Dream Interpretation: why is the bright sun dreaming? The meaning and interpretation of sleep. Interpretation of sleep two suns in dream books

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • The elements are hot. Emotions are joy. Organs are the heart. Planets - Mars.
  • In reality, contemplation of the sun causes feelings of warmth, relaxation, joy and tranquility with diffuse perception, when the sun is part of the surrounding world. With diffuse perception, contemplation of the sun relieves the load on the eyes and through the eyes - on the liver: the anger of the liver subsides / is reborn into the joy of the heart, that is, external solar energy yang harmonizes inner yin. With intense perception (look into the solar disk), the external yang sun, instead of harmonizing the internal yin, burns it: it blinds the eyes, which ignite the liver with anger that burns the joy of the heart, and the heart is left without joy in dangerous and uncontrolled activity. The sun in a dream is a symbol of the external world / events: any events are external yang in relation to a person - internal yin (a person is inside the world). But in human perception, everything turns upside down: striving for maximum realization of his own self, a person perceives events as an internal yin, and himself as an external yang that dominates the events. If a person evaluates himself correctly, such a psychological substitution of the world for his own self is planned by nature and the Cosmos that created the person (the world exists only in relation to the observer). However, with incorrect self-esteem and distortions of the psyche, the harmony of the transformation of yang into yin is broken, the links between causes and effects break up, one overdevelops and the other degrades: either the person does not control the situation (external yang destroys the internal yin), or the person destroys himself with unjustified resistance, or excessive power over the situation (internal yin, swelling, displaces yang). The sun in a dream will be a reflection inner world person. To see / look in a dream at the sun / at sunrise - the sun is a source of external yang energy.
  • Seeing the sun in a dream with joy, calmness, without tension means inner freedom, calmness, a harmonious worldview (there is neither overestimated nor underestimated self-esteem). A dream promises a favorable course of external events, combined with internal satisfaction. To see the sun and suffer (go blind from the light), not wanting to see the sun, but it stubbornly in a dream before your eyes - an inner hidden awareness of your mistakes, but a complete unwillingness to openly admit and correct. In reality, this usually looks like preserving even an unfavorable situation at any cost (if only not to move!). Unjustified resistance to the situation and to oneself will lead to exhaustion, nervous breakdown, the development of an internal complex of guilt and dependence on fate and an external collapse in business. Sleep is unfavorable: pay attention to the heart and liver overloaded with negative emotions, which leads to illness, the blinding sun in a dream is a signal for this. Looking specifically at the sunrise with pleasure / displeasure means the beginning of the development of the situation according to a favorable or unfavorable option for the dreamer (see above): it is still easy to fix by bringing your emotions in line with the outside world. The day is just beginning...

Many suns to see - to joy. To see two suns is to honor. To see the sun and the moon - this portends either fast news or bad news. Seeing the darkened sun is in danger. To see the shining sun - this portends a stable reign.

How to interpret the dream "Dragon"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or "winged serpent", combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters that carry the life of a snake, and the breath of life a bird. He identified with the heavenly...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of the Lion

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It has a dual meaning, carrying both solar and lunar symbolism, the personification of both good and evil. As a solar symbol, the lion personifies the heat, brilliance and strength of the noonday Sun, the principle of fire, magnificence, strength and courage, steadfastness, justice, law, military power, King ...

How to interpret the dream "Sun"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you saw a bright sunrise in a dream, it means that you have joy and complete prosperity ahead. The sun at its zenith means that your ambition will be fully satisfied, and your possibilities will become almost limitless. Seeing the sunset in a dream ...

Seeing colors in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It has long been believed that color carries a semantic load. This was reflected in customs, art, clothing and lifestyle. different countries. Bright, juicy tones - foreshadowed the good, faded and faded were a symbol of destruction, old age, failures. Dark tones have always been considered harbingers of evil. The following is…

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Position

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

What appears to be an individual's attitude towards something in a dream is often in fact his belief (or commitment) in God. But the geometric position (top/bottom/right/left) models the attitudes of consciousness. Therefore, the right is an indication of the correct (male), the left is the wrong (female), ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Sun is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you saw the sun in a clear, cloudless sky, then you will have a bright, calm life, even if up to this point you have been plagued by endless problems. If you dreamed of the sun peeping through frequent clouds, then in order for your life to improve, you ...

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Colors

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Illumination and color intensity complement the plot of the dream. Darkness emphasizes depression, negative feelings. Light promises an improvement in the situation. Most of our dreams are not colored. We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, at best, the setting of the dream. But sometimes we dream of colored ...

The sun is our daytime heavenly body. It makes people's lives bright, rich, colorful. The sun gives us its warmth, can bring a person out of depression. In addition, thanks to the sun's rays, our body receives vitamin D, and a light tan makes a person more interesting and attractive. Sometimes we see the sun in a dream, and in its most diverse manifestations. How to find out why the sun is dreaming? Dream Interpretation can tell us a lot of interesting things.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller believes that the dreaming sun is a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

  • Did you see the bright sunrise? Such a dream promises bright joy and success in all endeavors and is a sign of future well-being.
  • The sun in a dream is at its zenith - this is an excellent omen. It portends success in business, strengthening health and family relationships.
  • If the sun shines through the clouds, you managed to overcome all difficulties, and in the future there will be only pleasant worries and successful deeds.
  • The sun sets in your nightly dreams - this means the decline of a successful period in your life. You should be more attentive to everything that happens. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of illness.
  • If the sun only occasionally peeks out from behind the clouds, turbulent days may be approaching. But this phenomenon is temporary, and small trials will only give you confidence in achieving your goals.
  • But, for example, you dreamed of the sun too big size. As Miller explains, dream - huge sun blinding eyes - warns you that excessive pride and ambition can become an obstacle to the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima always offer us their solution to dreams, including the sun that visited you in your night visions.

  • If the sun rises above the horizon - such a dream symbolizes the beginning of a successful stage in your life path.
  • If the sun hid behind the clouds - this is a warning that in real life various conflict situations interfere with the successful completion of your affairs.
  • Sunset is a harbinger of a difficult period, illness and ailments are possible. But you must hope that this is not for long, and all difficulties will leave you. And if the sun is red at sunset, this is a warning of danger that you can let things take their course.
  • The sun, which dries the earth in a dream with very hot rays, is a sure sign that your passion or excessive expenditure of energy on a task that you can’t handle actually drains your energy, delaying long-awaited success. Such a vision encourages you to reconsider your capabilities and use them more rationally.
  • The sun at its zenith means that you have achieved a lot thanks to your hard work.
  • To see in a dream - you are lucky.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop, like any other interpreters, is trying to bring something of his own to the decoding of each dream.

  • From Aesop's dream book, we can find out what it means if the sleeping person is warm. Such a dream is a sign of love and attention that the dreamer is given by his relatives and friends.
  • Trying to catch a sunbeam with a mirror means that you are afraid of responsibility, and this trait of yours is an obstacle to the fulfillment of your desires.
  • The dreamer's expectation of sunrise is a sign that his attempts to change anything in his life will not be successful.
  • You are trying to keep warm, but they don’t warm you - in reality you are deprived of the care and attention of your loved ones.
  • If you saw the sun setting down, the dream book warns that your established outlook on life closes new opportunities for you in the future.
  • If at night you dreamed that you are a child who draws the sun, such a dream speaks of your loneliness and broken hopes.

"Women's dream book"

"Women's Dream Book" interprets the appearance of the sun in our night visions mostly favorably.

  • If you dream of a dazzling rising sun, interpreter interprets such a vision as a harbinger of joy and success in all your affairs.
  • The sun, which is visible through many small clouds, means that you yourself have to make responsible decisions in order to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in your life, and not wait for everything to resolve itself.
  • If the sun comes out from behind the clouds, the difficulties that haunted you will remain in the past, and successful projects await you ahead.
  • But if the sun hides behind the clouds, turbulent times may come.
  • Being at its zenith explains how your sustainable well-being, the emergence of new opportunities for the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from "Dream Interpretation Alphabetically"

In this interpreter, we will find new options for the appearance of the night luminary in our dreams.

  • If you are hiding under a sun umbrella on the beach, in reality you will allow yourself to be drawn into a frivolous relationship, which you will have to regret later.
  • If you hid in a dream from the sun into the shade, you will be able to wriggle out of doing difficult work, but at the same time you will miss out on material gain.
  • To see the sun through a blind rain - you will soon be very lucky. Maybe you will win the lottery.
  • And if in your dream on a clear sunny day hail falls from the sky - fate will suddenly laugh at you, thereby leading you into a state of bewilderment and placing in your soul a feeling of deep resentment.
  • If you sunbathe in a dream, this is a harbinger of complete loneliness and a possible illness.
  • Wear glasses that protect from the sun - in reality you should be more attentive and selective in relation to the advice that others give you, as some of them will try to mislead you about your affairs or family relationships.
  • A solar eclipse in a dream - a series of failures awaits you, but all this is not for long, and after a while everything will return to normal.

Why does the sun dream according to the "Modern Dream Book"

This dream book considers the same situations around the sun as other interpreters, but at the same time adds its own nuances to their solution.

  • Seeing the midday sun in a dream - all your desires will be satisfied.
  • I dreamed of the sun at sunset - the period of a rich and prosperous life may end, so you need to carefully monitor the progress of your affairs, be especially vigilant in all life situations.
  • The sun breaks through the clouds - difficulties will be left behind, and good times await you.
  • A solar eclipse portends the dreamer great losses, but he will be able to overcome Hard times and to improve their affairs both in business and in personal life.
  • Sunbathing in a dream in the mountains is a sign that you have a need for spiritual self-improvement.

Also " Modern dream book"explains to us the following dream. Rising Sun in a clear sky promises the sleeper many pleasant events, including promising projects that will lead him to prosperity.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interprets in her own way the appearance of the daylight in our dreams.

  • If you watch the sunrise in a dream, this is evidence of the appearance of a wise ruler on earth who will do everything to establish peace and ensure a calm and happy life to all peoples.
  • Dark spots on the sun can be a harbinger of environmental disaster.
  • If you dreamed of a person surrounded by bright sunlight- in real life you have to meet a person who will be a good assistant in the implementation of the things you started.
  • The sun shines strongly in your eyes in a dream - you will receive some unexpected news that will change the usual course of your life.
  • To feel the warmth of the sun's rays on you - to a measured, quiet life with a loved one who expects a dreamer in the near future.
  • If you saw the sun in the night sky, what could it mean? Wang explains this dream. sun at night- this good sign. You expect the successful completion of any undertaking. Therefore, analyze all your possibilities and do the business that will bring you the greatest benefit.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the XXI century

The 21st century dream book gives its interpretations of such dreams. According to him, the sun in a dream is a symbol of love and glory.

  • We saw the sunset - in reality you will achieve the fulfillment of all your desires, brilliantly prove yourself at work or at school.
  • If in a dream you see both the sun and water, all your affairs will be successfully completed.
  • If the sun turned into a cloud - expect material prosperity.
  • The sun, which brightly illuminates the room, promises the dreamer a big win.

However, not everyone has such favorable interpretations. dream. solar eclipse the 21st century dream book explains how a possible natural disaster.

"Dream book for a bitch"

This dream book, unlike others, gives softer, calmer interpretations to the sun seen in a dream from different angles.

  • Just to see the sun in a dream - to a joyful gratifying life;
  • The sun rises - the dreamer is waiting for pleasant events, good luck, prosperity;
  • To see the sun during sunset - so that difficulties pass you, perform your duties more carefully.
  • A solar eclipse in a dream promises the dreamer grief.

Interpretation according to the "Universal Dream Book"

This dream book interprets the sun seen in a dream, taking into account various nuances.

  • The sun, as it says Universal dream book", is a source of light. You definitely need to remember where the sun was in your dream, and try to compare it with your real life. What do you want to highlight? Maybe it's your relationship with someone or business cooperation?
  • Perhaps now you are going through a difficult period in your life, then the sun in a dream appears to you as a symbol of strength and determination that will help you overcome all troubles.
  • As the sun always rises first and warms everything around with its light, so, perhaps, appearing in your dream, it gives you a sign that you also warm your loved ones with care and affection.
  • It is important to pay attention to whether you see the sun in your dream at dawn or at sunset. If it rises, new events await you soon, and if it sets, spend more time on current affairs, perhaps something went wrong in them.

Interpretation of dreams about the sun from the "Family Dream Book"

The "Family Dream Book" believes that the sunny day you saw in your night dreams, the warm rays of the sun and the landscape lit by the sun, as a rule, dream of good news, tranquility and well-being. But still, in every dream there are details that can affect its decoding.

  • The sun is warm and gentle - harmony and harmony reign in your family.
  • The sun is too hot - you may experience experiences associated with the disease.
  • If the light in your vision is blood red, then the Family Dream Book gives the following dream interpretation. The sun in this case, it can serve as a harbinger of political unrest in the country, various natural disasters and cataclysms.
  • The sun is covered with clouds - a decline in business awaits you. And the blacker the cloud, the more obstacles will stand in your way. However, if in a dream the sun shines again through the clouds, then luck will return to you.
  • The setting sun, according to " Family dream book" portends a happy ending to some life span. Perhaps this will be a successful completion of a transaction that will bring you profit.
  • The sun, which is just rising from the horizon, promises you the beginning of new interesting things, and possibly the beginning of a new relationship.
  • If the sun suddenly appeared in your dream, this is also a good sign, which means that in society you will achieve recognition and respect.
  • The sun is at its zenith at noon - this is a special dream that promises the sleeper a successful completion of his ambitious plans. But if a woman dreamed of such a sun, numerous fans will admire her.

What does the sun mean in a dream according to the "Chinese dream book"

The "Chinese dream book" offers us its own, special interpretation of dreams in which you are not only the solar disk, but also the moon.

  • To dream that you bow respectfully to heavenly bodies is a harbinger of future prosperity.
  • If the sun suddenly hid behind the clouds - be careful. Perhaps intrigues are woven around you, bad deeds are being planned.
  • If the sun or moon is blazing in a dream, in real life you will be supported by a person of significant position.
  • Sit in a boat and watch one of the heavenly bodies - expect an early promotion at work.
  • But if you are sailing in a boat towards the sun or moon, you will get better. financial situation, wealth.
  • The sun and the moon in a dream, which have just appeared simultaneously in the sky, will bring wealth and prosperity to your family.
  • A dream in which the sun and moon shine directly on you - in reality you will take a leadership position.

Interpretation from other dream books

There are many various dream books, the interpretation in which the sun that appeared in your dream is not only interesting, and sometimes even unusual.

  • "Dream Interpretation of Medea" tells us that the sun seen in a dream promises confidence in the implementation of ongoing projects.
  • According to the "Dream Book of Lovers", what you see in a dream is a symbol of love and joy.
  • "The Newest Dream Book" interprets the sun as the appearance of a rich patron in your life. But to watch the sunset in a dream - you will finish the work entrusted to you on time and in good faith.
  • "English Dream Book" believes that if - in real life you will have moments that will give you pleasure.
  • Interesting interpretations can be found in Azar's dream book. For example, if in your dream the sun shines through the rain, expect a pleasant change in life. Seen at the same time - the young man will soon meet an interesting girl.
  • The heavenly body in your nightly dreams can be not only clear and pleasantly warming, but also ominously red. As Grishina's dream book explains this dream red sun promises the dreamer illness, misfortune. And an eclipse of the sun, she believes, can lead to war, various disasters.
  • "Dream Book of the Wanderer" interprets the clear sun in a dream as a symbol of future glory or success.
  • "Medieval dream book" explains to us what it means dream of two suns. Such a dream promises the sleeper that honor and respect await him in life. But to see many suns is a great joy.
  • Dream Interpretation Hasse assures that if you hold the sun in your hands in your vision, it awaits you in reality great luck. And if in a dream the water evaporates under the influence of sunlight - in the real life of the dreamer, excessive work or strong passion sap his strength. This is a warning that a sense of proportion must be observed in everything. I dreamed of two suns at once - you are at a crossroads and cannot make a choice. And the sun setting in the sea warns that you have come to the successful completion of a certain life period, and now a series of worries and unrest may follow.


All life on earth is subject to the sun. Ancient religions considered it the center of the universe. The very first interpreters of dreams drew attention to the fact that the appearance of the sun in a dream brings success, honor and respect. For modern people the sun is also the personification of a force capable of defeating darkness. If you dreamed of the sun, the dream book considers this a prediction of future events, a prophecy. Considering that the interpretation of dreams is based on centuries-old observations, it is necessary to treat events in dreams filled with sunlight with the utmost confidence.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Why is the sun dreaming

  • The God. Great Spirit. Christ. God is within you.
  • The source of everything.
  • Strength, power, purity.
  • Your inner light.
  • Last straw.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • It is a symbol of the source from which everything came. In various world cultures, God, the Great Spirit, Christ and God in themselves were seen in the sun.
  • It can also be a sign of strength, power, purity, as well as inner light.
  • The sun has always been considered the masculine aspect of energy, as it radiates light, while the feminine aspect, the moon, reflects the rays. If the sun appears before you as a symbol, then it's time to radiate energy and move forward. The sun is a sign of success.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • good value
    If you dreamed of sunrise, then now is the most auspicious time to implement your ideas. Do not leave the house after sunset.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed of a sunset, then now you should not do anything. Bury an apple near the house, when it takes root, this time will pass.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Happiness, luck;
  • sunrise - bright, warm life;
  • sunset - parting, especially if you are standing on the banks of the river or the coast of the sea

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why is the sun dreaming

  • The sun is clear to see - an increase in wealth / spiritual activity / cheerfulness of thought.
  • Red, high in the sky - misfortune.
  • Red in the clouds - a disease.
  • Eclipse of the sun - public disasters, war, pestilence.
  • The sun falls from the sky - the death of a person with great power; death of a great man.
  • See the sun and water at the same time - happiest dream, full favor.
  • The sun through the rain is a lucky break.
  • The sun in a dream can also mean a father.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why is the sun dreaming

  • If the sun is not on the horizon - disappointment when success seemed inevitable to you.
  • Seeing the sun is always good, everything adverse factors lose their power. The bright sun is glory, love; shrouded by a passing cloud - success in financial affairs awaits you.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • If in a dream you saw a bright sunrise, then joy and success in all your endeavors await you.
  • I dreamed of the sun at its zenith - your possibilities are endless.
  • Sunset, unfortunately, indicates that your well-being has passed its peak. You should constantly be vigilant in order not to completely let luck out of your hands.
  • If in a dream you saw the sun shining through the clouds, then a gap has come in your life. Worries and difficulties are behind, and only luck lies ahead.
  • If the clouds covered the sun, troubled times are approaching. Don't worry: they will soon pass, and stability will come to your business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • If in the plot of a dream everything around shines from the sun's rays, this indicates a favorable life situation about being satisfied with yourself and your life. If you see a sunrise, this emphasizes your desire, zeal to achieve your goal. Sunrise indicates your desire and ability to complete the job safely. The sun symbolizes life, the true essence of man, it is very positive image.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage french dream book

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • The sun in a dream - always portends abundance and wealth. If you dreamed of a sunrise, good news awaits you. Sunset - a harbinger of loss, loss. If in your dream the sun meets the moon, there will be war.

Dream Interpretation: Vintage English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why is the sun dreaming

  • Seeing the sun in a dream - to success: you will get rich or fall in love happily. Seeing the sunrise in a dream is good news, and the sunset is bad news or losses for merchants. Seeing the sun hidden behind the clouds is a sign of misfortune and great changes in your destiny.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • You see the sun and the moon that have just appeared in the sky. - Prosperity and prosperity in the family.
  • Sun and moon illuminate your body. - Get an important position.
  • The sun and moon are falling from heaven. - Woe, you will lose your parents.
  • The sun and moon are dimming. - My wife got it. Fortunately.
  • The sun and moon are about to appear in the sky. - Get a post.
  • The sun and moon are united. - The wife will give birth to a son.
  • The sun and moon are hidden behind the mountain. - The servant deceives the master.
  • You hold the sun and the moon in your arms. - Noble position of the ruler.
  • Swallow the sun or the moon. - A noble heir must be born.
  • Respectfully bow to the sun or moon. - portends great happiness and prosperity.
  • The sun shines directly into the room. - Get a good job.
  • You see the newly risen sun in a cloudless sky. - Great happiness.
  • The sun rises, the radiance spreads. - There will be a good event.
  • Clouds dissipate, the sun appears. - An unfortunate situation will be resolved.
  • If the sun enters your chest. - A noble son will be born.
  • If the moon, the birth of a noble daughter.
  • If you worship the stars and the moon, you burn incense. - Great happiness.
  • Clouds suddenly cover the sun. - Secret machinations, heinous deeds.
  • The sun or moon is on fire. - Support for the big man.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern female dream book

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • Seeing the rising sun - to good luck in business; the sun blinds your eyes - beware of illness; the setting sun dreams of illness, decline, a sick person - death.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Aesop

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Folk wisdom says: "The sun is the prince of the earth, the moon is the princess." Since ancient times, people have worshiped the sun and asked him for protection and mercy. In Russia, the god Yarilo personified the blessed sun. People worshiped him and held holidays and festivities so that the Sun God would send them a good harvest and protect them from the cruel winter.
  • In some dreams, the symbol of the sun is associated with motherhood, with loved ones.
  • If in a dream you are basking in the warm rays of the sun, this is a sign that you are surrounded by the love and attention of your loved ones and friends.
  • In some cases, sunrise is interpreted as slowness, sluggishness. People say: “As soon as the sun rises, the dew will eat out the eyes.”
  • See in a dream sunny sunset- a sign that you need to reconsider your life views, since holding on to your past with all your might, you close the future for yourself.
  • The dream in which you received a sunburn means that the person you trust will cause you severe mental pain.
  • Seeing in a dream how you are trying to catch a sunbeam with a mirror indicates that you are not inclined to take responsibility. It prevents you from achieving what you want in life.
  • If in a dream you are trying to warm yourself in the sun, but it does not warm you, this means that in reality you lack the love and attention of your loved ones.
  • The dream in which you see yourself as a child drawing the sun indicates your spiritual loneliness and the collapse of hopes.
  • Solar eclipse - portends illness and loss. This is a bad sign.
  • Expecting a sunrise in a dream is a sign that your attempts to change circumstances will lead to nothing. You cannot stop or delay the course of events.

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • To see the sun - a dream indicates the ruler of the state.
  • If someone dreamed of himself in a dream illuminated by the sun, then in reality all his deeds will be excellently good.
  • When you dream that a dark cloud is spreading around the sun, threatening to close it completely, then the person who sees such a dream will be greatly saddened in reality.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • Seeing a bright sunrise in a dream means that joy and prosperity await you in everything.
  • The sun at its zenith means that your ambition is fully satisfied, and the possibilities are endless.
  • The sunset seen in a dream indicates that your well-being has passed its peak and you should be more vigilant about everything.
  • If in a dream you see the sun shining through the clouds, it means that worries and difficulties are behind you, and good luck awaits you. If the sun is mysteriously covered by clouds and only occasionally appears because of them, then troubled times are approaching; but they will soon pass, bringing improvements to your business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

Why is the sun dreaming

  • The sun is a lot sunlight. Seeing the sun is always good (if the light is not too bright and piercing, without reflections).

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • glory, love;
  • shrouded by a passing cloud - money times ahead;
  • to see the sun is always good, everything bad is weakened in a dream;
  • hot, clear - glorious completion;
  • brightly illuminates the room - winning, acquiring a fortune.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • The sun in radiance is joy; in a cloud - a nuisance; eclipse - loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Why is the sun dreaming

  • Clear - happy event, improvement in business, a good period in life;
  • Hiding behind the clouds - a temporary deterioration in affairs, short-term difficulties.
  • Sunrise - improvement in business and health. Splash in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Longo

Why is the sun dreaming

  • Seeing the sun in a dream - to good luck in business, wealth in life and prosperity. If you dreamed that you could not look at the sun, then there is a person in your environment with whom it is very difficult to avoid conflict. You had a strained relationship with him for a long time, but there were no direct clashes, because he did not give a reason. Soon the situation will develop in such a way that you will no longer be able to endure his antics and defiant behavior, and the conflict will be inevitable.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why is the sun dreaming

  • How the image of the center of our planetary system symbolizes the principle of the formation of the energy system. The sun has been associated with our universe since its inception and signifies the beginning of life. Moreover, this highly positive image symbolizes the In-se of man.

Dream Interpretation: Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

Dream Interpretation Sun

  • Sun - the desire to avoid an unpleasant situation or change the situation.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • The elements are hot. Emotions are joy. Organs are the heart. Planets - Mars.
  • In reality, contemplation of the sun causes feelings of warmth, relaxation, joy and tranquility with diffuse perception, when the sun is part of the surrounding world. With diffuse perception, contemplation of the sun relieves the load from the eyes and through the eyes from the liver: the anger of the liver subsides / is reborn into the joy of the heart, that is, the external solar yang energy harmonizes the internal yin. With intense perception (look into the solar disk), the external yang sun, instead of harmonizing the internal yin, burns it: it blinds the eyes, which ignite the liver with anger that burns the joy of the heart, and the heart is left without joy in dangerous and uncontrolled activity. The sun in a dream is a symbol of the external world / events: any events are external yang in relation to a person - internal yin (a person is inside the world). But in human perception, everything turns upside down: striving for the maximum realization of one's self, a person perceives events as an internal yin, and himself as an external yang that dominates the events. If a person evaluates himself correctly, such a psychological substitution of the world for his own self is planned by nature and the Cosmos that created the person (the world exists only in relation to the observer). However, with incorrect self-esteem and distortions of the psyche, the harmony of the transformation of yang into yin is broken, the links between causes and effects break up, one overdevelops and the other degrades: either the person does not control the situation (external yang destroys the internal yin), or the person destroys himself with unjustified resistance, or excessive power over the situation (internal yin, swelling, displaces yang). The sun in a dream will be a reflection of the inner world of a person. To see / look in a dream at the sun / at sunrise - the sun is a source of external yang energy.
  • Seeing the sun in a dream with joy, calmness, without tension means inner freedom, calmness, a harmonious worldview (there is neither overestimated nor underestimated self-esteem). A dream promises a favorable course of external events, combined with internal satisfaction. To see the sun and suffer (go blind from the light), not wanting to see the sun, but it stubbornly in a dream before your eyes - an inner hidden awareness of your mistakes, but a complete unwillingness to openly admit and correct. In reality, this usually looks like preserving even an unfavorable situation at any cost (if only not to move!). Unjustified resistance to the situation and to oneself will lead to exhaustion, a nervous breakdown, the development of an internal complex of guilt and dependence on fate, and an external collapse in business. Sleep is unfavorable: pay attention to the heart and liver overloaded with negative emotions, which leads to illness, the blinding sun in a dream is a signal for this. Looking specifically at the sunrise with pleasure / displeasure means the beginning of the development of the situation according to a favorable or unfavorable option for the dreamer (see above): it is still easy to fix by bringing your emotions in line with the outside world. The day is just beginning...

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing the sun in a dream

  • To see the rising or setting sun shining brightly in the sky - to a favorable development of events (for patients - to an improvement in condition); Bloody or darkened sun - to an unfavorable development of events (for patients - to a deterioration in the condition); Watching the sun in recurring dreams - there may be problems with circulatory system, head.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: Veles dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, eastern female dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, male dream book, folk dream book believe and accept (folklore), Loff's dream book, dream book catchphrases, Vedic dream book of Sivananda, dream book of lovers, Assyrian dream book, Egyptian dream book pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshef), Shereminskaya's dream book, Freud's dream book, an old French dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (short), Health's dream book, Hasse's dream book, Italian dream book Meneghetti, Indian shamanic dream book, Mayan dream book, dream book of love, Chaldean dream book, Wanderer dream book, and others.

People have always revered the sun as the source of life on earth, but at the same time they were afraid of it, because the scorching sun's rays could bring drought and famine with them.

This dual nature of the daylight was reflected in the interpretation of dreams. According to the Modern Combined Dream Book, the sun in night visions - auspicious sign which promises joy, prosperity and a wonderful future.

But there are also warning meanings of visions in which the sun was dreamed. For example, if you dreamed that you were hiding from bright light and scorching heat in the shade, it means that in reality you will not take on a difficult task, but thereby deprive yourself of a solid income. This is how the Dream Interpretation interprets this plot alphabetically.

To understand what the sun is dreaming of, whether it portends you the coming joy or warns of some kind of danger, or maybe gives some advice, it is worth remembering exactly what the daytime luminary was in your visions. Dream Interpretations highlight several main plots in which people happen to see the sun in a dream.

  • The heavenly body is at its zenith.
  • It breaks through the clouds.
  • Clouds, on the other hand, cover the sun.
  • I dreamed of a sunset or sunrise.
  • The sun and moon are visible in the sky at the same time.
  • In a dream, a daylight may appear in the sky at night.
  • There was a solar eclipse.
  • You wear sunglasses because the sun is too bright.
  • You've sunbathed or sunburned, or even sunstroke.

To understand what all these plots mean, let's turn to traditional and modern dream books.

Heavenly light and clouds

If you dreamed of the sun at its zenith, writes Miller's Dream Book, this means that your ambitions will be realized, and the possibilities are very great. To see a light high in the sky in your dream means that you know how to enjoy life, and your mental capacity are very high, - says Medea's Dream Interpretation.

The interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima specifies what the sun is dreaming of at its zenith: it means that a certain stage of your life has been completed, and you will get what you deserve - but this is not a reason to rest on your laurels, you need to move on. Seeing spots on the face of the luminary means that it is time for you to stop doubting your own abilities and start taking decisive action.

For fans of excitement, a good omen will see a blind man in a dream. If there are clouds in the sky, and streams are pouring from them, but at the same time you can see bright sun, - this promises a win in gambling in reality. But if hail began on a sunny day, then fate is preparing to present you with such a surprise that will shock you, - the Dream Interpretation writes in alphabetical order.

As the Women's Dream Book interprets, the sun breaking through the clouds of clouds portends the end of a difficult period in life, soon everything should go smoothly, and this will be facilitated by the smile of fortune. To see in a dream the sun's rays that make their way through thunderclouds - soon the dreamer's money affairs will improve significantly, interprets the Small Velesov dream book.

If in your dreams you are inside the house and see that the bright sun is breaking through, gradually illuminating the entire room, this is a favorable sign that portends a prosperous life and respect for others.. The gypsy dream book says that a dream, in which the sun fills the whole with light, portends to a family man the birth of a talented and virtuous heir. When in a dream you enter a house brightly lit sunbeams, such a vision promises unexpected enrichment.

Seeing during a night's rest that the sun was shining brightly, and suddenly clouds covered it, is a warning dream. It warns the sleeper against rash actions, because in the near future the circumstances will not be the most favorable. However, if you dreamed of the sun hiding behind the clouds, you should not worry too much: you will have enough wit and perseverance to overcome difficulties and stabilize your financial situation and personal life.

Sunrises and sunsets

Many peoples have rituals associated with the expectation of the sunrise of the daylight. However, seeing yourself in dreams, waiting for the sunrise is not the most favorable sign. If you dreamed of such a plot, Aesop's Dream Interpretation advises you to abandon attempts to total control over the situation - you are unlikely to be able to change the course of events, so try to act according to the circumstances, and not go against them.

But to see how a bright sun appears in the sky above the horizon is a very favorable sign. According to different interpreters, depending on the circumstances of the dreamer's life, this can mean receiving some good news, and completing a streak of life's difficulties, and good luck in business.

Why is the sun dreaming if in a dream you are watching its sunset? Here the opinions of traditional and modern interpreters diverge. For example, Miller's Dream Interpretation says that a sunset in dreams is a harbinger of worsening circumstances. You need to be more careful with money, not take risks when starting new business, and more carefully fulfill your official duties.

However, the 21st Century Dream Interpretation gives the opposite interpretation: if you saw a sunset in a dream, then you will receive a worthy reward for your work. The sunset in this case symbolizes the completion of one stage of life and the beginning of the next, in which you can also achieve high results.

If the sky in your dream at the same time turned out to be the sun and, says the Chinese Imperial Dream Book, this portends material well-being in the House. If the dreamer is illuminated by the rays of the sun and the moon, then he is provided with career advancement.

The solar disk and the moon in the sky, dreaming at the same time, can also mean that good news will come from afar soon.. Jewish dream book believes that such a plot means meeting a pretty girl (or guy) in reality. But if in a dream the moon, along with the sun, fell from the sky, then the sleeping person needs to take care of the health of his parents.

What is the dream of the sun, which in your dream shines at night? If a bright light appears in the midst of darkness, he says Ukrainian dream book, which means that all your troubles and misfortunes are already behind. If in your dream the sun shines for you at night, we can assume that it shows you the way to a "bright future", leave all doubts and boldly move forward towards your goal.

Eclipse and sunbathing

All dream books agree on the interpretation of what the sun dreams of in the eclipse phase - this is a very bright warning that unfavorable times are coming. A huge crimson sun can be dreamed of when someone wants to avenge you for some wrongdoing committed by you in the past. But, perhaps, these are all unfavorable meanings of "solar" dreams.

When in your dreams the sun shines too brightly, it blinds your eyes, and you put on sun glasses, it means that you are in vain listening to the advice of others that can harm you. If the daylight dazzles your eyes, the Eastern Women's Dream Book advises you to seriously take care of your health. In a dream, you looked at the solar disk with all your eyes and did not feel any discomfort, which means that you are able to find harmony between external circumstances and your inner world.

Why dream of a sun that burns too brightly? A modern dream book advises to take a closer look at the environment - probably someone wants to seem better than he is. Try not to be deceived, so as not to be disappointed later. If you dreamed that the sun was shining brightly, and you were going to the beach to sunbathe, capturing the sun, in reality, do not rush to rush into a new romantic relationship.

In a dream, the sun shines brightly, but does not warm you, which means that in reality you do not feel the love and care of your loved ones enough. Feel free to tell them about it. If the sun warms you in a dream, says Aesop's Dream Interpretation, then your relationship with loved ones is harmonious, you feel their love, and you yourself take care of household members and friends.

If you dreamed of sunbathing on, the Dream Interpretation says alphabetically, then this is not the most happy dream. It means that you need to be more attentive to your own health. Also, sunbathing on the beach may mean that you need to be more attentive to people so that they do not turn away from you.

If you dreamed of sunbathing in, then this means that you are striving for new knowledge that will help you move along life path. Also, sunbathing under the rays of the mountain sun in a dream may mean that you need to reevaluate your own life priorities. I dreamed of getting burned while sunbathing - in reality you should not count on the support of friends and household members - you yourself will do an excellent job with your affairs.

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