Love horoscope for October 15th. Test: How well does your spatial perception work?

Love is the most important thing in people's lives, but most of the time it does not stick to the ideal script. This is all due to the non-standard behavior of stars and planets.

It turns out that in order to succeed in love, you don’t have to rely on techniques to attract it. It is enough to simply track the behavior of stars and planets, which change their character weekly. Astrologers' tips will help you open your soul to your loved one, and the Universe will do everything possible to bring an exciting and trembling feeling into your life.


This week, it is important for Aries lovers not to lose contact with the object of their feelings. Neptune, which will be your leading planet, is determined, negative and uncompromising. You may lose something important - mutual understanding and trust. The negative impact of strengthened Neptune in the first half of the week will be felt by representatives of the Sign of Aries, whose relationships are based on mistrust, jealousy and passion.

You will have to try to challenge Neptune, because the overall well-being of you and your companion will depend on your internal state. It is worth tuning into dialogue, listening and hearing your partner, and taking on some of his worries. Give your loved one a gift this weekend.


The coming week is marked by the activity of Uranus, the strongest among other planets. Uranus will retain its moderate, but at the same time destructive energy. This means that a stormy seven days await you, during which it is important to maintain restraint. Harmony in a love union will become fragile, especially if you constantly strive to cross the line of what is permitted.

Single and married Taurus will be lucky on October 11 and 15. At this time, your patron planets, having entered into aspects with Uranus, neutralize it Negative influence. Take advantage of a successful combination of circumstances to stabilize personal relationships.


This week, Geminis in love should love themselves first. A potential or existing partner will definitely adopt your attitude towards yourself, so the more you value yourself, the stronger will be the love and care of your chosen one towards you. The fact is that the cards will be confused by the negative Sun, thereby prompting you to gain new experience in relationships. The time has come to demonstrate tactics of behavior that are unusual even for yourself.

Tuesday and Wednesday are filled with destructive activity, largely due to the interaction of negative planets. Don't try to solve personal problems by relying on the experience of past relationships.


The stars suggest that the coming week will be dangerous for many Cancers due to misconceptions. You will become a victim of circumstances caused by frequent changes in the energy of the Moon. On Monday and Tuesday, increased concentration of attention on your emotions and experiences is expected. You may be blind to your partner's feelings, but you can finally understand yourself.

The Moon will spend Wednesday and Thursday in the constellation Pisces. At this time, she will get stronger, as will your feelings. Lonely Cancers can expect pleasant acquaintances and attention from the opposite sex. Don’t rush to waste time: by the weekend your patron will have wasted all his power by staying in the Sign of Leo. You will have difficult days ahead, but try not to set yourself up for failure.

a lion

Leos, you will spend the coming week in a state of combat readiness. The whole point is that irreconcilable Mars will take over your energy. Don't worry, the best will come for you favorable period to break all stereotypes regarding feelings and relationships.

Hold off on active actions on October 11 and 14. Astrological conditions will be against love initiatives. The remaining days are favorable for active actions in love: you will be able to displace all omissions and come to terms with your partner’s weaknesses. You will be able to cover your rear and surround your chosen one with care and love, which will certainly raise you in his eyes.


For Virgos, Mercury will be the active planet, so the coming week does not promise unnecessary worries. It’s not that there won’t be any, it’s just that you abstract from feelings, replacing emotions with sober calculation and logic. Virgos will be especially pragmatic during this period, which will help them avoid many disappointments.

Peak positive influence Venus falls on Saturday and Sunday. This time will become significant and extremely positive for all representatives of your Sign. The planet will give you a positive impulse for all your endeavors for a long time.


The coming week for Scorpios may start with important event, which will change their personal life for the better. On Tuesday, Jupiter will illuminate your energy with its transition to the constellation Scorpio. This planet has been in the Sign of Libra for quite a long time and has finally reached you. Ambulances are scheduled positive changes. This will be hinted at not only by astrological conditions, but also by eloquent omens, clues from the Universe and personal premonitions. Happiness awaits you - you don’t need to run away from it.

Scorpios will make a vivid impression on their chosen ones, which will make them fall in love with you again. For lonely representatives of this Sign, the week will give them a meeting with a person who has serious plans for you.


The coming seven days will pass under the auspices of Saturn. This week, Sagittarius's personal life may noticeably liven up due to a surge of feelings and passion towards the object of their sympathy. Astrologers and site experts agree that there may be a period of alienation and coolness in love. Your feelings are unlikely to be appropriate and will be understood correctly. Try not to lose your head, and especially not to resume your past relationships.

The favorable aspect of Saturn and Mars on October 11 will put everything in its place. Until this time, you are unlikely to be able to objectively assess the situation. Wednesday will bring new prospects in the love sphere, just wait for them.


Cold and aloof Pluto will take the helm this week. Capricorns will have to feel the full force of its destructive influence on themselves. You will need confidence in your partner, his determination and initiative. This is the only way out of the crisis in relationships that the stars have outlined.

Over the course of seven days, you will be prone to introspection and harsh criticism. There is a risk of becoming depressed if you at this stage life you are in a state of forced loneliness. Tip of the week: don’t look for reasons in yourself.


Patron Mercury will help you mend heart wounds this week. His energy will stand up for your personal happiness in defiance of all other planets. However, October 13 and 14 are painted in negative tones due to the negative aspects of Mercury with Saturn and Mars. At this time, you will have to remember past victories in love and the most crushing defeats, so as not to step on the same rake again.

On other days, luck smiles on you: you will be able to overcome many obstacles joint forces. For lonely Aquarius, there will be a period of temporary calm. Astrologers do not advise quickly looking for a person who can fill the void in your heart.


For Pisces, Neptune will be the guiding star, strengthened by its presence in your constellation. The patron planet will remain strong and positive. However, in order to succeed in love, you will have to understand your true desires and motives.

The most negative and unsuitable day for attracting love will come on October 10th. Astrological tendencies will be against all initiatives aimed at strengthening personal relationships. The remaining days should be devoted to development love union. Pay attention to vague hints - they contain the genuine feelings of your lover.

Your love is a house of cards that can collapse from any blow, any wrong move. Try to be extremely careful when building new floors and adding another deck to your work of art. And think about it. How to make your shared masterpiece more durable.

Fortune favors Taurus today - the family idyll will not be disturbed by almost anything. Everyone will be happy and occupied with something. However, if you are not entirely sure of the intelligence of your family members, do not leave them unattended - no matter what they do.

Your happiness today is in your loved one. Only by making him smile sincerely will you be able to realize that your soul is light and sunny. Unfortunately, you will have to forget about selfishness, even reasonable ones. Everything is for the benefit of your other half - at least for the sake of your own well-being!

Today, your loved one will not need much effort to understand you and your passions. He will cope with this simple task even faster than you, which will incredibly surprise you. However, try to do your best not to open up to him right away.

a lion
Today your loved one will want to capture your imagination, and he will make every effort to do so. And although you are firmly confident that your imagination is extremely stable and is not in danger of defeat, it is possible that your soul mate will really try too hard.

A sad day that may well make you remember sad story Romeo and Juliet. On your path to happiness, the most absurd obstacles will arise, created mainly by family and friends. Don't let any demands from your family make you cancel your date!

Today it will be quite difficult for you to decide on a certain step that will globally change your personal life, as well as the personal life of your loved one. In any case, you will have to do this, if only because otherwise your relationship with him could turn into a rather sad looking swamp.

You definitely won't be bored today! The stars guarantee this. Your soulmate will arrange one for you have a fun life that you will desire mercy and peace. And your wish will be fulfilled, but, alas, not today. You'll have to enjoy the frantic rhythm of this day. Nothing more remains...

For Sagittarius today, the main problem will be financial: they will have to think about how to spend a large sum of money (probably they were given a bonus at work or GDP doubled in one day). Discuss this with your spouse and decide whether it is better to buy new car(you can wash it) or put it aside for a trip to some exotic country(to Mongolia, for example).

Today, every effort will be given to you with incredible difficulty. Is it worth trying to be nice if it shows such tension on your face? It is unlikely that they will be offended by you. Try not to catch the eye of your loved one.

Happiness is in simple things. In fact, everything that happens to you is a little magic that you are so used to that you don’t notice it at all. But in vain. Tomorrow everything can change so much that you will remember today with nostalgia. Appreciate the simple magical things around you. Appreciate your loved one. Appreciate it.

On this day, your loved one will behave quite strangely and unusually. So much so that sometimes you won’t believe that it’s really him and not his double. It is unknown what could have happened to him, but the fact remains: today you will have to put up with this incarnation of him and believe that one day everything will return to normal.

Horoscope provided by the site

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Today you shouldn’t get too carried away with flying “in your dreams and in reality”; don’t forget that family problems and issues won’t wait until you’ve spent your time in dreamland. It is possible that your significant other will require maximum attention from you to their person. So, get ready for a very active and meaningful day.

  • (21.04-21.05)

    Try to resort to the help of your loved one, perhaps he will tell you ways to shortest achievement positive results at work. Don’t be mistaken that you can cope with all family problems; decisions on some issues are best made collectively, otherwise you may make a mistake.

  • (22.05-21.06)

    Today it is possible that relations with your significant other may worsen, so do not overstep the line of what is permissible. It will be quite difficult to combine work and communication, but everything is in your hands. It is possible that support from loved ones and friends will help you feel in yourself labor force and stay positive.

  • (22.06-22.07)

    Take a more careful approach to solving family problems, and do not forget to listen to your family, and it won’t hurt to think carefully about their words. You may have to change your point of view, don't be afraid of change. It is better to spend the evening in the company of your relatives, invite guests, it has been a long time since you communicated with your relatives.

  • (23.07-23.08)

    Make sure today that your significant other can spend this day as interesting as possible, enough of the gray monotony of everyday life. Make a good plan for this evening and find enough time so that you too can participate in the upcoming family activities, everyone will be very happy about it.

  • (24.08-23.09)

    Somehow today your significant other is in a rather gloomy mood, try to avoid a quarrel, otherwise if you start grumbling in response, a real storm will definitely break out. Come up with an interesting activity for the evening, there is no point in sitting at home, and if you don’t want to go anywhere, then at least invite guests.

  • (24.09-23.10)

    You can make any plans for tonight, your significant other will willingly join you and approve of your choice of entertainment for today. You shouldn’t stay at home, there are so many interesting things going on around you, and you’re in just the right mood to attend some social event.

  • (24.10-22.11)

    To smooth out the rough edges in your relationship with your loved one, try to take on a new business or project together. Perhaps it will even be an apartment renovation. To establish a favorable atmosphere in the family, try to make decisions only collectively, involving children and older relatives, because a joint creative process can bring the whole family closer.

  • (23.11-21.12)

    It is better to solve family problems as quickly as possible, the main thing is that there is a desire and positive attitude. Purposeful work on yourself will help you eliminate conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships with relatives, and an interest in communication will bring you closer, especially with the younger generation and your significant other.

  • (22.12-20.01)

    No matter how much energy your household chores take away from you, find some more time for communication. You need to discuss the many accumulated today pressing home problems. Gather all household members in one place and do not let anyone leave the room until you have solved at least half of them. Then they themselves will thank you for it.

  • Aries
    Water will have a very beneficial effect on you. You don't have to swim, just look at it. It’s better, of course, in pleasant company.

    Today your loved one will want to be very romantic, and he will make every effort to be so. I would like to believe that he will do it quite naturally, and the new image will harmoniously fit into the concept of the personality to whom you are not indifferent.

    If you have any reason to be jealous, discuss the current situation with your loved one. Let him answer you honestly whether you have a competitor, and he has a contender for your place. Just before you start asking questions, think: do you really want to know the truth?

    Today is your day of creativity. Come up with some symbol of your relationship. Draw a coat of arms. Compose a hymn. Write down the charter. Joint creativity will bring you together, you will get to know each other in unexpected ways. new side. And have a lot of fun - that's for sure!

    a lion
    Today your loved one will want to become even closer to you, even dearer, even more necessary. He will make every possible and impossible effort for this. And you try to encourage him on the difficult path towards you, so that this path does not seem so difficult and thorny to him.

    Look out the window. Don't you really like what you see there? This means it’s time to make the world around you a little better. Raise your family to a small cleanup day - and the results of your efforts will not be too noticeable - they will be, and this is the main thing.

    Today it will be very difficult for your loved one to improve your mood, even if it seems to you that he will have to make almost no effort to do this. Try to do everything possible to ensure that his attempt is crowned with success. A lot depends on you too.

    Today you will be jealous of your loved one for his past, which will be completely wrong. If it were really dear to him, he would remain in it by hook or by crook, and since everything has passed - the page has turned - there is no point in turning it back anymore.

    Today you really want to promise your loved one anything, even the moon from the sky! Unfortunately, he will take your words very literally, so he will have to get the moon by hook or by crook. Just like everything else. Otherwise, insults and disappointments cannot be avoided.

    Capricorns, today your internal energy must find a way out. But not in a scandal, if possible - if all the Capricorns of the world simultaneously start making scenes for their families, the heavens could easily fall to the ground, knocked down by an acoustic shock. We recommend sport games. With family, of course.

    Today it will not be easy for your loved one to communicate with you, since even you will not fully understand the logic of your words, and it will not be possible for a stranger to do so. Maybe it’s better to be simpler and more accessible - will you achieve greater results?

    Your relationship is needed first of all by you and your loved one, and only then by your numerous relatives and friends. Therefore, build them today in accordance with your knowledge and ideas about this process, without listening to anyone or following anyone’s advice.

    Horoscope provided by the site

    Fortunately (or not), we are in mid-autumn. If you're still single (and haven't found your partner in September), do it in October. Others? Look for harmony in your relationships. Same month. For step-by-step tips, see the love horoscope for October 2017 for all zodiac signs

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Aries


    Did you know that in love affairs, as in life, there is nothing more exciting than uncharted territory. It is precisely this territory that Aries will rush into on October 1-2. Applies to both lonely representatives of the sign and deeply busy ones. But lonely lambs will be pulled into the net of the unknown. Either you, or you... In short, they will tear you away with your hands.
    On October 5-6, concentrate. Especially during a date. If you are interested in your counterpart and what is happening at his work, then do not show what kind of mess is going on in your office.
    On October 10, 11 and 12, everything works out for you. Amazing days. But on October 18 and 19, 2017, problems are possible. Don't forget to wear a life jacket. Now is the time to start something new. October 24-25 are cool days. Again, start something new. October 30-31 will give you many pleasant moments in each other’s company.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Taurus

    According to the horoscope of amorous affairs, on October 1-2, Taurus will have an emotional streak. But of course you won't know. Taurus is also a partisan. And then, you only care about flirting. Yeah, exactly with this person. And this flirting bothers you so much, it’s fucked up!
    Relationships should bring joy. But (the stars advise), before you jump into the water, think: maybe you don’t need to run down the aisle after an accidental hookup.
    First find out what kind of thing this is, and only then give your heart, kidneys and liver. Remember: anger never excites. So, if someone is testing your nerves on October 5-6-7, try to distract yourself (for example, go for a run). On October 13-14, you are in romantic clouds, and your partner is happy. Are you (October 20-21) seriously going to stand your ground and insist on your own in terms of where to eat? All things considered, the answer is apparently “yes.” On October 26-27, representatives of the sign are overcome by passion; on October 30-31, a couple of yoga classes will not hurt you. .

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Gemini

    Most The best way find love - learn to love yourself. So do this on October 1-2. How? Maybe meditate. Or will you do yoga? Or maybe sit in a quiet, comfortable place and listen to your own emotions. What do they (emotions) tell you? How can you answer? At the very beginning of the month (by October 3-4), you will be captured by an old passion. Are you ready for cupids. And somewhere next to you there is someone who for a long time... WELL, YOU GET IT.
    Deal with problems in matters of the heart on October 8-9. If everything were that simple, then what would be the point? Obstacles on the road on October 13? Be happy about it.
    On October 15, 16, 17, your passion will tease you. And they pay you the same. On October 22-23, you shouldn’t hide your emotions behind chatter. Enchant your crush on October 28-29. They will be enchanted once or twice.
    October 31, remember: frustration and romance are opposites. So don’t frustrate in vain.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Cancers

    According to the horoscope of amorous affairs, in October the main thing is not to skimp on love and attention towards your passion. But on October 1-2, it’s better to spend time on yourself. And love yourself. If you are on pins and needles, how can you give love to another person. If work has exhausted you, you will begin to nod off on a date. You smell the trouble, right? Take some rest, and then you can indulge in romance.
    On October 8-9, positive energy will prepare you to take on the world (and you won't fall asleep during your date). Single representatives of the sign can go to an appointment on October 13-14. You'll almost certainly meet someone cool. October 18-19 are the most masterpiece days, your instincts are on top! AND love life Same!
    On October 24-25, keep your finger on the pulse on the home front. And take care of yourself on October 30-31. It never hurts, seriously.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Leo

    Leo was looking for love and romance? Well, it is love and romance that is looking for you on October 1-2. When you two (finally!) meet, the combination will be awesome!
    This novel will blow everything up. It's going to be a wild ride. Try to give your crush more personal space on October 7th. Ultra-control does not rhyme with ultra-romance. If increased intimacy develops between the two of you on October 13-14, you should not run away from it. It’s better to think about what’s wrong with you. And why. You will be calmer, by October 20-21 everything will be mega-cool. On October 25, you complement each other perfectly. Immerse yourself in your soulmate on October 30-31. This is exactly what they are waiting for.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Virgos

    Don't sweat like an eighth grader on October 1-2. You were invited on a date, but you can’t go because you promised Aunt Sonya blah blah. Tell everything honestly. If the passion is so cool, he will understand everything and reassign. And if your couple is not ready to compromise, find out now. Then, after a great date, it’s much more difficult to do this.
    If a person is normal, he will understand that other people in your life matter too. If not, the station is in that direction.
    On October 5-6, you need to be prepared for anything. And on October 13-14, Virgo will think that she has found a mate. October 18019 There is no need to rush into making decisions on the humanitarian front.
    Do you know what to do when it's time for cozy and romantic hugs? Well, October 22-23 are just such days. On October 28, you have to keep your promise. Otherwise, romance in the air on October 30-31 will fly past you.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

    Love is a playground, and romance is a natural carousel. Do you want something? Climb up. In October - that's for sure. Let go of your fears and jump. You’ll still land on a mattress, but first you’ll have to freak out. And then the swing begins, where you sit opposite each other and are afraid of getting upset. If one stands up suddenly, the other will end up on the ground and hit his head.
    Wherever you are on October 1-2 (building sand castles, swinging on a swing, or whatever), have fun. Life is a game, come and go.
    October 5-6 will become days positive emotions and romance. On October 13-14, you won’t be able to take your eyes off your pair. Do not lose your presence of mind (in the face of problems on October 18-19). On October 24-25, they really like you. Get yourself in order on October 30-31. You will shine and they will appreciate it!

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Scorpios

    There is time to think through every step and there is time to react to impulse. In life it’s worth thinking about everything, but in amorous matters it’s better to give in to impulse, he says love horoscope Scorpio.
    If you think too long, this chick will disappear into the fog. So think about it on October 1-2. When we're talking about there is no need to worry about amorous affairs. Need to do!
    By October 5-6, you will see the results of your courage.
    This may not be a relationship for life, but if you don’t try, you won’t know!
    On October 13-14, you need to seek, preserve or kindle love. On October 18-19, pay attention to your dreams! You have them for a reason. On October 24, Scorpio will be captured by Cupid. On October 26-27, expect messages from your passion.
    On October 31st, feel free to make a commitment.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Sagittarius

    On October 1-2, everyone thinks that Sagittarius should be torn off with his hands. You can give in, but don’t forget about your own wishes. Who do you want to be? And who do you want to be with? What does everyone have good relations in common? The main thing is good communication.
    This is the area to take up. October 5-6.
    And on October 13-14, turn up your communication to the maximum. If Sagittarius does not show what is in his heart, no one will know about it.
    On October 20-21, arrange a romantic trip for two. If a couple can't, go solo. And who cockroached this cool bouquet on October 28-29? Damn read the card! And you will understand everything. On October 31, you can safely introduce your crush to your friends.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Capricorns

    On October 1-2, Capricorn is in the mood for serious romantic things. Either throw pink petals at the feet of your passion, or bake a nice cake in her honor with the profile of your passion. You have a hell of a lot of ideas.
    Can't implement your ideas right now? Let's say you don't know each other yet... Remember (or write it down). When the time comes, don't forget to implement them!
    On October 3-4, romance is always somewhere nearby. No matter how you are overwhelmed by cupid on October 10-11-12, try to maintain a balance. Never ignore your crush's needs (but don't ignore your own!)
    On October 18-19 you need to work out well. Yeah, fitness. This stimulates romantic affairs. Your intellect will help charm your crush on October 25th.
    On October 30-31, you can expect some awesome victories on the amorous front.

    Love horoscope for October 2017 for Aquarius

    Where others see obstacles, Aquarius sees opportunity. This is exactly the case on October 1st. Moreover, this applies to all areas of life (not only romantic). Is your couple in a bad mood? Wonderful! You will get to know her better. Aquarius doesn't have a partner anymore? Cool!
    Then you need to dig into yourself and get to know yourself. Your approach to life will help generate a lot of cool ideas. So bring them to life on October 5, 6, 7. Send your couple flowers at work! Bake a cake.
    Christmas trees, sing a serenade in her honor.
    On October 10, 11, 12, do as you see fit.
    On October 15, 16, 17, Aquarius will have so many romantic opportunities. Take advantage of them. Your couple will definitely like it.
    Consider your significant other's feelings on October 20th and 21st. Ask yourself on October 26, whether the romantic sphere has overwhelmed you so much that there is no light in professional life netuti?
    Damn, go to fitness on October 31st, you damn romantic!

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