Is it possible to work as a seller with hepatitis C. I like to work in the trade

Many people consider salespeople to be almost the most shameful profession and think that if a person works as a salesperson, then everything is bad with him. Some sincerely thank the seller for the good advice and appreciate the quality service. But what are the pros and cons of being a salesperson?

The benefits of being a salesperson.

The seller will not be left without work.

The seller is the profession that will always be needed. The seller brings real profit to the company and if there are no sales, then there will be no money to pay money to working specialties. When it decreases, workers are fired first of all, since they have no one to produce for. A good seller will always provide for himself. Understanding this, many are engaged and do not work for the "uncle".

The seller helps people.

A friend of mine said that he works as a salesman because he likes to help people. Of course, this is not important for everyone, but the seller receives a lot of moral satisfaction from sales. Grateful clients do not skimp on praise, they can often leave money and even offer a job.

You can quickly start making good money.

In sales, you can earn good money without education, work experience, or any unique skills. Everything depends on you. The author of this article at the age of 19 earned more than my parents combined, working as a simple salesman in a store.

Possibility of combining with studies and other work.

Work in sales can be both the main source of income and additional. Many make extra money doing freelancing, network marketing, working as a realtor, or just working as a seller in their spare time. Sales provide an excellent opportunity to earn additional income, there are many vacancies with flexible hours for full-time students. Working in sales is not only income, but also an excellent life experience that will come in handy in life.

Opportunity for rapid career growth.

Many people ask - My advice to you - go to work in sales. There is a high turnover in sales. Including managers and any adequate person, having worked for several years as a seller, become a supervisor, etc. In addition, sales teach communication between people and the ability to achieve goals, which is very important for any leader. Therefore, management from salespeople is much more effective than, for example, from working specialties.

Opportunity to earn extra money.

A seller who knows his business can always make good money. First of all, due to the fact that he communicates with a large number of people, this traffic can be converted by providing any services. Of course, the topic is additional. earnings are more associated with . But in sales to legal entities there are kickbacks and useful connections. For example, one of my friends, working as a seller in a store, earned 30-60 thousand rubles per month. just for not putting the date of purchase in the warranty card. This is of course not entirely legal, but there are other ways.

Young team.

It is common for young people to work in sales, and it is natural to work in young teams in a pleasant and interesting way. Employees begin to communicate closely with each other, and relax together, often creating families.

Disadvantages of being a salesperson

Low status work.

“The buyer says to the seller who receives 150t.r. per month: well, what does it cost you at least 15 thousand? This is a real life case, many people think that sellers get much less than they actually are. When my school teacher found out how much I earn as a salesperson, she rhetorically said "... well, why study then." If the company says that I work as a seller, then this will obviously no longer respect you. There is such an opinion in society, so if the status of the profession is important to you, then sales is not for you.

You start to hate people.

Many sellers, having worked for half a year, are disappointed in buyers and in work. The buyers are all with the same topic of the same problems and questions. And it starts to bother and tire, I want some kind of novelty, but it's not there.

Emotional "burnout"

The seller gives a lot of emotions to the buyer at the same time there are quite a few emotions left. Sometimes it is difficult for the seller to communicate with relatives, since there are no emotions left for communication. is a very common professional problem, and for successful work in sales, a store of emotions is required.

No salary.

Sellers rarely have a large salary, since it makes no sense to pay just like that. Many applicants do not like this, people like a big stable salary, and when they hear that 80% of income is a percentage of sales they go to work where there is stability.

seasonal factor.

Many sales are seasonal. That is, in the off-season, sales fall, and income decreases significantly.

Is it worth being a salesperson?

When choosing who to work with, you must first of all proceed from what you like. There is probably nothing worse than doing something you don't like. The work of a salesperson is connected with communication with people, and if you do not like people, hate communication, then you should not torture yourself, customers and your boss. Not everyone is made to sell.

I like to work in trade

What about unpleasant?

Yulia Vorobyeva is the director of the Finn Flare store in the European shopping center, a young, modest and smiling girl. But she, like other heroes of this column, was able to grow from a seller to a store director in a short time. We asked Yulia some simple questions about her work. We are confident that her answers will be useful and interesting to readers.

Julia, how can I understand if I can make a career in trading or not?

The most important thing is to immediately understand whether you like working as a seller or not. If interest is shown, the desire to strive further, to grow is yours. I like working in trade, because it is an opportunity to communicate with different people, to help them. Finn Flare always encouraged me to develop, my progress was visible to the management, so I was quickly promoted to a manager. The path from the seller to the store manager took me about 2 years. Today I am the director of the Finn Flare store in the European shopping center, this is one of the most important and most complex outlets in our network. There is always an active movement here, the company holds many events in our store. It is an honor to work here, but it is very difficult.

Julia, what is the most pleasant thing about being a store manager?

Communicate with employees and customers. When everything works out, when the store works like a Swiss watch - exactly, debugged, then you will definitely see many satisfied customers. And this is good news.

What about unpleasant?

Negative feedback from some buyers. Unfortunately, there are people who come to the store to give away their negative emotions. These are energy vampires. It is very important to immediately identify this category of people and not respond to their attacks. All our salespeople are required to undergo training in stress management and sales psychology.

What can put a career in trading?

Now our company is developing rapidly, constantly opening new stores. Therefore, anyone can make a career with us, the main thing is that there is a desire and ability. There are sellers, mostly among students, who treat their work as a kind of transit point: I will work a little, and then I will leave. We try to take the most responsible and hardworking from this category. The company is well aware that our cooperation is temporary. But, if the employee is wonderful, we try to meet halfway, we form a schedule for him, so that he has time to pass the session and go to the Crimea in the summer. We had cases when students were dragged out by work and they stayed in our company. For example, the former salesman of our store in Evropeisky, a psychology student, now works in the office as a training manager.

And speaking in general, then, of course, in trade there is no place for the modest, unsocial, passive and lazy. It is important that a person is curious, interested in his profession, knows the product well.

Yulia, do you think a salesperson needs special education?

I don't think it's necessary today. In our company, there is always the possibility of internal training in trainings that are developed specifically for Finn Flare. Salespeople are taught how to work with buyers, how to deal with dissatisfied customers, the psychology of sales, the intricacies of the assortment, stress management - everything that will be needed in his work. Of course, if a person has a need, he can study outside of work, and not even necessarily for a trade specialty.

On the basis of what the seller is promoted to the position of a manager?

When a person has obvious organizational skills, good management skills, he understands the nuances of this business, knows the product and is energetic. Also, a candidate for the position of a manager must be able to work with a buyer, understand human psychology, so that, if necessary, he can resolve disputes, and this applies not only to buyers, but also to the administration of Shopping Centers. After all, in addition to everything else, the director communicates with all kinds of services, solves a sea of ​​​​technical issues. In our company, active people do not sit in one position for a long time. If we see that a person is active, proactive, responsible, then we always give the opportunity to grow further.

What was the most difficult thing for you when you were promoted for the first time?

As a store administrator, I was actually the right hand of the store manager. I was required to have organizational skills, responsibility, the ability to make and implement decisions. In the absence of the store manager, I replaced him completely on all issues. Then for me it was a completely new stage in my life, the company grew and, accordingly, increased responsibility, job responsibilities, everything was very fast. And there was a struggle in my soul: can I or can't I? There was some excitement, but I really wanted to move on, develop, so everything worked out.

What were the difficulties in working with staff?

The most difficult thing with staff is understanding. The director and the seller must speak the same language with each other. It is clear that it is difficult for beginners in the first days, they are embarrassed, they are afraid to approach, because after all, their task is to serve the buyer. And it is very important to somehow survive this initial period together so that a person is not afraid. Everything is like in a kindergarten: a lot depends on the teacher whether the child stays here or not.

Our stores mainly employ young people from 18 to 30 years old, and the most problematic category is young people from 18 to 22 years old. These are yesterday's children, they would like to play, take a walk, relax a little longer, but here they have to work. We try to take all this into account, make a flexible schedule, motivate additionally, in a word, we meet halfway.

What might make you think about changing jobs?

There may be several reasons. The question is provocative. A complete change of leadership and the inability to work with this new leadership, personal reasons, stagnation in the development of the company, when no one needs anything. Thank God, it is very interesting to work in FINN FLARE now, so I am satisfied with my work.

finn flare, mall, center, european, career, trade, special I like to work in trade 2020-02-28 2020-02-28

The times when “all professions are needed, all professions are important” are long gone. Now they are trying to choose prestigious specialties so that it is not embarrassing to tell relatives, friends, classmates who you work for. The profession of a sales consultant is not held in high esteem by many. Even more, the fact that you are “just” a seller is reluctantly told.

What is a Sales Consultant?

When they say "sales consultant", a person in the uniform of some trading network immediately appears, asking: "Is there anything I can help you with?" A grandmother in a newsstand or an aunt in a butcher's shop in the market does not dare to call a sales assistant a consultant.

And there is. After all, the task of the seller in the distribution network is to help with the choice of goods, advise on purchases of interest (hence the name "consultant") and lead a person to purchase at the checkout. Another person is directly involved in the release of goods - the cashier.

There are sales consultants in stores of various fields: clothing, footwear, household goods, electronics and equipment, food products, sporting goods. And in connection with the expansion of many retail chains, especially grocery ones, the demand for sales assistants is only growing. Therefore, if the question arose - is it worth going to work in this area, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Pros of the profession

People in vain have a negative attitude towards this profession, because it has a lot of advantages:

  • Work close to home. Those who commute to work by train or work on a rotational basis know how difficult it is to spend several hours on the road every day or even be away from home.
  • Can be promoted to director. Having settled in a store as a sales assistant, you can rise to leadership positions in a few years (and sometimes months). Such a prospect will appeal to ambitious people, those who want to be a leader. In online markets, this is quite simple to do.
  • Schedule. It's no secret that the most frequent work schedule for a salesperson is 2/2. There are, of course, those who find it inconvenient. But with such a schedule, the rhythm does not go astray when you have to stay awake for a day (with the option of a day / three), there are free days in the week when you can go to the hospital, government agencies and other organizations working 5/2 (which cannot be done with the same own chart).
  • A good part-time job for students and young mothers. In addition to full-time employees, retail chains are increasingly recruiting sales consultants for part-time employment. This is a job for several hours a day, which means that you can earn extra money at a convenient time: after couples or when the child is in kindergarten. Money with such a schedule, of course, is small, but this is an opportunity not to sit on the neck of a husband or parents.
  • No Experience Required. On job search sites, the vacancy of a sales consultant is published with the note “no experience”. No need to spend 4-5 years on a college or university, experienced colleagues will teach everything on the spot. This knowledge can be used in the future when looking for a higher paying job.
  • There are good bonuses for employees.. In addition to the traditional discount for your own, you can get decommissioned products, which are still quite edible, in grocery chains. In clothing stores, when carrying out a markdown, you can buy an excellent thing several times cheaper than the initial cost. Be the first to evaluate and purchase new items.
  • Good working conditions. Employers provide not only comfortable working conditions (air conditioners, heating, lunch break), but also comply with labor laws - paid leave (including maternity leave) and sick leave, payment of salaries 2 times a month and material assistance.
  • Decent salary. If you do not work part-time, then you can get quite a decent salary. Especially if there is neither experience nor education.
  • Ability to weather the crisis. If you were laid off at the previous place, you can’t find a job by profession for a long time, then going into sales is an option to survive the black streak. After all, you need to eat and pay for housing constantly. Working as a seller, you can leisurely look for a job that suits you, without worrying about lack of money.

Cons of work

There are disadvantages in any activity, those who worked as a sales assistant talk about such disadvantages of the profession:

  • Footwork. The seller is not allowed to sit on the trading floor. If there are no buyers, then the employee does other things, because the duties of a consultant are not limited to communicating with clients. Not everyone can stand 10-12 hours on their feet. Namely, this is how long a shift lasts with a 2/2 schedule.
  • Clients. Alas, not all visitors to retail chains are polite, cultured people. There are also those who come to the store to take out their negativity on the seller. They know that the seller consultant simply does not have the right to respond also rudely to an insult. The boorish behavior of buyers has become the norm, because he is "always right." During the season of spring and autumn exacerbations, the number of such buyers is growing.
  • Holiday work. Some retail chains (especially grocery ones) work even on January 1. If the schedule falls on these days, you will have to go out, which means you can forget about the holidays.
  • Material liability. The seller is responsible for the goods entrusted to him, which means that if, after the inventory, a shortage is found, he will have to pay it. And there will be a shortage, because thieves find more and more new ways to take out the goods. And the write-off amount, which is given to the store in cases of theft, is sometimes not enough.
  • If the seller becomes a professional in one area, then when changing activities, you will have to relearn from scratch.
  • Often retail chains present requirements for the appearance of employees. This applies to hair color, lack of tattoos, sometimes even clothing size and age.
  • personal selling, which are required in some networks, deter workers. Not everyone knows and can sell.

Sales consultant is a normal profession, no worse and no better than many others. As they say in Ireland: "It is a job!" (this is a job) about any profession, meaning that no matter what you do, the main thing is an honest income and that you do not sit on anyone's neck.


When money is needed right now, working as a salesperson is the best solution. But is it worth working as a salesperson all your life or for a long time? How attractive is this profession and what are the prospects?

Let someone think that the work of a sales assistant is an option to get by at first, earn extra money on vacation or, in a very extreme case, when they were not taken to other places. But it is not so.

Is it worth it to work as a sales assistant?

First of all, it is worth going to work as a sales assistant when you need money as soon as possible; work does not require special training or long, many years of comprehension of knowledge. But everyone who goes to such a vacancy “not from a good life” has a chance to grow into a professional in his field. After all, a professional salesperson is also a talent and a calling, work and experience that does not come immediately and immediately, but only after a long journey in the profession.

Whether it is worth working as a sales assistant is not a rhetorical question. After all, it is known that this is not the easiest job, although they take it there without education and experience. Everyone went to the shops and saw how difficult it is to work there and can put themselves in the place of a seller and imagine what it is like. Nevertheless, is it worth the effort and work spent to choose this profession as your business for a long time?

The profession has both pluses and minuses. However, like any other, here the sellers do not stand out in any special way.

If this is your first job - any experience will be useful and it is well worth going to work as a salesman. Working as a seller allows you to learn how to communicate with customers, communicate correctly, you can learn about the basics of marketing and sales techniques. It will be a very rewarding experience, no matter where you continue your career, in almost any field, the ability to speak unobtrusively, politely, tactfully and openly with potential buyers will come in handy. If you have certain abilities in this area, the talent of persuasion, then it will be very, very useful for you and you have a considerable chance to advance in this field.

Sales career opportunities

If you manage to find "your" employer and a good job, then with such abilities, this is a real chance not to look for something new, but to make a career in trade and sales. Here you can have no doubt - whether it is worth working as a seller, but feel free to go to work and everything will turn out well for you. The vacancy of a sales assistant gives a good starting chance to move over time to sales managers. And this is the most demanded profession at the moment. A huge number of companies are looking for a talented and experienced sales manager, the choice of offers is great, and thus there is a great opportunity to find what you like, choose a comfortable place to work and become a "salesperson". This is a very promising and highly paid profession.

The disadvantages of the lower rung of this career - the position of a sales assistant, include a small salary. It usually consists of a fixed part (salary) and a variable part (percentage of personal sales or total revenue). But this does not mean that the answer to the question of whether it is worth going to work as a sales assistant or a sales manager in an office is negative. After all, the percentage depends on your success as a specialist who can convince and sell. The more you sell, the better you convince, the higher your earnings.

Also, to the pluses of the profession - as a rule, sellers are drawn up according to the Labor Code, deductions are made for a future pension, a good social package is issued, and in most companies, preliminary training of sellers is carried out before they start working. And not only at the beginning of the work, but also in the future, many organizations provide training for salespeople, designed to help them increase sales.

At such trainings, sellers are taught to work out different situations, competently attract the attention of the buyer, unobtrusively advise and understand the psychotypes of buyers. It also discusses the principles of marketing.

It is also worth mentioning that if you have varicose veins, then you need to think carefully about whether it is worth working as a sales consultant. This work is mainly on the legs, and if you have varicose veins, it will be difficult to be in motion all day, it happens that during the day you can’t even sit down for a minute. And many stores even write in their rules a ban on sellers sitting. So, this is quite a physically demanding job. In addition, the ability to focus and be able to multitask is important when working as a salesperson. If there are a lot of visitors, then you need to be able to do several operations at the same time and not make a mistake or screw up anywhere.

Is it worth it to work as a sales assistant with such a combination of advantages and disadvantages? It's up to you. Of course, in most large stores and retail chains there is a very high turnover of staff, many cannot cope and cannot keep up with the pace of work. But at the same time, this is a chance for a patient and purposeful young man or girl to start a career, stand out and move up a notch. There are cases when the seller reached the career director of the store or even the sales director. Everything is in your hands, it is important to decide whether your choice is temporary or you want to do just that.

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