Catch an animal. Wild animals in the forest: hunting for a small animal. Fishing with special devices

In addition to classic fishing for pike, perch, crucian carp, carp or any other fish, many people enjoy an equally interesting activity - catching crayfish. It's no secret that these animals are found in freshwater bodies with clean water and appropriate conditions for the construction of burrows. If you know how and where to catch crayfish, then your next trip to the pond will give you a good catch.

Habitat and life cycle

Crayfish are particularly demanding when it comes to choosing their habitat. They are not interested in dirty, salty or muddy water. These animals require the same supply of oxygen as representatives of the salmon family, and their full life cycle is possible only with oxygen levels of 5 mg/l for the warm period.

Regular river species reproduce freely in light and dark water, provided that its acidity is neutral and does not exceed pH 6.5. If the reservoir is depleted of lime, the development of the crustacean organism will slow down significantly. Animals react with particular sensitivity to water pollution. Despite the ability to survive in different conditions, a significant part of the population is found in clean rivers.

When choosing a place of residence, crayfish give preference to areas with a hard and clean bottom, where there is no silt. These animals are not interested in areas with a muddy bottom or near rocky or sandy shores. They “like” shelters with a rocky bottom, where they can build a suitable home.

Crayfish burrows are so cramped that an adult can hardly fit in them. These sizes allow crayfish to displace more major representatives species, and also protect them from potential danger.

Cancer spends a significant part of its life at a depth of 50 centimeters to three meters. The most convenient points are often captured by adults with an impressive body size. Young animals occupy coastal areas with shallow depth, creating shelters near the coastline.

Considering the animal’s lifestyle, it can be called a real hermit. A family lifestyle is unusual for them, so each representative of the species tries to create their own shelter, not allowing close relatives there. During the day, the crayfish does not leave its shelter, preventing other individuals from entering its hole and closing it with its claws. It goes out to feed late at night or at dusk. Moreover, if the weather is cloudy, leaving your home may shift to noon.

Fishing methods

Since ancient times, crayfish have been caught by the most different ways. By the way, there are historical facts, which confirm the catching of these animals during antiquity. Until the Middle Ages, they were of great value and were used for medicinal purposes. It is known that they were burned, and the resulting ashes were used to treat wounds from the bites of a rabid dog, snakes or scorpions. Boiled animals were also eaten, for example, to combat exhaustion.

There is evidence in the historical literature that in Sweden, at the royal court, already in the 16th century, crayfish were considered a special find for culinary purposes. The taste of the meat was highly appreciated by nobles from Finland and others European countries. Representatives of the rural population did not eat the “shell beast” for food, but sold it for a minimal fee to noble townspeople.

Currently, residents of Finland fish for crayfish from July 21 until the end of October. Already in mid-autumn, the chances of catching trophy specimens are sharply reduced, and in late autumn they are completely absent. In addition, according to local laws, the fishing ban begins in October.

In turn, the beginning of the season is good opportunity get decent crayfish from the depths of the water. Moreover, the success of such an activity directly depends on temperature conditions and the methods used. For example, if the end of May and the beginning of summer are accompanied by warm weather, the water warms up to comfortable temperature, and the food supply becomes extensive, animals can become especially active. Also at this time, many males and females are already finishing their molt, which increases the chances of a good catch.

Probability of catching crayfish in cold weather summer time is reduced because insufficient temperature slows down the natural molting process.

Using a clamshell

Over the centuries, several basic methods have been used to catch crayfish. Among them:

  1. Hand catching.
  2. Fishing with bottom gear.
  3. Fishing with crayfish.

The last method is considered the most popular, because it is distinguished by a minimum of effort on the part of the catcher and good results regardless of the time of year or weather conditions.

The design of such gear is very simple: it includes a strong frame made of wire covered with a metal mesh, to which a reliable rope is tied. In basic configuration top part slightly narrower than the lower one, and as a result, the crayfish cannot get out of the trap and remain there until a person arrives. It’s not difficult to make a good crayfish catcher with your own hands, although most people prefer to buy store-bought items.

As for the principle of operation, it is also very simple and understandable even to a beginner. The animal climbs inside the trap, trying to taste the bait that is there. Once in such a structure, he can no longer get out. If the selected reservoir contains large population crayfish, then the chances of a decent catch will increase significantly. Based on these features, a crayfish trap can become a very promising tool for catching “shell creatures.”

The right time to "hunt"

During the cold season from mid-autumn until the end of winter, these animals do not leave their burrows and remain passive. It is not advisable to go out to catch crayfish on crayfish traps at this time.

You shouldn’t expect a serious catch in March or April either, since the animals are just beginning their seasonal awakening from hibernation. In May and June fishing does not bring good results, because “shelled” creatures begin to molt and get rid of the old shell, as well as spawn.

In July, a full-fledged fishing season begins, when the results can be very good. After shedding the old shell, the cancer remains active for a long time. Now his main task is to find a source of food, so with the right approach to choosing bait, the fishing result can exceed all expectations.

Baits and lures

The biological description of the animal mentions its predilection for clean, flowing bodies of water with an abundance of places for arranging shelters. To understand where to catch crayfish, you need to pay attention to the main features of their behavior and life cycle. Currently an animal Widely distributed in the following places:

  1. Ponds.
  2. Clean lakes.
  3. Calm rivers.

When setting up shelters, crayfish prefer areas with a rocky bottom, where they can reliably hide from possible dangers. The main share of the crayfish diet is occupied by food of animal origin, or rather, dead carrion. The smell of such prey attracts him in a special way. At the same time, the opinion that cancer feeds on decomposed fish or animals is erroneous. He will try to find fresher food.

But in order to arouse the animal’s interest in the bait and provoke it to swim into the crayfish trap, it is necessary to slightly cut the fish carcass and rub it on the walls of the metal structure. As a result, this will give the latter a special smell and attract crayfish from a great distance. Often the bait is flavored with Borodino bread and garlic. The last ingredient is of incredible interest to the creatures.

The bait that will be placed in the trap can be used:

  1. Fish meat.
  2. Animal meat.
  3. A frog.
  4. Insects.

When it comes to the freshness of bait, many people have differing opinions on this issue. Some argue that rotten-smelling foods attract crayfish better than fresh ones, while others take a completely opposite position.

In any case, there is no definite answer, because everything depends on the preferences of prey in a particular reservoir at a certain time of the year. If the food supply of crayfish is extensive, then they are unlikely to react to rotten meat. If the diet is limited, then the animals will not be particularly picky.

A good bait can be a mollusk that lives in a local reservoir.

Seasonal characteristics of luring

Depending on the time of year, the baits used should differ from each other. For example, in the spring, fish meat is good, or rather, fresh fillet or small fish, which is cut in several places and emits a special smell. An excellent bait would be ordinary crucian carp, gobies or other small fish. You can catch it yourself or buy it frozen. Before using the bait, it must be brought to the appropriate state until the aroma appears.

In summer it is difficult to attract crayfish with anything, because during this period the range of food is so diverse that the animals begin to fatten. To increase the chances of a decent catch, it is necessary to use animal or poultry meat, offal and any other ingredients with an intense odor as bait. The purchased product is pre-aged for some time under the scorching sun.

To be caught large quantity crayfish, it is not necessary to place a lot of fish in the crayfish trap. 1-2 small individuals will be enough, because the goal is not to feed the crayfish, but to lure them to the smell of food.

In this case, in addition to carrion, any living creature living in the reservoir is also used. These can be snails, small frogs and other creatures.

After choosing a suitable bait, it needs to be properly prepared and presented. Otherwise, the expected effect will remain in dreams. If the option in the form of cut dead fry is used, then it must also be cleaned of offal with an air bubble and scales. Such actions significantly increase the chances of productive crayfish fishing.

When using meat products from an offal set, there is no need to cut them, because the specific smell is present initially. To avoid premature consumption of the ingredients used, it is better to wrap them with gauze or a rag.

As for the suitable type of clamshell, you can choose any of two types:

  1. Open. They are considered the simplest designs that can be easily made from available materials. Even a beginner can create an open crayfish trap without spending a lot of time on it. It consists of a round or square frame and a metal mesh, reminiscent of a colander.
  2. Closed. Such traps are effective in a wide variety of conditions, but the manufacturing process takes much longer than in the previous case.

Catching crayfish with crayfish is really interesting. But the process will bring the expected success only if important subtleties, rules and recommendations will be taken into account even before entering the reservoir.

(Sea of ​​Thieves) Sea of ​​Thieves - how to catch animals, where to look for them. Pigs, chicken and snakes.

Three factions in Sea of ​​Thieves offer different kinds missions. In the case of the two, they are simple in the assumptions of the task - Gold Hoarders order the acquisition of chests buried in a certain location, and the Order of Souls orders us to kill skeletons, also in a specified location.

However, Merchant Alliance is different. From this faction we buy orders to capture animals and deliver them to different ports. It's just that we almost never receive information about where to look for these animals.

Below we describe where the most common types of animals are found, and also explain how to catch them, although this is a fairly simple and undemanding action.

Sea of ​​Thieves - how to catch animals, where to find animals

On our main map on the ship we can freely zoom in to see places nearby and see their names. All you have to do is look at the list below and you will know where to look for the animals you have placed an order for.

Sea of ​​Thieves - How to Catch Animals: Chickens

Kur can be found at:

  • Crook's Regiment
  • Shipwreck
  • Barnacle Bay
  • Three Rock Island
  • Mermaid's Hideout
  • Wanderers
  • Tsurgi Isli
  • Marauder's Arc
  • Old Faithful Island
  • Thieves' Hideout
  • Twin Rose

Sea of ​​Thieves - How to Catch Animals: Pigs

We can meet pigs on these islands:

  • Spiritual Lagoon
  • Paradise Spring
  • Rum Runner Island
  • Sunken Grove
  • Crescent Island
  • Mermaid's Hideout
  • Relaxation in the sea dog
  • lonely bay
  • Blind Man's Lagoon
  • Cannon Cove
  • Old Faithful Island

Sea of ​​Thieves - How to Catch Animals: Snakes

Snakes can be found at:

  • Sunken Grove
  • Fall of the Kraken
  • Crooked masts
  • Marauder's Arc
  • Snake Island
  • Devil's Ridge
  • Cutlass Cay
  • lonely bay
  • Crook's Regiment
  • Food Island
  • Old Faithful Island
  • Castaway Island
  • lonely island

Sea of ​​Thieves - How to Catch Animals: Animal Catching

After accepting the animal capture task, you can (and should) take cells from any Merchant Alliance representative. Remember to always have the correct number of frames. You can even make one backup.
Once you find the island with the animals that are your target, take the cages ashore and get ready to hunt. To catch a chicken or pig, simply press the attack button while holding the cage and aiming at the animal - standing above it. Of course, chickens run away pretty quickly, so sometimes you have to run a little.

Once you've caught a chick, you won't have to deal with it - however, the cage should be placed on the upper deck in case the hold is flooded. However, pigs need to be fed bananas regularly to prevent them from starving - remember this!

Snakes require extra effort to catch them. We can use this method as with other animals, but then we risk poisoning. Therefore, it is worth taking off the tool and starting to play to calm the snake, and then use the cage on it.

After catching the animals, sail to the port specified in the contract and send the cages to the representative Trade Union. Gold and reputation will go to our account.

A dream in which you caught a hare with your bare hands foretells that you will become a winner in some competition. Catching one of your pets means that you will defend your point of view in a family dispute.

If in a dream you catch a poultry after much effort, it means you will ensure your well-being, and if you fail, expect failure in real life. To catch feathered game in a snare - in reality you will find yourself more cunning than your enemies, songbirds - you will easily achieve love, honor and respect.

If you tried in a dream and didn’t catch waterfowl hunting - it means that in reality you will waste your time on useless things or idle conversations.

Catching a huge fish in a dream means someone in the family is ill. If you catch a lot of small fish, you will be engaged in a hopeless and non-income-generating business. If you don’t catch anything while fishing, this means trouble at work.

Seeing caught frogs means that you are not paying enough attention to your own health, which can lead to serious consequences. Trapped big rat portends deception on the part of neighbors hostile to you.

A dream in which you have caught your sworn enemy in a trap promises success in any business. If you were caught in a dream by throwing a lasso or a net, waste your money by buying gifts for all your relatives. A dream where they tried to catch you, but did not catch up with you, means that in reality you will avoid prosecution and punishment by completely proving your innocence. Catching a louse is a sign of a disease that you will attach too much importance to. great importance.

Interpretation of dreams from

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