Chocolate cake - a simple recipe. Chocolate cake - a simple recipe with photos

How nice it is to gather around a common table with your friends and loved ones! Treat them with a signature cake baked especially for the occasion. But when you don’t have time to tinker with baking for a long time, but still really want to give taste pleasure, then we advise you to pay attention to our simple recipes homemade chocolate cake. The cooking process will be as easy as possible for you, and the result will be amazing!

Chocolate fruit cake recipe

The recipe is based on sour cream, which will give the cake richness and moisture.


3 chicken eggs
250 g wheat flour
200 g sour cream
200 g sugar
100 g cocoa powder
50 g butter
2 tbsp. l. cocoa
0.5 tsp. soda

1 glass of cottage cheese
¾ cup sugar
1 cup fruit pulp (any kind)
1 pinch cardamom

How to cook

Place the container on a very low heat and heat it butter If foam appears, remove it. Cool to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs until the resulting mass doubles in size. You need to beat without separating the whites from the yolks.

Now add sugar and melted butter to the whipped mixture. Mix and add sour cream. Beat thoroughly with a mixer and add soda last. It is not necessary to extinguish it with vinegar; the acid of sour cream will do its job.

Now after mixing add it to the dough wheat flour and knead the plastic dough. Do not overdo it. Its consistency should resemble very thick sour cream.

Divide the kneaded dough into 2 parts, add cocoa to one of them.

Line a baking dish with parchment paper, pour in the dough without cocoa, bake for about 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. We repeat the same steps with the chocolate cake.

Let both biscuits cool; if they are too thick, you can cut them in half.

For the cream, we take only dry cottage cheese; if it has excess moisture, then it can be put under a press, first wrapped in gauze.

Now you can beat the cottage cheese with sugar until fluffy.

You can choose any fruit, preferably not too juicy. Great option will become bananas, peaches, plums. The selected fruits must be peeled, pitted if necessary, and blended with a blender to a paste.

Now combine the cottage cheese with fruit, sprinkle with cardamom, which will highlight the taste of the cream, and mix well.

Let's start assembling the cake. If you cut the cakes, then it is better to place them one by one and grease each cake with cream. Decorate the top with nuts, chocolate shavings, or simply pour glaze over it.

Chocolate Banana Cake


Eggs – 2 pcs.
Margarine – 100 g
Milk of any fat content – ​​100 ml
Sugar – 200 g
Baking powder (baking powder) – 2 tsp.
Premium flour – 250 g
Cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.
Vanilla sugar – 1 pinch

Sour cream - half a liter
Sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
Bananas – 2 pcs.

Cocoa – 2 tbsp. l. with a slide
Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.
Milk – 70 ml
Butter – 50 g


We will have a sponge cake. First of all, let's start preparing the dough. Using a mixer, fluff for approximately 3-5 minutes. chicken eggs, granulated sugar and vanillin. The mass should increase in size and become foamy.

Now add margarine. It is important that it is melted. Pour in the milk, make sure it is not cold; it is better to take it out of the refrigerator first.

Mix flour and baking powder, add cocoa and add to the dough.

Tip: If you do not use baking powder, then you can replace it with soda. 1 tsp will be enough, just add baking soda, quenched with vinegar, and only together with milk.

Mix all ingredients again using a spoon.

Line the pan with baking paper and lay out the baking dough. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, place the mold and bake for about half an hour - 40 minutes. For the first 15-20 minutes, do not open the oven door so that the dough can rise. To check the readiness, you can pierce the cake with a toothpick; if it comes out dry, then the dough is baked. Take out and cool.

Preparing the glaze. To do this, mix sugar, cocoa powder and milk in a metal container. Place on low heat, stir constantly and cook until the mixture begins to thicken. Without removing from the heat, add oil, stir and remove from the burner. Leave the glaze to cool and make the cream.

Take a mixer and beat sugar and sour cream until you obtain a snow-white, airy consistency. Refrigerate until you start frosting the cakes.

Divide the sponge cakes in half by cutting them lengthwise. If the biscuit is tall, you can cut it into 3 parts.
Just before placing the cake, peel the banana and cut it into circles.

Tip: Since the banana may darken, there is no need to prepare it in advance.

Place the first part of the sponge cake on a dish, generously coat with sour cream, lay out a banana, and cover with a small layer of cream. Repeat the same with the rest of the cakes.

There is no need to put a banana on the last sponge cake, just brush it with cream and randomly pour the glaze over it. This move will help you get a beautiful contrast of white and black.

Refrigerate the treat for 3 hours. As a result, you will get a beautifully cut cake that is very soft and delicious dessert. And if you replace half the amount of flour with semolina, you will get a more loose one.

Chocolate with cottage cheese and condensed milk cream


4 eggs
200 g sugar
150 g flour
40 g cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking powder
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
Instant coffee – 1 tbsp. l.
Boiling water – 4 tbsp. l.
Salt - on the tip of a knife

Boiled condensed milk – 250 g
Fat sour cream – 200 g
Cottage cheese – 200 g
Granulated sugar – 50 g
Vanillin – 1 pack.


First, boil the kettle. Pour boiling water over coffee and dissolve it.

Beat eggs and salt in a mixer bowl. There should be an increase in volume of approximately 4 times.

Tip: you don’t have to put salt in the eggs, but it’s better to do it anyway, since salt makes the eggs beat much better.

Add sugar to the mixture, this must be done in at least 3 additions, adding each new portion when the previous one has completely dissolved.

Combine sifted wheat flour and baking powder. Add cocoa powder.

Now we add the flour into the egg mixture in 2 additions. Do not use a mixer; mix the ingredients with a spatula or spoon.

Add vegetable oil, half of the resulting coffee, stir again.

Heat the oven to 170 degrees and, placing the dough in the prepared pan, bake for 40 minutes. Let cool.

Tip: baking time may vary, it will depend on the diameter of the mold in your case. The smaller it is, the more time it takes to cook.

For the cream, beat the sour cream with granulated sugar, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve to get rid of lumps, then combine the ingredients and add condensed milk. Beat with a mixer until you get a thick, stable consistency.

Cut the biscuit into 2-3 parts depending on the height of your cake layer, coat each cake layer with cream and sprinkle on top coconut flakes or nuts and put in a cool place to steep. The resulting dessert is similar.

A simple and quick recipe with processed cheese


Eggs – 3 pcs.
Granulated sugar – 10 tbsp. l.
Cocoa – 6 tbsp. l.
Flour – 10 tbsp. l.
Starch - 3 tbsp. l.
Baking powder – 3 tsp.
Milk – 100 ml
Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
Processed chocolate cheese or cheese cream – 150 g
Marmalade figures for decoration


Mix flour with baking powder, add starch, combine with egg mixture.

We conditionally divide the entire mass into 2 parts, this will be 2 cakes.

Set the oven to 170 degrees, pour half of the dough into the mold, and bake. We carry out the same manipulations with the second part.

The cake bakes for about 15-20 minutes, check with a toothpick. If you pierce the cake, it will be dry.

Tip: you can bake this version of dessert in the microwave. To do this, 3 minutes at full power is enough.

When the cakes have cooled a little, brush them with processed cheese or cheese cream. It would also be ideal to soak the cakes with jam or jam, but this is up to your preference.

Decorate the top with marmalade figures; this decoration is especially important if there are children in your house.

Imagine my delight when I was convinced that you can easily bake a gorgeous chocolate cake at home, the taste is indistinguishable from the factory one! Even tastier :)

The recipe for cakes is simply a miracle, it is universal, you can make chocolate, coffee, they are obtained like at the Roshen factory, famous for its “Kyiv” and “Prague” ones. Well, we already know how to make different creams (if, of course, you regularly read my website). By combining different cake layers and creams, we will surprise our family and guests with a new homemade cake every time!

And now I will tell and show you a basic recipe for homemade chocolate cake cakes.


Cake layers:

  • flour - I take one and a half glasses (the volume of the glass is 200 g, it holds 130 (level) or 140-150 g (with top) of flour). When I cook again, I’ll weigh it on an electronic scale for accuracy.
    I weighed it. It turned out 200 g of flour.
  • sugar - half a glass (200 grams);
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • margarine or butter – 150 g;
  • cocoa powder – 50-70 g;
  • baking powder for dough – 2 teaspoons;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 1 glass (250ml);
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.


  • rum, or wine, or tea with lemon, or cherry jam syrup - in general, something liquid and sweet!


  • a can of condensed milk;
  • a stick of butter.


  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons milk;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa.

How to make cake layers:

Mix all dry ingredients except sugar in a bowl:

  • flour;
  • baking powder;
  • baking soda (no need to quench with vinegar in this recipe!);
  • cocoa - the more, the chocolateier the cake.

In another bowl, beat sugar and softened butter with a mixer. There is no need to melt it, just let it sit out of the refrigerator for a while.

Add 1 egg to the sugar-butter mixture and beat with a mixer. Then add the second egg and beat as well.

Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of milk and wait with interest. After a couple of minutes, the milk is urgently fermented, turning into buttermilk. The milk can be warm - then it will ferment faster, but not hot! Otherwise it will turn into cottage cheese and whey, and then the cake will not be so fluffy.

We combine all the dough components.

Mix the dry mixture with the oil mixture.

Pour buttermilk into the dough and mix again. That's why there was no need to extinguish the soda.

The result is chocolate dough, moderately thick, like sour cream, very aromatic and so appetizing that you want to try it right now!

But still, we will wait until the cake is baked! Pour the dough into a springform pan, the bottom of which is covered with confectionery parchment. The paper and sides of the mold should be greased with vegetable oil so that the cake comes out easily.

Using a spoon, level the dough into shape, and you can make a depression in the middle to make the cake even.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180-200C and bake at 200-220C for about half an hour. About 10 minutes after we put it in the oven, we look in and see how the cake rises. If it’s slow, reluctantly, we turn up the heat slightly; if it’s coming up quickly, but the inside remains raw, we turn it down a little.

Test for doneness with a wooden stick. If it is dry, the cake is ready! We take out the mold, wait until it cools down a little so that it does not crumble, then using a knife we ​​carefully trim the edges of the cake, open and remove the sides of the mold.

When the cake has cooled, cut it into two with a wide sharp knife. This is so fluffy, chocolatey and delicious!

We impregnate both cake layers - the bottom and the top - with the selected impregnation. If you are having a tea party for adults, you can soak it in rum, and if you are preparing it for children, it is better to use jam syrup diluted with water or sweet tea!

Grease the bottom cake with cream.

Place the top one on it.

Prepare homemade chocolate glaze: melt a piece of butter over low heat, add sugar, milk, cook until the sugar dissolves, pour a teaspoon of cocoa through a strainer, stir and, after bringing to a boil, turn off. The chocolate glaze prepared according to this recipe turns out shiny, very beautiful, and does not become sugary even for tomorrow (unless, of course, the cake is eaten earlier so that you can check it!)

When the glaze has cooled a little, pour it over the cake.

You can additionally decorate it according to your desire and taste - with patterns of cream, grated chocolate, but we couldn’t resist and let’s try it quickly! So if you also make your own homemade chocolate cake, share your design methods in the comments!

Enjoy your tea!

This cake is very tasty with prunes. You can also make it not just chocolate, but chocolate-coffee! Well, if you don’t add cocoa to the dough at all, you’ll get a white and fluffy “Snowball” cake.

Chocolate cake is one of the most favorite desserts, which is perfect for any tea party. Cakes are often associated with a holiday, especially when decorated well. To prepare such baked goods, you need a base - chocolate cakes. In this article we will look at several options for their preparation.

Chocolate sponge cakes

This is one of the simplest and at the same time complex preparations for chocolate cake. It is best to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker or modern electric oven, since uneven air flows in a gas oven can cause the cake to settle.

For cooking you need the following products:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 220 g flour;
  • a spoonful of baking powder;
  • a tablespoon of cocoa;
  • 250 g sugar.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Using a mixer, turn the whites into a fluffy foam, add half the sugar and beat again. You need to ensure that the grains of sugar completely disappear. Set the foam aside and repeat the procedure with the yolks. Gently fold the yolks into the white foam and stir with a wooden spoon from top to bottom. In a separate bowl, mix the sifted flour with baking powder and cocoa powder. Add the dry mixture to the egg foam, stirring with a wooden spatula. Pour the liquid mixture into a springform pan lined with parchment. Place the mixture in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

It is advisable not to disturb the cake for the first 25 minutes so that it does not shrink.

Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, turn it upside down, place on a metal rack and let cool.

Chocolate shortcrust pastry cakes

Very tasty cakes that can be coated with custard or sour cream. To prepare you need:

  • 210 g margarine;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 600 g flour;
  • baking powder.

Grate the frozen margarine and mix with the remaining ingredients. Knead the dough; it should be uneven with pieces of margarine. Do not knead for too long, otherwise the margarine will melt and the dough will become sticky. Quickly divide the lump into three identical pieces, cover them with film and refrigerate for 2-8 hours. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Place each piece on parchment and cover with cling film.

Roll out the cakes through cellophane to a diameter of 25-28 cm. No need to sprinkle with flour.

Transfer the cakes directly onto the parchment into the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream chocolate cakes

Classic recipe for chocolate sour cream. To prepare it, mix 2 eggs, half a glass of milk and 200 g of sugar in a bowl. Add 220 g of sour cream (plastic cup) and baking powder with 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Mix everything and pour a glass of flour into the liquid mass. Pour the batter into the mold, after greasing it with oil. Bake for 40 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Divide the pie into two layers and coat them with sour cream or whipped egg whites.

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for making chocolate cakes. Which one you choose depends on the contents of your refrigerator and your preferences. By smearing such semi-finished products with cream, you will get a delicious cake for a festive tea party.

Perhaps the only thing tastier than chocolate is a cake that combines a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth sponge cake and a buttery, airy chocolate-flavored cream. Here is a chocolate cake and its very tasty and simple recipe. It only takes 1.5 - maximum 2 hours to prepare the cake! And if you don’t decorate it from above pastry bag, and just lubricate with cream, it’s quite possible to get it done in an hour. True, the finished dessert should be allowed to brew in the refrigerator for about an hour or in the freezer for about 15 minutes. Therefore, this chocolate cake is a real find and a lifesaver for those with a sweet tooth. The dessert is based on a classic chocolate sponge cake with cocoa, which complements the delicious chocolate cream. And even if you have never made cake creams, this option will work the first time, the cream recipe is so simple and easy to use. What else is fun about this chocolate cake recipe? So this is a minimum set of ingredients and the opportunity to experiment. Well, let's not waste time, it's time to start the step-by-step recipe.


for test:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 75 g flour;
  • 1 tsp (without a slide) baking powder for dough;
  • 4 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • 75 g sugar.

for cream:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 can (370 g) boiled condensed milk;
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa.


  • 150 ml milk;
  • 100 g of berries or fruits (optional);
  • 40 g milk or dark chocolate.

Simple and delicious chocolate cake recipe

1. The recipe for chocolate sponge cake is so simple that you can immediately turn on the oven at 200 degrees and let it warm up. We prepare all the ingredients. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave to thaw at room temperature. You can bake the sponge cake in your favorite cake pan. The dessert will be quite small, so a round mold with a diameter of 20 cm is quite enough. I used a small rectangular metal mold. To make the sponge cake easier to remove, you can immediately line the bottom and sides of the pan with parchment. If you are using a silicone mold, you do not need to cover it.

2. Break 3 eggs into a deep mixing bowl with a mixer and add 75 g of sugar.

3. Beat with a mixer at high speed. The egg mass should turn white, become thick, fluffy, and increase in volume by 2-3 times. The better the eggs are beaten, the more tender and airy the sponge cake itself will be.

4. Sift 75 g of flour, 1 tsp into the eggs. without a slide of baking powder for dough and 4 tbsp. cocoa powder. The higher quality the cocoa powder, the richer the chocolate taste of the biscuit will be. Therefore, if you do not have a favorite manufacturer, it is better to choose more expensive chocolate powder. It is believed that alkalized cocoa powder, which differs from natural cocoa powder in its processing method, best imparts the taste of chocolate.

Which cocoa powder is best? Alcoholized with a darker color, it is soft and aromatic in taste due to the method of processing raw materials using alkalis that reduce acidity finished product. But during the processing process many are lost beneficial features cocoa, for example, reduces the level of antioxidants. Natural product contains more useful substances, costs a little less, but it does not taste as rich.

5. Gently mix all ingredients using a mixer.

6. The simple chocolate biscuit dough is ready: it is airy, with many small bubbles, and the consistency is like liquid sour cream.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. Level with a spoon. Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the dough.

9. The fact that the biscuit is ready can be determined by appearance. But just in case, check the readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. We pierce it in the center and look: if there are no traces of batter left on the stick, the chocolate sponge cake is ready. Let it cool down.

10. While the sponge cake is cooling, you can start layering the cake - it will be a simple chocolate cream based on butter and boiled condensed milk. It is better to use oil with a fat content of at least 82%. We boil the condensed milk ourselves or buy it ready-made. When choosing condensed milk, pay attention to the label. Products with the inscription “GOST” and with a photo of a blond boy with a spoon on the label are considered to be of higher quality. Place soft butter and thick boiled condensed milk into a deep container.

11. Add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

11. Gently mix the cream. To prevent the cocoa powder from scattering in different directions, first mix with the beaters of the switched off mixer, then turn it on at medium speed and beat the chocolate cream for 2-3 minutes.

12. The cream is prepared very quickly. It holds its shape perfectly, so it is suitable for coating sponge cakes and for decorating a cake.

13. Remove the cooled biscuit from the mold and cut into 2 parts. If the sponge cake is tall, it needs to be cut crosswise so that the cakes are 1-1.5 cm thick. My cake is thin, you can simply cut it lengthwise into 2 parts.

14. Place the cake on a plate or serving stand. To make the cake more tender, the sponge cake should be slightly moist. We soak the cake with milk, it absorbs the liquid like a sponge.

15. Spread half the cream, level it with a spoon.

16. The cake will turn out quite sweet, so fruits and berries will not hurt, but this is at your discretion. I have black currants in the photo; the cake with orange and banana turns out very tasty.

17. Place the second cake layer on top and press lightly with your hands. Soak the biscuit with the remaining milk.

18. If there is no time for decoration, then lay out all the remaining cream and level it with a tablespoon. And if time allows, grease the sponge cake with a thin layer of cream.

19. Fill a pastry bag with cream.

20. Decorate with cream.

21. Now you need to cool the cake well in the refrigerator (at least 1 hour), or you can place it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. The butter-based cream will harden a little and the cake will become moister.

22. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater.

23. Sprinkle chocolate on cold dessert.

Today we will bake a chocolate cake. This delicacy will please all those with a sweet tooth. The chocolate cake turns out incredibly delicious: chocolate cake, chocolate cream and chocolate glaze - what could be tastier? One of the advantages of this cake is its very simple preparation process, which does not take much time. The cake turns out very tender and the taste is rich.

Please your loved ones with this delicacy as often as possible, because chocolate contains a huge amount of antioxidants that prevent the development of cancerous tumors, prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system and have a rejuvenating effect on the body, and chocolate also has the ability to lift your spirits.

Surprise and delight your loved ones with delicious food chocolate dessert. It's just easier to do.

It will take us 50 minutes to prepare the chocolate cake. We will get 8 servings. A step by step photos They will help you quickly navigate an already simple recipe.

Ingredients for chocolate cake

For the test:
Sour cream – 220 grams
Sugar – 250 grams
Condensed milk – 200 grams

Chicken egg – 3 pieces
Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
Soda – 1 teaspoon
Vinegar – 1 tablespoon
Flour – 2.5 cups (250 milliliter glass)

For cream:
Butter – 250 grams
Cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons
Condensed milk - 200 grams

For chocolate glaze:
Sour cream – 1 tablespoon
Butter – 40 grams
Sugar – 2 tablespoons
Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons.

Simple recipe with photo

Making the cakes:

To do this we need to knead the dough. Beat 3 eggs into an empty container, pour in sour cream, add sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, soda and quench it with vinegar.

Now add condensed milk and cocoa powder.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough is ready.

For baking, I use a springform round pan. Before placing the dough in the mold, you need to grease its bottom and sides with butter. Pour half the dough into the mold, distributing it evenly over the surface.
Place the crust in the preheated oven. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. We determine the readiness of the cake using a wooden toothpick: we pierce the cake; if there is dough left on the toothpick, the cake is not ready yet. You should keep it in the oven a little longer.

Posting ready-made cake onto a dish, bake the second one in the same way. The cakes turn out porous and soft.

Now prepare the cream:

The butter should first be removed from the refrigerator; it should be soft.
Place the oil in an empty container.

Add condensed milk and cocoa powder. Or you can take a jar of ready-made condensed milk with cocoa. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The cream is ready.

Spread the cream over the already cooled cakes and grease the sides.

Now prepare the chocolate glaze:

Melt the butter over low heat, add sour cream, sugar, and cocoa powder. Pour hot glaze over the cake before it hardens.

If necessary, decorate the cake with cream and fresh berries. Our amazing chocolate cake is ready! simple recipe with photo. Call everyone to the table as soon as possible! If you prefer with cakes that are loose with cream, let your dessert sit for 12 hours. And bon appetit!

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