Dream interpretation of getting out of an avalanche. Why do you dream of an avalanche in a dream? Summer dream book Why do you dream of Snow according to the dream book

If in a dream you observe an avalanche in the mountains, it means that you are in danger, which you will be able to avoid if you are warned about it in time. Getting caught in an avalanche means that you will soon receive sad news that will unsettle you. A dirty mudslide portends insinuations surrounding your participation in a scandalous case.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do Avalanche's dreams mean?

Avalanche - soon there will be a literal collapse of various events in your life, and it may happen that all these events will take you by surprise and are unlikely to bring you joy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does Avalanche mean in a dream?

A snow or any other avalanche in a dream: a sign of accumulated tension and unresolved problems.

Seeing a powerful avalanche that does not threaten you: usually means that you have given up or are ready to give up on some problems and in the near future you can feel great relief.

A threatening avalanche or dangerously overhanging mountains of snow, ready to fall off the slope: a sign that unresolved problems threaten to cover you completely.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does Avalanche mean in a dream?

Witnessing an avalanche in a dream portends great danger.

If you dream that you are covered with snow, then misfortune threatens you or your loved ones. Grief will fall on you, like the snow that covered you in a dream. The descent of mudflows in a dream foreshadows need, sadness, and loss of wealth. See interpretation: snow, earth, dirt.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Avalanche dream meaning

The dream warns of misfortune.

Imagine that the temperature is rapidly rising and the avalanche is melting. And now at the site of the avalanche there is a waterfall. Admire the waterfall that appears in front of you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does Avalanche predict in a dream?

Seeing an avalanche in a dream means risky undertakings.

If you see an avalanche in a dream, this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly. If in a dream you see that an avalanche is carrying you away, then this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky adventurous enterprise and cannot fully control the situation. If you watch an avalanche from a safe distance, then in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of the adventure. If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that someone close to you is in dire need of help.

If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were damaged by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in heavy weather. crisis situation.

If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone is playing a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are fleeing an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter.

Interpretation of dreams from

A snow avalanche in a dream is a warning about unnecessary risks, unresolved problems, and adventurous activities. What dreams of her gathering mean is well described by modern dream books. Remember how far the mountains were from you at that moment and how quickly the snow was flying down, only after that begin to interpret the dream.

Miller's Dream Book calls for vigilance

Gustav Miller claims that if you dreamed of a powerful landslide or a stream of snow in the mountains, it means that serious things are coming ahead life changes. The stronger it turns out snow avalanche in a dream, the larger the area it buries under itself, the more difficult it will be to get out of a difficult situation in real life.

In addition, in the dream book famous psychologist they say that the time has come to think about your own safety and not take risks where you can do without bravado and insolence. The sensations received in a dream will help you see a collapse and understand why you dream about an abundance of snow. The more there was positive emotions, the better the interpretations will be.

Don't lose your presence of mind

If you dreamed that an avalanche suddenly hit you, be careful with your finances. Don't take unnecessary risks, don't invest in dubious activities. The dream means your unpreparedness for serious transactions, major adventures, and important steps.

To see in a dream an entire village buried under a monstrous landslide or a large number of people - to cataclysms and disasters. But even in this case, do not be afraid - if you are not a soothsayer or a prophet, the dream may turn out to be just a “dummy”. Modern dream books promise: you will stay afloat and even get better financial situation, if you dreamed that you managed to get out of the abyss unharmed.

Keep events under control

You can find out in more detail what a collapse means in dreams from Vanga’s dream book. The clairvoyant does not predict a bad outcome. On the contrary, she describes in detail every detail of the dream and prophesies joyful events. According to the healer’s interpretation, seeing an avalanche means:

  • being at the epicenter yourself means danger from your companions;
  • watch others - someone around you will need support;
  • getting out of the blockage means victory over your rivals;
  • to rejoice in the power of the elements - to sudden guests.

Find the benefit, use it

Seeing an avalanche in a dream and stopping it is wonderful. Dream books predict stunning success. Ample opportunities will open up before you, people will appear who can solve the accumulated problems in one fell swoop. If you dreamed that you own magical abilities and manage to change the direction of the landslide, rejoice - you will win even hopeless lawsuits.

1 Slavic dream book

Avalanche - to violent passion or great danger. Speed ​​of action is required. Scorpion.

2 Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Seeing an avalanche in a dream means:

Avalanche - The snow avalanche seen in a dream will sweep away everything in your path - everything. what prevented you from living normally. Fate will finally turn to you with a smile on its face.

3 Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of an Avalanche - the dream warns of misfortune. Imagine that the temperature is rapidly rising and the avalanche is melting. And now at the site of the avalanche there is a waterfall. Admire the waterfall that appears in front of you.

4 Creative dream book

Dreaming of an avalanche means:

You dreamed of an Avalanche, what does it mean. 1. Seeing an avalanche in a dream means experiencing destructive force in reality. If we are at its epicenter, then we are completely overwhelmed by circumstances.

2. From a psychological point of view, we need to regain control over forces outside ourselves. Or we are in a dangerous position. 3. The power of suppressed emotions can overwhelm us.

5 Family dream book

Avalanche dream meaning:

Avalanche - Seeing an avalanche in a dream means risky undertakings. If you see an avalanche in a dream, this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly. If in a dream you see that an avalanche is carrying you away, then this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky adventurous enterprise and cannot fully control the situation. If you watch an avalanche from a safe distance, then in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of the adventure. If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that someone close to you is in dire need of help. If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were damaged by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation. If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone is playing a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are fleeing an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter. Blizzard Seeing a blizzard in a dream means looking for a way out of the current situation. If you dream of a blizzard, then you should show more determination, otherwise your business may decline. If you dream that you are lost due to a snowstorm, then in reality you will find clarification of the situation and resolution of issues. If in a dream you are trying to hide from a snowstorm, then you are in no hurry to sort things out and do not want the situation to escalate. If in a dream you dream of a blizzard and it knocks you off your feet, then in reality your beloved woman is deceiving you. If in a dream the snow covers you and you cannot get out, then this means that you will have very strong feelings about breaking up with your loved one. If you see a snowstorm hitting your house in a dream, then in reality you will face problems with money and misunderstanding from your colleagues. If you dreamed that your house was destroyed during a snowstorm, then this is a warning that you may lose a large amount money due to a bad investment. If you see a snowstorm in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, then such a dream warns you of possible bankruptcy and the need to urgently take action. If you saw a blizzard in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then you need to conclude a contract without delay, otherwise you will miss the opportunities that open up. Seeing a snowstorm from Friday to Saturday in a dream means being attacked by ill-wishers. And if you dream of a snowstorm from Saturday to Sunday, then great but, alas, unrequited love awaits you.

6 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if a woman dreams of an avalanche:

Avalanche - tension; suppression of emotions.

7 Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What an avalanche can mean in a dream:

Seeing an avalanche is disrespect, great danger; being buried is a misfortune; snowy - sadness.

8 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Avalanche in a dream means:

Avalanche - You see in a dream an avalanche coming down from the mountains; being busy with your own problems, you will not show the necessary sensitivity to your friend; he will consider your attitude indifferent and will be offended; If you don't improve the situation, you risk losing your friend. It’s as if an avalanche is approaching directly towards you - despite the horror that you experience in a dream, this dream is good; yours love feeling will not remain unanswered; you and your chosen one will be swallowed up by an avalanche of love.

9 Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

If a girl dreams of an avalanche, it means:

An avalanche seen in a dream will sweep away everything in your path - everything that prevented you from living normally. Fate will finally turn to you with a smile on its face.

10 Dream Interpretation 2012

An avalanche is an urgent need to choose the main thing and concentrate on it.

11 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream about an avalanche:

If you are covered by an avalanche, sand, earthen or any other landslide, you are constantly faced with various difficulties in the life around you and you are overcome by stress.
If you are trying to dig yourself out without waiting for help, this speaks about your strong character, that you do not give in to difficulties.
If you don’t try to do anything and blame yourself for everything, you are constantly in a depressed state and blame everything and everyone for all your troubles and failures.
If outside help comes to you, you are constantly struggling with the difficulties you encounter and strive to overcome them.
If you managed to hide from an avalanche or somehow avoid it, you easily find a way out of the most difficult situations, and if you still find yourself in them, you do not lose your presence of mind.

12 Home dream book

Seeing an avalanche in a dream means:

Avalanche - Seeing an avalanche in a dream means risky undertakings. If you see an avalanche, this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly.
If you see that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were damaged by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation. If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone is playing a risky game with you. If you see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are escaping from an avalanche, you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter. Blizzard, seeing a blizzard means looking for a way out of the current situation. If you dream of a blizzard, then you should show more determination, otherwise your business may decline. If you dream that you are lost due to a snowstorm, then in reality you will find clarification of the situation and resolution of issues. If in a dream you are trying to hide from a snowstorm, then you are in no hurry to sort things out and do not want the situation to escalate. If you dream of a blizzard and it knocks you off your feet, then in reality the woman you love is deceiving you. If in a dream the snow covers you and you cannot get out, then this means that you will have very strong feelings about breaking up with your loved one. If you see a snowstorm hitting your house in a dream, then in reality you will face problems with money and misunderstanding from your colleagues. If you dreamed that your house was destroyed during a snowstorm, then this is a warning that you may lose a large amount of money due to a bad investment. If you see a snowstorm in a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, then the dream warns you of possible bankruptcy and the need to urgently take action. If you saw a blizzard in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then you need to conclude a contract without delay, otherwise you will miss the opportunities that open up. Seeing a snowstorm from Friday to Saturday in a dream means being attacked by ill-wishers. And if you dream of a snowstorm from Saturday to Sunday, then great but, alas, unrequited love awaits you.

13 Newest dream book

A dream with an avalanche in the dream book is interpreted as:

Avalanche - get rid of something painful.

14 Modern dream book

Dreaming of an avalanche means:

To dream of an avalanche falling from the mountains is a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time.
If you find yourself under a thick layer of snow from a mountain avalanche, sad events await you.

15 Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Avalanche dream meaning:

20 Dream book of the 21st century

Why does a woman dream about an avalanche?

Seeing an avalanche in a dream means unpleasant news.

21 Dream book for men

Seeing an avalanche in a dream means risky undertakings.

If you see an avalanche in a dream, this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly. If in a dream you see that an avalanche is carrying you away, then this is a warning that you are involved in some kind of risky adventurous enterprise and cannot fully control the situation. If you watch an avalanche from a safe distance, then in reality you will show prudence and will not suffer as a result of the adventure. If you dream that someone is being carried away by an avalanche, it means that someone close to you is in dire need of help.

If you see in a dream that your house is swept away or destroyed by an avalanche, then this is a warning that your material well-being is in danger. If you dream that the surrounding houses were damaged by an avalanche, but your house is safe and sound, then in reality you will be able to stay afloat in a difficult crisis situation.

If you dream of an avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday, then this warns you that someone is playing a risky game with you. To see a dream from Thursday to Friday in which you are fleeing an avalanche is a sign that you should think more about your family. If you dreamed of an avalanche from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter.

22 Dream book alphabetically

If in a dream you observe an avalanche in the mountains, it means that you are in danger, which you will be able to avoid if you are warned about it in time. Getting caught in an avalanche means that you will soon receive sad news that will unsettle you. A dirty mudslide portends insinuations surrounding your participation in a scandalous case.

23 Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

The dream warns of misfortune.

Imagine that the temperature is rapidly rising and the avalanche is melting. And now at the site of the avalanche there is a waterfall. Admire the waterfall that appears in front of you.

24 Dream book of the 20th century

A snow or any other avalanche in a dream: a sign of accumulated tension and unresolved problems.

Seeing a powerful avalanche that does not threaten you: usually means that you have given up or are ready to give up on some problems and in the near future you can feel great relief.

A threatening avalanche or dangerously overhanging mountains of snow, ready to fall off the slope: a sign that unresolved problems threaten to cover you completely.

27 Astrological dream book

To violent passion or great danger.

Speed ​​of action is required.

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Avalanche, But necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Avalanche in dream in dream have you seen this symbol? dreamed, then what avalanche fell on a house, from a mountain and I leave the house and the path is cleared, I walk along this path to get to work snow there was a white man. there was one of the men with me, but I don’t remember who, well, through this avalanche I passed what this means dream!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

    AVALANCHE- Modern Dream Interpretation. If you dreamed about it snowy avalanche, which fell from the mountains with a deafening roar and fell asleep snow and crushing everything in its path, this means that soon you will receive news that is harmful or regrettable for you. Avalanche as if it is coming right at you - despite the horror that you are experiencing in dream , dream this one is good. Your love feeling will not go unanswered, it will absorb you and your chosen one avalanche love.Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Modern combined dream book. See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche snow mountain avalanches See snowy avalanche in dream- to unpleasant news. if you dreamed Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Avalanche By dream book: Avalanche- If you dreamed about it snowy avalanche, falling on you from the mountains with a deafening roar, falling asleep snow and crushing everything in its path - this means that you will soon receive harmful or regrettable news. Dream Interpretation Lewis. See Avalanche in dream: Avalanche - Avalanche means overflowing with feelings and emotions that could not be experienced or expressed earlier, being caught up in unexperienced and unexpressed feelings and emotions due to the “icy” nature... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See from Thursday to Friday dream in which you escape from avalanches avalanche dreamed about it in dream to you dreaming in dream snow Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See from Thursday to Friday dream in which you escape from avalanches, a sign that you should think more about your family. If avalanche dreamed about it to you from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter. If in dream to you dreaming there is a snowstorm and it knocks you off your feet, then in reality your beloved woman is deceiving you. If in dream snow falls asleep and you cannot get out, this means that you will have very strong feelings about breaking up with your beloved. If you see that in...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it Avalanche, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Avalanche in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream Have you seen this symbol? Hello. dreamed What avalanche snow it just fell asleep on me and I’m trying to get out myself, screaming. Moreover, I was in some kind of trench or a huge ditch or ditch. Read more

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    For what dreaming avalanche, can be determined by some special moments sleep. The man gets carried away snow, there is a stream that carries away cars, while the owner of morphea feels everything from the position of an observer, that is, some suspicions of treason. I dreamed about it avalanche, in which the owner falls asleep sleepgood sign. In the near future, expect pleasant changes, quarrels with dear person ends, the long-awaited truce and peace of mind will come. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    For what dreaming Avalanche in dream: Avalanche- A snow stream, sweeping away everything in its path, can terrify anyone who has ever observed this spectacle. And cause a collapse avalanches maybe just a loud sound. If in dream did you see the gathering avalanches, then this one dream speaks of a great danger that threatens you, and of disrespect for you from other people. If in dream you feel like you're buried under snow descended avalanches, then this one dream promises great misfortune. Read more

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    Snowdrifts of fluffy white snow in dream seeing or walking on them is a sign of great happiness and wealth. Run along snow in dream to rapidly developing events that will cause feelings of anxiety and fear, anxiety. Snezhnaya storm - big changes for the worse: stagnation in affairs, work, business or relationships with people close to you (this can be determined by additional signs in your dream). Snezhnaya avalanche- the collapse of your enterprise, business. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.bun"

    Modern dream book Avalanche»›. See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche: A warning that you must be careful to avoid a questionable situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches: sad events await you. See from Thursday to Friday dream in which you escape from avalanches. If avalanche dreamed about it to you from Friday to Saturday: your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before you go ahead with the matter. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Avalanche IN DREAM, DREAM Avalanche DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. AVALANCHE"U seen in dream snowy avalanche will blow everything in your path away - all that. what prevented you from living normally. Fate will finally turn to you with a smile on its face. Dream Interpretation for the whole family. See in dream avalanche- to risky enterprises. If you see in dream avalanche, then this indicates that the events you are witnessing are developing rapidly. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream avalanche, Avalanche covers you headlong - danger due to your own I see only a huge stream snow rushes towards me, scream in fear and wake up...What is thisIf you dreamed about it gathering snowy avalanches, in reality in the coming days, be as possible.. ¬ more. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsyason"

    See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche- a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches- sad events await you. If you dreaming avalanche from Wednesday to Thursday - this warns you that someone is playing a risky game with you. See from Thursday to Friday dream in which you escape from avalanches- a sign that you should think more about your family. If avalanche dreamed about it from Friday to Saturday - yours...Read more

    Dream book "DomSnov"

    If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches, Joyless events await you. According to old dream books, if you are overwhelmed an avalanche in dream, then this one promises good luck in the near future. Svetka 2011-05-08 08:59:54. to me dreamed as if there was a mountain behind our house and suddenly it began avalanche. Many people died, but we managed to reach one house, which she did not reach. What could this mean? zenito4ka 2011-03-12 14:24:44. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "listname"

    See from Thursday to Friday dream in which you escape from avalanches, a sign that you should think more about your family. If avalanche dreamed about it to you from Friday to Saturday, then your idea is very risky and you should think everything over carefully before starting the matter. If in dream to you dreaming there is a snowstorm and it knocks you off your feet, then in reality your beloved woman is deceiving you. If in dream snow falls asleep and you cannot get out, this means that you will have very strong feelings about breaking up with your beloved. If you see that in...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche- a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches- sad events await you. Avalanche- get rid of something painful. This correct interpretation? Yes (0). marketability dreams by day: If dream dreamed about it on Wednesday - dream predicts. If dream dreamed about it 9 numbers are meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them. Read more

    Dream book "UniSonnik"

    Witness the gathering snowy avalanches in dream will dream what made you fall asleep snow snow, which you were bombarded with in dream. Mud mudflows in dream portends need, sadness, loss of fortune. See interpretation: snow, earth, dirt. Read more

    Dream interpretation "tolkovanie-sna"

    Snezhnaya or any other avalanche in dream- a sign of accumulated tension and unresolved problems. See powerful avalanche, which does not threaten you - usually means that you have given up or are ready to give up on some problems and in the near future you can feel great relief. Threatening avalanche or dangerously overhanging mountains snow, ready to fall off the slope - a sign that unresolved problems threaten to cover you completely. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Star dream book. Meaning sleep Avalanche: To you dreamed about it Avalanche what does it mean - violent passion or great danger. Speed ​​of action is required. Scorpion. Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Avalanche. What does it mean in dream Avalanche- voltage; suppression of emotions. What does it mean? Avalanche in dream: To you dreamed about it Avalanche what is this for - Dream warns of misfortune. Imagine the temperature rising rapidly, avalanche melts. And now it’s there avalanches waterfall.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "1001goroskop"

    Snezhnaya or any other avalanche in dream- a sign of accumulated tension and unresolved problems. See powerful avalanche, which does not threaten you, usually means that you have given up or are ready to give up on some problems and in the near future you can feel great relief. Threatening avalanche or dangerously overhanging mountains snow ready to fall off the slope is a sign that unresolved problems threaten to overwhelm you. Read more

    Dream book "sonnikonline"

    Become in dream witness the gathering snowy avalanches in dream portends great danger. if you will dream what made you fall asleep snow, then misfortune threatens you or your loved ones. Woe will fall upon you like that snow, which you were bombarded with in dream. Mud mudflows in dream portends need, sadness, loss of fortune. For what dreaming avalanche By dream book. if you dreamed about it avalanche- expect disrespect, great danger. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    snowy avalanche in dream snowy snow .Snowy dreams in dream. Dreaming snow, and I am so happy about him, dreaming absolutely every day. I was sleeping now and again dreamed about it.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "snovidenija"

    To you dreamed about it dream avalanche? Find out the interpretation sleep avalanche in the most popular today dream books: dream book Miller, dream book Wangi, dream book Freud, dream book Nostradamus, French dream book and others dream books.See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche- a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches, sad events await you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Snezhnaya avalanche. as if I see how I started to go snowy catch, but somewhere further to the side... I calmed down and went under the canopy.... then I saw the car and decided to get into it just in case, and then the catch covered me, I even felt the car squeezing..... then I I already see myself walking around watching people being pulled out from under snow.See in dream Snezhnaya avalanche. Snow leopard. Had a dream what I see in my aunt's hall snowy leopard.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dreaming snow cereal▼. See in dream flakes snow- to possible financial problems that will arise in a relationship with your significant other. Difficulties may arise due to the material background of your union. As soon as more spirituality appears in him, the troubles will be resolved by themselves. Walking through a snowstorm - you have many envious people and ill-wishers who dream of disrupting your plans and harming everyone possible ways. Had a dream snow And snowy avalanche▼.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "yousonnik"

    For what dreaming Avalanche See in dream like it fell from the mountains avalanche- a warning that you must be careful in order to avoid a dubious situation in time. If you find yourself under a thick layer snow mountain avalanches- sad events await you. Avalanche, dreamed Dreaming as with big mountains moves avalanche - dream book warns you, be as careful as possible, or you will not be able to avoid some very dangerous alterations. If you suddenly find yourself under it, expect bad news.

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