Batman: Arkham Asylum Achievement Tips. Batman: Arkham Asylum: Walkthrough Arkham asylum all puzzles

Intensive care building

Batman took the Joker to a psychiatric hospital. Something in the behavior of this clown alarms our hero and Batman decides to take the prisoner to the cell. We follow the guards and listen to the chatter of the joker. Batman is not allowed further into the intensive care unit in the “cell” block, supposedly for the peace of mind of the prisoners, and then the joker “attacks”. Everything was planned in advance, the Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn at the control panel, the blackgate bandits transferred from the burnt prison.

Batman breaks the window, gets into the first mess. There are two fights ahead, the first with three prisoners, the second with four. Try to deal combo blows, the more blows Batman did without stopping, the more points you get for the battle. In the future, it will be possible to purchase Wine tech upgrades for points. The Joker offers to find him, and opens the energy gate. There is no way out, “he called himself a load, climb into the box”, we go in search of a criminal genius.

Climbing up the ramp, on the left in the room, break the teeth jumping on the floor with a battarang, aiming with the right mouse button or pressing the "Q" key - a quick batarang. We move along the corridor, we hear the warning of the security system about the violation of the regime, in three blocks the prisoners broke free. Having reached the fork, we will teach two thugs a lesson, because it’s not figs to twitch at the great and mighty, after the battle we go to the right, since the door on the left is blocked. Having contacted the oracle (the daughter of Commissioner Gordon), Batman reports the situation. Once in the ward for the violently mad, we will talk with the nearest guard Zak Franklinn, he will explain the situation, the violent prisoner Victor Szas chained the guard to the electric chair and threatens to kill him. We pass through the open door and climb the stairs, approaching the guards, look up at the walls, there are gargoyles - by pressing the "F" key, Batman takes off on the gargoyle with a hook with a cable. We jump over to the nearest gargoyle, and we plan on the criminal by pressing the "space", in flight we press the left mouse button and strike. You need to deliver the finishing blow, hold CTRL and press the right mouse button.

Having dealt with the bandit, we watch the video, Harley Quinn shows us the captured chief warden Sharpy. The Joker is revealed to be in control of the security system. We need to get out of the ward for the violent lunatics. Turn on the detective mode key "X", inspect the room. We see a grate in the wall and a transparent wall, while we leave it until better times (in general, there are a lot of mysteries in the game, but some will become available only at the end of the game, when Batman collects all his gadgets), going to the grate, press the space bar quickly and many times. We go through the ventilation shafts to the grate and remove it as well as the first one.

Disinfection room

The Joker has launched his poison gas, and everyone in the room is doomed to an agonizing death. Near the door to the room, look up and use the hook as soon as the "F" icon flashes. Climbing up, we save the guard, jump with a hook onto the crossbar under the ceiling and save another guard, jump further, then we will save the prisoner, points are awarded for all those saved. You need to turn on the ventilation to clear the room of gas. We look around in detective mode and aim the batarang at the ventilation control panel.

The loop

We leave the disinfection room and find ourselves in a long corridor called a loop. We go along it, arrows are drawn on the floor, two bandits will attack from behind, it’s even somehow not serious. We move along the arrows, we go into the room and watch the video. The Joker releases a strange body from the container, apparently the result of some kind of genetic mutation. We dodge his direct attacks by holding the spacebar and pressing the left or right movement keys, we lure the monster onto the power shields and while it is writhing, we practice blows. After several approaches, the monster falls, the joker makes notes for the future, reports that Commissioner Gordon has been captured and fled. We get a new main task to find and save the commissioner. We will talk with the guard, he will try to lead us after the joker, but something does not work out, then Batman decides to go back and check the detention cells for evidence. We return only we go not to the disinfection room, but to the left into the previously closed passage. We get to the detention cells, guided by the map. And we scan it in detective mode, having found a flask with bourbon of a traitor guard, we begin to look for him by alcohol vapors in the air. We move along the corridor, looking for traces of whiskey in the air and get into the elevator, then a rabid doctor Harvey appears and drops the elevator on us. We go up the stairs to the room and select the audio recording, listen and get points, now we return to the elevator and look up until we find a point where we can hook on, overcome the obstacle course and get to the party of five bandits, after beating everyone we move on. After passing through the ventilation tunnels, we see three bandits armed with machine guns. Do not attack head on. We look up and use the hook, jump from gargoyle to gargoyle, going to the rear of the bandits. We plan and, holding down the Ctrl key, sneak up on the nearest bandit, inflicting a final blow on him. We deal with the remaining bandits. We go into the room where there is another bandyuk and also sneaking up from behind, we bring it down with the final blow. We move forward and get into the intensive care lobby, there are two bandits with machine guns. Having dealt with them, the Joker sends three more bandits, and we will calm these down. We take an audio recording in the security room. And we go to the dead guard. After examining it, Edward Nygma breaks into our radio broadcast, he gives us the riddle “Look, do not cut yourself on a shabby portrait.” We look a little to the right of the traitor officer, a portrait of the chief warden Sharp hangs on the wall, we scan it. After that, a guard appears and opens the door.

Corridor with communications

We get the task to leave the intensive care unit on the surface of the island. After talking with the guard, we go out into the corridor with communications and when we come to the exit from it, we hear an emergency news release, the Joker informs the inhabitants of Gotham City about the capture of Arkham Island. We go into the pantry and through the ventilation pipes we get out to the surface. We examine the island from a bird's eye view, going down we head towards the botanical garden along the way we receive an alarm from the Batmobile, Batman contacts the oracle and receives a map of the island, we go to the entrance to the intensive care unit to save Commissioner Gordon and protect our car. After passing through the gate, we go around the ambulance on the left and using the hook we climb onto the concrete floor, we go through it to the rear of the two bandits and remove them with silent blows. We pass through the next gate and see how seven bandits beat with clubs on our car. They are not seriously armed, we approach and distribute cuffs left and right. After the battle, we pick up explosive gel from the trunk (they can blow up unstable walls). Now you need to scan the area around the car. We turn on the detective mode and scan, the search area is outlined by a yellow stripe. Having found the tube, press the spacebar, scanning Batman contacts the oracle and tells her the good news. We follow the scent of the commissar's favorite tobacco in the air. To go to the next location, to the left of the locked gate we blow up the fragile wall. Following the trail, we stumble upon two bandits, after beating them, we continue to look for traces of tobacco, since they are every three meters.


There are six prisoners at the entrance to the medical block, here you can score good points. We go into the building. We see Harley Quinn, having approached and listened to her, we hear Gordon. Harley runs away, and we need to find another passage to the medblock building. We go outside and look at the roof, using the hook we climb up and go left. There is an unstable wall here, we blow it up with gel and find ourselves in a medical block. Once inside, we pass through the ventilation shafts into the main hall, we observe a picture of how the Joker's minions drive the medical staff to the offices. Batman decides to free them. The doctors are guarded by four armed bandits, since the game involves acting secretly, you can pull out enemies one by one, sneaking up from behind and delivering finishing blows, but you can also make some noise, then everyone will come running to you and shooting will begin. I acted covertly. After removing the bandits, we approach the doctors, after talking with them we get the task to find and save three more doctors, their location will be marked on the map.

Dr. Kelerman is locked in a room filled with joker gas, going to the door we will talk with the guard, then we look up at the ventilation pipes and climb on them, jump over to the grate and break it into the room. Three fans need to be turned on. Turning on the detective mode, we look at the wires going from the fans to the control panels, turn on the fans with a betarang, after each turned on we go down to the level below.

Dr. Chen is chained to a chair, everything is trite, we carry out a forceful action to bring all eight prisoners into an unconscious state, after this reassurance of the aforementioned citizens, we approach Chen and press the space bar.

Doctor Peni Yang is guarded by five armed bandits, so that the doctor is not killed, you need to place two charges of explosive helium on the defective walls. Having blown up their fragments of the walls, they will bury the bandits under them. Talk to the doctor.

Returning to the isolation ward to further search for the commissioner, we watch a video, at the end of which you need to deal with three bandits. After we go down to the basement of the medical block on the elevator. We watch the cutscene to go further, blow up the wall on the left. We pass along the communication corridor and see Commissioner Gordon, he is dead. We get a new task to punish the killer. We go to the morgue, having wandered around it, we will try to leave this gloomy place, it was not there. When you try to get out, we again find ourselves in the morgue, only in the middle of the hall are three bags. Opening them in turn, we meet with dad and mom, in the latter, a scarecrow awaits us. Yeah, all this is the tricks of the schizo Crane, he is also known under the nickname "Scarecrow", or rather his hallucinogenic gas. Now we need to get past him, so that he does not notice us. We just move forward while he is spinning there, having reached the defective wall, we blow it up, the scarecrow will turn and look to the left and right of the wall, so while he is looking to the left, we jump to the right. Reaching the spotlight, Batman attacks.

After defeating Crane, call the oracle. We go back, and follow the arrows, yeah, this is not a commissar, but some poor guard. We are trying to get through the door, three bandits open it for us, one of them is experienced, he puts a block on all blows, we need to stun him with a cloak, and then beat him. We get to the corridor along the arrows, the joker again decided to play his cruel games. We need to get past the bandits so that we are not noticed. There are only four of them, turn on the detective mode, their movement will be visible, the first two I crept up behind and knocked out with finishing blows. The rest, following their path, also removed one by one from the battlefield. Climb the stairs and use the hook to jump to the ceiling of the room where Harley and Gordon are standing. Explode the ceiling and watch the video. There is a battle with Venom. A pumped-up guy, and very angry, but as a boss, not very difficult. We dodge his throws and throw betarangs until he starts walking holding his face, as soon as this happens, run up to him and hit him. Batman, jumping on his back, will rip off the supply hoses one by one. When Venom has half a life left, Joker's thugs will join the battle. First we deal with them, then we finish off Venom.

We watch the video - Venom dies a death of the brave, Gordon goes to the mainland, and Batman gives the oracle a "tsu".

Batman Cave

Reach the cave and analyze Dr. Yang's latest research.

We follow to the place marked on the map, on the way we run into a fight three times. Arriving at the point, we jump over the fence, and go through the cave, watch the video and run to the computer. After reviewing all available information about Dr. Yang's research. Batman goes in search of the aforementioned. We get a batclaw with which you can pull up objects. Here comes the opportunity to try it in action. Batman decides to go in search of the doctor in a different way, with a hook we pull off three containers that prevent us from jumping onto the walkways. We run through the tunnel to the grating under the arch of the cave, yeah, with a hook you can pull out the gratings, which we actually do. We get out from the other side, and cut down the thug who reports to the joker in some way. Then there is another group of bandits, among them there is an experienced one. Plus, those who are not engaged in a fight are trying to tear off various objects from the walls in order to try to cause significant harm to Batman. We get into a cave with old walls and columns, the hook disappears, you need to find a way to the surface. Nothing particularly difficult is expected. Having got out to the surface, we get a tick about the task "get out to the surface through the sewers". We get the following “climb into the Arkham mansion”, the joker placed his snipers on the towers, taking them off, we follow to the eastern part of the island, there are already four snipers, and a bunch of bandits in the connecting part of the isthmus.

Arkham Mansion

Having penetrated into the mansion, using the batclaw, we take down the armed bandit, immediately we finish him off with the final blow. The door is locked, good old ventilation will help us out. With a batclaw we tear off the grate and get into an adjacent room. Wow, Dr. Young is in the hands of a joker, but she is silent. And the bandits of the Joker staged a standing search in the mansion. Need to hurry up.

We deal with a bunch of bandits, about something peacefully chatting before you appear. With due diligence, you can fill a few points. We go into the next room, there is one bandit armed with a machine gun, threatening to kill two employees of the Arkham mental hospital, we sneak up on him from behind and cut him down. We watch the video, the Joker, out of kindness, informs that a bunch of his henchmen are beating the “nonsense” out of Aaron Kesh in order to find out where Dr. Yang is. There are six armed bandits in the next room, we remember the medical block and act the same way. Having dealt with the prisoners, we listen to Kesh, we move to help the doctor.

We go through the northern corridor, make our way through the ventilation maze, and finally get to Dr. Yang's office, then three bandits are trying to break into the office, one with a machine gun, putting them to rest, look at the walls, ventilation again. There is no doctor, the safe is open, drawing conclusions, Batman simultaneously communicates with the oracle. We scan the safe and follow the doctor's prints on her heels. Having got out of the office, just as we climbed into it, we go to the door, towards three bandits like “give me a smoke”, Batman says “I don’t smoke, I say an athlete”, and let's work on them. Um... that's me. Actually, following in the footsteps of the doctor, we find ourselves in a corner corridor, sat down around the corner and hit the head of an armed bandit with a betarang, after listening to their conversation from which it follows that the doctor was caught. We go into the library, there are six bandits, two experienced, going downstairs, we see two hostages, the joker is joking again. If we do not have time to save them, then they will suffocate. We quickly return back and with the help of a hook we climb onto the third floor, we run in a circle until we come across a ventilation grate. Having climbed into it, we overcome the labyrinth and get out near the chandelier, throw the betarang, the chandelier breaks through the floor, tadam... the hostages are saved. We turn on the detective mode and on one of the shelves we find the doctor's fingerprints. We take the formula "after reading, destroy", which our hero does.

We get out of the library, at the exit we fall under the influence of Crane's hallucinogenic gas, we rushed along a new kink. We go along the corridor, having come to the place of death of parents. After standing for a while, press the movement keys, and go to the exit. The scarecrow is waiting for us in the most hidden fears hidden in the depths of our brain. An obstacle course, that's what it's called. Having coped with the scarecrow, we find ourselves in the main hall, cut off the bell, and jumping down we go into the opened room. There, the violent Victor is holding Dr. Yang, we sneak up to the corner, crouch and, having improved the moment, we stun Zsas with a batarang. We watch the video, Dr. Yang dies. And we have to fight with four bandits, one of them is armed with an electric baton.

After talking with the oracle, we get the task to penetrate the secret laboratory. We leave the room, follow the traces of Sharpe's DNA. There are three armed bandits in the large hall, we make our way over them and cut them down in turn from behind with decisive blows.

Find Overseer Sharpy on the DNA trail, destroy the Titan lab in the botanical gardens, get the security codes from Sharpe, here is the list of tasks assigned to Batman after Arkham Mansion

Intensive care building

Batman took the Joker to a psychiatric hospital. Something in the behavior of this clown alarms our hero and Batman decides to take the prisoner to the cell. We follow the guards and listen to the chatter of the joker. Batman is not allowed further into the intensive care unit in the “cell” block, supposedly for the peace of mind of the prisoners, and then the joker “attacks”. Everything was planned in advance, the Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn at the control panel, the blackgate bandits transferred from the burnt prison.

Batman breaks the window, gets into the first mess. There are two fights ahead, the first with three prisoners, the second with four. Try to deal combo blows, the more blows Batman did without stopping, the more points you get for the battle. In the future, it will be possible to purchase Wine tech upgrades for points. The Joker offers to find him, and opens the energy gate. There is no way out, “he called himself a load, climb into the box”, we go in search of a criminal genius.

Climbing up the ramp, on the left in the room, break the teeth jumping on the floor with a battarang, aiming with the right mouse button or pressing the "Q" key - a quick batarang. We move along the corridor, we hear the warning of the security system about the violation of the regime, in three blocks the prisoners broke free. Having reached the fork, we will teach two thugs a lesson, because it’s not figs to twitch at the great and mighty, after the battle we go to the right, since the door on the left is blocked. Having contacted the oracle (the daughter of Commissioner Gordon), Batman reports the situation. Once in the ward for the violently mad, we will talk with the nearest guard Zak Franklinn, he will explain the situation, the violent prisoner Victor Szas chained the guard to the electric chair and threatens to kill him. We pass through the open door and climb the stairs, approaching the guards, look up at the walls, there are gargoyles - by pressing the "F" key, Batman takes off on the gargoyle with a hook with a cable. We jump over to the nearest gargoyle, and we plan on the criminal by pressing the "space", in flight we press the left mouse button and strike. You need to deliver the finishing blow, hold CTRL and press the right mouse button.

Having dealt with the bandit, we watch the video, Harley Quinn shows us the captured chief warden Sharpy. The Joker is revealed to be in control of the security system. We need to get out of the ward for the violent lunatics. Turn on the detective mode key "X", inspect the room. We see a grate in the wall and a transparent wall, while we leave it until better times (in general, there are a lot of mysteries in the game, but some will become available only at the end of the game, when Batman collects all his gadgets), going to the grate, press the space bar quickly and many times. We go through the ventilation shafts to the grate and remove it as well as the first one.

Disinfection room

The Joker has launched his poison gas, and everyone in the room is doomed to an agonizing death. Near the door to the room, look up and use the hook as soon as the "F" icon flashes. Climbing up, we save the guard, jump with a hook onto the crossbar under the ceiling and save another guard, jump further, then we will save the prisoner, points are awarded for all those saved. You need to turn on the ventilation to clear the room of gas. We look around in detective mode and aim the batarang at the ventilation control panel.

The loop

We leave the disinfection room and find ourselves in a long corridor called a loop. We go along it, arrows are drawn on the floor, two bandits will attack from behind, it’s even somehow not serious. We move along the arrows, we go into the room and watch the video. The Joker releases a strange body from the container, apparently the result of some kind of genetic mutation. We dodge his direct attacks by holding the spacebar and pressing the left or right movement keys, we lure the monster onto the power shields and while it is writhing, we practice blows. After several approaches, the monster falls, the joker makes notes for the future, reports that Commissioner Gordon has been captured and fled. We get a new main task to find and save the commissioner. We will talk with the guard, he will try to lead us after the joker, but something does not work out, then Batman decides to go back and check the detention cells for evidence. We return only we go not to the disinfection room, but to the left into the previously closed passage. We get to the detention cells, guided by the map. And we scan it in detective mode, having found a flask with bourbon of a traitor guard, we begin to look for him by alcohol vapors in the air. We move along the corridor, looking for traces of whiskey in the air and get into the elevator, then a rabid doctor Harvey appears and drops the elevator on us. We go up the stairs to the room and select the audio recording, listen and get points, now we return to the elevator and look up until we find a point where we can hook on, overcome the obstacle course and get to the party of five bandits, after beating everyone we move on. After passing through the ventilation tunnels, we see three bandits armed with machine guns. Do not attack head on. We look up and use the hook, jump from gargoyle to gargoyle, going to the rear of the bandits. We plan and, holding down the Ctrl key, sneak up on the nearest bandit, inflicting a final blow on him. We deal with the remaining bandits. We go into the room where there is another bandyuk and also sneaking up from behind, we bring it down with the final blow. We move forward and get into the intensive care lobby, there are two bandits with machine guns. Having dealt with them, the Joker sends three more bandits, and we will calm these down. We take an audio recording in the security room. And we go to the dead guard. After examining it, Edward Nygma breaks into our radio broadcast, he gives us the riddle “Look, do not cut yourself on a shabby portrait.” We look a little to the right of the traitor officer, a portrait of the chief warden Sharp hangs on the wall, we scan it. After that, a guard appears and opens the door.

Corridor with communications

We get the task to leave the intensive care unit on the surface of the island. After talking with the guard, we go out into the corridor with communications and when we come to the exit from it, we hear an emergency news release, the Joker informs the inhabitants of Gotham City about the capture of Arkham Island. We go into the pantry and through the ventilation pipes we get out to the surface. We examine the island from a bird's eye view, going down we head towards the botanical garden along the way we receive an alarm from the Batmobile, Batman contacts the oracle and receives a map of the island, we go to the entrance to the intensive care unit to save Commissioner Gordon and protect our car. After passing through the gate, we go around the ambulance on the left and using the hook we climb onto the concrete floor, we go through it to the rear of the two bandits and remove them with silent blows. We pass through the next gate and see how seven bandits beat with clubs on our car. They are not seriously armed, we approach and distribute cuffs left and right. After the battle, we pick up explosive gel from the trunk (they can blow up unstable walls). Now you need to scan the area around the car. We turn on the detective mode and scan, the search area is outlined by a yellow stripe. Having found the tube, press the spacebar, scanning Batman contacts the oracle and tells her the good news. We follow the scent of the commissar's favorite tobacco in the air. To go to the next location, to the left of the locked gate we blow up the fragile wall. Following the trail, we stumble upon two bandits, after beating them, we continue to look for traces of tobacco, since they are every three meters.


There are six prisoners at the entrance to the medical block, here you can score good points. We go into the building. We see Harley Quinn, having approached and listened to her, we hear Gordon. Harley runs away, and we need to find another passage to the medblock building. We go outside and look at the roof, using the hook we climb up and go left. There is an unstable wall here, we blow it up with gel and find ourselves in a medical block. Once inside, we pass through the ventilation shafts into the main hall, we observe a picture of how the Joker's minions drive the medical staff to the offices. Batman decides to free them. The doctors are guarded by four armed bandits, since the game involves acting secretly, you can pull out enemies one by one, sneaking up from behind and delivering finishing blows, but you can also make some noise, then everyone will come running to you and shooting will begin. I acted covertly. After removing the bandits, we approach the doctors, after talking with them we get the task to find and save three more doctors, their location will be marked on the map.

Dr. Kelerman is locked in a room filled with joker gas, going to the door we will talk with the guard, then we look up at the ventilation pipes and climb on them, jump over to the grate and break it into the room. Three fans need to be turned on. Turning on the detective mode, we look at the wires going from the fans to the control panels, turn on the fans with a betarang, after each turned on we go down to the level below.

Dr. Chen is chained to a chair, everything is trite, we carry out a forceful action to bring all eight prisoners into an unconscious state, after this reassurance of the aforementioned citizens, we approach Chen and press the space bar.

Doctor Peni Yang is guarded by five armed bandits, so that the doctor is not killed, you need to place two charges of explosive helium on the defective walls. Having blown up their fragments of the walls, they will bury the bandits under them. Talk to the doctor.

Returning to the isolation ward to further search for the commissioner, we watch a video, at the end of which you need to deal with three bandits. After we go down to the basement of the medical block on the elevator. We watch the cutscene to go further, blow up the wall on the left. We pass along the communication corridor and see Commissioner Gordon, he is dead. We get a new task to punish the killer. We go to the morgue, having wandered around it, we will try to leave this gloomy place, it was not there. When you try to get out, we again find ourselves in the morgue, only in the middle of the hall are three bags. Opening them in turn, we meet with dad and mom, in the latter, a scarecrow awaits us. Yeah, all this is the tricks of the schizo Crane, he is also known under the nickname "Scarecrow", or rather his hallucinogenic gas. Now we need to get past him, so that he does not notice us. We just move forward while he is spinning there, having reached the defective wall, we blow it up, the scarecrow will turn and look to the left and right of the wall, so while he is looking to the left, we jump to the right. Reaching the spotlight, Batman attacks.

After defeating Crane, call the oracle. We go back, and follow the arrows, yeah, this is not a commissar, but some poor guard. We are trying to get through the door, three bandits open it for us, one of them is experienced, he puts a block on all blows, we need to stun him with a cloak, and then beat him. We get to the corridor along the arrows, the joker again decided to play his cruel games. We need to get past the bandits so that we are not noticed. There are only four of them, turn on the detective mode, their movement will be visible, the first two I crept up behind and knocked out with finishing blows. The rest, following their path, also removed one by one from the battlefield. Climb the stairs and use the hook to jump to the ceiling of the room where Harley and Gordon are standing. Explode the ceiling and watch the video. There is a battle with Venom. A pumped-up guy, and very angry, but as a boss, not very difficult. We dodge his throws and throw betarangs until he starts walking holding his face, as soon as this happens, run up to him and hit him. Batman, jumping on his back, will rip off the supply hoses one by one. When Venom has half a life left, Joker's thugs will join the battle. First we deal with them, then we finish off Venom.

We watch the video - Venom dies a death of the brave, Gordon goes to the mainland, and Batman gives the oracle a "tsu".

Batman Cave

Reach the cave and analyze Dr. Yang's latest research.

We follow to the place marked on the map, on the way we run into a fight three times. Arriving at the point, we jump over the fence, and go through the cave, watch the video and run to the computer. After reviewing all available information about Dr. Yang's research. Batman goes in search of the aforementioned. We get a batclaw with which you can pull up objects. Here comes the opportunity to try it in action. Batman decides to go in search of the doctor in a different way, with a hook we pull off three containers that prevent us from jumping onto the walkways. We run through the tunnel to the grating under the arch of the cave, yeah, with a hook you can pull out the gratings, which we actually do. We get out from the other side, and cut down the thug who reports to the joker in some way. Then there is another group of bandits, among them there is an experienced one. Plus, those who are not engaged in a fight are trying to tear off various objects from the walls in order to try to cause significant harm to Batman. We get into a cave with old walls and columns, the hook disappears, you need to find a way to the surface. Nothing particularly difficult is expected. Having got out to the surface, we get a tick about the task "get out to the surface through the sewers". We get the following “climb into the Arkham mansion”, the joker placed his snipers on the towers, taking them off, we follow to the eastern part of the island, there are already four snipers, and a bunch of bandits in the connecting part of the isthmus.

Arkham Mansion

Having penetrated into the mansion, using the batclaw, we take down the armed bandit, immediately we finish him off with the final blow. The door is locked, good old ventilation will help us out. With a batclaw we tear off the grate and get into an adjacent room. Wow, Dr. Young is in the hands of a joker, but she is silent. And the bandits of the Joker staged a standing search in the mansion. Need to hurry up.

We deal with a bunch of bandits, about something peacefully chatting before you appear. With due diligence, you can fill a few points. We go into the next room, there is one bandit armed with a machine gun, threatening to kill two employees of the Arkham mental hospital, we sneak up on him from behind and cut him down. We watch the video, the Joker, out of kindness, informs that a bunch of his henchmen are beating the “nonsense” out of Aaron Kesh in order to find out where Dr. Yang is. There are six armed bandits in the next room, we remember the medical block and act the same way. Having dealt with the prisoners, we listen to Kesh, we move to help the doctor.

We go through the northern corridor, make our way through the ventilation maze, and finally get to Dr. Yang's office, then three bandits are trying to break into the office, one with a machine gun, putting them to rest, look at the walls, ventilation again. There is no doctor, the safe is open, drawing conclusions, Batman simultaneously communicates with the oracle. We scan the safe and follow the doctor's prints on her heels. Having got out of the office, just as we climbed into it, we go to the door, towards three bandits like “give me a smoke”, Batman says “I don’t smoke, I say an athlete”, and let's work on them. Um... that's me. Actually, following in the footsteps of the doctor, we find ourselves in a corner corridor, sat down around the corner and hit the head of an armed bandit with a betarang, after listening to their conversation from which it follows that the doctor was caught. We go into the library, there are six bandits, two experienced, going downstairs, we see two hostages, the joker is joking again. If we do not have time to save them, then they will suffocate. We quickly return back and with the help of a hook we climb onto the third floor, we run in a circle until we come across a ventilation grate. Having climbed into it, we overcome the labyrinth and get out near the chandelier, throw the betarang, the chandelier breaks through the floor, tadam... the hostages are saved. We turn on the detective mode and on one of the shelves we find the doctor's fingerprints. We take the formula "after reading, destroy", which our hero does.

We get out of the library, at the exit we fall under the influence of Crane's hallucinogenic gas, we rushed along a new kink. We go along the corridor, having come to the place of death of parents. After standing for a while, press the movement keys, and go to the exit. The scarecrow is waiting for us in the most hidden fears hidden in the depths of our brain. An obstacle course, that's what it's called. Having coped with the scarecrow, we find ourselves in the main hall, cut off the bell, and jumping down we go into the opened room. There, the violent Victor is holding Dr. Yang, we sneak up to the corner, crouch and, having improved the moment, we stun Zsas with a batarang. We watch the video, Dr. Yang dies. And we have to fight with four bandits, one of them is armed with an electric baton.

After talking with the oracle, we get the task to penetrate the secret laboratory. We leave the room, follow the traces of Sharpe's DNA. There are three armed bandits in the large hall, we make our way over them and cut them down in turn from behind with decisive blows.

Find Overseer Sharpy on the DNA trail, destroy the Titan lab in the botanical gardens, get the security codes from Sharpe, here is the list of tasks assigned to Batman after Arkham Mansion

prison block

We follow in the footsteps of the DNA of the warden Sharpe, scattering small groups of prisoners along the way, we go into the prison block. We pass by cells with crazy prisoners. Having reached Sharp, we free the old man, watch the screensaver - Harley Quinn frees Ivy and psychos from imprisonment, we get half of the code from Sharp. Now Batman has a code sequencer in his arsenal, a device for breaking electronic defenses. The principle of operation is this, we set up the device on the security system panel and scrolling the control circles until we catch a wide amplitude and the sequencer screen flashes green. We release the setting - the panel is hacked. We return along the same path we came here on, psychos will attack you along the way, try to knock them out with the first blow and immediately finish them off, if you jumped on your back, quickly press the spacebar many times. After reaching the psycho detention cells, there will be a two-run fight with the blackgate prisoners commanded by Harley, the fight is not particularly difficult. After beating the prisoners, we turn off the electric floor, and follow Harley. We go into the opened passage and get into a room with suspended guards, Harley sets the task of saving the guards, first go behind the boiler and scan the picture on the wall of "Wanted Prometey". We turn off the power supply under the first guard with a sequencer, and cut the rope with a betarang, you can run to blow up the defective wall and scan the spider. Next, turn off the current under the second guard and also cut the rope with a betarang. Security is free. Harley is escaping, give us thirty seconds to get out of the room. The most difficult panel of all three, the main thing is to release the setting buttons in time, as soon as the desired amplitude is found. After talking with the guards, we go to the punishment cell. Then the crazy girlfriend of the Joker set a trap for us, the prisoners will run to us and try to beat us, but Harvey will periodically let the current flow across the floor. Having dealt with the prisoners, the Joker surrenders Harvey to Batman, and she immediately goes to jail. After scanning her prints, Batman contacts the oracle. Now we go to the botanical garden for the joker.

The hunt for the joker

On the way to the botanical garden, we will be annoyed by the psychos who have escaped from the prison block. We go into the botanical garden, cut down two thugs with machine guns, break open the protection panel, and get into the greenhouse, there are six armed bandits, wandering in pairs, almost holding on to the handles ... um ... villains !? We jump from gargoyle to gargoyle and slowly beat the crap out of them. We go to the generator room, here a crowd of hooligans is torturing the poor technician. Let's restore justice and make fun of them. First of all, we cut down the one with a stun gun with a betarang, plus another experienced one wormed his way there, we jam him with a cloak and also send him to a serene haven of sleep. So, the panel that opens the passage is mined, in order to crack it you need three visits. Everything must be done quickly. When the panel is hacked, we move on. We return to the greenhouse and, having risen to the top, we pass into the next room, the joker fills up the passage. On the side of the blockage, we remove the ventilation grate, and crawl through the ventilation into an abandoned room, along the way look at your feet, under the grate is a mystery. You can’t use the hook again, so you have to jump, from somewhere above we hear the voice of the joker, we understand that the process of creating an army of mutants is in full swing. Having moved to the other side, we climb into the ventilation under the ceiling and, having got out, we will teach two hooligans torturing the orderly. We need to save the rest of the nurses. Having orientated on the map, we go to the rescue. Having entered the room, the joker informs about the condition that if someone notices us, then the orderlies are in a skiff, and you can’t touch the patrolling guards. First you need to remove the operator. With small steps we move to the other side and climb into technical passages, with side steps, here we are in a more advantageous position, we cling to the very last guard with a hook, jumping off and going into the ventilation we make our way to the operator. Having knocked him out, we deal with the rest of the security, here you can’t restrain yourself. One of the operators reports that the door to the laboratory is in this room, but it is secret. We turn on the detective mode and look for traces of Harvey, on one panel there is a whole bunch of them, under it there is a mined panel, this will not scare us. In three steps, open the panel. Here is the joker, this vile one sets his freshly baked mutants on us, and he runs away. The tactic is when one of the mutants rushes at us, we throw a quick betarang at him, the stunned mutant crashes into the wall, we run up to him and start beating him. Batman in the end should jump on his back, we direct the mutant waving his arms at the other. So several visits until the opponent's HP drops to zero. We run and get it.

A batplane arrives and throws a cable launcher at us. With it, we get out of the laboratory. We need to find the ivy, it's in Mrs. Arkham's greenhouse. We use a cable gun to get over to it. After talking with her, Batman goes to Arkham Mansion to find out from Aaron Kesh where Croc is being held. On the way back, we calm down several groups of bandits, and in the main greenhouse we again jump on the gargoyles. The exit from the building is blocked by several unrealistically large roots released by ivy, the joker dripped a “titanium” on her, so the image became insolent. We approach the roots and jump into technical passages, move to the other side and exit the building. Ivy decided to plant the whole island with her offspring, and not harmless ones, spitting flowers can be destroyed, run up to them and press the space bar. We make our way to the mansion, there are also a lot of plants inside, plus you can’t go down to the floor, a strange gas apparently emitted by plants, sticking to the ceiling and using a cable thrower flying from wall to wall, we get to Aaron. Well, the guys did not say anything calming. Well, there's nothing to be done, you need to get a flower.

Intensive care building

To get into the intensive care building, we climb onto one of the towers, but not onto the roof, we cut down the sniper with a betarang, and use a rope thrower. Here we are in the building, making our way through the maze of ventilation, and find ourselves in the intensive care lobby. Gargoyles are mined, and six armed bandits roam around. As you knock out everyone in the security room, turn off the gate protection panel with a sequencer. We go into the passage to the cameras, here we fall under the influence of Crane's gas. The last meeting with the scarecrow. On the way to the spotlight, you will have to scatter a crowd of skeletons, be careful during the fight, do not jump out under the gaze of the joker. Having reached the spotlight, there will be a fight, first just skeletons, then the skeleton of a mutant, we cut it down as well as ordinary ones, we stun it with a betarang and it will crash against the wall, and the last one is a bunch of skeletons plus a mutant.

All this turns out to be a hassle, but the fights were real. Crane escapes and goes down to Croc's basement. We jump down, in the elevator control room there are three bandits, armed, experienced and simple. Having knocked them out, we hack the control panel, it is mined, we must act quickly. We jump into the opened hatch, there is a crowd of bandits, during the fight, make sure that the bandits do not open the box with weapons.

Croc's lair

We go into the sewers, and make our way along the walls, use the rope thrower to jump from wall to wall. When we go into Croc's lair, the cards disappear, we will wander in the maze, focusing on the distance sensor to the spores, we need to collect the antidote from five spores. You can’t run, the croc will detect the fluctuations in the water and grab you. It will be faster to move in a crouch, when the crocodile attacks, we aim at it with a betarang, hitting the collar of the crocodile, it will fall into the water. Sometimes he will break the supports under us, then we need to run. Having collected all the disputes, it's time to get out of these gloomy catacombs. We go straight where Batman is looking, now we are running away from Croc, a couple of turns, here is the tunnel. Disputes we go to Batman's cave, create an "anti-titanium" agent. Having created an antidote, we watch a video, the cave is attacked by ivy plants. Having collected an improved batclaw, we get the opportunity to break walls that we could not reach before.

The Joker launched the "Titan" into the sewers, soon this mixture will reach the residential areas of Gotham, we urgently need to turn off the pumps. We get marks on the map, and we begin to make our way up along the destroyed part of the sewer. Somewhere jumping, somewhere a rope thrower, here we are at the top. We break the wall with a batclaw, three thugs came out to admire us, what a coincidence the batclaw now has three hooks, we observe the flight of three "God's dandelions". Climbing inside, we will defeat two bandits, it doesn’t matter here the fork to go left or right, and here and there turn off the panels with a sequencer, but after turning off, there will be a difficult fight in a limited space, and even with the participation of a mutant. Although this can have advantages, we stun the mutant, jump on his back, and send him to the bandits. Here they did not get well. A few races on a wide back and the fight is over. We examine the elevator shaft, break a couple of defective walls, and undermine the counterweight. Here it is, the smell of freedom. To get to the cave, we actively use Batman's ability to plan over long distances, and of course, the rope thrower itself.

Botanical Garden

Now you need to get to the botanical garden, neutralize Ivy so that she does not have time to destroy the island. To get to the garden, we are placed plants spitting already three balls, plus a couple of snipers. Having made our way into the garden, we follow the greenhouse, in which the last time we talked with the lady we needed. The battle will consist of two rounds, we throw a huge flower bud with a fast betarang, if you're lucky you can hit the villainess herself, dodge flying balls and watch the roots growing out of the ground so that our little body is not grabbed. When the life bar ends, we apply an explosive gel to the wall of the cocoon that separates us from the ivy. Having blown it up once, a new round begins, the fighting style is the same, opponents have just been added in the form of guards enchanted with ivy. When we defeat the ivy, we go after the head of the joker.

The final

Leaving the botanical garden, we head to the prison block. Here we will be greeted with applause, the villains of the joker, We go into the building and watch how the joker grimace, then the TV explodes, we pass into the blown up opening, and one of the hardest battles in the entire history of the game begins. Pay more attention to the mutants, watch when one of the mutants runs at you, blind him with a fast betarang, and jump on his back, after these simple actions, we direct the saddled mutant to another, along the path of crumbling hooligans. As soon as you fill them up, the fight with the joker himself will begin. The final battle looks like this, because of the railing of the impromptu amphitheater, the Joker's henchmen jump out, plus he himself occasionally throws exploding jaws into the arena. In the first round, ordinary prisoners will jump off. As soon as you deal with everyone, the joker will turn away to the helicopter, aim from the ultrabatclaw and drop the joker down, run up to him and inflict a series of blows. Until he got out. In the next round, experimental conclusions will appear, the principle of operation is the same. We deal with everyone and again we throw off the joker to us. In the third round there will already be armed with electric batons and even a couple armed with machine guns. What can I say, it all depends on your combat skills, feel free to use batman's gadgets, the ultra-claw is especially good, but jaws jumping towards you can be thrown with fast batarngs.

The Joker is defeated, Gordon is saved, and we are given a hint at the next part.

After watching the final cinematic, you can enter the story mode and collect Ridler's riddles.

Not everyone prefers to have direct contact with Batman, for example, Riddler, like the Oracle, communicates with him only by radio. Riddler, in ordinary life Edward Nygma, scattered throughout the territory of the hospital various riddles, of which he accumulated over two hundred, or rather, all two hundred and forty. The reward for their successful solution is cards for the challenge mode, biographies of the characters and interviews with them, as well as images of the heroes of the universe. The opportunity to solve all the riddles appears towards the end of the game, when Batman has all the available weapons in his arsenal. After completing the main part of the plot all locations in and around Arkham are unlocked to solve the remaining puzzles. Significantly simplify the task of the map indicating the alleged locations of the riddles. When searching for some of them follows (key [X]). Cards can be found in various locations, usually in prominent places.

Riddles in Batman: Arkham Asylum are divided into categories and marked with special tags:

  • Green question marks- the most common secrets, there are several of them at each level. Some of them are in a conspicuous place, the rest are hidden quite skillfully: in ventilation shafts and behind destructible walls. When we find it, we just pick it up.
  • Monuments of the Spirit of Arkham- small statues covered with mysterious writings, in the middle of which a beetle is placed. They store information about Amadeus Arkham, about his family and about the asylum itself. Enough to scan them.
  • Audio recordings- interviews of the most famous patients of Arkham. They lie mainly in the offices of attending physicians and security.
  • Jaws of the Joker- a little fun from a crazy "clown", who scattered them throughout the hospital in unprecedented quantities. Not only do they jump, they also constantly make nasty sounds. For the destruction of five, ten, twenty toys by the batarang, experience points are put.
  • Riddles- the most difficult secrets. Guessing them is a special pleasure for the Riddler, since the answers are sometimes very difficult to find, remarkable attentiveness and ingenuity are needed. Once on a new level, the Riddler often asks some strange question, the answer to which is somewhere nearby. If in detective mode you suddenly come across a large white question mark without a dot, inscribed on the floor or wall, know that in order to give an answer, you need to find a place where both the dot and the question mark itself are visible. After combining them, you should get a whole picture, then the riddle will be solved. The answer is given by pressing the [X] key in detective mode. Also, puzzles can be located outside of Arkham, in such cases it follows.
Once all the secrets of Arkham are revealed, Batman will be able to decipher the communication channel and locate Edward Nygma. The police will go to capture the most mysterious criminal in Gotham, and he will be captured. There are no other special prizes.

Secret map locations in Batman: Arkham Asylum:

  1. In the booth next to the Batmobile in front of the intensive care building. You can get inside through the roof, blowing up with explosive gel.
  2. In the medblock in front of the room with Harley Quinn and hostage Commissioner Gordon.
  3. In the caretaker's office in the mansion where Dr. Yang dies.
  4. In the central room of the cell block where Harley Quinn is being arrested.
  5. On the second floor of the generator room in the botanical garden, where the power is cut off for the passage through the "pool". An improved code sequencer is required for hacking.
  6. In the booth across from Arkham Mansion and the Overseer's Statue, a code sequencer is needed to break the door.
  7. In an office on the ground floor of intensive care, where Scarecrow hides on the elevator after the third meeting.
  8. In the control room of the pumping station at the very top of the sewers, after creating the antidote in Batman's cave.
  9. In a booth between the medical wing and the prison block, where ambulances are scattered.

In this section of our guides, we will talk about riddles of the Riddler, enclosed in a word of compatible verses. Usually Riddler's riddles in the game are marked with brackets. Solving these riddles will unlock one of Gotham City's stories in the lore section. We'll show you how to solve the Riddler puzzles on Bleek Island.

In order to solve one of these puzzles, first you have to find a certain place, then by holding down the detective mode button, fix and photograph the encrypted object. From Riddler's witty speeches, you will immediately understand whether you succeeded or not. If you suddenly haven't read the previous guides, or are looking for information on other riddles, then pay attention to our detailed guides:

Riddle Cauldron

The bars are no longer a barrier to him, but there are few places where people are happy about madness.

Solving this puzzle will give you access to one of the stories in the Batcomputer. In order for everything to work out, you will have to go to the eastern part of Bleek Island. A little further south you will see a crane with the Sionis logo. Climb on it and look into the distance, increasing the view, you should see four pillars with red lamps on top, fix and photograph this place.

The Mystery of the Chemical Plant / Ace Chemical

A scaly killer, the air smells of trouble.

By solving this riddle, you will be rewarded with a story about Cargo / Cargo. Your task is to find a location near the destroyed tower next to the Chemical Plant / Ace Chemical, this is a small island. Stand in front of the entrance to the tower and take a picture of the place.

Mystery in Chinatown

A fighter has a lot of muscles and a teddy bear, but since there is no doping, books will not help either.

Once you complete this puzzle, you will gain access to the Mission story. In order to solve the riddle, you will need to find a sign that says "The Deacon's Mission". The sign is located on the ground floor on one of the streets of Chinatown, east of Langstrom's laboratory.

GCPD mystery

Hope shines brightly in the night, you go to the goal and look for that light.

The riddle will open access to the Fallout story. How else to decide? It's very simple, you need to climb to the top of the GCPD building, standing next to the Bat signal to analyze it. You may not be able to lock on the target the first time, so take our advice and step back a couple of steps so as not to stand too close.

Langstrom Lab Mystery

The doctor has created a vaccine, hearing can be saved, but instinct wins, leads astray.

After solving the puzzle, you will have access to a story called White Noise. In order to find a solution, you will first have to go to the northern part of the island. Next to the large Ace Chemical sign is the entrance to the Langstrom Laboratory. Enter the back door on the south side, and then go down the corridor. You will find yourself in Langstrom's laboratory, inspect the board next to the door and examine it.

Batgirl Mystery

Companions will pay a heavy price. Here is a reminder to those who will come to replace.

By solving this riddle you will receive a small piece of Batgirl's story - The Trap. It's quite simple here, you need to travel to the Clock Tower, and use the remote hacking device on the console, as shown in the screenshot. The shelf will move and you will see the Batgirl costume, examine it.

Mystery Gotham Statue

It rises in the center, is beautiful in appearance, will cover with its hand and protect everyone.

After the decision, you will receive the story False Dawn. Climb one of the tall buildings on Bleek Island to see the statue of Gotham, which sits on a small island of its own. Explore it in detective mode and you will solve the riddle.

Mystery Mercenary

The mercenary is satisfied, the price is ideal. Hit without a miss - get it in full.

Solving this puzzle will introduce you to a story called Fallback. Go to the GCPD police station on Bleek Island, go to the High Security Locker, and then to the Communications Room. There you will find a white board with photos of some criminals, examine it.

Riddle Mask

Getting an invitation is a dream, but who will dress up just like you?

By solving the riddle you will get the Masquerade story. The puzzle can be solved during or after chapter 9 of the main story, the goal of which is to protect the Oracle servers. Go to the lower level of the Clock Tower, there will be a door leading to the server room, which was previously locked. When you enter, head up the stairs to find a room with a poster that will show a mask. Zoom in on the review and study it.

Mystery Jack Ryder

The reporter wants to know all the secrets, but where is the best place to look for information?

Will open the story of Jack with you, while solving the puzzle. Go to the GCPD police station without going into the High Security Locker, turn right and go through the door. Approach Jack Ryder's desk and explore his workspace. It doesn't matter if Ryder is at the table or not.

Mystery Aaron Cash

There is no souvenir better than a hook, I lost my arm - why do I need a hand?

Solving the riddle will reward you with the story The Poisoned Chalice. Go to the special punishment cell, Aaron Cash will be standing at the table, examine his left hand, to be more precise, then his hook.

What else to read