Rituals, signs and fortune telling for Ivan Kupala. To attract money luck. Ritual to attract finance

Magic surrounds us everywhere - so they say knowledgeable people. Only we, wrapped in vanity, cut off from nature, do not know and do not notice this. But there are days that definitely need to be used to increase your energy level, and therefore your health and quality of life. Rituals and fortune telling on Ivan Kupala will replace many months of communication with nature. After all, it’s an extraordinary day! Interested? Let's figure it out.

What day are we talking about?

Previously, such a question had never even occurred to people. After all, they were constantly in contact with plants, water, air, and earth. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala was one of the most reverent and anticipated rituals. Now there are those who have never heard of this tradition. The Kupala holiday falls on the seventh of July. This is the day when nature reaches its annual peak. The fields and forests just ring and shine with juices. A great time, which, as they say, would be a sin not to take advantage of. If you think that fortune telling has no connection with nature, then you are mistaken. The correctness of the forecasts obtained directly depends on the forces that we managed to get as our assistants. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is effective because there is no need to break through any special walls; nature exudes incredible magic. You just need to take it, that is, be able to connect. But this is not all the advantages of this magnificent day. Harmony helps you receive the most accurate recommendations and advice. You see, this is something like instructions for further proper development. Follow them and rush at full speed towards happiness!..

What methods of fortune telling are in harmony with the energy of the day?

Surely many people associate fortune telling in their imagination with coffee, runes, cards, and so on. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala is carried out in any of the listed and unspecified ways. Something completely different is important. A person should feel a connection with nature on this day. And what magical tools he will need for this is a personal matter. Therefore, it is proposed to start the process itself with a walk or hike outside the city. There, soak in the splendor of the moment. Yes, watch the plants and animals. They will tell you a lot, without any rites or rituals. Such is this magical day - Ivan Kupala. I have fortune telling and omens during this period special power. It is advisable to listen to folk heritage and incorporate it into your life. But let's talk about signs a little further. Let's start with various methods of fortune telling. If divination is not one of your facets professional activity, then put the Tarot and runes aside, do not make coffee. It’s better to tell fortunes on herbs and leaves, listen to what the birds in the forest or, at worst, outside the window tell you. Look closely at the sky and clouds. Take a dip in the water and ask her a secret question. Try to connect internally with Mother Nature. Who else, do you think, is obliged to protect, defend, nurture us - foolish children? The earth, undeservedly considered a piece of rock, but which is actually alive and spiritual.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love

Very interesting way to learn about relationship prospects was used in some villages. The method is easy, but they say it is very true. Nobody complained about him, unless you consider magical influence herbs on personality. This means that the ritual may well not only predict, but determine further development events. But, this is your will, check it if you want, but if you don’t want it, choose a different method of fortune-telling that is closer to the soul. It is also suggested to go to the pond in the evening. Pick two blades of grass or stems there that you like. Write on them the names of those whose relationships you need to know about. Come home, attach them to the ceiling or wall side by side. You want the blades of grass to hang freely. After a while they will wither and dry out. Then look at the result:

  • intertwined with each other - long and mutual love;
  • turned away - people would scatter in different directions;
  • and remained hanging evenly - the marriage will be fragile;
  • bent in one direction - passion will turn into a big disaster for the one whose blade of grass reaches out to the other. The feeling will be in vain, unrequited.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for love is a sure thing. It contains not just a prediction, but a connection with destinies. On this magical day, their secrets become closer and are revealed. That’s why we were so looking forward to this holiday earlier. The divination showed correctly, for life!

How to attract your betrothed?

What girl (of any age) does not dream of her prince in a white Mercedes? Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for your betrothed allows you not only to identify him, but also to attract him. Here it should be said right away that girls cast spells in different ways. If there is a guy in mind, then some rituals are carried out, if for now there are only dreams in the head, then another. Let's start with the first savvy beauties. They should have picked any two flowers. As a rule, they took chamomile. Tear off their stems and gently float them through the water. Watch how they float. If you cuddle and do not separate, then the mysterious guy is indeed your betrothed. And when you’ve sailed in different directions, you shouldn’t dream about it. Another one will appear. It’s a different matter for girls who have no one in mind. They need to study the following fortune telling on Ivan Kupala for their betrothed. After morning procedures, collect your hair from the comb. Roll into a ball and keep under your pillow until sunset. And in the evening, take them outside the outskirts (to the street). Throw at a crossroads. So say: “Weave paths through the flowering land. Bring your betrothed to me, so that he is powerful, kind, handsome, and looks like a priest! Amen!" Now go home. If you meet a cat, the fate has not yet been determined. If you have a dog, then your betrothed is already nearby. If the bird sings or screams, get ready for the wedding.

How and for what to bewitch at home?

It's not just love that interests people these days. Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home is also carried out for other purposes. For example, do you want to know what age is measured for you? Light a candle in the evening. Watch how it starts to burn. If it completely melts and does not go out, then your health will not let you down. Surprise all your loved ones with longevity. When black streaks flow down the candle, you will get sick in old age. You will cause a lot of trouble for your relatives. A accidentally blown out candle speaks of the short life of the one who casts a spell. Caution must be exercised. After all, this person’s life could end accidentally. However, there is no need to fall into pessimism either. After all, any result can be changed by your thoughts and actions. Here is an interesting and original fortune telling on Ivan Kupala at home for wealth. It also not only predicts, but also attracts well-being. It's two in one.

How to attract money?

The ritual is very old. It is believed that dew on this day has healing properties. You were supposed to get up before light and go and roll on the meadow grass in your shirt. Once you get wet from head to toe, do not wipe yourself off. Dry in the wind. Don't wash your shirt. She will take care of her health. Many people know about this ritual. But the addition to it is not so widely known. While diving in the dew, collect dawn herbs. You need to pick a whole bouquet. Take them home. Lay out and dry. If they rot or become covered with mold, expect problems with income. The year will be unlucky. When the grass dries without any damage, crush it into powder and add it to your wallet. He will become like a magnet, attracting money to the family. Those who are unlucky with this ritual are advised to pay attention to the signs. Maybe they will bring other, more pleasant news. It is impossible that on the day of Ivan Kupala, fortune telling and omens would only talk about the negative. After all, every person has good things. You just need to identify it.


People pass on a lot of things by word of mouth. sure signs relating to various areas of life. We will highlight only those that talk about well-being in order to try to reassure those who are unlucky with herbs. Remember who you met first when you went outside that day? If it's a man, then good. Something pleasant and stable will come into life. Besides, good sign is rain before noon. He predicts not only a good harvest of forest fruits, but also well-being for those who fall under its streams. So, feel free to run outside when the water begins to rumble and flow. Will you cash flow and without herbal powder.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala on cards

Leave this method for last. You can use cards to cast spells at any time. Why give up the magic of nature and lock yourself in a dusty room? But, if you want, then take out just one card. You can tell your whole life from it. If it turns out to be bright, then you are the darling of fate. Dark indicates the presence of unprocessed karma. This is how you should judge by suit:

  • worms - great love;
  • diamonds - a lot of money;
  • clubs - a successful career;
  • peaks - grief and tears.

Don't be discouraged if the result is not what you dreamed of. Pull out another card. The correct result is determined by three pictures. Whichever suit is greater is what rules your life.

Conclusion with additional information

It is difficult to cover all the ways of divination on this magical day. But there is one who was rightfully loved and appreciated in many villages. This is a fortune telling for Ivan Kupala for a dream. It's simple. You need to ask the question when you get into bed. But to get the correct answer, the pillow should not be simple, but stuffed with fresh grass, collected that day in the forest or field. That's the secret. And at night you will see what fate has prepared for you for the coming months, or even for your whole life. Don't miss this magical time! Good luck!

On Kupala night, mainly love magic happens

Kupala night in the minds of the Slavs is associated with pagan magic, the sudden acquisition of wealth, love and success. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is mysticism, mystery and a variety of natural magical rituals. Kupala was associated with summer solstice, therefore, conspiracies and love spells on Ivan Kupala were very effective.

What can be achieved from otherworldly forces on this day? Ivan Kupala is called the Herbalist, the Colored, the Lover and the Walking One for a reason. On Kupala night, mainly love magic happens, but there are conspiracies for other purposes. For example, to gain wealth, beauty, health and good luck.

When you wake up at dawn on July 7, hurry up to take a swim in the nearest body of water. The power of Kupala water is so great that it can heal any disease. While bathing, you can perform a simple ritual. Stand facing the river (or lake), bow three times and say:

“Kupala, good master, be merciful to me. Mother Voditsa and kind Kupala spirit, drive out illnesses from the bones, veins, womb and head. Let me, God's servant(name is called) health and longevity. Amen".

After swimming, thank Mother Water three times. The words are: “Water, water, thank you, it gave me health, washed away all illnesses”. If your child gets sick, you can dip him in the river and perform a similar ritual. In the spell, instead of yourself, mention the name of the sick child.

Kupala knitting for diseases

Ritual knitting in Kupala has long been practiced by our ancestors. Things connected on this day have a powerful charge of positive energy. Threads should be natural (ideally wool) with a predominance of blue and yellow flowers. Here is a complete list of color matches that can be used:

  • yellow - mental activity;
  • blue - spirituality, healing;
  • red - health, vitality;
  • pink - love;
  • orange - joy;
  • green - wealth, creative growth;
  • white - spiritual protection;
  • purple - confidence;
  • black - binding.

Knitting is carried out on the holiday of Agrafena the Bathing Suit (July 6), before which you must cleanse yourself in the bathhouse. The broom should be nettle or birch. Go to bed, and on July 7 (at dawn) pick a bunch of nettles on which the dew has not dried. Additionally, collect the dew in a small bowl.

Take the dew and nettles into the house (the grass should be placed in the corners) and start knitting. It could be a sweater, sock, hat or anything else. After completing the process, sprinkle the product with Kupala water. The knitted item can be used throughout the year - until the next Kupala.

Books with Kupala spells and love spells

Modern researchers of folklore often turn to Kupala beliefs. Scientists give a special place to conspiracies and love spells, which have long been practiced in Rus'. Belarusian researcher Ivan Kirchuk outlined the main stages of the holiday and the features of the rituals in the book “Yarila-Kupala”. The manual was published in 2005 (Minsk) and touches on aspects of the reconstruction of Kupala rituals.

One of Vladimir Yuzhin’s books talks about Kupala rituals aimed against the evil eye and damage. The author teaches how to make amulets, read prayers and spells. Separate chapters are devoted to fortune telling and Slavic signs.

The “Big Book of Conspiracies,” written by the sorcerer Veleslav, emphasizes fire and earth rituals. Here are healing spells and beauty spells. With requests, the sorcerer advises turning to Mother Earth and Veles.

For happiness, success and good luck

To attract good luck and fortune, on Kupala evening you need to retire and perform the appropriate ritual. On the eve of the holiday, go into nature and find a little-visited body of water. Enter the water after 18.00 and read the spell:

“One tree is vitriol, the second is to John, the third is feigned, submissive to the holy fathers. Come to me, luck, submit, happiness. Let luck grow under the pretend tree. Happiness submits to the Lord, and is covered with night ferns. If I read the spell nine times, I will gain success in life. Let the Kupala water flow over me, let luck stick to my body. Amen".

The words of the spell must be pronounced by sprinkling yourself with water. The text is repeated nine times. After completing the ritual, let the water dry on your body and go home. You can’t dry yourself with a towel, and you can’t look around either.

Success in financial matters

On the eve of the holiday, visit three neighbors and ask each of them for a pinch of salt. Wait until midnight and mix the salt you received from your neighbors with your homemade salt. Cut a piece of black bread and salt it. Conspiracy text:

“A person cannot live without salt, so let happiness certainly come to me. Everyone needs salt, so I (name) with money and luck will be loved. Follow me, luck, on my heels, settle in my house, and don’t run to your neighbor. Live, good luck, in the house of God's servant (name). My word is strong. Amen".

To avoid misfortune

In Kupala the earth is literally soaked solar energy, so rituals for troubles turn out to be powerful and durable. To protect yourself from life’s adversities, try making a simple amulet. On Kupala night, go outside, draw a circle around yourself and take off your shoes. After crossing yourself, read the plot:

“My relatives, friends and saints, deliver me from all kinds of adversity. Let evil person will not offend me, let the enemy with bad intentions pass me by. Give me the strength to push away troubles with my hands, see misfortunes with my eyes, and understand them with my mind. The saints will protect me from any evil and shield me. Bless me, Mother Theotokos. Amen".

As a talisman, you can use a coin or a smooth stone taken from the river bank. The main thing is that the artifact is within the circle throughout the ritual. After completing the ritual, thank the forces of nature by bowing three times.

How to achieve wealth and prosperity

To gain wealth, our ancestors used “silver washing.” Having waited for Ivan Kupala, the sorcerer walked to the nearest reservoir, grabbing a handful of silver coins and a goblet. The coins were poured into the cup, after which the container was filled with water. Next you need to read the plot:

“Just as everyone around is drawn to gold, let coins not bypass my Wallet. Let wealth stick to your wallet and flow into it like a river endlessly. Move, money, in the name of our Lord. Amen".

Our ancestors searched for a fern flower to achieve well-being, but this was a long and labor-intensive process. Modern rituals are made simpler, they do not require special training. Let's look at a classic example.

Rituals with pillow and earth

Collect all the money in the house and hide it under your pillow on the eve of Kupala Night. In the morning you need to take out the money and start waving it in front of you. You must create a feeling of abundance money supply. There are more complex rituals, here is one of them:

  1. Wait for the holiday of Kupala.
  2. Prepare more metal coins, earth (3 handfuls) and water.
  3. At midnight, fill the basin with coins, soil and water.
  4. Mix everything until it becomes muddy.
  5. Read the plot.

The spell must be cast during the mixing process. After this, you need to wash your hands and place the basin on the eastern windowsill. A day later, go to a secluded intersection and shake out the entire contents of the basin. Here is the text of the spell:

“I don’t sleep during the Kupala night, I forge prosperity and wealth. I take the golden keys and unlock the damp earth. I will let the dew go away, I will attract little gold to my home. Help me, Yarilo, send grace.”

Love spells

To create powerful love magic, you will need a fern. You can get a sprig of fern anywhere - in a public garden, park area or forest. The plant must be picked at midnight; healers recommend performing the ritual in the same place. Procedure:

  1. Take out a photograph of your lover and roll it up into a tube.
  2. Carefully tie the tube with fern.
  3. Say a spell.
  4. Hide the photo in a secluded place.
  5. Tie the photo with a strong thread (to be more secure).

The photograph should be folded so that the lover's face is inside the tube. Pay attention to the “behavior” of the branch - a breaking fern means dissatisfaction with higher powers. In this case, the ritual should be stopped. Spell text:

“Kupala fern, you have seen the royal jewels, the underground treasures. I don’t ask for gold and silver, it’s better to unite my heart with my dear one (name is called). Gold dries up people's hearts, and let my loved one suffer forever without me. For the sake of wealth, a person forgets the past, and let my betrothed think only about me. My words are strong. The Kupala fern and the night star help me. Let it be so".

Ritual with a fire

Love magic at Kupala is often associated with a fire. Fire and love spells are inseparable in the minds of the Slavs, since they are associated with the power of Yarila. You can bewitch your loved one if he is present at the holiday with you. Look at the flame and read the plot:

“The flame burns hotly, illuminating the night brightly. The fire will preserve the secret of love and will bewitch the betrothed (the name is called) to me. As soon as we hold hands, we will merge forever, we cannot be separated, we cannot be separated. Strengthen, Fire, our love, unite our hearts.”

The ritual will be completed when you jump over the fire with your loved one. To do this you need to join hands. Then drag the guy into the Kupala round dance and don’t part with him until dawn.

For youth and girlish beauty

To enhance natural attractiveness, girls in the old days resorted to secret magic. The prayer below is suitable for those who have a house in the village or a dacha. Buy a nightgown (the old one is no good) and go to the village. In the morning on Kupala, run in your shirt across the field, collecting dew. Take off your shirt and read the spell on it:

“Beauty and dew will be connected, they will lie down on my youthful body. Let my beauty flare up with a bright flame and amaze everyone around me. Let honest people look, admire and admire. I’ll go out as a soldier; I won’t find any equal among women. Let it be like this forever. Amen".

The prayer should be repeated three times. After finishing reading the plot, put on a shirt and lie down in the dew - let your clothes get thoroughly wet. Soon you will notice the changes that have occurred.

Sex appeal

To achieve sexual attractiveness, you need to go into the forest and pick some oregano there. This must be done at three o'clock in the morning on Kupala. Return home, put oregano in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection, read the following text:

“Ordinary people look in the mirror, but let the men never take their eyes off me. Will brighter than the sun, the moon is whiter, the sky is sweeter. I will become beautiful and desirable for men, let them admire me and dream about their secrets. My words will be reflected; the mirror will not distort. Keys and lock. Amen".

Ancient and modern conspiracies

The oldest Kupala rituals involve the use of fern, thistle and other herbs. You can put together a bouquet containing 12 components, put it under your pillow and find happiness. You can revive faded feelings with the help of a bathhouse and a birch broom. While slapping yourself with a broom in the steam room, say:

“The bath leaf clings to the girl’s body, and so my betrothed clings to me again. Sculpt, beloved (name is called), be strong, bond with me forever. My work is sculpted, my word is strong. While the birch tree stands in the field, my beloved lies at my feet. Amen".

Ritual ablution

On Kupala, both the fire and water elements are activated, so ablution will bring real benefits. Powerful love ritual connected to the river flow. Persuade your lover to enter the river and, while swimming together, say the following spell:

“Water, wash our bodies and souls, open the heart of my betrothed (name is called) to love. As soon as my beloved plunges into the water, he will rush to me with all his soul. Today we will step together through the course, and we will walk through life together.”

Ritual in an unheated bath

Another effective love spell ritual is associated with the water element and an unheated bathhouse. The guy’s personal presence is not required for the ritual. Procedure:

  1. Go to the bathhouse.
  2. Fill the basin with water.
  3. Throw salt into the water.
  4. Cross the basin with a piece of black bread.
  5. Read the spell and eat the bread.
  6. Take out a handkerchief and rinse thoroughly in water.
  7. Place the artifact in the chosen one's pocket.

The plot can also be applied to a husband who has lost interest in you over the years. In this case, the scarf is replaced with a shirt belonging to the spouse. A man must wear this shirt and wear it for some time. Conspiracy text:

“People cannot live without salt, bread and water. Likewise, God’s servant (name is given) will not be able to take a single step without his beloved (your name). Water gives you water, bread feeds you, and you will always remember me. Let it be so. Amen".

Kupala signs

All rituals performed by young people on Kupala night are associated with the solstice, water and fire elements. The spirit of the Kupala festivities is best felt in the village - pagan signs are still revered there. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • climb over 12 fences - to a dream come true;
  • fern with nettle - best protection from witches if you put these plants on the doorstep;
  • collecting herbs at night - for quick healing from ailments;
  • plantain under the pillow (for girls) - to prophetic dream about the groom;
  • jumping over a fire is a sure defense against otherworldly forces.

If you want to protect your home from thieves, place Ivan-da-Marya in the corners. You need to lay out flowers, then robbers will avoid the house. If you write down the bad events of the year and throw the paper into the fire, these events will not happen again.

Love omens

Place a plantain under your head and ask Yarila to show you your future groom in a dream. Sentence: “Tribute traveler, you live on the paths, you will bring your betrothed to me.”. The dream will be prophetic and will reveal the whole truth.

The most famous love sign is to float a wreath along the river. If the wreath quickly sinks, the love is not mutual. If your candle wreath floated further than the others, get ready for a long and happy life.

Remember: Ivan Kupala is associated with the pagan beliefs of the Slavs, so the forces of nature are decisive. Water and fire must be respected, praised, and thanked to Yarila for her help. Exactly observing pagan traditions, you will achieve amazing results.

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There are days in the year that are rightfully called magical. They are covered with a certain aura incredible strength. Our ancestors knew this, felt it, because they had not yet erased their innate intuition with the technology of civilization. Let's take, for example, the rituals of Ivan Kupala. It's just a magical day. In twenty-four hours you can completely change your life and get rid of problems. Interesting?

About deadlines

Literally in a nutshell. There are few people who have absolutely no idea what we're talking about. falls on the seventh of July. The ancient Rus believed that on this day the “maturity of summer” came. It’s a wonderful time when the most important field work is behind you. The plants are filled with juice and are ready for birth. For simple people, it’s time to relax and enjoy the undying magic of nature, let its forces into your body. That’s when the Ivan Kupala celebrations were held, people invoked love and wealth, got rid of diseases and enemies, and cleansed their aura of negativity. Believe me, all this was done reverently and at the same time fun and mischievous. The purity of consciousness among people then was much higher than now. They trusted their ancestors, who passed them on from generation to generation. secret knowledge about how to conduct rituals on Ivan Kupala. There were no doubts in our minds. And why? Everyone did this - parents and their ancestors. And they were happy with their life. In general, you just have to believe in magic, and it begins to happen. This is the main message of this paragraph.

A little theory for the distrustful

Conspiracies and rituals on Ivan Kupala today are largely based on Orthodox religion. Here lies the main argument of the critics of Old Church Slavonic magic. They are trying to prove that before the baptism of Rus' nothing like this could have happened. Historians have long revealed this fact that the promoters of Christianity had to reckon with the traditions of the pagans. They turned out to be too tenacious. So they wove elements of Orthodoxy into the rituals of Ivan Kupala. Not the other way around! Don't be confused. People did not go to the Temple before the advent of Christianity on our territory. But they jumped over the fire, collected herbs, and so on. The second argument of non-believers is that there is no magic. What then to do with doctors recommending herbal infusions? Are they “shamans” too? After all most of The rituals given below are based on the life-giving properties of water. And the science of the technocratic world does not deny this. Also added to magic is an understanding of the complexity of the structure of the human body. This refers to the presence of an aura. So this is also a proven fact. Therefore, you should not listen to anyone. Magic days discovered by ancestors are not so frequent. Our ancestors carefully collected a lot of information about them and preserved them for our happiness. Take it and boldly implement it in life!

Rituals and rituals on Ivan Kupala

Now let's talk about practice. You've probably encountered various descriptions rituals. There are so many stories that it is difficult to sort through them. Let's see what rituals are performed on Ivan Kupala. They have one characteristic - a connection with nature. They should be carried out either in open areas or using personally collected herbs. That's all the wisdom. You may ask why the descriptions are fundamentally different? So there were many births. Everyone created their own rituals. We now receive information from all these valuable sources. Rituals on the night of Ivan Kupala are performed for love and fidelity, for wealth and profit, for stability and success, for the fulfillment of desires and getting rid of enemies (real and virtual). No one forbids performing at least a hundred rituals during this magical time. The main thing is that you have enough strength. There are no restrictions. If you want, invite love, money and travel around the world en masse. And if you think carefully, start with cleansing. Then all conceivable and currently impossible desires will come true. Don't trust words. Check it out! The magical world is not even around the corner. He is right here next to you.


You need to go to a meadow or field at dawn and collect a bouquet of three herbs. Choose the ones you like. Be sure to thank Mother Nature and plants for giving you their strength. At home, divide the bouquet in half. Tie one part with a white ribbon, the second with a scarlet one. Light a candle. Move it over the bouquets one by one, pronouncing incantations. Over the “white” one should say this: “Illness and troubles will not win. They shun my house, they are afraid of (my name)! I beat with herbs, I cleanse my destiny! Sealed! Whisper something else over the red one. “The bath was covered with herbs, washed with water, calmed by the stars, filled with health. So I (name) am following in his footsteps. I strengthen my strength and prolong my youth. I will be healed from bad things and filled with health! Let it be so!" In the evening, as usual, light a fire. Jump over the flames the first time to cleanse yourself. Whip yourself all over your body with a white bouquet. Shine the second time so that pure energy fills the aura, hit yourself with a red bouquet. And for the third time, make a wish. Store herbal bouquets. They will protect the house.

For love

A caveat should be made here. Ivan Kupala rituals for love are intended for people who find themselves in different situations. Therefore, there are many of them. For example, those who do not meet fate (unlucky, in general) should pick a twig of St. John's wort. Wrap a hair plucked from your own head around it. As the fire of the fire dances brightly and playfully in the clearing, throw the prepared St. John's wort there. Ask the Solar Deity (Higher Powers, the Universe) to guide you along the road to mutual love. If feelings in your heart have turned into a terrible wound due to the lack of an answer, then you need to prepare a photo or any thing belonging to the object of passion. Throw it into the fire, accompanying this action with the following words: “Zoryana gave, she took away! The heart is free!

Ivan Kupala rituals for money

You need to collect fern and mint leaves at night. Take this wealth home right away. Hold it over the fire for a little while to dry. At this time, prepare your wallet. It should be fumigated with smoke from burning herbs. At the same time, mentally ask that you always have bills in your wallet. Then place a leaf of dried fern and mint in your wallet. Signs and rituals on Ivan Kupala are no longer associated with material, but with spiritual development, or health, if you like. It is advisable to carry out cleansing. Only after this ask for wealth and prosperity, a career or the implementation of a project. So as not to join the ranks of critics who do not know how to correctly perceive information.

Calling on women's destiny

It just so happens that it is difficult for us, convinced adherents of the ideas of emancipation, to understand the simplicity and harmony of the morals of the creators folk traditions. Nevertheless, rituals on Ivan Kupala for marriage help many to open up to their own women's fate. If you are one of them, then go to the meadow on this magical night. Pick seven types of herbs and weave a wreath. Think about your future family. Try to imagine it in detail. You can cry if tears come to your eyes. And then let the wreath float on the water. So say: “Kupala, I trust your fate. Lead her along happy roads, along lucky paths, to her sweetheart’s home. It’s good for me (name) to be in it!”


In fact, what is described is only a small part of folk customs. There are a lot of rituals. But they don't help everyone. It is necessary to catch this incredible magical energy. Believe in its undoubted existence. If you can do it, you will be happy. If it doesn’t work out, wait until the next Kupala night. But be sure to pick up some herbs. They, as science says, work in decoctions without faith. Good luck!

The mystical holiday of Ivan Kupala came from ancient times, and every year it is celebrated on July 7th. This is one of the most popular summer holidays, since it is associated with various signs, rituals and beliefs that allow you to look into your destiny and even determine its course.

Rituals on Ivan Kupala are considered one of the most effective, and they include magical rituals not only for love, but also for wealth, good health and other benefits that people dream of.


All rituals associated with the holiday of Ivan Kupala are inextricably linked with the four elements - Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Kupala night is also associated with the gifts of nature, in particular herbs.

Since ancient times, humanity believed that it was on July 7 that river water, fire, grass and air were endowed with a special magical power, allowing you to heal health, bring wealth, prosperity and great love.

The Kupala night is so short that people considered it wrong to waste time on sleep on this date. Instead of relaxing, all people had fun, wondered, and the most purposeful went in search of a fern flower, which, according to popular belief, gave a person immortality and eternal happiness.

Fortune telling on this night was considered the most reliable, which the young people used. Also on this holiday, it was customary to collect the gifts of nature, in particular, herbs endowed with healing properties.

Kupala fire

The Kupala fire, which has healing powers, deserves special attention. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the flame has a special power that burns away everything bad - illnesses, misfortunes and misfortunes. Therefore, jumping over fire has become a popular entertainment on Kupala night.

By jumping through the flames, you can get rid of diseases and troubles. Clothes of people suffering from various ailments were also burned in the Kupala fire. Girls and women who dreamed of having a child jumped over the fire.

Love rituals are also associated with the Kupala fire. For example, couples in love jumped through the flames, holding hands. If a guy and a girl managed to jump over the flames together without breaking their hands, then this meant that a wedding and a happy life awaited them. living together. The breaking of hands during a jump predicted an imminent separation.

Love ritual with a wreath by the river

A wreath of flowers and herbs is another indispensable attribute of the people’s favorite holiday, since rituals are associated with this handiwork that help to look into the future.

To endow the wreath with magical powers, you need to collect 12 different herbs from different fields on Kupala night and decorate it wildflowers, fasten everything with blades of grass.

Girls launch such wreaths from the bank into the river and watch how the decorations float:

  • if the wreath immediately drowned, then the girl will experience non-reciprocal love, and if she is already in a relationship, then the young man will stop loving her;
  • a wreath stuck to the shore makes it clear that there will be no wedding this year;
  • if the wreath floated and landed on the opposite shore, then the betrothed will be a man from a distant country;
  • an unhappy fate is indicated by a wreath that floats from side to side and almost sinks;
  • a wreath floating with the flow warns that the girl is expecting a wedding with her betrothed.

If a girl wants to get married, but has not yet found a suitable one young man, then the following ritual will help speed up the long-awaited meeting: you need to weave a wreath, tie it with a beautiful ribbon and float it down the river. There is a belief that mermaids will take such a wreath and help the girl attract love into her destiny.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala

Fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala is considered the most reliable. In addition, there are many ways to look into your destiny:

Fortune telling with molten wax

A candle bought in a church is broken into pieces, which are then placed in a spoon and melted over the fire of the Kupala fire. Melted wax is poured into a cup with cold water, after this a figure is formed that needs to be carefully examined.

If a ring is visible, then this is a prediction of an imminent wedding, a flag - a long trip, a heart - strong love, a chest - monetary profit.

Fortune telling by fern leaves

The fern has long been considered a symbol of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. The leaves of this plant are used in fortune telling for the betrothed.

The girl needs to take several fern leaves, tie each one with colored threads and wish upon one name of the men she knows. With fern leaves, you need to go to the river and, using your hands, immerse the leaves to the bottom. The one with whose name the leaf appears will be the one chosen.

Flower fortune telling

To receive clues of fate, you will need chamomile, but this method of fortune telling is suitable for girls who already have a lover. You need to pick 2 flower heads and put them in a shallow container with water.

If the flowers move away from each other, the couple will separate. If the flowers float together, this symbolizes serious relationship. Flowers remaining the same distance from each other suggest that there is a lot of uncertainty in the relationship between a guy and a girl.

Divination on the root

On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, a girl must go out into the field and with her left hand pull out any plant that comes across from the soil. After this, it is necessary to evaluate its root. If the rhizome is long and smooth, the narrowed one will have a calm and flexible disposition. The short and thick root of the plant indicates that the man will be wealthy, but tight-fisted. A husband prone to deceit and betrayal will be betrayed by the root big amount branches.

There are several other types of fortune telling:

  • Fortune telling on bulbs: you need to take any number of bulbs and write the guy’s name on each one. The bulbs are placed in a shallow bowl filled with water. Then you need to track which of the bulbs will germinate first.
  • Ring fortune telling: the girl takes hers favorite ring and a glass with a flat bottom. Fill the glass with water and place the ring in it. After this, you need to carefully look at the decoration, which will help you discern the image of your future husband.

Rituals for Ivan Kupala for money, health and love

Ivan Kupala is the most suitable holiday for conducting various rituals. On this date, you can perform the following monetary, health and love rituals:

For luck

Ritual for happiness in the family: married women early in the morning of July 7, they collect Kupala dew with their bare hands, letting their hair down. In this case, it is necessary to read such a conspiracy. The charmed dew can be added to your and your husband’s drink.

Father. Ivan-Tsvet, I got up just before dawn today. I prayed in front of the icon, crossed myself at the door, without drinking water, without washing my face, without tying my tongue, without tying my belt. Give me, Kupala, the strength to win. Let me collect your dew so that I can call the heart of God’s servant (name) to love. So that he, like dew in the meadows, would burn, play, love me and not change, would not forget me anywhere with anyone. He would love me now when I was young, but when I was old – gray-haired and sick. Just as hops curl around a fence, so it would curl around my hem. As the morning dew fades, waiting for the sun, so I would wait. God's servant (name) was waiting for me. Just as a mother toils without a child, so he would toil and yearn without me, he would never forget, he would not call me, his wife, the servant of God (name), a bad word. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Ritual against heart disease: for the ritual, several birch branches are taken, tied with a red ribbon and sentenced. Until the next Kupala, a bundle of branches is stored on the eastern side of the house and the ritual is repeated a year later.

Holy, holy, holy!
Holy twig, holy branch,
Holy leaf.
You have no sorrows
You have no illnesses.
The slave wouldn't be so sick
God's (name) heart,
It wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t sting.
Not a brain:
Neither at noon nor at midnight,
Neither in the morning nor in the evening,
Neither after dawn nor before dawn,
Not on Monday
Not on Tuesday
Neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday,
Neither Friday nor Saturday
Not on the last day - Sunday.
Neither in February nor in March,
Neither in April nor in May,
Neither in June nor in July,
Not in August
Not in September
Neither in October nor in November,
Not for the last time - December.
Here are my words
Here are the holy images.
Strengthen, Lord, Heart
The servant of God (name).
Holy branches
Don't untie yourself
My words, do not interrupt.
Key, lock, tongue.


Ritual against loneliness: on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, you can get rid of loneliness once and for all by performing a ritual with seven candles. Candles are lit in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God and a prayer is read 40 times. You need to pray sincerely, with all your heart. After the fortieth reading of the prayer, it is necessary to read the plot 3 times.

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

On the night of Ivan Kupala you can do reliable amulet from bad dreams. To do this, you need to take several sprigs of fern and thistle. These plants are thoroughly washed under running water, dried and tied with a green ribbon.

So that the prepared bouquet serves as a talisman against bad dreams, it should be hung at the head of the bed.

The dew on Ivan Kupala has healing and rejuvenating properties, so using it you can perform a ritual for rejuvenation.

At dawn you need to go out into the field with a piece of clean cloth and carefully collect dew on it. The liquid is squeezed into any clean container, after which they wipe it with their left hand and say several times:

I will wash myself with dew, girlish beauty,
I will be surrounded by stars, I will be girded by the moon
and I will appear in the Day of the Lord whiter than light white,
more beautiful than the red sun, brighter than the clear month.
As I said, so be it.
Key, horn, tongue, lock. Amen

No one should know about the ritual being performed.

Ritual for wealth and money

Ivan Kupala is a holiday on which you can celebrate effective rituals for wealth. One effective ritual for wealth is performed directly near the Kupala fire. A handful of any coins are thrown into the flame and the following plot is read:

Burn, burn, Fire-power, so that I have a lot of wealth, so that my wealth increases, so that I succeed in everything. Let it be as I said, (your name)

This is a very powerful ritual, so it must be carried out with maximum responsibility, otherwise the element of Fire can cause significant harm.

Kupala dew will help you acquire wealth, which must be collected in any field (garden, park, personal plot) before dawn. You need to stand on the grass with dew with your bare feet. In this case, the hair should be loose. You need to wash yourself with dew, while reading:

No one counts the grass and the ants; no one knows the number for them. So I, (your name), would not know the count of my wealth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen

Money under the pillow is a powerful ritual for enrichment, carried out on July 7th. On the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to take all the money in the house and put it under your pillow. Immediately after waking up on July 7, you need to take money out from under your pillow and start waving it very quickly in front of your face to create a visual effect large quantity bills

There is another powerful ritual for money that can only be performed on Ivan Kupala. On a magical night, you need to take a deep vessel, go to the river and scoop up several liters of water. You need to throw a few coins into it and leave them until morning. After waking up, you need to wash your face with “money” water, and while washing, read the following plot:

The magic water will wash me and reveal all the secrets of wealth to me. All trade matters will obey me, my wallet will be filled with gold!

If a person is a representative of a profession related to creativity and public speaking, then he can pay attention to the special ritual on Ivan Kupala. At night you need to go to any river, scoop up its water and read the plot:

Like the morning sun rises to the sky, the scarlet sunset flares up with fire.
To the bright heights. Wide width. As God is high, So be my glory far away.
And how on the Feast of Christ the bell in the temple rings,
So let all the People around me talk about me, the Servant of God (name).
The Lord God is on the Throne high, And the glory of me, God’s servant (name), be far away.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Ivan Kupala is a holiday celebrated once a year, so there is no need to lose the opportunity to change your life for the better and even look into the future on this magical date.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched on her website accurate horoscope. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

Ivan Kupala is a holiday beloved by many people, since since ancient times it has been associated with folk festivities and the warmth of summer. On the night of July 7, various magical rituals were also performed, since this holiday was considered magical, allowing one to open the door to the future.

The Ivan Kupala spell is a magical rite with the help of which any person who believes in the magic of this holiday can easily attract good health, wealth and love into their life.

Love spells

On Ivan Kupala, all conspiracies and love spells for love are associated with the Kupala bonfire. It was believed that its flame had magical powers that could destroy everything bad - illness, misfortune and loneliness.


One powerful ritual for love is inextricably linked with the Kupala fire. If a girl wants to bewitch her lover and make him hers forever, then she can take note of the spell that is read at the Kupala fire. First you need to look at the flame and read these words:

After this, you need to take your lover’s hand and jump, without opening your arms, over the fire. If you manage to do this, then the couple will be together.


On Kupala night, not only flame, but also water has powerful energy. Rivers, streams and springs on the night of July 7 have magical powers that help you attract love into your life. If a girl wants to win her beloved, then on Kupala night she needs to swim with her chosen one in the river. Before going into the water, you need to read the text of this spell:

After reading the plot, the girl can also go into the water.


By taking advantage of the magic of the night on Ivan Kupala, you can attract a long-awaited marriage into your life. To do this, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 herbs, and it should include fern, thistle and ninesil. Before going to bed, the girl should put the collected bouquet under her pillow.

If for some reason a girl breaks up with her lover and is waiting for reconciliation, then she needs to collect a birch broom. On the night of Ivan Kupala you need to go to the bathhouse with this broom. Patting your body with a birch broom, you need to read the following plot:

The ritual will help you return your former love, even if the guy has stopped loving the girl.


If you want to bewitch your loved one once and for all and prevent the end of your relationship with him, you need to perform the Kupala ritual with herbs and stones. Before going to bed, collect any 13 herbs. On the road you also need to collect 13 stones. Arriving home, the girl needs to take a pan, put herbs and stones in it, and then put everything on the fire. As soon as the water boils, the girl raises her hands above it and holds them, reading the following plot 13 times:

On July 13, the charmed potion must be poured onto the place where your loved one’s foot has recently stepped.


In order to forever gain the love of your chosen one, you can perform a ritual with Kupala dew. At dawn, the girl takes a jug and goes to collect morning dew in it. When you manage to collect a sufficient amount of water, you need to turn your face to the rising Sun, cross yourself 3 times and wash your face, chest and knees with dew. After this ritual, read this spell 1 time:


If a girl has the opportunity to add a charmed liquid to her loved one’s drink, she can take note of the following Kupala ritual - at dawn they collect dew and charm it using this spell:

The dew over which the spell was recited must be added to the lover’s drink.


If a woman wants to tie her husband to her once and for all, without allowing him to cheat, then she can take into account powerful conspiracy, carried out on the night of Ivan Kupala. To do this, you need to go to an unheated bathhouse, throw salts into a basin of water and cross yourself with a piece of bread while reading this plot:

After reading the plot, you need to eat bread, and rinse your husband’s clothes with water, dry them and make sure that your husband puts them on as soon as possible after the ritual.


A ritual with fern leaves will help you bewitch your beloved guy on the night of Ivan Kupala. To do this, you need to collect several leaves of this plant, and also go into the forest and find an aspen tree. You need to sit with your back to the aspen tree, and then start beating yourself with fern leaves, saying:

After reading the plot, you need to tie fern leaves to a tree, leave and not look back.


It happens that a girl suffers because her loved one abandoned her without giving any explanation. To return your loved one, you need to take a couple of thin candles bought on the eve of the holiday in the temple, and then try to intertwine them. You also need to take a saucer and pour some honey into it. For a love spell you will need photographs of the girl and her chosen one.

First you need to light the candles and, looking at both photographs, read the following plot:

The plot is read until the flames of both candles go out. Afterwards you need to eat honey from the saucer, saying:

The candle stubs are hidden and, if the plot has worked, they are taken to the church. If the loved one did not make himself known, exactly the same ritual must be repeated on the new moon.


If a girl wants to meet a person who is far from her, a simple Kupala ritual will help her to call her lover to her. To implement it you need to prepare 9 small pebbles. Throwing them one by one into the Kupala flame, you need to whisper the following spell:


Girls who dream of getting married, but at the same time do not have a specific guy in mind, need to take a handful of millet and, pouring it out at any intersection, read the following spell:


If a girl is not married, but at the same time knows who she would like to marry, you need to buy a small lock with a key, open it, and read such a spell three times.

You must immediately close the lock with the key. After this, the keys along with the lock must be thrown into the river.

Other conspiracies

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can resort to magical rituals that will attract not only love, but also good health, well-being and material wealth.

For money

If a person dreams of attracting money into his life, then a simple Kupala ritual will help him in this matter.

First you need to take a deep glass bowl and, having filled it with water, throw a few coins into the container.

It is desirable if the money is made from precious metals- silver or gold. The coins must be kept in water until dawn. In the morning, they must be removed from the water and hidden in a secluded place, away from the eyes of strangers.

To your health

If a person has been suffering from various ailments for a long period, then the night of Ivan Kupala is the ideal time to improve health and forget about illnesses. To perform a ritual for health, you need to go out into the field, take a thin stick and draw a circle around yourself. After this, you need to stand in the center of the circle and read the following text:

For good luck

Kupala dew will help you bring good luck into your life. At dawn on July 7, you need to go out into the field, collect dew in your palms and wash yourself with it. After this, you need to bow to all 4 sides and read the following spell for good luck:

For beauty

It is believed that the magic of Ivan Kupala gives a person not only luck and financial prosperity, but also beauty. To do this, on the night of the holiday you need to go out of town and spend the night in a tent or private house. First you need to take a new nightgown with you. In the morning at dawn, it is necessary to collect dew into a new thing, which really has magical powers on Ivan Kupala. The shirt is charmed using this spell:

If a person wants to be sexually attractive, for this he will need oregano, which must be collected on Kupala night. Exactly at 3 o'clock in the morning, the collected grass must be spoken. First, the oregano is placed on a small mirror and the following spell is read over it:

The power of rituals performed on the night of Ivan Kupala has been known to the Slavs since ancient times. Despite the fact that pagans practiced them, and Christianity has a negative attitude towards such traditions, many people to this day resort to the magic of the Kupala night.

You need to understand that any magical ritual will be endowed with power only if a person sincerely believes in its power and has no doubt that the desired result will be achieved.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

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