Head fish: healthy and tasty. Rotan fish: photos, fishing methods in summer (video), preparation Maximum weight of rotan

Rotan- belongs to the firebrand family. IN European part countries, this breed came from Far East from the Amur basin and very quickly took root in many standing reservoirs where there are no other predators.

Rotan looks like a representative of the goby family. The difference is that it has two pelvic fins, while gobies have one.

The color of the rotan goby, depending on the habitat, ranges from gray-green to Brown. IN mating season it turns black.

The size of adult individuals reaches 25 cm in length. The head with a large mouth and sharp teeth in several rows makes up a third of the total body size. IN comfortable conditions habitat, large rotan reaches a weight of up to 800 grams, but such specimens are very rare, its usual weight is 250-300 grams. On average, its lifespan is 4-5 years, but sometimes it can live 7-8 years.

These representatives of firebrands reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. During the spawning period (May-July), the female lays up to 1000 eggs per various plants and bottom objects. After this, the male is responsible for protecting the clutch.

Rotan firebrand is a pronounced predator. After birth, the fry of this fish feed on zooplankton, and with age they eat leeches, caviar, fry of fish and amphibians. In conditions of limited food supply, it often eats fry of its own species.

This fish adapts very well to difficult living conditions. Without any problems, it can withstand complete freezing of water bodies in winter time, as well as their partial drying out in summer. In such reservoirs, rotan has no competitors, since larger predators do not survive in such living conditions.

It is believed that in small bodies of water rotan completely exterminates other fish representatives. But time shows that this is not so. In many small ponds where rotan lives, for many decades, varieties such as crucian carp and crucian carp feel quite comfortable. The problem of small ponds, where there are a lot of crucian carp, has always been its degeneration. In the absence of predators, there were too many fish and there was not enough food supply for them. Over time, it began to degenerate and become very small. Rotan successfully thins out the crucian population, regulates its numbers and stimulates growth. Accordingly, with a good food supply, rotan itself reaches a fairly decent size, which makes anglers very happy.

In large bodies of water it natural enemies pike, pike perch and especially perch perform. Its numbers in such conditions are usually very small, and its size most often reaches up to 200 grams.

Few fishermen have never encountered rotan at all. Almost everyone has seen and caught this small largemouth fish, and if (by some miracle) they haven’t caught it, they’ve certainly heard of it. As a rule, not the most heard about rotan pleasant words, its gluttony is usually emphasized - it supposedly eats everything it sees, including fry and caviar of other fish (as well as its own fry and caviar), which causes considerable harm to the ecosystem of the reservoir. But this is its quality - colossal gluttony, which allows you to successfully catch it in almost any weather, and with almost any bait of suitable size. This is, of course, a plus for fishing.

That is, if you just want to quickly and easily catch a little (or a lot) of fish, then yes, rotan well suited for such events. But if we talk about sport fishing, when the point is not so much in the fish, but in the process of fishing itself, that is, hunting for fish, then rotan turns out to be not a very interesting object - it is not timid, not picky, it eats whatever you give it. Fish is only for children or lazy people who are too lazy to bother with fishing tactics and bait.

Fishing for rotan

What if you try to develop more laziness, and don’t stock up on bait at all, don’t dig for worms, don’t get or buy bloodworms, and replace live bait with artificial bait?

When spinning baits act as bait for rotan, this is of course somewhat strange, it seems that with the same success you can try to catch bleak or gudgeon with a spinning rod, that is, a task from the category “If you suffer for a long time...”. But, nevertheless, rotan is willingly taken for spinning. Both simple and uninteresting, it would seem, catching rotan suddenly becomes sporty, sophisticated and, of course, more exciting.

Of the variety of spinning baits generously thrown onto the market by many manufacturers, rubber baits are best suited for catching largemouths. All sorts of twisters, silicone worms or rubber bloodworms, all of this is a great attractant for rotan, but catching rotan with a spinning rod becomes more effective if you use the so-called “edible rubber”, because rotan, more than most other fish, relies on taste buds to hunt.

Catching rotan with silicone baits

Of course, you should choose a bait based on the size of the intended prey, that is, there is no point in putting pike twisters here, because they are often larger in size than many rotans. The best thing in our case would be microjig. Silicones can simply be hung on a hook without any weight, or surrounded by a small pellet. Fishing is mainly carried out in windows, among aquatic vegetation and resembles vertical winter trolling, that is, we lowered the bait into the hole, chatted for 10-15 seconds, and if there is no bite, then we go to next place. In such places, a short and plump silicone worm works well - if it is not loaded, it slowly sinks and moves seductively, attracting the attention of the fish. In addition to fishing in coastal windows, you can also fish in windows further away, this is even more interesting, because you need to throw a bait with not the best flight characteristics into a window the size of a plate. After casting, let the bait sink; sometimes during the dive it is worth twitching the tip of the rod, somewhat reviving the bait. If the size of the window allows, then, after diving, the bait can be raised to the surface again and lowered again, but usually the rotan, if present, bites immediately. After this, we pull the bait out of the grass and throw it out the new window.

I recommend casting the bait moving from the shore. That is, first the near clearings, then the far ones, because on the way back, when the bait is often dragged straight through the bushes, the fish gets scared, and by fishing from the near “hole” to the far ones, this can be avoided, that is, the bait will be dragged where you already caught, and not where you are going.

Sometimes rotan is caught in “deserts,” that is, in completely clean, shallow places that are often visible to the very bottom. If you don’t see rotan in such places, this does not mean at all that it is not there. It’s worth throwing a worm there, be it a living one or a rubber one, and you may notice how a shadow will be cast on it, or vice versa, something light. This is the back or belly of a sleeper - the mimicry of this fish is surprisingly well developed, and, merging with the background, it becomes almost invisible. In such open places, 3-5 centimeter, slowly floating, minnow wobblers are good for fishing. Although the rotan does not take them so confidently: you can often see how the rotan, following the wobbler, suddenly stops a few centimeters from it, as if lost in thought. If at such a moment you pull the wobbler, then the rotan may simply wash away, but if you give the wobbler a few more seconds to dangle without moving, then the rotan will most often take it, even despite the fact that the wobbler hangs motionless like a twig - it just remembers that it was not so long ago something showed signs of life and decides to taste it just in case. Spoons (both spinners and spoons) are not the best for catching rotan The best decision, that is, of course, you can catch it, but I have never caught a single rotan with a spoon.

It would probably be funny to talk about fishing for rotan. Rotans rarely reach at least 200-300 grams of weight, although there are rumors about almost kilogram rotans (and often even more), however, except for stories around the fire, such specimens are unlikely to be found anywhere. Such a small thing can be dragged as you like - rotan rarely breaks off. Its mouth is huge, allowing it to reliably grab the bait; the greed of the rotan also plays a significant role in this, and its strong lips allow you to not be afraid that the fish will fall off.

Tackle for catching rotan

Almost any rod can be used for catching rotans. I have a 2.9 meter ultra-light spinning rod. You can have a shorter one, or a longer one, but with a shorter one, it’s more difficult to fish coastal windows, and with a longer one, it’s not so easy to get into small clearings. So 3 meters is the golden mean. Any ultralight reel is suitable for such fishing, and instead of a fishing line it is better to use a braided cord, because, despite the small size of the rotan, strength is still needed, since you often have to drag heaps of underwater grass on the bait.

In general, catching rotan with a spinning rod is a quite exciting task - the fishing itself is active and not boring, you don’t have to swing a spinning rod for half a day for the sake of a single bite, and when there is no fish, as they say... rotan fish.

How to cook rotan

Like any fish, rotan can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Starting from ordinary fried or dried fish to more complex dishes such as cutlets or bazhe.

Many people have the opinion that this fish is trash and therefore not tasty. I would like to remind you that rotan is a predator and has nothing in common with weed varieties. Skillfully prepared rotan can compete in taste qualities with the most exquisite dishes.

Rotan cutlets

To prepare minced meat you will need:

1 kg of gutted fish (head and fins removed);

2 onions;

2 hard-boiled eggs.

Pass all this through a meat grinder 2 times, then add one a raw egg and 2 tablespoons of semolina. Salt and spices to taste.

It is best to roll the cutlets together in corn flour and fry on sunflower oil.

The cutlets can be eaten immediately after frying, but it is better to prepare the sauce separately and simmer them in it for about 15 minutes.

2 fried onions;

6 tablespoons of tomato paste;

1 glass of water;

1 teaspoon sugar.

Salt and spices to taste.

The dish turns out very tasty and original.

Stewed rotan

To prepare this simple dish, you need to gut the carcasses. Separate the heads from them and place them in a deep frying pan with layers of carrots, tomatoes and onions. Add Bay leaf, salt and spices to taste. Simmer everything until the bones soften.

The dish is easy to prepare and the taste is incomparable.


To prepare this original dish it is necessary to use large-sized rotans.

Cut 600 grams of rotan fillet into pieces and fry in sunflower oil, after rolling them in breadcrumbs. Finished product placed on a plate and poured with sauce. The dish is ready.

3-4 cloves of garlic;

150 grams of walnuts;

2 tablespoons of wine vinegar;

Herbs and spices to taste.

Nuts and garlic are passed through a meat grinder and diluted boiled water and vinegar, herbs and spices are added to them.

In general, many different dishes can be prepared from these products. The only limitation is its size. Therefore, not many people will want to cook from small fish some complex dishes. Therefore, the most popular are dried and stewed rotan, but their taste is incomparable.

Catching rotan using a spinning rod, video

Rotan photo

Rotan appeared on the territory of our country about 10 years ago. It was brought to us from the countries of the Far East. The basis of nutrition of this fish is the caviar of other aquatic inhabitants. Its features are:

  • body covered with dense scales;
  • spots and stripes of irregular shape;
  • large head;
  • a large mouth that is littered with big amount small teeth.

The color of the fish depends on the habitat and varies from bright black to green, but there are specimens of gray and brown colors. Maximum length of rotan in mature age is 30 cm, usually individuals about 14 cm are caught on the hook. Average duration The lifespan of this fish is up to 5 years, but sometimes among them there are long-livers who have lived for 7 years.

Where does rotan live?

The original habitat of this fish was the Amur River; rotan could also be found in China and North Korea; then this fish, in an unknown way, found its way into many water bodies of Eurasia. Most assumptions about its spread lead to the basic idea that it was facilitated by humans.

Rotan lives in freshwater bodies of water and easily tolerates:

  • any climatic conditions;
  • various environmental factors;
  • human impact;
  • high and low temperatures;
  • reservoir pollution and other negative factors.

Today, rotan can be found in the nets of many fishermen. It is found in the rivers: Ob, Irtysh, Volga, Don, Dnieper, Ural, Dniester, Danube, as well as in reservoirs with standing water.

Description and lifestyle

Experimental methods have confirmed that rotan, when frozen, falls into suspended animation, and after thawing continues to live.

Being a predator, it feeds mainly on:

  1. Fish fry.
  2. Small spineless ones.
  3. Crustaceans.
  4. Caviar of fish and frogs.
  5. Tadpoles and leeches.

This fish reproduces quickly, and in the absence of predators, rotan destroys other species of fish in the reservoir. If the population is not regulated, only this species may remain in the reservoir, since others will completely disappear. Rotan is not considered commercial, as it is considered trash fish.

In some reservoirs, its population is regulated by other predatory species, such as pike and perch.

Fishing for rotan

Rotan has won a place of honor among fishing enthusiasts. Its popularity is based on the following factors:

  • ease of capture;
  • confident bite, few departures;
  • fishing everywhere and all year round;
  • tender and tasty meat;
  • no need to use special devices to catch;
  • Regularly encountered large specimens up to 0.5 kg.

Tackle for rotan

Any gear is suitable for catching rotan:

Many anglers prefer to catch rotan with a regular float rod. In a few hours, your fish tank can be filled to capacity. Various animal and plant baits are used as bait, since rotan is not particularly picky about what it eats.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Basically, to catch it they use:

  1. Worm.
  2. Small baitfish.
  3. Maggot.
  4. Porridge.
  5. Pieces of fish.

Since this fish is not particularly large, fishing line can be used with a small cross-section from 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm. Hooks are also selected in small sizes, number 4-5.

More often large specimens are caught on the donk and feeder. When trolling on a spinning rod, you can use:

  • small vibrating tails;
  • small spoons;
  • small, no more than five centimeters long.

Very often, in the absence of a sufficient amount of bait, meat (pieces of fish) is used. You can cut the rotan itself and catch its brothers.

Another effective fishing method is to use a summer fishing rod on a side nod. To do this, you need to equip the telescopic rod with a side nod, and use a regular jig as a hook.

Taste and nutritional value

You can prepare rotan in various ways:

  1. Cook.
  2. Fry.
  3. Bake.
  4. Stew.

Its meat is white, dense, has a pleasant taste, and is well suited for cooking. fish soups, hot dishes, in baked goods, and also served as a cold snack.

Many fishermen often salt fish, dry it and smoke it.

The calorie content of rotan dishes is very low; 100 g contains less than 88 kcal.

The nutritional value:

  1. Water - 70g.
  2. Vitamins pp - 2.9 mg.
  3. Microelements:
    • chlorine - 165 mg;
    • sulfur - 175 mg.
  4. Macronutrients:
    • nickel - 6 mcg;
    • molybdenum - µg;
    • fluorine - 430 mcg;
    • chromium - 55 mcg;
    • zinc - 0.7 mg.

Use in cooking

Due to the excessive presence of bones, it is often used on fish cakes and pies. Having gutted and separated the skin, the unnecessary elements are passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with various spices, and zucchini pulp, grated through a grater, is added for tenderness. Next, cutlets are formed or used as a filling for pies.

Sometimes, for greater fat content, peeled rotan carcasses are passed through a meat grinder along with lard.

Also consider the following:

As a conclusion, I would like to note that rotan, even being a trash fish, pleases many as an object of amateur fishing. Although outwardly unattractive, rotan pleases with its taste properties.

Today was an ordinary after-work evening, when suddenly I went fishing))) Unexpectedly, unexpectedly)) There were no dung worms and so I quickly dug up earthworms. And so the mormykha flies into the duckweed to lure out the rotashkas. In several places the rotans were silent. I don’t understand their behavior, why they didn’t peck because they were there. And so I found a place and caught several of them.

Then the rotas began to bite and I periodically pulled them out and threw them into the bucket.

Rotashki bite on earthen ones quite well, because earthworm much larger than a dung snake and such a snake on a jig is good at luring a predator out of an ambush.

And so I decide to change the place and come to where there is usually not much bite. That's how much it costs to catch rotan there in small quantities. And then a large earthen snake lands on the jig and the whole thing goes into the water, barely breaking through the duckweed.
I was playing with a jig and then there was a bite... a bite like a small rotan and I sat down waiting for the earth snake to swallow... from the bite it was clear that the rotan was small and so it began to raise a nod and I hooked... but I couldn’t pull the jig out... I thought it was a hook, but then something was coming at the other end of the fishing line... then the fish started splashing and I thought it was a good crucian carp, but then I saw a large rotan O_O Tin... I slowly folded the fishing rod and fished it out by the fishing line. and here is my record for rotan))) My largest rotan))

By the way, many people say that rotans are very scary... no, rotans, on the contrary, are cool, unusual and beautiful in their own way, but this particular rotan inspires horror O_o And if you catch 1 kg, what kind of fish will it be O_o

If I didn’t know what kind of fish it was... but if I caught it like many years ago I caught the first 2 gobies on the river, when I didn’t even know what kind of fish it was... then having caught such a sleeper, I would probably have been scared))))

My rotan is 550 grams))) I'm happy)))

I caught quite a lot, but I didn’t count the fish. I am very pleased with the fishing)))

The rotan fish, a photo and description of which can be found below, is a predator, since its diet mainly includes fry and caviar of other inhabitants of the reservoir. There are two versions of how rotan, an indigenous inhabitant of the Far East, ended up in the rivers and lakes of other regions. The first claims that he was released into the pond from the royal aquarium, and the second claims that he was brought in already under Soviet rule.

Thanks to its huge head, rotan received the nickname “little firebrand”. Gradually, towards the tail, its body begins to narrow. The rotan's mouth is full of small sharp teeth, capable of tenaciously grasping the most slippery prey. It has dense, medium-sized scales.

What is the difference between rotan and goby

Anglers unfamiliar with the firebrand may mistake it for a goby. This is probably why another name stuck to it - Amur goby. But it is easy to distinguish a rotan from a goby if you carefully examine its pelvic fins.

In the firebrand they are paired and located closer to the head, but in the goby they grow together and turn into something like a sucker. The color and color of rotan directly depend on the bottom of the reservoir where it lives. The darkest part of its body is the back, abdomen and sides are usually yellowish, dark gray or brown-green. During the spawning period, rotan becomes almost black.

Rotan habitat and its origin

At first, the habitat of rotan was the Far Eastern rivers, reservoirs of China and North Korea. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, it began to be hooked by fishermen in St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. Now it can be found in rivers such as the Don, Dnieper, Volga, Danube and others.

There is an opinion that birds that carry its eggs on their paws help the rotan migrate from one body of water to another. In addition, people themselves deliberately move it from one place to another.

Rotan is a species of ray-finned fish, belongs to the order Perciformes and is part of the firebrand family. Typically, its size rarely exceeds the palm of an adult, however, under favorable living conditions, a trophy specimen weighing a kilogram and up to fifty centimeters long can be hooked.

The maximum lifespan of a firebrand is about fifteen years, but most often it is rarely more than seven to ten. Puberty in rotan occurs when it turns two years old.

Rotan begins to spawn in May-July, laying about a thousand eggs at a time. After the female lays eggs, the male begins to protect her, actively driving other fish away from the spawning area.

Rotan lives best in lakes and ponds with stagnant water, the bottom of which is densely covered with vegetation. Like an unpretentious fish, it easily survives the partial drying out of a reservoir and is not afraid dirty water, not afraid severe frosts, capable of freezing the pond to the very bottom, and does not require large quantity oxygen in the water, without which most other fish experience so-called death.

Like other predatory fish, rotan happily eats juveniles of other species. Moreover, he does not hesitate to snack on his smaller relatives. In addition, he eats everything that floats in a pond and is capable of crawling into his mouth.

It does not even disdain tadpoles, leeches, beetles, frogs, insect larvae, and so on. Rotan fry feed on plankton and zoobenthos living at the bottom of the reservoir.

Having eaten, the firebrand lies on the bottom and digests what it has eaten. The main type of hunting of a rotan is an attack on an unsuspecting victim from a hiding place. Often he himself becomes the object of hunting for large predators- pike, perch, pike perch and others.

There is an opinion that where rotan grows, other fish species are threatened with complete extinction. It is supposedly capable of devouring all living things in a reservoir, but this is far from the case. Despite the fact that firebrand is considered a trash fish, it still brings some benefits.

For example, it controls the number of fish. If there are too many crucian carp in the lake, then they are simply not able to grow to large sizes, since there is not enough food for everyone. Rotan, by eating extra fry, allows the crucian carp to gain weight, which clearly pleases the fishermen who come to the pond.

You can eat rotan fish

In addition, the firebrand, like most predatory fish, has tasty dietary meat. It can be eaten in all forms - boiled, fried, dried, in the form of cutlets, and so on. It, like the goby, has few large bones, which makes it especially attractive to those who do not like to pick at prickly fish skeletons.

Video about rotan fish

Catching large rotan in Blizzard. An unknown body of water in the northeast of the Chelyabinsk region.

Canned rotan in tomato

Speed ​​fishing for rotan

Rotana is usually classified as firebrand. Rotan, in addition to the main name known to everyone, has many others. It is called firebrand, grass firebrand and rotan firebrand. And in the 20th century, rotan was called the Amur goby (photo of the fish below).


Rotan has a short, medium-sized body covered with dull scales. The fish does not have any specific color, as it can change. The predominant color in the coloration is gray-green and dirty brown tones; the belly, as a rule, is colored grey colour. On the body rotan has small spots and stripes with irregular shape. With the onset of the spawning period, the entire body of rotan turns black.

Rotan has big head and a huge mouth, in which there are several rows of small but quite sharp teeth, which is clearly visible in the photo below (the first photo is a front view, the second photo is a side view). On gill covers Amur sleeper has a characteristic perch-shaped spine that is directed backwards. However, in rotan it is quite soft. The fins of the fish are also soft and do not have sharp spines. There are 2 fins on the back, with the rear one being slightly longer.

Rotan has a very short anal fin. But the pectoral and caudal fins are quite large and have a rounded shape. In general, this fish is similar to representatives of the goby family. Distinctive feature rotana - ventral fins. He has them in pairs, located very close to the head and, when compared with the size of the fish, disproportionately small, when, like representatives of the goby family, one at a time pelvic fin, resembling a suction cup.

Rotan can grow up to 25 centimeters, but there are also small ones, as in the photo. However, sizes may vary and depend on the habitat. Fish of trophy size are caught very rarely. The maximum life expectancy is 7 years. Average individuals live up to 5 years.

Distribution and habitats

Initially, rotan began to inhabit the reservoirs of the Amur River basin and the Far East. Rotan was also found in the northern regions of North Korea and northeast China. Most scientists consider the appearance of rotan in the waters of Lake Baikal in the 20th century to be biological pollution. And in 1916, rotan began to be bred in the reservoirs of St. Petersburg. Subsequently, this fish from these reservoirs spread throughout Northern Eurasia.

Today the Volga, Dnieper, Don, Dniester, Danube, Irtysh, Ural, Stir, Ob rivers are rich in rotan. Standing reservoirs are also rich in this fish. In such reservoirs, as a rule, there are no suitable conditions for other predators. Rotan is widely distributed in floodplain reservoirs during river floods. Rotan is actively dispersed by humans.

Rotan is one of the most unpretentious fish; it survives even in the dirtiest bodies of water. Not at all afraid of freezing. There have been cases where fish were discovered when cutting down ice. After thawing, rotan comes to life and begins to float. This survivability of rotan is explained by its ability to partially exchange gases through the skin.


Rotan is a predator. As juveniles, the fish feeds on zooplankton. Then, as it matures, it begins to eat small invertebrates and benthos. The menu of adults includes caviar, fish fry, leeches, newts, and amphibian larvae (tadpoles). Also among rotans, cannibalism is considered quite normal.

Rotan reproduces quite quickly. In small bodies of water, where there are no other predators, rotan quickly multiplies and destroys other species of fish. Thus, if its population is not contained, irreparable harm will be caused to the reservoir. In larger bodies of water, the rotan population is kept in check by other predators that prey on them. Rotan is a special delicacy for perch.

Due to the presence of a wide mouth, rotan can swallow enough big catch. When catching rotan, it very often swallows the bait. Rotan is very gluttonous and often has no sense of proportion. When the fish is full, it becomes three times thicker than its usual state. A satiated rotan goes to the bottom, where it can sit for up to 3 days and digest food.

Rotan is a weed fish that either displaces other fish species or sharply reduces their population. Today, ways are being sought to reduce its population. In pond farms, rotan causes great harm by eating eggs and juveniles. valuable fish. Large rotan is an object amateur fishing. It bites well on large worms, pieces raw meat, as well as small spoons and jigs.


Rotan reaches sexual maturity in the second year of life. They begin to spawn between May and July. The average female can lay up to 1 thousand eggs. During the spawning period, males turn black and have a growth on their forehead. Females, on the contrary, are colored White color, since in this guise it is better visible in muddy water.

Rotan eggs have an oblong shape and are colored yellow. Each egg has a thread stem, thanks to which it is very firmly attached to the bed. Since the eggs hang freely and are constantly washed by water, their viability increases significantly. The eggs are constantly guarded by males, who are always ready to defend their offspring from other predators. Amur sleeper successfully protects eggs from verkhovka and ruffe, but it clearly cannot cope with perch.

When the larvae begin to hatch from the eggs, very often the male himself swallows them. Among the Rotans, this is a common struggle for survival. Firebrands can also live in slightly saline waters. However, they always go to fresh water bodies to spawn.

An interesting activity can be observing the life and habits of rotan in an aquarium. Even in artificial conditions, rotan exhibits the habits of a predator. He constantly hides in vegetation and attacks extremely quickly. Can move along the wall of the aquarium, as if polishing glass, for a long time is upside down, completely freezing for a while in order to watch for prey and rush after it in pursuit.

Rotan is a trash fish. Grows up to 25 centimeters. It lives almost everywhere, in all reservoirs of the northern part of Europe, this fish comes from the Far East. You can find rotan in the grass and among snags. Rotan is predatory fish, cannibalism is also developed.

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