Tropical rainforest message. Natural zone: moist equatorial forests or tropical rain forest, features, climate, soils, geographical location. Flora of Southeast Asia

The equatorial rain forests are home to some of the richest flora in the world and are also a huge treasure trove valuable wood, many useful and medicinal plants. Due to difficult vegetation tropical forests still little studied. Scientists have found that over 20 thousand flowering plants and about 3 thousand tree species. Forests South America have a richer flora than in Africa and South-East Asia.

General characteristics of the vegetation of equatorial forests

The tropical forest has a complex multi-tiered structure. The trees are distinguished by weakly branching, tall trunks with poorly developed bark, reaching up to 80 m in height and having elongated plank-shaped roots at the base. Most trees are densely entwined with vines.

Mid-tier plants and shrubs have wide leaves that help them absorb light sun rays under dense crowns more tall trees. The surface of the leaves is mostly leathery, shiny and dark green in color. The grass cover under the forest canopy is represented by subshrubs, mosses and lichens. Another one characteristic feature tropical vegetation- thin tree bark with fruits and flowers growing on it.

Let's look at some wet plants equatorial forests more details:

The vegetation is represented by a huge variety of extra-tiered plants - epiphytes and lianas. More than 200 species of palms and ficus trees, about 70 species of bamboo plants, 400 species of ferns and 700 species of orchids grow here. Vegetable world the tropics differs on different continents. In the tropics of South America, ficus and palm trees, bananas, hevea brasiliensis, and fragrant cedrela grow widely (cigarette cases are made from its wood). IN lower tiers ferns, vines and shrubs grow. Of the epiphytes, orchids and bromeliads are widely found. In African tropical forests, the most common trees are the legume family, the coffee tree and the cocoa tree, as well as the oil palm.

Lianas. The most famous representatives of the tropical forest flora. They are distinguished by strong and large woody stems, reaching a length of over 70 m. Among them, the most interesting are the bamboo vine with shoots up to 20 m long, the medicinal strophanthus vine, as well as the poisonous physostigma, which grows in West Africa. The legumes of this vine contain physostigmine, which is used for glaucoma.

Ficus stranglers. The seeds germinate, falling into the crevices of the trunks. The roots then form a dense framework around the host tree that keeps the ficus alive, inhibiting its growth and causing its death.

Hevea brasiliensis. Rubber, extracted from the milky sap of the tree, accounts for about 90% of its production in the world.

Ceiba. It reaches a height of up to 70 m. Oil for soap production is obtained from the seeds, and cotton fiber is extracted from the fruits, which is used to stuff upholstered furniture, toys and is used for heat and sound insulation.

Oil palm. From its fruits they extract " Palm oil", from which candles, margarine and soap are produced, and the sweet juice is drunk fresh or used for the production of wines and alcoholic beverages.

Equatorial rainforests (or tropical rainforests) are a geographical natural area that is located along the equator, moving towards the south.

Variety of flora and fauna.

Complex multi-tiered structure of the forest. There are four main tiers of tropical rainforest, which differ not only in flora, but also in fauna.

Availability humid climate with heavy rainfall and high temperature air.

The flora is predominantly represented by evergreen tree-like plants with poorly developed bark, as well as flowers and fruits formed on tree trunks and branches.

The conditions in which tropical rainforests grow are determined by low blood pressure air, heavy tropical downpours and heat. Various tropical crops such as coconut palm, banana tree, cocoa and pineapples are also well cultivated under these conditions. These forests are called the “lungs” of the planet, but this statement is controversial according to scientists who claim that the vegetation of tropical forests releases very little oxygen into the atmosphere.


Tropical rainforests are characterized by humid and hot equatorial climate. There are slight temperature fluctuations throughout the year (from 24°C to 28°C), intense and uniform precipitation atmospheric precipitation(from 2000 to 10000 mm per year) and high humidity air, due to a high content of water vapor and reaching 80% and above. The seasons in this natural area alternate between the dry season and the tropical rain season.

In such a climate, vegetation rapidly develops in humid equatorial forests. The trees here are weakly branched, have a dense evergreen crown, and the height of the trunks reaches several tens of meters.

The upper tier is represented mainly by palm trees and ficus trees, and the lower tier by tree ferns, vines and large plants. At the foot of the trees there is always twilight created by lush crowns, which is why, due to the lack of sunlight, there is practically no undergrowth in tropical rainforests.

The soil

Despite the growth of lush vegetation, the soil of tropical rainforests, due to the hot climate, is not very fertile and is very rich in aluminum and iron oxides. Great content of these chemical compounds gives it a red or red-yellow color, and the rapid decomposition of plants under the influence of bacteria prevents the accumulation of the humus (fertile) layer of the earth.

Geographical position

Equatorial rainforests are widespread in tropical regions with an equatorial climate, such as Central and South America (Amazon River basin), equatorial Africa, Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines), northeastern region of Australia, as well as islands Pacific Ocean.

Our environment is sometimes taken for granted. Even something unique, like , is forgotten. It seems like a little knowledge and a push in the right direction can make people appreciate environment. So why not start with the wonder that is the rainforest?

Despite the fact that tropical forests cover less than two percent of the Earth's total surface area, they are home to about 50% and. They are also found on all continents except Antarctica. This is very amazing! Now let's see what plants are found here. Of the 40,000 species, in this article you will learn about the 10 most amazing plants tropical forest that will excite your mind and help you get to know each other better amazing nature of our planet.


Bananas are one of the amazing plants of the rainforest. Even though they look like trees, bananas are not trees but giant herbaceous plants. After a year, they reach a full height of 3 to 6 m. The flowers eventually develop into fruits and then mature and are used as food by humans and animals. Banana stems can weigh almost 45 kg and are almost 93% water.

Spreading: Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, as well as non-tropical regions such as the United States of America due to modern agricultural technology.


Orchids are the most big family plants in the world. Species vary greatly in weight and size, with some petals reaching 75 cm in length and inflorescences growing up to 3 m in length. They can also come in a variety of colors, with the exception of black. Orchids grow on rocks, in soil, underground and on other plants, relying on certain insects or birds for pollination.

Spreading: extremely well adapted and grow in Central America, South America and along the Andes Mountains.


What would you do if you didn't have a cup of coffee in the morning? Surely it would be terrible. You can thank the rainforest coffee plant for your coffee. It is capable of growing up to 9 m in height, but is considered a bush or shrub. Coffee fruits resemble grapes and contain two coffee beans inside. It takes six to eight years for the plant to grow, and its lifespan can reach 100 years.

Spreading: In Ethiopia, Sudan, and also Latin America More than two-thirds of the total number of coffee trees on the planet grows.

Brazilian nut

Rising taller than all other trees in the rainforest, the Brazil nut can reach over 50 m in height. The plant is widely known for its fruits rich in nutrients. The outer layer of the fruit is so hard that only agouti - large rodent with sharp teeth can damage it.

Spreading: tropical forests of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru.

Beautiful spurge

This beautiful plant Found in tropical forests as a bush or tree. You might think that the red part of the plant is the flowers, but they are actually bracts. The flowers are small yellow clusters in the middle of the leaves. Also, to clear up the rumors, they are not poisonous, although some believe they are.

Spreading: Mexico and Central America.


The cocoa tree is evergreen, the fruits of which are pods containing 20 to 60 reddish-brown cocoa beans. To obtain 500 g of cocoa, 7 to 14 pods are required. It is very important that the cocoa is harvested correctly.

Spreading: grows below an altitude of 300 m above sea level in regions that receive about 10 cm of rainfall per month. Cocoa originated in the Amazon rainforest and can be found in southern Mexico today.

Hevea brasiliensis

This tree can grow up to 40 m in height. Hevea brasiliensis is characterized by its milky white sap, which is commonly called natural rubber, and is used to produce rubber. The tree is used to produce rubber at the age of six years.

Spreading: Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia.


This genus of plants includes almost 200 species distributed in tropical America. Depending on the species, these plants can grow up to 4.5 m in height. Flowers can be colored in shades of red, orange, yellow and green. The bracts actually hide the plant's flowers and protect the nectar so only certain birds, such as hummingbirds, can reach them. Butterflies also love to feast on sweet nectar.

Spreading: Central and South America.


This strong, wind-resistant tree has an extensive root system and bark containing a milky sap called latex. The egg-shaped fruits contain a grainy yellow fruit inside and taste similar to a pear. Counts the best fruit in Central America, and even rainforest mammals love to snack on them. First chewing gum was created from the fruit of the sapodilla by the Aztecs!

Spreading: southern Mexico, Belize and northeastern Guatemala.


Bromeliads include more than 2,700 species that grow on the ground, on rocks and on other plants. These beautiful plants have bright flowers. One of the most famous representatives of the bromeliad family is the sweet, wonderful fruit, the pineapple! Bromeliads even sometimes provide shelter for frogs, snails and salamanders, where they remain for life.

Spreading: Central and South America. One species is also found in West Africa.

The rainforest is home to many amazing plants, including those that many of us enjoy; Therefore, it is very important to preserve this unique. Imagine living without bananas, coffee, chocolate, pineapples and beautiful orchids. This is absolutely sad!

Jungle, or scientifically, rainforests, from the treetops to the forest floor, are filled with life. Found here animals, about each of which you can write a separate report: a crocodile, an anteater, a hippopotamus, bat, sloth, koala, chimpanzee, porcupine, gorilla, armadillo. Insects: termites, tropical butterflies, mosquitoes. Tarantula spiders, hummingbirds and parrots. Hundreds of species of plants, birds, and animals feel comfortable in the tropical forest.

Select a report about a tropical forest dweller:

What does "tropics" mean?

The tropics are the forests that grow near the equator. These forests are the most important ecosystem on Earth. Coast Gulf of Mexico and Brazil, the South American coasts, the islands of the West Indies, part of Africa, the island of Madagascar, and some Asian countries and the Pacific Islands are occupied by tropical thickets. The tropics make up only 6 percent of the landmass.

High humidity and hot climate are the main features of the fabulous diversity of life forms here. Constant warmth, frequent, heavy, short-lived tropical showers contribute to the rapid growth and development of flora. And the fauna, thanks to the abundance of water, also does not suffer from drought. Tropical forests have red or spotted soils, and the forest itself is multi-tiered, with each level densely populated. Such a diversity of flora and fauna is possible due to ideal living conditions.

Who lives in the tropical forest and how?

The wilds of the forest are inhabited by a variety of animals. Giant elephants and small insects, birds and medium-sized animals can live simultaneously in one area of ​​the forest, but at different levels, finding their own forest areas shelter and food. No other place on land has such a wealth of ancient life forms - endemics. Thanks to the dense foliage cover, the undergrowth in the rainforest is weak and animals can move freely.

The diversity of animals in the tropical forests is amazing: along with reptiles (turtles, crocodiles, lizards and snakes), there are many amphibians. The abundance of food attracts herbivores. Predators come after them (leopards, tigers, jaguars). The color of the inhabitants of the tropics is rich, since spots and stripes help to better camouflage in the forest. Many species of ants, tropical butterflies and spiders provide food for hundreds of bird species. The tropics are home to the largest number of monkeys on the planet; there are more than one and a half hundred parrots and 700 species of butterflies, including giant ones.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the jungle fauna (antelope, rhinoceroses, etc.) were exterminated by humans during colonialism. Now many animals that previously lived freely in tropical forests remain only in nature reserves and zoos. Human destruction of forests leads to a reduction in fauna and flora, soil erosion, and loss of the ecological balance of our planet. Rainforests- “the green lungs of the planet” - have been sending us a message for decades now, signaling that a person must be responsible for his actions.

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Tropical forests are forests that grow in tropical and subtropical regions. Tropical forests cover about six percent of the Earth's land surface. There are two main types of tropical forests: tropical rainforests (such as those in the Amazon or Congo Basin) and tropical dry forests (such as those in southern Mexico, the plains of Bolivia, and the western regions of Madagascar).

Tropical forests typically have four distinct layers that define the structure of the forest. The tiers include the forest floor, understory, canopy (forest canopy), and overstory. The forest floor, the darkest place in the rainforest where little penetration sunlight. The undergrowth is the layer of forest between the ground and up to a height of about 20 meters. It includes shrubs, herbs, small trees and trunks of large trees. Forest canopy - represents a canopy of tree crowns at a height of 20 to 40 meters. This tier consists of interlacing crowns of tall trees on which many tropical forest animals live. Most food resources in the rainforest are found in the upper canopy. The upper layer of the tropical forest includes the crowns of the tallest trees. This tier is located at an altitude of about 40-70 meters.

Main Characteristics of the Rainforest

The following are the main characteristics of tropical forests:

  • tropical forests are located in the tropical and subtropical regions of the planet;
  • rich in species diversity of flora and fauna;
  • falls out here a large number of precipitation;
  • tropical forests are under threat from logging for timber, agriculture and livestock grazing;
  • the structure of the tropical forest consists of four layers ( forest floor, undergrowth, canopy, upper tier).

Classification of tropical forests

  • Tropical rainforests, or tropical rain forests- forest habitats that receive heavy rainfall throughout the year (usually more than 200 cm per year). Wet forests located close to the equator and receive enough sunlight to support average annual temperature enough air high level(between 20° and 35° C). Tropical rainforests are among the most species-rich habitats on Earth. They grow in three main areas around the world: Central and South America, Western and Central Africa and Southeast Asia. Of all the tropical rainforest regions, South America is the largest in the world: it covers about 6 million square kilometers.
  • Tropical dry forests are forests that receive less rainfall than tropical rain forests. Dry forests generally have a dry season and a rainy season. Although rainfall is sufficient to support adequate vegetation growth, trees must be able to withstand long periods of drought. Many species of trees that grow in tropical dry forests are deciduous and shed their leaves during the dry season. This allows trees to reduce their water needs during the dry season.

Rainforest Animals

Examples of several animals that inhabit tropical forests:

  • (Panthera onca) - major representative a cat family that lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. The jaguar is the only panther species living in the new world.
  • The capybara, or capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is a semi-aquatic mammal that inhabits the forests and savannas of South America. Capybaras are the largest representative of the order of rodents living today.
  • Howler monkeys (Aloautta) are a genus of monkeys that includes fifteen species inhabiting tropical forests throughout Central and South America.

To know more information You can read about the animals of the Amazon rain forest in the article "".

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