People interact with each other. Human interaction with other people. The uniqueness of human interaction

Lesson notes

Subject: The art of pantomime

Target: Introduce students to the art of pantomime through exercises and games.


Summarize and systematize the presentation of the concepts “pantomime”, “facial expressions”, “gesture”, “emotion”;

To develop expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions in children;

To teach by means of facial expressions and gestures to convey the most character traits any character;

Develop stage culture;

Formation of the ability to work in a team.

Methodological equipment:

-teaching methods: verbal method (conversation, story); practical (exercises, studies); gaming (game)

-inventory, props: chairs, task cards, board, crayons.

1.Organization of work space

Students sit on chairs in a semicircle.


Hello guys. I am very glad to see you today!

3.Emotional mood for the lesson

Today we will start our lesson in an unusual way. I invite you to play with the magic pen! At your request, it can turn into any object, but not a simple object. By passing it on, you convey a piece of your warmth. This way you and I will be charged with a positive mood for the whole day! And I give the first participant not a pen, but a magical, cheerful pipe. Play this pipe for us! (the first participant takes a pen and pretends to play the pipe). Thanks a lot! What will you give to your neighbor along with a piece of good energy? (Then the children pass the “magic object” around the circle, naming its new purpose)

4.Communication of the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Tell me, guys, when a person is happy or, on the contrary, upset when he sees something amazing or scary and incomprehensible, what helps him express his emotions?

Students: facial expressions, gestures.

Of course, these are facial expressions and gestures. After all, our face and body are as plastic and changeable as our mood. Tell me, guys, are there actors who do not use words at all, but only gestures and facial expressions?

And who is it?

Right. And, therefore, today we will talk specifically about pantomime: about how and when this art appeared, what significance pantomime has now and, of course, we will also try to be mimes and learn to show our mood through facial expressions.

1. Studying the history of the development of pantomime.

Once in ancient times, the Armenian king Tiridates visited Rome. They received him solemnly and magnificently, wanting to make him their true friend. When Tiridates was preparing to return, the ruler of Rome, Nero, invited his new ally to choose any gift. And then King Tiridates asked for a gift of an actor whom he had seen in the theater. Without words, only with gestures and facial expressions, he was able to express absolutely everything! King Tiridates explained his choice by the fact that in his country people speak many languages ​​and dialects and often have to use the services of an interpreter. And this actor would become a “universal” means of communication. This is how pantomime emerged as an independent art.

So what is pantomime? (Students answer)

In scientific terms, Pantomime is a miniature without text, performed by a group of artists or one artist.

But on this moment It is extremely rare to find mime actors. Basically, as an independent act, pantomime exists on the stage, and not in the theater. In theatrical art, pantomime now exists as aid, helping to create only some scenes.

2. Mastering the concept of “Emotion”. The relationship between emotional state and facial expressions.

Guys, what is an emotion? (Answer) Emotion- a manifestation of affective life, usually accompanied by a pleasant or painful state of consciousness. Emotion is anxiety of varying depth, imbalance. This anxiety can be strong, entailing increased animation (for example, anger, enthusiasm), or, conversely, a decline in animation (for example: fear, love “at first sight”). Emotion thus acts either as a stimulant or, conversely, causes numbness.

And now we will show you these emotions.

Exercise “Show the emotion”

Each of you now needs to demonstrate one or another emotion, which will be depicted on the card that you draw. And the task of the audience is to guess what kind of emotion it was, and of course, at the end of the performance, to applaud the speaker.

Well done, you did a great job!

Facial expressions- (from the Greek μιμιχοζ - imitator) - “expressive movements of the facial muscles, which are one of the forms of manifestation of certain human feelings”

Thus, facial expressions are a direct expression of our feelings and emotions. It can be carried out naturally, or it can be artificially created, through the efforts of the actor, for a more authentic state on stage, as one of expressive means.

Gesture- hand movements accompanying the actor’s speech or replacing it

And now a small task. You need to use facial expressions and gestures to show the proposed expressions, and the audience will guess.

1. I bought this watermelon.

2. Such a tiny bubble.

3. Ugh, how disgusting!

4. Well, I don't know!

5. Everything is fine!

Exercise “Pass the mask.”

Now let’s imagine that we are going on a long hike to the land of masks. You will walk along the roads of this country, and I will tell you the emotion and the part of the body with which you will convey the emotion to me.

Performing the exercise:

Now please tell me:

Sadness through the hands;

Pride through the back;

Joy through the face;

Fear through the hands;

Joy through hands;

Joy through the legs;

Surprise through hands;

Thoughtfulness through the face.

So, guys, we learned what emotions, facial expressions, gestures and pantomime are. Now we will move on to the practical lesson.

3. Practical lesson

You all know Russian folk tale"Kolobok" And now your task is to act out a sketch based on this fairy tale, but you will have to do this without words, but only using facial expressions, gestures and emotions. That is, play a pantomime.

Preparation time 15 minutes.

Demonstration of the sketch.

Well done boys! That's all for today. Now let's evaluate how you learned the material you studied today. A three-story apartment building is drawn on the board. Draw yourself in the window depending on how you understood and remembered everything. If you understand and remember everything well, then draw yourself on the highest floor, if you don’t remember and understand the studied material very well, on the second floor, and if you don’t understand or remember anything at all, then on the lowest floor.

Thanks guys! Goodbye!

Tatyana Kolchenogova

These exercises are aimed at learning the concept pantomimes and gestures. Helps develop attention and empathy.

Exercise 1. "Greetings"

When performing this exercise, children must come up with new way say hello to each other.

Exercise 2. "Memories"

In this game task, an adult must ask suggestive questions, Related "magical" means of understanding.


“What means of ‘magical’ understanding do you remember?”

“How can we know about a person’s mood if we don’t see his face or hear his voice?” (pantomime)

After this, children should greet each other only with gestures.

Exercise 3. "Guess who?"

This game develops sensory and tactile images.

All children will take turns participating. First, one person from the group is selected, he steps aside and closes his eyes. Then one of the guys comes up to him and extends his hand. The driver with his eyes closed tries to remember the hand, after which speaks: "All". After this, all the participants in the game extend their hands to him, and he must find "that", which just "remembered".

Exercise 4. « Magical forest»

This task helps to remove bodily barriers.

First, they choose a driver (in principle, everyone can drive in this game in turn, and all other participants stand in a close circle "Magical forest" and they do not allow the driver to go into the middle. But "forest" can hear and speak, he does not let ignoramuses and rude people through. Therefore, to go to the center, you need to ask very nicely and kindly.

After the game, children should definitely discuss when "forest" lets in and when not.

Exercise 5. "Theater"

This exercise helps develop creativity in communication using pantomimes.

Children are invited to show how to walk (gait):

Young children who are learning to walk;

Old grandfather;

Little cheerful girl;

Grown-up girl (Mother);

An important man.

Children discuss the gait features of each of the characters.

Exercise 6. "Who are you?"

Aimed at expressing and understanding your feelings through touch.

Each of the game participants will take turns driving. He steps aside and closes his eyes. After that, one of the guys approaches him and tries to express his feelings with touches. After this he returns to his place. The driver’s task is to guess who touched him and what feeling he was trying to show.

Exercise 7. "Fun Zoo"

This exercise is aimed at developing pantomime and understanding of others.

Children are given pictures of animals. They choose and make their own wishes. After this, without words, only with the help of facial expressions and pantomimes, they must find their own kind. For example: children depicting monkeys must find each other using the images of these animals.

Exercise 8. "Roles and Situations"

To complete this task, children are divided into pairs and, with the help of "magical" words of understanding, facial expressions and pantomimes play out specific situations.

For example:

“You and your friend competed, you won and he lost. What will your actions be?

“What will you do if your toy is broken?”

"Grandma brought three apple: to you and your friend. How will you divide them? Why?"

“If you are late for an outing with friends, and the team for the game has already been assembled, and there is no place for you, what will you do?”

Exercise 9. "Conclusion"

After all the tasks are completed, the group must sum up the results. It should be remembered « good rules» And "magical" means of understanding.

To say goodbye, the children come up with a new way to say: "Goodbye".

Game exercises for the development of facial expressions and pantomimes!!!

Game exercises to develop facial expressions

“We ate a sour lemon” (children wince).

“They got angry at the fighter” (they move their eyebrows).

“We met a girl we know” (smile).

“They were scared of the bully” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide, open their mouth slightly).

“They were surprised” (raise their eyebrows, open their eyes wide).

“Offended” (dropping corners of lips).

“We know how to be cunning” (they blink now with their right eye, now with their left).

Thanks to these systematically conducted game exercises, facial expressions become more mobile and expressive, movements acquire greater confidence and controllability.

Game exercises to develop pantomime

Exercise “Happy – Sad Kitten”

The teacher asks all the children to turn into kittens, and then show the happy kittens when they are playing, then the sad kittens when they miss their mother. And finally, happy kittens again when they bought a new toy.

Exercise “Pantomime of a proverb”

The children are asked to pantomime the proverb:

    “Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf”

    “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either one,”

    "Don't look at the teeth of a gift horse"

    “A kind word also pleases the cat.”

Mimic cube; Mirror

The child uses facial expressions to depict emotional condition, schematically represented on the dropped edge.

What vegetable/fruit do children eat?

Children depict their emotional state with facial expressions as instructed by an adult. For example: “You bit into a sour lemon (sweet apple).” One child shows and the rest guess. For example: “Vova is eating an apple, which one?”

Who said that?

Based on the intoned phrase, children find the corresponding facial expression among the proposed pictures.

Choose a child

An adult reads A. Barto’s poems “Bunny”, “Bull”, “Bear”, “Horse” and asks the children questions. They choose the desired picture among images of a cheerful, sad, frightened, angry child.

Which of the guys abandoned the bunny?

Which of the guys was scared for the bull?

Which of the guys felt sorry for the bear?

Which guy loves his horse?


Children select pictogram cards with facial expressions corresponding to different emotional states.

The gnome was walking on the lawn and saw a bunny.

-What long ears you have! - exclaimed the gnome.

The gnome left the house and met the boy.

- Hello, boy! What a wonderful morning this is!

“Well, I’ll talk to everyone,” the boy muttered and moved on.

You can invite children to act out small scenes where it is necessary to emphasize the features of the situation with facial expressions. For example, depict how a child found huge mushroom and was surprised or scared by a lion in the zoo, and his mother calmed him down.

By forming a long, smooth, voiced exhalation in children, you need to begin working on developing intonation expressiveness.

Game exercises for forming statements

As you increase speech capabilities children, the content of games also changes. Now they include children's statements, colored intonation and facial expressions.

Mimic cube or Porepeat the phrase

Children repeat a phrase suggested or independently composed with the intonation that appears on the die or the intonation specified by the teacher.

Overheard Conversation

The pictures show leaves (snowflakes, etc.) with schematic drawings of various emotional states. Children look at them, recognize them and tell them what they think or feel.

For example, a sad car in the garage: “After a long journey, I’m standing dusty, dirty, and the owner left and forgot to wash me.” Fun car: “Now my master will come, and we will go on an amazing, joyful journey!”

Conversation in a basket

Children put on a “bracelet” with a picture of a vegetable or fruit with some kind of facial expression and, with the help of facial expressions and intonation, convey a conversation that corresponds to a given emotional state.

Forest commotion

(The children stand around the teacher.

The teacher reads poetry.

Interjections are pronounced by children. The teacher shows what the facial expression should be, what

there must be intonation.)

On a clear, warm spring day

A shadow fell on the bare forest.

Fear gripped the little bunny

- Ah, ah, ah:

– Scary kite in the sky

- Ah, ah, ah!

Run away faster and faster -

- Hey Hey hey!

Beware of evil claws

- Hey Hey hey!

Where there is a kite, there is trouble

- Yes Yes Yes!

A sharp beak is not nonsense

- Yes Yes Yes!

The hare hits a block of wood with its paw

- Ban, ban, ban!

(Children pretend to play on

Like a huge drum

- Ban, ban, ban!

An alarm signal flew over the ground

(The children scatter around the group and


Get off your feet quickly

Our website is aimed primarily at the practical side of developing stage skills. This explains the use of special games and exercises in teaching to consolidate knowledge and train acting skills. The exercises presented below are aimed at developing not only a specific professional quality, but also to improve a whole set of skills useful for transforming into a role. Many of these techniques and exercises were used by the world's leading actors to develop their acting talent.

Expressiveness exercises: pantomimes and dramatizations

A sense of truth and expressiveness are essential to any actor's skill. It is these qualities that help actors hear the cherished word “I believe” from the director. Actors need to develop expressiveness and believability in order to become understandable to their audience, to properly convey to them the idea of ​​a theatrical work. There are special techniques and exercises for this.

Pantomime. Pantomime is a type of stage art in which the main means of creating an artistic image is plastic human body without using words. Well-known games are great for performing exercises with pantomime: Crocodile, Activity, Alias. The goal of such games is to use pantomime and without words to try to explain the hidden object, phenomenon or phrase to other players so that they guess. Not only is this a great way to practice expressiveness, it's also a lot of fun, so give it a try!

Dramatization of the proverb. To cope with this task, you can use not only the capabilities of your body, but also your words. The purpose of the exercise is to play a short scene illustrating a well-known proverb in such a way as to convey its meaning to the playing partners or spectators as clearly as possible. Possible examples of proverbs: “Mark seven times - cut once”, “A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare”, etc.

Exercise "Words starting with..."

Within a minute, try to name as many things as possible that are now in the room with you and begin with the letter: “K.” The letter “P”... And the letter “B”?

Count how much you got. If you try, you can name more than 50 things, or even more than 100. To help you complete this exercise as effectively as possible, we suggest paying attention to certain groups surrounding items that you may have forgotten to include.

You may also find a creative thinking training lesson on developing your imagination useful. In this lesson you will find various tips and exercises that will be relevant for developing your acting abilities.

Exercise “Repeat”

Any aspiring actor needs his own reference point, an example to follow. Unlike the times of Stanislavsky, we now have at our disposal a huge variety of examples of domestic and foreign acting art, easily accessible on the Internet. We just need to open YouTube, download a movie with the character we need and try to repeat his emotions and speech.

To perform the exercise, turn on the video and start copying the pose, facial expressions, gestures, and movements of your model. If possible, copy your voice, intonation, and speech. It will be difficult at first, but the more you rehearse, the better you will get. Of course, it is impossible to do everything exactly as your character does, try to be as similar as possible: pay attention to all the details, the typical manner of performance, the emotions experienced.

The video below illustrates how famous comedian Jim Carrey performs this exercise on stage.

Acting fantasy exercise “Think it through”

During a trip to public transport try to come up with a name, biography or other details for strangers who travel with you based solely on their appearance. Pay attention to even the smallest details and try to come up with a rationale for every detail appearance observed person.

These exercises are aimed at developing the creative thinking and imagination of the actor, for whom a rich imagination is one of the most important components of success. In order for the viewer to believe in your game, you yourself must convince yourself for some time that you are your character and living his life. Stanislavsky called an actor’s ability to create his character and get used to his role as the art of experience, which you can read about in this lesson of our training.

From proposed circumstances to role

In this exercise, based on the hero’s known life circumstances, you need to think of his character and imagine his emotional state. We can say that this exercise is the opposite of the previous one. To complete it, try to imagine how certain life circumstances influenced the hero, his behavior, emotions, words. Try to describe or even show a person who:

  1. I haven’t slept for a long time and I’m very tired from doing difficult work.
  2. Yesterday I received a promotion and a new salary that was 2 times more than the previous one.
  3. He received the superpowers of a real superhero; now he can fly, climb walls, and shoot webs with his wrist.
  4. I just lost my entire fortune at roulette.
  5. He watches a boring acting performance while his favorite football team is playing a football match on TV.

Concentration exercises

Concentration is very important for an actor. There are many factors around us that influence our behavior, thoughts and emotions. If you want to play your role well, you need to learn not to be distracted by external stimuli. In addition, it is important to be able to quickly get ready and tune in to the subject of your transformation. There are a number of techniques and exercises to develop acting attention.

Countdown. Close your eyes and count from 100 to 1 silently. Try to count at the same pace and not too fast. Breathe evenly and concentrate on the numbers, try to visualize them.

Concentration on the subject. Sit comfortably and concentrate your gaze on one object, for example, the hand of a clock hanging on the wall. Try to throw extraneous thoughts out of your head and think only about the arrow.

There are also special techniques for improving concentration, a video of one of which you can watch below, starting at the 4th minute:

Do these exercises to train your ability to concentrate quickly, but remember that for mindfulness, sometimes it is useful to simply get enough sleep and clearly identify the object of concentration. Other useful tips You can read how to be attentive in a special lesson.

Exercise “Changing Roles”

In life, we often play different roles, finding ourselves in different circumstances. If we want to develop our acting talent, it is important for us to learn to manage our emotions while playing a wide variety of roles. After all, all these skills are the professional craft of an actor, which he must have at the highest level.

To practice emotional control and the ability to quickly change roles, try next exercise. Say the same phrase several times (for example, “Dear friends, it was not in vain that I gathered you here”), from the perspective of different characters: a little girl, her mother, an elderly person, a businessman, a famous artist, a president. Try to find the features of each of them; for this, the phrase can be slightly modified by adding typical speech techniques each character. In addition, you can try saying a phrase on behalf of the same character, but in different emotional states.

For this exercise, it is useful to use the techniques we have already described, which you can find in lessons on public speaking and the craft of acting.

Improvisation Exercises

Improvisation - this is the work of the actor to create a stage image, action and his own text during the performance, not according to a pre-created script. With the help of improvisation it is easy to test how skillfully you possess the qualities of a real actor. As a rule, in life we ​​have to play spontaneous, unrehearsed roles, so training improvisational skills is relevant not only for professional actors. Exist various modifications improvisation and exercises to improve the ability to perform without preparation:

"Endless". The objective of this exercise is that you need to continuously deliver a monologue on a specific topic for 3-5 minutes without preparation. Pauses should be minimal, and your presentation should sound so convincing that listeners think that you are delivering a prepared speech. Topics can be different: start with subjects that are familiar to you, and then move on to unfamiliar or completely unknown topics. Aerobatics is a monologue without a theme at all.

"Interview". Another type of improvisation is an interview. Ask your friend or colleague to prepare a series of questions for you. Questions should be unexpected and open-ended, that is, requiring a detailed answer, and not just “yes” or “no.” Try to answer the questions posed quickly, confidently and in as much detail as possible, convincingly defend your opinion and express your emotions as clearly as possible.

With reference to words. Choose 20-30 words that are distantly related to each other. Write each word on a separate piece of paper or card. After this, you can begin an improvised speech, pulling out words in random order and linking them into a coherent story, being sure to use each of the written words in your speech.

A set of diction exercises

The ability to speak clearly and intelligibly is the most important quality any actor. To practice diction you can use special exercises aimed at development speech apparatus and respiratory organs. You can find some of these exercises in a special lesson on rhetoric, as well as in the video we posted below.

Association chains

This game is aimed at developing associative thinking.

First, you will be asked to complete ten chains of 3 words with your association. Try to come up with an association that is very well connected with the proposed words, but with no others.

After completing the chains, you need to find the extra elements in the previously constructed chains. Click "Start" to start the game.


There are a lot of acting exercises, but the most important thing is this practical use these techniques on stage and in life. It allows you not only to hone the necessary skills, but also to learn how to work in real conditions with real spectators. If you suddenly have a unique opportunity to play a role in a school play or New Year's corporate party, under no circumstances give up on it, but boldly get down to business. In addition, our usual life often offers us new roles:

  • Yesterday's graduate student becomes a teacher.
  • An ordinary manager turns into a great speaker during a presentation.
  • Meeting new people helps you discover new qualities in yourself and show your best side.
  • And many others.

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