Tree bark fertilizer. Types of wood waste and their application Analysis of methods for the disposal of logging waste

At present, the development of resource-saving technology is a very topical issue, woodworking waste also falls under the category of materials requiring rational use. But, despite this, forests still continue to be cut down and sold in practically irregular volumes.

Many woodworking enterprises leave about 25 - 40% of waste wood material after completion of work, the further fate of which is unknown. Since the conservation of forest areas is not only a problem of the country, but of the whole world, then standards for handling and sale should be introduced, the distribution of which would also affect wood waste.

According to existing statistics, Russia has the largest forest reserves in the world, their approximate area occupies more than 800 thousand hectares in the country, this figure equals approximately 25% of the forest plantations of the entire planet.

Most of the forest plantations are located in the Far East and Siberia. The forest is the source of raw materials for all wood manufacturing or processing enterprises, but the forest is also considered the habitat of animals, birds and other mammals, without it most of them will simply disappear. Entire populations of animals will die out, as you know, this can lead to a catastrophic outcome, which is why it is so important that its use in production will not only preserve the primary wood material, but also reduce wood waste, which will significantly reduce deforestation.

Also, the forest is a source of many types of berries, medicinal herbs and mushrooms, most of which are very useful not only for animals, but also for people, their disappearance can deprive the human body of the necessary vitamins. And in some cases, even drugs made on an organic basis of forest herbs.

The existence of the problem, the integrated use of woodworking residues began even with the development of the sawmill industry. At that time, no one thought about the environmental problems that could occur due to the reduction of green spaces. Therefore, the waste was simply destroyed by incineration, so as not to occupy the territory and not pose a threat to enterprises, as a highly flammable material.

Over the past period, woodworking technologies have been developing, automated control and other innovations are being introduced to maximize profits, but the attitude towards waste has not changed much. This mainly applies to small and medium-sized woodworking industries that do not want to spend money on the development of processing and recycling technologies, so woodworking waste simply surrounds such companies.

Types of waste materials from sawmilling and woodworking

Woodworking or sawmill waste is usually divided into groups, depending on their origin or condition.

First group

  • tails;
  • hump boards.

This is the first board that is obtained by sawing a log into boards, it can be sawn only halfway or not sawn at all. The thickness and width of the cut is normalized to obtain a more uniform next board.

Second group

This group includes:

  • lumpy cuttings;
  • longitudinal cuts;
  • transverse cuts;
  • end cuts;
  • trimming dry logs;
  • slices of blanks;
  • remnants of wooden parts;
  • plywood logs;
  • the pencils.

Also, woodworking waste can be defective and cut in the production of wood products.

Third group

These are trimmings of finished products, such as:

  • plywood;
  • veneer;
  • glued plywood;
  • DVSP.

And other wood-based materials made from primary or secondary raw materials, but completely ready for use. As a rule, they occur in the process of repair or reconstruction of buildings.

Fourth group

The fourth group includes such woodworking wastes as:

  • wood dust obtained by grinding the surface of the board;
  • sawdust;

A similar type is used for the manufacture of wood-based panels, using glue and special equipment for the press.

Also, all of the above groups are divided into two types:

  • business;
  • non-business.

Business - these are usually larger remnants of sawmilling or woodworking, such as slabs and lump trimmings. Such woodworking waste can be easily recycled by the main processing companies and used for the manufacture of products that require such raw materials.

A smaller fraction is considered non-business, the remnants of sawmilling are mainly the third group or lower. Such recyclable materials require the creation of certain conditions, as well as technological processes that would be adjusted to their properties. Non-business waste is considered less desirable due to the more costly manufacturing process.

Technological application of woodworking and sawmill residues

Larger wastes belonging to the first group are used for the manufacture of bulky or bulky products, such as:

  • shields;
  • parquets;
  • barrels;
  • pallets;
  • box packaging;
  • pallets.

In the furniture industry, wood waste is often used to make small component parts that do not require first-class material and are only a component part. This is even more profitable than using expensive first-class raw materials for the manufacture of such inconspicuous parts.

In the construction industry, wood waste is also partially used, as a rule, they go to the manufacture of roofing materials or heat-insulating elements.

Unsuitable wood waste, for the manufacture of any products or parts, is used in industrial organizations as fuel. By burning these, you can get:

  • electrical energy;
  • thermal energy;
  • couple;
  • hot water.

Lumpy waste is used as a raw material for the manufacture of pulp and paper products, at industrial enterprises in this area.

And wood shavings are used as a filter, at sewage treatment plants, for cleaning wastewater from industrial areas, from oil residues.

In some industries, wood waste is even used to produce chemical products, such a result, of course, requires complex technological processes, but still this is another niche for the use of recycled material. Taken together, all such methods make it possible to save hundreds of hectares of forest annually from deforestation.

The most difficult processing process relates to tree bark, since it is obtained by wet debarking, it has a high percentage of moisture content, which requires its pre-drying before processing. However, the bark can also be considered an important raw material, since it is used in pharmaceutical production, it is made from it:

  • tannins;
  • ethanol;
  • medicinal tinctures;

Also, the bark is an indispensable component of such building materials as:

  • insulating boards;
  • wood plastic.

It is worth noting that wood waste has many uses, in industries such as:

  • building;
  • paper;
  • furniture;
  • treatment facilities, etc.

One is in fact, only a small percentage of all manufacturing and industrial enterprises in the country are interested in using recycled material. All because there is no encouragement from the state, there are no interest-free loans for the development of technologies for processing shavings, bark and wane. The purchase of special equipment will cost a large sum, and it is not known whether it will pay off or not, since in Russia primary raw materials are quite common material, which is already fully prepared for use by sawmills and processing organizations.

The current situation in the country with waste woodworking materials

Despite the usefulness of the development of such an industry as preparation for the recycling of wood residues, in Russia at the moment only large enterprises use it. Medium and small enterprises, which, by the way, are much more numerous in the country than large enterprises, are considered unprofitable to process and use wood waste. This is because it is much easier to purchase a new forest, use it in production and get financial profit with a minimum of technological actions.

At large enterprises, the picture is different, due to the volume of processed raw materials, since after the purchase of each batch of wood and its processing, a certain amount of waste remains. This scrap eventually forms into volumetric mounds. To obtain additional profit, such enterprises establish the process of using the generated waste on the territory of the organization, in the production chain they are used as a material for the manufacture of additional products, depending on the direction of the enterprise, they can produce:

  • pressed plates;
  • pallets;
  • seals;
  • insulating materials;
  • fuel for own stoves or to generate electricity.

Small and medium-sized enterprises do not develop such technologies, as the small amount of residual material does not allow this industry to be profitable.

In percentage terms, the processing of wood at the sawmill yields about 60% of raw materials. The remaining 40% is waste, they contain 14% - slab, 12% - sawdust, 9% - cuts and small things, the rest is bark or end cuts.

Solving the problems of using waste woodworking materials

Not the only, but the optimal solution to the problem of using sawmill waste in small and medium-sized enterprises is the creation of cooperative units, as close as possible to the sources of secondary wood material. As well as establishing close ties and developing technology with energy companies that are interested in supplying fuel products.

You will be interested - sawdust briquetting at home

Extended list of biological waste​​​:​

1. Waste from cleaning vehicles and sites for unloading and storing wood raw materials

2. Waste bark

3. Bark with a touch of earth

4. Waste stripping equipment when steaming wood

5. Wood dust, from sanding natural clean wood

6. Trim plywood containing resin binders

7. Rejection of plywood blanks containing binder resins

8. Plywood sawdust containing binder resins

9. Chipboard and/or fiberboard sawdust

10. Miscellaneous wood sawdust (e.g. containing chipboard and/or fiberboard sawdust)

11. Chips of chipboard and/or fibreboard

12. Miscellaneous wood chips (e.g. containing chipboard and/or fiberboard chips)

13. Sawdust and shavings of dissimilar wood (e.g. containing sawdust and shavings of chipboard and/or fibreboard)

14. Trimmings, lumpy waste of chipboard and / or wood-fiber boards

15. Trim of dissimilar wood (e.g. containing chipboard and/or fibreboard trim)

16. Defective chipboard and/or fibreboard

17. Dust from the manufacture and processing of particle boards and/or fibreboards

18. Dust from dissimilar wood processing (e.g. containing particle board and/or fibreboard dust)

19. Sludge from the manufacture and processing of chipboard and / or fiberboard

20. Sludge from dissimilar wood processing (e.g. containing chipboard and/or fibreboard sludge)

21. Substandard wood fiber containing binder resins, in the manufacture of wood-fiber carpet in the production of wood-fiber boards

22. Pulp sorting waste

23. Waste wood pulp screening process in its production

24. Mineral waste from the pulp screening process in its production

25. Waste stripping equipment for pulp production

26. Waste of rough sorting of waste paper in the production of paper pulp

27. Waste of fine sorting of waste paper in the production of paper pulp

28. Drying and forming polyester mesh for paper machines that has lost its consumer properties

29. Lacquered paper waste from bookbinding and finishing activities

30. Waste plywood and products from it, uncontaminated

31. Waste wood fiber boards and products from them, uncontaminated

32. Waste wood products impregnated with oil

33. Waste wood products with impregnation and coatings, unsorted

34. Waste wood products contaminated with oil products (oil content less than 15%)

35. Waste wood products contaminated with thioglycolic acid

36. Wooden containers contaminated with plant protection products, hazard class 3

37. Wooden containers contaminated with phenol-formaldehyde resins

38. Waste wood products contaminated with inorganic substances of natural origin

39. Waste electrical insulating paper

40. Electrical insulating waste paper and cardboard with bakelite varnish

41. Waste paper with an adhesive layer

42. Waste packaging materials from paper and cardboard contaminated with alkali metal chlorides

43. Waste paper and cardboard packaging contaminated with alkali metal hydroxides

44. Waste of packaging materials from paper and cardboard, contaminated with perchlorates (content not more than 1%)

45. Waste packaging made of paper and cardboard contaminated with alkali metal iodides (content not more than 1%)

46. ​​waste of packaging materials from paper and cardboard, contaminated with barium salts

47. Waste paper and cardboard packaging contaminated with aluminum salts

48. Waste packaging materials from paper and cardboard contaminated with non-metallic insoluble or slightly soluble mineral products

When the trees grew, the hero of Kalevala turned the "groves into ashes." Then he sowed bread, and in the fall, from the land fertilized in this way, he also collected a good harvest. The forest-field or slash-and-burn cropping system was widespread wherever a lot of forest grew. Here, in the northern provinces of Russia, it was practiced until the 1920s. The lands here are illuminated, poor in humus, and there was no fertilizer.

Nowadays, soil fertility is increased by more effective and less dangerous methods for tree plantations. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied, land reclamation is carried out and they are carefully cultivated. But this does not mean at all that wood ash has lost its significance for the fields ...

In the state farms of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, more than 50 million hectares of land are characterized by high acidity and therefore require significant doses of fertilizers that have the ability to neutralize the soil. And the chemical industry still does not supply them there in the required quantity.

The deficit could be filled from local resources. One source of such fertilizers is tree bark and other wood waste. When the tree bark is burned, a valuable lime-phosphorus-potassium complex is formed, which includes the substances necessary for the plant. Such ash is especially useful for acidic soils.

About 400 million cubic meters of wood are harvested and removed from the forest every year, and together with it at least 40 million tons of bark. If it is tightly laid in a ribbon one meter wide and one meter high, then the ribbon will encircle the globe along the equator.

Modern industry is able to use the entire mass of harvested wood, with the exception of the bark. But the share of bark in spruce logs accounts for 11% by volume, in pine and larch logs - 15%. Now the bark is removed not only from pulpwood, but also from logs going for sawing, since technological chips from unpeeled logs are unsuitable for pulping. Tree bark in pulp and paper mills and sawmills is considered a necessary evil and a great burden.


    In gardens and home gardens, you can choose a warmer place for planting grapes, for example, on the sunny side of the house, garden pavilion, veranda. It is recommended to plant grapes along the border of the site. The vines formed in one line will not take up much space and at the same time will be well lit from all sides. Near buildings, grapes should be placed so that water flowing from the roofs does not fall on it. On level ground, it is necessary to make ridges with good drainage due to drainage furrows. Some gardeners, following the experience of their colleagues in the western regions of the country, dig deep planting holes and fill them with organic fertilizers and fertilized soil. Pits dug in waterproof clay are a kind of closed vessel that fills with water during the monsoon rains. In fertile land, the root system of grapes develops well at first, but as soon as waterlogging begins, it suffocates. Deep pits can play a positive role in soils where good natural drainage is provided, the subsoil is permeable, or reclamation artificial drainage is possible. planting grapes

    You can quickly restore an obsolete grape bush by layering (“katavlak”). To this end, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are placed in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and sprinkled with earth. The top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in spring, and green ones in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. A frozen or very old bush can be restored by short pruning to healthy above-ground parts or pruning to the “black head” of an underground stem. In the latter case, the underground trunk is freed from the ground and completely cut down. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Grape bushes that have been neglected and severely damaged by frost are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part of the old wood and the removal of weakened sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, they form a replacement for it. Grape care

    A gardener starting to grow grapes needs to study well the structure of the vine and the biology of this most interesting plant. Grapes belong to liana (climbing) plants, it needs support. But it can creep along the ground and take root, as is observed in Amur grapes in a wild state. The roots and the aerial part of the stem grow rapidly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. Under natural conditions, without human intervention, a branched grape bush grows with many vines of various orders, which comes into fruiting late and yields irregularly. In culture, the grapes are formed, give the bushes a form that is convenient for care, providing a high yield of high-quality clusters. Planting lemongrass

    Chinese lemongrass, or schizandra, has several names - lemon tree, red grape, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kojianta (Nanai), kolchita (Ulchi), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing to do with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude the aroma of lemon, hence the name Schisandra. Lemongrass clinging or wrapping around a support, along with Amur grapes, three types of actinidia, is an original plant of the Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemons, are too acidic for fresh consumption, but they have medicinal properties, a pleasant aroma, and this attracted a lot of attention to him. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries improves somewhat after frost. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, invigorate the body and improve eyesight. In the consolidated Chinese pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, it says: "Chinese lemongrass fruit has five tastes, classified in the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of lemongrass is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter-astringent, and in general the taste of the fruit is salty. Thus, It contains all five tastes. Grow lemongrass

Wood waste is generated in large volumes during logging and wood processing. They do not pose a threat to human health, but they are processed anyway. After all, sawdust, shavings, wood chips, etc. - this is a valuable raw material that is used to make new materials and not only. The scope of wood waste is described in the article.

Waste wood is waste obtained during the processes of harvesting, processing, processing wood and after the use of wood materials and products.

The main suppliers of wood waste are various branches of the forest industry and wood processing plants. Wood waste generated at such enterprises can be used in the manufacture of various kinds of products.

Wood waste also accumulates during the so-called sanitary felling (large branches, tops, low quality wood, etc.). They are also formed when caring for plants on the street in settlements, parks, recreation areas, etc.

Among other things, wood waste is generated in large quantities from the demolition and dismantling of buildings in cities, and similar garbage is also found in household waste.

All wood waste can be divided into types and types in accordance with slightly different classifications. There are two main types:

  1. Waste obtained from the sawmilling process and after cutting down trees. This type includes branches and bark, needles of coniferous trees, etc. In this case, when harvesting timber for logs, there are practically no sawdust. The above-mentioned wastes obtained are poorly transported and therefore are first subjected to grinding.
  2. Woodworking waste (obtained as a result of processing trees). This type of wood waste consists of slats, sawdust, wood dust, shavings, etc.

According to the nature of biomass, the following types of waste are distinguished:

  • branches and leaves of trees;
  • the remains of tree trunks;
  • bark waste;
  • rotten wood.

In addition, waste, depending on the shape and size, can be lumpy (cuts, lath, etc.) and soft (chips, sawdust). Also, sawdust, wood chips, shavings, wood waste, bark, etc., obtained from different sources, differ in such a feature as the density of wood waste.

The wastes under consideration, depending on their type, can belong either to IV (low-hazardous) or to V (almost non-hazardous) class. So, for example, sawdust of fiberboard and chipboard are classified as hazard class IV, and chips, sawdust, shavings from pure natural wood are classified as hazard class V (according to FKKO). At the same time, such garbage should not be contaminated with toxic substances. More detailed information on the issue of assigning waste to a particular hazard class, as well as the rules for handling them, can be found in Federal Law No. 89 dated 06/24/98, as well as in GOST 12.1.007 - 76.

What can be produced from waste wood

Wastes from sawmilling and wood processing in our country have been used for a long time for the manufacture of new products and materials. However, competition in this industry is still low. Therefore, the use of waste in the form of raw materials for production is a promising business idea.

What can be produced from waste wood? Consider the most popular destinations.


One of the most promising industries is the business of manufacturing fuel briquettes. This is due, first of all, to the fact that when burning these briquettes, almost the same amount of heat is released as when burning coal.

When burning coal, wood briquettes and ordinary firewood, 22 MJ/kg, 19 MJ/kg and 10 MJ/kg of heat are released, respectively.

In addition, as a result of the combustion process of the briquettes, a large amount of ash is not left and a relatively low amount of carbon dioxide is released.

The briquetting line consists of a crusher, a drying apparatus, a shock-mechanical press, a loading unit and a briquette cooling unit.

It is believed that the production of fuel briquettes is a business that pays off in a short time.

The following short video tells about the technological process of obtaining fuel briquettes, the equipment used for this


Fuel pellets are used for heating not only private houses, but also industrial premises. The most popular material for the manufacture of pellets are sawdust. For this production, equipment will be required, including packing and packing units, coolers, press granulators, dryers, crushers. You can purchase devices from Europe, which are initially focused on the production of pellets from sawdust. Moreover, in this case, sawdust can be wet, because. installations carry out their simultaneous drying. Diesel fuel and gas are used for the operation of such devices.

In the business of producing fuel pellets, you can use straw, crop waste, but the quality of the product will be reduced. Pellets without impurities are used for heating private houses, with impurities - for industrial premises. Also, pellets with a high content of additional components are sold in the form of cat litter.

Fibreboards are widely used in construction, finishing works and in the manufacture of furniture. The process of production of fiberboard from waste consists of the following stages:

  • cleaning and crushing of raw materials;
  • steaming;
  • re-grinding;
  • drying;
  • molding;
  • pressing, grinding and decorative finishing.

To open a business, you can purchase both Russian and foreign equipment.


To implement a business idea for the production of fuel, a pyrolysis plant is required. It consists of three main units: the unit where the wood is prepared, the pyrolysis boiler and the gas piston power plant. The production of such installations has been carried out in our country for about 80 years.

Other products

Note! For a successful business, you can use not only sawdust.

So, for example, the bark and needles of coniferous plants can be boiled in order to obtain a useful and valuable condensate. The presence in it of many biologically active substances, vitamins, organic acids, etc. causes its use in the production of cosmetics, medicines and animal feed. Also, the remaining needles themselves can be processed into feed additives in the form of flour, the value of which lies in its bactericidal properties.

Among other things, wood waste can be used in the fertilizer business. To this end, they resort to such a method of destruction of organic residues as composting. As a result of the decomposition of raw materials laid in compost trenches, a fertilizer similar to humus is obtained.

Wood waste power plants

Wood waste can be used as biofuel for mini-CHP. On the domestic market, you can find offers for the sale of autonomous, automated power plants operating on raw wood waste. Thus, one of the Ural companies develops projects and manufactures thermal power plants with highly reliable boilers, with efficient and high-quality combustion chambers, with hydraulic fuel supply for burning wood residues, as well as with steam turbines for the production of inexpensive heat and electricity. The cost of such installations from different manufacturers varies between 7 - 7.5 million rubles.

The use of wood biofuels in CHP plants for the purpose of generating their own energy is more economically feasible in comparison with the use of traditional fuels, because. burning cheap wood waste is much more profitable than fuel oil, coal, etc.

Briquetting sawdust at home

You can also make briquettes from woodworking waste at home. However, for this venture to be profitable, you will have to use fairly simple equipment made by yourself (unless, of course, the goal is to produce briquettes for sale).

In the manufacture of wood briquettes at home for their molding, they resort to using wallpaper or other (cheap) glue, clay, paper, corrugated cardboard.

At home (in the absence of special equipment), the following technology is observed to obtain fuel briquettes:

  1. Sawdust is soaked in water and mixed with clay in a ratio of 1:10. Glue or wet cardboard can also be added (instead of clay).
  2. The workpiece is transferred into the molds of a hand-made hand press and the mixture is pressed with it.
  3. Next, the briquettes extracted from the molds are dried, placing them simply on the street.

The simplest model of the press for obtaining briquettes at home has a design with a screw manual drive. A container with numerous holes is filled with sawdust and placed on a fixed base, after which pressure is applied to the mixture by screw twisting. Such presses are simple in design, but inefficient. Therefore, craftsmen create other more complex installations. For example, a homemade press, in which a long lever is used to compress the mixture.

You can use wood waste not only in the manufacture of briquettes to keep the house warm. The production of products and materials based on this waste is a great idea for a business without fierce competition and which does not require the introduction of complex installations. Such a business will bring profit to its owner and save our ecology.


Devyatlovskaya A.N., Zhuravleva L.N., Devyatlovsky N.V.

(Lf SibGTU, Lesosibirsk, RF)

The chemical properties of fresh barking bark and the bark lain in dumps different periods of time are defined in the article. Recommendations on the bark composting technology and its use as soil in greenhouse farms are developed.

key words : bark, punch, utilization, fertilizer

The problems of increasing the efficiency of wood use in sawmilling can be provided at the expense of resource-saving technologies and regimes that provide for rational ways of cutting it into the main types of products and the integrated use of the resulting waste. In modern conditions, for the enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, this problem is of particular relevance due to the depletion of raw materials of valuable coniferous wood and the decrease in the technological characteristics of sawn raw materials.

The urgency of this problem increases every year and acquires a special meaning for enterprises where, in the process of wood processing, they are dumped as waste: bark, sawdust and wood chips, which are not sold and are dumped. The territories adjacent to such enterprises are polluted and pose a fire hazard to nearby buildings.

The task of creating a waste-free technology for using wood is important at every stage of its processing: wood debarking, the use of pre-barked lumpy waste and logging residues at logging enterprises, in the process of cutting into lumber. Wood waste obtained in the process of processing: bark, sawdust, wood chips can be productively used in agriculture, for energy purposes, as a raw material for obtaining various building boards and other materials for the needs of the national economy.

The bark is the raw material of the future, and undoubtedly new technological processes will arise on its basis, making it possible to use it productively and profitably. Solving the problem of the industrial use of the bark is of great national economic importance and, in terms of the integrated use of wood raw materials, is considered one of the urgent tasks.

In addition to the annually discarded wood bark, sawdust and small chips, pulp and paper production and sawmill enterprises have previously formed dumps of unused waste. The content of these dumps consists of a mixture of bark and wood with a large amount of soil impurities and in appearance it is a highly dispersed loose mass of dark brown color with particles of slightly decomposed bark and wood flakes. Such dumps of bark at enterprises reach several meters in height and occupy large areas of factory territories, clog reservoirs and approaches to places where raw materials are unloaded from the alloy. Long-term storage of untreated bark in dumps leads to pollution of natural reservoirs, disrupts the biological balance between the individual links of biocenoses and, thereby, the sanitary condition of the territories in the locations of dumps.

Scientists from different countries are searching for optimal solutions for the use of bark as a raw material for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, its use in agriculture and raw materials for fibrous semi-finished products.

The choice of an economically profitable direction for the use of the bark in each specific case is determined depending on the quality of the bark, the volume of production and the economic profile of the region of consumption. The economics of any of the possible methods of bark utilization primarily depends on the real cost of bark as a raw material, taking into account the costs of collection, transport, storage and preliminary preparation for processing.

The problem of bark utilization is also in our region, as there are timber processing enterprises in the city itself and in the surrounding areas. Currently, the main method of utilization of bark in large quantities with a relatively simple process is its burning.

The object of the study was fresh bark and bark accumulated in dumps unsuitable for burning and debarking wastes of timber processing enterprises of the Angara-Yenisei region. The paper defines some chemical properties of the bark of fresh bark and bark that has lain in dumps for different periods of time, and also developed recommendations on the technology of preparing bark composts and using them as soil in the city's greenhouse facilities.

The following stages were used to prepare bark compost: sorting, crushing, laying bark, applying mineral fertilizers, composting and compost readiness. In this regard, the bark was previously sorted into coniferous and deciduous species, as they differ in anatomical structure and chemical composition. This difference is especially pronounced in birch bark, which is mainly cork tissue filled with bitulin.

Softwood bark is more resistant to microbiological degradation than hardwood bark, and therefore requires finer grinding and careful selection of nitrogen supplements. The course of the composting process is significantly affected by the degree of grinding of the bark. Too large particles of bark compost more slowly, very small ones stick together into lumps and reduce the aeration of the pile, finely ground bark requires more nitrogen to decompose. Thus, the bark was crushed to a particle size of 3-10 mm at 70% humidity using mills.

Composting was carried out in piles 3 meters wide and up to 1.5 meters high. To accelerate the process of decomposition of the bark and enrich the compost with nutrients, nitrogen-containing and other additives were added to the bark. The best sources of nitrogen are ammonium forms of fertilizers, which create a neutral environment. The optimal dose of nitrogen for the bark of coniferous wood is 0.8-1% by weight, for hardwood 1.5-2%. In the conditions of our regions equated to the north, 4.3 kg of urea (corresponding to 1% nitrogen) and 3 kg of simple or 1.5 kg of double superphosphate and 0.7 potassium fertilizers were applied per cubic meter of bark.

Crushed and enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the bark with a moisture content of up to 75% was composted in heaps for four months. To improve the quality of the compost and accelerate its maturation, the bark was mixed weekly, the temperature was measured at a depth of 50 cm, and the humidity was maintained at at least 60%. The microbiological oxidative process of bark decomposition that began in the pile is accompanied by an energetic release of heat and proceeds successfully at any outside temperature. However, it is possible to form new heaps from fresh unheated bark only at a temperature not lower than 15°C. Such compost has an acidity of 5.5 - 6 pH , porosity 80 - 90%, has the ability to hold up to 300 g of water for every 100 g of dry matter. Compost is considered ready when the nitrogen content in 1 m 3 of compost reaches 300 g.

Microbiological processes can be judged by the changes that occur in the bark during its storage in terms of the carbon-nitrogen ratio (C: N ). The processes occurring in the bark stored in dumps are similar to the processes in fresh bark during composting in heaps with the addition of nitrogen, only these processes in dumps are much slower. So, according to the work, the ratio C: N in mature compost - 68, in fresh bark - 140, taken from dumps - about - 70. The methods of analysis for carbon and nitrogen are the same as in the work. According to the ratios C: N , bark from dumps can be considered immature bark compost and, after appropriate preparation, can be used as soil. The longer the bark has lain in the dumps, the less nitrogen is required to achieve the recommended C ratio: N.

The finished compostable mass was sieved to remove undecomposed residues. As a result, high-quality compost containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and humus was obtained. Korokompost, like peat, is a good humus former. Moreover, in the crust compost there are 20% more humus-forming substances than in peat, and the presence of a large amount of CaO in it contributes to the improvement of floating acidic soils. The nitrogen contained in the compost is in a slow-acting form that decomposes within 2-3 years. Thus, fertilizers prepared on its basis have a long-term effect.

The prepared corocompost was used in the greenhouses of the city for growing cucumbers. As experimental samples, we took pure corocompost and with the addition of peat substrate in various proportions. Studies have shown that the partial replacement of peat with bark composts has increased the yield of cucumbers up to 25%. Vegetables grown on soils with the addition of composted bark are distinguished by increased nutritional value and resistance to root rot diseases (nematodes).

Observational data show that the bark, decomposing with the release of heat, creates comfortable conditions for the life of plants, contributing to their development and growth. The bark contains about 85% organic matter, the easily decomposed part of the bark stimulates the biological activity of the soil and is a source of mineral and carbonaceous substances used by plants in the process of life. High porosity and the ability to retain moisture contribute to the water-physical improvement of soils. From these positions, the bark can be assessed as a good soil conditioner.

Having studied this problem in our region, we can confidently say that it is most expedient to use bark waste from wood processing enterprises for the needs of agriculture and greenhouses. A distinctive feature is the simplicity of the bark preparation process, which does not require complex and expensive equipment, as well as the possibility of using both fresh and already accumulated bark in dumps in almost unlimited quantities. At the same time, artificially withdrawn organic matter returns to the cycle of nature.

Solving the problem of the integrated use of wood raw materials will expand the scope of use of annually dumped in the form of industrial waste and stocks of wood bark accumulated in dumps.

2. Nifantieva G.G. Experience of using the bark as a greenhouse soil /G.G. Nifantiev, N.O. Osipova, A.N. Devyatlovskaya, V.A. Minyailo // The contribution of scientists and specialists of Lesosibirsk to the implementation of the program "Intensification-90" of the timber industry: Sat. Art. regional scientific-techn. conf. - Lesosibirsk, 1987. - S. 104.

3. Use of bark compost as a substrate for growing vegetables in greenhouses. Inform. Sheet of the Arkhangelsk Center for Information and Propaganda, No. 361. -Arkhangelsk, 1975.

4. Nifantieva G.G. The use of cow rolls / G.G. Nifantiev, V.A. Minyailo // Problems of the chemical-forest complex: Sat. Art. all-Russian scientific –pract. conf. - Krasnoyarsk, 1993. - S. 128.

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