The cause of the anomaly in the Khabarovsk region was found underground. What's going on with the weather? Causes and consequences of climate change Weather anomalies of the year why

May snow from the window of a Facebook user in Murmansk

“In the morning, Facebook greeted me, asking if I was ready for snow in the city... I thought for a while... My little blue down jacket hung in the closet all winter. At the end of April I pulled it out and wore it for an evening walk and have worn it every day since. After taking a sip of hot Rusciano, I thought that I was probably ready for anything. I don’t have summer tires anyway, but I can still ride on winter tires until next winter,” user Sergei Pogodin jokingly puts forward the theory that the May snow is a consequence of the use of climate weapons.

“I heard that in Moscow the heating was turned on again, but here, thank God, they haven’t turned it off yet. Maybe the Americans are testing this on us climate weapon? But even if so, you won’t take us with this!” — Pogodin photographs snow-covered Murmansk in May.

“Whatever you want, I think climate weapons were used against us!” — echoes to him Irina Frolova (Moscow).

“I’m also starting to believe in climate weapons,” writes Muscovite Anna Sholina and attaches a video of snowfall...

At first, several people a day, but now every hour new sensible people announce to their friends that they are moving to the conspiracy theorist camp. “Where can I read about climate weapons? (smiley here)"

The chronicle can be watched in search results by key phrase.

The difference between these messages does not even lie in the fact that a resident of which region of Russia considers himself a victim of a military experiment. And who used the weapon: it was us, or the Americans?

Novaya Gazeta asked people who, in principle, do not deny the existence of climate weapons, to participate in the discussion of this version. Unfortunately, even they have no doubt: the current cold snap and snow in May can in no way be related to its use.

Evgeniy Tishkovets

leading specialist at the FOBOS weather center

— Is it possible with the help special weapons influence the weather? Of course available.

“But this whole topic has long been closed. Only Americans still sometimes indulge in it. And yet, what is happening now in Moscow fits perfectly within the framework of our climate.”

It is significant that today weather forecasters react to reports from different parts of the Earth about temperature records as something ordinary. And +50 degrees in Africa and the Middle East, and + 41 in Japan, and the unprecedented + 33 degrees in Scandinavia, and +32 in Murmansk do not particularly surprise them. And the heat in Mexico and southern California is generally taken for granted.

Now this climate has established itself on Earth; it is called capricious or nervous. Increasingly, powerful heat waves have begun to recur in the atmosphere, so the temperature remains above normal for quite a long time,” Marina Makarova, leading meteorologist at the Hydrometeorological Center, said in an interview with an RG correspondent.

The climate is called capricious or nervous. Today some regions suffer from anomalies, and tomorrow the misfortunes spread to others

But Makarova especially emphasizes that this does not happen everywhere, but locally. Moreover this phenomenon applies not only to heat, but also to cold. And the most remarkable thing is that the picture changes almost every year. Today some regions suffer from climate change, and tomorrow this scourge spreads to others. “For example, in June it was very hot in Siberia, especially in Krasnoyarsk, but in July everything returned to normal, and minimum temperature records began to be updated there,” says Makarova.

The culprit of various temperature anomalies this summer in the Northern Hemisphere is the subtropical anticyclone belt. It “works” every year, but in this, according to Makarova, this zone high pressure climbed up high altitudes, warming up the entire atmosphere. Such air waves Ridges may appear that can penetrate traditionally cold spots. And then anomalies arise there. This is exactly the kind of crest that has crept onto the Kola Peninsula, and temperature in Murmansk region rose to +32 C. This has not happened here since the 70s of the last century.

Photo: Infographics "RG"/Anton Perepletchikov/Yuri Medvedev

And experts from the World Meteorological Organization name another reason for the heat in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition to the subtropical anticyclone, the so-called jet streams made their contribution to the weather. This is an air flow at an altitude of about 10 km, which transports moisture and heat from west to east, redistributing precipitation across the planet and smoothing out various anomalies. So this year these currents weakened, which seriously affected the weather throughout the planet.

But all these reasons for the anomalies, according to weather forecasters, are “small” details, special cases against the background of the main one - global warming. And it inevitably comes. The evidence is clear, such as the increase in temperature over the period 1850-2000. the largest in the last 1400 years, and in the 20th century the records follow each other: they were recorded in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. According to scientists, a new record will be set in 2018. From year to year in the summer, the ice area in the Arctic is steadily decreasing, glaciers in Antarctica are melting, huge icebergs are breaking off from them, raising the level of the World Ocean. Vast areas are suffering from drought. (By the way, this year it has hit many countries; experts are already predicting a decline in harvests and an increase in food prices). These are all clear signs of global warming.

Experts from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have issued an unequivocal verdict. The planet is in danger global catastrophe. It is prophesied by supercomputers on which they calculate various models climate. Let's say the average daily temperature in summer in cities such as Jerusalem, New York, Los Angeles and Mumbai will be +45 C. In London and Paris it will exceed 30 C. The same heat will come in Central Russia, including to Moscow. There is almost a 100% chance that the Himalayan glaciers in the Everest region will melt. Another misfortune is the coming flood due to rising ocean levels. The ocean coasts will go under water, especially many Largest cities world, such as Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, etc.

Most scientists are unanimous: the climate catastrophe is caused by man himself, filling the atmosphere with a gigantic amount of carbon dioxide. According to estimates, throughout history we have been allocated to throw away 3,000 billion tons, we have already “spent” about 2,000 billion, and 1,000 billion remain. With current emissions of 50 billion tons per year, earthlings have only 20 years left to stop warming.

Temperature increase over the period 1850 - 2000. the largest in the last 1400 years, and in the 20th century the records follow each other. Current year could top this list

Today, the fate of humanity depends on just one number. Average height Temperatures on Earth should not exceed 2 degrees Celsius until the end of the century. Otherwise the climate will get to everyone. The response of earthlings to this challenge was the Paris Climate Agreement signed in 2015: 195 countries of the world pledged to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Of course, skeptics are confident that the agreement will remain on paper. However, although not 100 percent, it works. Thus, last year, for the first time in many years, carbon dioxide emissions decreased. Although total continues to grow. According to scientists, the reason is the inertia of the process. Man has been dispersing it for many years, now it will take a lot of effort to stop it.

In Austria, service dogs are equipped with special boots to protect them from the heat. Photo: LPD Wien

But a number of scientists continue to insist that states will not be able to agree, and that the hour of “ICS” is rapidly approaching. And they offer to reflect Sun rays, spraying large volumes of sulfur into the stratosphere. However, this idea has many shortcomings, and solutions must be sought to eliminate them.

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Climate vagaries now cost earthlings approximately $130 billion annually. The number of extreme weather events and damage from droughts, hurricanes and floods increases every year. In just the past seven years, the frequency of such anomalies has increased by almost 50 percent. In addition, extreme climates are harmful to health, promote the spread of infections, and increase pollution. environment.

The Japanese escape from high temperatures with the help of special devices. Photo: REUTERS

It is especially emphasized that last year the concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere exceeded the psychologically significant mark of 400 ppm (parts per million). Last time a comparable number was five million years ago. Then the climate was warmer by 2-3 degrees, and the sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now due to the melting of the ice in Greenland and East Antarctica.


Continents are asking for water

This week there are reports from all over the world about abnormal heat that has covered not only Europe, but also Asia and Latin America. Tragic news about the deaths of people who succumb to heatstroke or die from an exacerbation chronic diseases, side by side with curious and touching incidents.

Thus, photographs of the Vienna police department, where service dogs were urgently put on special boots, circulated on social networks. Dog handlers in Zurich took the same measures in relation to their pets. The asphalt in these cities gets so hot during the day and even in the morning that animals burn their paw pads. "Dog sneakers" had to be taken from warehouses - they are usually used during search work, when four-legged animals are at risk of injury. Meanwhile, compassionate Englishmen are issuing instructions on how to help hedgehogs endure the heat: it is recommended to leave ordinary bowls of water on the streets for them. Well, in Finland, where the thermometer exceeded the record for this northern country mark of 33 degrees Celsius, deer stopped being afraid of people: they come straight to the beaches, to the banks of rivers and lakes, and greedily drink water, not paying attention to vacationers.

Shallowing large rivers in Central and Western Europe led not only to inevitable disruptions in shipping, but also to very unexpected effects. As the Spiegel online portal writes, due to an unprecedented decrease in the water level in the Elbe (in the area of ​​the Magdeburg Bridge it now barely covers the historical mark of 48 centimeters during the drought of 1934), in some places... ammunition from the Second World War appeared on the shallows. Totally agree last week in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, employees of the police technical unit discovered five sites where handguns, rifles and anti-tank grenades and mines, and now they have literally “surfaced” to the surface. Sappers have already collected 21 finds - all specimens had to be urgently neutralized. But the abnormal heat that covered Albion unexpectedly became a real gift for English archaeologists, revealing traces of prehistoric monuments hitherto hidden under thick grass. For example, in fields across East Yorkshire, where the sun had scorched the fresh ears of corn, earthen ditches and markers of late Neolithic and early Iron Age buildings were revealed for the first time. Even fragments of Roman settlements were revealed to the eyes of amazed researchers. Well, in Nottinghamshire, on the territory of the protected Clumber Park, the “ghost” of a manor house, demolished in 1938, suddenly appeared. From a bird's eye view, you can now see the contours of the foundation that was once laid here with the layout of rooms and corridors, as well as those that have sunk into oblivion sundial! Even veteran museum workers who had worked in the park since the 1970s were not aware of such details. Europeans are also suffering on the other side of the English Channel. And the further south you go, the harder it is. The real “African” heat has reached Italy. The Republic's Ministry of Health has introduced the highest, "red" threat level in 18 major settlements due to the abnormally hot weather in the Apennines this week. The Ministry of Health's warning primarily concerns the central and northern regions of the country. In particular, we're talking about about Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Bologna, Florence, Trieste, Verona - in most of these cities the thermometer exceeded the 40-degree mark. Yesterday was the hottest day in the Apennines this year: on Thursday the temperature rose to a record 43 degrees. It is not surprising that, against the backdrop of round-the-clock use of air conditioners and fans, electricity consumption in Italy has sharply increased and the threat of arbitrary blackouts has increased. Elderly people endure this heat the worst. IN last days There has been a sharp increase in reports of hospitalization of this particular category of citizens who sought emergency medical care due to severe headache, nausea and high temperature. According to meteorologists, the heat will last in the Apennines for at least another week.

Posted 12/26/2018

In a hard to reach area Khabarovsk Territory An impressive landing of scientists, rescuers and officials landed. A special commission carefully examined the place where a huge hill collapsed and blocked the bed of the Bureya River. We need to understand why this happened. The original version - a meteorite fall - has already been abandoned. But others appeared, no less mysterious.

By the end of December the main natural mystery year: how did an entire hill collapse into the river? Now this event is being studied by Far Eastern scientists and in Moscow institutes. The Interdepartmental Commission has already visited the site. Experts have completely dismissed the version of the meteorite fall - neither NASA nor Roscosmos satellites recorded any flashes in the Bureya area, and seismologists have no data that there were any tremors in this place. The interdepartmental commission worked all day. She estimates that almost 4 million tons of soil slid into the river. Today’s main conclusion is that the background radiation is normal, which means that there were no space objects, including the fall of any orbital debris, at this point.

For the second day, the priority version of the collapse of the hill remains a certain thermal anomaly. Science Center Space hydrometeorology has already studied images from European and Japanese satellites of this place and put forward a hypothesis that a hill about a kilometer in length and about 160 meters high fell into Bureya on the morning of December 12. Moreover, from images from space it can be determined that on that day the temperature at the site of the collapse was higher than in the surrounding area.

The thermal anomaly in this place is explained by tectonic cracks. They could make a kind of “corridor” in the hill, warm air from the depths began to rise upward, followed by a difference in external and internal temperatures, which could lead to the destruction of rocks and a collapse. However, at the Institute of Geography Russian Academy Scientists are asked to be patient to clarify this version. They're waiting there Russian photographs places from the ISS, and only after that scientists will publish final conclusions about what happened on Bureya.

The situation most likely will not affect the operation of the Bureyskaya HPP. The RusHydro company sees no reason for concern yet. Now for the largest work on Far East hydroelectric power station has a sufficient supply of water in the reservoir. But if the river does not break through the blockage for a long time, then blasting work will begin and the riverbed will be freed. There are no serious risks for the Bureya hydroelectric power station yet, but scientists will still continue to find out: is the collapse of the hill in these places an isolated natural event during a thermal anomaly, or can collapses be expected at other points along the Bureya?

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