Striped squirrel. Squirrel breeds. Squirrel: description and photo

Striped ground squirrel(Xerus erythropus), also known as Geoffroy's or Jeffrey's squirrel, lives in the dry African shrouds of eastern and southwestern Sudan, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Ethiopia, Uganda and Mauritania. These large and beautiful rodents prefer deserts, semi-deserts and woodlands. The fur of this species of African squirrel is striped-gray, with a characteristic white stripe on the ribs, and only the paws orange color. The tail is long, not fluffy. The fur of these African squirrels is coarse, which sets this species apart from others, and often takes on a hue to match the color of the soil where the animal lives, so that it can vary from brown, reddish-gray to yellowish-gray. There is no fur on the paw pads. A white stripe on both sides of the body extends from the shoulders to the hind legs. The body length is from 20.3 to 46.3 cm, and the tail length is from 18 to 27.4 cm. The tail is somewhat flattened and usually darker than the rest of the body. The ears are small. The claws are long and slightly curved. The striped ground squirrel lives in social colonies consisting of several females, the males prefer to travel between colonies and never remain in one social group for an extended period of time.

Reproduction occurs all year round, but is coordinated among females of one particular social group. Gestation lasts from 64 to 78 days. The number of cubs is from 2 to 6. Only females take care of their offspring. The opposite sex does not spend time on parental care because it is not clear how the young are genetically related to them. Females in social groups dig complex burrows to raise their young. This nesting site is usually lined with soft, dried grasses and has several emergency exits. These holes, as a rule, are deeper than usual, not intended for offspring. Females defend their burrows aggressively. Juveniles reach sexual maturity at approximately one year of age. After gaining independence, young females inherit their mother's territory. Life expectancy in wildlife limited by predation and averages 3 years, in captivity twice as long. Their enemies predator birds, snakes, and people depriving animals of their habitats.

Social groups usually consist of 6-10 individuals, with a maximum of 30. In groups, the majority are females and a few males are present if the females are in estrus. A typical day for striped ground squirrels is spent communicating with their neighbors, as well as searching for food products. Squirrels often sit while eating. This allows them to have a good view of the space. Because of this characteristic stance, they are sometimes called striped ground squirrels.

A squirrel's tail is an excellent indicator of their mood. When the squirrel is alert, the tail is held above the back, and the hairs on it stick out straight. In a frightened animal, the tail is parallel to the body. In a state of relaxation, the tail drops, almost drags along the ground. Animals are active during the day. But during extremely hot days, this species is active at dawn and dusk, and hides in burrows during the day to avoid overheating. Ground striped squirrels are territorial animals, but share their burrows with several other burrowing species.

Vocalization, like the tail, is an important form of communication. By squeaking, growling and chirping, ground striped squirrels can express protest, threat, contentment or suffering. This type of squirrel is omnivorous. The diet consists of palm nuts, bananas, papaya, seeds, grains, yams, root vegetables, insects, small vertebrates, amphibians and bird eggs. This species of Geoffroy's squirrel is easy to tame and is often kept in place of domestic cats in South Africa. In some parts of Africa, the land striped squirrel is hunted for its meat. Some local residents consider the bite of this squirrel to be poisonous, in fact it is not so, but cause infectious diseases maybe, since the animal is susceptible to trypanosomes in the blood (the causative agents of African sleeping sickness) and can be a carrier of rabies.

Genus: Ammospermophilus Merriam, 1892 = Antelope ground squirrels
Genus: Atlantoxerus Major, 1893 = Maghreb squirrels
Genus: Callosciurus Gray, 1867 = Beautiful squirrels
Genus: Dremomys Heude, 1898 = Dremomys
Genus: Epixerus Thomas, 1909 = African squirrels
Genus: Exillisciurus Moore, 1958 = Tiny squirrels
Genus: Funambulus Lesson, 1832 = Palm squirrels
Genus: Funisciurus Trouessart, 1880 = Striped squirrels
Genus: Glyphotes Thomas, 1898 = Kalimantan squirrels
Genus: Heliosciurus Trouessart, 1880 = Sun squirrels
Genus: Hyosciurus Tate et Archbold, 1935 = Sulawesi squirrels
Genus: Lariscus Thomas et Wroughton, 1909 = Malayan squirrels
Genus: Menetes Thomas, 1908 = Multibanded squirrels
Genus: Microsciurus Allen J., 1895 = Dwarf squirrels
Genus: Myosciurus Thomas, 1909 = Mouse squirrels
Genus: Nannosciurus Trouessart, 1880 = Black-eared squirrels
Genus: Paraxerus Major, 1893 = Bush squirrels
Genus: Prosciurillus Ellerman, 1949 = Sulawesi dwarf squirrels
Genus: Protoxerus Major, 1893 = Oil proteins
Genus: Ratufa Gray, 1867 = Giant squirrels, ratufs
Genus: Rheithrosciurus Gray, 1867 = Cyst-eared squirrels
Genus: Rhinosciurus Gray, 1843 = Long-nosed squirrels
Genus: Rubrisciurus Ellerman, 1954 = Ruby squirrels
Genus: Sciurillus Thomas, 1914 = Pygmy squirrels, midge squirrels
Genus: Sciurotamias Miller, 1901 = Squirrel-like chipmunks, rock squirrels
Genus: Sundasciurus Moore, 1958 = Sundasciurus
Genus: Suntheosciurus Bangs, 1902 = Groove-incisor squirrels
Genus: Tamiasciurus Trouessart, 1880 = Red [chipmunk] squirrels
Genus: Tamiops Allen J., 1906 = Tamiops

Brief description of the family

The sizes of squirrels are variable: from small to medium. Body length from 6 (mouse squirrel) to 60 cm (marmots); few small species are characteristic of tropical and subtropical faunas. Squirrels are divided into two ecological groups - terrestrial (marmots, gophers) and arboreal (squirrels); Chipmunks occupy an intermediate position. Slender physique - well-defined cervical interception, elongated (especially hind) hind limbs five-, four- or five-fingered forelimbs, armed with sharp, steeply curved claws on each of the long fingers - are characteristic of squirrels, adapted to arboreal and semi-arboreal lifestyles . The IV finger on the front and hind limbs is the longest. The length of the tail varies from short to long (longer than the body). The tail is always densely covered with hair, sometimes long with a brush at the end.
Stocky, short-legged torso with a less distinct cervical interception, a short tail and limbs with massive, blunted claws are characteristic of squirrels leading a semi-underground (burrow) lifestyle. The inner (first) finger of the forelimb is shortened in both groups, and may be absent in the second. The nature of the hairline is variable; guard hairs are usually sparse and relatively thin.
The tubular bones of climbing forms are elongated, like those of flying squirrels; in burrows their proportions are similar to those of most unspecialized rodents of other families. Humerus with a poorly developed crest of the greater tubercle and with a supracondylar foramen. The ulna is never thinner than the moderately developed radius. The olecranon process is relatively small. Base of the ischium pelvic bone is not flattened; its iliac and ischial tuberosities are well developed. Femur with a small third trochanter, located high only in climbing forms. Tibia free.
Scull of various shapes, with weakly (in climbing forms) or widely spaced (in burrowing) zygomatic arches, usually diverging slightly in the posterior direction. The facial region is shortened, although, as a rule, less than that of flying squirrels; brain - large and swollen in climbing forms or small, rounded in burrowing forms. The orbit is of moderate size, sometimes small. The supraorbital processes of the frontal bones are poorly developed (in most climbing forms), small (in many burrowing forms), and rarely large. The longitudinal depression in the interorbital region is weakly expressed in climbing forms; in some burrows, due to the significant elevation of the upper edges of the orbit, this area is groove-shaped.
Postorbital tubercles are absent. The parietal ridges are absent or weakly expressed (in climbing forms). The maxillary bone does not form a separate masseter (zygomatic) plate. The zygomatic bone is in contact with the lacrimal bone. The infraorbital foramina are relatively small, and the anterior part of the masseter muscle does not pass through them. The infraorbital canal is present, less often absent. The auditory tympani are small and thin-walled; mastoid bones are not enlarged. The lower jaw has a relatively wide angular section, a weakly (in climbing forms), moderately or strongly (in burrowing) lower edge curved inward. The coronoid process is small in climbing forms, well developed in burrowing forms; articular, as a rule, the opposite is true.
Dental formula: I 1/1 C 0/0 P 1-2/1 M 3/3 = 20-22 teeth. The molars are low- to high-crowned, with well-developed bark and tuberculate chewing surface. The first upper anterior root (P3), if present, is always significantly smaller than the second (P2). This latter, like the lower anterior root (P1), is molarized. The teeth become smaller in the forward direction, the upper ones being weaker than the lower ones. The outlines of the usually tricuspid upper molars range from narrow to wide triangular, while the quadricuspal lower molars are quadrangular. The tuberculate type of structure often changes into tuberculate-comb type, sometimes significantly complicated by secondary formations. The incisors, especially the lower ones in climbing forms, are strongly compressed laterally. Cheek teeth with roots; brachiodont or hypselodont type.
IN coloring squirrels are dominated by brownish-ocher tones, sometimes with a significant predominance of black or red. The color is plain or patterned - from longitudinally striped to regularly or irregularly spotted, with ripples and mottled development to varying degrees. Large spots occur as a rare exception. Among typical burrowers, striped coloring is not found at all, but the spots can retain a longitudinal arrangement.
Eyes quite large. The limbs are well developed; the hind ones are usually longer than the front ones, but not more than 2 times. The hind limbs are five-fingered, the forelimbs are four- or five-fingered. Fingers with sharp claws. The length of the tail varies from short to long (longer than the body). The tail is always densely covered with hair, sometimes long with a brush at the end. Hairline dense and soft, relatively tall or very sparse, bristly. Coloring It is single-colored or with stripes and spots, ranging from black and white to red or dark dirty yellow. Teats range from 2 pairs in some tropical and tree squirrels to 6 pairs in some neo-arctic ground squirrels.
Distributed throughout the globe, with the exception of the Australian region, Madagascar, the southern part of South America (Patagonia, Chile, most of Argentina), the polar regions and some deserts of the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt.
Two main areas of specialization- to arboreal and burrowing lifestyles - led to the formation within the family of well-defined and widely known life forms of rodents, represented first by the squirrel, and second by the gopher. Adaptation to an arboreal lifestyle should be considered more ancient. However, it cannot be considered as the initial one for the development of adaptation to life in burrows. A number of species exhibit both structure and lifestyle varying degrees this latter and a different combination of characteristics of arboreal and terrestrial forms. Thus, an intermediate position between marmots and squirrels is occupied by chipmunks in northern Eurasia and African ground squirrels.
Squirrel inhabit a wide variety of landscapes: forests, open plains, deserts, tundras, mountains, from the tropics to the Arctic. A small number of species inhabit open spaces above the upper border of the forest and mountain tundra. The ancestral faunas of Australia, Madagascar, New Zealand and oceanic islands are absent. They lead a terrestrial and arboreal lifestyle. Active mainly during the day. Eating mainly by various plant objects, sometimes by insects and small vertebrates. Some species fall into hibernation. Duration pregnancy 22-45 days. Females give birth to from 1 to 15 naked and blind cubs. Long-distance migrations have been recorded for some species. Lead single, sometimes colonial Lifestyle.
Many species of squirrels have important economic significance. So, an ordinary squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris L.) is a well-known fur-bearing species, occupying first place in our fauna in terms of the number of harvested skins. The skins of all other squirrel species are also used as secondary fur. The fat of marmots and gophers is used for technical purposes; the meat of many species is edible. The damage caused by gophers to grain farming is well known, as well as important role many members of the family in the epidemiology of vector-borne diseases. In the USSR and North America, they spend annually large amounts for extermination measures, especially in areas where plague infection is widespread among rodents.
Most likely ancestors squirrels should be sought among the rich representatives of the ancient Tertiary family Ischyromyidae. Remains known to belong to squirrels are known from the Oligocene of the northern hemisphere in the Old and New Worlds.
There are 39 genera (228 species) in the Squirrel family.
Marmots - Marmota- inhabitants of meadows and steppes of both hemispheres, mainly mountain species. They live in burrows; feed on the vegetative parts of herbaceous plants. They hibernate. They form large settlements in which neighbors are connected by a constant sound alarm warning of danger. Marmots are an object of the fur trade; at the same time, they turn out to be carriers of plague and other diseases dangerous to humans.
Gophers ( Citellus, Cynomys, Callospermophilus etc.) are more widespread, populating deserts. They form close settlements; harm crops and store pathogens of a number of dangerous diseases.
Chipmunks ( Tamias, Eutamias) are associated with trees and shrubs and lead a terrestrial-arboreal lifestyle. Finally, squirrels are specialized tree dwellers with a predominantly solitary (family) lifestyle; especially diverse in the forests of South Asia (palm squirrels - Funandulus, Callosciurus and etc.); some reach a body length of 50 cm and a weight of 3 kg ( Ratufa).
African ground squirrels - Xerus in their lifestyle they are more reminiscent of gophers (they live in burrows); in our fauna the thin-toed ground squirrel is close to them - Spermophilopsis leptodactylus, common in the sandy deserts of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Northern Iran.

1. Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals (Orders: lagomorphs, rodents). Textbook manual for un-com. M., “Higher. school", 1977.
2. Naumov N.P., Kartashev N.N. Zoology of vertebrates. - Part 2. - Reptiles, birds, mammals: A textbook for biologists. specialist. univ. - M.: Higher. school, 1979. - 272 p., ill.

To the family includes marmots, squirrels, chipmunks and ground squirrels. Flying squirrels differ from squirrels by the presence of a skin membrane between the fore and hind limbs.
Flying squirrels. Flying squirrels have a thin skin membrane stretched between their front and hind limbs, thanks to which they can move through the air by gliding. Sometimes animals are able to cover considerable distances in this way. The tail of a flying squirrel plays the role of a braking organ when “landing” on a tree. Unlike squirrels, representatives of the flying squirrel family are active mainly at night.
American northern flying squirrel, living in Southern Canada and the western United States, escapes from predators only thanks to its original ability to glide between trees. She spreads out all four limbs to stretch the membrane as much as possible, and flies from tree to tree. Most close-up view The flying squirrel family is Taguan, which reaches 1.2 m in length (including tail) and can fly a distance of up to sixty meters.
Features of squirrels and flying squirrels
Tail: Squirrels and flying squirrels have long, bushy tails. With their help, these animals direct the direction of flight. In addition, during flight they act as a balancer. Animals can use their tails as protection from rain and sun, or as a pillow when sleeping on a cold surface.
Eyes: Most of the squirrel family have quite big eyes. Their retinas are very well developed, so animals can very accurately estimate the distance to the nearest tree or twig, which is so important when flying.
Limbs: Squirrels have fairly short limbs. Flying squirrels have long claws on their paws. Animals need them to cling to tree bark. The forelimbs of marmots and gophers have strong, long claws. With their help they dig holes. Some species of squirrels that live in deserts have fur on their paw pads, which protects them from the hot sand.
Reproduction: In representatives of the squirrel family, which live in trees, pregnancy lasts about forty days. In marmots, pregnancy lasts less - about thirty-three days. Short pregnancy in gophers is 21-28 days.
Did you know? During hibernation, the body temperature of many members of the squirrel family decreases to 2 ° C, and the pulse slows down to five beats per minute (their normal pulse is 500 beats per minute).
The tail fur of common squirrels living in the UK often turns beige in winter. That is why scientists mistakenly classify them as a separate species.
In terms of the number of species, squirrels are second only to the mouse family.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the “city of prairie dogs” was discovered in Texas, which extended over an area of ​​160,390 km2. It was believed that about four hundred million of these animals lived there at that time.
In India there lives a chipmunk who happily feasts on the nectar of mulberry flowers, at the same time pollinating them.
Representatives of the family of squirrels and flying squirrels are found almost all over the world and inhabit a variety of biotopes. These animals are found both in the mountains and tropical jungles, and in city parks.
ORIGIN. Fossil remains of squirrel-like animals have been known since the Oligocene period in the Northern Hemisphere, in the New and Old Worlds. The first squirrels most likely appeared in the tropical or subtropical regions of modern Eurasia. At a time when there was an isthmus between Eastern Siberia and Alaska (now separated by the Bering Strait), squirrels and related rodents traveled along it to North America. For a long time these animals inhabited exclusively Eurasia and North America, which at that time was separated from South America by water. As a result of volcanic activity, a land bridge gradually formed between the two continents, which today is known as the Isthmus of Panama.
This happened at the end of the Pliocene, about two million years ago. Along the Isthmus of Panama, representatives of squirrels from North America came to the south.
PROTEINS. Proteins have special structure bodies, which helps them move deftly through the trees. They spend almost their entire lives high above the ground, among the branches of trees.
Most squirrels that live in trees are fast and agile animals, usually active during the day. These rodents have long fluffy tails, which is why the squirrel family is called Zsiigiskge in Latin, which translates as “fluffy-tailed”. The tail of these rodents serves as a balancer and steering wheel when jumping from tree to tree. Until the 19th century, when the gray squirrel was acclimatized in parts of Europe, the only European member of the family that lived in trees was the common squirrel. In addition to the gray squirrel, American tree squirrels also include the Douglas squirrel.
Fir trees living in northern parts range, they spend part of the winter in a dormant state. However, this is not typical hibernation; movements simply slow down and the animals sleep in the nest for several days. Different kinds proteins vary significantly in size.
African squirrels are animals weighing about 10 g, two-colored Ratufa, living in South-East Asia, reaches a mass of 3 kg. In people's minds, squirrels are found in conifers snowy forest. However, the Persian squirrel lives in walnut and chestnut forests. Its Latin name means "abnormal squirrel."
TERRESTRIAL SPECIES Belichikh. Representatives of the squirrel family, living on the ground (more precisely, underground), have small ears and short, tousled hair that does not collect dust. This group includes ground squirrels, marmots and prairie dogs. Many species of squirrels live underground in colonies. They often build entire underground “cities”. Prairie dogs live in large family herds in underground “cities.” Each “town” is home to several thousand animals. Prairie dogs are found along the west coast of North America, from Canada to Mexico. Their “cities” are a complex system of interconnected corridors and chambers, some of which are reserved for storage, other rooms serve as bedrooms, nesting chambers or dressing rooms. Before entering the burrows prairie dog visible crater-shaped hills that serve as observation points. Many species of terrestrial squirrels hibernate in winter, while others store supplies for the winter. For example, Siberian chipmunks fill barns with mushrooms and selected seeds. All chipmunks have very developed cheek pouches, which are necessary for carrying supplies. The chipmunk has adapted to life next to humans. In addition to natural food, it also collects waste from city parks and gardens. Marmots are distinguished by the fact that they hibernate in winter, but do not store reserves for the winter.

Squirrel (Sciurus) is a mammal from the order of rodents, the squirrel family. This article describes this family.

Squirrel: description and photo

The common squirrel has long body, fluffy tail and long ears. Squirrel ears are large and elongated, sometimes with tufts at the end. The paws are strong, with strong and sharp claws. Thanks to their strong paws, rodents can climb trees so easily.

An adult squirrel has big tail, which makes up 2/3 of the entire body and serves as its “rudder” in flight. She catches air currents with it and balances. Squirrels also use their tails to cover themselves when they sleep. When choosing a partner, one of the main criteria is the tail. These animals are very attentive to this part of their body; it is the squirrel’s tail that is an indicator of its health.

The size of an average squirrel is 20-31 cm. Giant squirrels are about 50 cm in size, with the length of the tail being equal to the length of the body. The smallest squirrel, the mouse, has a body length of only 6-7.5 cm.

The squirrel's coat is different in winter and summer, since this animal sheds twice a year. In winter, the fur is fluffy and dense, and in summer it is short and sparse. The color of the squirrel is not the same, it can be dark brown, almost black, red and gray with a white belly. In summer, squirrels are mostly red, and in winter their coats turn bluish-gray.

Red squirrels have brown or olive-red fur. In summer, a black longitudinal stripe appears on their sides, separating the belly and back. The fur on the tummy and around the eyes is light.

Flying squirrels have membranes of skin on the sides of their bodies, between the wrists and ankles, which allow them to glide.

Dwarf squirrels have gray or brown fur on their backs and light fur on their bellies.

Types of squirrels, names and photos

The squirrel family includes 48 genera, which consist of 280 species. Below are some members of the family:

  • Common flying squirrel;
  • White squirrel;
  • Mouse squirrel;
  • The common squirrel or wecksha is the only representative of the squirrel genus on the territory of Russia.

The smallest is the mouse squirrel. Its length is only 6-7.5 cm, while the length of the tail reaches 5 cm.

Where does the squirrel live?

The squirrel is an animal that lives on all continents except Australia, Madagascar, the polar territories, southern South America and northwestern Africa. Squirrels live in Europe from Ireland to Scandinavia, in most of the CIS countries, in Asia Minor, partly in Syria and Iran, and in Northern China. These animals also inhabit the Northern and South America, islands of Trinidad and Tobago.
The squirrel lives in various forests: from northern to tropical. Most spends its life in trees, excellent at climbing and jumping from branch to branch. Squirrel traces can also be found near bodies of water. These rodents also live close to humans near arable land and in parks.

What do squirrels eat?

Basically, the squirrel feeds on nuts, acorns, and seeds of coniferous trees: larch, fir. The animal's diet includes mushrooms and various grains. In addition to plant foods, it can feed on various beetles and bird chicks. In case of crop failure and in early spring The squirrel eats buds on trees, lichens, berries, the bark of young shoots, rhizomes and herbaceous plants.

Squirrel in winter. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

When a squirrel prepares for winter, it makes a lot of shelters for its supplies. She collects acorns, nuts and mushrooms, and can hide food in hollows, burrows or dig holes on her own. Many squirrels' winter reserves are stolen by other animals. And squirrels simply forget about some hiding places. The animal helps restore the forest after a fire and increases the number of new trees. It is because of the forgetfulness of squirrels that hidden nuts and seeds germinate and form new plantings. In winter, the squirrel does not sleep, having prepared a supply of food in the fall. During frosts, she sits in her hollow, half asleep. If the frost is mild, the squirrel is active: it can steal caches, chipmunks and nutcrackers, finding prey even under a one and a half meter layer of snow.

Squirrel in spring

Early spring is the most unfavorable time for squirrels, as during this period the animals have practically nothing to eat. The stored seeds are beginning to germinate, but new ones have not yet appeared. Therefore, squirrels can only feed on the buds on trees and gnaw on the bones of animals that died during the winter. Squirrels living near humans often visit bird feeders in the hope of finding seeds and grains there. IN spring period squirrels begin to molt, this happens in mid-late March, molting ends at the end of May. Also in the spring, squirrels begin mating games.

Some people have a cat living at home for years, others are proud that they train a dog, but there are mammals that are rightfully considered an adornment of a park, forest or city apartment. These rodents live in trees and cause delight and admiration among the public, young and old. Did you guess it? Well, of course, we are talking about the squirrel, an unusually beautiful and active animal whose behavior you can watch for hours.

Let's find out with you what kind of animal this is - a squirrel, how to care for it, and what varieties of it are known.

Active and nimble fluffy balls cannot stand cramped conditions, and if they have no place to run, they begin to get bored, sad, and may even die. Therefore, they put a wheel in their cage, but animals do not always like such monotonous movements.

Therefore, most owners believe that a cage is not the best house for a squirrel; it needs a spacious enclosure. The enclosure cannot be placed near a window; install it against the opposite wall. The squirrel is an active rodent, so the height of the enclosure must be at least 1 meter. Inside the enclosure, in a large tub, you need to install a tree with a dense crown so that the squirrels can climb the branches. A small box is attached to the far wall of the enclosure; this will be a squirrel’s nest. It should have a removable roof and a manhole. In addition, you can fill the enclosure with shelves and planks.

In addition to the cotton wool, hay or fur you put in the nest, there may be nuts or other hidden food there. Well, even students primary classes It is known that the squirrel likes to make supplies for itself.

Spring and autumn are the molting period for squirrels. Mineral fertilizing (chalk, salt, bone flour) and vitamins at this time must be present in their daily menu. At home, squirrels of any breed are less active than in the wild, so their claws are less worn down and grow back quickly. To prevent the animal from injuring itself or feeling discomfort, the edges of the claws must be trimmed in a timely manner.

Sand is poured onto the plywood floor of the enclosure; it is not changed often; it is enough to do this a couple of times a month. Squirrels are shy, they love to be addressed in a gentle, calm voice; to maintain their calm and comfort, the enclosure is first covered with burlap.

Animals are very attached to humans, especially to those who care for them every day. You can train a squirrel to take food from your hands. But the naughty girl will take it as long as you offer it. Don’t worry, she won’t overeat, and she’s not in danger of becoming obese, she’ll just be cunning and take the excess to a secluded place. Remember that squirrels are forgetful, because it is thanks to this property that new trees appear in the forest. So don't be surprised if you find seeds, grains, mushrooms or nuts in the nooks and crannies of your home.

In the fall, the red fur turns gray, and in the spring everything repeats again. Why is this happening? After observing domestic squirrels, scientists came to the conclusion that with each winter their fur more and more resembles summer fur, which means that the main thing that causes molting is the temperature factor.


The genus of squirrels has 54 species. Representatives of each visa have a lot in common, but there are also differences. For example, the body length of the smallest mouse squirrel is only 6-7.5 cm, 5 of which are its tail.

There are Caucasian, crumb, bicolor, Indian giant, Cape ground, Carolina and other types of squirrels. On the territory of Russia you can only find the common squirrel. As you have already learned, there are other breeds in nature, let's look at the most common of them.

The most popular types of domestic squirrels are the common squirrel and the white-striped squirrel. Let's get to know their representatives better.

Common squirrel (veksha) and its subspecies

The tail of a squirrel is unusually beautiful, because its length is almost 31 centimeters, while the length of the body is 20-32 centimeters. Body weight does not exceed one kilogram. The color palette is very wide - from ashen to almost black. The body sheds twice, but the tail only once a year. The winter fur of squirrels living in cold latitudes is thicker than that of those living to the south. In nature, squirrels find a lot of food - these are tree seeds, fruits, berries, nuts, bark, shoots, etc. But animals need not only plant food. Bird eggs, small rodents, lizards, chicks - this is what such harmless-looking furry creatures like to feast on. Arboreal animals can demonstrate true miracles of balancing act, jumping from the top of a tree onto the grass, or deftly jumping from one branch to another. Children especially love to watch squirrels, and how could they not? After all, these curious creatures play tag on the tops of the tallest pines. If an animal jumps from a thirty-meter height, do not be afraid, it will not break, because the body and tail are designed in such a way that it seems as if the animal is descending by parachute.

The common squirrel is the record holder for offspring, giving birth to up to 10 babies. But the gray squirrel never has more than 5. Blind and naked babies only get out of the nest after the sixth week, refusing mother's milk. If babies are left without a mother at home, then a warm shelter is a 50% guarantee that they will survive. A one-year-old baby squirrel is considered an adult.

The Persian mountain squirrel, which lives in Transcaucasia, gives birth three times a year. She lives in walnut and chestnut forests and loves to settle in the hollows of fruit trees.

But the gray squirrel is its direct opposite, it needs deciduous trees. Grey-tailed teleut squirrels used to be much more common. Their winter fur is gray or silver-gray and is extremely beautiful, which is the reason for their destruction.

White-striped squirrel

Her homeland is the West African state of Ghana. On the sides of the body, from head to tail, there seems to be a white stripe drawn, and behind it a dark one. The striped beauty is a very timid squirrel, so when traveling through African forests, you can hear squirrels screaming, notifying all the inhabitants of the forest about danger.

They give birth 3-4 times a year, and each time give birth to 2-3 babies. If you raise such a squirrel at home, there will be no problems with it. The animal finds mutual language with the owner, understands him and gets used to him. It is unlikely that it will occur to her to run away, even if you let her out of the enclosure for a walk.

Unfortunately, barbaric hunting of squirrels for their valuable fur has led to a decline in the numbers of some species. In some countries, for example, located in the tropics, fur does not matter; there, protein is exterminated for tasty dietary meat.

Quiet - the squirrel is having lunch

Protein nutrition should be rational and balanced. Feed is given twice a day - morning and evening. The weight of foods eaten per feeding should be no more than 40g:

  • flax, oats, hemp 12-15 g;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine) 5-8 g;
  • sunflower 5-8 g;
  • carrots 15g;
  • apples 10g;
  • white bread or crackers 10g;
  • half a small white mushroom.

By the way, they love mushrooms in any form - both fresh and dried, they are equally tasty for them. And how could it be otherwise, because scientists have calculated that these animals eat 45 types of mushrooms.

You need to give one thing: bread or sowing, nuts or sunflowers. Squirrels love to feast on nuts and cones; they are given willow catkins, chalk and salt. They need leafy plants, it is strictly forbidden to give food from the table, the water in the drinking bowl must be clean.

Do domestic squirrels have gastronomic preferences? Well, of course! To pamper your pet, offer him crackers, only without additives, vegetables, fruits, you can catch an insect for your friend, make chopped meat, offer milk or fermented milk product. Offer your pet raisins, cereals or compote mixture, but pour boiling water over the seeds of the compote berries in advance. Peanuts and salted seeds are not only not healthy, but very harmful to squirrels.

Don’t forget that squirrels are natural aesthetes, and how the food is served will determine the appetite and quality of food absorption. Wash and clean drinkers and feeders in a timely manner, remove food debris and change the water. Remember that you cannot overfeed animals. Obesity is no less dangerous than hunger. To prevent their teeth from hurting and to wear them down in a timely manner, squirrels are given solid food.

Monotonous food can cause irreversible changes in the life of nimble furry creatures, and can even cause death.

Choosing a house

As we have already said, the squirrel should be spacious and light. In addition to the house, where the pet can hide from prying eyes, the enclosure should have a feeder, a drinking bowl, and a running wheel. The wheel is your assistant, because, believe me, it is very sad to watch how an energetic squirrel will be frankly bored, not being able to go for a run. A squirrel can spin on a wheel for several hours, and this will be to its benefit.

A log or branch is a mandatory attribute of an enclosure for squirrels. An active animal will benefit from any walks. Let him run around the apartment, but not alone. The little squirrel is smart, but not smart enough to understand that you can’t chew furniture legs or carpets.

Animal breeding

First, let's think about where to go shopping. Squirrels, like other animals, can be bought in a special nursery, pet store or zoo. They are rarely sold at poultry markets, and besides, how can you check that the animal is healthy?

Like most animals, mating games for squirrels begin in the spring. Domestic squirrel carries offspring for about 5 weeks, she performs maternal duties well, the babies do not need additional care. A newborn baby is small, he is born weighing 8 grams, but grows quickly, since mother's milk contains all the components necessary for growth and development. At 2 weeks fur appears on their body, at 4 their eyes open, at 40 days they go in search of food, since their mother’s milk is no longer enough for them. At 2 months, the baby squirrel is completely independent. At 5 months, squirrels are sexually mature individuals. But not everyone can get offspring in captivity.

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