Sketch for March 8th for a small company. Scenario of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy-tale kingdom" in verse, competitions and musical accompaniment to them

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

As holiday entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, the presenter selects several participants and holds various competitions between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

The presenter sets some feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names the last word, gets a bonus point.

Game "Women's Logic"

The presenter names several items. Participants must name the item that is missing from this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point.

Examples of tasks for the game “Women’s Logic”:
Hair coloring with henna, basma, Vella dye. (Coloring “Velloy”, since henna and basma are natural dyes.)
Vanilla crackers, bread crumbs, raisin crackers. (Breadcrumbs as they are not a ready-to-eat product.)
Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural material.)
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Excess lotion, since it is used for hygiene purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume are used as perfumes.)
Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, since it is done by hand, the rest is done on a sewing machine.)

The competition requires a large selection of different cosmetics. All of them are laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the right item from the “beauty bag”. Time to select a subject is limited. For the correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point.

Item options:
Nail polish, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick neutral color, bright lipstick, lip pencil, eye pencil, eye contour cream, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder compact, face toner, foot cream.

Examples of tasks:
Line your eyes.
Touch up your lips for a business meeting.
Wash off your makeup.
Tint your eyebrows.
Touch up your eyes (choose at least two items).
Hide freckles.
Prepare your face for applying cosmetics.
Paint your nails.
Wash off nail polish.
Separate stuck lashes.

Game "Non-standard situations"

The presenter offers each participant a difficult situation from which she must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must “sculpt” a female figure using tape. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.
Women can also be asked to make a sculpture of a man.
Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. It's fun to use balloons of different sizes and shapes.
To ensure that those present do not get bored, games and entertainment are interrupted from time to time for dance blocks.

Game "Flower"

The game involves pairs (a man and a woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each couple. Women clutch bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without using their hands.

Valentina Korennaya
"Holiday at home. Scripts, pranks, jokes"

How to hold a corporate party in a women's team on March 8, 2019, in order to create a fun atmosphere at the holiday, and none of those present get bored? The organizers of such celebrations diversify them with fun competitions, comic skits, and funny games. At the same time, they try to take into account the age of all participants.

It is important that all ladies participating in the event feel comfortable. We offer one of the possible options for how you can organize a March 8 holiday in a team, including interesting tasks that will appeal to the majority of those present.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team

Decorate the room where the celebration will take place with garlands and balloons. You can draw 1-2 congratulatory posters or prepare a wall newspaper for this day.

– Hello, our dear guests! An amazing holiday is coming again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and the drops are louder. We are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which looks like a flowering meadow. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled it today with the light of your beauty!

The most beautiful and most beloved
Beautiful, unique women
Congratulations on Women's Day now,
We wish you the best in life!
Be always loved and desired,
They are very affectionate and long-awaited.
In life - wonderful and bright emotions!
Happy holiday, women! Happy March 8th!

Next, at the festive corporate party in honor of March 8, according to the script, congratulations from the company’s management will be heard. At the same time, it is important to mention each employee, thanking her for her contribution to the common cause. You can give them awards: “For the best report”, “The most punctual”, “Golden hands”, etc.

Then the presenters will take the floor:
- The March prankster will melt the snow,
Hearts will thaw from winter.
Let's celebrate Women's Day
The way only we can!

– How unflatteringly men speak about the so-called feminine logic! At the same time, many representatives of the fair sex not only keep up with them in this regard, but can also give them a head start. Let's test your abilities and conduct a fun quiz.

Several participants are invited to the stage to answer questions. Each sentence contains an extra word that is not connected with the rest in meaning. Girls and women must define it.

For example, in the list of “cotton, polyester and linen” the extra one is polyester, since it is an artificial material. In the phrase “henna, supra and basma” the word “supra” is superfluous, since this chemical composition, made in the laboratory, and henna and basma are natural dyes. Then the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are awarded.

– Well, you coped with this task brilliantly! And so that you don't get bored, I suggest you take a fun test.

At least once in your life...

  • Have you ever gotten behind the wheel of a car?
  • hammered a nail?
  • lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?
  • Have you changed a car tire?
  • argued with salespeople in the store?
  • Did you buy your own jewelry?
  • do you know what the word “pliers” means?

The presenter will summarize:

  • for those who have never answered “yes”, men are simply necessary for survival in this complex world;
  • Those who answer yes to half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;
  • those who answered “yes” to most questions, don’t be upset: you are real Russian women who will stop a galloping horse and walk into a burning hut!

The corporate event on the occasion of the celebration of March 8 in the women's group will continue with the sketch “Bad Advice”.

– They say that there is no such thing as female friendship, and there are jokes about how quarrelsome a female team can be. Everything is different in our company, so I want to give you some bad advice.

Tip 1:
– If your colleagues
They gave me a big bonus
And they completely forgot about you
And they didn’t give any
Instead of paint
Pour into the printer
Strawberry jam,
And about you in the institution
They will never forget.

Tip 2:
– If at the workplace
Everything is littered with paper
And find there what they ask for,
There is no hope -
Quickly dump everything on the floor,
Stomp your feet on top
And get out of this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

Tip 3:
– If everyone is in the office at once
Sick of a terrible flu
And work immediately stopped,
And customers call
You with some piece of paper
Approach the patient.
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

The corporate party scenario for March 8 may include various fun competitions.

In the Hostesses competition, participants will need:

  • cook tasty dish, for example, salad, in the allotted time;
  • identify by touch, with your eyes closed, the types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina, etc.);
  • answer the questions: “How much does a liter of milk, a kilogram of doctor’s sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children’s tights cost?”
  • sew on a button, etc. as quickly as possible.

The next competition at the corporate celebration on March 8 will involve teams consisting of two participants.

One participant will take out cards from the box with the words “car”, “flowers”, “child”, “iron”, “cat”, “candy”, “dress”, “bracelet”, “vase”, “chicken carcass”, etc. Another lady will take out cards in random order from another box with the phrases: “I’ll cook it for lunch,” “I’ll get it as a gift,” “I’ll send it to kindergarten,” “I’ll wear it in the evening,” “I’ll go to a restaurant wearing this,” etc.

If the words match in meaning, the team will receive bonus points. The winner will be the team with the maximum number of points.

At this holiday you can also talk about the achievements of your employees at work and beyond. After all, many people have hobbies that everyone would be interested in learning about. Surely one of your colleagues writes poetry, sews and knits beautifully, grows rare flowers at home or in their garden.

Organize a lottery with humorous gifts at the holiday: it could be a compliment from your boss or a prize in the form of a few free hours for shopping.

– Once again, Happy Women’s Day to all of you! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, goodness!

– My dear colleagues,
Congratulations on Women's Day!
I wish you a lot of love,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

Lots of joy and mood
Many new, wonderful ideas,
I also wish you luck,
And health, and memorable days!

I wish you flowers and gifts,
And the attention of the best men,
Congratulations to you, friends!
Let your worries melt away like smoke!

How nice it is to celebrate holidays in the company of men, basking in the friendly attention of colleagues! But what if they, that is, male colleagues, simply don’t exist? Feel bored while chewing a cookie with some tea? In no case! And without the stronger sex, a corporate party on March 8 in a women’s team will turn out to be cheerful, bright and noisy if you approach the organization with imagination!


First of all, find a room in which it is possible to organize a mini-stage, dance floor, and arrange tables. It is advisable that no one bothers you, and you do not bother anyone

A corporate event with a team of teachers can be held right at the school, educators - in kindergarten, corporate event in a medical team on the territory of the clinic, if there is an assembly hall. But all ideas need to be discussed with management in advance.

  • decorate the room so that the ladies are immersed in a festive atmosphere right from the door. Instead of expensive fresh flowers in spring, use paper pompoms, lanterns, and fans. Twinkling ones always lift your spirits electric garlands, especially if the lights in the hall are dimmed;
  • make a congratulatory banner and/or a funny stand with photos of colleagues. In the teaching team on March 8, you can give A’s under the pictures for excellent work, in the medical team you can sign funny diagnoses (chronic cheerfulness, progressive laughter, etc.);

  • pick up fun competitions, congratulations in verse, songs - a corporate event for women is unthinkable without music. If March 8th is held at the table, make a selection of humorous tests, chants, thematic toasts;
  • don’t forget to think over the menu, because in a women’s team, not every first one has a sweet tooth, and every second one is on a diet. Look online for “delicious” ideas for a corporate party on March 8 to fit treats into the festive setting (toppers, skirts, flowers from cut fish/fruit, etc.);

  • hand out beautifully designed invitations, even if you work in the same room literally side by side- a nice little thing that should not be forgotten.

Script, entertainment

Our scenario for a women’s corporate event on March 8 is universal, regardless of the company’s field of activity. After all, this is a women’s holiday, and the main theme of the corporate party is congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. And to emphasize the scope of the institution’s activities, add prof. jokes in the host's remarks.

If everyone knows each other well, and the team is generally friendly, the scenario can be supplemented with alcohol competitions and spicy games. When appropriate, such ideas at a corporate party on March 8 for women, as well as at purely men’s holidays, invariably raise the degree of fun!

Introductory part

The corporate party begins with a skit on March 8 - a short preamble. Two young ladies are sitting on chairs, talking, taking a test from a magazine:

Mash, here’s an interesting test: “How dependent are you on men.” Let's tell fortunes?

Why guess? I can’t open a jar of cucumbers without my husband’s help, which means I’m addicted, I love cucumbers like a passion!

With vodka? (giggles). Can you open the bottle yourself?

Fuck you, what vodka! I'm a decent woman. But I can open the bottle.

You can use a bottle, but you can’t use a jar – it’s not clear. Let's guess. Question one: “Have you driven a car at least once in your life?”

No, I failed my driving test

What did you fail, practice or theory?

No, I’m like in the joke - a trash can and a couple of passers-by...

Wow, that's a truly stunning woman. Then the next question is: “Have you ever lifted luggage that is heavier than your purse?”

My husband was on the 6th floor... Does this count? And on February 23rd he gave me a gift - he made it to the 3rd himself!

Okay, I’m writing that yes. Next question: “If you are lost in an unfamiliar city, who would you rather ask for help, a man or a woman?”

On a smartphone, damn it. Katya, the 21st century is just around the corner. What kind of test is this, what is the point?

Well, if you answer “yes” to most questions, then you are very dependent on men, and if “no”, you don’t need them at all.

How do you mean “absolutely”? But what about this, well this... Um... Stupid test, in short. Is it that women only need a man to take them shopping and carry bags? I myself can carry a horse out of a burning hut at a gallop, but it’s still impossible without a man!

She can carry out the horse, but she can’t open the jar! Okay, Mashun, it’s good to sharpen your lasses, all the guests have already gathered. Surely we won’t get bored for one evening without men?

Here's another! It’s even more fun between us girls, without a watchful eye! Okay, get your motherland out of your chair, it’s time to perform!

Welcome song remake

There are two songs to choose from for the corporate party on March 8th. They are easy to replace with others at your discretion; there are many examples on the Internet. The girls from the skit can be supported by their friends who come out to them at the end of the dialogue - singing in chorus is not so shy.

To the tune of "Good Girls":

Wild girls, cherished friends,
Laughing faces, twinkling eyes!
As soon as we start a song, like everyone else in the area
They tearfully ask the police to take us away as soon as possible.

In heels we rush towards fate without looking back,
Wherever you send us, we will send you there ourselves!
We are ready to celebrate in the barracks and tent,
If the whole team suddenly wanders there.

But not today, that's it! Today we are all ladies
Today we are all ladies and complete mademoiselles
Girls, pour it out - the snack is getting cold,
Just need to close it tighter front door.
Girls, pour it out - the snack is getting cold
And the riot police won’t be able to come to our party now!

To the tune of "If you are frowning":

With a sunny smile we left the house,
After all, today is the best holiday day!
Everyone congratulates us - Uncle Unfamiliar,
Dad, husband and every cute boy he meets!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
AND good mood
We will give it to you now!

At a corporate event, chance brought us together
And it’s definitely not all in vain!
Gentle, kind, modest, the best women
We will sincerely congratulate you on March 8th!

And now from emotion
Everyone's eyes will sparkle.
Pour it - we'll tell you a toast,
Why should we wait in vain?

Further minus without words, it is better to turn down the music a little and pour drinks while listening to it. When everyone is ready, congratulations on March 8 are heard for the women's group from the presenter or those who sang. Options for congratulations in verse:

Congratulations to the neat ones
Tender, affectionate, depraved
Sweet, kind and dangerous
Smart, stupid and beautiful!
Congratulations to the birds, bunnies
Katya, Oles, Natasha and Raek (names of colleagues)
Mice, chubby and skinny...
Wait, what am I even talking about?
Happy spring Women's Day everyone!
2. Every day we move around like bees.
Either rags in hands, or brooms
Feed, drink, wash
Cook and then remove
And don’t forget to get to work
Find your way through your worries.

But today without a doubt
We will mark the problems
And let's celebrate the holiday brightly -
Let's drink, sit, sing!

Our holiday! We have the right
A little cognac to start!
Happiness, joy, health
Girls, happy March 8th!

Games, competitions

After the introductory part - skits, songs, toasts and congratulations - hold competitions at the table. A corporate event for women, especially on March 8, does not fit well with active competitions (everyone is dressed up, in dresses, in heels).

Of course, sitting at the table the whole holiday will be boring, so dancing and a few moderately active games can and even should be added to the scenario. We offer fun competitions for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team:

  • Big-eyed miss(a title for funny diplomas for the winners) - guess which colleague is shown in the photo. These could be pictures of children or parts of the body (cleavage, butt, knee, eye). V. shows a photo; whoever answers correctly the fastest gets a plus point;
  • The sweetest mademoiselle. This competition can be held both at the table and on stage. Props – caps with a ribbon hanging from the visor (on a clothespin). There is a candy tied to the end of the ribbon. Put on a cap, swing the candy without using your hands and catch it in your mouth before your rivals;

  • Miss Charm. Table draw. V. says that now he will read phrases, the guests should repeat them all together. Like, let's check who has a boneless tongue and who got bubbles in the head. The first phrase: a lilac fog obscures the eyes the morning after a corporate party. Everyone repeats. Second phrase: runners run fast. Repeat.

Here the presenter very naturally says: “Well, you made a mistake in the second phrase!” And seize the moment - someone will certainly begin to be indignant that they said it correctly. A charming miss diploma and a fine - come up with a toast for March 8th with the words “repeat, exactly, a joke.”

  • Michelangelo in a skirt. This competition is great for a corporate event in a team of kindergarten teachers, but by and large it is universal. V. gives the guests a pen and asks them to write down on a napkin (not show it to anyone) the most important quality of a real man.

Now you need to mold your ideal from plasticine or draw it, highlighting the written down dignity. For example, big head– wisdom, widely spaced hands – openness, generosity. Then you need to guess (everyone takes turns sitting at the table) what quality the neighbor on the left/right portrayed. Appreciate creativity and humor with applause.

In a medical team, you can draw using the same principle ideal man iodine, brilliant green and cotton swabs. Provide participants with surgical gloves to avoid ruining their manicure.

Gifts are not gifts!

This entertainment, even if familiar to the team, still causes laughter on the head heated with champagne. It's simple - the presenter offers to take two pieces of paper from two different trays. The pieces of paper are numbered - if anyone has the same numbers (the same on both), award them the title “Donna Fortuna”.

But that’s not the point – it’s funny precisely because of the inconsistencies. For example, with a photo of an idol, a lady says, “I’ve loved it since childhood, I’ll eat it right away!” The first heap of papers is for gifts, the second is for use (mix well):

gold chain– such a gift can only be proudly worn around your neck!
Photos of Mikhailov(anyone who is a sex symbol for the women of your team) - I will kiss you every night before bed
Chocolate– I’ll eat it and share it with my friends
Silver spoon– I’ll stir the tea, it kills germs
Barrette– I’ll wear it on my head, but what else?
Silk napkin– I definitely won’t wipe my nose with this, it’s a shame to spoil such a thing!
Candy on a stick– I’ve loved it since childhood, I’ll eat it right away
Soft toy - I’ll sleep with her in my arms
Fruit basket– I’ll cut the salad, pour some yogurt on it and eat it
Keychain– I’ll put it on my keys right away so I don’t lose it, etc.


To raise the level of fun or, conversely, to relieve emotions a little after competitions. At a corporate party in honor of March 8, there is a chant about what is important for every woman.

IN.: Dear ladies! We are all a little bit of a witch, and some are even witches, if you believe the evil gossips. But it works to our advantage! Now we will conjure ourselves a simple woman's happiness– the louder we shout, the faster our wishes will come true!

The presenter reads, the ladies support in chorus:

What every girl needs
We answer in unison, together!
Foreign car, house, perfume?
(in chorus) So that men love you!

Everyone is so beautiful
You won't find anything better than ours!
But admit it, we need
(chorus) So that men love you!

Maybe a fur coat, chocolate,
To Sochi three times a year?
I'm not with you, women, I'm happy!
(chorus) So that men love you!

What, girls, are we rocking?
Get away from boredom and melancholy!
We're walking like this today,
(chorus) So that men love you!

For a beautiful ending to the scenario, prepare an unconventional congratulation. You can take a touching text from the Internet, but be sure to add something from yourself that is relevant to the team. In addition to the expected bouquets and gifts, buy funny souvenirs, sets of sweets, etc. as gifts for activity shown in competitions.

There are no men in your team, but you need to somehow congratulate yourself and your loved ones on March 8th? We will give you many ideas on how to spend fun party in a women's team on their own, and without the participation of the male half of humanity. A holiday in an all-female group can also be very interesting if you prepare not only congratulations on March 8, but also funny skits, cool games and competitions, ditties, riddles, funny questions with answers, quizzes, humorous performances and song adaptations. Our full scenario of a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men can be supplemented with other competitions to women's day at your discretion.

Scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men

By the way, a themed party could be a good idea to spend March 8th in a group. For example, in retro style, or 80s style, in the form of a masquerade, ball, rock party, with an appropriate dress code.

What you will need for this fun scenario:

  • Potato;
  • Dolls and clothes;
  • Items of women's clothing;
  • Briefcase for men and school;
  • Robes and buttons, threads, needles, scissors;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Comic giant underpants;
  • Chocolate coins;
  • Boxes with papers;
  • Prizes for the beauty contest: tights, nail polish, mascara, beads, pillow, belt;
  • Competitions for women's teams on March 8 without the participation of men

    1 competition. Whose subject?

    The essence of the competition: one participant comes out, she is taken aside, and without her the presenter collects a subject from the women from the team. It could be watches, rings, beads, belts, phones or phone cases, any jewelry, jewelry, maybe even a shoe! Our participant must guess where whose object is and conclude whether she knows her colleagues well.

    2 competition. Mistresses.

    At least 2 participants take part in this competition. But more is possible. They will need to complete comic tasks to test their speed and ability to be a good housewife. For example, there may be such tasks:

  • Peel 5 potatoes at speed;
  • Dress the doll in clothes;
  • Dress up for work - in comic items of clothing: a hat, beads, shoes, a skirt - on top of your clothes.
  • Sew 5 buttons on speed to the robe.
  • Sort out the things of the husband and child: some into the husband’s briefcase, others into the child’s briefcase.
  • Etc. The most agile female participant and hostess wins.

    3 competition. Dance.

    They call two participants who know how to dance the waltz and invite them to dance to the music. But the music begins to change in style, then rap, then jazz,

    4 competition. Fruit temptation.

    You need to buy fresh strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi, lemon and other fruits. Also cucumber or potato. Cut everything into large slices and mix in two bowls.

    5 competition. Characteristic.

    The head of the organization characterizes each colleague briefly on a piece of paper. Next, the leaves are mixed.

    6 competition. Try laughing.

    They call one of those who want to take part in the competition. She goes backstage, and the presenter gives her giant leggings, which she must put on over her clothes. …………………………………………………….

    7 beauty contest.

    All women in your team can participate in the beauty contest.

    Comic nominations:

    1.) Longest legs
    2.) Longest nails
    3.) Longest eyelashes
    4.) Biggest breasts
    5.) Biggest butt
    6.) The thinnest waist

    The meaning of the competition is simple: girls are given cardboard numbers of participants on a ribbon, or have round numbers glued to their backs. You need to walk beautifully along the catwalk, demonstrating all the nominations. The winners receive small prizes.

    The owner of long legs: tights, long nails– varnish, long eyelashes – mascara, big breasts- beads, big butts - a pillow under the butt with buckwheat, thin waist- belt.

    Game: If...

    The presenter prepares two boxes, in one box there are pieces of paper with the beginning of phrases, in the other box there are the ends of phrases. The presenter gives each woman to draw 1 piece of paper from each box. And then read them in order. Fun Questions They approach each other with the answers.

    Examples (beginnings of phrases):

    1. If I were our boss, then...
    2. If I knew the President personally, then...

    Examples: (ending phrases):

    1. Then I would be the happiest person in the world.
    2. Then I wouldn’t work here anymore.

    A scene for March 8th for a women's corporate party based on the theme: Three girls under the window

    Three women - three girls - take part in the sketch. Who sit under the window on a bench and gossip about this and that.

    Presenter: Three girls under the window chatted in the evening, talking about this and that.

    1 girl: If only I could get drunk now

    Presenter: One girl says,

    A sketch for March 8th for a women’s corporate party based on the theme: I’m writing to you, what more?

    Text of the letter:
    We write to you, what else?
    What more can we say?
    Today at a corporate party,
    Of course we'll have a drink.

    A comic scene with dressing up: a declaration of love to women

    A woman dressed as a man comes out. The costume is designed to make it funny; the man is supposed to be macho.

    Macho: Good evening, dear ladies!
    I am a macho man, a conqueror of women's hearts.
    It will be fun with me, just kick-ass!
    I won’t let you get bored and sad,
    Don't believe me? I'm worth a lot.
    All the socialites were after me,

    Ditties for corporate parties on March 8

    1.) We are sporty babes
    We love to sing and dance.
    And we'll put on sneakers,
    You definitely won't catch up with us!

    2.) I have three boyfriends,
    I'm fed up with attention.
    I can't choose someone
    I'd rather be alone.

    Riddles for a corporate party on March 8 (for adults, with a trick)

    1.) Above the knee, below the navel, there is a hole - a hand can easily fit through. (guess: pocket)
    2.) It can be long, it can be short, it can be thick, it can be thin. He pokes his nose around everywhere, he's called by three letters. (guess: nose)

    Song-adaptation to the tune: “Let them run clumsily...” for March 8

    Verse 1:

    Let all men run
    In the morning to the shops
    Buy bouquets of flowers.
    On this day we are goddesses,
    Queens, princesses,
    Be ready for whims, man!


    End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version scenes go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Price: 199 R ub.

    What else to read