Red lynx. Red lynx (Lynx rufus, Felis rufus)Eng. Bobcat See what "Red Lynx" is in other dictionaries

Red Lynx is a beautiful animal that lives naturally on the east and west coasts of the United States, southern Canada and central Mexico. People often hunt for it, because the population is high and there is no ban on shooting.


This animal is also called the red lynx. It reaches 50-80 centimeters in length. In height - 30-35 centimeters. The red lynx can weigh from 6 to 11 kilograms.

Although the color of her fur is reddish-brown with gray tint, there are also completely white or black individuals. It is very similar but not as large. Her paws are shorter and narrower. IN winter time they are covered with long and thick hair, which gives the animal the opportunity to move around deep snow.

On inside Short and curved tail, the red lynx has a white marking. The tail has a length of 20-35 centimeters. Her head is round and her muzzle is short. There are tassels at the ends of the ears. Thick fur grows along the edges of the muzzle, forming whiskers. The red lynx, described in this article, sheds in spring and autumn. Her fur is soft and silky.

What does he eat?

To get food for itself, this wild animal goes hunting. The red lynx always attacks from behind. At first, she sneaks behind her victim for a long time and when she crawls within one jump, she pounces on her and kills her. To do this, she bites through the carotid artery or simply breaks her neck.

The majority of the red lynx's diet consists of hares. 1/3 of its diet consists of gophers, porcupines, mice, squirrels, voles and other small rodents. Sometimes it attacks deer, goats and even domestic dogs and cats. Of course, farmers don't like lynx attacks on livestock, so they hunt it. Thus, they become owners of valuable fur.

In times of hunger, the red lynx can eat insects, bats, snakes, plant fruits. Sometimes she has to eat carrion or steal prey from hunting traps. The more food there is, the higher the number of red lynx. Its peacefulness also depends on this factor. If there is little food, then fights often occur between individuals. For an adult male, a sufficient portion is 2.5-3 kilograms. Sometimes he eats 5-6 kilograms. Moreover, predators of similar parameters eat much more.

One adult hare is enough for 2-4 days. A red lynx will handle a roe deer alone in 3-4 days. But you will have to work on the carcass of a sika deer for 1.5 weeks. The red lynx does not begin hunting until it has eaten its previous prey. She sometimes hides the remains in the ground. Often she has to drive away foxes and wolverines from her territory, who strive to feast on the meat she has obtained.


This animal is often called the lynx of North America, although it lives not only there. In general, this lynx can live in the desert, in swamps, in rocks, and on plains. Even heavy snow doesn’t bother her. The main habitat is spruce-fir forests. Taiga, forest-steppe and forest-tundra are also suitable for red lynx.

It is almost impossible to meet it during the day, because it goes hunting early in the morning or late in the evening, at dusk. Although in winter she can hunt during the day. But the lynx not only hunts, but also rests. To do this, she chooses familiar places and often walks along the same well-trodden paths. Often the lynx, described in this article, climbs trees. There she can hide from persecution. The red lynx runs away from danger in large leaps or climbs higher. In order for the hunt to be successful, this animal has everything it needs.

It's a cat

Its muscular body and strong legs allow it to jump over high obstacles and jump forward over considerable distances. Excellent eyesight and excellent hearing allow them to track prey. Although the red lynx's sense of smell is weak. Sharp claws pierce the victim and prevent it from leaving. They also help climb trees. During the hunt, the lynx hides its tracks. She walks, stepping with her paws so as to leave as few prints as possible.

The red lynx, described in this article, can make shelters in hollows, among rocks and bushes. With her behavior she resembles domestic cat. If an animal is angry, its ears are flattened and its tail moves from side to side. Interestingly, a lynx kitten can be tamed. If you take him into the house as a toddler, he will get used to people and become completely at home.

Personal space

The red lynx is a solitary animal. Males and females share a territory in which they live alone. But females with cubs can live in the male’s territory. Animals mark their areas with urine and excrement, and also leave claw marks on trees. A male can have a territory of 100 square kilometers. Females own a smaller territory - 50 square kilometers. If the female is ready to breed, the smell of her urine changes, so the male will know about it.


This usually happens with the onset of spring. If all the females living in the male’s territory are ready to mate, then he will mate with everyone. During pregnancy, which lasts about 53 days, the female prepares a shelter for herself and future lynx cubs. She covers her lair with moss and leaves. A lynx kitten is blind and helpless immediately after birth. Babies' eyes open at 7-9 days.

Lynx cubs feed on mother's milk for 2-2.5 months. In total, up to 6 babies are born in a litter. The lynx kitten needs care. The mother patiently takes care of him, licks him, warms him, and protects him from danger. If the den where the mother and her cubs live is discovered by enemies, she will take the babies to a safe place.

Caring dad

Until the kittens open their eyes, the father has no right to approach the shelter. But as soon as they begin to feed on their own, he takes care of feeding the mother and children. The male feeds all the females and cubs that are in his territory. Moreover, he not only obtains food for the kids, but also participates in their “upbringing.” The bobcat family sticks together. Over time, after about six months, the mother teaches her kittens to hunt. She does this by example. Adults are considered to be individuals that have reached one and a half years of age.

In nature, the red lynx has enemies. This large predators. But man also destroys these beautiful animals for the sake of beautiful fur. Maybe we shouldn’t do this, because otherwise populations will decline and the red lynx will disappear from our planet.

Order - Carnivora (Carnivora)
Family – Felidae

Red lynx (Lynx rufus)


Outwardly, it is a typical lynx, but smaller: half the size of an ordinary lynx, not so long-legged and wide-legged, since it does not need to walk in deep snow, but with a shorter tail. Its body length is 60-80 cm, height at the withers is 30-35 cm, weight is 6-11 kg. The general color tone is reddish-brown with a gray tint. Unlike other lynxes (such as the Canada lynx or the common lynx), the bobcat has a white marking on the inside of the tip of its tail, while other lynxes have a completely black mark. Southern subspecies have more black markings than northern ones. There are individuals who are completely black (melanistic) and white(albinos), and the first ones are only in Florida.


The bobcat is found from extreme southern Canada to central Mexico and from the east to west coasts of the United States.


The red lynx is found both in subtropical forests and in arid desert areas, in swampy lowlands, coniferous and deciduous forests and even in the cultural landscape and surroundings of large cities. Leads the earthly twilight image life. It goes hunting in the evening and early in the morning. In winter it is also found during daylight hours. The red lynx has favorite resting places and trails that it constantly uses. It climbs trees well, but climbs them only in search of food and shelter. Able to jump over high obstacles. Vision and hearing are well developed. Hunts on the ground, sneaking up on prey. The lynx holds its prey with its sharp claws and kills it with a bite to the base of the skull. At one time, an adult animal eats up to 1.4 kg of meat. He hides the remaining surplus and returns to it the next day. When walking, the red lynx places its hind paws exactly in the tracks left by its front paws. Soft pads on the legs help to quietly sneak up on prey at close range.


The main food of the red lynx is the American rabbit. It also feeds on snakes, mice, rats, gophers and porcupines. Sometimes it attacks birds (wild turkeys, domestic chickens) and even white-tailed deer. Occasionally - on small domestic animals.


A female can have up to two litters per year (in spring and late summer).
The female makes a den for her kittens in caves, piles of stones or in the cavities of trees. There is evidence that both parents are involved in raising offspring. Breeding season is February-June. Puberty occurs in females at one year, in males at two years. Pregnancy lasts 50-70 days. There are up to 6 blind kittens in a litter (usually 2-4). The weight of newborns is up to 340 g. On the 10th day, the eyes open. Lactation lasts up to 8 weeks. Kittens gain 25 g in weight per day. From 3 to 5 months. kittens go hunting with their mother. At 9 months of age, they are completely independent and acquire their own hunting area.

Our pets:

The red lynx Lapa was born in 2011 at the Novosibirsk Zoo. Red lynxes are half the size of their Siberian counterparts. But despite their miniature appearance, they are aggressive, capricious and excellent hunters.

Determine your totem. Full description magical properties animals, birds and reptiles Andrews Ted

Red Lynx

Red Lynx

Key property: silence and secrets

Activity period: end of winter and spring

The bobcat is sometimes called wild cat. She has a short, cropped tail, tufted ears and sideburns. It is often confused with the gray lynx, which is much larger.

The red lynx loves solitude, and people whose totem it is often follow its example. The bobcat teaches you to be alone without feeling alone. Females of this animal, as a rule, live within a small territory, and males can lead a nomadic lifestyle, entering the territory of five or six females. The mating season of red lynxes occurs at the end of winter, after which the pair splits up.

Please pay Special attention on the tail of a red lynx. In general, the tail is symbolically associated with sexual energies. The tail or the tip of the tail is the seat of life force. The bobcat has a black tail tip and white underside. This reflects the ability to “turn on” and “turn off” creative forces at will. These features also link the lynx to some forms of sex magic.

Operating under a cloak of darkness and mystery, the bobcat can teach you how to project and use vitality silently and efficiently. The magic of the bobcat is most effective when other people do not know about it. Talking about it dissipates its power. It is very important for people whose totem is this animal to know when, to whom and what to tell. Anyone associated with the bobcat should follow special caution in communication. You may not be understood at all or completely misunderstood. What seems white to you may be mistakenly perceived by others as black, and vice versa.

If the bobcat has become your totem, you may also notice that friends often share their secrets with them. You should never betray their trust. This always leads to serious consequences and, as a rule, is revealed quickly.

The bobcat's keen eyesight, sensitive whiskers and ear tufts make it an excellent night hunter. People who interact with bobcat energies feel best at night. The tendency to be nocturnal is usually associated with the presence of extrasensory abilities.

Keen eyes Bobcats allow these people to see what others are trying to hide or disguise. Sensitive sideburns give them the ability to psychometry: by bringing an object to their face, these people can perceive the energy imprints left on it. And the tassels on the ears represent the gift of clairaudience and the ability to hear what remains unspoken.

People who have the bobcat as a totem may find that others become uncomfortable around them. They will understand that you can see what they do not want to show you, and hear what they carefully keep silent about. These abilities can turn you into an excellent psychologist or into an unsurpassed manipulator. If the red lynx has entered your life as a totem, start looking for what is hidden. Not everything in life is as it seems at first glance. Trust your own feelings. If you don't like something, don't doubt your conclusions - even if they contradict common sense.

The red lynx sees perfectly in the dark and has acute hearing. Often people associated with this totem prefer loneliness precisely because they hear, see and feel too many unpleasant things that concern the people around them. However, they should not live in complete solitude. Meditations using the Hermit Tarot card will tell you when to be alone and when to connect with people. This card will help you tune into the bobcat energies.

The bobcat is still found throughout the United States, but the species is endangered. The red lynx makes its homes under rocky ledges and in stone embankments. You should also keep in mind the symbolic meaning of such a habitat. (Refer to Chapter 5 of this book.) The bobcat does not run very fast, but it can jump distances of two to two and a half meters. Its diet mainly consists of rabbits and woodchucks, so these animals should also be studied to fully understand the magic of the bobcat.

Red lynx cubs are born in the spring, and there can be up to four lynx cubs in a litter. The mother begins training them early, and by the age of seven months young lynxes are able to hunt on their own, and at about nine months of age they leave the family and go in search of their own territory.

People in whose lives the bobcat has appeared as a totem will have to undergo some new course of study (formal or informal). In any case, in seven to ten months you will be able to do everything you need. People associated with the bobcat as a spirit animal tend to learn quickly and thoroughly. If you are a parent and your totem is the red lynx, then you should start training your children as early as possible. Rely on your intuition about the best way to do this. Then your children will grow up strong and independent.

If a bobcat has appeared in your life, then ask yourself the following important questions. Have you become a recluse? Do you feel the need to gain new knowledge and skills? Are you being too reckless? Have you stopped trusting your intuition? Do you allow other people to mislead you? When a bobcat is around, it will teach you that true power comes from silence.

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To prevent a lynx from attacking in the forest on October 3, foresters and hunters must read a protective plot against a lynx attack. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: I will renounce the teeth of the lynx, I will pray from the claws of the lynx. Twelve crosses for twelve bushes. Joseph, John, Peter, Luke, Methodius, Nicodemus,

From the book The Secret Language of Birthdays. Your astrological portrait author Olshevskaya Natalya

Lynx (Nightingale) The year of the Lynx brings challenges and surprises with unexpected events. It is possible to look at everything that is happening in a new way. A person born this year has something feline in his appearance. His behavior is unpredictable - sometimes he is completely calm, sometimes he suddenly shows

From the book Identify Your Totem. A complete description of the magical properties of animals, birds and reptiles by Ted Andrews

Lynx Key property: secrets and perception of the hidden and invisible Active period: winter Lynx has most of the qualities characteristic of the red lynx, which is the subject of a separate article in our directory. Both animals have a short tail, tufted ears and

Red Lynx- a loner, and if she turns out to be your totem, it is possible that you also prefer solitude. The bobcat teaches you to be alone without feeling lonely. The females of this animal, as a rule, live within a small territory, but the males lead a lifestyle close to nomadic: on average, each male enters the territory of five to six females. The mating season of red lynxes occurs at the end of winter, after which the pair splits up.

If the red lynx is your totem, then it is possible that your friends are used to confiding their secrets to you. You should never betray their trust. This will have serious consequences and will most likely be discovered quickly.

Pay special attention to the bobcat's tail. In general, the tail is symbolically associated with sexual energies. The tail or the tip of the tail is the seat of life force. The bobcat has a black tail tip and white underside. This reflects the ability to “turn on” and “turn off” creative forces at will.

These features also link the lynx to some forms of sex magic and sexual mysticism. Operating under the cloak of darkness and silence, the bobcat will teach you how to use your life force to achieve your goals silently and effectively. It is very important to learn when, to whom and how much you can tell about your personal affairs. Anyone associated with bobcats should be especially careful in their interactions. You may not be understood at all or completely misunderstood. What seems white to you may be perceived by others as black, and vice versa.

Keen eyesight and sensitive hairs in the whiskers and ear tufts make the red lynx an excellent night hunter. If she has become your totem, then night time will be the most productive for you. These characteristics link the bobcat to most forms of extrasensory perception. The keen eyes of a bobcat will teach you to recognize what other people are trying to hide. The sensitive “sideburns” of this totem will give you the ability to psychometry: by bringing an object to your face, you will be able to capture the energies of people and events associated with it. And the “tassels” on the ears of the red lynx correspond to the ability to hear what remains unspoken.

If the red lynx turns out to be your totem, then it is possible that many people will feel uncomfortable around you. They will understand that you see what they do not want to show you, and hear what they carefully keep silent about. These abilities can turn you into both a skilled diplomat and an unrivaled manipulator. If the red lynx has entered your life as a totem, look for hidden meaning in current events. Not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Trust your feelings and impressions. If something doesn't seem right to you, don't doubt your conclusions—even if they defy common sense.

The red lynx sees well in the dark and is endowed with acute hearing. People associated with this totem sometimes become real hermits: noticing so much dirt and garbage in those around them, they become disillusioned with all of humanity. However, you should never completely isolate yourself. By meditating on the Hermit Tarot card, you will understand when to be alone and when to go out into the world. This card will help you tune in to the energies of this totem.

Bobcat caracal

The bobcat is found throughout the United States, but its numbers have declined sharply. She makes her home under rocky ledges and among stone embankments. The symbolic meaning of such a habitat should be carefully studied (refer to Chapter 5 of our book for a start). The red lynx does not run very fast, but is capable of covering distances from eighty to two and a half meters in a jump. Its diet mainly consists of rabbits and woodchucks, and you should also study these animals carefully.

Red lynx cubs are born in the spring; There can be up to four lynx cubs in a litter. The mother begins training them early, and after seven months the young lynxes are able to hunt alone, and at the age of nine months they leave the family and go in search of a suitable territory for themselves.

Canadian red lynx

If the bobcat has become your totem, this means that you will have to undergo a formal or informal course of study in some kind of new area. In just seven to ten months you will have acquired a new skill. People associated with the bobcat as a spirit animal tend to learn quickly and thoroughly. If you have children, you should start teaching them as early as possible. Rely on your intuition about the best way to do this. Then your children will grow up strong and independent.

If the red lynx has entered your life as a totem, ask yourself the following important questions. Have you become a recluse? Do you feel the need to gain new knowledge and skills? Perhaps you (or someone close to you) are behaving carelessly and recklessly? Do you trust your inner voice? Are you deceived by the appearance of the people you deal with? The bobcat will definitely teach you that true power and strength is achieved through silence.

Ted Andrews "The Language of Animals"

Living in North America lynxes, red and gray, had a moderate commercial value. They, like the wolverine, were “pulled” to the top by the economy and the growing fashion for the fur of representatives of the cat family.

Red Lynx

The red lynx is a species with a wide range. It lives in 47 US states and 8 Canadian provinces. It is protected in 12 states. It is characteristic that in almost all other states and provinces this animal is both an object of hunting and fur trade. Year-round harvesting is permitted in 13 states and 4 provinces where this predator causes damage. In two cases, lynx meat is considered a food resource. During the 1977-1978 season. in the United States, 83,216 red lynx were killed for a value of $10,519,334 ($126.41 per pelt). Main fishing areas: Texas (20,327 pieces), California (15,000 pieces), Arizona (4,992 pieces), New Mexico (4,606 pieces). In Canada, the volume of bobcat production in the 1977-1978 season. amounted to 3790 pcs. amounting to $47,166. Almost all the skins came from the province of Nova Scotia.

Gray lynx

Gray lynx occupies northern half continent. In the United States, it is found in only 14 states, and in 9 it is fully protected. In Canada, the forests of 11 provinces are inhabited by it; This predator is not found only on Prince Edward Island. Everywhere, where its hunting is permitted, the gray lynx is an object of fur trade; only in three US states and two Canadian provinces is it hunted. Year-round mining is permitted only in Minnesota; in other places, the amount of seizure is regulated by the length of the open season. If in the USA lynx meat is recognized as a food resource in only one state, then in Canada it is considered edible almost everywhere.

During the 1977-1978 season. In the USA, 2085 gray lynx skins were purchased at a price of $301.03 per piece, for a total of $627,647. The bulk of the skins came from Alaska. In Canada, 21,131 skins were purchased for the amount of $5,643,456 ($267.07 per piece). The main hunting areas for lynx are: Northwest Territories (3,778 pcs.), Alberta (3,767 pcs.), Saskatchewan (3,758 pcs.), Manitoba (3,467 pcs.), Quebec (2,035 pcs.). For comparison, we point out that in the 1970-1971 season. Procurement of lynx skins in the USA amounted to 1,562 pieces, in Canada - 42,487 pieces, but they cost only $27 per skin.

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