Passage stalker shadow of Chernobyl radar. How to "deceive" the radar on the roads and is it worth it? Codes for "Stalker" and other ways to improve

Upon entering the location, immediately get used to some isolation - you will not be able to get close to the rocks, as well as to equipment and objects - they emit a lot of light. Go straight ahead - the checkpoint should not cause you any difficulties, however, even before it, on the right side you can find a bag with VOG-25. If you have a GP-25 weapon, this will be a great stock for the future. Going out to an open area, don’t really “shine” - on a hill there is a trailer on which a sniper sat down with an SVD-63. It is worth dealing with him after you destroy simple fighters with AK, it is advisable to use Vintar VS, or some kind of accurate weapon, because. you won’t be able to get close to the sniper - in open space you can lose to him. Go further along the road (you have nothing to do in the red forest, because even if you go through it, you will find yourself almost in the center of the Monolith field camp - it will be easier to surround and destroy you there). It is easier to go along the road without pressing against the rocks, because. they have a lot of anomalies and a high radiation background - try to go covertly, because. up the road, a monolith patrol and another sniper are already waiting for you.
Check the boxes near the tank - there may be a couple of grenades there, which will be very useful, throw a few up the road - this will create a revival in the camp of the enemy, and also allow you to deal with the fighters in a fairly calm environment. Having dealt with the next patrol, go up the hill. At the turn of the road behind the rock, get ready to meet the RPG-7 fighter. At best, he won't even have time to shoot. If this happens, do not hope that five meters will be enough to get away from the explosion - run until you hear it. Heal and try again. Also, several fighters can come out to you from the right side of the road, from the rocks - they will be armed with AK and do not pose any particular danger. After killing the grenade launcher, do not rush to go to the camp - kill the sniper on the tower. This will allow you to easily move between shelters. You will have to repulse the counterattack from the camp, and finish off the remaining fighters in it.

**If your armor is already pretty battered, then you can take the one that lies in the trailer on the territory of the field camp - there is Beryl 5M. Protection is so-so, but if you have no other choice, then you should take **

Be careful not to get hit in the back by zombies - they can exit through the hole in the fence and go around the fence while you deal with more intelligent enemies.

**After coming to the fork, you can look into the Camp of the Desperate - a small dead end on the map, to the right along the road. There you will meet quite lively resistance, but the prize will be charges for the M203 underbarrel grenade launcher **

Further you will meet several more snipers (right on the road, in the back of the lawn, as well as on the "balcony" on the left side of the road), and two patrols. Coming out to the rise, you will stumble upon single pockets of resistance, which do not pose a particular danger. Only once you can be disturbed by dropping fuel barrels down, but this is not a problem - shoot at them as quickly as possible and the problem will be solved. As you get closer to the Scorcher's antennas, you will be increasingly visited by phantoms - induced images of monsters that are not dangerous, but very distracting. When they attack, your health bar does not decrease - only the level of protection of the brain from influences slightly decreases, but this is not critical.
Go further, destroying the fighters on the towers and patrols at the gate. You can also make your way here by climbing over the fallen tree behind the fence, but you should not do this - you will find yourself in the very center of the base, from where you will be visible from all sides. On the territory of the base, the problem will be a sniper on one of the antennas and a dozen fighters who are scattered throughout the territory. Your goal is a tunnel, the entrance to which is blocked by a wagon. Pass through the above car inside, deal with the guards and enter the X-10 laboratory ...

Walkthrough Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl: S.T.A.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl Walkthrough Part 2

X-16 complex

At the entrance to the laboratory, you will be met by zombies and a snork that can attack from behind. Go to the elevator shaft, go down. The laboratory is a through complex, so you will always or almost always have to go straight ahead.

**After going down one flight, look at what lies in the shield on the opposite side of the elevator shaft - perhaps there is a valuable artifact waiting for you, or a good weapon!**

Having descended, the most successful option would be to immediately climb into the control cabin - the ladder by which you can climb into it is located to the left of the elevator shaft (do not hesitate, because a monster can notice you from the next room and a fight will start - the loss of time will now be not the best option). Climbing into the cabin, shoot the zombies on the rise from above. Get down and go straight - another one or two snorks should run out to meet you. Having dealt with them, go down the corridor, prepare for a meeting with a group of zombies - it's better to immediately throw several F-1s towards the wooden fence - the barrels will detonate and you will destroy several zombies at once, the rest will already be significantly injured and will not pose any particular danger. Go further down the corridors, but don't forget to check the racks for the blue and white crates - they're full of medkits, bandages, and 5.45 ammo (just in case you run out of 5.56, you can always pick up a captured AK and fight with it until you have enough ammo for your main weapon). Further, there will be a small corridor and an entrance filled with boxes in the fence - do not break them. Two grenades thrown forward will save you from encountering monsters. Next, go out into a large room with a multi-level structure, and a psi-emitter in the center. You have about 5 minutes to go through all the levels and turn off the four switches that power the emitter. This time is enough, the main thing is not to linger too much on zombies that will catch up with you from below and meet on the way. On one of the floors, you can get into the "frying" anomalies - be careful when crossing the central span. Having reached the top and turning off the last switch in the control room, the main character will “turn off” again. To understand the plot of the game, this video will be very useful - a lot will fall into place.
After him, your task is to pick up the documents from the body of the Ghost and get out of the laboratory - exit the control room and go right, up the rise - into the corridor. There you will meet zombies. Having reached the massive door, do not rush to enter it - prepare for a meeting with the controller. After fighting with him, search the corpse of the stalker (Ghost) - he will have interesting records in the PDA about Strelka and their group, which are worth listening to carefully, as well as documents. Also, it is highly desirable to pick up a body armor with special properties. You will have to leave the laboratory through the tunnels - to get into them, go to the far right cell, in the floor of which there will be a hole - you go there. Check the white and blue suitcases and jump into the communication.
In the tunnels, you will often be attacked by snorks, get ready that they will crawl out from almost every hillock - use grenades. The tunnel itself is a system of closed communications, so you won't get lost here - you just need to follow straight ahead all the time and not deviate from the path at the fork. In the middle of the tunnel you may meet a pseudo-giant - don't let him get close. You will be leaving the tunnel almost at the swamps, having got out, Sakharov will contact you. He will notify that they called helicopters and say that you did a great job.
Don't forget about snorks and zombies, go to the camp of scientists. Talk to the professor - he will thank you for turning off the brain burner, giving you a new, even more advanced scientific suit. Take a quest from him to find a unique stalker costume and give him the Ghost armor - you will also receive a good reward for this. Next, you should sell the orange suit and restock. You can go to the Bartender: the meeting place with him cannot be changed. On the Wild Territory location, you will meet mercenaries, as well as a bloodsucker at the railway platform.

**If on the map you have a tip on the cache in the building of the railway platform, be sure to get into it and search the cache. It will contain the most successful armor for the Zone - Seva's overalls. You can climb inside the building through a hole in the roof, and you can get to the roof itself either from a neighboring building, or try to climb along the beam. There will be a high radiation background inside, so all of the above should be done in scientists' overalls **

Already at the exit from the Wild Territory, towards the Bar, you can meet snorks.

Cordon and Research Institute "Agroprom"

After completing the task with the psi-emitter, I do not recommend that you proceed immediately to the next story quest - for a start, you should look at Cordon, to a certain Guide who knows where to find the Doctor. Equip yourself with a tattered stalker overalls and grab an old AK, on ​​which don't forget to hang a GP-25. Take a sight with you - this uniform will be enough for you for a short walk through familiar places. You won't need a lot of 5.45 caliber rounds - about 200 will suffice. You can also take a quest from the Bartender to destroy a group of bandits at Agroprom - you will still be on your way ...
Go to the cordon in the usual way, through the Garbage, towards the checkpoint. In addition to packs of angry pseudo-dogs and bandits, you will not meet anyone. Go to the cordon and move along the marker to the destroyed house, in which at the beginning of the game you and Fox fought off a pack of dogs. The Guide will sit near the fire. He got his nickname for a reason: he knows the Zone inside and out, because. is one of the very first stalkers, and he is aware of a lot of what is happening in it. Talk to him - he will tell you that the Doctor has taken refuge in Strelok's hiding place and is waiting for him. Move to the Research Institute Agroprom. Having entered the Agroprom, go around the main complex and go to the hatch to which the Mole led you - in the same place, at the very descent down, kill all the bandits - this is how you complete the Bartender's task.
Go down, there again criminal elements, military and possibly a lonely snork are waiting for you - it all depends on your own luck. Looking at the map, move towards the Strelka cache. Going up inside, you will get into a stretch - don't worry, this is normal. You will survive and not even lose health - the Doctor will pick you up. View the scripted scene with him - from this moment on, the player is finally made to understand that the Bullseye and the Shooter are one person. The doctor will talk about the fate of the group and mention Strelka's speculation about the Monolith - they were confirmed: the Monolith is an induced image from the laboratory under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You can access the laboratory through a door with a combination lock. The decoder is hidden in Pripyat, and now you have its approximate coordinates in your PDA.
You wake up fast enough, but the Doctor is gone. Leave the dungeons in the same way, towards the western complex of the Research Institute. There the military will be waiting for you again - without arranging long skirmishes, get out of the location and go to the Spring, to the Bar. The same encounter with bandits and the same firefights await you as before, only in a slightly different role - now you have good weapons and armor, and it will not be difficult to deal with the once powerful enemies.


When you return to the Bar, do not forget to change your stalker's overalls for a newer copy, or the recently found "Seva". The bartender, among other things, will say that Duty is interested in you - now you can go to their base and receive quests from General Voronin, as well as buy ammo and supplies from their supplier. The main story task will now be to turn off the "brain burner" at the Radar location. This task will require good weapons and a lot of ammunition, as well as armor - if you still don’t have Seva and any weapons chambered for PBO-9, then you will have to visit the Army Warehouses before going to the Radar, where you can get hold of all of the above. Also, you will need an antiradin and first-aid kits - the Radar will be guarded by the fighters of the Monolith group - fanatics who worship a non-existent stone under the Chernobyl sarcophagus.
Your mini-tasks, before starting the main quest, will be to search for a supply of PAB-9 cartridges (SP-6, SP-5), Vintar VS and good armor. Completing Voronin's quest to find the TPc 301 with an optic redesigned in the manner of a sniper rifle, in case of successful completion, will solve the problem with Vintar. The TPc 301 itself with optics can be found in a small mercenary camp in the Army warehouses, behind the village of bloodsuckers. You can buy Vintar ammo from a merchant from Duty. Light and durable armor, in case you don't like Seva, can be obtained from the Freedom group, whose base is also located in the Army warehouses. Complete a couple of neutral quests for them, like destroying a flock of wild boars near the base, and killing a traitor, and you will get a good deal and a good discount on goods from their huckster. Quests can be taken both from Lukash - the leader of "Freedom", and from third-party stalkers from the group. Along the way, you can pick up the GP37 from someone, which is one of the best representatives of the weapons of the NATO countries - the lethal force of this barrel is enough to deal with even enemies in exoskeletons without any problems.

** In principle, the execution of intermediate tasks is not so important, i.e. you can easily complete the brain burner with TPc 301, or even with AK, but the passage will be very difficult, and you will lose a pretty interesting part of the game **

Having received everything you need, go to the "barrier" - the outpost of Freedom between the locations of the Army warehouses and the Radar. If you are on good terms with the fighters of this group, then you will easily repulse the attack of the Monolith, which happened inopportunely before your arrival. I recommend not to go on the rampage - if several Freedom fighters die, then you will have a chance to get hold of GP37 without any problems. Moreover, the battle will not be easy - many Monolith soldiers are dressed in exoskeletons and heavy armor, and armed with 9mm VLA special machine guns (PAB-9 cartridges) and AK.


Upon entering the location, immediately get used to some isolation - you will not be able to get close to the rocks, as well as to equipment and objects - they emit a lot of light. Go straight ahead - the checkpoint should not cause you any difficulties, however, even before it, on the right side you can find a bag with VOG-25. If you have a GP-25 weapon, this will be a great stock for the future. Going out to an open area, don’t really “shine” - on a hill there is a trailer on which a sniper sat down with an SVD-63. It is worth dealing with him after you destroy simple fighters with AK, it is advisable to use Vintar VS, or some kind of accurate weapon, because. you won’t be able to get close to the sniper - in open space you can lose to him. Go further along the road (you have nothing to do in the red forest, because even if you go through it, you will find yourself almost in the center of the Monolith field camp - it will be easier to surround and destroy you there). It is easier to walk along the road without pressing against the rocks, because. they have a lot of anomalies and a high radiation background - try to go covertly, because. up the road, a monolith patrol and another sniper are already waiting for you.
Check the boxes near the tank - there may be a couple of grenades there, which will be very handy, throw a few up the road - this will create a revival in the enemy's camp, and also allow you to deal with the fighters in a fairly calm environment. Having dealt with the next patrol, go up the hill. At the turn of the road behind the rock, get ready to meet the RPG-7 fighter. At best, he won't even have time to shoot. If this happens, do not hope that five meters will be enough to get away from the explosion - run until you hear it. Heal and try again. Also, several fighters can come out to you from the right side of the road, from the rocks - they will be armed with AK and do not pose any particular danger. After killing the grenade launcher, do not rush to go to the camp - kill the sniper on the tower. This will allow you to easily move between shelters. You will have to repulse the counterattack from the camp, and finish off the remaining fighters in it.

**If your armor is already pretty battered, then you can take the one that lies in the trailer on the territory of the field camp - there is Beryl 5M. Protection is so-so, but if you have no other choice, then you should take **

Be careful not to get hit in the back by zombies - they can exit through a hole in the fence and go around the fence while you deal with more intelligent enemies.

**After coming to the fork, you can look into the Camp of the Desperate - a small dead end on the map, to the right along the road. There you will meet quite lively resistance, but the prize will be charges for the M203 underbarrel grenade launcher **

Further you will meet several more snipers (right on the road, in the back of the lawn, as well as on the "balcony" on the left side of the road), and two patrols. Coming out to the rise, you will stumble upon single pockets of resistance, which do not pose a particular danger. Only once you can be disturbed by dropping fuel barrels down, but this is not a problem - shoot at them as quickly as possible and the problem will be solved. As you get closer to the Scorcher's antennas, you will be increasingly visited by phantoms - induced images of monsters that do not pose a danger, but are very distracting. When they attack, your health bar does not decrease - only the level of protection of the brain from influences slightly decreases, but this is not critical.
Go further, destroying the fighters on the towers and patrols at the gate. You can also make your way here by climbing over the fallen tree over the fence, but you should not do this - you will find yourself in the very center of the base, from where you will be visible from all sides. On the territory of the base, the problem will be a sniper on one of the antennas and a dozen fighters who are scattered throughout the territory. Your goal is a tunnel, the entrance to which is blocked by a wagon. Pass through the above car inside, deal with the guards and enter the X-10 laboratory ...

Laboratory X-10

Do not think that these are just another dark basement that you were scared of in the X-16 and X-18 laboratories. No, everything here is quite civilized and habitable, if this term is generally applicable to these buildings.

**In the boxes near the red containers there are shells for the GP-25, if you have this weapon, they will be very useful**

Go through the corridors to the big room. Try not to make noise, because Several bloodsuckers roam the territory of the laboratory. You don't need to collect any door keys or look for hidden rooms, so just follow the sign forward through the corridors and rooms. In one of the large halls where you will definitely meet the controller, check the boxes on the shelves - replenish the stocks of scientific first-aid kits and cartridges. Also, in the far corner of the room lies F-1. Go down the stairs and go through all the rooms to the boiler rooms. In the farthest room, go up the stairs and go through a rather narrow corridor to the control room for the brain burner. Walk along the right side to the knife switch and pull it... The shooter will fall unconscious again...
After waking up, you will hear the voice of the monolith - the legendary black stone, which supposedly grants the wish of anyone who touches it. As you know from a conversation with the Doctor, this is just an induced hallucination from the laboratory under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ... Your main task remains to search in Pripyat for a cache with a decoder and documents that the Doctor spoke about. Move on the way back, but the Monolith fighters will already be waiting for you, who will in every possible way prevent your advance to the surface. Rooms should be cleared with grenades. Move quietly to have at least some superiority over the enemy. Fighters in the exoskeleton kill only well-aimed bursts in the head. If it was not possible to kill immediately, then retreat, because. even a short firefight can greatly affect the health and the number of first-aid kits and bandages. At the exit from the laboratory, a bloodsucker can expect you.
Going back to the Radar, you will find that the situation has brightened up a bit due to the arrival of the military, who are actively clearing the area from the remnants of the Monolith. Move forward to a small camp at the base, to the left of the exit from the laboratory, on a hill. In one of the trailers you will find an improved Freedom Armor. It provides excellent protection against bullets and anomalies, although there is a downside - night vision without digital signal processing. Go back to the crossroads with a stop and the skeleton of the UAZ - there you will find an epic scene of dismantling Freedom and Duty. If you have a good relationship with both factions, then you can look at the outcome of the battle and profit from ammo and good weapons (G36, VAL), as well as replenish the pretty empty stocks of medicines and supplies in general. Where to go next is up to you. You can immediately go to Pripyat, or return to Bar and move forward to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with fresh forces.


In the city, you will immediately find yourself in the thick of things - there are already professionals around the corner, whom the Bartender mentioned in the radio message. You can join them, they will help you get to the underground garages... Although, the question of who will help whom is still open. If it seems to you that the firefight is too violent, then you can go to the parallel street on the left side - there are several unpleasant anomalies, however, it is calmer here. When you reach an open area with a statue, do not rush to go around the corner - snipers with gauss rifles may be waiting for you. Check the rooftops on the opposite side and only then exit. Try to look not only above, but also below - there are many fortifications made of sandbags, behind which the Monoliths sit. While “jogging” along Pripyat, pay attention to the upper floors and lower tiers of shops and institutions - most often the battles go for strategic points from which you can go further to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Your task is to find a hotel - a fairly simple mission, because. you cannot miss the hotel - it is the only more or less calm place in the whole city. Entering it, you will immediately receive a label on the number on one of the floors. It is symbolic that the room will be number 26, because the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on April 26 ... Move quietly around the hotel, paying attention to the windows overlooking the park, to the Ferris wheel - at least two soldiers with Gauss rifles are sitting there, and a little to the left of the wheel, on the roof of the neighboring building, a fighter with an RPG-7 is sitting. After collecting the documents in the room, the decoder and updating the armor, if you need it, go through the buildings towards the stadium - the entrance to it will be marked with a marker. In the open area in front of the entrance to the stadium, watch out for a broken fire truck, which almost always has two fighters with Abakan, and behind the building on the left side - from there you can be seen by several Monoliths in exoskeletons. Having reached the place, you can immediately go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, just by going close to the entrance, or you can go through the stadium itself. To do this, you need to move to the right, to the emergency entrances - a rod will be torn out in the fence, through which you will get to the stands. However, there is nothing new and interesting at the stadium - a few fighters with RPGs and some valuable artifacts that actually do not make any sense - it is almost the end of the game and there is simply nowhere to put them.


This location can be divided into several parts - in the first you are a victim, which is driven not only by numerous enemies, but also by a timer before the release. In the second - you are a hunter looking for the right path.
You appear in a relatively safe place, but after 20 meters ahead you will meet a Monolith sniper, and behind you the military will already be pushing you. Do not hesitate and check all the corpses - many of them are decorations left from past waves of attacks on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Get closer to the concrete fence. After passing through the fortified railway entrance, run across closer to the walls of the station. Already from there you will be able to remove snipers relatively without losses and “clean up” your rear. Do not try to destroy everyone - it is almost impossible, and you have very little time. Walk along the wall and don't worry too much about radiation and enemies chasing you from behind - if you lose sight of them, they will find something else to do - the station will have a lot of military, and support helicopters will not let the remaining Monolith fighters get bored. Having reached the gate, go inside without delay - almost simultaneously with you, an armored personnel carrier will drive up to them. For Strelok to die, a few hits from his machine gun are enough. There may be a couple fanatics inside, but that won't be a problem anymore compared to the fight outside. Get down into the hatch - this completes the first part of the location ...
Now you must find the entrance to the laboratory under the station, which projects the Monolith in the sarcophagus. Although you can find the entrance to the sarcophagus itself - it's up to you. Let me just say that the endings with the Monolith are wrong, and we will not analyze them in the passage. In the first corridor you will be met only at the turn - a couple of grenades will kill both fighters in exoskeletons. Further, it is better to go a little further down the corridor and kill two more fanatics who are sitting at the end of the corridor. You can also take supplies there if you go down the stairs - check the room with a radiation background. Further, difficulties will be at the exit through a hole in the wall - there are about 7 fighters waiting for you. Many are best killed by looking out of the doorway at the hole. When they stop coming out from behind him, go yourself and finish off the rest of the squad. After collecting everything you need, look for the stairs up. Climb quietly along it, without turning on the lantern - on the platforms you will meet two or three Monoliths. In general, you can throw grenades at the upper levels, however, you need to do this carefully - the grenades can roll down, and most likely kill you. Once you reach the level, you will again encounter a bunch of enemies that will push from both sides. Having dealt with them, go to the neighboring corridors. There you can find the entrance to both the sarcophagus and the laboratory. Go to the opening with a red flashing beacon above the entrance - there will be a ladder. If you follow the right path, the task will change and it will be shown that you have found the entrance to the laboratory. It's almost like that - you need to open it. Go to the door and click on it to use (Use) - the decoder will start transcoding, and you will start having problems - the monolith special forces will come out of the portal that opens behind you. Throw grenades in their direction and destroy them with well-aimed bursts in the head. Don't try to kill everything and everyone - it's hard, especially on higher difficulty levels. Just wait for the door to open and retreat there.
Next, you will have a long shootout in the corridor - first, clear the corridor that goes straight to the doors - from there you will often be taken out by opponents armed with Thunder and G36. In the left corridor you will be met by two, with a shotgun and an FN2000 (I highly recommend picking up this weapon, instead of a battered G36), and on the right - two snipers with gauss rifles. Having dealt with everyone, go further along the corridors, keeping an eye on the small rooms - almost every one has one or two fighters. I think you already understood that grenades will help you quickly and effectively clear these rooms. In the control room you will encounter about 5 enemies. Almost all can be destroyed intelligently by throwing a couple of F1s into the room. Next, you will enter a room with lanterns set in a circle and a monolith hologram in the center. Break them - they are responsible for signal transmission under the sarcophagus. After each destroyed battery, fiery poltergeists will materialize in the room, in the manner of the one under the first burner. After destroying all the elements, a scientist from the "o-consciousness" - a group of researchers responsible for the Zone - will come into contact with you. I recommend asking him as many questions as possible - this will help you better understand the plot of the game and, perhaps, help you find the answer to the main question - what is the Zone. At the end of the dialogue, the scientist will ask you if you want to join them. Further, it's up to you - you can join them and get one correct ending, or refuse and continue playing one more level, after which there will be another, correct, in my opinion, ending. The level will consist of the Chernobyl sarcophagus and many portals that, at the end of the path, will lead you to the room where the o-consciousness scientists lie who control the noosphere. Your choice is to destroy them. Whether you did the right thing or not is up to you. You may never know the answer to this question...

The first steps

After the introductory video, the main character appears in the closet of Sidorych - the local huckster and "baty" of all newly arrived stalkers. You can buy not only first-aid kits, ammunition and weapons from him, but also find out information that he generously shares between quests. If this is your first time playing STALKER, then it is better to learn from him how to use the PDA and listen to a short course on the game interface, as well as the rules of the Zone - to do this, talk to him, and when asked how to address yourself, answer the first paragraph - "Talk, like a newbie."
Sidorych, first of all, is a merchant, not a person, therefore, he will have to work out his salvation - to complete a couple of assignments (quests) for him. The first task will be to search for Shustroy and seize a flash drive with information from him. After receiving the quest from Sidorych, you must go to the surface, to the village of stalkers, and agree on everything with the Wolf - he will be marked on your minimap. After talking with him, if you agreed to help, your first weapon will appear in your inventory - a knife, a PMM (9mm x 19) and some ammo for it. Further, you can explore the settlement: I recommend that you carefully study the cellars and attics - they have something to profit from for a young stalker.

** Directly behind the Wolf there is a very curious staircase leading to the attic. Examine the boxes in the very corner - you can find a supply of energy drinks and vodka in them. If you carefully climb out of the attic and go out onto the roof of this house along a small ledge, you can get excellent armor, which will be very useful at the beginning of the game - jump from this roof to the neighboring hut (it will be the only one where you can jump - you can’t go wrong ), peer into the darkness of the attic - you will see a box. Shoot at him so that he is a little closer to the hole in the slate - he will break and a great mercenary armor will appear. However, I would not advise putting it on right away - you can complete the upcoming quests with a standard stalker jacket, and you should put on a new outfit only before going into a deep raid **

According to the task received from the Wolf, we are heading to a group of stalkers across the road - you can find him by the marker in the PDA, and the arrow on the minimap. On the way, you can help another stalker, who is wounded and lies near a small bridge, near the trailer. Give him a first aid kit - by doing so, you will slightly raise your reputation in the stalker camp. Also, inspect the trailer itself - you can find cartridges, PBS1 and bows in it. Having reached the "assault" group of stalkers, to the left of the bridge, talk to its head - Petruha. If you agreed to help the stalkers in the group, you will immediately go to the ATP, where the bandits have settled. You should not run headlong - the first meeting with an enemy who has a sawn-off shotgun in his hands can be your last.
I recommend stepping through a hole in the fence, near the frame of the truck - so you can retreat under the protection of the allies at any time, or even go towards the base of the stalkers. Also, you can try to attack the ATP alone (answer Petrukha that you will try to figure it out yourself without making a fuss), but for a novice stalker this is a risky activity. Although, if you manage, you will receive the appropriate reward from the Wolf - the Fora 12 Mk2 pistol.
Having cleared all the buildings, go to the two-story building indicated by the arrow on the map and talk to the captured stalker - this is Nimble, who will give you the flash drive you need to complete the first merchant quest. Don't forget to check the attic and the rest of the houses, as well as rummage through the corpses for swag - it will be very useful at the beginning of the game. You can safely sell most of it to Sidorych, leaving yourself only the most complete pistol and sawn-off shotgun, but it is not recommended to sell cartridges at all - they can always come in handy and it is better to store them either in a backpack or in hiding places in locations. More than 200 cartridges for a pistol, however, it is also not recommended to carry with you - you can always profit from the bodies of defeated stalkers.
We return to the village and speak with Sidorych. Unforgettable "throw off" excess weight by selling trophies. It is better to keep all found artifacts in a backpack for now, without putting them on - they will be useful for completing side quests, which can be taken both from Sidorych, and from the Wolf and some other NPCs. Actually, you can immediately proceed to the next story mission, but I would not recommend doing this, especially if this is your first trip to the Zone. It’s better to complete a few side tasks for the time being, such as searching for a “pumped” stalker jacket (you can take this quest from Nimble), or clearing the territory from monsters (quest from the Wolf). These tasks are not important for the story, but will help you get comfortable in the game and find many useful items. Plus, you will have the opportunity to increase (or decrease - it all depends on your desires and actions) your authority among stalkers and practice a little - get used to the world of the game.

At Agroprom!

Having studied the Zone and got used to its harsh rules, you can proceed to the next quest of Sidorych - the search for documents. Presumably, they are at a military base near the "NII Agroprom". Before this task, I recommend stocking up on medicines and ammo and finding some automatic weapons (I hope you did the side quests?). Also, it's time to put on the armor of the mercenary, if, of course, you have not tried it on before.
There is a long way ahead, during which you will have to pass through the outpost of the military under the bridge. You can go through it in several ways: By paying the sergeant 500 local money (you can go through this tax only once and only in one direction). Or try to destroy the enemies, although it will be difficult, because. there are about 6 soldiers at the post, all have AK-74Us, and a lot of first-aid kits - a fight with them may be the last for a young stalker.

**Having killed Major Kuznetsov, you can get hold of a very useful pistol in the household - Fora 15Mk, which is a "pumped" version of Fora 12, only with an enlarged magazine - a very useful weapon, until better barrels appear**

If neither the first nor the second option suits you, then you can try to bypass the railway bridge through the embankment, passing through the infected area, or try to go through the tunnel to the left of the outpost. The whole difficulty of the last path is in the Elektra anomalies - they completely fill the passage in the tunnel, and it will not work to bypass or jump over them. You can try to "chat" them by throwing bolts at the anomaly to defuse and go a little further, but this will require practice and some luck.
Having passed the outpost under the railway bridge, we receive a tip from Sidorych that near it one of the stalkers, Fox, got into trouble and urgently needs help. In general, it's up to you to help him or not, but he can give you valuable information about the whereabouts of the Strelok - give him a first aid kit and he will be more accommodating. For help in destroying the flock that followed him, he will help financially - 1500 rubles are not superfluous.
Moving further along the Cordon, we come across a group of bandits - they occupied an abandoned checkpoint at the transition to the Garbage. You will have to take the fight - this is the only way to Agroprom - the goal of your current task. Also, according to Fox, it is in the Garbage that there is a stalker who knows something about the fate of Strelok.
During the fight with the bandits, I recommend that you immediately move to the truck that blocked the road and point-blank shoot the thieves from the sawn-off shotgun. Do not forget to pick up a machine gun and cartridges if you have not yet got hold of this useful tool in the struggle for existence. Viper 5 is an excellent example of German quality and reliability, as well as a good tool at medium and short distances. After shooting at the checkpoint, I recommend moving forward to the Dump without delay, picking up only the newest machine gun and cartridges.


Having entered the location, the main character immediately falls into the thick of things - first we stumble upon a group of bandits who slowed down the neutral stalker. We will not leave a colleague in trouble - we will help to deal with frostbite. And the stalker, if he remains alive, will be grateful. Not having time to collect from the still warm thieves (or maybe from the still warm stalker - who knows which path you will take ...) swag, as we receive a message on the PDA that another group of bandits is attacking the parking lot of abandoned equipment. We move to the place - good, it's close, we communicate with Bes - the commander of the local neutrals, who requested help. From his words, we learn that they recaptured the parking lot from the bandits, and they, in turn, are trying to capture it back. Do not refuse help to the stalkers - it will be credited to you, and even alone you will not be able to cope with such a number of thieves, but you still have to go further.

**Before the fight, after talking with the Bes, look around carefully - near the barrier you will see a booth in which there will be boxes with supplies, and behind it a high tower - shoot at the boxes that are on it, and as a reward for your work you will receive 900 9x19 mm RVR cartridges for the Viper-5 assault rifle. This reserve will be more than enough for the next few hours of the game - just have time to pick up more recent machines, because. Improved ammo weapons wear out a little faster than normal**

During the battle, try to cover the Bes so that he stays alive - this is one of the conditions for completing this task. After the fight, go up to him and talk - he will give you some money and a good artifact to sell. Also, it is worth picking up weapons and ammunition - here you can already find AK-74U, a lot of first-aid kits and antiradina (drug for removing radiation from the body). Take more ammo for AK - you will use it at the Agroprom Research Institute location. It is not practical to spend them yet, so you don't have to pick up the AK-74U itself (don't forget to just unload the existing barrels by picking them up and selecting the appropriate item). Use the same Viper-5 - then it will be easier to refuse it, especially since now you have no problems with cartridges for this weapon.
Having finished business with the parking of equipment, we go to the old hangar, in the center of the Landfill (we focus on the passage between two hills, or go along the road), to help Gray - a stalker who has information about Strelok. Approaching the hangar, you will again receive a message asking for help, and again you will have to fight off the bandits - the Junkyard is their favorite place, so get ready for the fact that every passage through the location will be accompanied by skirmishes with local gangs.
During the battle, I do not recommend being between stalkers and bandits, because. you can get caught in the crossfire. In general, it is better to enter the hangar through the main entrance (standing from the side of the parking lot, this will be the right entrance) - from there you can immediately climb onto the roof of the car, or take positions near the rubble and shoot back in the company of stalkers. Another option is to quickly go around the hangar from the outside (on the left, if you look from the side of the same abandoned equipment) and hit the enemies in the back, not forgetting to keep an eye on your own - the bandits can call for help from the transition to the Agroprom location. In this case, you will have to fight on two fronts.
When the attack is repulsed, you will be able to get information about Strelok's cache, as well as a stalker who knows its approximate location. Check the cars - they have not only garbage and boxes, but also a little swag.
The next point of the route is NII Agroprom, so move forward to the transition between locations: it is located to the left of the railway tunnel, which you will see when you exit the hangar (if anything, follow the map). At the crossing, another 5-6 bandits with sawn-off shotguns and "Vipers" are waiting for you. After running and shooting enough, you can leave the Garbage to the Research Institute - there is nothing important here anymore, at least for the moment ...

Research Institute "Agroprom"

Almost immediately you will be met by a neutral stalker, who reports that the Mole group (the symbolic nickname of the stalker who knows how to get into Strelok's cache) is trying to destroy the military. We follow the stalker along the road, watch a scripted video about the landing of the military and the extermination of stalkers. Trying not to be distracted by artifacts lying all over the place, we enter the perimeter fenced with a fence and engage in a fight with the military - do not try to play Rimbaud out of yourself - it is difficult to cope with the advancing military alone. In a few minutes, the firefight will move into the courtyards of the territory, where the Mole is defending, with the remaining stalkers. Do not hesitate, because the death of the Mole will do you no honor. During the battle, do not hesitate to shoot at fuel barrels and throw grenades, but do it carefully - if one of the neutral stalkers dies through your fault, you will become an enemy to your own.
Also, don't forget to pick up one of the AK-74s that are regularly dropped by the military. By now, you should already have a good supply of 5.45 caliber ammo, but don't forget to pick up captured weapons and unload them - defeated enemies sometimes have few ammo left in machine gun magazines. Actually, this applies to any weapon in the game.
If everything went well, and you managed to save the Mole, then he will take you to a safer place, where he will indicate the further path - the dungeon, where the Strelka's cache is located.

**On the way, you can look at the swamps that are located to the north of the research institute - there is a very useful and expensive artifact, and also, in the car in the middle of the swamp, there is a colorful character - a deserter. It can give a lot of useful information about the location of the entrances to the Agroprom dungeons and the presence of soldiers there**

Dungeons of Research Institute "Agroprom"

Once in a dark corridor, immediately examine the body of the stalker under your feet. Further,
quietly go to a small staircase that leads down. Without turning on the flashlight, from a sitting position, throw a grenade into the center of the room (approximately between the columns). If there are no grenades - just shoot there and retreat around the corner. In response, you should already be flying bullets and strong expressions. Carefully peeking out from behind the shelter, which are not standing near the boxes, with the flashlight already on, assess the situation. Most likely, 2-3 experienced bandits will be waiting for you in the first room, followed by a couple more. The firefight will end quickly if you "grope" in the dark for a barrel of fuel - it stands at one of the supporting columns. By shooting at it, you will significantly damage the enemy and will be able to go down into the room itself relatively painlessly.
A small staircase on the right side of the room leads to a corridor filled with "electra" anomalies - if you already have experience of passing through them (in other words, if you have already passed through the tunnel at the railway embankment on Kordon), you can try to go through here too, although this difficult task. On the other side of the corridor there will be a hole to a flight of stairs leading to the lower tunnels, where the cache of the Strelka group is located.
If the passage along the corridor seems too dangerous for you, then go to the next room and go down the spiral staircase. There you will find a corridor in the form of an arc, in which there are many acid anomalies - when they hit them, severe bleeding opens, so be prepared to use bandages. Further, we enter the main hall, in which there are many boilers, and rather weak lighting. Here you will have to quietly walk along the wall and try not to attract the attention of the military and the bloodsucker - ideally, they should meet each other and resolve mutual friction. If this did not happen, then F-1 grenades, which are in a small box near the right wall, can help you resolve issues with the bloodsucker (look straight when you enter the hall - there will be a slight rise - you go there). F-1 fragmentation is very large, and the blast wave leads to shell shock - use these grenades only if there is decent cover nearby.

** If you hold down the USE button (by default [F]), you can "highlight" nearby objects - the names of objects that are at a distance of no more than 3 meters from the player will be shown. A very useful feature, considering that in the dungeons you have to make your way almost by touch **

Here you can also find a valuable artifact "Hedgehog" - examine the center of the room. We carry out our searches only after cleaning the premises, because. while you are admiring the artifact, you may well be discovered by surviving opponents. Through the opening in the wall, exit into the adjacent, central corridor, and from there - into the far left, with more or less normal lighting. Most likely, you may meet the military there - try not to make too much noise, otherwise you will have to fight with two or three fighters, who also love to bypass from the back.
Having passed into the extreme corridor, we go along it a little further than the middle (the landmark is a broken ventilation near the right wall) - there will be a ventilation pipe on the opposite side of it - we climb into it and get into the Strelok's cache. In it, pick up a rapid-fire AK, grenades, AK cartridges, stalker armor (to the right of the entrance, in a box), an artifact (to the left of the entrance), and, most importantly, a flash drive, which is the logbook of the Strelka group - it lies behind the map. Information from the flash drive immediately gets into your PDA, where you can read it.
It is worth getting out through the central corridor - guided by the map, reach the lintel and the shaft with a spiral staircase. Climb to the upper levels and then go to the next tunnel near the surface. Along the way, you will meet mostly soldiers, and only at the end, in fact, at the finish line, you will expect an unpleasant "surprise" from the world of the Zone...

For documents!

After getting out of the hatch, you will find yourself on the territory of the western complex of the Research Institute of Agroprom. Try not to make noise - there are a lot of soldiers around: there are sentinels on the towers, sentries guard the exits from the territory, and the territory itself is patrolled. Your current task is to break through to the main building and pick up the documents that are on the third floor, in the temporary headquarters. If you were noticed, then I recommend not to be a hero, but to take up defense in one of the buildings and repel the attacks of the soldiers. After that, continue to move to the multi-storey building, to the upper floors. In advance, it is worth giving a turn on the loudspeaker, which informs the district about your presence at the base with a nasty siren (it is fixed above the entrance to the main building) - save unnecessary nerves.
You will have to be careful when entering the building. there are usually 3-4 fighters in it: look around the corner, throw grenades from shelters. In general, try not to run into a bullet. On the third floor, in a makeshift headquarters, in one of the tables you will find a white suitcase - this is the case with the documents. Having picked it up, you will receive a message from Sidorych that the military has staged another raid and it is not yet possible to return to it, however, he agreed with the Bartender, to which we must now keep on our way. The bartender, in turn, agreed with the outpost of Duty in the Garbage to let you through to the Rostock factory.
At about the same time, another batch of soldiers will arrive at Agroprom - the location is now teeming with them. Retreating is through the far entrance to the base - there is less resistance. If you still ran into a patrol, then try not to arrange protracted skirmishes, because. they might call for help. Stay on the road, beware of packs of dogs and pseudo-dogs.

**If you have some space in your backpack, don't be lazy and go to the swamps that are in the "corner" of the location (see the map - a brown-gray puddle in the northwest of the location is the one). There you will meet some monsters, a deserter soldier who hid in a trailer in the center of the swamp, and you will also be able to find an excellent, and most importantly, safe artifact. Feel free to put it on your belt!**

Do not enter the territory of the eastern complex of the Research Institute - it is already under the control of soldiers and hired stalkers - immediately go to the transition to the Garbage. At the exit from the location you will meet a sentinel patrol. You can not stand on ceremony with them for a long time - carefully throw grenades at them. Along the way, you can also pick up artifacts around the Research Institute, but do it as carefully as possible - the soldiers are not asleep. It makes no sense to try to carry away all the artifacts - there are too many of them. And you will always have time to return to the location.

Rostock, "100 Roentgen", Bar

At the exit from the research institute, you will again run into the bandits - it is not necessary to deal with them all, just destroy a couple and quickly get out of there. If there is a desire to help the stalkers, then you can again destroy the bandits attacking the hangar - this way you can earn credibility with the Bartender, because. this is his territory and you receive rewards for tasks related to protecting the hangar from him. The path to the outpost of Duty will be marked with an arrow on the minimap - move in this direction, or go along the paved road, bypassing large piles of garbage - they emit a lot of light, and your protection from radiation still leaves much to be desired.
Closer to the outpost itself, you will become a member of a small skirmish with a wave of monsters going to the Duty checkpoint. If your help is sufficient, you will receive a stalker overalls as a reward. If not, you will still be let through. In any case, you need to talk to the Duty fighter at the gate - he is already aware of your appearance, and will let you through further. Carefully go around the anomalies behind the fence and at the crossing.
Once in the Bar location, go along the road on the right side, you will meet a flock of dogs at the moat - I hope you still have cartridges, because. you will have to shoot back, although this is not necessary - you can run to the fortification by the road, where the Duty fighters will already cover you. Go further, through the doors of the hangar, exit it and go left. If you get lost, follow the map and signs. The whole location is a habitable territory of the former Rostock factory, where the base of the Duty group, the 100 Roentgen bar and the Arena are located. Shooting at this location is not recommended, as stated by the sign in front of the entrance to the hangar, through which you pass into the courtyard. Go down to the bar and talk to the Bartender, give him the documents and you can throw off the extra swag. Complete quests to find the artifacts you already have and/or sell them (leave only the one that doesn't give side effects and is already hanging on your belt). Also, it is worth selling excess armor, weapons and ammo - find your bearings here, because. The choice of the Bartender is many times greater than that of Sidorych. In general, try to keep about 300-400 rounds of ammunition for the main weapon, 5 grenades (it is better if it is not only F-1), 10-15 first-aid kits, 20 bandages and 10-15 pcs. antiradina.
The remaining cartridges for the Viper-5 will be useful for you for the Volker pistol (buy this miracle of the German military-industrial complex). The machine itself, if you still have it, you can sell - in extreme cases, you can always pick it up from a defeated bandit, of which, in the near future, you will meet quite a few on your way. The Volker is a fairly common pistol, and even if it gets damaged from using explosive bullets, you can always pick up a new one. I recommend throwing extra power supplies, artifacts, first-aid kits and swag into the blue box, to the left of the counter - do not be afraid, no one will look in there and steal nothing. Also, you should get the latest news and information about groups, organizations and nearby objects from the Bartender. For example, it is worth finding out what the Arena is.

**The Arena is an analogue of the Colosseum in Ancient Rome - all willing stalkers, or those who simply have no way out (lost, or got caught by stalkers for serious violations and were exiled to the Arena to atone for their sins) can take part in the fight for life. The winner is rewarded and honored, the loser... perishes. After passing all the stages of the Arena, you will raise more than 10,000 money, and you will be considered an experienced professional stalker. However, only experienced players will be able to pass the Arena, because. some steps are quite difficult**

Documents from X-18

You can almost immediately take the next plot task from the Bartender - to bring documents from the X-18 laboratory. At first it may seem that this is just another task, like a trip to Agroprom, but the problem is that the bartender does not know the exact location of the X-18 (or pretends not to know), and you won’t be able to get there right away - you need the second part the key, which is located at the leader of the bandits - Borov. It is to him that the Bartender sends you.
Hog is in his lair - an unfinished complex, in the location of the Dark Valley. The path to it lies through the Landfill, so first you need to return again by the already known path to the transition between locations. To find the transition, we are guided by the map and try not to go where we should not. Having gone to the location of the Landfill (again, do not forget about the anomalies), we go straight across the field, where the wave of mutants came from. Having reached the destroyed workshop, you will most likely meet bandits with whom there is only one conversation - everyone is at an expense. Be careful, because one of them sat down on top, on the remains of the wall. We look at the map and go to the transition between locations, to which the arrow points. Try to overcome a small dead grove as quickly as possible - the radiation background on it is very high.

** Having run to the very passage to the Dark Valley, do not rush to leave the Landfill - look around. Usually, to the right of the passage, at the foot of the hill, there are several anomalies, between which lies a valuable artifact - this is another of the artifacts that is worth putting on a belt - it has no side effects, its cost is 5000 rubles, although it is highly not recommended to sell it **

Before the transition, use antiradin to remove the received dose of ionizing radiation from the body.

dark valley

Upon entering the Dark Valley, you will see how the Duty fighter - Bullet, is interrogating a wounded bandit - come closer and listen to the conversation. From it it will become clear that the scouts sent by Bartender were ambushed and now Bullet is trying to get his comrades out of captivity. At the end of the "conversation" you can finish off the thief and pick up supplies.

**You will find another valuable artifact near the stone, which is located at the transition to the location - walk with the "use" button pressed at the foot of the boulder, look carefully under the trees and bushes, you can jump on top of it. The found artifact "Mom's Beads" gives +5 to protection against bullet wounds. If you didn't find it this time, don't be discouraged and look next time you pass here**

At this time, Dolgovets will ask you to help him free his comrade - to set up an ambush on the path of the bandits in order to recapture the second scout of the group. It's up to you to help him or not, but completing these quests will help you quickly gain a good reputation for the Duty group. In addition, in case of a successful outcome, you will receive valuable information about the situation in the Dark Valley, and no less valuable PSO-1 - a sight for AK-74.

**Follow Bullet - upon arriving at the ambush site, he will tell you what to do: hide at the bus stop and wait for the bandits to come closer. Carefully remove the guard without hitting the prisoner, and you can safely ask Bullet for your reward **

Now keep your way either to the main entrance to the fenced base of the bandits, or you can try to get into the territory unnoticed, through the sewers - the path is indicated on the map with marks. The first solution is suitable for those who are too lazy to bypass the base on the left side and pretend to be Bond - the result, in principle, will be the same - you will enter the territory, just do it less gracefully and quietly.
With the first option, everything is clear - beware of stray bullets, shoot from cover, try not to let anyone get into your back, and the flanks are well shot through.
If you still decide to go as shown on the map, then remember that having penetrated the communications and moving along the moat in the courtyard, you cannot turn on a flashlight or night vision, and you can only move while sitting, so as not to be noticed by sentries. Also, the enemy can hear you draw or put away your weapon, or switch the rate of fire. There is nothing to say about reloading and changing the type of ammunition - it is heard very well, so take care of all the details before you go into the sewers: the weapon must be loaded and set to automatic firing mode. It is better not to use the sight - it will not be useful at close range, and will only interfere, blocking a significant part of the view. You can always wear it.
If you were careful enough, no one would notice you. Once at the wall of the garage, climb onto the pipes and jump out the window - from now on, you can not really keep silence, because. you need to act quickly, otherwise the effect of surprise will disappear and the meaning of all your efforts will disappear. Once at the garage gate, do not rush to leave it - assess the situation in the yard: there will be a pit in front of you, and two bandits who are holding one of the captured scouts at gunpoint - try to destroy the enemies before they execute Dolgovets. If you can’t, don’t worry too much, because. this will not affect your reputation in any way (unless, of course, you kill him yourself).

**Don't fall into the repair hole under the truck! If this still happened, then look around - under your feet you should have a brand new Abakan and 5.45 caliber cartridges - in fact, this is the same AK, but with improved accuracy and a little more powerful. It can also be equipped with PSO-1 and used in combat at medium distances, and a rapid-fire AK can be used indoors. To painlessly get out of the repair pit, quickly run and jump over the “heat” anomalies **

After destroying all the criminal elements that attack you in the outer perimeter, you can move on to clearing the buildings. It’s worth starting the sweep from a large garage - from the right inner wall it has a staircase leading to the upper floor - there is a passage to the neighboring unfinished red brick building - you will meet most of the enemies in it.
In the same “red” building, on the lower level, there is a warehouse, and in the basement there is a prison cell in which another Dolgovets sits (do not be lazy, when you destroy all the bandits, go down there and free him - again, this is a plus for you reputation and additional respect from the Duty group).
During the sweep, if you see the light of a lantern, or hear a conversation - do not be lazy to throw a grenade there before entering the room - this will help more than once. In the premises it is better to walk at a pace, without betraying your presence once again. Don't forget to look back as well. often enemies can go around and from the back.

**Sometimes it is worth using the PDA function to detect nearby stalkers - by default, pressing the [H] button (English layout) will show a list of all working PDAs within a radius of 50 meters (in other words, it will show all stalkers nearby). This information will help estimate the number and approximate composition of enemy forces**

Actually, it is not necessary to destroy everyone - you need to go to the office building, which is adjacent to the end of the brick "unfinished". However, the complete destruction of the enemy guarantees your safety - no one will be able to go into your back, no one will raise the alarm, in which case. There is a passage to the office building both on the second floor - two bandits will be waiting for you there, and on the first - through a hole in the wall, where you can also meet several enemies. The closer you get to the leader, the better armed his fighters will be - almost all the remaining bandits will be with AKs and shotguns, so get ready for powerful resistance. In one of the rooms on the second floor of the office building you will meet Borov - search his body to pick up the second part of the key from him (this will happen automatically).

**If during the sweep you meet a bandit in a long raincoat (but not Borov), then be sure to pick up his weapon - an assault Obokan with an integrated GP-25 grenade launcher. Borov can have several grenade grenades in his office, and the PSO-1 will perfectly complement the firepower of this weapon. Later, you will be able to return the Assault Obokan to its true owner - the Duty fighter, who is in the bar and drinks bitter about the loss of a valuable barrel **

The task in the PDA will be updated, and marks will appear where you should go next - being guided by them, leave the territory of the base and go towards the factory, which is indicated by the arrow on the minimap. The entrance to the laboratory is located in the basement of one of its buildings. On the surface, you will again meet bandits, it will not be difficult to deal with them - they act inconsistently and they can be safely removed one by one.

**If your stalker overalls are already worn out, you have the opportunity to upgrade them - check the small nook, to the right of the entrance to the factory room, behind a rusty iron fence. There will be pipes, and in them - a new stalker overalls, as well as 5.56 caliber cartridges, which will be useful to you in the future **

Get down to the basement and follow the door indicated on the minimap. After entering a small room, go to the door with a sign about high voltage - the loading of the next location will begin ...

Laboratory X-18

Having gone down to the laboratory, you find yourself in the "waiting room" - inspect the body of the stalker, which lies to the right of the elevator. He'll have some supplies and 5.45 caliber ammo. Next, you will enter a room with a massive armored door with a combination lock. The code can be taken into the PDA from a deceased scientist who had access to the lower level. His body lies in a small room at the end of the corridors with "hot" anomalies - you will have to run through them, or jump over from a running start - this way you will receive a minimum of damage. In the corridors you can meet snorks - they move quickly and jump far - do not let them close, make sure that they do not go around you from behind. Try not to waste ammo, because. You won't be able to replenish your stock anytime soon. If objects suddenly began to fly up in the room, this means that you are being greeted by one of the most mysterious creatures of the Zone - poltergeists. You will not meet them yet, although they already feel you. In one of the rooms with a bunch of boxes, you can meet a fiery poltergeist - he cannot be killed, but he flies only in this room.

**To mitigate the encounter with poltergeists and snorks, search the lockers in one of the rooms on this floor - they will contain excellent Monolith armor, an AK-74 with an underbarrel grenade launcher, some first-aid kits, antiradin, 2 charges for HP and artifacts. The grenade launcher itself can be detached and attached to a rapid-fire AK-74 if you haven't lost it yet**

Find and search the scientist's body. After listening to the message and receiving the code, return to the door, drive in the password on the panel - it will open. Get down. After leaving the stairs, there will be an elevator in front of you: remember it, because. you will continue to navigate through it. Also, you will immediately fall under the “shelling” of boxes, kegs and other rubbish from the floor. Try not to rush about, but dodge flying objects in time. To fight with poltergeists should be in close combat, with automatic weapons, because. getting into them is quite difficult - they look like a beam of energy flying in space above the ground. From contact with poltergeists, you will not get anything, so you can safely approach them point-blank. After death, they take on a more understandable form of legless mutants with a massive torso, turning into a head. Move around the rooms and corridors in zigzags, do not try to destroy several at once - deal with each one in turn, otherwise the disassembly with them may be delayed, and you simply won’t have enough ammo to continue through the location.
Until you kill the last poltergeist, the hell with flying objects will not end. It’s worth shooting not at the flying energy clot itself, but just below it - then the recoil will align the sight with it and most of the bullets will reach the target: an electric “discharge” floating in the air.
To the right of the above elevator there will be a corridor leading to another door with a combination lock. The corridor behind the elevator (straight when viewed from the stairwell) leads to empty walk-through rooms - from them it will be possible to get into a small room with a descent down. you there. After descending, two broken armored doors will appear in front of you, and behind them - a huge dimly lit hall in which you will have to deal with a pseudo-giant. Try not to let him get close to you - throw grenades, shoot with armor-piercing cartridges, shoot from an underbarrel grenade launcher - all means will do. A terrible-looking colossus, in fact, will not be very strong. Now you can safely search the body of the scientist, which lies in the far corner of the room. Listen to the message on his PDA, which, among other things, will also say the password to the door. If you didn’t have time to remember it, you can refresh the code in your memory through your notes, in the “history” section.

**Also, in this room you can find IL 86 - an English rifle chambered for the NATO 5.56 cartridge, and RPG-7. Both of them lie near the body of the scientist. It is up to you to decide whether to take this weapon or not, however, it does not differ in any special firepower or high price **

Return to the armored door, and do not be afraid that something bad is breaking towards you from that side. It will seem as if something is about to burst into the room, but this will not happen. When you open the door, you will also find nothing but old equipment and boxes. From the first room, you can go to a semicircular hall with flasks, in which there are inductors - do not stand still for a long time, because. you will immediately feel like you are being attacked by a powerful poltergeist. It is better to quickly run to the left, where there is an ascent to a room with capsules and wooden cabinets - search them, there will be a lot of scientific first-aid kits, anti-radians and about 200 rounds.
Entering back into the hall, go around the inductors on the left. At the same moment, the door should slam shut, and a “burning” poltergeist will fly into the room from the control room - this time you can kill him, although he has learned new tricks: try not to stand still, otherwise you will fall under a column of flame generated by him. Again, shoot just below the ball of fire, trying to fire no more than 5 - 6 rounds at a time. You can let him close to you - it will not do harm. After killing the monster, go up to the control room, from which this creature flew out, and take the documents. Around now, the main character will fall unconscious and you will be shown a plot video with the memories of the main character.

**It is worth watching all the inserts that will accompany the game - in addition to excellent direction and high-quality performance, you can learn a lot about the game's plot, the Zone, the Bullseye, and the events that precede the story that develops in the game**

When you come to your senses, you will immediately hear human speech and will be ready to literally run out and kiss the soldiers - do not rush. Firstly, these are military stalkers who work for the state and do not allow lone stalkers to approach them. Secondly, do not forget to inspect the room for documentation (if you did not have time to take it before the protagonist "fainted"), check the inventory for its presence. Get out of the laboratory the same way you came, but be careful - in almost every more or less spacious room you will encounter enemies. Also, they will be waiting for you at the top of the stairs. You can always estimate how many of them, as well as the level of their training, by pressing [H] (by default).
Upon reaching the surface, you will have a connection and you will receive a message from Sidorovich: he is glad that you are alive, but he warns that the passage to the Garbage is closed - there is a major cleansing of the military and they blocked the passage. You will have to go through the old tunnels, to which the asphalt road leads. Leave the underground level and go up to the upper floors - on the way you will have three fighters of different levels of experience, but it's still better than shooting with five military stalkers who are waiting for you at the main exit, on the street. Climb even higher - at the top you will find a few more RPG charges, and you can safely fire on the procession waiting for you from below. Next, exit the fire escape from the end of the building: there will be two more military men, who will not be difficult to deal with. Jump down and exit the factory area. Follow the paved road and the signs on the minimap towards the pig farm. On the bridge over the swamp, you may come across a patrol of military stalkers. After destroying them, continue moving past the pig farm and go through the gate to Cordon.


As it was said, you will appear from the old tunnels on Cordon, behind the ATP, which you stormed at the very beginning of the game. Don't be surprised if it's back under the control of the bandits - fighting takes place here daily, and the point changes hands several times a day. You can again participate in the "redistribution of property", but after that you still need to go to the village of stalkers, to Sidorovich - he will look at the documents that you got in the laboratory and will generously repay for it. He'd better sell all the cheap artifacts, buy AK ammo, and resupply.
While you are in the village, you will be offered to complete several side quests: steal documents from the military checkpoint (special task from the merchant) and help the stalkers fight off a group of mercenaries (You can take the quest from the Fan - Wolf's temporary deputy). Do not be lazy and do both - this will raise your reputation and significantly improve your well-being, also, with good luck, you can find a sniper Abakan from one of the mercenaries.
Having replenished supplies again, advance to the Bar by the already passed path - through the Garbage. Because The soldiers have again taken control of many strategic points, get ready to meet resistance at the outpost under the railway bridge and at the checkpoint at the transition to the Dump. Perhaps you will meet soldiers at the Dump location itself, but when you reach the outpost of Duty, you can relax - you will not meet anyone else.
Having reached the bar "100 X-ray", talk to the Bartender: he will deal with the documents and indicate a further plan of action. I recommend not to sell Abakan with an integrated GP and a rapid-fire AK (with GP-25 and PSO-1 hung on it). You can return the assault Abakan with the GP to Dolgovets, who is standing opposite the counter - it was he who owned it until he lost it during one of the raids. And the rapid-fire AK will still serve you in the next task, on which you can go this very minute ...

Search laboratory X-16

If you do not yet have a weapon chambered for 5.56 rounds, then take the battle-tested rapid-fire AK with GP-25 and PSO-1. Also, I would recommend selling the IL-86 found in the X-18 (if you took it at all), because. the weight of this weapon is criminally large compared to its fighting qualities. Moreover, in the near future you will be able to get hold of more ergonomic and powerful weapons of this caliber. Also, take with you those 5.56 cartridges that were left from the last campaign - they will come in handy in the Wild Territory: abandoned warehouses and buildings of the Rodnik plant, the railway station, and then - Yantar are waiting for you. No less wild territory, with many monsters and mutants, as well as a scientific station, to which you should keep your way. According to Bartender, the scientists know where the entrance to the X-16 lab is and can help find the missing documents. Look for the road to the Wild Territory by the arrow on the minimap - it will indicate the path to the transition between locations.
Approaching the buildings on the opposite side of the square, you will hear the negotiations of the mercenaries. It becomes clear that they will not meet you with bread and salt - hiding behind trees and objects, shoot at the gaps in the walls of the second floor and windows, preventing them from opening aimed fire at you. Run across until you're right under the wall, or get within grenade throw distance. A couple of RGD-5s will solve problems with the forward detachment.
In the corridor on the first floor, you can meet another mercenary, and then - only after leaving the building. They already know about your appearance, so it will not be superfluous to throw a grenade into the breach. When you go out, try not to lean out immediately into an open place - a fighter with optics is sitting on the tower. Among other things, I advise you to choose the best of the samples of trophy barrels - the mercenaries are mainly armed with Western weapons of 5.56 caliber, so you will not have problems with these ammunition. Also, the mercenaries can find a detachable Susat sight, which can be attached to any weapon with a Picatinny rail (that is, in fact, to any weapon made by NATO countries). Go to the left side, along the warehouse with an open door (which you should not enter - the background is very high there.) Climbing the railway platform, you will be shown a scripted battle scene, you will be asked to help the scientists fight off the mercenaries. The mercenaries, not being particularly friendly, will fire at you, so it’s not worth standing still for a long time - go towards the fallen helicopter through the railway track, be careful, because. you can meet enemy fighters.
You will have to answer the call for help, because. Professor Kruglov, has important information. Helping him, you will immediately get the location of a group of scientists, and this is a guarantee of completing the main quest - finding the X-16 laboratory. Break through to the downed helicopter, destroying the mercenaries along the way. Be careful, because even an accidental hit on any of the scientists will immediately reset all your achievements, and you will become the same enemy for them as the Wolfhound's thugs.
Having reached Kruglov, talk to him, he will ask you to take him to Yantar, where their scientific camp is located. Try not to lose sight of it, look around, and look back - when you reach the crane, you will clash in battle with two groups of opponents at once - some will advance from the construction site, others will catch up with you from behind. This can be avoided if you repulse the attack from behind in advance, and then throw a grenade around the unfinished three-story building near the crane.
In the area of ​​​​the change house behind the crane, you will be ambushed, therefore, having dealt with those who remain alive at the construction site, hurry up to get ahead of Kruglov: go to the change houses first and immediately throw grenades towards the plates near the cars. Then act according to the situation, but there are almost no mercenaries on your way. The professor, having reached the bridge, will stop and give some instructions. Passing under the bridge with the anomalies "Heat" should be in the center, "chatting" the anomalies and checking which side is safer to bypass the supporting columns.
Also, you may meet very inadequate comrades - these are zombies. They look like ordinary stalkers, but they completely lack the instinct of self-preservation and the desire to think. However, one should not hope that they have lost the ability to shoot - on the contrary, they do it very aptly, while uttering various offensive words in your direction. In order not to hear them, and also, in order not to get under heavy fire, shoot at the zombies from a distance, trying not to stand still, as far as the terrain allows. Aim for the head - for other parts of the body it is unwise, because. you will need many times more cartridges to hit the target, and you need to save ammunition.
If you see that the zombie has fallen and is still moving, finish it off, otherwise it will get up and open fire again. After passing under the bridge, wait for Kruglov. He is packed in a protective suit, so there is no need to worry about his life - he will calmly overcome all anomalies and, coming out to you, will continue his way. When you bring the scientist to the middle of the road, he will say that he can get further himself - go up to him and take the well-deserved reward: a flash drive with data, for which the Bartender will generously pay you.


A scorched desert stretches in front of the main character, which was previously a lake, from where water was taken for the cooler. Do not be surprised by the operational space given to the player. Now the lake is just a miserable swamp inhabited by snorks and crazy stalkers. In the center of the former lake there is a camp of scientists, where you should go. You may encounter zombies along the way, so be on the lookout.
Entering the bunker, watch a scripted scene in which Sakharov is trying to persuade Kruglov to go get material for research. Your recent companion, after jogging through the Wild Territory, flatly refuses to walk around the Zone alone, which is not surprising. When their dialogue is over, Kruglov will move away, and you can talk with Sakharov - you can sell him artifacts (he will, of course, give a higher price than ordinary merchants), as well as pick up the reward due to Kruglov for help - the orange SSP-99 "Ecologist ” (a lighter version of the green spacesuit worn by the professor).
Sakharov will tell that he roughly knows the place of entry to X-16, but he will warn that there is a high level of psy-radiation, and the previous expedition was not successful. In order not to repeat the fate of his colleagues, he asks you to help calibrate the equipment that will reduce the level of radiation. To do this, you will have to accompany Kruglov, who will do all the work - you just have to cover him from zombie attacks and other creatures of the Zone. Before leaving, I recommend buying a little 5.56 from Sakharov and throwing all the extra items into the box that is in the rest room - after the task you will still return to the camp of scientists. But do not lay out either the new suit or the old armor from the inventory - they can come in handy. Talk to Kruglov and move forward. I recommend saving before leaving.
Once out, look for any zombies, or snorks, that you might come across on your way to a small tunnel northwest of the main exit from the science camp. Opponents should be destroyed in advance so that they do not have time to injure the scientist - his health will come in handy a little later. We go to the tunnel, where Kruglov takes the first measurement and for the first time we feel the movement of the earth ... Entering the tunnel, try to go ahead of the scientist - in the tunnel you will meet a couple of unpleasant types. Make sure they don't hurt your companion. Coming out of the tunnel, immediately shoot at all living things, covering the scientist with yourself. At the exit, the Professor will take another measurement, and you will again feel the earth move under your feet. You will make the third measurement near the rusty skeleton of the bus. At the same time, an ejection will occur, which the scientist will inform you about. The protagonist will again fall unconscious and memories will pop up in his memory. Waking up already inside the bus, you will hear Kruglov muttering something. This is where you will find out how well you defended him: if you didn’t “clean” the sector enough, or allowed the scientist to be injured, then zombies or snorks will have time to finish him off. If you skillfully destroyed the adversaries, then you will have time to raise the professor to his feet and leave before he is shot by some stray zombie.

** The machine gun that Kruglov was carrying fell out of his hands - do not be lazy and pick it up, and when the scientist gets to his feet - throw it in front of him. He will pick it up again. Otherwise, he will run around with a gun, which can make it difficult for you to accompany him **

After going to the laboratory in the same way, talk with Sakharov - the scientist will tell you where you can find the coordinates of the X-16 laboratory and give you protection against PSI radiation. It will allow you to stay in close proximity to the source for some time. Do not take off your regular body armor, because. first you go to the swamps, where there will be almost no exposure to radiation, and almost no radiation. For now, you can put the scientific overalls in the blue box in the room next to Sakharov.
Leave the scientific station and go behind the fence. After leaving, turn right and go along the fence - there are less chances to meet "extra" monsters. Having reached the swamps, look around - first you should destroy the zombies that are on land, closer to you, because. they move quite briskly and can surround you if you decide to go into the water. By the way, I do not recommend you to do this - first you should clean the area near the helicopter, where the body of the scientist with coordinates X-16 is located. Search it and listen to the latest recordings - in addition to the laboratory, they will also mention the Ghost - a stalker who was part of the Strelka group. Leave the swamps the same way so as not to meet with a flock of snorks. Stop by the scientists to pick up your suit and resupply if needed. Also, if you killed several snorks and they turned out to have a “snork leg” suitable for sale, give it to Sakharov on the corresponding quest.
It's time to put on a scientific suit and go inside the Amber factory (be guided by the entrance to the laboratory on the minimap). Get used to the fact that the Ecologist has almost no bullet protection - you can be killed with a few hits, so do not allow close contact with armed zombies. Don't feel sorry for grenades - from now on, they will be encountered quite often in the game. Pick up all the bandages and first-aid kits from the corpses, because. there will be nowhere to replenish supplies, and you won’t be able to escape without losses - zombies very quickly restore their “population” on the territory of the plant, and snorks and anomalies organically complement them.
After entering the territory, go to the truck on the road. After encountering several zombies, you can retreat to a dilapidated building to the left of the entrance. Having dealt with them, I recommend looking into the hangar without a roof, located on the left side of the plant. Through it, you can go into the flank of the zombies and two or three snorks who have sat around the fire. Before you go out in direct line of sight to the fire, throw a couple of grenades in that direction, you can deal with the Snorks from here - they will attack one at a time, so they won’t cause any special problems. Check the electrical substation booth against the left wall (look from the burning barrel where the zombies stood) - there is a fresh stalker overalls and some medical supplies. Enter the building and go down, watch the platforms - they can meet zombies, and there is also an anomaly "hot". Don't forget to unload your selected weapon of your caliber, as You won't be able to replenish your ammo stock anytime soon.

X-16 complex

At the entrance to the laboratory, you will be met by zombies and a snork that can attack from behind. Go to the elevator shaft, go down. The laboratory is a through complex, so you will always or almost always have to go straight ahead.

**After going down one flight, look at what lies in the shield on the opposite side of the elevator shaft - perhaps there is a valuable artifact waiting for you, or a good weapon!**

Having descended, the best option would be to immediately climb into the control cabin - the ladder by which you can climb into it is located to the left of the elevator shaft (do not hesitate, because a monster can notice you from the next room and a fight will start - now there will be a loss of time not the best option). Climbing into the cabin, shoot the zombies on the rise from above. Get down and go straight - another one or two snorks should run out to meet you. Having dealt with them, go down the corridor, prepare to meet with a group of zombies - it's better to immediately throw several F-1s towards the wooden fence - the barrels will detonate and you will destroy several zombies at once, the rest will already be significantly injured and will not pose any particular danger. Continue down the corridors, but don't forget to check the racks for the blue and white crates - they're full of medkits, bandages, and 5.45 ammo (just in case you run out of 5.56, you can always pick up a captured AK and fight with it until you have enough ammo for your main weapon). Further, there will be a small corridor and an entrance lined with boxes in the fence - do not break them. Two grenades thrown forward will save you from encountering monsters. Next, go out into a large room with a multi-level structure, and a psi-emitter in the center. You have about 5 minutes to go through all the levels and turn off the four switches that power the emitter. This time is enough, the main thing is not to linger too much on zombies that will catch up with you from below and meet on the way. On one of the floors, you can get into the "frying" anomalies - be careful when crossing the central span. Having reached the top and turning off the last switch in the control room, the main character will “turn off” again. To understand the plot of the game, this video will be very useful - a lot will fall into place.
After him, your task is to pick up the documents from the body of the Ghost and get out of the laboratory - exit the control room and go right, up the rise - into the corridor. There you will meet zombies. Having reached the massive door, do not rush to enter it - prepare for a meeting with the controller. After fighting with him, search the corpse of the stalker (Ghost) - he will have interesting records in the PDA about Strelok and their group, which are worth listening to carefully, as well as documents. Also, it is highly desirable to pick up a body armor with special properties. You will have to leave the laboratory through the tunnels - to get into them, go to the far right cell, in the floor of which there will be a hole - you go there. Check the white and blue suitcases and jump into the communication.
In the tunnels you will often be attacked by snorks, get ready that they will crawl out from almost every hillock - use grenades. The tunnel itself is a system of closed communications, so you won't get lost here - you just need to follow straight ahead all the time and not deviate from the path at the fork. In the middle of the tunnel you may meet a pseudo-giant - don't let him get close. You will be leaving the tunnel almost at the swamps, having got out, Sakharov will contact you. He will notify that they called helicopters and say that you did a great job.
Don't forget about snorks and zombies, go to the camp of scientists. Talk to the professor - he will thank you for turning off the brain burner, giving you a new, even more advanced scientific suit. Take a quest from him to find a unique stalker costume and give him the Ghost armor - you will also receive a good reward for this. Next, you should sell the orange suit and restock. You can go to the Bartender: the meeting place with him cannot be changed. On the Wild Territory location, you will meet mercenaries, as well as a bloodsucker at the railway platform.

**If on the map you have a tip on the cache in the building of the railway platform, be sure to get into it and search the cache. It will contain the most successful armor for the Zone - Seva's overalls. You can climb inside the building through a hole in the roof, and you can get to the roof itself either from a neighboring building, or try to climb along the beam. There will be a high radiation background inside, so all of the above should be done in scientists' overalls **

Already at the exit from the Wild Territory, towards the Bar, you can meet snorks.

Cordon and Research Institute "Agroprom"

After completing the task with the psi-emitter, I do not recommend that you proceed immediately to the next story quest - for starters, you should look at the Cordon, to a certain Guide who knows where to find the Doctor. Equip yourself with a tattered stalker overalls and grab an old AK, on ​​which don't forget to hang a GP-25. Take a sight with you - this outfit will be enough for you for a short walk through familiar places. You won't need a lot of 5.45 caliber rounds - about 200 will suffice. You can also take a quest from the Bartender to destroy a group of bandits at the Agroprom - you will still be on your way ...
Go to the cordon in the usual way, through the Garbage, towards the checkpoint. In addition to packs of angry pseudo-dogs and bandits, you will not meet anyone. Go to the cordon and move along the marker to the destroyed house, in which at the beginning of the game you and Fox fought off a pack of dogs. The Guide will sit near the fire. He got his nickname for a reason: he knows the Zone inside and out, because. is one of the very first stalkers, and he is aware of a lot of what is happening in it. Talk to him - he will tell you that the Doctor has taken refuge in Strelok's hiding place and is waiting for him. Move to the Research Institute Agroprom. Having entered the Agroprom, go around the main complex and go to the hatch to which the Mole led you - in the same place, at the very descent down, kill all the bandits - this is how you complete the Bartender's task.
Go down, there again criminal elements, military and possibly a lone snork are waiting for you - it all depends on your own luck. Looking at the map, move towards the Strelka cache. Going up inside, you will get into a stretch - don't worry, this is normal. You will survive and not even lose health - the Doctor will pick you up. View the scripted scene with him - from this moment on, the player is finally made to understand that the Bullseye and the Shooter are one person. The doctor will talk about the fate of the group and mention Strelka's speculations about the Monolith - they were confirmed: the Monolith is an induced image from the laboratory under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. You can access the laboratory through a door with a combination lock. The decoder is hidden in Pripyat, and now you have its approximate coordinates in your PDA.
You wake up fast enough, but the Doctor is gone. Leave the dungeons in the same way, towards the western complex of the Research Institute. There the military will be waiting for you again - without arranging long skirmishes, get out of the location and go to the Spring, to the Bar. You will have the same encounter with bandits and the same firefights as before, only in a slightly different role - now you have good weapons and armor, and it will not be difficult to deal with the once powerful enemies.


When you return to the Bar, do not forget to change your stalker's overalls for a newer copy, or the recently found "Seva". The bartender, among other things, will say that Duty is interested in you - now you can go to their base and receive quests from General Voronin, as well as buy ammo and supplies from their supplier. The main story task will now be to turn off the "brain burner" at the Radar location. This task will require good weapons and a lot of ammunition, as well as armor - if you still don’t have Seva and any weapons chambered for PBO-9, then you will have to visit the Army Warehouses before going to the Radar, where you can get hold of all of the above. Also, you will need antiradin and first-aid kits - the Radar will be guarded by the fighters of the Monolith group - fanatics who worship a non-existent stone under the Chernobyl sarcophagus.
Your mini-tasks, before starting the main quest, will be to search for a supply of PAB-9 cartridges (SP-6, SP-5), Vintar VS and good armor. Completing Voronin's quest to find the TPc 301 with an optic redesigned in the manner of a sniper rifle, in case of successful completion, will solve the problem with Vintar. The TPc 301 itself with optics can be found in a small mercenary camp in the Army warehouses, behind the village of bloodsuckers. You can buy Vintar ammo from a merchant from Duty. Light and durable armor, in case you don't like Seva, can be obtained from the Freedom group, whose base is also located in the Army warehouses. Complete a couple of neutral quests for them, like destroying a flock of wild boars near the base, and killing a traitor, and you will get a good deal and a good discount on goods from their huckster. Quests can be taken both from Lukash - the leader of the "Freedom", and from third-party stalkers from the group. Along the way, you can pick up a GP37 from someone, which is one of the best representatives of the weapons of the NATO countries - the lethal force of this barrel is enough to deal with even enemies in exoskeletons without any problems.

** In principle, the execution of intermediate tasks is not so important, i.e. you can easily complete the brain burner with TPc 301, or even with AK, but the passage will be very difficult, and you will lose a pretty interesting part of the game **

Having received everything you need, go to the "barrier" - the outpost of Freedom between the locations of the Army warehouses and the Radar. If you are on good terms with the fighters of this group, then you will easily repulse the attack of the Monolith, which happened inopportunely before your arrival. I recommend not to go on the rampage - if several Liberty fighters die, then you will have a chance to get hold of GP37 without any problems. Moreover, the battle will not be easy - many Monolith soldiers are dressed in exoskeletons and heavy armor, and are armed with 9mm VLA special machine guns (PAB-9 cartridges) and AK.


Upon entering the location, immediately get used to some isolation - you will not be able to get close to the rocks, as well as to equipment and objects - they emit a lot of light. Go straight ahead - the checkpoint should not cause you any difficulties, however, even before it, on the right side you can find a bag with VOG-25. If you have a GP-25 weapon, this will be a great stock for the future. Going out to an open area, don’t really “shine” - on a hill there is a trailer on which a sniper sat down with an SVD-63. It is worth dealing with him after you destroy simple fighters with AK, it is advisable to use Vintar VS, or some kind of accurate weapon, because. you won’t be able to get close to the sniper - in open space you can lose to him. Go further along the road (you have nothing to do in the red forest, because even if you go through it, you will find yourself almost in the center of the Monolith field camp - it will be easier to surround and destroy you there). It is easier to walk along the road without pressing against the rocks, because. they have a lot of anomalies and a high radiation background - try to go covertly, because. up the road, a monolith patrol and another sniper are already waiting for you.
Check the boxes near the tank - there may be a couple of grenades there, which will be very useful, throw a few up the road - this will create a revival in the camp of the enemy, and also allow you to deal with the fighters in a fairly calm environment. Having dealt with the next patrol, go up the hill. At the turn of the road behind the rock, get ready to meet the RPG-7 fighter. At best, he won't even have time to shoot. If this happens, do not hope that five meters will be enough to get away from the explosion - run until you hear it. Heal and try again. Also, several fighters can come out to you from the right side of the road, from the rocks - they will be armed with AK and do not pose any particular danger. After killing the grenade launcher, do not rush to go to the camp - kill the sniper on the tower. This will allow you to easily move between shelters. You will have to repulse the counterattack from the camp, and finish off the remaining fighters in it.

**If your armor is already pretty battered, then you can take the one that lies in the trailer on the territory of the field camp - there is Beryl 5M. Protection is so-so, but if you have no other choice, then you should take **

Be careful not to get hit in the back by zombies - they can exit through the hole in the fence and go around the fence while you deal with more intelligent enemies.

**After coming to the fork, you can look into the Camp of the Desperate - a small dead end on the map, to the right along the road. There you will meet quite lively resistance, but the prize will be charges for the M203 underbarrel grenade launcher **

Further you will meet several more snipers (right on the road, in the back of the lawn, as well as on the "balcony" on the left side of the road), and two patrols. Coming out to the rise, you will stumble upon single pockets of resistance, which do not pose a particular danger. Only once you can be disturbed by dropping fuel barrels down, but this is not a problem - shoot at them as quickly as possible and the problem will be solved. As you get closer to the Scorcher's antennas, you will be increasingly visited by phantoms - induced images of monsters that are not dangerous, but very distracting. When they attack, your health bar does not decrease - only the level of protection of the brain from influences slightly decreases, but this is not critical.
Go further, destroying the fighters on the towers and patrols at the gate. You can also make your way here by climbing over the fallen tree behind the fence, but you should not do this - you will find yourself in the very center of the base, from where you will be visible from all sides. On the territory of the base, the problem will be a sniper on one of the antennas and a dozen fighters who are scattered throughout the territory. Your goal is a tunnel, the entrance to which is blocked by a wagon. Pass through the above car inside, deal with the guards and enter the X-10 laboratory ...

Laboratory X-10

Do not think that these are just another dark basement that you were scared of in the X-16 and X-18 laboratories. No, everything here is quite civilized and habitable, if this term is generally applicable to these buildings.

**In the boxes next to the red containers are shells for the GP-25, if you have this weapon, they will be very useful**

Go through the corridors to the big room. Try not to make noise, because Several bloodsuckers roam the territory of the laboratory. You don't need to collect any door keys or look for hidden rooms, so just follow the sign forward through the corridors and rooms. In one of the large halls where you will definitely meet the controller, check the boxes on the shelves - replenish the stocks of scientific first-aid kits and cartridges. Also, in the far corner of the room lies F-1. Go down the stairs and go through all the rooms to the boiler rooms. In the farthest room, go up the stairs and go through a rather narrow corridor to the control room for the brain burner. Walk along the right side to the knife switch and pull it... The shooter will fall unconscious again...
After waking up, you will hear the voice of the monolith - the legendary black stone, which supposedly grants the wish of anyone who touches it. As you know from a conversation with the Doctor, this is just an induced hallucination from the laboratory under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant ... Your main task remains to search in Pripyat for a cache with a decoder and documents that the Doctor spoke about. Move on the way back, but the Monolith fighters will already be waiting for you, who will in every possible way prevent your advance to the surface. Rooms should be cleared with grenades. Move quietly to have at least some superiority over the enemy. Fighters in the exoskeleton kill only well-aimed bursts in the head. If it was not possible to kill immediately, then retreat, because. even a short firefight can greatly affect the health and the number of first-aid kits and bandages. At the exit from the laboratory, a bloodsucker can expect you.
Going back to the Radar, you will find that the situation has brightened up a bit due to the arrival of the military, who are actively clearing the area from the remnants of the Monolith. Move forward to a small camp at the base, to the left of the exit from the laboratory, on a hill. In one of the trailers you will find an improved Freedom Armor. It provides excellent protection against bullets and anomalies, although there is a downside - night vision without digital signal processing. Go back to the crossroads with a stop and the skeleton of the UAZ - there you will find an epic scene of dismantling Freedom and Duty. If you have a good relationship with both factions, then you can look at the outcome of the battle and profit from ammo and good weapons (G36, VAL), as well as replenish the pretty empty stocks of medicines and supplies in general. Where to go next is up to you. You can immediately go to Pripyat, or return to Bar and move forward to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with fresh forces.


In the city, you will immediately find yourself in the thick of things - professionals are already around the corner, whom Barman mentioned in the radio message. You can join them, they will help you get to the underground garages... Although, the question of who will help whom is still open. If it seems to you that the firefight is too violent, then you can go to the parallel street on the left side - there are several unpleasant anomalies, however, it is calmer here. When you reach an open area with a statue, do not rush to go around the corner - snipers with gauss rifles may be waiting for you. Check the rooftops on the opposite side and only then exit. Try to look not only above, but also below - there are many fortifications made of sandbags, behind which the Monoliths sit. While “jogging” along Pripyat, pay attention to the upper floors and lower tiers of shops and institutions - most often the battles go for strategic points from which you can go further to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Your task is to find a hotel - a fairly simple mission, because. you cannot miss the hotel - it is the only more or less calm place in the whole city. Entering it, you will immediately receive a label on the number on one of the floors. It is symbolic that the room will be at number 26, because the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on April 26 ... Move quietly around the hotel, paying attention to the windows overlooking the park, to the Ferris wheel - at least two soldiers with Gauss rifles are sitting there, and a little to the left of the wheel, on the roof of the neighboring building, a fighter with an RPG-7 is sitting. After collecting the documents in the room, the decoder and updating the armor, if you need it, go through the buildings towards the stadium - the entrance to it will be marked with a marker. In the open area in front of the entrance to the stadium, watch out for a broken fire truck, which almost always has two fighters with Abakan, and behind the building on the left side - from there you can be seen by several Monoliths in exoskeletons. Having reached the place, you can immediately go to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, just by going close to the entrance, or you can go through the stadium itself. To do this, you need to move to the right, to the emergency entrances - a rod will be torn out in the fence, through which you will get to the stands. However, there is nothing new and interesting at the stadium - a few fighters with RPGs and some valuable artifacts that actually do not make any sense anymore - it is almost the end of the game and there is simply nowhere to put them.


This location can be divided into several parts - in the first you are a victim, which is driven not only by numerous enemies, but also by a timer until the ejection. In the second, you are a hunter looking for the right path.
You appear in a relatively safe place, but after 20 meters ahead you will meet a Monolith sniper, and behind you the military will already be pushing you. Do not hesitate and check all the corpses - many of them are decorations left from past waves of attacks on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Get closer to the concrete fence. After passing through the fortified railway entrance, run across closer to the walls of the station. Already from there you will be able to remove snipers relatively without losses and “clean up” your rear. Do not try to destroy everyone - it is almost impossible, and you have very little time. Walk along the wall and don't worry too much about radiation and enemies chasing you from behind - if you lose sight of them, they will find something else to do - there will be a lot of military at the station, and support helicopters will not let the remaining Monolith soldiers get bored. Having reached the gate, go inside without delay - almost simultaneously with you, an armored personnel carrier will drive up to them. For Strelok to die, a few hits from his machine gun are enough. There may be a couple fanatics inside, but that won't be a problem anymore compared to the fight outside. Get down into the hatch - this completes the first part of the location ...
Now you must find the entrance to the laboratory under the station, which projects the Monolith in the sarcophagus. Although you can find the entrance to the sarcophagus itself - it's up to you. Let me just say that the endings with the Monolith are wrong, and we will not analyze them in the passage. In the first corridor you will be met only at the turn - a couple of grenades will kill both fighters in exoskeletons. Further, it is better to go a little further down the corridor and kill two more fanatics who are sitting at the end of the corridor. You can also take supplies there if you go down the stairs - check the room with a background radiation. Further, difficulties will be at the exit through a hole in the wall - there are about 7 fighters waiting for you. Many are best killed by looking out of the doorway at the hole. When they stop coming out from behind him, go yourself and finish off the rest of the squad. After collecting everything you need, look for the stairs up. Climb quietly along it, without turning on the lantern - on the platforms you will meet two or three Monoliths. In general, you can throw grenades at the upper levels, however, you need to do this carefully - the grenades can roll down, and most likely kill you. Once you reach the level, you will again encounter a bunch of enemies that will push from both sides. Having dealt with them, go to the neighboring corridors. There you can find the entrance to both the sarcophagus and the laboratory. Go to the opening with a red flashing beacon above the entrance - there will be a ladder. If you follow the right path, the task will change and it will be shown that you have found the entrance to the laboratory. It's almost like that - you need to open it. Go to the door and click on it to use (Use) - the decoder will start transcoding, and you will start to have problems - the monolith commandos will come out of the portal that opens behind you. Throw grenades in their direction and destroy them with well-aimed bursts in the head. Don't try to kill everything and everyone - it's hard, especially on higher difficulty levels. Just wait for the door to open and retreat there.
Next, you will have a long shootout in the corridor - first, clear the corridor that goes straight to the doors - from there you will often be taken out by opponents armed with Thunder and G36. In the left corridor you will be met by two, with a shotgun and FN2000 (I highly recommend picking up this weapon, instead of a battered G36), and on the right - two snipers with gauss rifles. Having dealt with everyone, go further along the corridors, watching the small rooms - almost every one has one or two fighters. I think you already understood that grenades will help you quickly and effectively clear these rooms. In the control room you will encounter about 5 enemies. Almost all can be destroyed intelligently by throwing a couple of F1s into the room. Next, you will enter a room with lanterns set in a circle and a monolith hologram in the center. Break them - they are responsible for signal transmission under the sarcophagus. After each destroyed battery, fiery poltergeists will materialize in the room, in the manner of the one under the first burner. After destroying all the elements, a scientist from the "o-consciousness" - a group of researchers responsible for the Zone - will come into contact with you. I recommend asking him as many questions as possible - this will help you better understand the plot of the game and, perhaps, help you find the answer to the main question - what is the Zone. At the end of the dialogue, the scientist will ask you if you want to join them. Further, it's up to you - you can join them and get one correct ending, or refuse and continue playing one more level, after which there will be another, correct, in my opinion, ending. The level will consist of the Chernobyl sarcophagus and many portals that, at the end of the path, will lead you to the room where the o-consciousness scientists lie who control the noosphere. Your choice is to destroy them. Whether you did the right thing or not is up to you. You may never know the answer to this question...

There are a large number of sites on the Web that specialize in the sale of devices for "cheating radars". And, as practice shows, most of these gadgets, if they deceive anyone, then only the users themselves - there is no sense from them. In this article, we will talk about the various devices used by motorists to protect against radars and cameras.

You should start with those means that are in fact completely useless.

Among the oldest methods of defense against radar is a CD suspended under the windshield. Theoretically, it should reflect the radar beam and prevent it from reading the vehicle's speed. This tool is completely useless. The better the reflectivity of the car parts, the more accurately and from a greater distance the radar will record its speed. It is also believed that the disc will prevent the camera from taking a photo by bouncing the flash. However, one of the most common radars in Russia, VIZIR (like ISKRA, BINAR, RADIS, BERKUT), as well as stationary models like the ARENA and STRELKA models, work without an infrared flash.
Therefore, CDs under the windshield are a tribute to tradition and decoration, nothing more.

The so-called “photo blocker sprays” are also popular on the network - after the number has been processed using such a spray, the IR flash should be reflected from it and prevent you from taking a photo. However, as we said above, a significant part of modern traffic police radars do not use a flash. Therefore, all methods based on an attempt to “light up” the frame are not applicable to them.

The parade of useless means continues with the so-called "SPY-protection", it is also a frame for a number. IR LEDs are installed on the frame, which theoretically should distort or illuminate images from a distance of up to 60 meters. Price - 4,000 rubles, quite expensive (especially for a non-working tool). The power of the LEDs is not even enough to interfere with shooting at a distance of 5-10 meters. About tens of meters and say nothing.

Are there any ways to protect the number from cameras? There are several such ways. For example, a polarizing overlay, which makes the number plate indistinguishable when viewed from an angle. The price of such a film is from 3,000 rubles. However, it cannot be installed invisibly. And if the traffic police notice such a device installed on the car, they have every right to fine the driver (see).

Also among the prohibited means are the so-called radar detectors and shifters. Devices capable of distorting the signal of traffic police radars in order to make them give false readings really work and are sold in some online stores. However, we do not recommend using these gadgets, as their use can lead to much more serious consequences than a fine for exceeding (for more information about what kind of punishment may follow, see).

Radar detectors, which are also often called radar detectors by mistake, do not generate any radiation - they simply warn the driver about approaching the radar or camera, allowing you to slow down in advance. There are many popular brands, including Whistler, Beltronics, Cobra and Escort. The main drawback is the high price: it is problematic to purchase a quality device cheaper than 8-10 thousand.

Radar detection can also act as one of the functions of the car DVR. There are few such models on the Russian market of registrars; in large electronics sales networks, the Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD model is the most common. This registrar-combine is not cheap - 9,000 rubles. However, if you buy separately an HD recorder with a built-in GPS receiver and separately a radar detector, then it will most likely be even more expensive.

Highscreen Black Box Radar-HD captures the work of stationary and mobile traffic police posts, its main trump card is adaptation to all radars used in Russia. Operating Bands: X-band 10.525GHz ±25MHz, K-band 24.150GHz ±100MHz (90% of radars used by the traffic police operate in this band), Ku-band 13.450GHz ±100MHz, Ka-narrow band 33.890~34.11 GHz, Ka-low band 34.190~34.410 GHz, Ka-wide band 34.700 GHz ±1300 MHz
The built-in GPS-receiver allows the registrar to mark the coordinates of the car, the speed of movement and, if exceeded, warn the driver with an audible signal.

What is the most efficient way? The answer is simple: do not violate traffic rules. After all, they are designed to keep us safe on the road.

The Brain Scorcher is one of the strangest and most mysterious places in S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl. A gamer who decides to explore the expanses of the Zone for the first time will invariably stumble upon this location. On the one hand, this promises to reveal the secret of the appearance of zombies in the Zone, on the other hand, it helps to determine some of the plot aspects of the game.

The plot of the game

The action takes place in an alternative universe, where on April 12, 2006, the second one that contributed to the emergence of the Zone took place - a huge location filled with all sorts of anomalous areas of a different nature.

Wanting to investigate the causes, the government sends troops to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but the operation ends in failure. A decision is made to fence off the Zone, checkpoints are being erected on the approaches. Mostly scientists, military and SBU employees get inside.

Over time, mutated animals began to appear in the Zone. Rumors spread about the appearance on its territory of objects with unique abilities. Artifacts (that's what they were called) quickly gained demand on the black market, as some of them contributed to the rapid healing of wounds. This nuance contributed to the emergence of medical interest in amazing finds.

This led to the emergence of artifact hunters, who were nicknamed stalkers, they illegally entered the territory of the Zone in order to search for artifacts in order to sell them to scientists in the future.

"Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl"

The Brain Scorcher is not mentioned immediately in the prologue. First, the player is presented with a video of the crash of a truck carrying "cargo 200" as a result of a lightning strike. The stalker, who examined the crash site, discovers the main character, who soon receives the nickname Marked with a light hand from a local merchant named Sidorovich.

During the game, it turns out that the main character has lost his memory. How he ended up in the Truck of Death (as the local stalkers call transport with the dead, which periodically appear from the center of the Zone, as is commonly believed), is not clear. And the survivors have never been found before, because trucks always carry corpses.

In the process of exploring the Zone, the player discovers new locations in which various groups are engaged in quite ordinary life activities (search for artifacts, trade, sleep, search for prey, rest), in addition to war with each other and periodic looting.

psi radar

The first hints of the existence of some kind of mind control installation are the appearances in the game of zombified stalkers. They do not pose a particular threat, because they are easy to deceive and kill. There are only three problems:

  • Armed with firearms.
  • Often they are wearing bulletproof vests. To kill, you need to hit in the head.
  • A lone zombie is a rarity. They live mainly in large groups.

The second hint is the local folklore, which tells about the existence of the "Klondike of Artifacts" - Pripyat. But the path there is blocked by the mentioned burner. If the usual mutants of the Zone represent a certain degree of danger, then they can be shot. Some easily, some not. The "brain burner" can neither be touched nor shot, it cannot even be seen. It's just that the stalker falls within the field of action and becomes zombified.


Turning off the "brain burner" is not an easy task, but this is exactly what the main character needs to do. It is a station with old radar antennas converted into a psi-installation. In the bunker on the minus first floor there is a burner control center. Here, an improved model of the Kaimanov emitter sends pulses to the antennas, covering a wide area with a strong psi-field.

Everyone who finds himself within the field experiences clouding of consciousness or loses his mind. The territory is a fortified outpost of the Monolith group - fanatics protecting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and a certain "grandfather of desires", which, according to local folklore, is located under the Chernobyl sarcophagus.

The territory of the Radar is full of snipers and patrols that attack any stalker, except for zombies.


To turn off the installation, Marked will need to get a psi-radiation protection device, which is located by scientists not far from the Yantar plant. After completing the task received, the hero is given a prototype of the device and documents indicating the location of the X10 laboratory - the bunker in which the control center of the "brain burner" is located.

The bartender (the owner of the 100 X-ray establishment) examines the documents and issues the task to turn off the burner.

The path runs through the last inhabited territory in the Zone - army warehouses. Here the protagonist becomes a witness of the confrontation between the groups "Duty" and "Freedom", and will also help to resist the militants of the "Monolith" group.

The road to the Radar is accompanied by constant firefights, zombie attacks and the emergence of strange phantom formations.

Upon entering the Psi Radar Control Bunker, the player encounters a door two to the right of the stairs leading to a dungeon where the Brain Scorcher has yet to be disabled. The first code is easy to find when searching the corpses of the Monoliths during the passage of the location, this is 342089. The second is hidden in the game resources and is not involved in any way. There are modpacks that fix this error. The code itself is 2011533.

When Marked turns off the "burner", a large detachment of Monoliths appears in the bunker.

Also, after turning off the radar, the main character receives a message on the PDA about a large-scale breakthrough of detachments in Pripyat. It is not surprising, because the rumor about the "Klondike Artifacts" has long been disturbing the heads of local stalkers - in the district, go and steal everything that is available.

Codes for "Stalker" and other ways to improve

It is not necessary to turn off the "burner", you can turn off the road towards Pripyat. It will only flatten very much due to radiation and active psi-radiation, but everything will end as soon as the player gets to the Duty assault squad in Pripyat.

After that, a note will appear on the PDA stating that the psi-emitter is disabled. Whether this is a bug or by design is unknown.

Codes for "Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl", which are console commands, are very few: they only allow you to move around the Zone constantly running (g_always_run 1) and activate a couple of bonuses (pseudodog and snork). Console commands don't provide the most requested features, such as immortality or getting the coolest weapon from the first minutes of the game. Therefore, all kinds of trainers and cheat modes quite successfully cope with the tasks set.

What else to read