Concert script for March 8th for the enterprise. The song “The Time Is Coming” plays. Dance "Talk to me, mom"

You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.
You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth;
But the flame drinker suppresses the cry
And he praises madly in the midst of torture.
I am a Woman, and that means I am an Actress,
I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles.
I am a Woman, and that means I am a Queen,
beloved of all earthly kings.
Musical number ___________________________________
Good festive evening, our dear women.
We are glad and proud that we were able to organize and give you
this festival. I would like to give you something special on this day
attention, talk about your feelings in a new way, throw in your
feet all the flowers of the world, give the most beautiful gifts and
to make wishes come true.
Even though not all of this is feasible, our desire is indomitable.
Today the word Love has a special meaning. Love for mother, for
wife, girlfriend.
To love means to act. That's what we did!
Who are we?
Like who? The boys from our school, of course.
2nd high school student (mysteriously).
ABOUT! Who do I see! - My God! What a rose garden! What a flower garden!
3rd high school student.

And who do you see?
2nd high school student.
Don't you see?
3rd high school student.
Well, it depends on what to watch or who to watch.
2nd high school student.
It's not what to look at, but who to look at. You open your eyes and look
carefully into the hall.
3rd high school student.
And what do you see there?
2nd high school student.
I see ___________________________________. And this is not good for me
will end. I didn't pass the test. Can you imagine that
1st high school student.
Enough for you to understand. Why did we come here, do you even remember?
2nd high school student.
Oh yes. Woman - amazing creature nature.
3rd high school student.
And a woman teacher both at work and at home -
teacher, teacher, creative person, most charming
and, of course, understanding. Happy spring holiday, our dears,
dear teachers!

Presenter 1:
- I don’t understand why this one day on the calendar is such an honor.
What kind of holiday is this - the eighth of March?
Presenter 2: I'll start with the simplest thing. Look around! Take a look
On sky! Take a deep breath!
Presenter 1: Well, I looked... Well, I looked... Well, I inhaled... AND
Presenter 2: Like what? Spring!

Presenter 1: In spring, nature wakes up and blossoms, like
by the way female beauty… It’s not for nothing that the words “spring”, “nature”,
“beauty”, “mother” are feminine.
Presenter 2: And now, the most beautiful, kind and
wonderful, please accept a song performed by
Musical number ______________________________
(Name of the presenter), maybe you can also give each teacher a separate
dedicated the number?
(Name of the presenter), was it possible to talk about this from the stage?
ask? I'm not saying we wanted to get away with one
congratulations, but maybe they thought of generalizing the congratulations, but
now thanks to you we will have to personally congratulate each
Well, great, let's get started.
Dear teachers! On this beautiful spring day we would like
I would like you to have some other words besides warm words
souvenirs to remember this holiday.
Every woman is a flower. And we found out which flower
each of you represents. We got a bouquet
consisting of:
Lily -
Makov –
Carnation -
Bell -
Thistle –
Immortelle –

Rose hip -
Dandelion -
Heather –
Astra –
Peony -
Tulip -
May this be Spring Day
Especially wonderful for you
And full of clear depth
And spicy woody smells.
Let scarlet and turquoise
They give birth to festivity and songs,
Let your eyes be bright
And there will be joyful news.
Musical number ______________________________________________
1 VED. Not a collective - a flowering meadow:
Sweet smiles all around!
I look at the joyful faces -
It's impossible not to fall in love with you!
Beautiful spring time
The fire burns young in our hearts.
What a blessing if it always stays like this!
Let the years bring renewal.
We wish you joy, health,
Showing your friends love
IN family life grace,
Admire the beauty of your loved ones.
Today even the youngest students rush to congratulate
You! The word for congratulations is given to 1st grade.
Musical number ________________________________
1st presenter

Teachers! In them we see that beautiful straightforwardness, that
humanity, simplicity and sensitivity that are inherent in the best of
the best.
The work of a teacher is not easy, it is immeasurable. And today, on this
festive evening, one cannot help but remember the teachers who left
for a well-deserved rest.
2nd presenter:
Our dear veterans!
Let this day not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.
1st presenter:
May the thread not break on bright days
Neither sadness nor misfortune.
We wish you to maintain your vigor
And the heart is young.

Presenter 1: Friends, look around, look around, what
wonderful people gathered in this hall.
Presenter 2: he leads this wonderful team
knowledgeable, creative leader and simply a beautiful woman
L.B. Gomkortieva
Presenter 1: We give her the floor for congratulations!
Musical number _____________________________________________________
Presenter 1: As you know, men rule the world.
Presenter 2: And women rule men.
Presenter 1: Well, of course, women are too smart!
Presenter 2: Yes, women are the better half of humanity!

Presenter 1: In any case, his most beautiful half.
For example, in our school women teach, treat, and
clean, and guard, and check, and indicate, and
they suggest! And as soon as they have time to do everything!
And in order to have enough strength for everything, the most important thing is the right
breakfast: first - hair styling, second - make-up,
third - a thin layer of lipstick.
Presenter 1: Ahh, now I understand why all women constantly
thinking about what else to eat to lose weight...
Musical number__________________________
Presenter 1st.
Why does spring come in March?
Is the snow melting, are your hearts beating faster?
Why is it hot in winter clothes?
And the icicles cry by the porch?
2nd presenter.
Very simple - women's smiles
They warm everything with their warmth,
And March 8 without error
Became International Women's Day.
1st Presenter.
Guardians of peace and harmony,

Shine as your guiding star.
After all, each of you is a source of happiness,
Warmth and earthly joy!
Musical number _________________________________________________
How so! It's a women's holiday, and girls sing.
That's how it's meant to be. And the world has been carrying for a long time
This charter is apparently from Noah:
A woman in the world can do anything
And the man is just the rest
Musical number ___________________________________________________
A star falls from the midnight sky,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But it stays with us forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
Heart to Heart,
From dream to dream
The light of a woman will continue the invisible path,
Open only to eternal kindness,
And truth, and unique love.
The dew sparkles, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes
And the Universe glows while
The light of a woman is splashed throughout the Universe.
Musical number _____________________________________
Presenter 1: Mom, mommy... How much heat is hidden in this magical
a word that names the closest, dearest person!
Presenter 2: The word “mother” is a special word. It seems to be born
with us, accompanying us all our lives.
Presenter 1: Dear teachers! Each of us has that
a small piece that the teacher puts into us like
Mother. We know you are worried about us, worried. Not in vain
teachers are called “our second mother.”
Presenter 2: We wish you much, much happiness,
A piece of blue sky
And in it is the desired star:
Your love, your dream!
Presenter 1: We wish you happiness and love.
They are more valuable than all gifts.
And may all your dreams come true
On a beautiful day - MARCH 8!
Musical number _________________________________
1st presenter:

Dear teachers!! Guests! May joy and good luck today, as well as
always accompany you!
2nd: May the sky above us be especially deep and clear!
1st: Let the fresh wind carry away the clouds that threaten alarm and
2nd: Let the warmth, care and attention of loved ones warm you
family hearth!
1st: May all your wishes come true! Happy holiday to you,
dear women!
Leading. Our holiday concert is ending. And finish
I want it with an eastern parable: “Once upon a time two wise men met
and argued: the first argued that the world would be saved by beauty, and
second, that kindness will save the world. They would argue for a long time if
The third sage did not pass by. He said he was kind
a person is always truly beautiful.”
Dear women, always remain as beautiful as
Now! Happy holiday to you! Until next time.
Song _____________________________

Proshina Vera Ivanovna – teacher of the MADOU TsRR No. 60 “Fairy Tale”, Likino-Dulevo, Moscow region.
I bring to your attention the script for the festive concert, dedicated to the Day March 8.
This event can be organized at a school, at the Palace of Culture, at the House of Celebrations.
IN concert program Pupils of grades 1-11 from city schools can take part, music bands, participants in the reading competition, song competition, young talents, music directors, teachers, parents, students kindergarten.
The musical repertoire can be selected independently depending on the capabilities of the program participants.
The script will be interesting class teachers 10th – 11th grades, teacher-organizers, music directors, teachers additional education, active high school students, parents and everyone who is interested in the moments of this event.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere during the event “I believe that all women are beautiful.”
1.Create a festive atmosphere at the event.
2.In preparing and holding the holiday, use the creative potential of children and adults, develop the desire to participate in organizing a holiday dedicated to the international women's day March 8.
3. Cultivate respect for women and love for mothers.
Hall decoration: festive composition of large flowers or flowers from balloons. On the screen - the title “I believe that all women are beautiful!”
Before the evening begins, recordings of songs about mothers and women are played in the hall.
Holding an event.
The lights in the hall are dimmed, and a portrait of a woman appears on the screen.

A woman's voice sounds behind the scenes.
I am a Woman... and that means I am Destiny,
Capricious, vulnerable, dear...
And in the whole world I’m the only one like this...
Another cannot replace me...
I am a Woman... with love and longing...
Sometimes she flashes in my eyes...
The Lord created me like this
And he is responsible for me in life...
I am a Woman... hope and dream...
I am someone's torment... someone's adoration...
I am different... all the time and always...
And I’ve been waiting for someone for a long time...
I am a Woman... and that means I am Destiny...
I am a sinner... but still a saint...
And in the whole world I’m the only one like this...
Another one cannot replace me... Galina Volenberg.
(Bright lights come on in the hall)
The presenters, a boy and a girl, come on stage.
(Musical background to the words of the presenters “Ave Maria”)
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests!
Leading: Good afternoon
Presenter: We gathered on the eve of the brightest, kindest and most beloved holiday - March 8th.
Leading: And it is not at all by chance that it is met in the spring. After all, only a woman can warm and bestow warmth of soul and affection, the light of goodness and tenderness, and be as radiant as the spring sun.
Presenter: We dedicate this evening to you, our kind and patient, gentle and caring, loving and understanding people!
Leading: To you, our dear women, first smiles spring nature, delicate March flowers, wonderful poems and songs.

Reader (11th grade student……….)
May your day be sunny and beautiful
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening is starry, clean, clear
Oh woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial force,
Mother Nature created this world,
She placed it in you, oh woman,
All your beauty and grace.
There is a gust of thunder in you, a dawn of radiance,
The splendor of mountains and river holes,
Delight for the eyes, charm for the soul,
Through You the world and man are eternal.
Nature has all its art in you
I captured it to say: “Praise!”
And then for you, in a fit of feeling
She created a man in love. (Author unknown)

(“I am grateful to the woman for everything.” Dear women, the head of the city education department welcomes you…………

(The song “Mama” - there is no word dearer and dearer in the world..., lyrics and music by Anna Petryashova, performed by the children's choir of school No. ……….)
Presenter: Woman is a great word.
Leading: There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a woman-mother.

Presenter: Mom... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to call the closest, dearest, only person.
Leading: Dear mothers, please accept the most sincere congratulations and wishes for good health, peace, happiness and prosperity from the youngest participants of our concert.

(A child runs onto the stage to the cheerful tune “Smile”)
Child: Listen, listen, listen!
Everything from the first to the last row
Children welcome you
Our kindergarten!
(The child runs away to the sound of the same melody.)
Kindergarten students come out and read poetry.
1.Dear mothers,
Kind, good, in this bright hour
Happy March 8th

2. Go around the whole world,
Just know in advance -
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.
3.You won’t find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.
4.Hundred paths, hundred roads
Go around the world
Mom is the most best friend,
Better than mom There is not.

5. Mommy is sweet, gentle, nice,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness
Everyone: “Thank you” for everything I say to you.
6. We sincerely congratulate you
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye
I wish you good health.
7.Don't get sick
Don't get old
Never be angry
All: So young
Stay forever!

(To the tune of “Smile, the children leave the stage, only one remains”)
1. And now for all our mothers
We'll dance a merry dance!
(Children perform a cheerful dance…………)

Presenter: Motherhood is a great joy for a woman. There is probably no more sacred meaning of existence in the world than raising a loved one next to you.
Leading: Every child, whether in the future a great figure, scientist, poet, he begins life in good hands your mother.

Presenter: There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked throughout the centuries.
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.
(The background music increases.)
A young woman with a child in her arms rises onto the stage.)

Leading: Most recently in the family………. first child was born. Here is a happy young mother. And today, at our holiday, she will be presented with the very first document that a born citizen receives - this is a “Birth Certificate”.
Presenter: This honorable mission will be carried out by the chairman of the city council of women …………..
(Speech by the Chairman of the City Council of Women…………..
Presentation of a “Birth Certificate and a gift to a young mother.)

(Song “Mom is the first word, the main word in our destiny” - lyricist Yuri Entin, composer Gerard Bourgeois, performed by …… ……………)
Leading: Mom's voice is so dear and gentle. The kid immediately recognizes him among many.
Presenter: Every mother has her own lullaby. She puts all her love and tenderness into tender melodies.
(The sound of “Lullaby” by R. Pauls from the television film “Long Road in the Dunes”. Words by Aspasia, performed by …………)
Host: May the sun forever applaud her,
So she will live for centuries
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

(Young mother leaves the stage) (Song MOTHER! Dedicated to all mothers.
Author and composer Dina Migdal Children sing.)
Presenter: Today we are visiting mothers of many children who, despite life's difficulties, find the strength and courage to carefully raise their children.

(There is a list of mothers with many children.
One of them is given the floor.)
Leading: A woman is a mother who, even invisibly, is always with us... This is a person whose care we feel every minute. A woman’s life is alive, through her love for us and ours for her.
Presenter: From the lullaby to the last breath, our mother gives each of us love, care and affection.
(A reader comes on stage. The poem “Mom” is played
against the background of a piece of music)

Reader (11th grade student…………):
How many poems have people dedicated to mothers!
How many tender and affectionate words have been said!
I was overcome by doubts at first,
That I won’t be able to bring something new into poetry.
But, after thinking a little, I decided: “Come what may,
It may not be a new idea. Am I to blame?
That all mothers love their children equally,
Do all poets look with the same eyes?
How we hurt you, mothers, sometimes we upset you,
Without thinking about how hard it is for you.
We take your love for granted,
Knowing that it couldn’t have been otherwise.
We are growing up. And the mothers step aside.
Ruthless times are always like this.
I can fall in love more life girl
I will not love anyone more than my mother.
How I wish, mother, that while reading my poem,
You said with a smile, “Thank you, son.”
For me your praise is simple -
The best gift
For the work of my lines.)

(The song “Mother’s Eyes” is played. The author of the poem is poet and composer Simon Osiashvili. performed by ………………)

Presenter: Mother! Kind, affectionate, caring!
Leading: The light and warmth emanating from mom is that life-giving force without which it would be so difficult to live.
Presenter: Nobody knows how to love like that
How selflessly a mother cherishes.
And for such love children
Always in debt, answerable all my life.

(“Mom”, author Skorokhod Alexander, reads a poem by an 11th grade student……………):
You are a mother
Don't just remember -
You must
Always remember your mother.
Mother gave you love
And shared everything with you:
Yourself, health, kindness,
Both life and your dream.
You are a mother
Don't just remember -
You must
Always remember your mother...

(Song of a Chechen schoolgirl about her mother. Composer Zhanna Kolmagorova, performs ……………..)
Song " Parents' house“Women, like no one else, know the value of peace. After all, throughout our history they have experienced so much, so many heroic things have been accomplished that, probably, no most majestic monument can be worthy of their feat.

Presenter: More than one generation has experienced a feeling of reverent amazement and admiration for women - veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Today our most honored guests are present at our celebration - women veterans of the Great Patriotic War. This …………. (list names of veterans)
Leading: I suggest greeting them standing.

The floor is given to a veteran of the Great Patriotic War………………
Presenter: Dear women, this glorious holiday Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations. You have earned great gratitude, respect and love for your loyalty to the Motherland, mercy and courage.

Leading: For you, dear veterans, your favorite songs will now be played.
(Medley on the theme of war songs performed by ........)

(Children of the senior choreographic group of the House of Culture perform “Waltz”)
Presenter: We express our immense love and deepest respect for the woman veteran, who occupies a special place in society as a symbol human life.
Leading: A woman gives us life. Woman and life are synonymous words. (Schoolchildren give flowers to veterans)
Young readers (5 high school students) take the stage.
1. It’s nice to see a woman with flowers,

Her face shines with kindness,
And a lot depends on you and me,
So that we could see her like this.
2.Give women flowers!

Give on holidays and on weekdays,
After all, it’s not so difficult to do it,
And how much kindness there is in this!
3.Give women flowers.

Not only on holidays, -
As usual,
And among the worries and bustle
Give women flowers -
Brides, wives,
Young fashionistas.

4.Give women flowers
So that life seems even brighter.
So that everyday life is not empty,
Give women flowers.
How much this little thing means!

5.Give women flowers.
And the years will not age them...
Among the worries and bustle
Give women flowers
How they give us smiles. (Author unknown)

Song “March 8, flowers and gifts” Author: Konstantin Derr, performed by ………….
(The song “For all women” is played. Lyricist and composer Stas Mikhailov
performed by…………)
The young readers (5 high school students) take the stage again.

1. A woman is with us when we are born,
2. The woman is with us in our last hour.
3. A woman is a banner when we fight,
4. A woman is the joy of opened eyes.

5. Our first love and happiness,

Streams gurgle, rays blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a tree stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch tree again.

A cheerful bumblebee sounds the spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings scream.

The starlings are screaming in all directions:

"Spring is coming! Make way for spring!

Arina: Hello, dear guests! Today is our holiday. And we called it “March 8 - Woman. Spring. Love".

Nikita: Good afternoon, dear women, girls, mothers and grandmothers! We are starting our concert and want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring, beauty and love.

Arina: Women have long made the Spring Festival their property and taught the whole world to take it into account. On this March day, everything is for the woman, everything is in her honor! And the inevitable congratulations, and chivalrous deeds, and signs of attention. Dear women and girls, we congratulate you on Women's Day!


The song of the stream has not yet been heard

The lark's trill does not flow,

But the sun is brighter and drops

Tells us: Spring is coming!!!

Spring is coming

And don't let it be hot.

But with her, like a summer shadow,

International Women's Day

Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like lilacs
May your life be wonderful
And always be happy
Let your home be a full cup!
Good luck, joy, kindness!

Arina: And the 2nd grade students are the first to congratulate their mothers.


To grow properly

We need to get a mom.

Mom is very useful to us,

You won't find anything better!

If you want to eat -

All you have to do is scream

Mom comes running right away

He will offer porridge.

If you have eaten a lot,

But you don’t want to sleep yet -

So that mom doesn't get bored,

You can scream again.

Mom will take you in her arms,

Mom will sing a song

Mom will tell you a fairy tale

He will dance and bring the ball!

If you still want to sleep,

It’s better to lie next to your mother -

Let him sleep a little too,

You need to take care of your mother.

If you open your eyes,

And you will see - there is no mother,

You will, of course, make a roar,

You'll go broke.

She will come running

And feed you with milk,

Mom is always next to us,

Doesn't go far.

Do you want to be the happiest?

So, listen to my advice:

Get a mother soon -

There is no better mother in the world!

Arina: International Women's Day is a holiday glorifying women, working women, mothers, and homemakers. There is nothing brighter and more selfless in the world than the love of a mother. Mother's love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires heroism. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, a great word - mother!

Nikita: Grade 6B will perform Stas Mikhailov’s song “Mama”

Nikita: With the onset of spring comes the first warm spring rains, from which nature wakes up. Smells fresh. How wonderful this time of year is!

1 student. Oh woman, you are beautiful

We bow our heads before you.

You are mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,

You are everything that is incredibly close to us.

2 student. Oh, how wonderful the word is mother.

Everything on earth is from mother's hands.

She is us, naughty and stubborn,

She taught goodness - the highest of sciences.

3rd and 4th student

1. When I look from the stage into the audience,

I see it in the twilight, unsteady

And admiring eyes

And someone's kind smile.

On this wonderful spring holiday

I would like to congratulate you

So mysterious and different.

2. Among worries, among smiles,

Such as in the hall of kind eyes

I say “thank you” to life

For every moment, for every hour,

For the witchcraft of the white birch,

And the mother's eternal call,

And the cry of a baby in the cradle

And laughter, and tears, and love

Nikita: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth is the first word that a person utters and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Arina: Mother! Close your eyes and listen, and you will hear your mother's voice. He lives within you, so familiar, so dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice.

Nikita: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most tender and affectionate hands that can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Arina: Mother! You were little and couldn’t speak yet, but she understood you without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught you to talk, walk... Mom read you the first book. From her you learned the names of the birds, that each flower has its own name. Your mother helped you see the first snowflake.

Nikita: And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need your mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

God's conversation with a child ( presentation)

Read by an adult: I would like in spring days,

Take all troubles away from you,

Sunny Mood Cup

Present to lovely women.

So that under the dome of the clear sky,

Where the frost makes spring angry,

Your children grew up beautiful,

No sadness and no offense.

So that your eyes are filled with joy,

New freshness for many years

And may your life be brighter than the rainbow

It blazed all over the world.

Arina: The song “My Dear Mommy” is performed by second grade students

Arina: Once a year there comes a day when we say the word “woman”, meaning not washing, cleaning and cooking, but flowers, a holiday and good mood!

Nikita: And today we are just on the eve of such a day. Today we congratulate our lovely women on the holiday of spring and love! Happy March 8th!

Arina: The most beautiful thing in the world wears female names: Universe, Earth, Motherland, Mother - all these are feminine words! Since ancient times, peoples have worshiped Woman. Love for a woman is the main engine of life and history. Wars broke out because of her, heroic deeds were performed for her sake, and men made history with her name.

Nikita: Planets solar system revolve around the Sun, and everything in the world revolves around a woman. Yes, strength has always submitted to beauty. Alexander the Great said: “If I were a woman, I would conquer the whole world.”

Arina: But he did not conquer the world because he was a man. And as you understand, it is difficult for a modern woman to conquer the world; she is a very busy person. At work - energetic, in public life– active, at home – tireless. But still, despite all this, we women manage to be beautiful and conquer.

Nikita: This holiday is such that it is as if all mothers have a common birthday on March 8th. On this day we congratulate our mothers and give them gifts. Because mother is the dearest and closest person to us.

Nikita: And now a little warm-up. I ask a question, and you answer, only very kindly and tenderly. Go!

Who came to me this morning?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who said “it’s time to get up!”?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who managed to cook the porridge?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Should I pour some tea into my glass?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who picked flowers in the garden?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who kissed me?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who as a child loves laughter?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Who is the best in the world?
All(in unison): Mommy!

Nikita: Well done!

Arina: Maxim Gorky wrote: “All the pride in the world comes from mothers. Without the sun, flowers don’t bloom, without love there’s no happiness, without a woman there’s no love, without a mother there’s no man!” Let us today and always say words of love and gratitude to them, and let today’s holiday become a hymn to the woman-mother.

Student 1:

There is no one dearer on earth than mother,

Mom who gave us life

And no matter how many kind words they say to her, it’s not enough,

We all want mom to live for a long, long time.

She is always and everywhere with us:

And the first steps and the first words,

And mom will regret it if necessary,

When we approach our native gates.

Student 2:

We love mom's smile, hands,

And no matter how quickly everyone runs faster than the year,

And no matter how noisy the grandchildren are.

She will never stop worrying about us!

Mother! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, of good!

And know: we need you like that,

Like a ray of sun, like air, like water!

Nikita: The song “Mom’s Heart” will be performed by students of grade 6 B

Nikita: - Spring is a bright celebration of the birth of nature. Blooms on the ground in spring new life. March is the first spring month, it brings warmth, the sun begins to shine brighter. The first flowers of spring - snowdrops - are blooming. And I really want to congratulate my beloved sisters


Tomorrow dear sister
She will be happy in the morning.
For her, as for mom,
I drew a bouquet.
After all, my sister is also a lady,
Even though she is still young,
And her, like a younger (older) brother,
I'm always happy to congratulate you!

Arina: On this day we must say “Thank you” and congratulate our patient workers - grandmothers.

Student 1:

Mom has a job
Dad has work.
They have Saturday left for me.

And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you:
“Don’t rush,
Well, tell me what happened there!”

Student 2:

If grandma said:

Either don’t touch it or don’t you dare.

We must listen because

Our house rests on it.

We once cooked dinner without my grandmother.

You washed the dishes yourself

And since then there have been no dishes.

Student 3:

Dedicates himself to education

Dad has his day off

On this day, just in case

Grandma hides her belt

Goes to school meetings

She gets it every month

The postman carries money...

Student 4:

March 8! Women's Day!
No one is lazy today
Go congratulate all the beautiful ones
Caring and fussy.

On the best day in the world
At the brightest hour
Your grandchildren, your children
We want to congratulate you!

Arina: The song “Without Grandmother” will be performed by students of class 3A, welcome!

Nikita: The month of March, like a schoolboy, skipping
Such a mischievous one came rushing towards us.
Get out the bouquets, boys,

Arina: The sunny bunny jumps on the desks,
Bird chirping floats from above.
From the smiles of Merry March
Flowers are appearing everywhere.

Telegrams, postcards, greetings -
March is approaching its eighth day.
Don't forget, boys, bouquets,
Congratulations to your classmates on spring!


We gathered today

To congratulate our girls.

We girls want to tell you a lot,

Please put aside the giggling.

This is not the first day we have been studying with you,

And here's what we managed to notice:

All of you are not too lazy to turn around in front of the mirror

Any day during the week.

We wish you happiness, love and victories,

Health, good luck, attention.

May your every day be warm,

Your wishes will come true.

Today we also want to tell you,

Sorry for our jokes

We are very sad without our girls.

You are the decoration of the school!

Arina: Ditties for girls will be performed by Sasha Savbyanov and Nikita Ezenkov

How can we not worry?

Don't be embarrassed, don't blush?

Because today, because today

We decided to sing for you.

On a spring day, on a spring day

We are happy to congratulate you

With the brightest, kindest,

The best spring holiday!

You will meet good girls

If you come to school.

But, believe me, in the whole world

You won't find better than ours.

Congratulations to you today

And gifts from the heart.

And we admit that it is very

You are good today!

We promise to become more mature

Don't lose your friendship.

Well, if someone offends you,

We will protect you!

As the snow melts in spring,

It turns out water.

We'll sing to you about girls -

Woe befall them.

Our Varya is a laughing girl,

And she is not too lazy to laugh.

Show Tamil the finger -

There will be laughter all day long.

Sonya heals all animals,

Walks around with syringes.

Made a "mantu" for the cat

I tied a bandage to my tail.

Our Masha is in a hurry,

She is not too lazy to wash the dishes,

But he breaks the dishes -

Five cups every day.

Anastasia sews and knits -

Quite a craftswoman.

I sewed a sundress for my mother -

The mitten came out.

Katerina loves dancing,

They circle in front of the mirror.

If they say: "Dancing at school" -

They'll hurry to school quickly

My wife's friends are boys

And he fights like a boy.

Always covered in bruises and bumps

Not a girl - a hurricane.

Julia loves to cook

Boil the borscht and bake the rolls.

Everything in her apartment is in dough,

There's not even anywhere to lie down in the bedroom.

Our Dasha is so serious

Will not part with the book

He eats with a book and sleeps with a book

He teaches everything, tries

We composed ditties

We tried really hard.

We only ask that you

We weren't offended

Nikita: Today is the day, we praise women,
May trouble, resentment, evil not touch you,
We praise grandmothers, there is no one better, kinder,
They will help you with everything and always know how to do everything.

Arina: We praise our mothers, thank you!
Beloved, loving, not knowing peace,
Tireless, they have so much to do,
Long-tolerant, not strict with pranks,


We praise girls, they are not more beautiful,
You can borrow an eraser and a notebook from them,
Whisper the correct answer into the test
They will tell you how to solve the problem.

We praise all women, thank you,
For beauty, for kindness and tenderness.
Do you remember - we love you very much,
And we will try to live up to expectations.

Arina: With a song about a woman“Who created you like this” 11th grade student Stas Vakhrudinov

Nikita: Our concert has come to an end. And we tell you once again: happy holiday to you, dear women! And may you not lose patience, which is so necessary for all of you now.

Arina: May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness. Goodbye, see you again!


Prepared by:

teacher-organizer Usovich K.S.



0 – background music

Presenter 1.

O woman, you are beautiful,

We bow our heads before you.

You are mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,

You are everything that is incredibly close to us...

Presenter 2.

You are pain and joy, grief and success,

You are the most beautiful of all creations.

We bring you a wreath of poems -

Madonna! You are above everyone.

Presenter 1. Good afternoon

Presenter 2. Good afternoon friends! Our dear, beautiful women, we congratulate you on the spring holiday!

Presenter 1. Today we honor the entire gentle and kind half of the population, expressing our love and gratitude to them.

Presenter 1: And the floor for congratulations goes to the school director - T.V. Tokareva.

Presenter 2. So we have gathered here in one big friendly family, we will congratulate each other on the holiday with songs, dances and wonderful poems.

Presenter 1. And the drawings-symbols in the hands of our little, but already very brave boys will help us. And now we will find out what will come out of these drawings.

4 drawings - symbols on A4 format (head with neck, torso, tail, 2 wings), collectively depictingbird of happiness.

The reader with the first symbol in his hands comes out and reads poetry. Boys 3rd grade

1 reader.

A world full of fabulous flowers,

Embrace this spring day!

2 reader.

A world with a wondrous rustle of winds

Embrace this spring day!

3 reader.

Peace with the wonderful song of the nightingale,

4 reader. Peace with the song of the March drop

All. Embrace this spring day!

Song to the tune of “Small Country”

Mommy is the best in the world

We love mommy

All our smiles to mommy,

The best dreams in the world.

Moms are always involved in household chores,

She has a lot of worries

We know that mom is very strong

By evening he gets tired.

She is always nearby.

We will raise our children

And after many years

We will also find out the most important

Mom's big secret:

Only great love for mom

Doesn't let me grow old

Let her, our dear

He still lives for a long time.

Chorus: Mom is with us once/2 times

We congratulate her twice from the bottom of our hearts

She is always nearby.

Presenter 1. O women, at all times you have given birth in men to the desire to do something extraordinary, unthinkable, to risk their lives for the sake of the lady of their heart.

Presenter 2. Fierce battles Crusades and... poems in honor of the Beautiful Lady. Heavy armor, refined manners and refined taste. All these seemingly incompatible qualities are mysteriously united in one concept - the Knight.

Presenter 1. Let us, friends, spur our imagination and together we will be transported to the past, to the time of the knights.

Ancient music plays and the lights go out for a few seconds.

A Lady and a Knight enter the hall.

Lady. Well, Evgeny, what do you want to surprise us with this time?

Knight. Oh noble ladies, you are so beautiful that I don’t have enough words to express my admiration for your beauty, poetry is not fully capable of this...

Lady. And what kind of verses are these?

Knight (fervently).

Your thin figure and willful curl

More than one poet praised him in verse,

But everything is a deception... And again my heart hurts,

When you proudly say, “No!”

But I swear, I swear on my sword

That I will glorify your name in feats of arms,

And then, without discussing anything,

You will look at me with different eyes.

And certainly then

You will gently whisper to me “yes...”.

Lady (indifferently). The poems are quite good, but we will open our hearts to you only when you confirm your words with deeds.

9th grade performance

Presenter 2. 3rd grade students Irina Efimova, Daria Savich and Alexey Burov addressed their lyrical gift to all the women in the hall.

3rd grade. Poetry

6th grade. The first boy appears on the stage - a boy in home clothes, all wrapped in threads, scissors peeking out of his pocket. He has a bunch of scraps in his hands.

I am for my beloved mother
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,
Me for my mom
I cut out the dress quickly -
I thought once - and everything is ready!
What's so complicated about this?
It's not clear what happened...
Nothing succeeded!
Nothing to surprise mommy -
Am I going to give this to her?
I thought my mother would be happy
Well, what came out was a bunch of rubbish... (shows shredded material)

A second boy appears on the stage with a saucepan and a whisk in his hand, covered in flour, with a chef’s hat on.

Baking a cake is a simple matter,
You just need to take it boldly.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper...
Or no, not like that at all!
It turns out to be a mess.
I'm completely confused -
Why put pepper there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen,
Spilled the cream, burned all my hands,
The result is a burnt crust.
And it doesn't look like a cake.

(to 1st boy):- It looks like we’ll have to come up with other gifts, but that’s okay, let’s not be discouraged! After all, real men do not give in to difficulties!

6th grade performance

. Presenter 1:- I can’t express my gratitude to the grandmothers in words.
For their care, kindness and affection,
For pies with potatoes and mushrooms
And for reading a bedtime story.

Presenter 2. This song is played in our hall for the kindest grandmothers in the world.

Song “Grandma, grandma, bake pancakes...” 5th or 6th grade

Crown Sasha:

What a gift for mom

Shall we give as a gift on Women's Day?

There is a lot for this

Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -

It is very interesting

We'll knead the dough in the bathtub

Or wash the chair.

Well, I'm a gift to my mother

I'll paint the closet with flowers,

The ceiling would be nice too

It's a pity I'm not tall.

Presenter 1: On stage, the youngest artists with musical congratulations are 1st grade students.

1st grade performance

Presenter 1.

Let winter be full of excitement,

Spring has come to us today.

Our beloved ladies!

4th grade pupils will tell us about their mothers.

4th grade. Scene

(children arguing about whose mother is better)

2nd girl: My mom sings the best

3rd girl: And mine tells fairy tales!

4th girl: Don't boast, because you don't know
How much affection my mother gives!

2nd girl: I have the same mom's nose
And by the way, the same hair color!
And even though I'm shorter, I'm still
Both our eyes and nose are similar!

3rd girl: Joy and sadness for sure
I share with my mother again and again,
Because a daughter is for every mother -
Faith and hope and love.

4th girl: Like two drops, we are alike with our mother,
And when we leave the yard,
Passers-by often say,
What does she tell me elder sister.

2nd boy: Well then it’s my turn,
Without hesitation, I’ll say it straight away.
Mom and I are generally one on one,
I even frown stubbornly.

Chernikova A.G. (addressing 4th grade):
You don't have to argue at all.
Believe me without any hindrance,
I confirm to you in detail,
Your mothers are truly the best!

Presenter 1.

Let's confess our love

Today we are more than once.

Here's the next confession for you.

Presenter 2.

It will be performed by kids

But with all my heart!

Meet 2nd grade!

A ditty tune sounds. 2nd grade takes the stage


    Our dear ladies,

We'll sing ditties for you.

And hello to you big helmet

    Soup and porridge burnt

Salt is poured into the compote,

When mom came home from work,

She had a lot of trouble.

    Just clean it once a year

I decided to frying pan

And then four days

They couldn't wash me off.

    Vasya drew a picture

He's an artist, no doubt about it

But why did he paint his nose?

In red, yellow, Blue colour?

    I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the whole apartment,

But what's left of him

Three straws in total.

    Again the floor was polished to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for: what to do?

There is no work.

    We stop singing ditties

And we always promise you:

Always listen to you in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Presenter 2: Now relatives, loved ones, affectionate
Congratulations on this important day.
Wishing you beautiful, fabulous days
5th grade will sing a song.

5th grade - song “The best in the world and on the entire planet...”

Presenter 2.

Among first spring days

All over the earth, for all people

Spring and women are alike.

With spring greetings for you, dear women, the school’s dance group will perform the “Sea Wave” dance.


Presenter 1: Happy March 8th, happy spring holiday,
With the first rays of this bright hour!
Dear ladies, everyone loves you very much
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Presenter 2: And, of course, on this wonderful day we cannot do without congratulatory words from our teachers. Greet the school staff with loud applause.

Teachers' speech

Song to the tune of "If you leave the house with a frown...":

If you leave the house frowning,
Remember that today is a holiday!
That any acquaintance is ready to congratulate you
Or even a stranger you meet!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

A happy accident brought us all together at school!
Everyone loves us all lovely women for a reason!
Gentle, kind, modest, in general - the best!
Our eyes say more about it than our words!

And male admiration
Suddenly touches our eyes,
And good mood
Will not leave us again!

If you want tea early in the morning
Or it's time for lunch,
Get out this self-assembled tablecloth!
Here, in our gift, there are a considerable number of them!

Your appetite, no doubt,
Will play out immediately
And good mood
Will not leave us again!

Presenter 1. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our concert also quietly came to an end.

Presenter 2. We once again congratulate you on the upcoming Women's Day!

Presenter 1. And today, on this solemn day, we wish you health, love and smiles.

Together. See you again!

Order of speeches

1) 9th grade song

2) 3rd grade poems

3) 6th grade song (remains on stage)

4) 5-6 grades song “Grandma, bake pancakes”

5) 1st grade song

6) 4th grade skit

7) 2nd grade ditties

8) 5th grade song “Best in the World”

9) dance “Sea Wave”

10) teachers

What else to read