Is it possible to have sesame kozinak while breastfeeding? What kind of kozinaki can you eat while breastfeeding and how much? Can a nursing mother have sunflower seeds: raw and roasted?

Women on breastfeeding are often forced to limit themselves in the consumption of various sweets so as not to harm small child. At the same time, due to constant lack of sleep and increased physical activity the body requires additional sources of energy. Kozinaki can become such a source - completely natural product, which a nursing mother is allowed to eat. And in order to completely protect the baby from negative consequences you should know which kozinaki you can choose and how to use them correctly.


Initially, kozinaki were made from crushed walnut kernels, poured with melted honey. Today, the recipe for this delicacy has undergone numerous changes.

Instead of walnuts, you can use peeled sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, puffed corn, and ground almonds to make sweets.

Trying to save on the cost of the product, manufacturers often replace honey with sugar. Sometimes, in addition to nuts or seeds, poppy seeds, lemon zest, dried fruits and other components are added to the delicacy.

Additionally, various flavorings and dyes can be added to sweets, enhancing the taste of the product, thickeners, accelerating technological process and preservatives that increase shelf life. When purchasing treats, a nursing mother should pay attention Special attention its composition, choosing products from those manufacturers who use only natural ingredients.

Beneficial features

Kozinaki is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a storehouse useful substances, microelements and vitamins.

  • They contain vitamins A, E, PP, as well as group B, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, iron and other trace elements. Naturally, the content of certain substances is influenced by what the delicacy is made from, because chemical composition The possible components are very diverse.
  • The fiber contained in most types of nuts improves intestinal function, stimulates the digestive system, and prevents the absorption of cholesterol.
  • Fats, easily digestible carbohydrates and vegetable proteins provide complete nutrition to the body and the proper functioning of all its systems.
  • Walnuts help cope with colds, stimulate the heart and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. They normalize arterial pressure, have an anthelmintic effect, support liver function, strengthen muscles and increase body tone.
  • Sesame grains help break down and remove waste and toxins from the body, normalize blood pressure and prevent joint diseases. Sesame seeds contain a lot of essential oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which normalize lipid metabolism and are structural components cells of the body's life support systems. In addition, sesame seeds reduce the risk of developing mastopathy during breastfeeding, which is why doctors recommend that nursing mothers regularly include them in their diet.
  • Honey is a unique antioxidant that stimulates metabolic processes, removes waste and toxins, promoting healing and rejuvenation of the body. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of honey stimulates mental activity, increases the strength and mobility of joints, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. When heated, honey partially loses its beneficial properties, but most of them still manifest themselves in kozinaki.

After the baby is born, a woman begins new life. Now she must take care not only of her health, but also of the baby’s development. Proper nutrition plays an important role in this regard. That is why mommy is thinking about whether it is possible to make kozinaki while breastfeeding. At the first stage, it is recommended to understand the structure of the food product, as well as the degree of its effect on the body.

Expert opinion

In the process of creating a menu, a nursing mother must take into account all the recommendations of specialists in this field. They allow you to eat kozinaki, provided you follow the rules important rules. First of all it is necessary New Product introduce foods into the diet gradually and in limited quantities. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of allergies in the baby to a minimum.

When breastfeeding, the baby gets everything essential vitamins and minerals through mother's milk. All sweets are allowed to be eaten in small quantities, provided that before giving birth the woman included this food product in her diet. In this case, all the ingredients will already be somewhat familiar to the baby. The risk of allergies increases if the composition of kozinaki additionally includes nuts.

The product can be eaten in small quantities if the woman is sure that the process does not put additional stress on the baby’s body. In this case, the quality of the product, the implementation of the basic recommendations of the specialist and the individual tolerance of the components play an important role.

Honey is a strong allergen

Possible harm from consumption

Each child is an independent organism, so it is quite difficult to predict his reaction to the product. When using it, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • Honey is a very sweet product that negatively affects the condition of a newborn’s enamel. For an older child, the process of eating is also not safe, since biting increases the likelihood of getting microcracks.
  • If honey remains on the teeth of a nursing woman, it can lead to the formation of caries. This can be avoided by following all the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Peanuts and honey often cause an allergic reaction. Its presence is difficult to predict in advance, even if the mother does not have it. Kozinaki should not be eaten if you have an individual intolerance to certain components.

The food product should be introduced into the diet gradually. In this case, the woman should carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. If indigestion occurs, further use should be discontinued for a while.

Proper use and inclusion in the diet

When breastfeeding, you should follow rules that will protect your baby from side effects:

  • For a nursing woman, it is allowed to try kozinaki no earlier than 2.5 months after giving birth. During this period of time, the baby will be able to adapt to the new way of eating.
  • First, eat very little of the product and carefully monitor your baby's reaction.
  • For breastfeeding, experts recommend eating sesame kozinaki. If necessary, they can be replaced with sunflower seeds. The product must be prepared on the basis of sweet syrup. Honey is a strong allergen; it is recommended to introduce it into the diet much later.
  • For a while, you should avoid the option of a dish made from peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Caramel syrup should not be used as a dressing. Otherwise, the risk of a negative allergic reaction increases several times.
  • It is most convenient to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body if the product was eaten in the first half of the day.
  • Daily daily norm kozinaki should not exceed 80 grams. This volume is fixed at 200 grams per week.
  • When purchasing a product, carefully examine the packaging. It must be sealed; white or gray deposits, streaks or colored spots are not allowed.
  • Make sure that the kozinaki are not expired. It is advisable to eat a recently made, fresh product.

For breastfeeding, the most useful kozinaki are sesame

Kozinaki – delicious and useful product. However, when breastfeeding, you should be careful about its use. Introduction into the diet is carried out gradually. The products must be fresh; it is best to opt for the sesame option. Sugar syrup should be used as a dressing. In this case, the likelihood of allergies can be minimized.

Kozinaki is not a prohibited product when breastfeeding, but in order to minimize the likelihood of unwanted reactions in the baby, you should not only introduce them into the diet correctly and in a timely manner, but also choose a sweet with the right ingredients.

First of all, you should make sure that your mother has no allergic reactions to the components of kozinaki - seeds, sesame, caramel. If there were no such manifestations before or during pregnancy, you can eat kozinaki, following the following tips:

  • It is not recommended to introduce this sweetness before the baby reaches three months of age;
  • when choosing kozinaki, leave your choice on sweets made from sunflower or sesame seeds, and made on the basis of sugar syrup;
  • You should avoid peanut, almond, hazelnut sweets, as well as those filled with honey caramel. The reason for this choice is an increased allergic reaction to such components, as well as the fact that honey does not tolerate heat treatment (it not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes toxic);
  • in the morning, not on an empty stomach, eat a small piece of dessert. After this, it is recommended to adhere to all the rules for monitoring the baby when introducing a new product;
  • The daily quantitative limit is 50-80 grams, and the weekly limit is 200 grams. Kozinaki.

When purchasing these sweets, you need to pay attention to the packaging, it should not be damaged, as well as the production date and expiration date. If the packaging is transparent, carefully examine the surface of the kozinaki - there should be no whitish coating on it (a sign of old age), dirty stains (poorly cleaned components) and foreign color inclusions or uneven caramel color - this indicates the presence of dyes in melted sugar.

During lactation, most existing confectionery products, without which not a single meal is complete, are prohibited for nursing mothers.

Can sesame seeds be harmful to a newborn baby while breastfeeding and what restrictions should a nursing mother adhere to regarding this product? From what period is it better to introduce such a delicacy into the menu? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Sesame kozinaki is prepared using honey or sugar. Honey is healthier in its own way valuable properties, but is a more allergenic product than sugar.

Sesame kozinaki contains vitamins A, B, E and PP, minerals and trace elements such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iodine, as well as essential oils, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acid.

Despite the fact that this delicacy belongs to the category of sweets, it has many useful properties. These include:

  • Saturation of the body with valuable substances that are beneficial for both mother and child during breastfeeding.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the fiber contained in the composition, the body digests and assimilates food more easily. The risk of constipation is reduced.
  • Cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Improving lipid metabolism and the condition of body cells.
  • Reducing the risk of clogged milk ducts during breastfeeding.

Among the negative consequences of consuming sesame kozinaki are:

  • Deterioration of oral health. Residues of this food on the teeth with insufficient hygiene threaten the appearance of caries. In addition, chewing on such hard foods can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and tooth loss.
  • This product is high in calories due to its high fat content. This will help the baby gain weight, however, this will also be reflected in the extra centimeters on the mother’s figure.
  • Ingredients in sesame kozinaki can cause allergic reactions in infants. That is why it is important to follow all the rules for including them in the diet of a nursing woman.

How to start using kozinaki while breastfeeding

It is better to eat such food for the first time in the morning, starting with a small piece. It is not recommended to eat kozinaki on an empty stomach. It is imperative to monitor the baby’s reaction for 2 to 3 days.

If the child’s well-being has not worsened, you can gradually increase the portion.

You should know that the maximum daily dose is no more than 60 g of the product, while the permissible amount per week is no more than 200 g of the product.

Homemade or store-bought: what to choose for breastfeeding

Sesame kozinaki during breastfeeding can only be safe if they are made from high-quality raw materials. With store-bought products it is almost impossible to track this.

In order to protect your baby as much as possible from possible negative consequences, when choosing store-bought kozinaki, it is important to pay attention to:

  • The product contains no flavors, dyes or preservatives, since the use of such additives in food during breastfeeding can seriously harm the health of a newborn baby;
  • Packaging integrity;
  • The appearance of the product itself (kozinak should be uniform in color, without plaque or streaks);
  • Date of manufacture and expiration date of the product.

It is much safer to prepare sesame kozinaki yourself. This is the only way to be sure that the product uses high-quality ingredients. There are a considerable number of options for preparing sesame kozinaki. Here is the easiest and fastest recipe to prepare.

Recipe for sesame kozinaki for nursing mothers

Required Ingredients

  • Sesame seeds – 300 g;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Butter – 30 g.

Cooking process

  • Fry the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan over low heat until they change color, stirring constantly.
  • Melt in a frying pan butter and add sugar.
  • Now add sesame seeds and mix everything quickly.
  • Place the resulting mixture on parchment paper. Cover the top with another sheet of the same paper.
  • Roll out using a rolling pin. The layer should be 1 - 2 cm in height.
  • Before the mass hardens, you need to cut it with a knife into portioned pieces of any desired shape.

Sesame kozinaki during breastfeeding is a tasty and healthy treat. This pastry can be consumed, subject to all rules, already 3 months after birth. If the child tolerates this dish well, it will help improve work digestive system mother and baby, as well as cleanse the body of toxins.

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Kozinaki is a national dish of Georgian cuisine, which was traditionally made from only two ingredients - honey and walnuts. However, for long years The composition of this product has undergone significant changes. Walnuts began to be replaced with peanuts, sunflower or sesame seeds, or puffed corn. Sugar syrup added instead of honey allows you to reduce the cost of the product.

Kozinak is a sweet product that is high in calories. However, this factor is not capable of forcing many women to deny themselves the desire to enjoy this sweetness. Therefore, they very often have a question: Is it possible for nursing mothers to take this delicious product?

Kozinaki is a confectionery product based on seeds and sugar syrup.

100 g of product contains:

    • proteins – about 12 g;
    • fat – up to 30 g;
    • carbohydrates – up to 60 g.

The calorie content of the product depends on its components and varies between 500-600 Kcal.

Today you can rarely find real kozinak in stores. To truly immerse yourself in Georgian traditions, you will have to go to Georgia. In most cases, this oriental delicacy is made from other nuts, including hazelnuts, peanuts or pistachios. The most popular is kozinak based on sunflower or sesame seeds. Children's favorite delicacy is kozinak made from puffed corn, as it is light and not so hard.

In addition to the main components, which include nuts, seeds and honey with sugar syrup, oriental sweets may contain dried fruits or chocolate.


Is there any benefit?

So what benefits does kozinak bring? to the human body? Judging by the composition of this delicacy, its effect on health is invaluable. The properties of honey included in the product are known for its healing qualities. Its components are able to cleanse the blood, removing harmful toxins, accelerate metabolic processes in the body and strengthen general state health.

In addition, honey has long been famous for its antiseptic qualities that can prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Honey contains zinc, which has a beneficial effect on joints. And although honey is heated during the production of oriental sweets, many substances remain unchanged in it.

Nuts and seeds, which are the second component of kozinak, contain an impressive amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Nuts and seeds are natural spring vegetable proteins and fats, which are a storehouse of nutrients.

It is worth mentioning separately about sesame seeds, which contain essential oils, glycerin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances effectively cleanse the blood of toxins, prevent joint diseases, as well as heart and vascular diseases.

Is there any harm?

Despite the undeniable benefits of this product, it cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. After all, it is too high in calories, and therefore it should be perceived only as a delicacy that you can treat yourself to occasionally. Otherwise, kozinak lovers, including nursing mothers, are in danger of gaining excess weight.

When kozinak hardens, it becomes very hard, so you have to make a lot of effort to bite it. This factor does not have the best effect on teeth.

Homemade kozinaki

Who is Kozinak contraindicated for?

This treat should not be consumed by people who are intolerant to glucose or any of its other components. After all, nuts and honey can cause allergic reactions, so breastfeeding women can consume this sweetness only if they are completely sure of their absence.

This product is contraindicated in people who are obese and diabetes mellitus. This prohibition for the former is due to the high calorie content, and for the latter – due to the high glucose content. For this category of people, kozinak can be called pure poison.

It should be remembered that nuts and seeds are 70% fat. Therefore, people who have any diseases of the liver or biliary tract should not use kozinak. But if you really want to, you can make kozinak from oatmeal at home.


She herself must decide whether a nursing mother needs and can take kozinak. If before breastfeeding she often loved to enjoy a piece of this product, then nothing can stop her from remembering the past and again experiencing the incredible taste of kozinak. If this product is new to her, then the risk of taking it should be weighed against possible benefit that he can bring.

In any case, breastfeeding mothers do not need to pounce on treats as if they had not been fed for a week. To begin with, you can limit yourself to a small piece to make sure that the baby does not have digestive problems.

The basic rules for taking kozinak are as follows:

    • you may not enjoy this dessert for the first time before that when the baby reaches the age of 3 months;
    • The product should be consumed only after the main meal, which will reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
    • It is advisable to consume sweets in the first half of the day, so that by the evening all its components have time to be digested;
    • kozinaki made from sunflower and sesame seeds are safer for a nursing mother than those made from nuts;
    • The daily portion of kozinak should not exceed 50 g, and the weekly portion should not exceed 200 g.

A nursing mother, like no other, needs energy. And kozinak is an ideal product that can provide a surge of strength and give good mood. Therefore, adhering to simple rules, taking it will not cause problems for either nursing mothers or their babies.

Video: Kozinaki with peanuts

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