Dream Interpretation I am a child in mortal danger. Why dream of Danger? The meaning of dreams Danger

Kstasya0 Reply

I have the same dream. I dreamed of him both in childhood and only later, when I grew up.
I am walking between two houses. A very narrow passageway. Only one person can pass. The houses have no windows or doors. And then I see that the skating rink is moving towards me. I can't get around it. I turn back and see a girl who is jumping rope. I rush to the left, but there are two men standing there, who shimmer into each other and become either thin or thick. I can’t describe it more precisely. And on the right there is a door. Behind it sits a man in some kind of hat. He sits littered with human remains and smiles. I can only go there. But if I go there, then there is only one chance that I can escape - if I manage to run past this person. I am very scared and I wake up.

Alexander Reply

Alexander Reply

There is such an expression among the people - “fall under a tank”, that is, become a victim of circumstances. In older layers, this is consonant with the fairy-tale motif of a crossroads on the road (you will go right, you will go left and go straight). You constantly find yourself in hopeless situations [I had the same dream as a child and only later, when I grew up], or rather, you are at the crossroads of the next choices [I turn back and see]: a girl who jumps over a rope is a symbol of immediate and sincere reactions, somewhere even straightforwardness, but captivating with its simplicity, two men who overflow into each other and become either thin or thick - not a very clear symbol. Obviously, we need to ask you what in your life this can be associated with. I associate it with the phallus/penis, a door behind which a man in a hat sits, he is littered with human remains and smiles - this is the door to your unconscious with a gatekeeper. The concept of a gatekeeper was introduced by Freud to denote psychological mechanisms that stand guard over the door from the unconscious, selectively passing thoughts to awareness. Your doorkeeper is littered with ideas that should have been buried long ago, but for some reason not buried by you. Symbolically, your salvation lies in overcoming the blockage of long-dead memories. A fairy tale comes to mind about how Hercules once cleared a similar blockage (in myths it was the Augean stables).

Lola Reply

a few years ago I had dreams with something like this: everything is very real, I think in a dream: I am not sleeping, I know this, and suddenly strange events begin to occur. In one dream, I cannot close the door, and I feel that there is evil behind it. In another, I see a once beloved person who betrayed me - and he is, as it were, the same, he has a human appearance, but I see some kind of inhuman cunning, I feel that this is evil.
Insanely scary, I force myself to wake up, wake up. I see that I am lying in my bed, I get up, and ... nothing changes. New nightmare. I wake up "for real" on the 3rd or 4th time.
PS. I am 24 years old.

Alexander Reply

A dream with multiple awakenings means that your personality is torn apart by several alternatives in terms of choosing a future reality (marry or not, emigrate, have a baby). And each of these options you considered irreversible.
The door in a dream delimits the area of ​​consciousness and the unconscious. Something wanted to be realized, something unpleasant, connected with strong emotions and attributed by consciousness to evil [I cannot close the door, and I feel that there is evil behind it]. Since the Ego won this struggle of unawareness, the psyche chose a symbolic path and returned to you what you suppressed [I see a once loved person, he has a human appearance, but I see some kind of inhuman cunning, I feel that this is evil]. Perhaps the dream was the answer to your daytime question about resuming a relationship with him.

Nikogdab Reply

Maybe this is quite normal, but somehow I didn’t notice this before (or didn’t pay attention). And in the past few months, I had two such dreams. Today's dream is rather vague and delusional, so I probably won’t describe it in detail. The bottom line is this: someone evil and powerful demands that we extradite the king. But we do not want this, and we decide to bring another person under the guise of a king. We find some merchant with a daughter, we trick them into coming with us and introduce them to the evil one as a king and a princess. And then I'm already this pseudo-princess. I feel that I am in danger, they want to kill me, and so on. And a few months ago I dreamed that I was fighting with some woman. I stand on a hill, from where I lightly kick her and knock her out. And then the dream rewinds. Everything is the same, only I am the one who used to be her, and my enemy is the one who used to be me. She's on high ground, I think she's in a good position, she'll try to kick me and I have to dodge. Why such a change?

Alexander Reply

Difficult dream. I deciphered it for two hours. The king, as a symbol of a psychic figure, is very powerful in itself, and a threat to him can come from an equally strong psychic character. In a sense, you have become a witness to a metaphysical struggle, for example, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil [some evil and powerful demands that we betray the king] - and such things are difficult for ordinary consciousness to understand [a rather vague and delusional dream]. In the dream, the clarification is clearly read that you are not only an observer, but also a direct participant in what is happening in your soul: the ordinary is mixed with the Higher [we persuade some merchant with his daughter by deceit and introduce Evil as a king and princess. And then I'm already this pseudo-princess]. With the same involvement, your incarnations in opposing characters are connected. Someday you will decide.

Nikogda_beep_ru Reply

I just thought, maybe a dream about a king is again a conflict with parental concepts. I read that the king and queen symbolize parents. Although they look more like that powerful one. Maybe I put it wrong, that he was evil, rather formidable, oppressive, but whom we had to obey. And maybe the extradition of the king meant giving him power (by the way, the king was never shown in a dream). But I didn’t give it back, and moreover, I myself became a princess-imposter, that is, one can say I seized power. Yes, and after that dream I had an unreasonably self-confident, even self-satisfied mood (however, it remains a little now), however, when difficulties arise, all my self-confidence disappears. By the way, on this occasion, I recall my other dream, where I ran away from Death and quite successfully while there were even paths, and he (Death was masculine), catching up and grabbing me when I climbed a snowy hill, turned into my father, but that’s all with the same bad intentions, and said that I run well on flat paths, but on difficult ones he is more experienced than me and runs better. After that dream, I did not perceive this phrase in any way. And I thought that the pursuer had caught up with me, but no such realization happened. But now I understand that it applied not only to the text of a dream, but perhaps to life, because in various difficult situations I am afraid to make decisions myself. But I will probably write this dream in more detail. Tomorrow.

Sana Reply

as a child, I often had the same dream. I always woke up in a cold sweat. Often screaming. I dreamed of a rusty piece of iron plate. Its foundation was fixed in the ground. Uneven edges on top. Like an uneven semicircle from the ground. All full of holes, uneven, loose. Here she begins to sway. Faster and faster. It's getting closer and closer to me... and now it's very close... then I jump up in a panic. what could this mean? I didn't go to school then. Father liked to drink. Scandal with mom.

Alexander Reply

A rusty iron plate stuck in the ground is a symbolic representation of a fairly strong [hard iron] conflict situation that is firmly embedded in your memory [stuck in the ground]. She was so strong that it would be painful to remember her "as is", but it was also impossible not to remember her - hence the symbolic transmission in a dream. The essence of the dream was a repetition - a symbolic repetition - of the same conflict in search of a way to deal with it. Absolutely the same as soldiers returning from the war have nightmares about the war. People who are in a state of neurosis dream of their illness in the form of a nightmare - the psyche is trying to heal.
It is difficult to say what kind of situation led to your dream, perhaps it was connected with the marriage of your parents, or maybe not, and we need to talk about some kind of childhood fear that goes away with age.

Sana Reply

I would like to ask a question regarding my dream balls 541. Can I expand this framework of myself? Let the subconscious into reality. To what extent? In reality, I also often can’t cope with my emotions. And thoughts run and are scary. Maybe I have some symptoms of schizophrenia? SANA

Ekaterinasza Reply

Yaroslav, I often dream (although it hasn’t been for a long time) that I am in my apartment, and behind the doors, in the common corridor, there are people who, as I understand it, want to break into me, i.e., a threat to my life. It was a group of teenagers (they sometimes hang out on my floor in real life) who were trying to open the lock. It was some scary person who slowly came to my door when I watched him through the peephole, slowly leaned over and looked right at me through the same peephole! It seems that no one has ever crossed the threshold of the apartment, but I felt an icy fear when everyone tried to open the door.
I used to live alone, it was sometimes scary, especially since our hearing is awful. But maybe these dreams are connected with my subconscious, and not with reality? And yet, once people were standing outside the door in the same way, in real life, I saw them, talked to them. They were fake cops, they wanted me to open the door ... It was scary later, it was worth thinking WHAT could happen ...
I'm still 24, I'm still F.

AnaLitik Reply

The image of the apartment symbolizes the situation closest to you (the most important for you at the time of sleep). Judging by the dream, you were in a non-functional situation for you. The only exit was blocked by hostile men. This is certainly connected with the unconscious, with the complexes that participated in the formation of your femininity. If you are interested in psychotherapy, you can order an analysis of a selection of your dreams with recommendations http://www.colibri.ru/zakaz.asp?cod=105163&prt=776 - Psychotherapeutic product ($6.9).

Nbessalova7 Reply

I dream that my son and I are in some apartment unknown to me, it is not clear why. The son watches a TV with a very large diagonal, very modern and beautiful, and I look at the apartment, what kind of wallpaper, what kind of ceiling, and I think that repairs can be done better for such an apartment, although, of course, everything is not bad. Suddenly, with some instinct unknown to me, I understand that we are sitting here in a CLOSED apartment and they are going to kill us, and my son is much more interesting to the killers than me. I start looking for escape options and, together with my son, we go down some kind of drain pipe to the street and run away, although he resists and says that this is all nonsense, and that I would let him watch TV. We run so hard that I start to choke, and then I meet my friends. I sigh with relief that they won’t let us be killed, we get into their car, my husband appears from somewhere, also gets into the car and we leave. I want to add to the two previous dreams that at work I now have a very difficult situation and I don’t know if I should stay here or not, maybe the dreams are somehow connected with this?

Alexander Reply

The son symbolizes your Inner Child, who is currently actively absorbing information of interest to him from the external environment [watching TV with a very large diagonal, very modern and beautiful]. Your ego, on the other hand, analyzes the current life situation [I look at the apartment, what wallpaper, what ceiling] and finds that it could be implemented better [I think that repairs can be done better for such an apartment, although, of course, everything is fine]. Insight (enlightenment) is connected with the fact that you have lost the prospect of development [I understand with some instinct unknown to me that we are sitting here in a CLOSED apartment] and this moment threatens your childish spontaneity and spontaneity more [my son is much more interesting to murderers] than rational consciousness. You are trying to escape (most likely, to convince yourself) from unpleasant thoughts that exist in real life - this is the essence of the symbolism of persecution.

Alexander Reply

I dreamed that I was in the workshop where I used to work. I walk on the lids of huge tanks. the lids of the tanks are felt, soft and in some places with large holes. Through these holes, I see that there are swift currents flowing. I'm very scared, I'm afraid to slip into this stream. I go to the edge of the tank and notice that here too the felt is separated from the tank, I lay down on my stomach and crawl away from the dangerous place. Once safe, I look back and see that there is a trodden path on the tanks, it is reinforced with logs. I think it's good that I don't have to walk here every day, and I'm very worried about those who have to walk here and be in danger. I walk down the stairs from the tanks and into a clothing sale. The store is already closing, and I really want to try on a few things, although I remember that I have very little money, and most likely I will not have enough to buy anything.
I try on a coat (it is to the toe), a suit, and wake up.

Alexander Reply

I had this dream when I hesitated - should I leave my husband for another man. So, I dream of a large building, such as a clinic or hospital, everything is gray and empty. It's night outside. For some reason it seems to me that this building is located on the territory of a pioneer camp or a recreation center, that there are people outside it, but I can’t go out into the street - there, on the street, there is something terrible. I'm standing in the lobby of the building and I know that I have to go upstairs - somewhere in the building is my son, but I can't bring myself to do it. Then, for some reason, my son is in my arms, and I am in a panic, because I feel and know that something terrible is also in the building and it is looking for us. Like King in The Shining ... There is a pay phone in the lobby and I run to him and call ... not my husband, but another man and beg to come and pick us up quickly. I'm not sure after that, but he didn't arrive before I woke up. For some reason it seems to me that he was saying something about the impossibility of doing it now, although I may be wrong.

Woman, 27 years old, son 3.5. I had a dream three months ago at the peak of my thoughts about the possibility of living on with my husband and still worries me. Thank you.

Alexander Reply

The dream is clear enough. The hospital conveys both the painful state of your soul and the marriage itself, and twilight - the psychological state of albedo (uncertainty, ambiguity). You cannot simply refuse marriage by going out into the street / freedom [I can’t go out into the street - there is something terrible there, on the street], since this freedom scares you and, above all, a break in relations [going out to street] will doom your inner child to an orphan. That's what keeps your marriage from breaking up - you associate marriage with spontaneity, spontaneity, the ability of a childish (clear) look at things. That's why you still haven't decided to leave. Your dream does not suggest that you can rely on a new man [I run to him and call ... not my husband, but another man and beg to come and pick us up quickly. I'm not sure after that, but he didn't arrive before I woke up. For some reason I think he was saying something about not being able to do it]. In principle, you yourself need to interpret this dream on an emotional level, and not on a symbolic one.

Redjet Reply

I am sitting in a huge concert (?) hall, the hall is filled with spectators. Suddenly, from somewhere above from the price, some kind of liquid mixed with golden yellow pollen begins to spray in a powerful stream into the auditorium. Feeling: they want to destroy us. I start to dodge, trying to bury my nose in the pillow (which I don’t know how I ended up nearby), then just lower my face down so as not to suffocate. Someone or something is always trying to prevent me from doing this. On the stage is a woman who, apparently, is the leader of the whole action. Spraying stops, but then a new stream is ejected. Then: I am in some park area. There are no fences, but at the same time I feel that I am in their power. I know that they encroach on my freedom and on each of us (who is in this colony) as a person in particular. I feel that THEY want to enslave us, deprive us of feelings and something else ... I don’t remember exactly, a feeling of fear, anxious expectation ... I begin to think about ways to escape. In the meantime, by some miracle, I and someone else are released into the city for a short time. My first thought is to call my parents since they don't know what's wrong with me. Time is already running out, I know that THERE can "worry". I go to some call center and try to dial my home number, but it seems that my hands do not obey me, I cannot dial the number. I don’t remember how, but after repeated attempts I got through ... I vaguely remember how I thought about asking my boyfriend for help, but somehow I suddenly realized that he was fine with THIS, which means he wouldn’t help me. Then a meeting with my parents (in fact, I have a very warm relationship with my parents, they love me very much and miss me when I'm not around). I am just starting to tell my mother about THEM ... I see how she smiles conspiratorially, she is for one with them. Dad is not clear. I know that (despite the fact that even my parents are with THEM) I don't want to go THERE. With a sharp pain in my soul, I say goodbye to my parents, forever. Acute feeling of loneliness. I remember a friend. Here she (my friend) is in my hand - some kind of twig. THEY turned her. I start begging her to come back. But instead of her, I have her cute fluffy rat in my arms (which she actually has). I gently hold this rat in my arms. My heart warmed up, a feeling of some kind of calmness passed. Someone came for me, it's time to go THERE .. I don't remember, but it seems I went there .. And that's it. gender - female, 25 years old

Ateh Reply

We swam in the lake, there were a lot of people. There were mountains right around the lake. Then someone said that the mountains should collapse and just do something bad should happen. Everyone began to run out of the water, climb the mountains and run to the building (something like a sanatorium) for things. The water became cloudy, as if yellow clay had been dissolved there, the sun disappeared. I was in the water and shouted to my friend to run to the room for things. I wasn't really scared, I was just worried about our things. We lived in some kind of public building, standard rooms with standard rooms in long corridors. Then I also ran into the building, it was half empty, the doors to the rooms were wide open, everywhere there were traces of hurried preparations. I tried to find my room despite the fact that I knew that Zhenya had gone to collect our things and could not be worried about this. In the end, the room was found, it was already almost empty, I had a bag in which I put what was left, and I also cursed strongly at Zhenya and was unhappy with him. The bag was already almost full, and suddenly I began to notice that there were things around that did not belong to me. I started to grab it and put it in my bag. I got a little more in, the thought flashed that I would throw them out anyway. We ran out to the other side, there were a lot of people in the yard and buses were driving up. Everyone was getting ready to leave.

Alexander Reply

The lake that I dreamed about is identified with the lake that I went to for two years in a row on a trip to a pioneer camp. On this lake, I, alone, completely independently, learned to swim during the first month of my stay, although before that I was terribly afraid of water and did not go into the water more than waist-deep. For me it was a real breakthrough, I forever remembered how to turn my life around myself, to fix what was bad.

I often dream of this lake in a variety of forms, now shallow, now immersed in greenery, now with a momtik, now well-maintained. Dreams with this lake are always accompanied by a feeling of touching something important, but somehow not understood by me.

Mei Reply

Lena, I think I understand you very well.

It's about the feeling that you've touched something

very important and understood something about your remark in the guest book.

This feeling is also well known to me, and it is probably the main reason for my

hanging on this site for a long time and creating a huge collection of recorded dreams.

Only this feeling, like everything truly important and intimate, is not expressed in words, but it is read through words, as in your dreams about the lake.

I felt it, although I can’t say exactly what it is. Or maybe not. Maybe, ideally, one can learn to simply understand the language of dreams, so that

there was no need to translate it into the words of an ordinary language, because it would not be translated anyway. The language of dreams is a different category, a different level, so it is adequate

it is impossible to translate it into words.

Ateh Reply

While reading, I thought about this - we decipher our dreams through our reality tunnel. Who and by means of what deciphers our reality tunnel? We do not go beyond our own life as we go beyond sleep.

I also thought that the lake (perhaps) means the positive part of my personality, and now my inner theater shows it - sometimes in an abandoned form, sometimes in bloom. The theme of the dream corresponds to my current state - an attempt to find something absolutely new, that is, I am ready to free myself from this and. The numbers themselves show the stampedness of my life. Well, attempts to pack things in a bag are a desire to take something from the accumulated experience, but even then I understand that most likely this will not be useful to me.

A dream is really an interaction of parts of our psyche, and judging by your dreams, Mei, you are a very developed and rich personality (I don’t really like how it sounds, but nothing more elegant comes to mind), your plot twists are unexpected and interesting, and who feels that some dreams are related to events in the past, while others are related to the present moment. I now feel that it is simpler arranged, my psyche is more infantile than yours, I keep digging into past events, I can’t move away from this lesson, and, accordingly, this affects the current moment.

I would like to once again say a kind word about the site and about its author. A lot has changed in my reality and in my dreams - Yaroslav knows how to present information in such a way that it does not go unnoticed, it catches.

Well, as for the replica in the guest room - this is Dostoevsky. Even in the winter (not knowing about this site) and not having read Dostoevsky, but having learned to plunge into a strange state between sleep and wakefulness (having used cannabis), I tried to explain to my friend what is so well conveyed in this short paragraph, but I could not. Then I found this site, and then finally, I read it. For four months I was going to put this paragraph in the guestbook, but everything did not work out.

Mei Reply

Yes, Len, Dostoevsky knew how to speak well!

Directly as an epigraph, you can go to such a site or somewhere in the collection of cool

statements about dreams. As for the reality tunnel, I want to tell you that after reading on your

site about all sorts of delights of cannabis tried to join Jah for the second time in my life.

The first time was a very long time ago and the result was zero. Although, I can not say anything about the quality of that product.

This time the product i.e. cannabis was thermonuclear according to reliable sources. So what? And again, nothing. Or rather, none

changes in the perception of reality! And I really wanted to feel it, I prepared myself mentally, sat at night in front of the house, watched how a thunderstorm was approaching from the sea ..

All in the company of a spouse who, although long-standing, but very rich, has experience in communicating with Jah. I thought how I would feel it… And again, not a damn thing. My husband felt it, but I just felt terribly cold and hungry.

Some stupid physiological symptoms and no transcendent experiences. Well, even today I've been semi-conscious all day, I mean, it looks like my low blood pressure has generally dropped to almost zero with everyone

ensuing consequences. But! I still have some left and I'll still experiment, all the same, I'm curious what it's all about so interestingly. Maybe I'll let you know about the results 8)

Alexander Reply

Well no. There will simply be a strong feeling that this is all nonsense, and the maximum that happens is cold and hungry. And then through…. well, let's say for a while someone unexpectedly treats you, and you, mindful of your experience, use it without too much attention to what is happening. And then she will catch you !!! :))))

Mei Reply

Exactly, exactly, catchy, I'm in my youth just in physics and mathematics

studied in class! And cannabis may not be physics, but still a practical experiment.

It is known that it does not cause addiction and does not negatively affect health, they say

causes "a change in the perception of reality." How else, except by experimental way to check?

I think every physicist would agree.

Alexander Reply

Good luck then, Mei! In general, there are still many things that require experimental verification. It is not entirely clear why cannabis has become a priority, but there are probably some unconscious reasons for this. Or conscious?

Mei Reply

In the morning you can drink tea or coffee. Every time you have to

to make a choice. For example today, I drank tea and coffee. Probably to that

there are unknown reasons. Or conscious? Is it worth realizing

unconscious reasons? After all, then they will become conscious, and

there will be no unknowing reasons. Or will there be new ones?

Zosia Reply

I have to say that I don't really have nightmares, but this one pulled me to the surface of consciousness in the middle of the night with the feeling that something really terrible had happened. Planet Earth. We, the inhabitants, watch the planes soaring up from a very close distance. There are many of them, but we do not feel a threat. And then Information descends on us, and on everyone at once, and this information is terrible. A comet flies to Earth, which is aimed at our digestive system. The purpose of the comet is to paralyze our digestive tract. We stand in shock from the realization of the cruelty of the undertaking, the anticipation of the terrible end and our utter impotence. Brrrr, still not comfortable with this scenario.

Alexander Reply

The dream is logically connected with the dream of Gigantism. The information that you receive and process will sooner or later destroy your inner world, whether you like it or not. The outcome of this destruction: a symbolic paralysis of the digestive tract. The fear is connected with the fact that you cannot imagine life without this symbol, but you need to believe that the death of a familiar worldview is the birth of a new, unusual world, which is devoid of old symbols and endowed with new ones. Therefore, from the point of view of the Divine Attitude, there is nothing terrible in this dream, rather, it (in parallel with the prophetic mission) shows the fear of the savage-I before an unusually new Structure coming from the depths of Itself.

Try to remember the dream about driving a giant truck and identify the truck from that dream with the Comet from this one. Do not be surprised - this is the same symbol, which is in the stage of dynamic comprehension.

Alexander Reply

I've had the same dream several times already. Mom and I are alone at home, dad has gone somewhere. Suddenly I hear that someone is trying to break the door. Mom is sitting in the room, and I go to see who is trying to enter. Naturally, I am scared. Our entrance doors are wooden; First I opened the first door, then the second. And I see a man of about 50 years old, not tall, blond hair. As it seemed to me in a dream, he was a scourge. In horror, I tried to “unstick” him from the door, while shouting to my mother to call the police. I pushed him twice, but to no avail, then I kicked him in the stomach, he flew off and I quickly closed the door. In a dream, I it looked like he went back to the basement. After I closed the door, I went to my mother's room. I was very scared and cried, but for some reason my mother was calm. I don't know if she called the police. I am 16 years old, female gender. I don’t know what to connect the dream with, fortunately, we were never robbed.

Alexander Reply

Lately I've been having dreams that are a little bit similar to each other. In them there is some kind of person who suddenly appeared in the district, about whom many already know and are afraid. In one of them, I am in my grandmother's old house. a neighbor tells me that someone dangerous has appeared in the village. Night. I locked the doors and sit - I'm afraid. From the old window (now it has been boarded up for a long time) I see a silhouette. Someone is lurking near the house and watching me from the street. The most terrible thing is that I feel this surveillance and I don’t understand why, why, by whom. In another dream, my mother and I exit the elevator and go down to the exit from the entrance. at the same time, a man with one of the tenants enters the entrance. I immediately understand that this is HE. Now I'm not afraid of him, because I know that it's too early. I have already been told that this man is now often in our entrance and attacks people (it seems with an ax from around the corner) and there is already an announcement somewhere that it is my turn tonight. I try to talk to him, to joke, to somehow appease him. I don't remember his reaction. In the third dream, someone is watching the car. again, I'm not alone, but a lot of people are scurrying around who know that HE is in the car. It seems he is after me again, but for some reason I am trying to save and take somewhere a pregnant girlfriend with a noticeable tummy that has arisen (in fact, she just recently got married). No obvious chase. In all dreams, they have already heard about a person and are waiting for danger, but I still don’t know anything and don’t understand what is happening. Only surveillance and the situation never comes to a resolution. I am 22 years old

Asnmail Reply

I walk around the city near the house, I suddenly feel a slight sense of danger, not motivated by anything. I run down the street, I run into the construction site of a high-rise building, I run up the floors and somewhere on the top floor, and I go out to the tops of the mountains. In a dream, I feel like an explosion of sensations, an extraordinary clarity of consciousness, as if I feel it with every cell of my body. I am somewhere in very high mountains, in front of me in the ring of mountains is a snow-covered peak. I stop in surprise. A completely non-humanoid creature appears next to me, similar to a piece of granite interspersed with crystals and purple eyes. He is very kind and wise. He says to me: “And how did you hit the ships?” In his intonations, I feel some surprise, as if he knows me. I can not answer him anything and ask where I am. He answers me: “This is the Top of the World, on it is the Gate of the World, and I am the Guardian of the Gate. You can be proud of yourself, only 54 people got into this place, and only 19 entered the Gate. I know for sure that if he does not want to, I will not be able to pass the Gate. This is where I wake up.

Elnurade-yahoo-com Reply

Hello! Please help me understand the dream, the general plot of which has recently been very often repeated in various dreams. Lately I often dream that something threatens my house and I need to heal it without fail, to prevent the unknown what will happen if I fail. So recently I dreamed that exactly 1.05 of the bottom my house will explode due to the fact that someone drops something and this will lead to a fire. I do my best to prevent this - I try to make sure that no one in the house moves before 1.05. This is very difficult, because for some reason there are a lot of people in the house, especially children. I am mainly busy with children. 1.05 is coming. I relax, it seems to me that the fire in the house was prevented. I go into the kitchen. Some other girl comes after me and suddenly turns on the gas. And it has some kind of flammable liquid on it. But for some reason it fails to blow out the fire, the gas. (I'm currently in the US, where there are several time zones) Suddenly I realize that the prophecy was most likely given in Pacific Time, while I live in Eastern Time! The Pacific time zone is three hours behind the Eastern. I understand that for another three hours the threat of destruction will still be present. At a burst of gas, I splash water to put it out, but this repeats several times. So, all night trying to prevent a fire in the house, I woke up tired. The house that belonged to me in a dream is very large. In reality, my house is not like that at all. The second dream from the same series. I'm with someone else to fall in the house, now in the same room. I didn’t understand if I shushed this second person (girl) or myself and the room as a whole, but I lock the door, trying to prevent the entry of some kind of force that is breaking through the door. This is something - not of human nature, but rather a strong wind, but alive. I hold the door with all my strength, but I feel that I am losing ground. And here, the dream, as it were, is shaved and there is another dream, that I choose gifts for my relatives. And my friend advises to buy some old dishes - some deep plates, and other steel dishes. It is heavy, I doubt if I can fit it in a suitcase, but I still buy it. This piece is not new at all. please tell me what it means that I so want to sew up the house, I try to prevent something about the consequences of which I do not know. I myself am 20 years old, a student, at the moment I am away from home, abroad, on a student exchange program. Since I arrived, much that seemed to me correct, familiar, ordinary in my life has lost its former meaning. My views on many things began to change. I myself came from a rather traditional society, where there is a very strong sense of community, family ties. What has irritated me most in my life has been the presence of others in my mind when making decisions about my life. Here in the US, a more individualistic approach will prevail, I'm the one responsible for myself, I make my own decisions. I like it more, a person becomes even more responsible towards himself, his life, and other people. But the program for which I came is coming to an end, and I will be returning home very soon. I don't know what awaits me when I return home, can I accept again what I didn't like about our culture? And even more, I'm afraid that I'll just be glorified by that life, and just give up, betray everything that has become so close here - independence, individualism. But at the same time, I am afraid to change my life, start it in a new way, as in a new life there will be a lot of uncertainty, instability ...

AnaLitik Reply

AnaLitik Reply

Home refers to a set of behaviors that characterizes your life style here and now (that is, in the USA). Now this style includes responsibility for oneself in making decisions, lack of family ties, independence, individualism. What threatens it? You know that you are afraid of being swallowed up by the old life, afraid of giving up and betraying everything that has become close here. Dates associated with coming disasters are associated with thoughts of imminent departure. The wind that is breaking at your door personifies external circumstances of the same plan that can drastically change the current way of life. The wind, by the way, indicates that you have a choice: to do something or not. The suitcase, in this case, symbolizes the positive gifts you received from nature, but your friend gives you non-functional advice about heavy and not new dishes. To solve everything, indeed, you need to do it yourself. The task, which consists in defending oneself (one's life project) under the onslaught of family and social stereotypes, is the most important and most difficult of all.

Alexander Reply

I almost never have nightmares, but today I even woke up from fear. So yes. A fat, elderly woman lives in my apartment, and in my daughter's room, and my daughter and husband sleep on the same bed. This fat woman is planning to kill me. First, I slipped a large poisonous spider into the room - black and hairy, which I killed by accidentally waking up. Then I planted some kind of mechanical scorpion, I smashed it with a mop, while the rest were sleeping and did not open their eyes when I screamed in fright (in a dream). There was also a third assassination attempt, but I don't remember exactly what. The second part of the dream is different both in content and mood. My daughter and I are in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The patriarch comes up to us and starts a conversation with his daughter, showing her relics that heal ancient icons. Then he gives water to get rid of ailments and so on. One of the last scenes is me washing the stairs, which are washed as a sign of repentance. And I do - because it is very dirty. It was scary at the beginning and amazing at the end. What would it know?

Secretar-spirtpr-comch-ru Reply

I can attribute this dream to training dreams. Why? Previously, when I saw such dreams, I was terribly frightened, went into depression and, with fatal doom, began to expect something terrible ... But over the years, from sleep to sleep of this kind, analyzing all the subsequent developments, I stopped panicking. On the contrary, I gather inwardly, ready to repulse any danger, turn all into hearing, sight, smell, and hiding, I shrink like a spring or a panther before a jump. What kind of dream is this? You ask. Yes, nothing special ... I dream: I am at home with my daughter. It’s dark (for some reason) and unsettling… I feel danger with my skin and that something somewhere in our apartment is not right. I go out into the hallway ... The door (internal entrance) is torn apart and dangles on one hinge ... I try to put it in ... It ends up in my hands. The thought flashes in my head like a straw: “but there is also an outer iron one, so it’s okay.” But! Suddenly I realize that from the outside someone is unscrewing the lock on the metal door for me, moreover, with success. It's creepy!.. ...... Now I'm left with the fact that late in the evening for the whole night we will stay with my daughter without at least some slightest protection. The stairs are also very dark. I call my neighbors and ask them to help me put in at least some kind of lock. My neighbor's husband starts examining the door. But then the neighbor shouted (quietly somehow) “here they are”! ... The next second I get a strong blow with a heavy iron handle in my left side !!! I wake up at the same moment from this blow and pain ... And I state the fact with horror: the blow and pain in the dream were so real that the last few seconds (30-40) were felt even after waking up. And it was instantaneous and consciousness upon awakening was so clear, as if I had not slept. I looked at the clock: 00:15 at night. Today is my fifteenth wedding anniversary. ..... and the tenth since my husband had a different family and a different life. This is such a celebration of life.

143 Reply

I dreamed that my girlfriend and I were in some kind of building. And we both kind of understand that some kind of danger awaits us in this building, but at the same time something keeps us there and does not let us leave from there. And here I understand that there is a rapist in this building, which is of great danger. I wanted to inform my friend about this, but at that moment I suddenly see that from somewhere in the other room hands are reaching out to her and dragging her along. I am horrified (I understand that the same thing awaits me ...) I start to run away ... but when I run away, I feel that he is running after me, and I start to run harder, but my legs do not seem to obey me. But finally, having overcome some efforts, I run to my house , he almost caught up with me, I’m trying to hide in my house ... but then I find that the door is falling out and that a little more and he will catch me! I see his face, it turned out to be a guy who once ran very hard after me ... In this moment I try to hide from him and somehow I find myself on the street, where they are already waiting for me -to save, I get into the car (white) to my classmate and we leave ... then I wake up.

Mystery82-bk-ru Reply


Irada Reply

I felt like I wasn't sleeping... I opened my eyes and saw that the inner front door was open, but I remember very well that I closed it before going to bed. Above the door that goes directly to the block, I saw a window and a light from the window that was burning in the block. From the window, as it seemed to me, they climbed into the apartment, either hands, or snakes ... But for some reason it seemed to me that these were someone's hands and someone was trying to get into us. I tried to scream, but there was no sound from my voice, then I began to push my husband so that he woke up and saw this ... He woke up and I told him that someone was climbing into our apartment, he looked, lay down again, hugged me and fell asleep ... And I fell asleep, and then I opened my eyes and saw that the inner door was closed, and we didn’t have any windows in the block at all. True, my mother has this window at home ... I have no idea what this could mean.

363 Reply

I dream that trouble is coming to the village where I live. We urgently need to evacuate everyone. No one is allowed into the village, everyone is taken out by buses. I'm late, I have to do something, I'm afraid not to be in time, but I think: the last bus will leave, I'll catch up with him on a bicycle. Then I run through the forest, uphill, I’m afraid I won’t catch the bus ... I wake up. I am a 25 year old girl

Alexander Reply

Hello! I dreamed that someone was rustling in the apartment - as if I woke up in the middle of the night and heard these rustles. I look around and then someone jumps on me. I wake up in terrible horror, wake up my husband, ask if he heard rustles, he says that he also heard and then someone is attacking us. I wake up in fear - it turns out that it was also a "dream within a dream." I go to the kitchen - and there something terrible attacks me. I wake up horrified. I look - and my husband is also not sleeping. I ask him why. He replies that he heard suspicious noises. He gets up and leaves the room to check, and I hear someone attacking him, the sounds of a struggle, my husband is being killed and an unknown person is approaching me. I wake up from fear, again I hear a noise, now in the closet, I go up to the closet, look in - and someone rushes at me from there. I wake up from a chilling horror ... And so endlessly, 10-20 times, I can’t say for sure, each time the horror is getting stronger, it seems to me that this time I really woke up ... Finally I manage to wake up, my heart is pounding furiously and again inexorably I’m drawn to sleep, I can’t even open my eyes, and I feel that if I fall asleep again now, the same dream will continue further, this is beyond my strength. I manage to get out of bed, this time in reality. What was it?

In_7-list-ru Reply

I dreamed that I was standing on the embankment and looking at the Volga River ... and suddenly I saw that a ship with people was flying along it, which was in a hurry somewhere. I turn my gaze to the river and see that black metal ships are sailing and bombarding the shore with nuclear weapons, everything is swept away on the way. And the ships are already approaching my location and I understand that I won’t have time to escape and I won’t be able to do anything and warn anyone from my family ... I’m terrified!!! The horror that the end of everything has come, I will die now and everyone will die now. Everything has already been decided, it is inevitable. The end has come ... such a dream

AnaLitik Reply

Dreams about war clarify our understanding of karma. This is when a person's mind is "below", under the pressure of his own consequences, which he himself provoked. The dream, fortunately, can only indicate the symbolic direction of events, and the subject's task is to change in order to avoid an unpleasant denouement. If karma fully comes into its own, then one must patiently (in silence and humility) pay the entire historical and moral cost of a previously committed mistake. Ships symbolize companies, groups of people. In addition, the ship is the capture of the child by the psychology of his mother.

In_7-list-ru Reply

I don’t even know what to say, I had a dream a long time ago, but I don’t remember that I had any problems or something like that at that time. But even earlier I had such a dream, also about the war.

The battlefield was my apartment, I was a man and a soldier. There was a shootout between the two groups. We were in camouflage, and the rivals seemed to be terrorists or, I don’t know, yes .. terrorists. I shot with a machine gun and killed a huge number of people, one after another, but I didn’t even think about it. there was blood all around, people were falling dead. Then suddenly I noticed that my alleged brother (in a dream) was seized by two terrorists and they wanted to kill him slowly and painfully, cut his throat. he looked at me with horror and shouted, asked me to kill him ... and then I realized that I must do it, kill my own brother. And I shot .. in the head, I don’t remember anything else, I remember how everything was spinning, emotions took over me and I got on my knees and screamed, I don’t remember what, but my thoughts were that how many people I killed, and how many more kill, I had no choice, I had to kill, and I continued to shoot at the enemy, with tears in my eyes. The emotions were so strong that when I woke up I really cried and could not get rid of this feeling for several minutes, until I realized that it was just a dream ... that's how I had a dream about the war. Although he dreamed for a long time, probably 2 months ago, I'm still interested to know what it was?

I also think that these dreams could be related to the fact that my father died not so long ago? He died in mid-September, maybe this hopelessness in dreams is somehow connected with the hopelessness of my situation? I just can’t do anything anymore, everything has changed and it’s impossible to go back. I think it has something to do with my dad's death.

AnaLitik Reply

The bottom line is that war is, in any case, retribution for the mistakes that have been made in the sphere of higher psychic politics. For attachment to parents, too, you have to pay. The science of neurosis, for example, believes that the cause of all fears is the fear of losing a parent. That is, there is a separation complex with a parent, which is based on infantile fears of being left without food and shelter. In addition, some parents themselves support helplessness in children in order to give meaning to their own existence as a successor to the family. (Let's forgive them, they don't know what they're doing). In general, for all reasons, the experience of grief from the loss of loved ones in our century lasts about a year. All this time, many people feel like they are at war, shoot their loved ones in a dream and wake up in tears.

Lbu Reply

I had a completely futuristic dream about the fact that I was a militant of an anti-government organization of the future. Giant metropolis building, horizontal and vertical elevators, total surveillance and identification system. After I accidentally got into a fight, I already know that I have been revealed as a gunman and I know that I need to do my feet and cannot go back to the house and use the elevator. And the legs need to be done from the 100th floor, and I know that a couple of soldiers are already walking towards me on foot stairs on each staircase. I need to get past them. I find them on the next forest platform without finding myself. I take advantage of the moment when they split up and knock out one, after that I can handle the second trifling matter even with my bare hands - I’m a very cool action movie, I don’t remember the fight scenes because I act on the machine and this is not accompanied by emotions. the first next emotion I feel is relief that I have passed the danger. Further on, the exit is a dull semi-desert landscape with stunted low vegetation and a few buildings in the distance. But I'm glad. Suddenly I jump back in the chronology of sleep - it turns out that I did go to my apartment, I had to pick up something important there. Leaving the room, I look at the table and see the remaining spring. We should take her too, but what is she for? And it is for the repair of a baby stroller. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE CARRIAGE?! Ah… that means I’m already waking up 😉

694 Reply

the dream is a little strange ... I remember it in fragments. I fall through the surface, falling at a very high speed and on the way the ground instantly meets. Feeling as if several bones were broken in me. Then I go to a green forest (all the trees are lined up very accurately, one after another). The weather deteriorated, it began to rain, it began to get a little dark. There was a feeling that someone was watching me. Goosebumps start to run, I start to panic, turn around, peer into the distance, trying to find someone. There is a strong fear, danger, someone is approaching, very close, but no one is at a distance of 20 meters. I take off and run with all my might something is running after me. I hear heavy breathing and strong paws hitting the ground. I stumble, instantly jump up and turn around, no one. I heard a wild roar behind me! Look back, there was a strange creature (It was taller than me, 2 meters. The eyes were blood-black, The look was furious, I couldn’t move. that it moved on 4 legs, gray (smoky) in color, but stood on two). I picked up a stick and swung, the creature attacked me. the stick shattered into chips, the sound was as if it had hit steel. It threw me into a tree. Something happened I don't know, I began to see through the eyes of the creature. It came up to me and began to choke, I tried to unclench its paws. It hit my body ... then it became dark around, nothing was visible, a mirror appeared, the creature looked at itself, it moved as I wanted, Then I lost control over it. the creature broke the mirror. I appeared, but with some kind of spear in my hands, I immediately threw the spears at the creature, it hit the right side of the chest. The creature fell, began to deteriorate like smoke. I felt severe pain in my chest, it was covered in blood. I just jumped out of bed in a sweat, rushed to my bag and took out a knife, closed the doors in the room, and sat on the bed. I am 19 years old, in 12 years this is the only nightmare, I have never been so scared.

Jenuevieve-rambler-en Reply

We are in a strange city: winding streets, shaggy dark fir trees, practically no pavement, everywhere wet, slimy beige mud. Lots of gully. The main street is gloomy, with crooked wooden houses under gloomy spreading fir trees. Damp, light rain falls, sometimes it turns into a downpour, but not for long. We, with bundles and suitcases, are going somewhere, escaping from an unknown danger. It seems like a war, but so far it's quiet and depressing here. People come across rarely, all in black wet clothes. We settle in a cold multi-storey building, where there are a lot of apartments. I am not happy with either the apartment or its contents. This is old furniture, uninhabited smell inside the premises, high floor. And so we live for several months, as dimly as the inhabitants of this city. We do nothing but search for food - it is practically non-existent, it is difficult to get it. But we are not hungry. Suddenly I find myself in the garden of an ugly old abandoned house. There is hustle and bustle. As it turns out, they're making a movie. I get to the site and see a young Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) in a shining white tunic. He is headless, young, with a sharp-bearded face and slanting, suspicious eyes. He is sitting in a richly decorated and at the same time austere room, at the table, writing something. Then he raises his head and begins to speak. It amazes me what an unpleasant voice he has: high, squeaky, shrill. But he plays superbly in the scene, I even admired both the pose and the expression on his face. It is felt that the boy is promising, will go far, serious and very secretive. I go out of the shooting pavilion into the street, carefully round the potholes, potholes. Now everything is changing - people with banners are walking along the street, shouting something, there is no memory left of the former silence. I know that there is a revolution in the city, and I, as the daughter of noblemen, should be shot. I do not want to die. I try in everything to follow the habits of the victorious class, to keep up with the proletarians, although in my soul I am tormented by this. I am met by a friend, a quiet, pale girl, a real Turgenev young lady. At some point, she just happened to be near my left shoulder. She reproaches me for my conciliation, and I show her a jagged pit filled with brown water and say that under the main street there is a dungeon where noble children are tortured. And I don't want to go there. To stay on the surface, I need to be cunning, and play up, and adapt. The girl continues to reproach me, suddenly I feel ashamed. She is leaving, I feel sorry for her, because she will definitely die, but I can’t do anything. I move on, home, and I keep thinking that I am sacrificing myself, my "I" only in order to delay the moment of death. It remains only to find out how dejected my parents will be if I die. Suddenly I realize that I have no right to die - if they take me away, and my parents will be unhappy.

Jenuevieve-rambler-en Reply

There are a lot of symbols in my dream, I will try to decipher them. Evacuation - the desire to get away from the unsightly truth or from those changes that must occur (war). A city without a name, roads and practically without people is my perception of life. the ugliness of the place also means, it seems to me, that the departure from the truth leads to such a mossy dead end.

Damp, gloomy, rain - an emotional state.

Lack of food, but no hunger - some needs are not satisfied, although everything else seems to be normal.

Film set in an old rickety house, around which light and bustle - an internal resource that is not revealed, is hidden. Perhaps the set signals a desire to leave, to hide in an old house where no one will look, to run away from problems.

Here, everything seems to be more or less clear, and then complete darkness begins. I NEVER dreamed of Stalin as a boy. A young boy in a disproportionately large room, so serious and strict, is probably a part of me, like any subpersonality. It is fenced off by a table and a room from the outside world. Writes. Makes plans. He has a great future. But in the present he is forced to sit in a room. I cannot release, give free rein to the masculine traits of my character, my nature. But the fact that I saw this boy-Stalin is an event in itself, because when I went out into the street, there was already a revolution. Something has fundamentally changed. The appearance and voice of the boy-Stalin are disproportionate: apparently, I have a lot of both seriousness, efficiency, and childishness. When the difference is overcome, the boy will leave the room.

The slender girl who met me is my second self, my feminine qualities that I suppress, as well as a symbol of conformity, against which my "I" rebels. The girl came into conflict with me when I saw Stalin and admired his game. It means that it is a sign of protest against some changes in me.

Tuchka_2005 Reply

8 times it turned out that in a dream I should die, but something always saves me. I get stuck in a swamp, but my friend helps me, and I stay alive. I'm pregnant, and then arrows pierce my stomach, I get one, and 2 remain in me, I call an ambulance. death flies after me with a saber and kills my friends, and wants me, but I cut off her head. we can’t leave the school, snipers are shooting, and quite openly. like in Russian roulette, you go through the school yard, then you stay alive. children are killed, but I stay alive because I hid at school.

Jenuevieve-rambler-en Reply

My family and I are in unknown but significant danger. I'm terrified because I feel insecure. But now they offer me a job. We live in a strange city where all the houses are placed on flat cups of giant flowers with curved wooden stems. And yet these stems are alive, roads are laid along them, cars drive (more precisely, they fly very low above them). The earth is far below, it is not visible. The high sky is covered with a pearl-gray haze, without the sun and stars. Lilac flower petals. The air is humid and hard to breathe. How vague it seems to me. the danger comes from some big water (sea, tsunami?). A huge black car comes after me, we fall into one stalk inside, it is hollow, a tunnel has been laid. We jump out of the tunnel into a luxuriously furnished rest room. Small room, carpets, TV, wide window. I wait quite a long time until I am introduced to some important men. Time passes, I serve as an adviser, and one day I was called to the president himself. My advice pleased him. They let me go home to pack my things and take my family, because the entire presidential apparatus is being evacuated. I have joy - I managed to save my family, and something like shame - and others will die, I only cared about my own. But all this confusion was covered by a sense of self-importance, usefulness and relevance.

I dreamed that I had a brand similar to a barcode on my arm and neck and they followed me to take me to some bad place, but then I kind of wanted to go there myself, even got on the bus, but then I got off it on the bus there were a lot people and children


I hid in a building where many different traps found me hide and seek and abruptly ended up in the river after the crash, I had to swim and get ashore, I got out and helped some other girl get out and her mother started making a fire this girl is walking along the waterfront I see someone swims sharply in the water, I run her away, he pushes me away, he grabs my leg and drags me under the water, I somehow get out and we climb from this garbage up higher onto a palm tree for big leaves, we sit waiting until she leaves, and then a denozovar comes up and walks closer and closer and bites other trees

A dream in which you are in danger, almost a mortal risk, which you deliberately took:
in reality, such a dream will turn into the complete success of your initially dubious enterprise. Seeing your lover in danger, for a young girl

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation out of the blue:
this means that the meaning of sleep depends on how the situation in the dream was resolved: prosperous or vice versa.

If in a dream you were left alone in danger by your friends, cowardly running away:
it means that in real life losses await you and you will lose all hope of settling your affairs in a way acceptable to you.

A dream in which you, neglecting danger, stand up for the people you love:
portends that soon your affairs will go uphill to the envy of all ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Danger

Seeing yourself in a dream in mortal danger:
portends fame and a high position in society.

If you could not avoid danger and died in a dream or were injured:
in reality, failures in business await you, minor but annoying troubles in the family.

If you are in love:
such a dream indicates that your relationship will not stand the test of time and you will have to break it off.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter Danger

To dream of some kind of dangerous situation if it does not cause you any harm (or if you managed to avoid the immediate threat):
means that in reality you should trust your intuition, which will help you achieve significant success.

If, having fallen into a dangerous position in a dream, you will not be able to escape from it before you wake up:
such a dream indicates that your nerves are in an unbalanced state, and in reality this is fraught with many small, and sometimes large, troubles for you.

The latest dream book Danger

Escape from natural danger:
probable contacts with sick people are not dangerous for you, and if not

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn Danger

If you constantly feel that you are surrounded by danger or you find yourself in dangerous situations all the time:
it means that you are in a state of deep internal conflict that requires attention.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Danger

Danger: a reflection of the internal conflict caused by fears.

Erotic dream book Danger

If you dreamed that you were in a dangerous situation that scares you:
such a dream suggests that in reality you will finally get rid of suspicions and reproaches from a loved one regarding your former intimate relationship.

If in a dream you failed to avoid danger, for example, you were wounded or captured:
this promises big trouble with your loved one.

Modern dream book Danger

If in a dream you are in mortal danger:
in real life, your position from obscure will soon become definite and honorable.

But if danger still overtakes you in a dream:
You will be injured or killed, then losses await you in commercial affairs. In addition, both your loved ones and other people will treat you unkindly. Like a dream for a lover

Slavic dream book Danger

Danger: her in reality.

Family dream book Danger

A dream in which you saw yourself in a dangerous situation:
means that you will get out of obscurity and take a respected position.

If you could not avoid danger in a dream:
in reality you can suffer a decline in business. At home, too, you will be annoyed by minor troubles. Lovers after such a dream, apparently, will have to abandon their plans.

Dream Interpretation of the Future Danger

If you see yourself in a deadly situation:
this means that in reality you will get out of obscurity and take a respected position.

Why dream of danger

Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream in a deadly situation means that you will get out of the unknown and take a respected position; but if you could not avoid imminent danger and die in a dream or suffer from a wound, then in reality you will suffer a loss in business, and at home you will be annoyed by minor troubles.

If you are in love, the dream promises that your plans for the future will not stand the test of time and you will abandon them.

Why dream of danger

Family dream book

A dream in which you saw yourself in a dangerous situation means that you will get out of the unknown and take a respected position.

If you could not avoid danger in a dream, in reality you can suffer a decline in business. At home, too, you will be annoyed by minor troubles. Lovers after such a dream, apparently, will have to abandon their plans.

Why dream of danger

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing some kind of dangerous situation in a dream if it does not cause you any harm (or if you managed to avoid an immediate threat) means that in reality you should trust your intuition, which will help you achieve significant success.

If, having fallen into a dangerous position in a dream, you are unable to escape from it before you wake up, such a dream indicates that your nerves are in an unbalanced state, and in reality this is fraught with many small, and sometimes large, troubles for you.

Why dream of danger

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To run away from natural danger - probable contacts with sick people are not dangerous for you, and if not, you can take the disease on yourself through communication with someone. Sleep warning: be as careful as possible!

Why dream of danger

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are in danger, almost a mortal risk, which you consciously took - in reality, such a dream will turn into the complete success of your initially dubious enterprise. Seeing your lover in danger, for a young girl, means a quarrel with him in reality.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation completely unexpectedly, it means that the meaning of sleep depends on how the situation in the dream was resolved: prosperous or vice versa.

If in a dream you were left alone in danger by your friends, cowardly running away, it means that in real life losses await you and you will lose all hope of settling your affairs in a way acceptable to you.

A dream in which you, neglecting danger, stand up for the people you love, portends that soon your affairs will go uphill to the envy of all ill-wishers.

Why dream of danger

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing yourself in a dream in mortal danger portends fame and a high position in society.

If you could not avoid danger and died in a dream or were injured - in reality you will face failures in business, minor but annoying troubles in the family.

If you are in love - such a dream indicates that your relationship will not stand the test of time and you will have to break it off.

Why dream of danger

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Feeling of danger in a dream - success; for lovers - a quarrel.

Why dream of danger

Modern dream book

If in a dream mortal danger hangs over you - in real life your position from unclear will soon become definite and honorable.

But if the danger nevertheless overtakes you in a dream - you will be injured or killed, then in commercial matters you will face losses. In addition, both your loved ones and other people will treat you unkindly. A lover like a dream - predicts unfavorable prospects.

Why dream of danger

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does Danger mean in a dream - you will be able to get out of poverty and win a good position in society. Imagine that you have safely escaped danger. Rejoice in this. Drink wine!

Why dream of danger

Dream Interpretation of Rick Dillon

To be in danger - to a threatening situation, to feel danger - you need to be vigilant, the danger from any weapon (gun, knife) is a threat to your career, the danger from wild animals - to injury.

Why dream of danger

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Danger - you see in a dream that you are in mortal danger - this is a good dream; in reality, no danger threatens you; you will be satisfied with your position in society. In a dream, you failed to avoid danger, and as if misfortune happened to you - an unexpected turn in business will bring you losses; try not to lend anyone in the near future: they will come to you and ask with honest eyes, but they will take it - and you will no longer see these honest eyes; you will follow like an old usurer after a knight of a skinny purse.

Why dream of danger

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Danger mean in a dream 1. If in a dream we find ourselves in dangerous situations, it means that in everyday life we ​​worry and worry a lot. We may be aware that our activities can harm us if we continue to do them in the same spirit. 2. As a rule, dreams indicate danger in reality in a symbolic form: there is a conflict, fire, flood or other disasters. Perhaps that is why the danger presented in this way in a dream is brighter, more strongly warns the pass about it at a conscious level. 3. Seeing yourself in a dream in a dangerous or suspicious environment means spiritual insecurity.

Why dream of danger

Home dream book

You dreamed of Danger - anxiety.

Why dream of danger

Women's dream book

Danger - Seeing yourself in mortal danger in a dream portends fame and a high position in society. If you could not avoid danger and died in a dream or were injured - in reality you will face failures in business, minor but annoying troubles in the family. If you are in love - such a dream indicates that your relationship will not stand the test of time and you will have to break it off.

Why dream of danger

Dream Interpretation of the Future

If you see yourself in a deadly situation, this means that in reality you will get out of the unknown and take a respected position.

Why dream of danger

Online dream book

If you are in danger in a dream, your efforts will be justified, strengthen your material well-being and weight in society.

If you could not turn away the threat from yourself - your situation is insignificant, but it will worsen, moreover, problems of a domestic nature will pile on.

To run away from danger in a dream - in reality, you will also have to avert some troubles from yourself that will threaten your work and material well-being.

If in a dream you managed to avoid danger, your efforts and talents will be noticed and encouraged, you will enjoy universal respect.

To experience strong fear in a dream portends a joyful surprise. If your fear is caused by anxiety not for yourself, but for people close to you, you will experience anxious expectation in reality. If in a dream you are in fear fleeing from wild animals or evil dogs chasing you, it means that in reality you will be seriously insulted with complete impunity.

If you overcame your fear and boldly entered into a fight with an enemy superior in strength, in reality you will be annoyed by a certain event from which you expected more for yourself. A dream in which you cause fear in everyone around you with your ugly appearance means that in real life your friends will refuse to help you in difficult circumstances for you.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Fear

To experience fear in a dream means a change of fortune or illness.

To be afraid of death in a dream - to illness or a heart attack. A dream in which you are afraid to do something predicts failure.

To experience fear from some terrible sight in a dream predicts misfortune.

If you dream that other people are afraid of something, then you will have to support people who are in trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which you somehow managed to avoid the trouble that threatened you portends a further rise in your authority in the eyes of others and an increase in income.

Avoiding an accident or injury in a dream portends a good mood due to successful business.

If you dreamed that you managed to happily avoid a disaster, then in reality you will always be able to find a worthy way out of the most delicate situation.

Avoiding a viral infection during an epidemic raging around portends in reality good health, good luck in business and all-round prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Danger

Seeing yourself in a dream in a deadly situation means that you will get out of the unknown and take a respected position; but if you could not avoid imminent danger and die in a dream or suffer from a wound, then in reality you will suffer a loss in business, and at home you will be annoyed by minor troubles. If you are in love, then the dream promises that your plans for the future will not stand the test of time and you will abandon them.

Interpretation of dreams from

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