Approximate menu at the stage of the attack on the dukan. Stage "Attack" of the Dukan diet: rules, products and best recipes. Phase Menu Consolidation of the Dukan Diet

The Japanese diet is quite simple, but very effective. In seven days, you can easily get rid of 4-5 extra pounds, and in 2 weeks, lose all 8. Moreover, if after it you reconsider your approach to nutrition, taking the main principles of the “Japanese woman” as a basis, you can be sure that the weight is gone forever . And isn't this the most attractive result in such a short-term food restriction, and how many other diets can boast the same results?

The action of the diet

Hearing the phrase "Japanese diet", many people imagine rice dishes with soy, seafood, sushi, and always green tea. And they are wrong, because although this diet is based on the eating habits of the inhabitants of Japan, it is connected with them only by the presence of green tea, fish and eggs in the diet, the absence of pastries and sweets, as well as small portions of food. "Japanese" does not provide for any exotic dishes and products, which is undoubtedly the advantage of this food system, which excludes allergic reactions from a long search for the necessary ingredients in stores.

Naomi Moriyama, a well-known dietician and consultant, author of the bestselling book Japanese Women Don't Get Fat or Age, connects the longevity and health of her compatriots, among other things, with small portions of food accepted in her homeland, less consumption of calories and carbohydrate-rich foods compared to others. nations. The secret of the Japanese diet lies precisely in a marked reduction in carbohydrate intake and a simultaneous increase in the amount of protein in the diet. As a result, your metabolism gradually changes, recently accumulated fat is burned quickly, and the possibility of further weight gain is virtually eliminated due to a carefully designed low-calorie menu.

If your body during the diet begins to react negatively to a decrease in carbohydrates in food with increased fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness or chills, you should immediately stop the diet and seek medical help..

The Japanese diet limits the intake of carbohydrates, which the body receives exclusively from vegetables and rye bread. Fats are present in meat, fish, as well as in olive oil, recommended as a dressing for vegetables and for cooking meat dishes. The basis of the "Japanese" is protein-rich chicken eggs, dietary chicken, lean beef, fish and dairy products. Fruits rich in fiber help regulate bowel function and cleanse the body of harmful substances. Green tea and coffee are rich in antioxidants, and water energizes and gives you a good mood, helps your kidneys and digestive tract work effectively, and generally has a beneficial effect on the body. As you can see, such a nutrition system contains all the useful substances necessary for a person, despite the prohibition of certain foods and the restriction of the amount of food consumed.

Basic rules for losing weight on the Japanese diet

The secret of the success of the "Japanese" is the strict adherence to its menu and rules:

  1. Drink as much liquid as possible, 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  2. Eat strictly according to the menu.
  3. For the duration of the diet, give up sugar and salt. Drinking liquids will help protect the body from dehydration with a salt-free diet.
  4. Sauces and condiments should not be used in food preparation. During the diet, the taste buds should be completely cleared.
  5. Don't snack between meals. Drink water.
  6. During the diet, do not allow yourself anything starchy and fried. Semi-finished products, fast food and any sweet yogurt, cottage cheese and cream are also prohibited.
  7. Do not drink alcohol until you are off the diet.
  8. Every morning, immediately after you wake up, drink a glass of warm water. This will improve metabolism and remove toxins from the body.

  1. Dinner should be a few hours before you go to bed.
  2. If you wish, you can re-sit on this diet only after a year, because. for all its simplicity and thoughtfulness, this type of nutrition, with prolonged or frequent use, can harm the metabolism.

Preparing for the Japanese Diet

Before you start sticking to the "Japanese", you need to prepare the body so that such a change in nutrition does not become stressful for him. In 5-7 days, start limiting the intake of salty and sweet, include more rice dishes and fresh vegetable salads in your daily diet. And drink more water!

For such a strict two-week restriction in nutrition, you need to psychologically tune in in advance. Meals will be only 3 per day, respectively, the time between them will increase. You will have to give up the usual snacks, replacing them with water. You also need to be prepared for this. When you wake up, you will feel a strong feeling of hunger, so a glass of water in the morning will not only benefit your digestion, but also help you cope with the stress of a not too rich breakfast.

« Japanese "is a low-calorie diet, so before you decide on it, it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

Leaving the Japanese Diet

Those who, after the end of the first week of the “Japanese”, are satisfied with the numbers on the scales, can begin to gradually get out of it, gradually adding familiar foods to the diet. Those who are ready to hold out all 14 days should be patient and continue to strictly follow the menu.

Getting out of the diet also has a number of rules.

Unlike America, the Japanese islands have an extremely small percentage of overweight residents, although in terms of technological, household and general living standards, Japan is in no way inferior to the highly developed countries of America with their fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, etc.). The main reason for this situation is the consumption of low-calorie foods (primarily restriction on carbohydrates and fats). On its basis, a highly effective, but specific to Russia, Japanese diet has been compiled.

The Japanese diet is one of the most effective, it allows you to lose 7-8 kg in two weeks. It is better not to use the Japanese diet more than once every 2-3 years, use it for more than two weeks and then follow a balanced diet, otherwise the results will go down the drain.

The Japanese diet was developed by the specialists of the Japanese clinic "Yaex". The duration of the diet is 13 or 14 days. The creators of the diet promise that during this time a complete restructuring of metabolism will occur and the lasting effect of the Japanese diet will last at least 2-3 years without any further effort.

Although the Japanese diet was developed by Japanese experts, it has nothing to do with traditional Japanese cuisine (it is worth noting that the Japanese do not drink much coffee, they eat more rice and seafood).

During the Japanese diet, sugar, salt, flour and confectionery products, and alcoholic beverages should not be consumed. Between meals, you can drink mineral or boiled water (in unlimited quantities).

To achieve the promised result, the Japanese diet must be followed strictly, strictly adhering to all recommendations and not changing the menu sequence.

Unlike other diets, the Japanese diet is not fast - but it is more balanced and after the diet, the body significantly increases the effect of losing weight - up to several years - in cases where the cause was a disturbed metabolism.

Types of Japanese diet

There are three types of Japanese diet:

  • Japanese diet for 7 days she has a significant disadvantage, tk. within a week, only the results of removing excess fluid from the body are achieved.
  • Japanese diet for 13 days- the most popular and frequently used diet. It is for this reason that we will mainly consider this option here.
  • Japanese diet for 14 days, differs from the previous 13-day diet, only one day. There are no fundamental differences. It is usually used at the request or well-being of those who are losing weight.

What is the real Japanese diet

Let's say right away why there is so much controversy around the Japanese diet in the vastness of the network. The thing is that the vast majority of articles called the Japanese diet have nothing to do with the Japanese diet directly. It was invented no one knows where and no one knows who, and the Japanese was called for advertising - right, because the menu of the inhabitants of Japan is considered one of the healthiest and most useful in the world. Thus, there is a name, and under it it is not known what. Because of this, people who try the supposedly Japanese diet quickly become disillusioned with it and begin to criticize it, not knowing that they have never practiced the real Japanese diet. So let's correct this mistake and find out what the real Japanese diet is.

So, the real Japanese diet consists of foods that allow you to lose weight effectively and at the same time do not cause a feeling of hunger. These are fish, vegetables, rice, fruits, legumes and, of course, green tea. The traditional food of the Japanese, of course, is more varied, but now we are not talking about the menu in general, but about the Japanese diet directly for weight loss.

An important point - the Japanese diet is critical of the heat treatment of products, recommending them to be used fresh. Thus, the dietary menu retains a maximum of useful and nutritious substances. Of course, we cannot afford to eat fish or, say, raw beans, but everything else is quite real.

Prepare yourself for the diet

Tune in to how beautiful, slender and light you will be in 13 days and have a light dinner the day before.

For example, boil yourself a small portion (150 grams) of wild or brown rice and prepare a serving of about 100-150 grams of a light vegetable salad of radishes, cucumbers and Chinese cabbage or cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers. Season the salad with a drop of vinegar, a drop of olive oil and try to do without salt.

Such a technique as Chinese chopsticks works great. Buy Chinese chopsticks in advance and try eating with them. Such a trifle, but already begins to have a beneficial effect on your mind, and you are imbued with the importance of the upcoming diet. Perhaps, having already taken the chopsticks in your hand, you will feel like a light bird.

Japanese diet plan by day

3 day Day 4 Breakfast:
  • black coffee
  • a raw egg
  • apples
  • black coffee
  • one large parsnip or parsley root, fried in vegetable oil
  • apples
  • fruits
Day 11 day 12
  • black coffee
  • one raw egg
  • three large boiled carrots with vegetable oil
  • 15 g hard cheese
  • fruits
  • black coffee
  • cracker
  • one large zucchini fried in vegetable oil
  • apples
  • black coffee
  • cracker

  • 200 g boiled beef
  • a glass of yogurt

How to get out of the Japanese diet

While following the Japanese diet, your stomach will significantly decrease in size and reorganize itself to digest low-calorie foods. The same regimen should be followed at the end of the Japanese: eat small meals choosing energy, but low-calorie foods.

Suitable cereals (especially oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) - alternate them, using in different ways. Meat should also be chosen lean and steamed or without the use of oil. Continue to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, but do not rush to introduce sweet fruits into your diet. Muesli or kefir are perfect for a snack.

No confectionery and flour products should not be in your diet now: limit yourself to bread. But gradually add new old products, introducing them in a minimal amount. Salt and sugar enter literally milligrams.

In general, the menu after the Japanese diet should be as close as possible to the one you used during the diet. And keep in mind: the longer you leave the Japanese woman, the more stable the result will be. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will certainly return, and it is even possible that with an increase.

It is believed that the exit from the diet should last no less than days than the diet itself. In the early days, you can stick to the same menu, adding a new product to your lunch meal.

Do not forget to drink plenty of clean water: this rule should become your main rule for the rest of your life.

I want to congratulate you: 13 days of strict "Japanese" are over!

But we do not recommend immediately pounce on sweets, otherwise the lost kilograms will quickly return to you. Let the menu of the day following the end of the diet contain the same foods that you have been eating for almost two weeks. Introduce sugar and sweets into your diet gradually, literally in a spoonful. And who knows, maybe now sweets will not seem so attractive to you?!

Benefits and Results of the Japanese Diet

In two weeks of using the Japanese diet, you can achieve tremendous results - lose weight by 8 kilograms. Provided that in your body there are extra pounds.

If there is no excess weight, and you, nevertheless, are concerned about the topic of diet, then you should read the section on anorexia and its consequences, or look at our humorous page on diets. If you really need to lose weight quickly, the Japanese diet just belongs to the category of diets that allow you to get results in a short time.

The advantage of the Japanese diet is that its effect can extend for a long time. term from 2 to 3 years. At the same time, during this period, you will not need to re-apply the Japanese diet. This is due to the fact that thanks to the Japanese diet metabolism is regulated, restructuring the work of the body.

With the Japanese diet, body detoxification, because it excludes the use of alcohol, sugar, salt and flour products.

The diet, despite its rigidity, is easily tolerated by the body, as a rule, without causing a feeling of hunger, and without reducing vital energy.

Disadvantages of the Japanese Diet

Many diets guarantee fast results. However, their effect is not always long-term. And if you endure two weeks, and then return to the previous diet, the lost weight will recover very quickly. In connection with these circumstances, it seems much more reasonable not to pursue a quick but dangerous effect, but to choose a diet that is more balanced and suitable for your body, taking into account your individual physiological and mental characteristics.

It is not recommended to use the Japanese diet for more than two weeks: metabolism may be disturbed. The obligatory almost daily consumption of black coffee sharply limits the indications for the safe use of the Japanese diet. Also, the Japanese diet should not be used by people with poor health and patients with ulcers.

During the Japanese diet, a person receives less of a certain amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. He also lacks a huge amount of trace elements. These are potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamins C and E, folic acid, etc. The diet lasts almost two weeks. During this time, a strong blow is applied to the body. Therefore, during the Japanese diet, you must definitely take multivitamins.

If you have steadfastly withstood all the food deprivations of these days, you can congratulate yourself and please yourself, but it’s better not to stomach. Solemnly stand on the scales and sincerely smile at your reflection in the mirror. And at that moment, it is just the time to think, and quite seriously, about whether the imaginary pleasure from eating harmful and high-calorie excesses is worth exchanging for what you see in the mirror and on the weights.

Be always beautiful and attractive!

The Japanese diet for 14 days is one of the weight loss schemes developed by the specialists of the Japanese clinic Yaeks. It contains a short list of products, has a simple menu and an effective technique that is easy to implement at home.

A diet from a strict diet for every day requires the obligatory fulfillment of several conditions: a disciplined diet, the exclusion of prohibited foods and regular drinking. The finished table can be printed and hung on the wall.

The duration of the diet is 13 or 14 days. The popularity of the Japanese diet is due to its excellent results and long-term effect: in 2 weeks, with the right approach, you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

Japanese diet for 14 days: the principle of losing weight

The whole essence of the Japanese diet is expressed in a few words: low-calorie, protein, with a minimum amount of salt. Accordingly, thanks to these three fundamentals, the process of losing weight starts:

  • Protein is able to enhance heat production, which speeds up metabolism, which contributes to weight loss;
  • Due to the restriction of salt in the diet, excess fluid is removed from the tissues, edema is eliminated, pressure is normalized;
  • The body receives a minimum amount of calories. So he has to activate his own reserves;
  • A lot of energy is spent on the assimilation of protein products, which entails the burning of fatty layers.

The diet is suitable for people of any weight category. If you need to lose 4-5 kg, it will be enough to sit on it for a week. If all 10 kg - here the 14-day option will already come to the rescue.

In the absence of contraindications and good health, you can stretch it for a month, since, in addition to proteins, it still contains fats (vegetable oil) and carbohydrates (rice).

Europeans have about 30 different products on the table in a week. The Japanese believe that the diet should be more varied: their weekly menu has more than 100.

Japanese diet for 14 days - briefly about the main thing:

The most effective diet for fast weight loss is the Japanese diet. Only the Dukan diet can compete with it, but they have a difference in duration: if the Japanese diet lasts only two weeks, then the Dukan diet will drag on for months when all its stages are completed.

  • Features: low-calorie protein diet, strict, requires a preliminary psychological attitude;
  • Cost: low (no more than 2 thousand rubles for the entire period of the diet);
  • Duration: 14 days;
  • Recommended frequency: no more than 2 times a year;
  • The result of the Japanese diet: minus 5-10 kg .;
  • Additional effect: long-term preservation of the result (subject to the correct exit from the diet).

The Japanese diet is not suitable for pregnant women, lactating women, with gastritis and ulcers, as well as for people with liver and kidney diseases, and cardiac disorders. Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor!

Japanese diet for 14 days: the main principles of dietary nutrition

The Japanese diet was developed about 15 years ago, during which time many people who want to lose weight have appreciated its effectiveness. Diet "Japanese" implies a salt-free diet with a significant reduction in carbohydrates.

A characteristic feature is three meals a day and a large amount of liquid. This diet is suitable for people aged 18 to 40 and has no gender, that is, it is allowed for both female and male.

The main rules for applying the diet are:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the consumption of large amounts of clean water;
  2. Fish can be eaten not only boiled;
  3. There are no restrictions on the use of cereals, in most cases rice, legumes;
  4. Allowed the use of cabbage and other vegetables;
  5. It is strictly forbidden to consume simple carbohydrates for all 14 days;
  6. When preparing meals, only recommended products should be used;
  7. It is acceptable to drink morning coffee without sugar;
  8. It is forbidden to change the days of the diet in places: on the fifth day, you need to eat only those dishes that are prescribed for that day;
  9. When cooking, beef remains a priority, although it is permissible to use skinless chicken meat.

"Japanese" is based on a decrease in daily calorie content and the rejection of carbohydrates, especially fast ones. Dietary nutrition implies the rejection of salt, fatty, smoked foods. Alcohol, juices, sodas and any fast food are contraindicated.

Strict adherence to these tips leads to an acceleration of metabolism, as a result of which excess body fat is burned and converted into energy. The Japanese diet belongs to the protein class. The basis of nutrition is chicken eggs, rabbit and chicken meat, fish and some dairy products.

From carbohydrates, only some vegetables are allowed in small quantities. A prerequisite is the normalization of the water balance, in addition to the fact that losing weight needs to drink at least 2 liters of pure water, it is also necessary to include green tea, coffee or chicory in the menu.

Basic principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Individual choice of the Japanese diet: for 7 and 14 days. With a small amount of excess weight, it is enough to adhere to the diet for 7 days. With a serious search, you should follow the Japanese diet for 14 days, reviews show that in the first case, weight loss will be about 6 kg, in the second - up to 10 kg .;
  2. Strict adherence to the diet - the proposed products cannot be changed with alternative ones. You can only use tomato juice instead of a tomato, white cabbage instead of spinach;
  3. Lack of sugar - under a categorical ban all sweet foods, rich and flour products, honey;
  4. Gradual entry and exit from the Japanese diet. The results are less noticeable in those who switch to this diet from another diet. And they are clearly visible if the preliminary nutrition was not dietary. With a full meal on the eve of the “Japanese”, you should arrange a fasting day (kefir or apple) or at least make dinner light (a little boiled brown rice with fresh vegetable salad). When exiting, daily products should be introduced gradually, approximately 1 per week;
  5. Lack of salt - the salt-free Japanese diet is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body, due to which up to 30% of excess weight is lost;
  6. Prohibition of exceeding deadlines. It is impossible to continue dietary nutrition for longer than 14 days because of the danger to the body;
  7. Sufficient volume of liquid - during the day you should drink 2 liters of non-carbonated water. Tea (you can drink green) and coffee are not included in this volume;
  8. Strict adherence to the sequence - the Japanese diet, the menu of which is designed to gradually reduce weight and maintain the result for a long time, does not tolerate changes in the proposed diet. You can not rearrange the days and the menu of breakfasts, lunches, dinners.

Pros and cons of the Japanese diet for 14 days

Advantages of the Japanese diet:

  • The risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced (also due to a decrease in salt in the diet);
  • Persistent results with the right exit from the diet (i.e. you will not gain back the lost kilograms);
  • Availability of products prescribed in the menu - lack of exotic;
  • Minimal salt intake reduces puffiness;
  • Protein products will not allow sagging and stretch marks to appear after losing weight;
  • You can use different methods of cooking: not only steaming, stewing or boiling - they can even be fried, without excluding vegetable oil from the diet;
  • Plant foods will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Significant weight loss.

Disadvantages of the Japanese Diet:

  • Three meals a day without snacks does not comply with the principles of healthy weight loss, when meals are prescribed 5-6 times a day;
  • Many contraindications;
  • The frequency of the diet is only 1 time in six months;
  • The average daily calorie content of the diet is only 800 kcal, which harms those who are used to physical and mental activity;
  • Possible dehydration;
  • Every morning you have to start with a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach, which not every heart and stomach can withstand;
  • Wrong way out of the diet is fraught with rapid weight gain;
  • The diet is not quite balanced, because there is a significant bias towards proteins to the detriment of carbohydrates and fats;
  • Because of this, by the end of the hunger strike, many begin to feel dizzy, decrease in working capacity, feel drowsiness, and weakness.

14 Day Japanese Diet Shopping List

  1. Fresh chicken eggs - 2 dozen;
  2. Chicken fillet - 1 kg.;
  3. Fresh carrots - 2-3 kg;
  4. Tomato juice - 1 l.;
  5. First-class coffee beans or ground - 1 pack;
  6. White cabbage - 2 medium-sized forks;
  7. Fruits (except bananas and grapes) - 1 kg. total;
  8. Selected lemons - 2 pcs.;
  9. Sea fish fillet - 2 kg;
  10. Zucchini, eggplant - 1 kg. total;
  11. Kefir - 1 l. (buy fresh, do not store for future use!);
  12. Lean beef, pulp - 1 kg.;
  13. Extra virgin olive oil - 500 ml;
  14. Green tea of ​​your favorite variety (without additives and flavorings) - 1 pack.

Prohibited Foods for the Japanese Diet

In the Japanese diet, you can not eat foods such as:

  • Alcohol and any carbonated water;
  • White flour pastries;
  • Semi-finished products and fast food;
  • Confectionery;
  • Salt;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • Bananas, grapes, persimmons;
  • Sugar;
  • Starchy vegetables;
  • Sauces, spices and other condiments;

Japanese salt-free diet for 14 days: a list of allowed foods

Dishes consisting of fish or animal meat, with a side dish of vegetables are quite popular and many people eat them every day. It is psychologically difficult for people to give up spices, especially salt, and various sweets in the form of pastries, confectionery and sweets.

Forcing yourself to forget about sweets for a week or two is a problem. Maybe you should “cleanse” your body by temporarily switching to proper nutrition without salt?

Allowed products for weight loss on the "Japanese":

  • Rusks from dark bread;
  • Kefir or yogurt, preferably homemade natural;
  • Tomato juice is desirable to use homemade or purchased with pulp. Ordinary packaged juice contains salt, which is prohibited;
  • Hard low-fat cheese;
  • Natural coffe;
  • Sea fish, beef, chicken meat, boiled or steamed;
  • Chicken or quail eggs, raw or boiled (hard boiled);
  • Zucchini, eggplant, parsnip root fried in butter;
  • Unsweetened fruits, most often apples, pears, citrus fruits;
  • Green tea without additives or flavorings;
  • Mineral or purified water without gas;
  • Lemon, the juice of which can be added to dishes to improve the taste;
  • Vegetable oil - olive or unrefined sunflower;
  • Fruits: cherries, apples, kiwi, citrus fruits, pears, plums;
  • Fresh vegetables: cabbage and carrots, raw and boiled. It can be consumed whole, in pieces or chopped or grated.

Products and spices that are not included in this list are considered prohibited. Fruits such as grapes and bananas are also banned.

From drinks, lemonades, juices, soda, alcohol of any strength are prohibited. A categorical taboo on various sauces, spices, marinades.

Japanese diet for 14 days: full menu

Japanese diet 14 days menu for every day and the scheme is currently popular in Russia. It attracts people with low cheapness, while the diet lasts only two weeks.

A noticeable result after the expiration of the period, which persists after the correct termination of the diet. Alas, to overcome the two-week diet, you will have to go through really samurai tests.

First day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and milk;
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled cabbage with vegetable oil and a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled or fried fish.

Second day.

  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread and coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled or fried fish with boiled cabbage and vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled beef and a glass of yogurt.

The third day.

  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread dried in a toaster, or an unleavened biscuit without additives, coffee without sugar;
  • Dinner: 200 g of unsalted boiled beef, raw cabbage in vegetable oil and 2 boiled eggs.

Fourth day.

  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.

Fifth day.

  • Breakfast: a small fresh carrot with the juice of one lemon;
  • Lunch: boiled fish and a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.

Sixth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: unsalted boiled chicken 500 g with fresh cabbage and carrot salad in vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: small fresh carrots and 2 boiled eggs.

Seventh day.

  • Breakfast: green tea;
  • Lunch: 200 g unsalted boiled beef;
  • Dinner: 200 g of fruit or 200 g of boiled or fried fish or 2 eggs with fresh carrots in vegetable oil or boiled beef and 1 glass of kefir.

Eighth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 500 g boiled chicken without salt and carrot and cabbage salad in vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: fresh small carrots with vegetable oil and 2 boiled eggs.

Ninth day.

  • Breakfast: medium carrot with lemon juice;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled or fried fish and a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.

Tenth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 50 g of cheese, 3 small carrots in vegetable oil and 1 boiled egg;
  • Dinner: 200 g of any fruit.

Eleventh day.

  • Lunch: zucchini or eggplant fried in vegetable oil, in any quantity;
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef without salt, 2 boiled eggs and fresh cabbage in vegetable oil.

Twelfth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar and a slice of rye bread;
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled or fried fish with fresh cabbage in vegetable oil;
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled unsalted beef and a glass of kefir.

Thirteenth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled cabbage in vegetable oil and a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled or fried fish in vegetable oil.

Fourteenth day.

  • Breakfast: coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: boiled or fried fish 200 g, fresh cabbage with olive oil;
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, a glass of yogurt.

Japanese diet 14 days: table

On the web, you can find several menu options for the Japanese diet for 14 days, each of which is detailed for the day. One of them includes the following types of breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the form of a table for every day (14 days):

Japanese salt-free diet 14 days: menu, table and nutrition plan

Leaving the Japanese Diet

The first week of leaving the Japanese diet is an extremely crucial period. At this time, the body continues to lose weight and adapt to new parameters, so it is important not to pounce on food, but to slowly introduce familiar foods into the diet. They must be exclusively natural.

In order for the achieved result to be fixed, it is necessary to leave the diet gradually. The exit period should last twice as long. So, the exit period from the 14-day Japanese diet should last at least 28 days - that is, 4 weeks:

  • Eat fractionally (5-6 times a day);
  • For breakfast, eat cereals cooked in water (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) and omelettes. Your single serving should be about 200 g;
  • Replace a fruit dinner with a full meal of vegetables and proteins (for example, 200 g of vegetable stew and steamed chicken cutlet);
  • Salt should be added to food gradually: at the beginning of the exit, consume no more than 5 g of salt per day;
  • Do not reduce the amount of protein food;
  • During the day, you need to make 2-3 snacks from fermented milk products and fruits;
  • In the first week, gradually increase the consumed portions of meat and fish dishes - by 50 g, vegetables - by 100 g.

Indicative menu for exiting the Japanese diet for 2 weeks:

Day 1-3.

  • Breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs and 150 ml. milk (2.5% fat), 1 loaf, black coffee;
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef or 200 g of baked cod, 100 g of fresh vegetables;
  • Dinner: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat) or 250 ml. kefir (2.5% fat) and 1 apple.

Day 4-6.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal on the water (without sugar and butter);
  • Snack: 1 orange, 1 kiwi;
  • Lunch: 200 g baked chicken breast, 100 g fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, peppers);
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp or 150 g cottage cheese (7% fat), 1 cucumber.

Day 7-10.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water without sugar and butter, 2 toasts (20 g each);
  • Snack: 1 any fruit;
  • Lunch: 200 g vegetable soup, 100 g boiled beef;
  • Snack: 100 g natural yogurt;
  • Dinner: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 150 g of any steamed vegetables.

Day 11-14.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of any porridge with nuts, dried fruits and honey (no more than 1 teaspoon), 2 toasts (20 g each);
  • Snack: 1 any fruit, 100 g of natural yogurt or cottage cheese (5% fat);
  • Lunch: 200 g of any soup in low-fat chicken broth, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • Snack: 1 any fruit or 150 g of natural yogurt;
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled mussels, 150 g of vegetable stew;
  • Snack: 200 ml. kefir (2.5% fat).

Samurai rules of the Japanese diet

  1. Strictly follow the menu, do not change products. Do not minimize the amount of ingredients indicated on the menu, and also avoid breaks and deviations from it;
  2. Smoothly get out of a restricted diet, try not to immediately return to harmful foods;
  3. During weight loss, drink a sufficient amount of clean water without gas, which has room temperature. Water will give a feeling of fullness and ensure the removal of toxins and harmful substances;
  4. Eat no later than two hours before bedtime;
  5. After waking up on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml. water to improve metabolism;
  6. If you don't like most of the allowed foods, refrain from the diet;
  7. If weakness, migraine, body aches appear, immediately stop observing this diet.

3 Popular Japanese Diet Recipes

To make the diet as easy as possible, we suggest that you adopt several recipes that will allow you to endure this weight loss marathon to the bitter end. Do not forget that salt must be completely abandoned.

Recipe 1. Baked fish.

This dish is suitable for any diet option.


  • Cod fillet - 300 g;
  • Zucchini - 100 g;
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fillet into sufficiently large pieces;
  2. Marinate in sauce for 3 hours;
  3. Cut the zucchini into slices. Leave for half an hour, drain the juice;
  4. Put the fish in the sleeve, on top of it - the zucchini;
  5. Pour in the remaining marinade;
  6. Tie a sleeve, make several punctures in it;
  7. Bake for half an hour in an oven heated to 180 ° C. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2. Boiled cabbage salad.

This dish is one of the staples in the Japanese diet.


  • White cabbage - 200 g;
  • Canned green peas - 30 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • Parsley - to taste;
  • Dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil cabbage leaves until soft (30 minutes);
  2. Cool them down;
  3. Chop into small straws;
  4. Mix with butter, peas and chopped herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3. Diet soup.

The recipe is ideal for salt-free or rice options.


  • Pollock fillet - 300 g;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Sea cabbage - 150 g;
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • Rice - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion, marinate in the sauce for 3 hours;
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked, add the fish cut into pieces to it, cook until tender;
  3. Chop the seaweed, add to the soup;
  4. Drain the pickled onion there, but without the marinade;
  5. Slowly pour the beaten egg into the soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly;
  6. Immediately remove from the stove;
  7. Can be served both cold and hot. Bon appetit!

The Japanese diet allows frying as a way of cooking, but we don't offer recipes for it, as steamed, boiled, and stewed foods will help you lose weight much faster.

Japanese dinner. In the evening, the Japanese can eat dishes such as rice with furikake (dried mixture), seaweed, red fish, miso soup, salad, steamed vegetables, green tea.

Japanese diet: contraindications

The Japanese method is designed for people without health problems. In the presence of serious diseases, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"sit down" on a strict diet.

We list the main contraindications:

  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Gastric diseases (gastritis, ulcer);
  • Lactation;
  • kidney failure;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • viral infections;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Loads beyond measure - emotional, mental, physical;
  • AIDS;
  • Hypertension;
  • chronic diseases;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Climax;
  • Age before 18 years old and after 55;
  • Obesity. The Japanese diet for weight loss is recommended for healthy people to correct their shape and get rid of a few extra pounds. Obesity is a disease, and it is strictly forbidden to carry out cardinal changes in nutrition for people with such a problem on their own. Negative consequences are possible: metabolic disorders, a sharp increase in body weight. Any diet for obese patients is prescribed by the attending physician.

If side effects such as dizziness, tachycardia, stomach pain, dry lips and skin began to appear, this may indicate dehydration of the body and impaired functioning. You will have to finish the diet and be sure to check with a doctor to avoid complications.

Is the Japanese diet worth it? Everyone has to answer this question on their own. Rave reviews on the Internet can push you to a decision, but do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body.

Rapid weight loss and the ability to maintain weight later is a set of measures, strict discipline and following the right regimen. Be beautiful and healthy! Good luck!

Diet for 14 days, proven and effective diet: minus 5-8 kg.

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Hello, friends! The Japanese are known not only as centenarians, but also one of the slender nations in the world. And it's all about special nutrition, in which they know a lot.

Let's find out what it is - the Japanese diet menu for 14 days. It does not make you starve, but the figure noticeably improves.

The Japanese eat small meals and do not eat fatty foods. Today I will tell you about one diet, which, despite its severity, is distinguished by a variety of dishes.

The real origin of the Japanese 14 day diet is not known. There is an opinion that the set of products in the menu is more European than Asian. Diet from a strict diet for every day.

Consider the basic principles of the diet:

  1. You can not use any seasonings, even salt.
  2. Eating low calorie foods.
  3. The predominance of protein foods.
  4. Proper nutrition must be observed even after the end of the diet.
  5. You need to eat small meals.
  6. You should only eat 3 times.

A salt-free and protein diet includes a rational menu that helps not only remove excess fat, but also harmful components.

A diet with a low percentage of fat is effective for burning accumulated reserves. Food rich in proteins improves metabolic processes and allows you to keep a good shape after a diet.

The accumulation of the new does not occur due to the strengthened muscle mass.
Two diets with the same composition have differences. In the chemical diet, the serving capacity is unlimited. In this case, you can combine nutrition and intense physical activity.

In the Japanese diet, the more monotonous menu is limited to two weeks.

Diet Rules

Consider the basic rules of the diet that will help regulate weight:

  1. Salt must be completely eliminated. If it is completely unbearable, you can add a very small amount.
  2. Portions should be small, you can not overeat.
  3. Protein will come from fish, meat, dairy and eggs.
  4. Carbohydrates the body will take from fruits and vegetables.
  5. Fat is present in olive oil, which can be used to make salads.
  6. It is important to drink plenty of water.
  7. The last dose should not be immediately before bedtime, but in the morning you need to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

Menu for 14 days

Now consider the original menu. A simple scheme will help you lose weight quickly.
First day

  • breakfast: Coffee or tea, but no milk, cream or sugar;
  • lunch: stewed cabbage with boiled eggs and tomato juice;
  • dinner: boiled fish - 200 gr.

Second day

  • breakfast: Tea or coffee with toasted bread;
  • lunch: Braised cabbage and some boiled fish;
  • dinner: A glass of low-fat yogurt and meat (boiled beef).

The third day

  • breakfast: With tea, you can eat a little rye bun;
  • lunch: A dish of fried eggplant or zucchini;
  • dinner: Cabbage mixed with olive oil, 2 boiled eggs and 200 g of beef.

Fourth day

  • breakfast: grated carrots mixed with lemon juice;
  • lunch: Tomato juice and a piece of fish;
  • dinner: Fruit.

Fifth day

  • breakfast: Shredded cabbage and carrot salad mixed with lemon juice;
  • lunch: Tomato juice and a piece of boiled fish;
  • dinner: Fruit collection.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: Tea or coffee without sugar;
  • lunch: Carrot and cabbage salad and boiled chicken;
  • dinner: Small carrots and boiled eggs.

Seventh day

  • breakfast: Green tea with toast;
  • lunch: Boiled beef - 200 gr;
  • dinner: 200 grams of meat and a glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat or two eggs with carrots.

eighth day

  • breakfast: Green tea or coffee without sugar;
  • lunch: Carrot and cabbage salad with boiled chicken;
  • dinner: Small carrots, as well as boiled eggs.

Ninth day

  • grated carrots with lemon juice;
  • a few pieces of fish and tomato juice;
  • 200 gr fruit.

tenth day

  • tea and coffee without any additives;
  • 3 small carrots, 50 grams of cheese and a hard-boiled egg;
  • fruit mix.

Eleventh day

  • tea and coffee, a slice of dried bread;
  • fried eggplant and zucchini;
  • fresh cabbage, two eggs and boiled beef.

Twelfth day

  • a cup of tea and coffee, a small piece of bread;
  • chopped cabbage salad and 200 g of fish;
  • a glass of low-fat yogurt and 100 grams of boiled beef.

Thirteenth day

  • tea and coffee;
  • a glass of tomato juice, boiled cabbage and two eggs;
  • 200 gr of fish.

fourteenth day

  • hot drinks without added sugar;
  • cabbage salad and 200 gr of fish;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir and 200 g of boiled beef.

Drink the first glass before breakfast.

Remember that you can not extend the diet, as two weeks is the maximum amount of time that the body can withstand without sodium chloride.

See you soon friends!

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