Enterprise for recycling alkali metal waste. How are acids disposed of? Features of alkali recycling

However, these chemicals can be not only helpers, but also enemies.

Alkali is a caustic and dangerous chemical that is highly soluble in water and can cause irreparable harm to nature and human health. Neutralization and disposal of waste alkalis is a complex and dangerous process, which should involve qualified specialists with special knowledge and skills in working with chemicals.

Our company will help you cope with this important task. Specialists will carry out high-quality disposal of alkalis in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Thanks to the activities of our company, enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical, food and perfume industries, as well as medical workers, will be able to safely and quickly dispose of harmful and hazardous waste.

Disposal of alkalis - only for professionals

Alkali is dangerous in any form because it contains sodium hydroxide. When working with this chemical, you need to wear special clothing and gloves, and your eyes should also be protected. Alkali vapors can enter the human body and cause serious harm to health:

  • Penetration into gastrointestinal tract threatens colic, poisoning and burns of the gastric mucosa.
  • Contact of alkali in respiratory system is fraught with coughing and suffocation.
  • Contact with skin causes burns.

It is strictly forbidden to pour alkaline solutions into water or onto the ground. This can lead to environmental pollution and poisoning of living organisms.

Prices for removal and disposal of alkalis

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Complex technological process

Disposal of alkalis in the laboratory requires the availability and use of special equipment and compliance with safety rules. This important procedure must be carried out in stages:

  • Transporting alkali in special containers for further neutralization.
  • Proper storage chemical substance, subject to recycling.
  • Neutralization of alkali by chemical means. Acids are used as reagents. This is the most difficult stage because chemical reactions proceed violently and are accompanied by heat release. It is not safe.
  • Waste sorting.

Professional work

All this technological work is complex, since it must be carried out taking into account all norms and requirements. Therefore, in order to carry out the alkali neutralization process efficiently, it is necessary to contact professionals who have special permits.

EcoArchitecture is a modern enterprise providing professional services for the disposal of acids and alkalis. It is quite difficult to neutralize aggressive substances on your own without harming yourself and the environment, and in some cases it is prohibited by law. EcoArchitecture has it all Required documents permitting the disposal of chemicals. The big advantage is that the company operates throughout Russia, so professional recycling services are available to many enterprises in different regions.

Price from 20,000 rubles (average cost). Call and inquire, as many parameters affect the cost.

You no longer need to search: where, where and how to apply to resolve this issue. Call the indicated phone numbers or fill out an online form, and specialists will answer all questions, quickly, efficiently, and most importantly inexpensively organize the process of recycling acids and alkalis.

The company disposes and recycles the following chemicals

  • Organic acids;
  • Alkaline waste;
  • Neutralized pickling waste;
  • Inorganic acids.

Problems encountered when disposing of concentrates Food Industry, chemical products, as well as waste can lead to a catastrophe on a large scale. The penetration of such substances into the soil, water, or their evaporation causes environment life-threatening.

Vapors released when chemicals come into contact with air lead to the death of animals, poisoning, and chemical burns. Therefore, acid disposal is an important and necessary procedure, especially for industries such as food, chemical and others.

Methods for disposing of aggressive chemicals

  • Neutralization of active acids;
  • Disposal of acid in the laboratory;
  • Processing of raw materials for reuse, if possible.

Available from recycling company chemical waste own fleet of vehicles, which significantly reduces the problems that arise during the transportation and transportation of acids, alkalis, reagents, etc. EcoArchitecture provides the necessary containers and barrels for transportation for use.

It is worth noting that the work takes place using modern equipment and in accordance with government requirements.

Disposal of acids and alkalis, acid solutions.

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