What awaits the lions in October. October horoscope for Leo woman. Accurate horoscope of love relationships

The horoscope for October 2019 Leo will tell you what awaits Leo in relationships, family, career and work, what will happen to health. This page contains the general horoscope for Lviv for October 2019. Here you will not read clear instructions for action, but the stars will give you enough clues so that you can influence your life.

Leo in October 2019

The horoscope warns: not the most favorable time is coming for Leo. In October, the stars advise Leos to take a closer look at their surroundings. It is possible that monitoring will help identify people who decide to set you up or take advantage of your kindness. Get rid of these people instead. Meanwhile, the Lions will need the support of reliable friends more than ever. Discord is planned in family relationships, so be prepared for defense.

Family and relationships

In family relationships, everything will not be as we would like. You will be dissatisfied with the behavior of the second half. Quarrels will arise on every occasion: one of the spouses came home late, did not pick up the phone for a long time, his cell phone was switched off. There will be many such moments, and every time you will lose your temper. Dissatisfaction with the spouse will develop into irritation. Children who also get out of hand and get bad grades will fall under your hand. As a result, you quarrel with all family members. It will not be possible to establish relations in hot pursuit, so take a wait-and-see attitude. Perhaps you will soon realize that a lot was invented by you, and your loved ones are not to blame for anything.

Romantic feelings can overwhelm lonely Lions. They will go headlong into a relationship, which, by the way, will turn out to be a failure. You will be very disappointed in your partner. Well, no problem. Let go of the situation. Soon you will meet the right person. Stock up on patience.

Health and lifestyle

Old sores will remind of themselves all month. You will be tormented by headaches, pain in the joints. Take only specialized treatment, forget about folk methods, otherwise aggravate the situation. The stars recommend that you not be too lazy and undergo a complete examination in order to finally identify the cause of the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Many Leos will develop allergic reactions. Well, how could it be without the autumn blues - yes, Lviv expects this too. Get rid of a bad mood Lions will help active physical exercise. The end of the month is a great time for a good rest. Walk more, meet nice people, spend time with your family. All this will help strengthen your emotional state and relieve sad thoughts.

Career and work

At work, Lions are waiting for a lot of meetings, many of which will lead to a positive result. A major project is being planned, so do everything so that its implementation goes to you. You have to work hard to get results. You will be required to show people all your competence in specific matters. In the course of work, you will have to receive not only laurels, but also find yourself in difficult and sometimes confusing situations. However, according to the stars, you will successfully cope with the tasks. As a result, you will be able to earn good money, and improve yourself in the eyes of management.

At the end of October, be more economical, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the financial crisis. Try to overcome the desire to go on an expensive trip. For now, you should forget about rest, as well as about spending.

Are lionesses seriously interested in politics and power? This is something new. It is simply vital for you to start a dispute on some acute social topic and defend your interests at any cost. But is it worth it to deliberately create a conflict situation, from which it is not always possible to emerge victorious? You just lack the thrill and drive in life, hence the behavior.

In October, you will want to feel at least some kind of power, even in the family. But the household does not intend to agree to such harsh conditions and will make you reciprocal demands. The accumulated sexual tension must be removed, and Cupid will be able to help you with this, arranging unforgettable meetings with courageous males. Lonely lionesses are accustomed to conquer men's hearts, and then mercilessly break them. But be on the alert yourself, so as not to suffer from your own heart-piercing weapon, you are so amorous. Do not let a man completely capture your thoughts, hold back a little spiritual impulses. Although October promises victories on the love front, do not let things take their course, control the situation with a sober mind so as not to run into gigolos. So many recently divorced freeloaders who powder their heads to live at your expense. Learn to figure out such personalities in the early stages and send them to all four sides so as not to be a hostage to circumstances.

Those who have already found their lover should not relax too much, it is better to protect your territory. In the work area, things will go uphill if only you yourself want it and make every effort, but fatigue can negatively affect your health, although everything is fixable.

The most favorable days of October 2018 for Lviv will be: 2, 4, 6, 8.10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28.29, 30.

love horoscope

Your love adventures are to the liking of the perky Cupid. Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign can safely count on their strength in conquering men's hearts and go hunting. Look after your beloved someone more impressive, do not waste your time on the young. The stars promise you an acquaintance with a very promising man, and not even one, the choice will be yours. Try to be a weak and defenseless woman, at least for the sake of appearance, letting a man pay for you in a cafe, let him think that he is more important ... for now. Do not demonstrate the state of your wallet, so as not to run into a gigolo once again.

It will seem to Leo women in love that her possessions have been violated by some impudent rival, and it is unlikely that she will do without scenes of jealousy, but do not rush to conclusions. Be wise, try not to pay attention to the friendly smile addressed to your man from an unfamiliar blonde. Keep calm, maybe not everything is so simple, and this is a former classmate or acquaintance from work, there is no crime in this. It is better to observe the behavior of your lover - you will learn much more than from an interrogation with an addiction. Your temperament attracts the strong half of humanity with a magnet, and this interest does not fade over time. Men feel that such a woman is able to brighten up not only the night, but during the day there will be something to do with her.

The new moon on October 9 is not conducive to the beginning of new relationships or dates, it is better to postpone even a heart-to-heart talk for a few days.

For lions who have been married for a long time, it may seem that they are in a cage, albeit in a golden one. If you are increasingly thinking that this man is tired of you and in every possible way avoid physical contact, you should not waste precious time. There is only one life, take risks, fall in love again, add color to gray everyday life. You don’t need to deceive yourself every day and convince yourself that everything is fine or will get better soon, it won’t be better if such thoughts have already appeared. Make up your mind and do what you want so much, discard all fears and doubts.

Finance Horoscope

In autumn, some kind of despondency always comes, hands down and nothing at all. Only to fall on your favorite sofa, turn on the TV, start an endless series and turn off the outside world. At work, the days go by so long and tiring that it seems like time has stopped. Familiar state?

Remember, no one is able to work at the limit of their capabilities. In everything, it is better to maintain an optimal balance in order to get the desired result and the life that you have been dreaming of for so long. Sometimes you need to forget about work and just relax, clear your head and recharge with positive energy.

Beware of unscrupulous travel agents who will try to sell you a "profitable" tour, you will not really rest, and your mood will only worsen from poor service. Consult with friends or colleagues who really used the services of this company, so as not to run into scammers who think only about their own pocket.

A significant financial amount will be credited to your account only in the last days of October, manage your money wisely. Perhaps use it as start-up capital for your own business, so the money will work and increase income. Seek help from specialists in the first stages and do not forget to consult a lawyer. Before plunging headlong into work, the stars recommend a good rest so that there is time to tune in to conquer the peaks. Do not listen to advice and recommendations from envious people, they are just waiting for your failure and they definitely won’t wish you good. While they are talking, you act and do not listen to anyone, trust yourself, be patient and go ahead! Try not to spend money on all sorts of nonsense like souvenirs and useless beautiful things that then gather dust on the shelves. Each saved money is like earned, appreciate what you have and multiply, you can always have time to spend.

Health Horoscope

In October, health does not disappoint, the body is charged and will work evenly and smoothly, of course, provided that you do not experiment on it and experiment with food. Pay special attention to exotic fruits that your digestive system may not be ready for, and avoid potential allergens, especially while on vacation abroad. If you suffer from insomnia, or vice versa, you cannot wake up in the morning, you need to consult a doctor about a suitable sedative drug, just do not self-medicate on the Internet and with the help of grandmother's recipes.

Drive away a bad mood, go shopping, a new wardrobe item will improve your mood and please the eye. When preparing for the winter season, don't spend your entire salary on warm clothes, review what has been on the shelf in the closet for a long time and breathe new life into the same blouse or dress, add an unusual accessory and a new look is ready. But do not get too carried away with entertainment such as shopping, there are many more interesting activities in the world, and even free ones. Leo women constantly expect something from others instead of taking the initiative in their own hands and stir up the crowd. Do not wait for the weather by the sea, make history yourself, for your own pleasure. If you are going on vacation this month, be sure to grab your camera and take a bunch of pictures that will warm you up on winter evenings. Appreciate the moment, catch your luck and just enjoy life, you will succeed!

The horoscope for October 2019 does not recommend Leo to grab stars from heaven, but to become more proactive and active in work. Your further career depends on your zeal and patience. If you want to get everything that you have earned, then do not put aside small tasks. For harmony in love, you will have to “break” yourself and move away from patterns. You are the creator of your own destiny.

Horoscope for decades for October 2019 Leo

At the beginning of the month, you will have to travel not only around the region, but also around the world. This is more true for those who are busy with their business or cargo transportation. Business trips will be difficult, but the profit will please you. Work will be excellent for those who work in an enterprise or in a large organization. Many will go for a promotion, and someone will be offered interesting projects. The horoscope for October 2019 for Leo predicts profitable deals that will help plug the “hole” in your personal budget. Relatives will support you in your endeavors, do not be afraid to talk about your plans. Personal life can be “crippled” by the jealousy of Leo, who finds it difficult to cope with the feelings of the owner. A new romance can end in a hurry if you continue in the same spirit.

In the middle of the month, the real agony will begin. Occasion? Lots of work and little money. It may be that you need to change jobs or study for a different specialty. Let the prospects yet loom in the distance, but they are. An attempt is not torture, try to change your life dramatically. Married couples have the opportunity to successfully invest in real estate and change housing. The October horoscope for Leo predicts new acquaintances, some of which will quickly move into the stage of “strong friendship”. But there is nothing to say about love relationships. If you already have a chosen one, then the relationship will pleasantly continue and even the prerequisites for marriage will be outlined. Well, lonely Lions will be in a state of search.

At the end of the month, Leo will begin to grab onto everything at once, which will instantly reduce activity and lead to problems. Please note that such tactics are unprofitable, and can also deplete energy reserves. In the team, behave more seriously, talk less on the phone and flirt with young employees. The boss sees everything, keep your “face”. The horoscope recommends "hunting" not for your own shadow, but to look for a worthy partner in your personal life. You've had plenty of walking, and stop holding on to freedom. In autumn there is a chance to make a fateful acquaintance.

Leo career horoscope

The horoscope for October 2019 recommends adding a share of prudence and fantasy to the workflow. You are chasing only money, and even at home you think how much you will get for new projects. Well, where is your breadth of views, creative talents? Keep in mind, if you become uncontrollably materialistic, then stop halfway to success. Refuse illegal actions even if your best friends are campaigning for them.

In October, Leo will be in a fighting mood. You are not afraid of the volume of tasks that the boss has set. But in many matters there is clearly a lack of knowledge and competence, so do not hesitate to ask in detail what exactly they want from you. The time for change has begun! Just do not go in cycles in the methods of "retro", go a new way to the cherished goal.

The October horoscope for Leo promises successful business trips, meetings with business partners and even an office romance. You will spin in a whirlpool of affairs, feelings and financial problems. The main thing is to abandon cliches and stereotypes in order to achieve what you want. Well, it will turn out to be high and move you from your place!

Finance October Leo

The horoscope for October 2019 for Leo predicts a difficult financial situation. But you are still far from critical, so keep yourself in control. You should not open your wallet in front of everyone and boast of a bank account. Keep in mind that finances can sing romances if handled lightly. Leo in October needs to close his eyes to everything risky and adventurous. Take better care of elderly relatives, complete repairs and update your wardrobe. It is extremely dangerous to lend money to people you don't know very well. But if you go on vacation, treat yourself to a trip abroad or to the warm sea. In this case, saving is inappropriate if the funds go to rest and loved ones.

Leo: health in October 2019

The horoscope predicts allergic reactions to certain foods. It is possible that you decide to try something exotic while traveling or visiting friends. When traveling in your car, be extremely careful. There is a risk of getting into an accident and getting a lot of trouble. Intuition will tell you what and how to treat. But do not trust her too much if the recovery is delayed. A lion can be examined, have an ultrasound, and also be tested for the presence of sugar in the blood. Just do not be afraid ahead of time, let the specialist doctor himself diagnose you.

Auspicious days in the month of October 2019: 14, 17, 18, 20

October horoscope for other zodiac signs:

In fact, everything is simple. Fate will decide to test you for strength, and you must pass this exam with an "excellent" mark. Don't worry, in October 2019 you can count on the support of the most authoritative luminaries. In addition to the traditional leader, the Sun, Mars, Uranus and Neptune will protect your peace of mind. So, what should be expected from such powerful celestials?

Uranus, in its good habit, will reward you with the ability to think, avoiding patterns. Mars will help strengthen your confidence in your superiority over circumstances, and Neptune will teach you how to find secret signs in what your subconscious sends you. In other words, you will have the main trump cards in your hands.

Alas, the player who has trump cards does not always win in the game called life ... In October 2019, the cunning and impudent Pluto will take up arms against the representatives of your sign. He alone is able to turn what is happening in your destiny, nullifying the gifts received from other celestials. Your task is to prevent the hectic Pluto from making you move along a deliberately wrong trajectory.

Listen to your intuition, recharge with optimism from loved ones and do not reject advice from those who are older, wiser or have tremendous life experience behind them. In the middle of autumn 2019, you will really need support from loved ones. They can become your personal compass for finding further landmarks.

(October 2017)


For representatives of the sign, October 2017 is unlikely to be a month of change. Everything will go as planned, without crises and changes. The main thing is not to turn off the chosen path and not change direction, unless there are good reasons for this.

This month, Leos will feel freedom and unprecedented lightness. Good luck will be waiting for you at the turn, so the changes in your life will be positive. Lions will be waiting for personal growth, overcoming a difficult situation from the past, which has haunted you for many months and even years. A romantic turn in a love relationship is possible, which will bring joy and happiness with it.

Try to spread your wings and do what you have planned, without turning off the chosen path. This will give impetus to more significant achievements and prospects.

For those who dream of a career, luck will smile closer to the end of October. The offer will surprise you. It is possible to receive information that will contribute to significant changes in your future. Listen to the words of those around you. This will help you understand how to act and see a new path to success and achievement that you did not notice before.

Leo Woman Horoscope for October 2017

Representatives of the sign will be able to find time for outdoor activities and pleasant communication. Good luck will be on your side if you relax and socialize more. Feel free to plan a party with your friends - and gatherings in a cafe for a cup of coffee, and relaxing in a nightclub, everything will contribute to your development and solving many problems.

The situation that worries you will be resolved unexpectedly, in an informal circle. You will learn about a new turn of events that will allow you to radically change the situation that previously brought you a lot of trouble and tears.

It's time for you to upgrade. Try to weave the bright colors of autumn into your everyday look - they will give you a great mood and enhance your charm. At work, you can show your creativity or organizational skills, which will further contribute to your career.

Try to be in society more often - communication with colleagues and girlfriends will bring a lot of interesting things into your life. And the information received will allow you to make the right decision, which you could not decide for a long time because of the truth that was not fully clarified.

Leo Man Horoscope for October 2017

Events will force you to keep your ears open: it is possible that very soon you will receive unexpected information. October will be rich in bright events and surprises that you have been waiting for so long, but not all of them will be pleasant.

Try to accept reality as it is. Life may require new qualities and thoughtful acting from you. However, this lesson will benefit you, and will further your personal growth, career and success.

You will have to be careful in your activities. An event can force you to investigate, to understand what is really hidden behind the behavior of the participants in the story. You will be able to honorably get out of a difficult situation and again go about your business.

The main thing is to be attentive to what is happening in your business life, as behind your back someone is gossiping or weaving intrigue. Therefore, knowing the necessary information will force you to make an important decision that will become an impetus for future success.

Love horoscope for Lviv for October 2017

On the personal front, you will be in for a surprise. If you are just dating a loved one, he can show himself from a completely unexpected side. This will only fuel your passion and help you decide whether to live together or get married. But in some situations, new information will make you think and postpone a decision.

Most likely, you will learn about some secret that will contribute to the breakup, but in many cases this will turn out to be for the best. Leos in love will have to go through a small crisis in their relationship, but it can give your relationship a completely unexpected turn.

Family representatives of the sign will want to pay a lot of attention to their soulmate. October will be conducive to romantic walks, gatherings in cafes and pleasant memories. Some events will bring you even closer.

Try to show your leadership qualities: perhaps a loved one will need your help and advice. And, of course, the time spent alone will allow you to return romance to the relationship and resolve many contentious issues.

Financial (money) horoscope for Lviv for October 2017

Money will go into your hands in an even stream. A stable financial situation will force Lviv to reconsider their opportunities, prospects and find new, alternative sources of income. This will be a powerful impetus for those Lions who dream of a career.

It is possible that you decide to take a leadership position and solve many of your financial problems. The time will be favorable for those representatives of this sign who have planned new incomes, their own business and a large enterprise.

It is better to lend money in the middle of the month. You can financially help your friend or relative and this will not go unnoticed, even if the money is not returned immediately or not in full. For loans, the best time is mid-October, for large purchases - the end of the month. At this time, you will be able to purchase high-quality furniture, a car, an apartment, renovate the interior of your apartment and put your own corner in order.

For small expenses, the best time is the first half of October. However, beware of quick and spontaneous purchases, especially if you did not plan them. A new shampoo, even if the most promoted company, is unlikely to compensate for the loss of funds, as well as a cosmetic product chosen in a hurry.

Work and business horoscope for Lviv for October 2017

For representatives of the sign, doors to career heights may open. You will finally be able to take the initiative and realize your own potential. If earlier it was not possible to solve some problem, or there were various obstacles on the way to career heights, then in this situation you will be able to stand up for yourself and take action.

In order not to frighten off luck, do not be afraid to look for new ways to achieve heights. Courtesy and sociability never hurt anyone, and personal charm will advance your career in any field. In creativity, you can get an unexpected advantage, find a person who will appreciate your abilities and help you improve.

Relations with superiors this month will be smooth if you yourself show initiative and activity. It is possible that he will entrust you with a responsible task or send you on a business trip. If you want a promotion, be proactive and use charm. There may be an air of coldness in relationships with colleagues, but your charm will help you build relationships with everyone.

The main thing is to prove yourself in communication from the best side, bypassing sharp corners. However, if someone calls you to a frank conversation, do not deny it. This will allow you to learn not only about the intrigue behind your back, but also to resolve all unpleasant questions with a few phrases.

Health horoscope for Lviv for October 2017

In October, your energy will be strong, which will allow you to set up many things and show your best qualities. Good physical shape will contribute to activity, sports, so feel free to take on even the most difficult tasks. Good physical training never hurt anyone. In your situation, you can avoid various injuries, overexertion.

In addition, sports, fitness, jogging will help you burn extra calories and relieve negative emotions. Try to spend as little free time as possible in front of the TV or on the couch. Then you can do a lot for yourself.

The only thing that can harm your health is alcohol abuse or a diet, especially a fast one. It is not necessary to stop following the rules of a healthy diet, but you should not lose weight quickly either. This will only whet your appetite and make you gain weight.

Fasting will be especially harmful, as your physical activity in October will be increased, and you will be able to break the diet, falling for sweets, meat or fast food. Try not to force things and do not eat less than the nutritionist advises, otherwise you may violate the proper diet. Closer to the last week of the month, try to be careful while driving.

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