I dreamed of swimming in the river. Interpretation according to the Dream Book from A to Z. Interpretation according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

The river is a traditional symbol of life. Constant and at the same time changeable, with constantly changing water, whirlpools, dams, shallows, difficult places. Plain rivers are usually wide and leisurely, but with an irresistible powerful force.

The water in lowland rivers is usually dark or opaque, warming up in the shallows near the shore. Mountain rivers are characterized by their turbulent nature; they can be crystal clear, but always cool, since they originate in glaciers. The water in mountain rivers is icy, except when there are thermal springs at the top.

The meaning of the dream depends on which river you happened to swim in. Are you trying to cross the river at any cost, like the legendary Chapaev the Ural River, or are you just splashing around, enjoying the coolness in the middle of a hot day? Let's figure out why you dream of swimming in the river according to various dream books.

Basic values

  • Swimming across the river in any case, regardless of the width of the stream, means achieving your goal, starting a new stage, parting with the past. The significance of the achievement depends on the width of the river and the difficulty of overcoming the water obstacle. If you do not plan to return to the abandoned shore, this is a sign of a serious decision to separate. It is not necessary to part with people; it is possible to part with your former self, your habits, beliefs, and way of life.
  • In most cases, you will have to swim in muddy flat water, heated from above, but insidiously hiding in the depths an insidious dank cold and, quite possibly, chthonic monsters lurking in quiet river backwaters. A dream in which you are floating on a river has no single general meaning and always carries with it a certain amount of unpredictability and danger.
  • Floating with the flow of the river - in full accordance with the idiom, means agreeing with the circumstances, peaceful and leisurely movement forward with minimal effort. This is not always a bad thing; you can swim much further with the current than against the current, pointlessly fighting the waves. Perhaps you have found a comfortable niche for yourself. This is amazing. Don’t waste time and energy fighting the elements, since you can control it without fighting.
  • Swimming and rowing against the current - it is quite obvious that such a dream shows the unfavorable circumstances in which you find yourself, whether of your own free will or not. Finding yourself in a difficult situation, it doesn’t always make sense to fight to the last, except when your task is to lose weight or build beautiful muscles. Find an opportunity to look around, get out of the situation and solve it without extreme effort. The dream shows you that overcoming the river is an impossible task. You should enjoy swimming in the river.
  • Testing the water in the river with your foot means considering possible options for the course of the situation. Entering the water means deciding to make changes, starting to move towards solving problems.
  • Floating away from a boat, steamship, boat, or catching up with a watercraft - you have lost your transport, through which you planned to navigate the waves of life. Perhaps you are about to change your job or face other significant changes.
  • Sailing in the hope of saving someone in a dream means falling for a trick. Someone skillfully manipulates your consciousness, awakening deep fears, forcing you to act against your will.

Authoritative interpretations

  • The women's dream book promises family happiness, especially if you happen to sail in a river on a boat, along a calm current. A stormy river in this case means exclusively family passions. Swimming across a river means complete victory over any circumstances.
  • Miller's dream book promises financial well-being, especially if there is fish in the river. Turtles swimming with you mean great luck, luck, and true friends.
  • Vanga's dream book foretells an early pregnancy and a happy family life. Storms, waves in the river, cloudy water mean the usual adversities of life that you will overcome without any problems.
  • According to Freud's dream book, swimming in a river means having sexual fantasies that you would like to realize. Swimming or wading a river means breaking off a relationship.

In order to figure out what the river means in dreams, you need to remember all the details and begin to familiarize yourself with the meanings of various sources.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a river in a dream

Miller's Dream Book takes into account many nuances. Calm river - to happy events, growth of well-being. Muddy and seething - quarrels. The river flood limited freedom of movement - troubles in the work sphere. When you dream of a river with a dry bed, you have to grieve.

According to Vanga's dream book being in a river with your clothes on is excellent prosperity. Suddenly falling into water and taking a sip of it means career advancement. Successfully overcome the current - gain wealth through significant work.

According to Freud's dream book when you dream of a river whose edges are invisible, in reality the sleeper has very bizarre and large-scale erotic fantasies.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets powerful current rivers, preventing you from getting out, like obstacles in business. Those who are sick will not recover soon.

According to a Muslim source drink river water- unexpected acquisition of property. A high-ranking or simply famous person will contribute to this.

Getting out of the boat onto the river bank is a great symbol. Enemies will not be able to harm, and will be defeated.

Why do you dream of swimming in the river?

The meaning of the dream in which it happened bathing in the river depends on the condition of the water. Pure personifies inner harmony, dirty - unfavorable changes.

float down the river stormy means encountering sudden obstacles. The reason for delays will not be someone’s will, but changed circumstances.

In a dream to go with the flow rivers - a successful balance of forces and achieving the goal almost without effort. If you had to fight against the current, you will have to work hard to succeed.

Swimming in the river with pleasure means that it is time to take the initiative and change your usual routine. This will definitely be beneficial.

It's a good sign when it's successful swim across swim the river. All planned tasks will be completed.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of water in the river

Dreamed dirty water in the river signals the approach of a difficult period. Mutual understanding with loved ones and colleagues will noticeably deteriorate.

Against, clean water in the river is considered an excellent sign. There will be joyful communication with people dear to the heart, receiving good news.

Also transparent the water in the river symbolically reflects the dreamer’s kindness and purity of thoughts. Excellent health and success complement the interpretation of this plot.

Muddy water in the river warns of changing circumstances in the worst side. Joy will be replaced by a sad period.

What river did you dream about?

To most correctly determine what a river is in a dream about, the most important thing is to take into account what it looked like. The color of the water, the speed of the current, and many other nuances matter.

Dreamed dirty the river has a sad meaning. You have to experience the pain of loss. Various misunderstandings are possible that will lead to quarrels.

Also cloudy the river indicates the need to change the course of life. Correctly set priorities will help you achieve success, which in this moment unattainable.

A reflection of the turbulent period is stormy river in a dream. This stage will not give you peace and will turn everything upside down.

When you dream of a river With fast current , this characterizes the dreamer as a person who knows how to defend his own beliefs.

To a sick person seething the river prophesies a speedy recovery.

Fast a river with breakers and whirlpools means unexpected troubles. You will have to quarrel with others, which will not always be good.

Mountain The river is the most beautiful symbol among all rushing water streams. Dizzying events will happen, perhaps a passionate love interest will appear in life.

Frozen the river symbolizes the absence of change. Sometimes unshakable stability can even get boring.

A sign of something significant is a dream big river. This could be an important conversation with management, a good or bad event. Details will tell you the exact value.

Wide the river personifies unusual intimate fantasies.

About the coming of auspicious life stage reports deep river, transparent and clean. Muddy - warns against participating in dubious projects and events.

A small river means difficulties. The information received may be misleading.

Small the river also symbolizes a breakdown. Need rest.

dried out a river in a dream indicates the need to give up large purchases in the near future. There is a financial crisis ahead, when you will have to bitterly regret thoughtless spending. For gardeners, a dry river means problems with the harvest. For people planning a business trip, the plot serves as a warning. There will be problems along the way, so if possible, you should reschedule your trip.

Clean The river is a symbol of the right course in life. Therefore, the dreamer is successful.

Everyone without exception transparent the river means good health. He also prophesies peace and harmony for families.

White A river in a dream means receiving good news. A fabulous dairy with jelly banks - to wealth.

Green the river symbolizes that the dreamer is a real favorite of fortune. Everything turns out playfully.

A sign of sadness and disappointment is black river.

Dark the river indicates obstacles that will cause a lot of trouble.

In reality, a daring act will be committed, this is what the river means in dreams, overflowing its banks, and flooded area clean water. However, it will not affect your reputation.

If spilled the river is muddy, the plot points to a lurking malaise. It is advisable not to ignore even minor symptoms. Another river flood is interpreted as an increase wages. The harvest will delight you with abundance.

What did you see on the river in a dream

Correct interpretation takes a lot of time, but the cost is justified by the valuable clues that can be obtained. When you dream of a river, to decipher it, it is advisable to remember what details you encountered.

White waves on the river means global stage in self-knowledge. High ones indicate delays in the business sphere.

Ice on the river - a symbol of cooling between lovers. The work started will stall when trying to continue.

Dream about participating in a status event ice drift on the river. All things will finally move forward.

Boat on the river - dreams of change. However, in addition to thoughts about them, actions are certainly necessary, otherwise the result will not be achieved.

Dreamed bridge on the river means achieving a goal through determination. Durable, indicates outside help that should not be refused. Rope - warns against taking sudden steps.

Dream about gifts of fate fish in a river. It is possible to make a profit.

The plot in which I dreamed snake in the river, not too pleasant. But the meaning is quite innocent. The son will become popular - that’s what this dream means.

Mine child in the river serves as a warning. At the moment, he needs the support of his parents, otherwise he will be overwhelmed by problems.

If the car sank in the river, but no one was hurt, it will be possible to get rid of outdated connections. At first it will not be entirely familiar, but soon you will be able to feel the beauty of change.

Actions on the river in a dream

Life gradually calms down if you dreamed sit on the shore rivers. You can finally relax.

Wash clothes in the river - a good plot for ladies. Unmarried people can count on matchmaking, others will have luck.

To the malaise - fall into the river. It is especially bad if the water was very cold or littered.

TO financial losses I'm dreaming about the plot drown in a river. We managed to escape - everything will get better soon. Drowning in a river means a feeling of shame and guilt. It is also a symbol of illness.

Throwing a wreath from flowers to the river - wonderful. The plot symbolizes longevity.

Cross the bridge across the river, and fear for its strength - to losses. Reliable crossing - the right path has been chosen.

To defer the fulfillment of a dream in a dream wade the river. Insufficient funding will interfere.

Why do you dream about fish in the river?

Your financial situation will improve if you dreamed a lot of fish in the river.

Dead fish in the river is a bad sign. Significant losses in reality will be very saddening.

Big fish in the river - good luck. However, success will make envious people want to slander you.

Fish in the river man- instructions to monitor your health. Then you will be able to avoid illness.

Fish in the river woman- a symbol of pregnancy. It will occur directly to the sleeping woman, or to one of her relatives or close friends.

When interpreting what a river means in a dream, only a cumulative analysis of all the details of what is seen will help to obtain the clearest forecast and an indication of ways to stabilize the situation.

Let's try to figure out what dreams of swimming in the river mean, according to most dream books. According to Ukrainian dream book, swimming in a river with clean water brings great happiness, and in a river with cold and clean water leads to great health. But if the dreamer bathes in dirty, muddy water, then such a dream promises great troubles and troubles.

What if you dream about swimming in a river?

All dream books agree on one thing: swimming in a river with warm water means trouble. This could be either a negative turn in business or health problems. Hasse's dream book says that swimming in the river tells the dreamer about his strength, self-control and excellent self-control. But swimming in the river with muddy water according to Hasse's dream book, to small changes in life. And if the dreamer bathes in the river with his clothes on, expect an inheritance. But the dream book of Simon Canonite says that swimming in a muddy river means minor troubles or changes. But swimming in a river with warm water, according to Canonite’s dream book, is of great benefit.

When interpreting a dream in which swimming in a river occurs, it is important to remember what the water was like; all dream books say one thing, that the river is clean and dirty water dreams about various events, and the temperature of the water in the river plays a big role. So for precise and full interpretation it is necessary to take into account all these nuances.

There are many different dream books, one of the last is considered a dream book of the 21st century and he interprets swimming in the river as follows. The dreamer himself bathes in the river before the arrival of guests or great joy. If the water in the river is clean, then the dreamer’s life will be long and carefree, but if the water is dirty and cloudy, then unfounded accusations await. If the dreamer sees children swimming in the river, wait great joys. But if you dive into the water, you should beware of unexpected troubles. According to Medea’s dream book, if while swimming in the river, the dreamer ends up in a shallow place, expect difficulties in life.

What does it portend?

According to the idiomatic dream book, swimming in the river speaks of a long life. The dreamer floating along the river is overcome by laziness, or he has successfully adapted to existing circumstances and can simply enjoy life. If swimming in the river leads the dreamer to river rapids, then dangerous obstacles will be encountered in life; not everything in business will work out as planned. And if swimming leads to a waterfall, there will be a big disaster, the dreamer should start something new with caution, and should pay attention to his health. If the dreamer drowns while swimming, expect collapse on the personal front.

When interpreting any dream, the main thing is not to forget that a dream is a reflection of daytime thoughts and experiences, and if the dreamer dreams of a vacation, how he will dive into a warm summer river, then the dream in which the dreamer bathes in the river does not bring anything bad, it only reflects the desire of reality.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when interpreting dreams, you need to take into account all the details of the dream, who is bathing, dressed or undressed, where he is bathing, what sensations the bather experiences, and on what day the dream occurred. Only by adding everything up can you correctly evaluate the warning sent by the universe.

Swim in dirty river in a dream, then come out of it clean and refreshed - to recovery, prosperity and new opportunities. Swimming in muddy water, or seeing it from the seething side, means dangerous incidents. To find out what a stormy mountain river means in a dream, it is enough to remember the small nuances of the dream and look into traditional dream books.

What does Miller's dream book portend?

According to psychologists, a seething stream in a dream symbolizes sudden change moods. The subconscious mind tells you that you should be prepared to alternate important events. They can be both good and bad for you. For example, if you dreamed that you had to swim across a dirty river, be prepared to fight for your place in the sun. In reality, everything will depend only on the correctness of the decisions made.

Don't forget your responsibilities

Gustav Miller in his dream book also gives twofold explanations of why a dirty river is dreamed of. According to his interpretations, seeing muddy water in a dream means stepping onto a difficult stage in life:

  • swimming - to petty gossip, domestic squabbles;
  • swimming - to health problems;
  • swim across - to rivalry in the work team;
  • swim to the other side, overcome a stormy stream in any way - to personal victories.

It is better to insure deposits and savings

Seeing a dirty river and observing it from the side means the dreamer’s readiness for risky transactions. Dream Interpretations warn that you should first obtain a full package of guarantees and only after that enter into transactions and agreements. Even if you dreamed that you had a chance to cross a river in a dream by boat or other water transport.

A sharp change in the mood of management, intrigue among colleagues, the danger of failure - this is exactly what any muddy water. Your actions in the coming days should be aimed at establishing relationships with management, connections with influential people, try to find mutual language with employees in the work team.

Monitor your health carefully

Swimming in a dirty river in a dream is also very bad. A dream means the onset of a disease that you are not yet aware of. Vanga’s dream book describes well what misty streams mean in dreams. The great soothsayer reduces the interpretation of sleep to a sharp weakening of the body.

It is worth paying attention to your health in cases where you dreamed of even a small cloudy body of water. The healer recommends postponing urgent matters for the future and focusing on relaxation. If it is impossible to quit, try to establish a work and rest schedule, alternate types of activities, and spend more time in the fresh air.

Often dreams allow a person to understand the current situation in reality or look into his own. If you look at why you dream of swimming in a river, then, as a rule, the dream will have positive value, indicating that a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him.

But in order to more accurately interpret the dream, you need to disassemble it into its components. After this, you need to turn to several dream books, since their interpretations may vary. Ultimately, the information should be summarized and appropriate conclusions drawn.

Features of the dream

In dreams, the river acts as a symbol of life. , in which one dreams of swimming in it, should be interpreted depending on what the river and water were like, what actions the swimmer performed and a number of related factors.

What was the water like?

Swimming in a dream mountain river during the lunar period foreshadows the sleeping person's advancement at work. And if this happens during the day, then in reality the person will have a stormy but prosperous life, he will always be able to avoid the dangers that threaten him.

Swim in a calm river flowing in a flat area, indicates that life has long been stagnant in all areas. Such a dream warns that it is time to take measures to change the situation.


In some dream books, crossing a river means various obstacles and delays in the implementation of planned plans. But, if the sleeper came out of the river, having overcome all the obstacles, or during the transition he clearly saw the shore ahead, then he will be able to successfully complete his work, even with a slight delay.

This may also indicate that the sleeper will commit some unsightly act that will cause a lot of gossip and gossip, and will cause great damage his reputation.

In other dream books, a dream in which the sleeper crosses a river says that he wants to radically change his life. But he warns that a person is in a hurry to implement his plans. You need to be patient and wait a little so as not to harm yourself by hastily making often wrong decisions.

Seeing the ford of a quiet river - To peaceful life , and if it is stormy and fast, you should expect groundless accusations and troubles. Crossing a river with stones and rapids means approaching difficult situation, from which it will be very difficult to extricate yourself.

If in a dream a person crosses a river over a bridge, it means that in reality he will very quickly achieve his goals. Obstacles that arise along the way will be easily overcome, life will become rich, successful and bright.

Crossing a frozen river on ice in a dream, means that in reality you need to be wary of the machinations of ill-wishers and be very careful in your actions. The slightest mistake during this period can result in serious trouble.

With whom and where did you swim?

If the sleeper bathes in a calm and clean river surrounded by large quantities people, then in reality in the near future he will receive large Money or a good offer. This may also mean acquiring new profitable acquaintances. And swimming in big company in dirty water speaks of the collapse of all plans.

Swimming in a dream clear water with friends portends a fun party. If a woman dreams that she is swimming in the company of a stranger, it means that an easy love adventure awaits her. If a man in a dream bathes with unknown woman, perhaps he has a rival. Swimming in the river with relatives dreams of unexpected guests.

Sail on a ship

Sailing on a ship on a calm and clean river in a dream means prosperous and happy in abundance. Such a dream may foretell the receipt of an unexpected inheritance or the successful completion of a transaction.

If a beautiful picture opens up while swimming around, such a dream may portend a happy marriage. Dreaming of sailing on a ship along a muddy, stormy river indicates an offensive difficult period in life. If the ship is small, it means that the sleeper does not balance his income with his expenses.

Jump into the river

A dream in which the sleeper dives into a clear river speaks of a successful completion of current affairs. For women, jumping into the river means new pleasant acquaintances or reconciliation with a loved one.

If in a dream a person jumps into a river from a bridge, this means that in reality he wants to end relationships with people who are unpleasant to him. Diving into water in a dream suggests that you need to be more frank with your partner.

Swimming in a river in a dream, like other actions, can have different meanings. It all depends on the circumstances under which it was done. Therefore, before drawing a conclusion about the meaning of your dream, you need to conduct a full analysis of it. and seek help in interpreting it from several sources.

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