the lower jaw, and the third pair of teeth on the upper jaw: P4 erupt and develop after P3. By the age of 1.5 months, piglets have the first and third pairs of incisors, canines, as well as the third and fourth anterior teeth; the tops of the second incisors and the second anterior roots are cut through the bone alveolus. In the future, the growth and development of milk teeth proceed quickly and in a short time, which can be explained by the gradual transition of piglets from feeding on mother's milk to self-procurement of food. Young animals of 3-4 months of age already have well-developed anterior molars, with the exception of the first pair, which usually forms after the rest.

The replacement of milk anterior molars with definitive teeth begins at 15-16 months, with the fourth pair on the lower jaw erupting first; it grows rapidly, reaching full development by 18-20 months, while the third pair by this time grows only to 2/3 of its size, and the second is just erupting. In general, all definitive anterior teeth of the lower jaw are finally formed by the age of 22-24 months. However, if the milk teeth are largely adapted to crushing and grinding food, then all permanent premolars for the most part only crushing or cutting. This is due to the fact that the function of crushing food in 2-3-year-old wild boars is carried by developing posterior teeth.

posterior root. The first pair of posterior teeth erupt at the age of 4 months, and by 6 months it is already fully developed, but traces of wear on the tops of the tubercles appear only by 10 months. The development of the second is generally completed by 18-20 months, and the third - by the end of the 3rd year of the boar's life. The molars grow strictly alternately: the postalveolar differentiation of each tooth occurs only when the previous one is finally formed. The degree of wear of the cusps and surfaces of the crowns of the teeth also increases consistently. This sequence is one of the best diagnostic signs for establishing a scale of age-related changes in teeth.

Kaliningrad hunting club

Boar tusks - a valuable trophy

At the IV All-Union Hunting Exhibition in 1985, the first and second places with a score of 148.85 and 143.40 points were taken by wild boar tusks from the Vitebsk region. Vitebsk hunters also have other wonderful trophies: at the World Exhibition in Plovdiv (1981), the fangs exhibited by the hunter I. A. Shipulo were rated at 136.00 points; hunter I. F. Luzgin is the owner of the trophy with 129.90 points.

The most obvious reason for the good trophy qualities of the wild boar in the Vitebsk region is the selectivity of the hunting method that exists here. In the region, as well as in Belarus in general, there are practically no individual hunting for wild boar, licenses are issued only to teams of hunters. In collective hunts, hunters prefer to bypass the herd of wild boars, and then drive it to the chain of shooters with the help of beaters with dogs, that is, to conduct a round-up. The usual results of such hunts are piglets of the year and pigs that are with the herd. Cleavers aged one and a half years and older, leading, as a rule, a solitary lifestyle, if they are in salary, they are well oriented in the environment by sounds and smells. They are not afraid of the noise of the pen and the barking of dogs, they often hide and leave the salary unnoticed, and when raised, they leave unharmed through the flanks or a rare chain of beaters. As a result, the proportion of old bulls has been high in the wild boar population for many years.

Other possible reason- traditions of caring attitude of Vitebsk hunters to feeding wild boar in winter. Even on farms Belarusian Society hunters and fishermen leading to voluntary, feeding areas are not uncommon, where up to 40 wild boars gather. Exemplary feeding is carried out on farms with a huntsman service. And the feeding conditions in the first two years of the life of the animal, according to the most authoritative specialist in wild boar professor from the GDR L. Briedermann (Briedermann, 1986), render big influence for canine development. From piglets lagging behind in development due to feed failure, harsh conditions wintering, you can not wait for good trophies. There is another reason - low rates of wild boar production in the republic. The influence of good hereditary inclinations of the wild boar population in the north of the republic - the Belarusian Lakeland is not excluded.

The size of the fangs depends primarily on the age of the animal. The opinion among hunters that the size of the fangs does not depend on the weight of the boar is apparently explained by the fact that the billhooks participating in the rut become very thin. Of course, individual variability also matters. Already in a one and a half year old gilt, 3.5-4.0-centimeter fangs protrude from the lower jaw. Their width at the exit from the gums is about 14 mm, at the base about 21 mm. This uneven width hallmark the youth of the beast. Boars at the age of 2.5 years are the most dangerous for a dog, they are light (75 kg), fast beasts, their fangs are sharply honed and stick out by 5-6 cm. However, only the fangs of a wild boar at the age of 4-5 years are of trophy value, they protrude a little more (6-7 cm) with a total length of about 21 cm, but their width is evened out and is 24-26 mm. The fangs reach full development in billhooks of 7-8 years of age, their length is usually 21-23 cm, width - 28-29 mm.

In the future, the tops of the fangs become not so sharp, often break off. The development of the canines stops, and the length may even decrease due to grinding. Such animals do not participate in the rut, their meat does not have a specific smell, they are well fed.

However, our hunters for the most part do not know how to properly remove the fangs of a wild boar from the jaw, nor to save them. It's annoying to see spoiled fangs, which, if properly processed, could decorate any exhibition. Every boar hunter should know for sure that only a third of the lower canines are visible from the outside, and two thirds are in the jaw. Attempts to cut down fangs with an ax, in which their lower ends break, are by no means uncommon. The most common cause The death of trophies is their cracking.

The processing of the fangs is as follows: the skin is removed from the head of the boar, the tongue and the largest muscles are separated. Although the ends of the canines of the lower jaw are located at the level of the fourth premolar, it is recommended that sawing be carried out behind the last molar. Of course, the lower jaw can be boiled as a whole, if the dishes allow. There are no mistakes when sawing off the upper jaw, it is enough to retreat 2-3 cm behind the characteristic, highly developed crest of the alveolus of the upper canines, which corresponds to the level of the third premolars. A common tool for this operation is a hacksaw.

Sawn off jaws are placed in cold water and boiled for about an hour, from old animals - longer, then the water is allowed to cool. The fangs of old billhooks are easily removed (pulled out), while in young ones, due to the mentioned uneven width, they can only be removed by sawing off the lower jaw at the level of the fourth premolars and pushing them in the opposite direction.

In the extracted fangs, a thin adhesive layer of soft tissues is carefully removed with a blunt scraper, the pulp is removed from the cavity with tweezers or a wire hook. The fangs are wiped and left to dry in a cool room. Here comes the most dangerous moment: later in a village house, and in a city apartment, where air is very dry in winter, longitudinal cracks may appear on the fangs on the third day, and then whole pieces often fall off.

Therefore, it is desirable to fill in the fangs no later than a day of drying. In the hunting literature there are recommendations to fill the fangs with paraffin, wax (M. Kulikh, 1980), rub with paraffin (I. Roskopf, 1977). However, when abrupt changes air temperature, especially during winter transportation of trophies to exhibitions, with high dryness of the air, paraffin does not protect the fangs from cracking. Equally ineffective is filling the fangs in several layers with BF glue.

The most reliable means is a two-component epoxy-based casting composition (E. Hausa, V. Vernits, 1975; M. Kulikh, 1980; A. A. Fandeev, V. P. Nikolskaya, 1983).

Before pouring, the internal cavities of the fangs must be degreased with gasoline, alcohol, ether, acetone. Resin consumption for pouring all four canines is about 40 ml (the capacity of one lower canine is 9-12 cm 3 , the capacity of the upper canine is about 4 cm 3). Before the resin hardens, it is recommended to insert a piece of copper wire into the cavity of the fangs, with which the fangs will be attached to the stand. It is necessary to work with a hardener in rubber gloves. Vapors generated when mixing resin and hardener are undesirable for people prone to allergic diseases.

Unfortunately, the filling does not protect the enamel along the outer edge of the lower canines from destruction; the enamel on the upper canines also crumbles. Realizing that covering trophies with varnish or glue spoils them appearance, in this case, for the sake of preserving the trophy, we would recommend applying two layers of colorless PVA glue, produced by p / o Azot, to the surface subject to destruction. A. A. Fandeev and V. P. Nikolskaya (1983) advise covering the fangs with a thin layer of colorless synthetic varnish. L. Briderman (1986) advises impregnating the outer surface of the fangs with a fatty composition to avoid drying out. But you need to know that all efforts to process fangs will be in vain if you store them near heating devices.

It is not recommended to bleach the fangs in hydrogen peroxide; it is advisable to leave a dark strip decorating them on the fangs just below the section. Broken fangs should not be thrown away, they can still be saved by applying Moment glue and tightly bandaging with insulating tape, followed by filling.

The rules for evaluating wild boar tusks are the simplest in comparison with other trophies and are available to every hunter.

The length of the lower fangs is measured with an accuracy of 1 mm from the base to the point along the outer edge using a tape measure, the average value in centimeters serves as a point.

The width of the lower canines is measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with a caliper at its widest point; the mean value in mm multiplied by a factor of 3 serves as the score.

The circumference of the upper canines is measured at its widest point with a narrow tape, the sum of the values ​​of both canines in centimeters serves as a point.

An extra charge of up to five points is given for the symmetry of the canines, the twisting of the upper canines, the presence of a dark strip at the section. The discount is given for the asymmetry of the fangs and other shortcomings.

A bronze medal is awarded to fangs that score from 110 to 114.9 points, silver - from 115 to 119.9, gold - from 120 points and above.

As an example, we give the price of canines that won first place at the All-Union Hunting Exhibition in 1985. Thus, the main thing when evaluating canines is their width. If we turn to the catalogs of exhibitions, we can see that the most common values ​​for the width of canines rated "for bronze" are 24-25 mm, "for silver" - 26-27 mm, "for gold" - 28-29 mm.

Indicator The size Sum Mean Coefficient score
Lower canine length
left 27,5 54,7 27,35 1 27,35
right 27,2
Lower canine width
left 33,0 67,0 33,5 3 100,5
right 34,0
Upper canine circumference
left 9,0 18,0 1 18,0
right 9,0
Surcharge 3,0
Discount -
Final score 148,85

Fangs are usually placed on round stands, proportionate in size, painted with dark brown stain; against this background, the fangs stand out well.

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