The most intelligent sign of the zodiac according to astrologers. The most intelligent women among the signs of the zodiac

Each person is unique and individual in their own way. Someone sings and dances well, and someone is well versed in technology and electronics. All these qualities directly depend on the Zodiac constellation under which this or that person was born. Today we will try to determine who of all zodiac constellation most smart sign Zodiac.

Many factors influence the character of a person, his abilities and destiny. And not last place takes the date of birth of a person, which predetermines his whole life.

planets solar system, patronizing the types of the Zodiac, have a certain influence on various areas.

Each zodiac sign has its own ruling planet. And the description of this planet helps to reveal the smartest, most talented, most sexy, beautiful type. In this article we will talk about which is the smartest zodiac sign.

Each sign of the Zodiac has certain abilities and characteristics. Many types of the zodiac circle are directly opposite personalities, which is quite logical. Some types are characterized by unearthly beauty, others by a sharp mind, and others by luck in everything. One thing is obvious - a lot depends on the date of birth.

All signs of the Zodiac are influenced by the planets and constellations under which they were born.

It is believed that among all the planets, Uranus and Mercury are those that endow the type of the Zodiac with intelligence and quick wits.

Mercury is responsible for the intellect, governing the mind, thinking and education of a person.

Signs born under the auspices of this planet are distinguished by erudition, logic, excellent memory and ingenuity. So the most intelligent sign of the Zodiac is under the auspices of these planets.


Gemini is the children of Mercury. Almost from the first years of life, the Gemini surprise everyone around with their incredible quick wit.

Among the women and men of Gemini, almost everyone is considered very talented and savvy.

They can get carried away with something interesting for a long time, achieving excellent results in this. Gemini is characterized by practicality in the area that they have chosen for themselves. It highlights their intelligence and sharp mind, although this is not always good, since it can be extremely difficult to find worthy friends, a life partner and a suitable company. Geminis do not like to communicate with uneducated people.


The planet Uranus rules Aquarius. Aquarius, like Gemini, if not the smartest, then one might say, one of the smartest types of the Zodiac.

Among Aquarius there are a lot of inventors and artists who are world famous.

If you were wondering what is the sign of progress? The answer is unequivocal - Aquarius. They do not look for standard ways, solving any problems in an original and unusual way. If they are interested in something, they will work on it until they achieve certain results.

What astrologers say about other zodiac signs


Aries are smart and quick-witted people who know how to create the impression they need among those around them.

Among them there are also brilliant personalities, but quite rarely. As for the average Aries, he is perfectly able to use any, even seemingly unnecessary knowledge in practice, benefiting from it.


At the first contact, Taurus does not always seem smart and quick-witted, more often creating the impression of a slow-witted and foolish person, but this is erroneous.

At close fellowship given sign The zodiac can turn out to be a real erudite, and his habit of thinking and weighing everything will become a virtue. Of the negative features of men and women of Taurus - the inability to use their knowledge in practice.


Cancer is an erudite and intelligent person who often hides this.

With close contact, Cancer can open up and actually surprise the interlocutor with their thoughts. In addition, it is very useful to turn to such people for advice, since wisdom and life experience will allow Cancer to give optimal advice.

a lion

Leo is an intellectual for show. It often turns out that this zodiac sign knows much less than it wants to show to others.

All knowledge can be narrowly focused and very superficial, but this does not mean that they are stupid. It’s just that the “king of beasts” should not show their ignorance in anything.


Virgo is a real student who loves to gain new knowledge and develop.

Among women and men of this type of the Zodiac, there are those who study all their lives and do not know how to put into practice the knowledge gained, and those who learn everything with extraordinary speed.


Libras are smart and humble. Due to some modesty, Libra can be underestimated by society.

However, this sign of the Zodiac is not particularly worried about this, knowing perfectly well its capabilities and potentials. Among them are often creative personalities.


Scorpio is a sign that likes to test all their knowledge in practice.

Often they do not have a rich store of theoretical knowledge, but the fact that they strive for practice makes them quick-witted and with developed intuition. After all, it is not for nothing that practice is considered the best teacher.


Sagittarius is a rather smart sign, since both men and women of this type can be safely called well-read and quick-witted.

They have an excellent memory and intuition, which very often helps them in life. Surprisingly, many brilliant ideas for Sagittarians do not come from the knowledge or experience gained, but from nowhere, which makes them also lucky in life.


Capricorn is considered to be a very intelligent type of the zodiac circle.

He loves to learn and gain new knowledge, which he then uses with pleasure in practice. In addition, Capricorns are reasonable and consistent, and this makes them not just smart, but also logical. Very few people can question the mind and intellect of Capricorns.


Pisces in life are very fond of exaggerating everything. Speaking about the intellectual abilities of this type of zodiacal circle, it is necessary to note their richly developed imagination, which often helps them in life.

As for intellectual successes, they are often random and very unpredictable. However, this does not make this sign stupid at all.

The most intelligent sign of the zodiac - to summarize

Having studied the horoscope, we can say with confidence that there are no stupid people in the zodiac circle. Each representative has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, often intellectual abilities depend not only on which planet patronizes a person, but also on what year he was born, what period of the day / night, and so on.

If you wondered which is the smartest zodiac sign in the zodiac circle among men and women, then it is impossible to answer it unambiguously.

All people are different. Although, according to scientists, among Gemini and Aquarius, the most intelligent and talented personalities are more common than others.

Believe it or not, but mental capacity are directly related to the signs of the zodiac, and this has been proven by astrologers. That is why we decided to compile the most reliable rating of zodiac signs in the world according to their intellectual abilities.

12th place. Aries

Representatives of this sign are by no means stupid. However, they are guided by the principle “Think less”. At the same time, this approach to life does not prevent them from achieving positive results. And if Aries did not succeed, then he will definitely pretend that it was intended that way.

11th place. Fishes

Representatives of this sign of the mind have more than enough. However, they do not know how to use it. And all because they are not inclined to trust their intuition, which, by the way, works perfectly for them. That is why they often find themselves in different and very difficult situations, because of which they feel sad and think a lot about the meaninglessness of life.

10th place. Taurus

Taurus are smart and far-sighted, but they share their talent at the wrong time. They will stubbornly remain silent while you tell them about your business or worldly plans, and when everything goes wrong, they will say that they knew it.

9th place. Cancer

Cancers are naturally endowed with a mind, but they do not seek to develop it. They are conservatives, and the knowledge they received at school and university is sufficient for them.

8th place. Scorpion

Representatives of this sign are very smart, just geniuses. However, they are hindered by their impulsiveness and explosive nature. After all, before analyzing what is happening around and after making a decision, they are eager to fight without any plan. But it is worth noting that they eliminate the consequences of their impulsive decisions independently and wisely.

7th place. scales

special mind and intellectual abilities this sign is no different, but not everything is as deplorable as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that they have a deadly intuition and a sense of harmony in life. Because of this, they are saved.

6th place. Capricorn

They know everything. And this is seriously true. If you ask Capricorn how to build communism in a parallel world, he will give a clear plan and guidance for action. However, they do not know how to use their minds when it comes to ordinary Everyday life. After all, such a function as "worldly wisdom" is completely absent in most of the Capricorns.

5th place. a lion

They are very smart, creative, grasp everything on the fly and know how to pump intelligence. In addition, the representatives of this sign to a ripe old age retain the liveliness and mobility of the mind. But they occupy only the fifth line of our hit parade due to the fact that they spend all their potential on building Napoleonic plans, but they are not taken to implement them.

4th place. Aquarius

Representatives of this sign are not only smart, but also cunning. They skillfully hide their intellect and talents so that, God forbid, no one obliges them to perform any routine and boring tasks.

3rd place. Twins

They are smart, quick-witted and generally well educated. However, all these qualities did not help Gemini to take first place, because they are too cunning and sometimes do not notice how their cunning is obvious to everyone around.

2nd place. Virgo

This sign rightfully gets the second line in our hit parade. Virgos have an analytical mindset, incredible intuition, the ability to rationalism and pragmatism. Among the representatives of this sign are many scientists and geniuses of deduction. However, they failed to take the first line because such an abstruse approach to everyday life brings them only suffering. Woe from Wit is about Dev.

1st place. archers

Why did they bypass everyone? It's simple - they just have a fantastic mind. They are endowed with a developed intellect, worldly wisdom, the ability to study and learn new things all their lives, wit, eloquence, love for all sciences at once. However, often their inconstancy and windiness plays a cruel joke with them - after all, many Sagittarius, despite such a generous gift from the universe, do not achieve great success in work and financial matters.

Each zodiac sign has both positive and negative qualities. Working with big amount people, astrologer and psychologist Sergey Lang keeps statistics, with which you can understand the behavior of many people and determine the strengths and weak sides each sign of the zodiac. We offer you the top 5 smartest zodiac signs.

5th place Aries

Aries is very smart, he also has great intuition, which helps him in difficult situations. Aries make good leaders and businessmen. They know how to make money and know how to use it properly. Dmitry Nagiev, for example, has repeatedly been among the leaders Forbes rating. Two years ago, the artist earned more than three million dollars in film and television. But Aries are stubborn and listen only to themselves, which often leads them to make mistakes. It is stubbornness that prevents them from being in the first place of this rating.

4th place Fish

A fish knows what it needs to be happy. She knows how to appreciate what she has, so she tries to keep it. Pisces learn from their mistakes and by the age of 30, representatives of this sign are quite smart. Fish rarely take risks and because of this, there are rarely losses in life. Pisces make excellent workers who move up the career ladder. So, for example, Nastasya Samburskaya made a dizzying career, going from a modest actress of a humorous sitcom to the star of the production center Viktor Drobysh.

3rd place Leo

Leos have excellent logic with which they achieve good results. Leo is difficult to mislead and they can easily impose their opinion on any person. These people are very cunning and can turn around for their own benefit. complex schemes. After breaking up with Ilya Bachurin, actress Ravshana Kurkova vowed to flaunt her personal life. Fans are still wondering if the ring means ring finger stars recent marriage, or is it part of her cunning plan.

2nd place Virgo

Virgos are very easy to learn everything, they often have an excellent student syndrome. It is important for them to be the first everywhere and in everything. It is very easy to cooperate with Virgos, they are very executive and responsible people. Virgos often take on responsible work and do it perfectly. No wonder Marina Alexandrova gets exceptionally difficult historical roles. The directors are sure that the actress will not let them down.

The dumbest zodiac sign and the smartest

By saying "the dumbest sign of the zodiac", astrologers do not mean IQ level, but rather a way of thinking: everyone has their own.

"Stupid" zodiac signs are unlikely to go to firefighters or race drivers where lightning-fast reactions are needed. But, on the other hand, in their place they may well achieve outstanding results.

So, who, according to astrologers, is the dumbest and most stupid sign of the Zodiac?

The dumbest male zodiac sign

It is better not to choose for yourself the intellectual field of activity for men - Capricorn, say astrologers. These "males" are accustomed to solve everything by force. At the same time, they like to philosophize, but on "mundane", everyday topics.

At the same time, these guys love discipline and are highly motivated. So in the army, for example, they will have no price.

Women- Twins they have not only a quick mind, but also an excellent memory. So they cope with the assigned tasks quickly and skillfully. At the same time, a flexible mind helps them quickly adapt and adapt to any environment.

Prominent Geminis include Marilyn Monroe and Olympic champion Yelena Isinbayeva.

Women- Aquarius develop rapidly - but can often stall due to the fact that they overestimate some idea or hypothesis. They need to switch more often. At the same time, because of the love for contradictions and changes, such multifaceted personalities are obtained from them.

Prominent Aquarians include Oprah Winfrey and Shakira.

The most intelligent signs of the zodiac: men

If in the top of the smartest women Aquarius- the first from the end, then among men they took a leading position. They are not just smart intellectuals - but also know how to apply their knowledge in practice. They are in constant search, always looking for something new. And if they can't find it, they invent it themselves. Sometimes it is difficult for other people to understand them, but Aquarius themselves do not become dumber from this.

Of course, they are not immune from mistakes, plus sometimes they are too frank and straightforward - but they know how to admit their mistakes and are not without self-irony.

Among the prominent Aquarians are Anton Chekhov, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, rapper Oxxxymiron and Dmitry Mendeleev.

Ladies love to compete not only in beauty and charm. It is important for them to be even smarter than their rivals. Astrologers identify five smart female zodiac signs.

Even if you are not on the list, this does not mean that you have no chance of earning the title of a smart woman. The mind is not only erudition, but also wisdom, because it is important to be able to look at your life mistakes from the right angle, benefiting even from failures. Stupidity is repeating your mistakes and exaggerating your achievements.

Aries Woman

A woman born under this Sign is always one step ahead of her competitors. These representatives of the fair sex take their strength of mind. They are smart enough not to give up just like that. Their leadership qualities are an indicator of a special mind. Aries are resistant to stress, to overwork.

Another indicator of the mind of Aries women is their unique thinking, completely devoid of stereotypes. This is what makes them smart, first of all, in the eyes of men who adore originality of views. These ladies may be devoid of erudition and wisdom, but the uniqueness of their thinking will never let them down.

Leo Woman

Female lions are smart because they are experienced. Absolutely every life lesson they take into service. If these women or girls have close friends, then they absorb their mistakes like a sponge. Lions also have pronounced leadership qualities, which make them seem even smarter.

"Lionesses" are very good at making contact with other women and men. They are characterized by some male character traits, which makes them smarter in the eyes of the stronger sex. Leo women love to be in the company of men, and if they don’t, then at least they know how to behave and how not to be boring.

Capricorn Woman

Girls and women born under the Sign of Capricorn are extremely well-read and intellectually developed. Their undisguised and obvious craving for knowledge is visible from afar. They may not be too wise in life due to an extremely narrow circle of friends, but sometimes their level of thinking just goes off scale.

Calmness and self-control are two character traits that can best describe ladies born under this Sign. Loud and annoying people always give the impression of narrow-minded personalities. Capricorn women are the direct opposite of male stereotypes about a free and self-sufficient woman.

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius women are smart and have a great sense of humor, which helps them gather the brightest people around them. Aquarians of the fair sex are very inventive and erudite. They like to expand their knowledge base, so you rarely meet a stupid lady of this Zodiac Sign.

They are also very creative. What makes them unique is not the genius of ideas, but the speed of their generation. Women born under this sign can demonstrate excellent memory, curiosity. As for men, Aquarius finds with them mutual language, perhaps the fastest.

Scorpio woman

Women of this Sign have an incredibly strong sixth sense, which helps them almost always break out into intellectual leaders. These ladies always try to think first and then do something, so they are ranked among the smartest women. There is almost no impulsiveness in them, just like the desire to let things take their course. Scorpios always finish what they start.

Scorpios are not after quantity, but after quality. This applies to business as well as love. Men respect Scorpio women because they see them faithful companions lives that understand the importance pure relationship. Another plus in the piggy bank of women of this Sign is diplomacy. Scorpios, like no one else, know how to take revenge beautifully, which also creates an aura of high intelligence and endurance around them.

To increase self-confidence, every lady should not just think that she is the smartest, but try to achieve this by any means. Intelligent and wise people have always had a special charisma and charm. It is impossible to find your place in life if you think stereotypically or just try to appear unique. Look for yourself, try to be self-sufficient and respect other people's opinions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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