Do souls hear? Do the souls of deceased relatives meet in heaven after death in the next world? Is there a connection with the dead?

There are special days in the year when the entire Church with reverence and love prayerfully remembers everyone “from the beginning,” i.e. at all times, the dead of their fellow believers. According to the Charter of the Orthodox Church, such commemoration of the dead is performed on Saturdays. And this is no coincidence. We know what exactly is in Holy Saturday, on the eve of His Resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ remained dead in the tomb.

This touching custom is rooted in the deep belief of Orthodox Christians that man is immortal and his soul, once born, will live forever, that the death we see is a temporary sleep, a sleep for the flesh, and a time of rejoicing for the liberated soul. There is no death, the Church tells us, there is only a transition, repose from this world to another world... And each of us has already experienced such a transition once. When, in the tremors and pangs of birth, a person leaves the cozy womb of his mother, he suffers, suffers and screams. His flesh suffers and trembles before the unknown and horror of the future life... And as it is said in the Gospel: “When a woman gives birth, she endures sorrow, because her hour has come, but when she gives birth to a baby, she no longer remembers the sorrow for joy, because a man was born in world." The soul suffers and trembles in the same way when it leaves the cozy bosom of its body. But very little time passes, and the expression of grief and suffering on the face of the deceased disappears, his face brightens and calms down. The soul was born into another world! That is why we can, with our prayer, wish our deceased loved ones a blissful repose there, in peace and light, where there is no illness, no sadness, no sighing, but endless life...

That is why, knowing about the eternal existence of the human soul “beyond visible death,” we pray with hope and faith that our prayers will help the soul in its afterlife journey, strengthen it at the moment of the terrible final choice between light and darkness, and protect it from attacks by evil forces...

Today Orthodox Christians pray for “our departed fathers and brothers.” The first people we remember when praying for the dead are our deceased parents. Therefore, Saturday, dedicated to the prayerful memory of the deceased, is called “parental.” Such parental Saturdays during calendar year- six. Parents' Saturday has another name: “Dimitrievskaya”. Saturday is named after the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, commemorated on November 8th. The establishment of commemoration on this Saturday belongs to the holy noble Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy, who, after the Battle of Kulikovo commemorated the soldiers who fell there, proposed to perform this commemoration annually, on the Saturday before November 8th. Since this year, Saturday before the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica coincides with the day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the memorial parental Saturday is celebrated today.

According to the definition of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1994, the commemoration of our soldiers takes place on May 9. Since Dimitrievskaya Memorial Saturday takes place on the eve of November 7, the day of the beginning of the bloody coup, which marked the beginning of unprecedented persecution against the Church in the history of our Fatherland, today we commemorate all the suffering victims of those years of hard times. Today we pray for our relatives and for all compatriots whose lives were crippled during the period of the atheism.

They left, but love for them and gratitude remained. Doesn't this mean that their souls did not disappear, did not dissolve into oblivion? What do they know, remember and hear us? What do they need from us?.. Let's think about it and pray for them.

God grant, brothers and sisters, that through our prayer the Lord will forgive many, many voluntary and involuntary sins of our deceased relatives and friends, and let us believe that our prayer is not one-sided: when we pray for them, they pray for us.

Do the dead see us after death?

In the memoirs of the holy confessor Nicholas, Metropolitan of Alma-Ata and Kazakhstan, there is the following story: Once Vladyka, answering the question of whether the dead hear our prayers, said that they not only hear, but “they themselves pray for us. And even more than that: they see us as we are in the depths of our hearts, and if we live piously, they rejoice, and if we live carelessly, then they grieve and pray to God for us. Our connection with them is not interrupted, but only temporarily weakened.” Then the Bishop told an incident that confirmed his words.

The priest, father Vladimir Strakhov, served in one of the Moscow churches. After finishing the Liturgy, he lingered in the church. All the worshipers left, only he and the psalm-reader remained. An old woman enters, modestly but cleanly dressed, in a dark dress, and turns to the priest with a request to go and give communion to her son. Gives the address: street, house number, apartment number, first and last name of this son. The priest promises to fulfill this today, takes the Holy Gifts and goes to the indicated address. He goes up the stairs and rings the bell. An intelligent-looking man with a beard, about thirty years old, opens the door for him. He looks at the priest somewhat surprised. “What do you want?” - “I was asked to come to this address to see a patient.” He is even more surprised. “I live here alone, there is no one sick, and I don’t need a priest!” The priest was also amazed. "How so? After all, here is the address: street, house number, apartment number. What is your name?" It turns out that the name is the same. “Allow me to come in to you.” - "Please!" The priest comes in, sits down, says that the old woman came to invite him, and during his story he looks up at the wall and sees a large portrait of this same old woman. “Yes, here she is! She was the one who came to me!” - he exclaims. “Have mercy! - the owner of the apartment objects. “Yes, this is my mother, she died 15 years ago!” But the priest continues to claim that he saw her today. We started talking. The young man turned out to be a student at Moscow University and had not received communion for many years. “However, since you have already come here, and all this is so mysterious, I am ready to confess and take communion,” he finally decides. The confession was long and sincere - one might say, for my entire adult life. With great satisfaction, the priest absolved him of his sins and introduced him to the Holy Mysteries. He left, and during Vespers they came to tell him that this student had unexpectedly died, and the neighbors came to ask the priest to serve the first requiem. If the mother had not taken care of her son from the afterlife, he would have gone into eternity without partaking of the Holy Mysteries.”

This is also a lesson that the Saint of Christ teaches us all today. Orthodox Church. Let us be careful, because we know that all of us, without exception, sooner or later will have to part with this earthly life. And we will appear before our Creator and Maker with an answer about how we lived, what we did in our earthly life, and whether we were worthy of our Heavenly Father. It is very important for all of us today to remember and think about this, and ask God to forgive us our sins, voluntary or involuntary. And at the same time, make every effort not to return to sins, but to perform godly, holy and decent life. And for this we have everything: we have the Holy Church with her Holy Sacraments of Christ and the help of all the holy ascetics of faith and piety, and above all - the Queen of Heaven Herself, Who is always ready to extend Her hand to us maternal care. These, brothers and sisters, are the lessons we should all learn from today, which is called Dimitrievskaya parent's Saturday. The Kingdom of Heaven and eternal peace to all our fathers, brothers, sisters and other relatives who have died from time immemorial. May God grant that all of you and I, while worthily praying for all Orthodox Christians who have died from time immemorial, will at the same time worthily perform our own life path. Amen.

Many who have lost loved ones are familiar with the feelings that loss causes. Emptiness, melancholy and wild pain in the soul. Grieving for departed loved ones is one of the most painful psychological conditions.

However, there is a lot of information that the living receive messages from the subtle world.

Let's not take into account researchers who purposefully study possibilities of two-way communication with the other world. There are a considerable number of people who claim that they do not make any effort to see the souls of the departed. Visions occur, in their opinion, involuntarily.

From this article you will learn how the souls of the dead communicate with the living.

Stuck Between Worlds

People often get scared when footsteps are clearly heard in their homes where no one is walking. Water taps and light switches turn on by themselves, things fall off the shelves with enviable regularity. In other words, poltergeist activity is observed. But what's really going on?

To understand who or what is communicating with us on behalf of the dead, you need to imagine what happens after death.

After the death of the physical body, the soul strives to return to the Creator. Some souls will do this faster, while others will take longer. The higher the level of development of the soul, the faster it will reach Home.

However, the soul can various reasons stay in the closest density to physical world astral plane. Sometimes the deceased does not realize what is happening and where he is. He doesn't understand that he died. He is unable to return to the physical body and is stuck between worlds.

For him, everything remains the same, except for one thing: living people stop seeing them. Such souls are considered to be ghosts.

For how long a ghost soul will linger near the world of the living, depends on the level of development of the soul. By human standards, the time spent by a certain soul in parallel with living people can be calculated in decades, or even centuries. They may need help from the living.

Call from the other world

Telephone calls from the inhabitants of the subtle world are one of the ways of communication. SMS messages are received on mobile phones, calls are received from strange numbers from a variety of numbers. When trying to call back to these numbers or send a response, it turns out that this number does not exist, and later it is completely deleted from the phone’s memory.

Such calls are usually accompanied by a very loud noise, similar to the wind in a field and a loud crash. Through the crackling, contact with the world of the dead is manifested. It's like a curtain is breaking through between worlds.

The phrases are short and only the caller speaks. Calls coming to mobile phones are observed during the first time after a person has died. The further from the day of death, the rarer they become.

The recipients of such calls may not suspect that the caller is no longer alive. This becomes clear later. It is possible that such calls are made by ghosts who themselves are not aware of their physical death.

What do dead people talk about when they call on the phone?

Sometimes, when calling on the phone, the deceased may ask for help.

So, one woman received a call late at night from her younger sister, who asked her to help her. But the woman was very tired, so she promised to call back the next morning and help in any way she could.

And about five minutes later my husband called younger sister and said that his wife had been dead for about two weeks, and her body was in the forensic morgue. She was hit by a car and the driver fled the scene of the accident.

Souls, by calling the phone, can warn the living about the danger.

A young family was traveling by car. A girl was driving. The car skidded and miraculously did not roll over, leaving the road. At this time he called mobile phone girls.

When everyone came to their senses a little, it turned out that the girl’s mother had called. They called her back, and she asked in a trembling voice if everything was okay. When asked why she was asking, the woman replied: “Grandfather called (he died six years ago) and said: “She’s still alive. You can save her.”

Besides cell phones voices of dead people can be heard in the computer speakers along with technical noise. Their degree of intelligibility can vary from very quiet and barely intelligible to relatively loud and clearly distinguishable.

Reflections of ghosts in mirrors and more

People talk about seeing reflections of their deceased loved ones in mirrors, as well as on TV screens and computer monitors.

The girl saw a rather dense silhouette of her mother on the tenth day after her funeral. The woman “sat” on a chair nearby, as she did during life, and looked over her daughter’s shoulder. A few moments later the silhouette disappeared and did not appear again. Later, the girl realized that her mother’s soul came to her to say goodbye.

Raymond Moody in his books talks about the ancient technology when by peering into the mirror you can establish contact with the deceased. This technique was used in ancient times by priests. True, instead of mirrors they used bowls of water.

An unprepared person can see in the mirror the image of someone who has died by briefly glancing into it. The image can either transform from the reflection of the face of the person looking in the mirror, or appear next to the reflection of the viewer.

In addition to the signs that residents of the subtle planes leave through technology or some household items, attempts to make contact are made directly. That is, people physically feel the otherworldly presence of spirits, hear their voices and even recognize the smells characteristic of their timelessly departed loved ones during life.

Tactile sensations of presence

Sensitive people feel an otherworldly presence as light touch, or a breeze. Often mothers who have lost their children, in moments great sorrow they feel as if someone is hugging them or stroking their hair.

It is possible that in moments when people experience desire see deceased relatives thin bodies capable of perceiving energies of more subtle planes.

The dead ask the living for help

Sometimes a person is in an unusual state. He feels that he needs to do something, he is “pulled” somewhere. He doesn’t understand what exactly, but the feeling of confusion does not let him go. He literally does not find a place for himself.

“We came to visit relatives in another city, where my grandparents once lived. It was Monday, and tomorrow was Parents' Day. I couldn’t find a place for myself, I was drawn somewhere, I felt like I had to do something. The family discussed tomorrow. They didn’t remember where my grandfather’s grave was - the cemetery was in disarray and all the landmarks had been removed.

Without telling anyone, I went alone to the cemetery to look for my grandfather’s grave. I didn't find her that day. The next day, the third, the fourth - to no avail. And the condition does not go away, it only intensifies.

Returning to my city, I asked my mother what my grandfather’s grave looked like. It turns out that there is a photograph of a stele with a star at the end, on the grave of my grandfather. And we went - this time with my sister and my daughter. And my daughter found his grave!

We put it in order and painted the monument. Now all relatives know where grandfather is buried.

After that, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I should have brought my family to his grave.”

Sometimes, being in crowded places, you can very clearly hear the calling voice of the deceased, similar to a call. This happens when sounds are mixed, and unexpectedly.

They just sound in real time. It happens that in moments when a person is thinking deeply about something, he can hear the hint in the voice of the deceased.

Meetings with the souls of the dead in dreams

There are a lot of people saying that they dream of the dead. And the attitude towards such meetings in dreams is ambiguous. They scare some people, others try to interpret them, believing that such a dream contains an important message. And there are those who do not take dreams about the dead seriously. For them it's just a dream.

What are dreams about in which we see those who are no longer among us:

  • we receive various kinds of warnings about upcoming events;
  • in dreams we learn how the souls of the dead “settled” in another world;
  • we understand that they are asking for forgiveness for their actions during life;
  • through us they can convey messages to others;
  • the souls of the dead can ask the living for help.

One can list for a long time the probable reasons why the dead appear alive. Only those who dreamed about the deceased can understand this.

Regardless of how people receive signs from the deceased, it is safe to say that they are trying to get in touch with the living.

The souls of our loved ones continue to take care of us even while in the subtle world. Unfortunately, not everyone is and is not always ready for this kind of contact. Most often this causes people panic fear. Memories of loved ones are very deeply imprinted in our memory.

Perhaps to meet the departed, it is enough to open access to our own subconscious.

P.S. Did you have any contact with the deceased? Perhaps you know other signs left by the souls of the departed? Please share in the comments!

Even inveterate materialists want to know what happens after death to a close relative, how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives and whether the living should help it. All religions have beliefs associated with burial; funerals can be held according to different traditions, but the essence remains common - respect, veneration and care for the otherworldly path of a person. Many people wonder if our deceased relatives can see us. Science has no answer, but folk beliefs, traditions are replete with advice.

Where is the soul after death

For centuries, humanity has been trying to understand what happens after death, whether it is possible to contact the afterlife. Different traditions give different answers to the question of whether the soul of a deceased person sees his loved ones. Some religions talk about heaven, purgatory and hell, but medieval views, according to modern psychics and religious scholars, do not correspond to reality. There is no fire, cauldrons or devils - only ordeal, if loved ones refuse to remember the deceased with a kind word, and if loved ones remember the deceased, they are in peace.

How many days after death is the soul at home?

Relatives of deceased loved ones wonder whether the soul of the deceased can come home, where it is after the funeral. It is believed that during the first seven to nine days the deceased comes to say goodbye to home, family, and earthly existence. The souls of deceased relatives come to the place that they consider truly theirs - even if an accident occurred, the death was far from their home.

What happens after 9 days

If you take Christian tradition, then the souls remain in this world until the ninth day. Prayers help to leave the earth easily, painlessly, and not get lost along the way. The feeling of the presence of the soul is especially felt during these nine days, after which the deceased is remembered, blessing him for the final forty-day journey to Heaven. Grief pushes loved ones to figure out how to communicate with a deceased relative, but during this period it is better not to interfere so that the spirit does not feel confused.

After 40 days

After this period, the spirit finally leaves the body, never to return - the flesh remains in the cemetery, and the spiritual component is cleansed. It is believed that on the 40th day the soul says goodbye to loved ones, but does not forget about them - heavenly stay does not prevent the deceased from monitoring what is happening in the lives of relatives and friends on earth. The fortieth day marks the second commemoration, which can already occur with a visit to the grave of the deceased. You should not come to the cemetery too often - it disturbs the buried person.

What does the soul see after death?

The near-death experience of many people provides comprehensive, detailed description what awaits each of us at the end of the journey. Although scientists question the evidence of survivors of clinical death, drawing conclusions about brain hypoxia, hallucinations, and the release of hormones - the impressions are too similar in completely different people, dissimilar either in religion or cultural background (beliefs, customs, traditions). There are frequent references to the following phenomena:

  1. Bright light, tunnel.
  2. Feeling of warmth, comfort, safety.
  3. Reluctance to return.
  4. Meetings with relatives located far away - for example, from the hospital they “looked” into a house or apartment.
  5. Own body, doctors’ manipulations are seen from the outside.

When one wonders how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to relatives, one must keep in mind the degree of closeness. If the love between the deceased and the remaining mortals in the world was great, then even after the end of life’s journey the connection will remain, the deceased can become a guardian angel for the living. Hostility softens after the end of the worldly path, but only if you pray and ask for forgiveness from the one who is gone forever.

How the dead say goodbye to us

After death, loved ones do not stop loving us. During the first days they are very close by, they can appear in dreams, talk, give advice - parents especially often come to their children. The answer to the question of whether deceased relatives hear us is always affirmative - a special connection can remain for a long time. long years. The deceased say goodbye to the earth, but do not say goodbye to their loved ones, because they continue to watch them from another world. The living should not forget about their relatives, remember them every year, and pray that they will be comfortable in the next world.

Unfortunately, our life is not without difficult moments, and each of us has at least once experienced the bitterness of loss, having lost a loved one. And even if you were able to accept what dear person no longer around, you want him to still remain nearby, hear, understand and support. I want him, even if not physically, to be able to touch us, at least in spirit. Many religions confirm the fact that after the death of the bodily shell, the soul remains on earth for some time. But is this possible?

Can a person see after death?

No matter how absurd the question posed may seem at first glance, the answer to it is “Yes!” And this is not a fictitious statement, but a scientifically proven fact. True, it was established from the words of people who experienced only clinical death. Having compared the stories of all possible patients, doctors came to the following conclusions:

Each of the respondents observed themselves as if from the outside.

  • The first feeling that a person experiences during clinical death is anxiety. He begins to be afraid to leave his physical shell. But it is quickly replaced by a feeling of calm.
  • Consciousness changes completely. The person stops feeling pain symptoms and gets rid of the feeling of fear.
  • The patient understands that there is no longer any desire to return to the body.
  • Everyone walked either through a tunnel or along a corridor towards a bright light, where they were greeted by “something”.

Regarding this phenomenon, there are absolutely two different opinions. Religion presents this phenomenon like a person’s farewell to the earthly world. The scientific point of view describes this process as the body's reaction to medical supplies And hormonal disbalance, thus almost equating it to hallucinations.

Find out whether the deceased help, whether they see their loved ones and whether it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives. Here you can read expert advice and learn all the intricacies.


Today, few people doubt the existence of such a category as the soul. A person’s soul can be formed throughout his entire earthly life. Experts characterize the human soul as a kind of energetic substance that leaves the body after death and contains part of the human mind, specifically memory and imaginative thinking. To understand whether contact between the soul of a living person and the soul of a deceased is possible and whether the dead help their loved ones who remain alive, it should be taken into account that communication between the soul of a living person and his mind occurs in a dream. Therefore, you can often see your departed relatives in a dream, communicate with them, and sometimes get some advice. When a person is gnawed by some problem and he is unable to find a solution, deceased relatives who loved very much during their lifetime this person, can appear in a dream and prompt the desired thought, sending a clot of energy to the soul of the living. The likelihood of receiving such help and the intensity of contacts with the other world in general depends on how close the soul is to the earth. Unsettled, burdened souls are able to maintain contact with those living for a longer period of time.

Do the dead see their loved ones?

In the process of the soul moving away from the material spheres, the dynamism of contacts decreases, and a high mental connection is formed. As a rule, contact with the deceased can take place when the heart’s memory of the deceased a loved one comes to life, which causes an emanation of energy to the soul of the deceased, regardless of where it is located. And as soon as images of deceased people begin to emerge from the depths of human memory, the emanations of energy incredibly quickly overcome spatial and temporal barriers, rushing to the point of residence of the soul of the deceased. After this, the soul of the deceased relative sends a response beam of energy. People are often interested in the question of whether the deceased see their loved ones who are still alive. The possibilities of thought energy are endless. The dead see and hear the living, feel what is happening in the soul of the living. There is a version that the deceased are not able to see the earthly body, the physical shell of living relatives, but they can contemplate the energetic shell, see the aura. True feelings and the state of the living is known to deceased relatives under any circumstances, so there is no point in hiding your thoughts from the deceased. During life, a person’s mind contacts his soul only during sleep. That is why there is an assumption that when a person sleeps, his soul leaves him and temporarily acquires the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead.

Is it possible to ask for help from deceased relatives?

As mentioned above, people who have passed on to another world periodically help their loved ones. However, it cannot be said that this phenomenon occurs all the time. Before asking whether it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives, it is worth considering how close the deceased was to the remaining relatives in order to provide the help they truly needed, and whether the living really need this care. If a person constantly thinks about a deceased relative, persistently asks him to help, to answer nagging questions, then the likelihood that he will attract the attention of the deceased increases. However, is it worth bothering those who have already completed their life’s journey to the end with their problems? One should not burden those whose energy given for life has already been spent with earthly problems. With their tears and suffering, the living can only create obstacles to the movement souls of the dead. When a person mourns the deceased for a long time, he does not allow the soul of the deceased to travel to subtle worlds, weighing her down and grounding her. Therefore, there is no need to disturb the dead, especially without a good reason. When a person’s soul, having separated from the physical shell, settles there, beyond, then it will decide for itself whether those remaining in earthly life need its help.

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