Prayer to St. Nicholas, changing life for the better. Prayer to Nicholas for the gift of children. Mother's prayers to the saint

Many of you probably want to change your life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, for the better. Don't know how to do this? As you know, there are things that we cannot change; we need help from above. This article is dedicated to Saint Nicholas (Myra) the Wonderworker, beloved by believers.

This saint of God became famous among not only Orthodox Christians, but also Catholics. Therefore, he is revered in many countries around the world. Christians can read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with deep faith for 40 days or more, depending on the circumstances. Let's take a closer look at when and for how long you can offer your petitions to the saint of God, whether you need to prepare and how to behave during prayer.

Brief information about St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas lived in the city of Myra in the 3rd century AD. He was a very pious and pious man. IN mature age The Lord called him to serve the people and also perform miracles. It was precisely due to the fact that many healings were witnessed, troubles were prevented, innocent people were freed through the prayers of the saint to the Lord, people during his lifetime and at all times turned to him for help.

We can briefly cite three events that are mentioned in the life of the saint: the release of prisoners from prison, salvation from drowning at sea, and the marriage of three daughters of a poor man.

That is why in Orthodox tradition It is customary to pray to St. Nicholas for a safe journey, marriage, and in case of any dangers.

How to pray

It is customary to pray in secret outside the church or in the temple, but not during divine services (with the exception of the prayer service and akathist to St. Nicholas). You need to have before you a canonical text that clearly reflects what should be asked of God and His saints. You should read the words very carefully, delve into their meaning, and make them your prayer.

Only after reading it can you formulate personal requests as your heart dictates. But at the same time, it is important to understand that everything is the will of the Lord. And the saint, through his intercession before God, will certainly arrange everything in a way that will be better not only for the one praying. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, read for 40 days, can be perceived each time more tangible by the human heart, it can teach you to live exactly as you need to.

How to understand prayers

Read the first line invoking the name of the saint. It says that he is a “first aider.” It is advisable to pronounce these words with deep faith that he will soon help you too. Next, we realize our sinfulness, and also repent in despondency. We must know that the Lord punishes us for our ungodly deeds and bad thoughts. For life to change for the better, we must change. The prayer ends with us asking for mercy from God so that after death a heavenly life will be given.

How to prepare

Preparation is very important when praying for a long time. You should approach the priest in the church (preferably after confession), explain to him the whole situation and ask for a blessing on prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Whether to read for 40 days or not, you also need to find out from the priest. But usually experienced and pious church ministers do not give clear recommendations on the number of days. As long as you need, you will pray for as long as you need.

After the blessing, you need to purchase a book of prayers behind a candle box or in an Orthodox bookstore if you don’t have the canonical text at home. You should read standing or on your knees, turning your face to the icon. If there is no image of the saint, then you can pray without it, the main thing is to understand to whom we are addressing.

Is it true that you need to read strictly for 40 days?

You can often hear from unchurched people that you need to read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker strictly for 40 days, no more, no less. But this myth should be dispelled because God does not count time. Exception: reading the Psalter over the deceased for 40 days. But you can and even need to pray all your life, but to whom, how much and how - a person must decide for himself or, what is better, with a confessor (a priest who is chosen by a believer as a spiritual mentor, a guide in pious life and in preparation for eternal life).

Read the prayer as much as the priest advises you, or according to life circumstances. Sometimes people, having received what they asked, give up prayer without thanking either God or the saint. You can't do that. So don't forget about gratitude. But it should not be material, but spiritual - reluctance to return to a sinful life, careful attitude to what the Lord sent.

The miraculous help of St. Nicholas to his contemporaries

You can cite a story that happened in Perm in 2009. Probably, many residents of the city remember the “crazy bus”, whose brakes did not work, but the transport was able to finish its fateful journey right in front of the monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Then the event ended without casualties. Even atheists agreed that a miracle had happened.

Not every person who receives what is requested will confirm that the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days. Reviews make it clear that everyone has their own time frame for fulfilling a request: some prayed for just one second, while others prayed for about five years. What is important here is not the number of days and months, but the presence of deep faith and hope that the Lord and His saints hear and will definitely help.

How the fate of the one praying will change

If a person tries to correct his life, not to sin, as God requires, then everything will change dramatically. Of course, troubles can continue due to God’s permission, but it is very important that the person himself becomes spiritually purer, kinder, and more sincere. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate (40 days) is just a myth that may not correspond to reality. After all orthodox prayer- this is not a spell or a mantra; here you need to change yourself, and not try to rearrange events.

It is the sincere intention to change for the sake of the Lord, the desire to pray to St. Nicholas as if to a close friend will help ensure that prayer is without counting. Often, changes in people occur unnoticed; only after months and years does a person realize that all wishes have been fulfilled, all prayers have been answered.

When will your request be fulfilled?

As mentioned earlier, a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days or more/less, depending on the situation. It is not recommended to predict exact dates execution of the request (except for events that must occur exactly on time, for example, defending a diploma with “excellent marks”).

Often, those who do not strive to quickly get what they want very quickly come to consolation, since their prayers have already been answered. And those who want to gain something right away have to pray for a very long time.

The Holy Fathers answer the question about the duration of prayer something like this: “Long prayer tests you, so you yourself will understand whether you really need what you are asking for or not.”

What if the request is not fulfilled within 40 days?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a believer knows that what he wants does not necessarily have to happen within forty days. But deep down he hopes for a miracle. Reviews about praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days say that such deadlines cannot always be met. To be more precise, many people lose count and don’t know how long they prayed, since the act of communicating with God and the saints is important to them.

Sometimes they ask how many times a day to read. It should be remembered that prayer is not a pill prescribed by a doctor. You can read as much as your heart desires during the day. But attention to prayer and sincerity are important.

What to do if you missed one or more days

It is worth dispelling another myth associated with prayers to St. Nicholas: if you miss one day, then you need to start counting again. In fact, none of this is true. After all, a person may have different circumstances in life under which he will not be able to devote time to prayer. The Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the heavenly powers do not need our reports on the work done in the form of dates and numbers; what is important for them is that we change, grow stronger in faith, and strive for salvation. After all, this is exactly what is said in the prayer to the beloved saint by many.

You learned that reading a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days is not always necessary. But if you have any doubts, we recommend that you contact an experienced priest or bishop. In addition, reading a prayer for more than one month will be impossible for some people for one reason or another. And a spiritually prepared Christian will most likely want to continue further, even after receiving what he asked for. It is only important to remember what the Lord says in the Gospel: “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Gospel of Matthew 7:7).

Many of you probably want to change your life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, for the better. Don't know how to do this? As you know, there are things that we cannot change; we need help from above. This article is dedicated to Saint Nicholas (Myra) the Wonderworker, beloved by believers.

This saint of God became famous among not only Orthodox Christians, but also Catholics. Therefore, he is revered in many countries around the world. Christians can read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with deep faith for 40 days or more, depending on the circumstances. Let's take a closer look at when and for how long you can offer your petitions to the saint of God, whether you need to prepare and how to behave during prayer.

Brief information about St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas lived in the city of Myra in the 3rd century AD. He was a very pious and pious man. In adulthood, the Lord called him to serve the people and also perform miracles. It was precisely due to the fact that many healings were witnessed, troubles were prevented, innocent people were freed through the prayers of the saint to the Lord, people during his lifetime and at all times turned to him for help.

We can briefly cite three events that are mentioned in the life of the saint: the release of prisoners from prison, salvation from drowning at sea, and the marriage of three daughters of a poor man.

That is why in the Orthodox tradition it is customary to pray to St. Nicholas for a safe journey, marriage, and in case of any dangers.

How to pray

It is customary to pray in secret outside the church or in the temple, but not during divine services (with the exception of the prayer service and akathist to St. Nicholas). You need to have before you a canonical text that clearly reflects what should be asked of God and His saints. You should read the words very carefully, delve into their meaning, and make them your prayer.

Only after reading it can you formulate personal requests as your heart dictates. But at the same time, it is important to understand that everything is the will of the Lord. And the saint, through his intercession before God, will certainly arrange everything in a way that will be better not only for the one praying. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, read for 40 days, can be perceived each time more tangible by the human heart, it can teach you to live exactly as you need to.

How to understand prayers

Read the first line invoking the name of the saint. It says that he is a “first aider.” It is advisable to pronounce these words with deep faith that he will soon help you too. Next, we realize our sinfulness, and also repent in despondency. We must know that the Lord punishes us for our ungodly deeds and bad thoughts. For life to change for the better, we must change. The prayer ends with us asking for mercy from God so that after death a heavenly life will be given.

How to prepare

Preparation is very important when praying for a long time. You should approach the priest in the church (preferably after confession), explain to him the whole situation and ask for a blessing on prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Whether to read for 40 days or not, you also need to find out from the priest. But usually experienced and pious church ministers do not give clear recommendations on the number of days. As long as you need, you will pray for as long as you need.

After the blessing, you need to purchase a book of prayers behind a candle box or in an Orthodox bookstore if you don’t have the canonical text at home. You should read standing or on your knees, turning your face to the icon. If there is no image of the saint, then you can pray without it, the main thing is to understand to whom we are addressing.

Is it true that you need to read strictly for 40 days?

You can often hear from unchurched people that you need to read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker strictly for 40 days, no more, no less. But this myth should be dispelled because God does not count time. Exception: reading the Psalter over the deceased for 40 days. But you can and even need to pray all your life, but to whom, how much and how - a person must decide for himself or, what is better, with a confessor (a priest who is chosen by a believer as a spiritual mentor, a guide in pious life and in preparation for eternal life).

Read the prayer as much as the priest advises you, or according to life circumstances. Sometimes people, having received what they asked, give up prayer without thanking either God or the saint. You can't do that. So don't forget about gratitude. But it should not be material, but spiritual - a reluctance to return to a sinful life, a careful attitude towards what the Lord has sent.

The miraculous help of St. Nicholas to his contemporaries

You can cite a story that happened in Perm in 2009. Probably, many residents of the city remember the “crazy bus”, whose brakes did not work, but the transport was able to finish its fateful journey right in front of the monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Then the event ended without casualties. Even atheists agreed that a miracle had happened.

Not every person who receives what is requested will confirm that the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days. Reviews make it clear that everyone has their own time frame for fulfilling a request: some prayed for just one second, while others prayed for about five years. What is important here is not the number of days and months, but the presence of deep faith and hope that the Lord and His saints hear and will definitely help.

How the fate of the one praying will change

If a person tries to correct his life, not to sin, as God requires, then everything will change dramatically. Of course, troubles can continue due to God’s permission, but it is very important that the person himself becomes spiritually purer, kinder, and more sincere. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate (40 days) is just a myth that may not correspond to reality. After all, Orthodox prayer is not a spell or a mantra; here you need to change yourself, and not try to rebuild events.

It is the sincere intention to change for the sake of the Lord, the desire to pray to St. Nicholas as if to a close friend, that will contribute to the number of prayers. Often, changes in people occur unnoticed; only after months and years does a person realize that all wishes have been fulfilled, all prayers have been answered.

When will your request be fulfilled?

As mentioned earlier, a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days or more/less, depending on the situation. It is not recommended to predict the exact timing of the execution of the request (except for events that must occur exactly on time, for example, defending a thesis with “excellent marks”).

Often, those who do not strive to quickly get what they want very quickly come to consolation, since their prayers have already been answered. And those who want to gain something right away have to pray for a very long time.

The Holy Fathers answer the question about the duration of prayer something like this: “Long prayer tests you, so you yourself will understand whether you really need what you are asking for or not.”

What if the request is not fulfilled within 40 days?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a believer knows that what he wants does not necessarily happen within a certain period of time, but in the depths of his soul he hopes for a miracle. Reviews about praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days say that such deadlines cannot always be met. To be more precise, many people lose count and don’t know how long they prayed, since the act of communicating with God and the saints is important to them.

Sometimes they ask how many times a day to read. It should be remembered that prayer is not a pill prescribed by a doctor. You can read as much as your heart desires during the day. But attention to prayer and sincerity are important.

What to do if you missed one or more days

It is worth dispelling another myth associated with prayers to St. Nicholas: if you miss one day, then you need to start counting again. In fact, none of this is true. After all, a person may have different circumstances in life under which he will not be able to devote time to prayer. The Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the heavenly powers do not need our reports on the work done in the form of dates and numbers; what is important for them is that we change, grow stronger in faith, and strive for salvation. After all, this is exactly what is said in the prayer to the beloved saint by many.

You learned that reading a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days is not always necessary. But if you have any doubts, we recommend that you contact an experienced priest or bishop. In addition, reading a prayer for more than one month will be impossible for some people for one reason or another. And a spiritually prepared Christian will most likely want to continue further, even after receiving what he asked for. It is only important to remember what the Lord says in the Gospel: “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Gospel of Matthew 7:7).

Christians are not fatalists, so we do not believe in the inevitability of fate.

– Archpriest Sergei Vasin

Reader question: Please tell me, is there a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate? All my life I have been haunted by failures. It seems to me that I have such an unlucky fate. But I heard that prayers to St. Nicholas work miracles...

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing fate: the opinions of priests

Archpriest Sergius Vasin: Saints are our intercessors before God

rector of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in the village Bobyakovo, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region

Christians are not fatalists, so we do not believe in the inevitability of fate. If everything was already predetermined, there would be no point in living a spiritual life: keeping the commandments, praying. But the fact of the matter is that we are trying to lead a spiritual life. It is important for us so that, in collaboration with God, we can build our lives (change our destiny?) in such a way as to unite with Him and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, to carry on the work of saving our own soul.

– How can we change our fate in eternity, our fate after death?

Only by turning to the Lord. Only He can change all circumstances if there is our good will. That is, neither He can save us without our participation, nor can we change our destiny without His help.

– How should you pray to change your destiny?

We pray and ask for mercy on us, because we know about our sins that it is they that lead to the death of the soul.

It happens that in this matter we take someone as our prayer partner, because the Lord said: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.” To this end, we ask our close believers to pray for us and about our fate. And we can turn to the saints with the same request.

And there is nothing unusual about this. As if at our work (firm or company, ministry or store - it doesn’t matter) we wanted an increase in wages, for this we would need to write an appeal addressed to the manager. But so that this document does not get lost and “works,” it would be good to have an intercessor close to the boss, whom he trusts and whose opinion he values. Then the likelihood of our case being considered increases greatly. It is precisely such intercessors for us that are the saints who, with their lives, pleased God and received the special grace of the Holy Spirit. So any saint can be our guarantor, the main thing is that we have trust in this saint of God, that our hearts are disposed towards him, that we know as much as possible about him and get used to turning to him with such requests.

And St. Nicholas is no exception. He is one of the most beloved saints in all christian church and even more so in Russia. Many people turn to him asking him to pray to the Lord for us. That is, it is not Saint Nicholas himself who changes human destiny, but he can, if it pleases God, intercede for us before God and life will begin to change. At the same time, it is worth understanding that the spiritual benefit of the latter is very important for the fulfillment of what is asked! Unfortunately, we often ask for things that are not really useful to us, but the Lord knows about this and is in no hurry to “grant our desire.”

– Is there a special prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that can change fate?

Any prayer to St. Nicholas can be a request for us. This can be any prayer from those that have already been “tested” in the Church, written many years ago by people who have the Spirit of God. And after reading such a prayer from the prayer book, we can, in our own words, from a pure heart, with sighing, ask St. Nicholas for our specific situation. It is important to understand that we do not turn to any saint with the request “save us,” because in this way we turn only to the Lord and Mother of God. We ask the saints differently - “pray to God for us.”

– Nevertheless, people often turn to St. Nicholas with a request to change their fate...

Maybe, we're talking about about the situation mortal danger– a person is drowning or on fire. Then he calls on St. Nicholas as an assistant, and he saves him from mortal danger. In this way we can talk about a change in fate: we should have died, but God prolongs our life. Everything is in the hands of God and everything is done by the Lord, even through the prayers of saints.

You can ask St. Nicholas for deliverance from sin, to stand on spiritual path– then our fate also changes. We were then unrepentant sinners going to hell during our lifetime, and now we are trying to take the spiritual path in the hope of eternal life.

– Why do people turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with such hope? Where does this faith in his “special prayer” and indispensable help come from?

I’m afraid there is also a pagan, non-Christian attitude, a certain “magism” here. But nevertheless, when a person, having special trust in Saint Nicholas, reads a prayer from the prayer book (particularly zealous ones can read the canon and/or akathist), and at the end formulates a personal request in his own words, this will be his spiritual effort in the right direction. You can also ask someone to pray together or at the same time (this prayer is called), and even order a prayer service in the temple and pray together with the priest and other parishioners.

But the most important thing is to understand that St. Nicholas is our saint Orthodox Church, and it is more convenient (more logical, more correct) for him to pray as a member of this Church. The mere fact of baptism is not enough for this; it is important to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Priest Nikolai Petrov: Only love changes fate

cleric of the Church of the Holy Blessed Tsarevich Demetrius at the First City Hospital in Moscow, teacher at the St. Dimitrievsky School of Sisters of Mercy and the St. Dimitrievsky Secondary School in Moscow

What changes in better side human destiny? There is only one answer - love. Our love shown to another. God's love for us.

So, of course, Saint Nicholas can change our destiny if we love him. And his love for people and God is evidenced by thousands of cases. The service even says to him that he “lend by the grace of God,” that is, he made God his “debtor” for all the deeds of mercy that the saint performed on earth.

Therefore, the best and most effective prayer to Saint Nicholas there will be one who expresses our love for him, trust, knowledge of his way of life and mercy. I would pray briefly: “Father Nicholas, help” or “Father Nicholas, protect.” We can add at the beginning what we already know about him: “Saint Nicholas, you saved the girls from sin, and save me from...” or “Nicholas the Pleasant, you delivered the soldiers from death, and save me from...”.

I, bearing the name of this great saint, often turn to him, for example, leaving my home and my family, with the following prayer: “Father Nicholas, stay here instead of me,” that is, I entrust my relatives to his protection, and so far, by the grace of God, my faith was not put to shame.

You can, of course, address a specific need in your own words. Like, for example, nun Tikhona from the Orenburg monastery, who, while still an unbaptized Jew, once began to drown while swimming and shouted: “Russian God, Nicholas, save me and I will become a Christian” (she even thought that the saint was God, seeing his veneration among the Russians). And another time, when she lost her father’s important bill of exchange, and the whole family had to suffer, she decided to go and drown herself, and even prayed like this: “Oh, Nikolai, saint, you could have written the bill of exchange, and I would certainly have been baptized! But where can you write a bill of exchange? This is impossible, and I must die." And suddenly a new bill appeared in her hand...

For those who want to pray in church words, I would advise reading.

The main thing is not to forget that we must honor the saint not only in words, but also in our lives to be like him, since we love him: to be more often in the church where he came first, and where he “scents the faces of the faithful,” as it is said in service, that is, our faces and in general makes all of us joyful, spiritually fragrant, happy.

Hieromonk Dimitry Pershin: from magism to monotheism

Hieromonk Dimitri (Pershin). Photo by Sergei Milov/Foma magazine

We do not always recognize the Author of those events that bring us peace, joy and resolution of problems. Very often, behind miracles, we do not notice God, who calls us to move further towards Him, growing in love. But you can create an idol out of anything, including St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Therefore, the Seventh Ecumenical Council gave a hammered formula: we worship only God, and we honor His saints, for they glorified God in their earthly life and abide with Him in eternal life. By themselves they cannot help us. But they intercede for us to the Creator. How a mother prays for her children, so that they are not given bad marks. How children ask for her prayers before a difficult exam. And, of course, maternal love does not fade away after death. And the mother also asks God for her children and beyond the line of time. And children also remember this love and trust in it. So are our saints: they take care of us here and keep us there. Not on their own, but turning to God.

Why is Saint Nicholas called the Pleasant and the Wonderworker?

Because in his earthly life he went through torment - and did not become embittered. In an era of persecution long years he had to be imprisoned for his faith in Christ. He did not betray like Judas, did not deny like Peter, did not lose faith like someone else, but went through all these sorrows, praying for the executioners and helping his neighbors. He became a bishop and continued to take care of people. He rescued those sentenced to death from trouble, helped out the poor, got the emperor to reduce taxes, in general, did everything that a Christian is called to do. But following Christ, bearing his cross, a person receives help from the Lord. And not only by his own strength, but inspired by grace, he fulfills the work of his life.

Having crossed the line of time, Saint Nicholas acquired this supreme boldness to intercede before God for the needs of people. And indeed, how necessary it is to love the most ordinary, far from perfect people during life, so that later, in which not only children play, which is natural, but, what is much more important, adults who love their children.

How to pray to St. Nicholas?

Firstly, at every liturgy in all Orthodox churches all Orthodox local Churches During the proskomedia we commemorate St. Nicholas in the ranks of the holy bishops. These are just a few selected names. And St. Nicholas is among them.

Secondly, we can order a prayer service to St. Nicholas for our needs or for our joy when our request was heard and everything was arranged. In the latter case, this prayer service will be called a thanksgiving service.

Thirdly, we can sing the troparion to St. Nicholas in the morning and evening, ending prayer rule. Fourthly, read the akathist to him. There is no digital magic in the veneration of saints. Some special magpies or year-round commemorations, which in themselves are like Magic wand from Dunno, they will do wonders for us.

Our own work, repentance, prayer, deeds of love, Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, even just the memory of Christ and the desire to live according to the truth of the Gospel - necessary condition beneficial changes.

Archpriest Alexy Spassky: I believe, Lord, help my unbelief

rector of the icon temple Mother of God“Merciful” at the Morozov Children’s Hospital in Moscow

The concept of “fate” with Orthodox faith somehow it doesn’t fit, so talking about changing fate through prayer is wrong. How is fate understood today? Like an inevitable fate, like a future independent of a person’s actions, predetermined for him and his loved ones.

We, Orthodox Christians, believe that man himself, through his actions, influences the future, that his own future and his loved ones jointly depend on him and God. Man is free - God gave him this gift of freedom. Therefore, there can be no predestination or hard “fate”, because this is unfreedom.

St. Nicholas, like any other saint, helps us if we sincerely ask him with prayer and faith, so that he supports us with his prayer to God for us. If a person thinks that much depends on the specific text of the prayer, he is mistaken. Any prayer that is in the prayer book or any other liturgical books about St. Nicholas may be suitable for reading. You can also pray in your own words. Faith is important.

Prayer with faith is when you ask and at the same time believe that what you ask will come true. And if you no longer have the strength to believe, then you say as in the Gospel the father of a sick boy asked: “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief.” And you continue to pray. Another parable - about an unrighteous judge - teaches us constancy in prayer: a woman asked daily about her case for a long time, and the judge finally agreed to help her not for the sake of mercy, but so that she would stop bothering him. If a person understands that he does not have the kind of faith that is described in the Gospel, in these parables, but has great trust in St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, then even such a small faith can be considered the beginning of the path. She will also be heard.

Archpriest Roman Batsman: Change destiny in eternity

rector of temples Life-Giving Trinity and the Resurrection of Christ at the Research Institute named after. Sklifosovsky, the house church of St. Luke Voino-Yasenetsky Science Center Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva

Fate is a polysemantic term that denotes both a person’s destiny in the heavenly and earthly aspects, and life path as the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of this ideal destiny, and God's providence, and fate as inevitability or predestination. According to Orthodox teaching, a person is free from this, and in general there is no fate or predestination.

Saint John Chrysostom says that the doctrine of fate (about fate) was sown by the devil (complete works, volume 2, book 2, “6 words about fate and providence”). The devil, as an opponent of all the best, especially love, if he cannot turn people away from prayers, then he tries to redirect this energy of people to himself, to distort the meaning of prayer. And this is easy to do if the attitude towards prayer is magical, like a spell.

This view is formed due to an incorrect approach to life as predetermined: and it is this “predestination” or destiny that a person tries to change with something more powerful, for example, spells or prayers in the form of spells or prayers that a person treats as spells, and not as a living communication, where the communication of love itself may be even more important than the result - the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of what was asked.

People often forget that saints are alive and expect a living attitude towards them.

God wants us all to be saved. And in this sense, all people have one destiny - to end up in the Kingdom of Heaven. Except this common destiny The personal destiny of all people can be varied. The saints help us on this path - they are God's friends. And of course, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who during his life helped so many people and arranged his path in such a way that he received from God the gift of helping other people even after his repose. But without our participation - spiritual struggle, repentance - St. Nicholas will not be able to help us. Through fulfilling the commandments of God, through prayer and participation in the sacraments and the humility that is born from them, we can receive healing in earthly life and, most importantly, change our destiny in eternity.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is important to remember that there is no magic set of words that changes fate. The Lord can change our lives if we pray about it. Our assistant in prayer is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker; we turn to him for prayerful support and intercession.

We can pray to Saint Nicholas in our own words; however, there are many prayers composed by people of holy life; we have collected these prayers for you here.

Troparion to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker

The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control of the teacher And you to your flock, I the truth of things. For this reason I acquired And high in humility, rich in poverty: O che sacred A Lnyche Nick O Yes, pray to Christ God to save And Xia shower A m ours..

First prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, throughout my life , deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Second prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-validated, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the crying, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, and peaceful Let us live our lives here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the praises of the one God worshiped in the Trinity forever and ever.


Third prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

O all-praised and all-pious bishop, great Wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, shining star and illuminating the whole universe: you are a righteous man, like a blossoming date planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Myra, you were fragrant with the world, and the myrrh flowed with the ever-flowing grace of God.

By your procession, holy father, the sea was illuminated, when your many-wonderful relics marched into the city of Barsky, from east to west praise the name of the Lord. O most graceful and wondrous Wonderworker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles, we glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, those who hunger for a feeder, those who cry are glad, the naked are clothed , the sick physician, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the nourisher and protector of widows and orphans, the guardian of chastity, the meek chastiser of infants, the old fortification, the fasting mentor, the toiling rapture, the poor and wretched abundant wealth.

Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High, and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers, everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and all, and every Christian country, and people living from all bitterness with your help: We know, we know that the prayer of the righteous can do much to hasten for good: for you, the righteous, according to the most blessed Virgin Mary, the representative to the All-Merciful God, imams, and to yours, most kind father, We humbly flow to warm intercession and intercession: protect us like a cheerful and good shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy, since we are unworthy to behold the heights of heaven, from the multitude of our iniquities, we are bound by the bonds of sin, and we have not done the will of our Creator nor have we preserved his commandments.

By the same token, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him: Help us, O Pleasant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our heart is in the right faith, in which, through your intercession and intercession, neither wounds, nor rebuke, nor pestilence, nor any wrath, will give me life in this century, and will deliver me from my standing, and will make me worthy to join all the saints.


With the help of this prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and faith in the miracle that it performs, a person can be healed of an incurable disease, avoid troubles, dramatically change his destiny for the better, and feel a surge of new strength, energy and vigor.

With the help of this prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and faith in the miracle that it performs, a person can be healed of an incurable disease, avoid troubles, dramatically change his destiny for the better, and feel a surge of new strength, energy and vigor.

Place an icon on a clean table, you can light a lamp. Start reading the prayer. Once in full voice. The second time, quieter, in a half whisper. The third time silently, to myself. Read the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker every day for 40 days, without missing a single day. If you happen to miss a day for any reason, start counting over again.

Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding myrrh to the whole world with much-valued mercy, and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you as my lover, blessed Saint Nicholas: but you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

An angel in the image of an earthly being by the nature of the Creator of all creation; Having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, born in the robes of angels, as pure in the flesh; Rejoice, baptized with water and fire, as though holy in the flesh. Rejoice, you who surprised your parents with your birth; Rejoice, you who revealed the strength of your soul at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of Jesus' paradise. Rejoice, thou land of heavenly destruction; Rejoice, myrrh of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; Rejoice for you bring joy. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, container of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling! Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light! Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; rejoice, kind people mentor! Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness! Rejoice, for through you we are delivered from bodily passions; Rejoice, for through you we are filled with spiritual sweetness! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!


Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, bestower of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, wishing good things to the planter. Rejoice, speedy consoler of those in trouble; Rejoice, terrible punisher of those who offend. Rejoice, abyss of miracles poured out by God; Rejoice, the tablet of the law of Christ written by God. Rejoice, strong construction of those who give; Rejoice, rightful affirmation. Rejoice, for through you all flattery is laid bare; Rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, greater helper of those who suffer! Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sin for those who wander; Rejoice, dew that does not flow in the heat of labor! Rejoice, thou who hast provided for those who demand prosperity; Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask! Rejoice, preface the petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs! Rejoice, the accuser of many errors from the true path; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for through you we trample on envy; Rejoice, for through you we correct a good life. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, take away from eternal misery; Rejoice, give us imperishable wealth! Rejoice, thou who art unperishing to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink to those who thirst for life! Rejoice, keep from rebellion and warfare; Rejoice, free us from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, most glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, illumination of the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, day of the never-setting sun! Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have extinguished the demonic flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, consuming heresies; Rejoice, O thunder who frightens those who seduce! Rejoice, true teacher of reason; Rejoice, mysterious exponent of the mind! Rejoice, for you have trampled upon the worship of the creature; Rejoice, for through you we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!


Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, everyone who flows to you has been taken away by the strong! Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health to our bodies and salvation to our souls! Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Oh, most bright and wonderful Father Nicholas, consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering, and beg the Lord to deliver us from Gehenna, through your God-pleasing intercession, so that with you we sing: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding myrrh to the whole world with much-valued mercy, and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you, my beloved, blessed Saint Nicholas: but you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Complete collection and description: Nicholas the Wonderworker, a prayer that is read for 40 days for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker. 40 days of prayer changes fate: reviews, text

Many of you probably want to change your life, as well as the lives of your loved ones, for the better. Don't know how to do this? As you know, there are things that we cannot change; we need help from above. This article is dedicated to Saint Nicholas (Myra) the Wonderworker, beloved by believers.

This saint of God became famous among not only Orthodox Christians, but also Catholics. Therefore, he is revered in many countries around the world. Christians can read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with deep faith for 40 days or more, depending on the circumstances. Let's take a closer look at when and for how long you can offer your petitions to the saint of God, whether you need to prepare and how to behave during prayer.

Brief information about St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas lived in the city of Myra in the 3rd century AD. He was a very pious and pious man. In adulthood, the Lord called him to serve the people and also perform miracles. It was precisely due to the fact that many healings were witnessed, troubles were prevented, innocent people were freed through the prayers of the saint to the Lord, people during his lifetime and at all times turned to him for help.

We can briefly cite three events that are mentioned in the life of the saint: the release of prisoners from prison, salvation from drowning at sea, and the marriage of three daughters of a poor man.

That is why in the Orthodox tradition it is customary to pray to St. Nicholas for a safe journey, marriage, and in case of any dangers.

How to pray

It is customary to pray in secret outside the church or in the temple, but not during divine services (with the exception of the prayer service and akathist to St. Nicholas). You need to have before you a canonical text that clearly reflects what should be asked of God and His saints. You should read the words very carefully, delve into their meaning, and make them your prayer.

Only after reading it can you formulate personal requests as your heart dictates. But at the same time, it is important to understand that everything is the will of the Lord. And the saint, through his intercession before God, will certainly arrange everything in a way that will be better not only for the one praying. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, read for 40 days, can be perceived each time more tangible by the human heart, it can teach you to live exactly as you need to.

How to understand prayers

Read the first line invoking the name of the saint. It says that he is a “first aider.” It is advisable to pronounce these words with deep faith that he will soon help you too. Next, we realize our sinfulness, and also repent in despondency. We must know that the Lord punishes us for our ungodly deeds and bad thoughts. For life to change for the better, we must change. The prayer ends with us asking for mercy from God so that after death a heavenly life will be given.

How to prepare

Preparation is very important when praying for a long time. You should approach the priest in the church (preferably after confession), explain to him the whole situation and ask for a blessing on prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Whether to read for 40 days or not, you also need to find out from the priest. But usually experienced and pious church ministers do not give clear recommendations on the number of days. As long as you need, you will pray for as long as you need.

After the blessing, you need to purchase a book of prayers behind a candle box or in an Orthodox bookstore if you don’t have the canonical text at home. You should read standing or on your knees, turning your face to the icon. If there is no image of the saint, then you can pray without it, the main thing is to understand to whom we are addressing.

Is it true that you need to read strictly for 40 days?

You can often hear from unchurched people that you need to read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker strictly for 40 days, no more, no less. But this myth should be dispelled because God does not count time. Exception: reading the Psalter over the deceased for 40 days. But you can and even need to pray all your life, but to whom, how much and how - a person must decide for himself or, what is better, with a confessor (a priest who is chosen by a believer as a spiritual mentor, a guide in pious life and in preparation for eternal life).

Read the prayer as much as the priest advises you, or according to life circumstances. Sometimes people, having received what they asked, give up prayer without thanking either God or the saint. You can't do that. So don't forget about gratitude. But it should not be material, but spiritual - a reluctance to return to a sinful life, a careful attitude towards what the Lord has sent.

The miraculous help of St. Nicholas to his contemporaries

You can cite a story that happened in Perm in 2009. Probably, many residents of the city remember the “crazy bus”, whose brakes did not work, but the transport was able to finish its fateful journey right in front of the monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Then the event ended without casualties. Even atheists agreed that a miracle had happened.

Not every person who receives what is requested will confirm that the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days. Reviews make it clear that everyone has their own time frame for fulfilling a request: some prayed for just one second, while others prayed for about five years. What is important here is not the number of days and months, but the presence of deep faith and hope that the Lord and His saints hear and will definitely help.

How the fate of the one praying will change

If a person tries to correct his life, not to sin, as God requires, then everything will change dramatically. Of course, troubles can continue due to God’s permission, but it is very important that the person himself becomes spiritually purer, kinder, and more sincere. A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate (40 days) is just a myth that may not correspond to reality. After all, Orthodox prayer is not a spell or a mantra; here you need to change yourself, and not try to rebuild events.

It is the sincere intention to change for the sake of the Lord, the desire to pray to St. Nicholas as if to a close friend, that will contribute to the number of prayers. Often, changes in people occur unnoticed; only after months and years does a person realize that all wishes have been fulfilled, all prayers have been answered.

When will your request be fulfilled?

As mentioned earlier, a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days or more/less, depending on the situation. It is not recommended to predict the exact timing of the execution of the request (except for events that must occur exactly on time, for example, defending a thesis with “excellent marks”).

Often, those who do not strive to quickly get what they want very quickly come to consolation, since their prayers have already been answered. And those who want to gain something right away have to pray for a very long time.

The Holy Fathers answer the question about the duration of prayer something like this: “Long prayer tests you, so you yourself will understand whether you really need what you are asking for or not.”

What if the request is not fulfilled within 40 days?

Unfortunately, it also happens that a believer knows that what he wants does not necessarily have to happen within forty days. But deep down he hopes for a miracle. Reviews about praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days say that such deadlines cannot always be met. To be more precise, many people lose count and don’t know how long they prayed, since the act of communicating with God and the saints is important to them.

Sometimes they ask how many times a day to read. It should be remembered that prayer is not a pill prescribed by a doctor. You can read as much as your heart desires during the day. But attention to prayer and sincerity are important.

What to do if you missed one or more days

It is worth dispelling another myth associated with prayers to St. Nicholas: if you miss one day, then you need to start counting again. In fact, none of this is true. After all, a person may have different circumstances in life under which he will not be able to devote time to prayer. The Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the heavenly powers do not need our reports on the work done in the form of dates and numbers; what is important for them is that we change, grow stronger in faith, and strive for salvation. After all, this is exactly what is said in the prayer to the beloved saint by many.

You learned that reading a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for 40 days is not always necessary. But if you have any doubts, we recommend that you contact an experienced priest or bishop. In addition, reading a prayer for more than one month will be impossible for some people for one reason or another. And a spiritually prepared Christian will most likely want to continue further, even after receiving what he asked for. It is only important to remember what the Lord says in the Gospel: “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Gospel of Matthew 7:7).

40 day prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker changing fate

A fate-changing prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker helps you completely change your life for the better. It is very important to approach prayer correctly, because from the first day it will not work.

Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding to the whole world a precious myrrh and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you as my lover, blessed Saint Nicholas: but you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice , Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

An angel in the image of an earthly being by the nature of the Creator of all creation; Having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, born in the robes of angels, as pure in the flesh; Rejoice, baptized with water and fire, as though holy in the flesh. Rejoice, you who surprised your parents with your birth; Rejoice, you who revealed the strength of your soul at Christmas. Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting. Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ's grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of Jesus' paradise. Rejoice, thou land of heavenly destruction; Rejoice, myrrh of Christ's fragrance. Rejoice, for you will drive away sobbing; Rejoice for you bring joy. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals. Rejoice, repository of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling! Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light! Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of men! Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness! Rejoice, for through you we are delivered from bodily passions; Rejoice, for through you we are filled with spiritual sweetness! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, bestower of grace. Rejoice, banisher of unforeseen evils; Rejoice, wishing good things to the planter. Rejoice, speedy consoler of those in trouble; Rejoice, terrible punisher of those who offend. Rejoice, abyss of miracles poured out by God; Rejoice, the tablet of the law of Christ written by God. Rejoice, strong construction of those who give; Rejoice, rightful affirmation. Rejoice, for through you all flattery is laid bare; Rejoice, for through you all truth comes true. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, greater helper of those who suffer! Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sin for those who wander; Rejoice, dew that does not flow in the heat of labor! Rejoice, thou who hast provided for those who demand prosperity; Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask! Rejoice, preface the petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs! Rejoice, many errors from the true path to the accuser; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God. Rejoice, for through you we trample on envy; Rejoice, for through you we correct a good life. Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, you have been taken away from eternal misery; Rejoice, give us imperishable wealth! Rejoice, undying cruelty to those who hunger for truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those thirsty for life! Rejoice, keep from rebellion and warfare; Rejoice, free us from bonds and captivity! Rejoice, most glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, illumination of the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, day of the never-setting sun! Rejoice, candle, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have extinguished the demonic flame of wickedness! Rejoice, lightning, consuming heresies; Rejoice, O thunder who frightens those who seduce! Rejoice, true teacher of reason; Rejoice, mysterious exponent of the mind! Rejoice, for you have trampled upon the worship of the creature; Rejoice, for through you we will learn to worship the Creator in the Trinity! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, everyone who flows to you has been taken away by the strong! Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health to our bodies and salvation to our souls! Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life! Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

Oh, most bright and wonderful Father Nicholas, consolation of all who mourn, accept our present offering, and beg the Lord to deliver us from Gehenna, through your God-pleasing intercession, so that with you we sing: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!

Chosen Wonderworker and great servant of Christ, Father Nicholas! Exuding to the whole world a precious myrrh and an inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, you build up spiritual fortresses, and I praise you as my lover, blessed Saint Nicholas: you, as having boldness towards the Lord, free me from all troubles, and I call you: Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker, Rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker, rejoice, Nicholas, great Wonderworker!

How to correctly read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The fate-changing prayer should be read every day for 40 days. If for some reason you missed a prayer day, start all over again, otherwise there will be no result. It is necessary to pray to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in a deserted place, preferably at home by placing an icon with his face in front of you.

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Prayers that every Orthodox Christian should know

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Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker changing fate in 40 days

Not many of us can believe in action prayer appeal to the Lord God and His holy saints. But when a difficult problem overtakes us, we hasten to ask Higher power about help. Some people run to fortune tellers and psychics, while others try to be closer to the Almighty and turn their petitions specifically to the patron saints. There is a prayer that changes fate in 40 days, so powerful that it is sometimes difficult to believe in its power.

This petition is addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, famous for his miraculous help. During his lifetime, he led a righteous lifestyle, helped everyone who turned to him for help, and asked the Lord to save human souls. This is how, thanks to his kindness and integrity, after his death he became a servant of the Almighty. Prayer that changes fate: what happens and how to pray correctly so that life gets better - you can learn about all this from our article.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate

Even after his death, the Saint shows his great power in helping and solving worldly problems ordinary people. Pilgrims come from all over the world to the place where the remains of the saint are located. Every Orthodox Christian knows that even from heaven he sees and hears their prayers, and fulfills even the most cherished desires believers:

  • Those who are not happy ask to change the fate destined for them;
  • Who lost loved one, turns to the Saint for the pacification of the soul of the deceased and for his own peace of mind;
  • Those who need support in business or work ask for patronage;
  • Every sick and suffering person seeks healing of his body and soul, turning his prayers to the saint of God.

During his worldly existence, the saint could pacify even a raging sea, which is why all sailors and travelers consider him their protector. Nikolai helped sick and poor people, and now he responds to all requests from those in need.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate and reviews from those who believe in its power indicate that anything is possible, even changing your own life line. So, appeal to To the heavenly powers will help improve things, heal from illnesses and get rid of the constant failures that haunt a person. The most important thing is to treat such a prayer correctly, because one petition will not produce results.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, how to read it

As in other types of service to the Almighty, there are recommendations that must be followed in order for you to be heard by Heaven. Even if something doesn’t work out and goes wrong, you shouldn’t give up on your plans, you just need to put in a little more effort to concentrate more for prayer.

  1. One should lead a lifestyle that is decent for a Christian, avoid overeating, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Of course, this is not fasting, but some kind of strictness towards one’s own actions is required.
  2. The miraculous prayer must be read daily for forty days. If you have forgotten, you need to start all over again.
  3. It is better to learn the text of the petition by heart, but if you can’t do it, you can read it from sight.
  4. The address to the Saint is pronounced three times, out loud, then in a low voice and mentally. It is the third time that has the greatest power - this has always been the case in any religion.
  5. You must ask in front of the saint. To do this, place the consecrated icon in front of you, pointing the image to the east. And you should not remove it for 40 days.
  6. If possible, light a lamp in front of the icon every time. To do this, you must take permission from the priest.

And remember, you can’t cook food, watch TV and swear in the room where you pray. Try to keep the room clean and your thoughts clean.

And here is the prayer itself to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that changes fate:

« Chosen Miracle-worker and a great servant of Christ, exuding to the whole world the valuable mercy of the ointment and the inexhaustible sea of ​​miracles, I praise thee love, St. Nicholas; But you, because you have boldness in the Lord, free me from all troubles, let me call you:

The Creator, in the form of an angel, an earthly being, reveals to you all creatures: having foreseen the fruitful kindness of your soul, the most blessed Nicholas, teach everyone to cry out to you:

Rejoice, purified from the womb of matter; Rejoice, even you who are completely sanctified.

Rejoice, you who surprised your parents with your birth; Rejoice, you who revealed spiritual strength at Christmas.

Rejoice, garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of the Divine planting.

Rejoice, virtuous vine of Christ’s grapes; Rejoice, miraculous tree of Jesus’ paradise.

Rejoice, thou land of heavenly vegetation; Rejoice, sweet-smelling ointment of Christ.

Rejoice, for you will drive away weeping; Rejoice, for you bring joy.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, image of lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purifier of morals.

Rejoice, repository of great virtues; Rejoice, holy and pure dwelling.

Rejoice, all-bright and all-loving lamp; Rejoice, golden and immaculate light.

Rejoice, worthy interlocutor of the Angels; Rejoice, good teacher of people.

Rejoice, rule of pious faith; Rejoice, image of spiritual meekness.

Rejoice, for through you we are delivered from bodily passions; Rejoice, for through you we are filled with spiritual sweets.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, gift of grace.

Rejoice, banisher of endless evils; Rejoice, wishing good things to the planter.

Rejoice, quick comforter to those in trouble; Rejoice, terrible punisher of those who offend.

Rejoice, miracle abyss, poured out by God; Rejoice, the tablet of the law of Christ, written by God.

Rejoice, strong erection of those who fall; Rejoice, you who are rightly affirmed.

Rejoice, for by you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, for through you all truth comes true.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, source of all healings; Rejoice, dear helper to the suffering.

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sinners who wander; Rejoice, non-flowing dew in the heat of the labors of beings.

Rejoice, give prosperity to those who need it; Rejoice, prepare abundance for those who ask.

Rejoice, preface the petition many times; Rejoice, renew the strength of old gray hairs.

Rejoice, many who have gone astray from the path of the true accuser; Rejoice, faithful servant of the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for through you we trample on envy; Rejoice, for through you we correct a good life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, take away from eternal misery; Rejoice, giver of imperishable wealth.

Rejoice, thou who art indestructible to those who hunger for righteousness; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink for those thirsty for life.

Rejoice, keep from rebellion and warfare; Rejoice, freest from bonds and captivity.

Rejoice, glorious intercessor in troubles; Rejoice, great protector in adversity.

Rejoice, thou who hast deceived many from destruction; Rejoice, you who preserved countless people unharmed.

Rejoice, for through you sinners escape cruel death; Rejoice, for through you those who repent receive eternal life.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, illumination of the Trisolar Light; Rejoice, O Lucifer of the never-setting Sun.

Rejoice, O luminary, kindled by the Divine flame; Rejoice, for you have quenched the demonic flame of wickedness.

Rejoice, bright preaching of orthodoxy; Rejoice, bright shining light of the Gospel.

Rejoice, lightning that burns heresies; Rejoice, O thunderer, who frightens those who seduce.

Rejoice, true teacher of reason; Rejoice, mystical exponent of the mind.

Rejoice, for through you I have trampled upon the worship of creation; Rejoice, for through you we have learned to worship the Creator in the Trinity.

Rejoice, Nicholas, great miracle worker.

Rejoice, mirror of all virtues; Rejoice, the mighty took away all those who came to you.

Rejoice, according to God and the Mother of God, all our hope; Rejoice, health to our bodies and salvation to our souls.

Rejoice, for through you we are freed from eternal death; Rejoice, for through you we are worthy of endless life.

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